• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,816 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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“Alright, I think we’re about done.” For the last few weeks after the failed com-system theft, Wheeljack and Red Alert had been working on something else. Something which substantially irritated the others when they apparently got in the way of their work.

“Great. You wanna tell us exactly what it is now?” Rainbow was right to ask; the two had kept this project secret from pretty much the entire crew.

“This; our newly upgraded security system.” Red Alert smiled, activating something on the computer. “Say an unauthorized being enters the ship; bot, human, whatever…” As if to emphasize that, he tossed something at Rainbow’s wing, which magnetized to the metal and was indicated to be a Decepticon badge, which suddenly began quietly beeping.

No sooner did that start than an alarm went off and several small guns flipped down from the roof, suddenly blasting large coils at Rainbow and binding her limbs. “Wha- Hey!”

“Tangler guns bind enemies with plastine coils, giving the stun-blasters and cyclone fields time to set up for the knock-out blow.” Wheeljack smiled as the ceiling guns suddenly changed barrels and started blasting small energy pulses at Rainbow, only for her to quickly dodge out of the way of each of them with her speed… before she was suddenly caught in a small cyclone, spinning her silly and sending the Decepticon badge flying off her wing into Wheeljack’s hand, at which point it stopped beeping.

“You okay, Rainbow?” asked Lifeline.

“Yeah, just gimme a second.” Rainbow quickly collapsed her armor and ran off to the side, holding her mouth… only to throw up as soon as she disembarked from the ship.

The other girls cringed at the sight but were still fairly impressed by what had brought her to this. “Impressive. How does the system find unauthorized beings?” asked Sunset.

“Through the sensor network we installed around the ship.” Wheeljack smiled, as he walked out the door, reactivating the Decepticon badge in his hand. “If a ‘Con so much as coasts through these doors…” He moved the badge through the door and the alarm quickly started up again, only to suddenly turn back off once the badge was deactivated. “Not bad, huh?”

“Excellent work, Wheeljack.” Optimus nodded. “With this system in place, the Decepticons will never gain access to the map to the AllSpark.”

Twilight smiled at this news. Suddenly, her phone buzzed, indicating a text message. She looked and saw it was from her mother. “Hmm. Hey Teletraan, can you access the local TV network? My mom says there’s something on Channel 23 we have to see.”

Accessing now.” Teletraan reported, bringing up a news channel.

And now, returning to our top story; Dr. Hamada Fujiyama is coming to New York today to publicly debut his latest advancement in the field of robotics; an advancement which, according to Dr. Fujiyama himself, will change the world.” Ratchet muted the feed as the image of the Japanese doctor himself came up.

“What’s this have to do with us?” the medic asked, grumpy as ever.

“Hamada Fujiyama is Earth’s leading expert in the field of robotics.” Twilight explained. “For the last few months, he’s been promising something fairly interesting; a giant robotic ninja.”

“Wait, ‘giant’ as in…?” Bumblebee was almost afraid to say finish that sentence.

“Bot-sized, yeah.” Twilight nodded. “So if you’ll indulge me, imagine what might happen if Megatron got his hands on that robot.”

“Ninjas are masters of stealth.” Drift remembered from his research into Japanese history. “If Megatron can reprogram that machine to fight for him, it might be able to get into who knows where.”

“And if Megatron has indeed heard this same news, I have no doubt he will attempt to acquire the robot by any means necessary, even if it means inflicting human casualties,” Optimus concluded. “And that is something I will not allow. Jetfire, remain with Red Alert to improve the security system. I have doubts even the most recent upgrades will hold against this capability.”

“Understood, Optimus.” Jetfire nodded. “We’ll also see about waking up more Autobots; we might need all the help we can get.”

“A wise precaution.” Optimus nodded. “Wheeljack and Perceptor, you come with us; we may require your expertise.”

“You got it, Prime.” Wheeljack nodded and transformed, prompting Perceptor to also transform, also apparently disappearing.

“Whoa! Where’d Smarty go?” asked Pinkie, swiftly glancing around the room but finding no sign of him.

“I have not left.” Perceptor’s voice came from near Wheeljack’s rear left wheel. The girls looked and saw a small red and blue microscope on the ground, small blue lights flashing with every syllable. “This is simply the alternate mode I have selected while I am on your planet.”

“But it’s so small!” Pinkie remarked, picking Perceptor up. “And you were so big!”

“Subspace mass compression,” Wheeljack explained. “Special Cybertronian exploration tech. Comes in real handy in situations like this.”

“Indeed,” Perceptor noted, suddