• Published 21st Jul 2017
  • 15,388 Views, 1,113 Comments

Bakugan Legends of Equestria - KnightGomora1994

Twilight and her friends are pulled into the middle of a Bakugan Battlefield, and they need Dan and Drago's help to find a way back to Equestria... But they will have to face the monster Naga, and save both worlds before its too late. This is Bakugan

  • ...

The Brawler's Last Stand

In Equestria, at the Castle of the Two Sisters, Queen Solaria sensed what had happened to Dan and Princess Twilight, as a sheer pain shot through her body as she slightly collapsed earning the attention of Celestia and Luna as they rushed over to her. "Mother, what happened?" Celestia asked her as she helped her up.

"Has something happened to the brawlers...?" Luna asked her.

Solaria let out a few pants as she felt what happened during the fight against Masquerade. "They're gone... Dan... Twilight... they are trapped within the Doom Dimension with their partners, Drago and Bahamut..." she said to them earning a shocked expression from Celestia as her legs quivered from hearing it.

She backed away and sat down, feeling devastated from hearing the news of what happened to her student. "It cannot be... it just can't...!" she tried to deny it.

"I'm afraid it is Princess..." said a familiar voice that earned her attention. Solaria, Celestia and Luna turned and saw six sphere's appear before them. Each one a different color, Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange, and Yellow. The colors of each attribute, Pyrus, Ventus, Aquos, Darkus, Subterra and Haos. From the spheres, came the humanoid forms of the Six Ancient Warriors of Vestroia. Lars Lion, Clayf, Exedra, Frosch, Oberus, and the leader of their group, Apollonir. He approached them but looked to Solaria. "Solaria... it is good to see you after so long..." he bowed to her. "And I give my deepest sympathies... for the loss of your husband. King Nova was like a brother to me..." he said to her.

Solaria smiled at him and approached him and his comrades. "We were all family... despite what we are." she said to them and looked to Lars Lion and walked to her. "Lars Lion..." she smiled and hugged the human sized Haos Bakugan. "I missed you old friend..." she said to her.

Lars Lion held her as well as she smiled behind her mask. "As I missed you Solaria..." she said to her.

A smirk soon crossed over Solaria's face as she looked to her old partner. "Have you and Apollonir tied the knot yet...?" she asked.

"Your majesty!" Apollonir shouted as he blushed under his mask.

Lars Lion giggled as she blushed a little. "You could say that... but we didn't exactly come here for marriage advice..." she reminded her.

"She's right... we came here to inform you of what has happened. Beyond the fall of Dan Kuso and Princess Twilight." Apollonir said to them.

"Vestroia is collapsing..." Frosch informed them of the situation in Vestroia.

Luna approached and looked to them. "Wasn't it your responsibility to defend Vestroia should it fall into Chaos...?" she asked them.

"Yes... but sadly, we sacrificed ourselves to protect it, and for what?" Clayf said to her.

"But of course the question you all may ask, is there nothing we can do?" Exedra asked the question for them.

"Not from where we are in the Doom Dimension... we may be here now, but these avatars are our only way of reaching out to you." Lars Lion informed them.

"Then... all hope isn't lost..." Celestia stated as she looked to Oberus.

"Which is why we must find someone to save Vestroia... before its annihilated." Oberus said to her.

"We need six new brave soldiers... but in this case... twelve... with Princess Twilight and her friends now involved with the Bakugan, we need their help more than anything." Apollonir said to them.

"But how?" Luna asked him as she approached. "Dan Kuso and Twilight are trapped in the Doom Dimension along with their partners, Drago and Bahamut... there has never been any escape from that realm for any Bakugan, not even you." she pointed out to the Dragonoid.

Apollonir chuckled as he looked to her. "There are things that are possible Princess Luna... your return and redemption for example, and Twilight's destiny in becoming a princess. An escape from the Doom Dimension can be possible... it merely takes a matter of finding Drago and Bahamut, and training them to become stronger." he looked out towards the sky. "It is imperative... that we find them... or all of Vestroia is lost..."

Celestia turned to Solaria seeing how eager she is, but turned to Luna. "Luna, send word to Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance... they will need to know what has become of Twilight. But be sure to let them know that there is a rescue plan to get her and Dan Kuso out of the Doom Dimension." she said to her.

"Yes sister..." Luna rushed off to send the letter. Solaria looked out, praying and hoping that the plan will work.

Meanwhile, on the way to the Doom Dimension... Drago and Bahamut descended into the dark realm as the screamed from it. "No...! This cannot be happening... there is no escape from the Doom Dimension..." he said to himself.

"For what its worth Drago... we fought to the very end, and now our fates have been decided..." Bahamut said to him.

Drago frowned as they descended into the Doom Dimension. "It has been an honor fighting beside you my friend..." he said to him as they fell into the dark realm. Upon arriving, they fell down and crashed against the ground. They groaned from it knowing it was a painful descent into the dimension, Drago got up and looked around letting out a gasp seeing the Bakugan around him. "How could this have happened to us...?" he asked.

"We were unprepared... Masquerade planned his attacks carefully, and we were too reckless to see it." Bahamut said to him as he looked around.

Suddenly a laugh was heard as both Dragonoids turned around seeing Reaper standing before them. "Welcome to my world you two..." he said to them, showing his damaged form after his descent into the Doom Dimension.

"Reaper? What in the six realms happened to you...?" Bahamut asked him.

"Something that will eventually happen to you both... I mean my goodness, I never expected to see you here my friends..." Reaper replied as he took to the sky. "But now that you've arrived... don't expect any special treatment..." he said to them as he disappeared into the dark abyss.

"We're trapped..." Drago muttered.

"We can't lose hope Drago... there has to be another-" before Bahamut could finish.

"Drago..." said a voice as both Bakugan looked around the area.

Drago looked around trying to find out what it was. "We must be hearing things..." he said to Bahamut as he looked around.

"Bahamut!" called out a familiar voice as Bahamut looked around.

The Dragonoid looked around and saw a shadow of an alicorn pony. His eyes widened realizing who it was. "What...? No, it can't be...!" he exclaimed.

Walking into view, Dan and Twilight showed themselves and smiled at their partners. "Drago!" Dan called out to him.

"Dan?!" Drago's eyes widen in surprise.

"Bahamut..." Twilight muttered as tears fell. "Bahamut!" she flew to him as Dan ran to Drago.

"Twilight!" Bahamut caught her and nuzzled the young princess as Drago held Dan in his claws. "What are you two doing here?" he demanded to know.

"Don't you both realize that you're trapped here with us? What were you thinking?! Twilight, you're supposed to be the smart one..." Drago lectured her.

"I know, but Dan and I couldn't just let you two go... we're friends... family..." Twilight said to him as she looked to Bahamut. "You were as much a brother to me as Spike was... I couldn't just let you go Bahamut..." she said to the dragonoid.

"She's right you guys, no matter what... we need to stick together... and find a way out of this place." Dan said to them.

"Not that it will happen, but... we need to get you back to your family, your mother will be so worried about you." Drago said to him as Bahamut nodded in agreement. Together, the group set off to find their way out of the Doom Dimension... if there is a way out to begin with.

Meanwhile at Masquerade's hideout, the evil brawler was checking the stats on his Hydranoid and grinned seeing how they are and looked to his partner. "How are you feeling Hydranoid...?" he asked him.

The Hydra opened up from his ball form and looked to him. "Never more ready to battle, and feeling stronger every minute..." he said to him as he felt the power coursing through his veins.

"My little plan is working to perfection since I defeated my teammates... not to mention those mindless morons Daniel and Twilight, and their pathetic pesky pets Drago and Bahamut. Now.... lets see who shall be our next victims..." Masquerade checked the web to see who to target first. "Ah, yes..." he selected Shun and Rainbow Dash. "Just as I suspected... Shun Kazami and Rainbow Dash... and their Ventus Skyress and Avion..." he chuckled darkly.

At the Kuso residence, there was still no word from Dan or Twilight, Shinjiro and Miyoko seem to believe they're on another tropical getaway. "So honey, what exotic locale did our young son and Twilight fly off to this time?" he asked her.

"Well, let me think..." Miyoko thought about it. "Last month, Dan and Twilight jetted off to visit his Bakugan friend Joe in Kir City..." she smiled and looked to him. "I just adore Kir City, especially in the spring... its so pretty..." she giggled.

"Just stay clear of the hospital... last I heard, it was packed..." Spike said to them.

Shinjiro chuckled and looked to them. "Lucky kid... when I was his age, I've never been anywhere... except a school tour of a morgue..." he remembered his childhood as Spike gagged from hearing it. "Well, off to work..." he walked to the door.

"Love ya hun..." Miyoko said to him.

"Ditto dear!" Shinjiro replied and walked out the door closing it.

Miyoko sighed and pulled out her phone with the frog, and stared at it. "That reminds me... he and Twilight said they were going to call..." she said to herself as she remembered when Dan and Twilight left. "Dan... Twilight... where could you be...?" she wondered.

"I'm sure they're sleeping over at Marucho's house, I mean if I were in their position... I'd never leave that place." Spike said to her.

Miyoko let out a sigh but smiled looking to him. "I suppose you're right Spike... come on, I'll let you have some of the hamburgers I made for Dan, I'm sure he won't mind." she said to him.

"Sounds good to me." Spike followed her to the kitchen, but couldn't help but feel worried for Twilight in the process.

Meanwhile, at Marucho's house, Shun was having trouble sleeping as he had reoccurring visions of when Dan and Twilight ran into the Doom Dimension after Drago and Bahamut. His eyes snapped open as he shot up, panting from adrenalin as Skyress and Avion were on a desk next to him. "Good morning Shun..." said Skyress.

"Hey Skyress... man, that was some nightmare..." said Shun as he looked to her.

Rainbow Dash approached him and leaped on the bed. "Well, you're safe and sound in Marucho's house... not that it'll make a difference for what Masquerade did..." she looked down.

Suddenly, Kato appeared on the TV monitor. "Good morning sir, excuse me... but your breakfast is ready in the main dining hall." he informed him.

"Thanks Kato..." said Shun as Kato disappeared. Shun got out of bed not noticing a letter falling out of his pocket.

Rainbow saw it and grabbed it. "What's this...?" she asked.

"Its a note... from Masquerade..." Avion said to her.

"Meet me at the abandoned factory at 4:00pm..." Rainbow read it and looked to Shun as he took the letter and looked at it.

He read the letter, but crumbled it knowing its something he couldn't ignore. "Shun, no!" Skyress said to him.

"Listen to her Shun, I want payback as much as anyone, but going in blindly like Dan won't go well..." Rainbow Dash reminded him of what happened to him and Twilight.

Shun stood in silence but looked to Skyress. "Skyress, you've gotta do me a big favor..." he said to her.

"Sure Shun, anything..." Skyress replied to him.

"I need you to lose against Masquerade..." Shun said to her earning a shocked look from Rainbow Dash.

"What are you saying?!" Skyress asked him.

"I have to get to the Doom Dimension and bring Dan and Twilight back." Shun said to her only to see Rainbow Dash get between them.

"Shun, have you gone completely off the rails?! In case you forgot, there's no way we'll be able to get them out of there." she reminded him of what would happen if he did go there.

Avion floated up to her looking to Shun. "She's right Shun, what you are asking of Skyress is suicide... the Doom Dimension will be dangerous, even to both humans and ponies." he informed him.

"I have to try Avion, someone has to stop Masquerade, and Dan and Twilight may be the only ones who can..." Shun said to them and walked to get his coat. Rainbow Dash watched him and looked to Skyress who shared her concern of his decision, it was not going to be easy telling the others.

Meanwhile at Runo's restaurant, Alice was setting up the open sign while the Misaki family was readying the restaurant for business. "Runo! Get up, its morning! Eat your breakfast, and come down to work! Your father is waiting!" Saki called out for her. But Runo was still in a devastated state, and Fluttershy was really worried about her.

She went down stairs to help Alice with the restaurant. Tatsuo looked to Alice as he cleaned the glasses. "Well, good morning Alice... what's wrong, your watch broken?" he gained her attention. "Oh and uh... what exactly is going on between you and Runo?" he asked her.

"Oh, well uh..." Alice hesitated but heard the front door bell ringing. "Yes, we're open..." she said to the customer only to see it was Miyoko and Spike.

She smiled at her as she walked in. "Good morning..." she said to them.

"Hey Alice, what's up...?" Spike asked her as he leaped onto her shoulder earning a giggle from her.

"Oh uh, and a good morning to you Mrs. Kuso... is there something we can help you with...?" Tatsuo asked her.

Miyoko hesitated to ask, but looked to him feeling eager. "I was... wondering if Runo was here...?" she asked them.

"She's still in her bed..." Fluttershy said to her as she walked up with Rarity.

"Yes... poor thing wouldn't budge... she's been this way since... since..." Rarity tried to find the words, but couldn't as she lowered her gaze and looked away.

Fluttershy placed a wing over her and looked to Miyoko. "I'll try to get her up... hopefully she'll see you..." she said to her and headed upstairs. Miyoko watched her go, and Spike looked to Rarity concerned about what happened. He wanted to ask, but it was difficult to even ask what happened.

At the park, Miyoko walked with Runo and Fluttershy to get a clear answer to what has become of Dan and Twilight. Runo stood behind her feeling nervous, but looked to her. "So you... wanted to talk to me...?" she asked her.

Miyoko nodded and walked a few feet ahead. "Its Dan and Twilight, they haven't been home since yesterday..." she said to her as she turned around to face her. "I thought you might know where they are Runo..." she stated.

"N-No... no clue..." Runo lied straight to her face as she lowered her gaze.

Miyoko looked at her, but started to understand why. "Does this have to do with Bakugan...?" she asked her, catching the blue haired girl by surprise. "Well does it?" she asked her to get a straight answer.

Runo hesitated to give her a straight answer. "Well, I'm not..." she stuttered.

"That's all he ever talks about, either he's off playing, or online chatting away about the game..." Miyoko said to her knowing what was really happening in his life.


Miyoko was working on her yoga pose god knows when, before Dan met Drago. "Daniel! Did you wash up? Lunch is ready, come and get it!" she said to him.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard ya! But I gotta go out! Catch ya later mom!" Dan rushed down the stairs and ran out the door.

Seeing it, Miyoko got up and walked to the door seeing it close. "Where are you going? Are you going to be home for dinner?" she tried to ask, but felt that he was already gone. "Ohh... kids these days..." she walked upstairs to his bedroom and opened the door only to see a pigsty. "Oh no... what a disaster... well, better get started..." she started cleaning the room, but soon took notice of two Bakugan sitting on his desk. "What's this...?" she wondered as she touched on of them. "Must be some kind of new toy..." she picked it up only for it to slip out of her hand and land on the desk as it opened up as Pyrus Griffon. She gasped seeing what it was, and picked it up. "So this is a Bakugan ball... interesting..." she though to herself as she fiddled with Griffon's wing. Time passed to when Twilight and her friends were around, and Miyoko looked through Marucho's house to find a way out and trying to find Dan. "My goodness... Dan must be here somewhere..." she looked ahead and saw Marucho running by. "Marucho! Wait!" she ran after him.

Marucho kept running as he was in a hurry. "Sorry Mrs. Kuso, but I'm in a hurry!" he said to her as he rushed to the roof with Miyoko following him. He rushed out onto the roof to meet with Dan, Runo, and the Main Six. "Thanks for waiting guys, I finally finished them." he said to his friends.

Miyoko poked her head out seeing Dan and Twilight with their Bakushooters. "That's my Daniel... and Twilight..." she muttered as she stayed hidden.

"Sweet! Awesome looking Bakugan Launcher..." Dan said to Marucho as he took his.

"Bakugan...?" Miyoko whispered as she watched her son.

"Aw man, totally wicked!" Dan cheered as he tried it on. "Awesome job Marucho..." he complimented his work.

"Hey! No fair!" Runo exclaimed... "Do I get one? Or don't I rank?" she asked them.

"Have no fear Runo, Marucho here constructed a model just for you, I know because I helped out." Pinkie said to her.

Miyoko watched as she stayed hidden behind a wall. "At the time I thought it was just a silly kids game so I gave Dan his space..." her future self explained as time moved on to when Dan was home and Miyoko was working on laundry.

"You really gotta stop worrying Drago, we both know Wavern has the Infinity Core..." Dan said to him.

Twilight meanwhile was rinsing her hair out as she looked to them. "Now all we have to do is wait for the other Bakugan to evolve." she said to him.

Miyoko overheard them talking, and was curious as to whom. "Who are they talking too...?" she wondered as she peaked into the bathroom.

"Yeah, its only going to get tougher from now on... so we better rest up before our next few battles. Cuz we need to save up our energy, you know what I'm saying Drago...?" Dan asked him. Causing Miyoko to blink a couple times.

End of Flashback...

"I actually saw him talking to his Bakugan... what are Bakugan?" Miyoko asked Runo about what they are.

"Um, well... there uh..." Runo hesitated to even speak of the matter.

"Please, tell me... is it more than just a game?" Miyoko begged her to tell the truth.

Fluttershy looked to Runo seeing her hesitate. "Well its... kinda like this... it..." she tried to explain, but Runo couldn't take it anymore, and turned away running off. "I'm sorry! I can't!" she cried out.

"Runo!" Fluttershy watched her go and turned to Miyoko and Spike.

"Now I'm worried..." Miyoko turned to Fluttershy and kneeled down to her. "Fluttershy, please tell me what's been going on. Why did Runo run off like that...?" she asked her.

Spike approached the shy Pegasus and touched her shoulder. "Fluttershy, where is Twilight...? Come on, its me remember?" he said to her.

Fluttershy couldn't bear to see him sad, but she needed to tell Miyoko the truth about Bakugan and looked to her. "Bakugan are living intelligent creatures Miyoko..." she said to her earning a surprised look from her. "They may seem like ordinary toys to you..." she pulled out Elvia and showed her. "But they are much more than that..."

Elvia opened up and looked to Miyoko. "What she says is true Mrs. Kuso..." she said to her earning a gasp from her. "I know this comes as quite a shock... but our home world of Vestroia is in great danger. Not only that... but your world, along with Equestria are in danger as well..."

"But that doesn't explain where Dan and Twilight are Elvia... where are they?" Spike asked her.

"Spike... Miyoko... its difficult to explain, but please try to wait a little longer. Don't make it harder for Runo than it already is..." Fluttershy said to them and flew off. "I promise, all will be explained... just wait at home until then!" she took off.

"Fluttershy!" Miyoko watched her go but lowered her gaze, as Spike approached her.

He placed a claw hand to her leg as she kneeled down and held him worried. He put his arms around her to comfort her. "I'm worried too Miyoko... I hope nothing has happened to them..." he sad to her as he comforted her. He looked out still wonder what has become of Twilight... little did he realize that she and Dan were in the Doom Dimension.

Meanwhile at Marucho's house, he, Pinkie, Julie, Applejack, Shun and Rainbow Dash were sitting at the table with food in front of them. But none except for Shun and Rainbow Dash appear to be eating. Marucho however was slowly taking a few bites, despite how depressed he was. This literally had Preyas worried for his dear partner. "Ooohhh... why so glum, chum? Turn that frown upside down... look on the bright side, we got each other don't we...?" he chuckled nervously but looked to him seeing no reaction. "Uh... don't we...?" he asked.

Gorem sighed and looked to them. "I don't believe now is the time for a pep talk Preyas..." he said to him.

"Gorem's right..." Scylla said to him as she turned facing them. "We must remain focused..."

"Tis true... none of us have been the same since..." Centorea lowered her gaze trying not to remind them of both their fallen leaders. "Forgive me, I shalt not mention it..."

"It's alright Centorea, we are all grieving from what happened... what Masquerade did was unforgivable." Avion lowered his gaze. "Bahamut was a great leader, the best along side Drago... but we can't let their death's go unanswered..." he said to them.

"I'll drink to that..." Rainbow Dash sipped her grape juice from hearing it.

At that moment, Kato walked in to check on them. "Oh my... what's wrong? Breakfast not up to snuff? Bacon too crisp? Eggs too runny...?" he asked them.

Pinkie at the moment was Pinkamenia but rather than be her cruel harsh self, she was sad and depressed. "No Kato, everything's fine... its just... we had a lot on our minds, that's all..." she said to him.

"So don't worry, its not you..." Applejack said to him.

"Yeah, you're okay..." said Julie.

"Don't worry, I'm not much of a cook... oh, by the way Master Marucho. Alice, Rarity, Runo and Fluttershy are here..." Kato informed him as the two girls and two ponies walked in.

Pinkie's hair went from flat to puffy just from seeing them as she smiled seeing them, even Marucho's mood changed from seeing them. "You made it!" he cheered.

"So do you have any good news for us? Huh?" Pinkie asked them.

"None really..." Runo said to them.

"I guess there's no avoiding it, the rumors of my darling Dan and good friend Twilight being trapped in the Doom Dimension forever are true." said Julie as she panicked as Joe was on the screen behind them.

"Yes... and unfortunately... by my calculations, there's nothing any of us can do. I suggest we confide our dilemma to a responsible adult..." Marucho suggested.

"Yeah but, what would we say? Uh, excuse me... but two of our friends was playing Bakugan, when they were suddenly sucked into the Doom Dimension?" Joe theorized and looked to them. "I'm just guessing, but no matter who we told... they would think we were nuts." he said to them.

"He's got a point you know..." said Applejack as she agreed with him.

"Yes, point well taken Joe..." said Marucho.

"We must..." Alice spoke up.

"Yes..." Runo agreed with her.

"Listen... Dan's mom and Spike stopped by the restaurant this morning, and they had to talk to Runo and Fluttershy..." Alice informed them of what happened.

"She was asking whether Bakugan was just a game..." said Runo as she earned a gasp from Julie and a glance from Shun.

Meanwhile, Skyress and Avion approached the other Bakugan. "Everyone, everyone...!" she gained their attention. "Follow me and Avion... there is something we must discuss..." she said to them.

"Oohhh... this sounds delish..." Preyas chuckled as he and the others followed Skyress and Avion. "I just love surprises..." he muttered while Joe watched them waddle out of the room. They walked to the art room to meet with Skyress and Avion to hear them out. "Oh this better be good sister... I hate water. If I get wet, I'll break out in a horrible rash..." he said to her.

"Its called rust Preyas..." Scylla said to him as she clobbered the clown.

"Now... let's hear what Skyress and Avion have to say." Tigrerra turned to the two Ventus Bakugan. "Go ahead... we're all ears." she said to them.

"Thank you, we called you all here to tell you that Shun and Rainbow Dash received a challenge from Masquerade... to battle...!" Skyress informed them.

Tigrerra's eyes widened from hearing it. "Are you serious?!" she asked them.

"This is big news! Shouldn't everyone hear this?!" Preyas asked them.

"We're not so sure... Shun suggested that we lose on purpose, so that we can reach the Doom Dimension and save Dan, Twilight, Drago and Bahamut. He and Rainbow Dash said we must go, and he said we shouldn't breathe a word of this to anyone." Avion explained to them of what they were told.

Elvia was shocked to hear just how selfish it was of him. "I can't believe Shun would do that...!" she exclaimed.

"That's nuts! Shun is starting to make me look like I'm the normal one! Scary..." said Preyas as he thought about it.

"You weren't normal to begin with..." said Lancelot as he earned a look from the Aquos Bakugan.

"He says it's our only hope to save Dan and Twilight... but Avion and I are worried we've already allowed the humans and ponies to get too involved in our dilemma..." Skyress said to them as she lowered her head.

Tigrerra nodded her head in understanding. "You're right Skyress... this is our problem, it started when Naga destroyed the balance of power in Vestroia." she said to her.

"It is our world that is on the verge of destruction..." said Gorem.

"Aye, it is not their fight, the humans and ponies must be spared..." said Centorea as she agreed with Gorem on the subject.

Skyress nodded to them while Preyas had a worried look on his face. "Oh nuts..." he muttered.

"Its up to us to save Dan and Twilight..." Skyress said to them as they all let out their own forms of agreement.

Meanwhile, Shun got up as he looked around for Skyress. "Skyress...?" he looked for her.

Runo looked around for Tigrerra but saw she was no where to be found. "Where did Tigrerra go?" she asked.

"Yes, and where's my Preyas?" Marucho asked as he looked around.

"Gorem?" Julie looked around for him. "Where's Gorem gone to?" she asked.

Rarity looked around for Lancelot and the others. "Lancelot and the others are gone too." she said to them.

"Well they... all left the room a couple of minutes ago..." Joe said to them as he let out an amused chuckle. "Actually, they all waddled out." he corrected himself.

"And you didn't think it important to tell us ahead of time?!" Applejack asked him as Joe shrugged his shoulders.

Runo tried to put it all together. "But I wonder why...?" she wondered.

Shun looked to his Bakupod to check the time. "It's almost 4:00pm. That leaves less than two hours before me and Rainbow Dash are supposed to meet up with Masquerade..." he thought to himself.

Alice took notice of it and grew curious. "Is there something wrong...?" she asked him.

Snapping out of it, Shun looked to her and had no choice but to lie. "No, nothing... but we better find our Bakugan, come on Rainbow Dash..." he took off with her.

"No wait!" Alice stopped them. "What are you two hiding?" she asked them.

"Come on Dash... you know I can tell a lie just from hearing it... so spill it..." Applejack said to her as both Shun and Rainbow Dash stood in silence and looked to each other.

Meanwhile, Kato looked through a box that originally had two roller skates in it. But the box in this case, was completely empty. "What precisely is going on here...?" he asked as he held up the box. "It appears someone has stolen your roller skates Master Marucho..." he said as he looked at the empty box.

On the road, the Bakugan were riding both roller skates down the street, and Preyas was enjoying it. "WOOHOOHOO!!! Sick ride dudes! Kicking it old school on grandma's gnarly deck!" he cheered out as he held onto the roller skate.

"Better keep up Preyas, or you're gonna eat my dust!" Scylla said to him as she rolled ahead of them.

"Oh no you don't!" Preyas rolled after them.

Tigrerra glanced to them as they rolled down the street. "Lancelot, I'm curious, do you know the legend of the six soldiers of Vestroia?" she asked him.

"No, not that we are aware of..." Lancelot replied.

"So fill us in slim..." Preyas said to her.

Tigrerra looked to Skyress to let her tell the tale. "Long ago, when Vestroia was on the verge of destruction... these legendary soldiers put themselves on the line to save it..." she explained to them.

"You're not saying what I think you're saying... are you...?" Preyas asked feeling panicked.

"Their sacrifice will never be forgotten..." said Tigrerra.

Avion turned to them knowing what is going on. "So now it's our turn to save Vestroia... and yes Preyas, it is our duty..." he said to him.

"Hey! I never signed up for this gig!" Preyas panicked but looked ahead seeing oncoming traffic as they rolled towards it.

The two groups screamed as the uncontrollably rolled towards the traffic as several cars missed them, Gorem meanwhile... was not enjoying it. "I think I'm going to be sick!" he cried out as they made it out of danger, only to find themselves in another predicament. They were headed towards the edge of the street that lead to a meadow bellow. They screamed as both roller skates rolled off the edge, plummeting towards the meadow.

A moment later, Shun, Rainbow Dash and the others found the area where they fell as both roller skates were hanging on a tree. They figured that the Bakugan fell to the grass and searched for them, to hopefully find where they were at. "You know, I just can't believe you and Rainbow Dash, Shun. Not telling anyone about your note from Masquerade, we're all supposed to work as a team, and you are both part of it." Runo said to them.

"Back off...!" Shun warned her.

"Excuse me?! You're not so cool!" Runo stated to him.

"Whoa Runo, cool it... I didn't like the idea myself, but Shun insisted..." said Rainbow Dash.

"Yes, please... don't fight you two..." Fluttershy pleaded to them.

Marucho and Pinkie searched a patch of grass and found what they were looking for. "Found them!" he caught their attention. "Pinkie and I found them over here in the grass!" he called them over to check up on them.

Preyas groaned from the fall as he laid in the grass. "Did somebody get the number of that bus...?" he asked them.

"Preyas... one more joke out of you, and my pets are going to maul you...!" Scylla warned him.

Tigrerra got up and looked seeing Runo and Fluttershy standing before them. "Runo, Fluttershy... how nice to see you again..." she chuckled nervously as everyone kneeled down to them. "Sorry for making you worry..." she apologized as Runo picked her up.

"What were you thinking Tigrerra? Don't do that again..." Runo said to her as she hid her face in her hair.

"That goes double for you Elvia, you had us worried sick." Fluttershy said to her.

Elvia frowned knowing there was no denying it. "Of course, however we don't want to be a burden on you and your friends... this is our battle, we didn't-"

"STOP IT!" Fluttershy cried out getting her partner to stop.

"Y-Yes, Fluttershy... as you wish..." Elvia said to her.

Runo held Tigrerra close as she looked at her. "We're in this together, you have to remember that, okay?" she said to her.

"I shall..." Tigrerra replied to her.

Meanwhile, Julie was picking up Gorem showing how worried she was. "Oh Gorem..." she held him close to her cheek. "Never run away like that again..."

"That means you too Centorea... I can't express how disappointed I am with you..." Applejack said to her as Centorea lowered her gaze in shame.

"Now you listen, best friends always stick together..." Marucho said to his partner Preyas.

Pinkie and Scylla turned to Shun and Rainbow Dash. "And that goes for you and Rainbow Dash as well Shun..." she said to him.

Everyone turned to them with scowls knowing what they were doing was wrong. "That goes double for me..." said Runo as she scowled at Shun.

"If anyone's going to save Dan and Twilight, we're going to go as a team..." Rarity said to them as Lancelot nodded in agreement.

"Okay, but... there's a 20% real good chance we will never come back." Rainbow Dash stated to them.

"Rainbow Dash, cut the drama would you? We have to be positive about this, what do you say?" Julie asked her as she gave her a thumbs up and a wink. "I believe we can at least give it a try..." she said to her and Shun.

"You sure...?" Shun asked them.

"We're all sure..." Fluttershy said to him.

"Besides, we're doing this for Dan and Twilight..." said Applejack.

"And we can just leave them in the Doom Dimension." said Pinkie as she smiled.

"Dan would want us to help... no matter what..." said Rarity.

"So don't even think about talking us out of it you big jerk." said Rainbow Dash as she smirked at him.

Shun looked at them and smiled. "Okay, I'm in..." he said to them.

Marucho nodded and checked the time, it was currently 3:10pm. "Alright guys, fifty minutes to meet up with Masquerade... ohh, that doesn't give us much time, does it...?" he asked them knowing that none of the brawlers had time to speak with their parents before heading off into the Doom Dimension. The ponies knew this for certain, even though they couldn't see their families, or friends... they had to make due with what they had.

At Marucho's house, Julie and Applejack worked on contacting her family. They managed to connect with her mom who was at home at the time. "Hi mom, just called to say everything's cool..." she said to her as Applejack stood beside her. "You should see Marucho's apartment, its sick!" she stated to her.

"She'll be staying with us a little longer, is that okay with you?" Applejack asked her.

"Well is it mom?" asked Julie. "Is it? I promise I'll call every day..." she said to her.

"That's fine Julie, just make sure you remember to contact me while you're there... and Applejack, make sure you keep an eye on her young mare..." Julie's mom said to her as an advisor. Applejack tipped her hat and nodded to her in understanding the situation.

Meanwhile in Shun's room, he and Rainbow Dash were contacting his grandfather to keep him in the loop of things. "Its nice to hear your voice too grandpa... everything's fine with me and Rainbow Dash..." he said to him.

"And we promise to pick up some denture adhesive for you..." said Rainbow Dash as she chuckled.

"I'll have you know young mare, my teeth are in good health." Old Man Kazami stated to her.

Shun chuckled a bit. "We'll see you later..." he hung up on him. He smiled as he left the room with Rainbow Dash to meet up with the others.

Elsewhere, Marucho and Pinkie were with his parents at the time. "Mother, father, thank you for letting my friends stay over, that was very nice..." he expressed his gratitude to them.

"But, we need to take a little trip..." said Pinkie as she stood beside Marucho.

Kyosuke let out a small chuckle as he looked to them. "Yes, of course... do be careful you two..." he advised them.

"Have a good trip you two..." Shouko said to them.

Both Marucho and Pinkie nodded their heads to them. "Thanks... we must be on our way..." they were about to leave.

"Oh, and remember Marucho... bring clean underwear...!" Shouko advised him as they walked out.

Pinkie glanced to him with a smirk. "Clean underwear...?" she asked sarcastically.

Marucho chuckled nervously, but focused on getting back to the others. "Excuse me..." Kato caught their attention. "If you both require assistance on your journey, I would be pleased to accompany you..." he said to them.

"Thanks Kato, but this time we'll be using public transportation like regular people." said Pinkie with a bright smile.

"But Ms. Pie... Master Marucho has never-" before Kato could object.

Marucho turned to him with a scowl. "I'm fine alright?!" he said to him.

Kato was surprised by his tone, but sighed and closed his eyes bowing his head. "Yes, I understand sir... I bid you a pleasant and safe journey young master... and to you Ms. Pie... safe travels..." he said to her and Marucho as they nodded to him walked away.

Pinkie glanced to Marucho with a stern look. "You didn't have to yell at him Marucho..." she said to him.

"I'm sorry Pinkie... but I swear I'll make it up to him when and if we get back." Marucho replied to her as they headed out of the house.

At Runo's restaurant, she, Fluttershy and Rarity explained what was going on with them and their friends... which immediately surprised Runo's parents of what they were just hearing from the three. "You're going on another trip?" Tatsuo asked them.

"But why?" Saki asked them out of curiosity.

"Well we... we've got to help a friend out..." Runo tried so desperately to lie through her teeth.

Alice quickly walked up to interject. "But you don't have to worry... because I'll stay behind and help out here." she said to them.

Both parents were surprised as they looked to each other, while Rarity quickly stepped up and pushed Runo towards the door. "Well, we uh... we gotta run, catch you later. Come along you two..." she said to them as they rushed out the door as Alice followed them to say goodbye.

But before she could say it, Alice wanted to know something. "You sure you don't need me girls? I really want to come with you guys." she said to them.

"No Alice, we need you to stay here and help..." Fluttershy said to her as she gave Alice Runo's bag. "I'm truly sorry, but we need someone to cover us while we head to the Doom Dimension." she said to her as Alice looked at them, but nodded her head in understanding.

Runo smiled at her. "So, gotta go!" Runo said to her and ran off with Rarity and Fluttershy. "Look after my parents while we're gone, okay Alice?!" she said to her as she ran to meet with the others.

Watching them go, Alice looked down as she held Runo's bag as tears brimmed. "This is all my grandfathers fault...!" she held the bag close as her tears ran down her cheek and she cried. "I wish you weren't Hal-G... I wish this never happened!" she cried out as she sobbed holding the bag. Later that evening, Runo, Rarity and Fluttershy walked to where they were going to meet the others in the fight against Masquerade. But before they could meet with them, Runo needed to make a quick call.

At the Kuso residence... the video chat call was ringing, and Spike was closest to it and answered it. "Hello? Kuso residence..." he answered and saw Runo. "Runo! Where have you been? Miyoko is worried sick! Therefore I am now that I think about it!" he said to her.

"I'm sorry Spike, but can you get her please...?" Runo asked him.

Spike looked at her but sighed and looked to the kitchen. "Miyoko? Runo's on the line!" he called out to her and looked at the screen. "I hope things are okay..." he said to Runo as he left the screen.

Miyoko walked up and saw Runo on the screen. "Runo...? Is everything alright...?" she asked her.

"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry... and I just wanted to say, Dan and Twilight will be home soon." Runo said to her.

Both Spike and Miyoko were surprised but stepped closer to the screen. "Runo, where are they?" Miyoko asked her.

Runo stood silently for a moment, but looked to the worried mother and baby dragon. "I wish I can tell you that now, but I can't... just don't you worry okay?" she asked her.

"Please stop playing games Runo!" Miyoko shouted only to see her disappear from the screen. "Runo! Come back!" she tried to call her back.

"Okay, now I know something's up." Spike leaped to Miyoko's shoulder. "I think I recognized the area she was in... come on, we have to go!" Miyoko nodded and ran out the door to find Runo. "Dan and Twilight wouldn't be gone this long if they had a reason... what ever happened, we're going to find out for sure." he thought to himself as he held onto Miyoko as they headed to the warehouse district.

At the warehouse, the Battle Brawlers and the Ponies waited for Masquerade to show up, and right on cue... Masquerade appeared before them, making his grand entrance to prepare for the battle. "I am Masquerade..." he walked towards them.

Shun and Rainbow Dash walked up together. "We are Shun and Rainbow Dash..." he said to him.

The masked brawler smirked at them but glanced to the others. "Well Shun and Rainbow Dash, I don't remember inviting your little friends to our rendezvous." he said to him.

"For your information, were a team!" Julie yelled at him with a glare.

"And we don't need no stinking invitation Masquerade!" said Marucho as he glared.

"You want Shun and Rainbow Dash... you get all of us." said Applejack.

"It's a complete package deal pal!" said Pinkie.

"So get over yourself, if you want to play, you play the brawlers way." said Rarity as Runo approached.

"So now's the time for you to put up, or shut up!" Runo said to him as she glared at him for what happened to Dan.

Masquerade grinned from hearing it... meanwhile outside, Miyoko and Spike were in the area looking around. "You sure this is where Runo called from?" she asked him.

"Positive, at least I think so..." Spike said to her feeling worried for the others.

Meanwhile, Masquerade was grinning at the brawlers and the ponies. "You do realize that if I defeat all of you, my Hydranoid's power will go right off the charts..." he said to them as he pulled out a Bakugan card. "So are you all in... or are you out...?" he asked them with a sadistic tone. Outside, Miyoko and Spike heard it and looked to where they were. "Are you ready to play...?" he asked them.

Runo and Fluttershy pulled out their Bakugan cards preparing for battle. "Yeah, lets do this!" Runo said to him as she glared at him. "Hang in there Dan, Twilight... because we're coming for you both..." she thought to herself.

"Runo!" Spike and Miyoko ran towards the warehouse to stop them.

But it was too late. "BAKUGAN, FIELD OPEN!" they all shouted as the Pocket Dimension Battlefield surrounded them.

The time around Spike and Miyoko slowed as they tried to reach them. But when he battle ended within the pocket dimension battlefield, time resumed, and all that was left... was Masquerade. Spike's eyes widened in horror as Miyoko looked at the young man. "What's... what's going on? Hey, excuse me... where did everyone go?!" she asked him.

Masquerade turned and walked passed them but stopped giving them a glance. "Doom Dimension..." he said to them as he walked out.

Hearing it, Spike growled realizing what was going on. "Is that what happened to Dan and Twilight...?" he asked him seeing him stop in his tracks. "Is it?! Did you send them to the Doom Dimension?!! Answer me!" he demanded to know. But all he got... was silence. But that answered enough, Spike's growled at him and leaped from Miyoko's shoulder. "You MONSTER!" he went to strike him, but Masquerade dodged it and quickly vanished. "GET BACK HERE YOU COWARD!" he said as tears ran down his cheeks and he fell to his knee's. "No... Twilight..." he cried.

Miyoko rushed to him and held the young dragon in her arms to comfort him. She shut her eyes in prayer, hoping Runo will hear her. "Please Runo... Fluttershy... bring Dan and Twilight back, safe and sound..." she pleaded, hoping her words will reach her.

Within the dark depth's of the Doom Dimension, the brawlers and the ponies looked around severely creped out of what they were looking out. "Guys... I don't like this, but I'm fine... I can deal with this. So... this is the Doom Dimension huh...?" Rainbow asked them as she looked around. "Well they could change the scenery a bit..." she pointed out.

"More than that Rainbow..." Rarity said to her.

"This is really the Doom Dimension...?" Runo asked.

"I have never seen such a place..." said Tigrerra.

"Neither have I... and I doubt any other Bakugan would live to tell the tale.." said Elvia as she looked at the dark world.

Preyas shivered just by looking at it. "Creepy, very creepy..." he panicked a bit.

"Yes, I've never seen any place that looks so decollate..." said Marucho as he looked around.

"This dimension has a putrid odor..." said Gorem as he took a sniff noticing it.

"Aye... the hatred and despair of the Bakugan here is strong..." said Centorea as Applejack was on her shoulder.

"I can't imagine anything more horrible..." the cowgirl looked at the statues knowing they were once living Bakugan.

"Nevermind the smell Gosh, we've gotta find my Dan, and quick!" Julie said to them as she swooned at the thought of him.

This immediately earned a glare from Runo. "HE'S NOT YOUR DAN!!!" she exclaimed to her.

"Stop it, both of you." Skyress said to them as Shun was on her back. "Our best chance in find him and Twilight is to search from the air." she said to them.

"Right, Rainbow Dash, Avion, you're with me and Skyress..." Shun said to her as Skyress took flight.

"Wait up!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as Avion followed Skyress. The other brawlers and ponies followed after them to find Dan and Twilight, little did they know... they were being watched.

Laughter is heard from Frosch, seeing what the battle brawlers did. "I can't believe these fools have entered the Doom Dimension voluntarily..." he said to his comrades.

"But didn't they come to save one of their own?" asked Oberus as she looked to Lars Lion.

Lars Lion nodded her head to her. "Well personally, I admire their courage..." she said to them.

"And I scoff their sheer stupidity..." said Clayf as he looked away from his comrades.

"Scoff if you will Clayf..." said Exedra as he looked to the Subterra Bakugan. "But I suggest we get them to help us in this place." he suggested.

"A good idea indeed..." Frosch agreed with his suggestion.

"I recommend you rethink that suggestion..." Clayf advised them. "Can we really trust these humans and the new generation of Battle Brawling Ponies for such a grand task...?" he asked them.

"Not to mention their Bakugan have not yet evolved... and are weak..." said Oberus.

Exedra smirked behind his mask. "Something tells me they have great potential..." he said to them.

"Here's a thought... we should test them." Lars Lion suggested to Apollonir.

Apollonir thought it through, and figured it was the best course of action for them to take. "Yes... an excellent idea..." he said to her and looked to his comrades and looked to the sphere. "They may in fact be our best chance in escaping the Doom Dimension." he said to them feeling hope for the first time in a thousand years. Will they be the ones to free them from despair...? We will find out... when their trials begin.

Author's Note:

Gorem: Allow me to introduce myself... I am Gorem, Bakugan to Julie... on the next chapter of Bakugan Legends of Equestria. You will find us in the Doom Dimension on our quest to find Dan, Twilight, Drago and Bahamut, and return them to the human world.

Centorea: But first... the Brawlers and the Ponies must be tested, and first up is Julie and Applejack. They must use their patience and skills to pass... or they may find themselves in the Doom Dimension for an eternity.

Gorem: That's coming up on the next Bakugan Legends of Equestria.

(Hey guys, here's the next chapter, and yes I have been working on the evolved forms of the Pony Brawlers Bakugan, and Subterra Hippeis Centorea will be first. If you don't know what Hippeis means, look it up... I hope you guys like the chapter, and sorry for the long wait.)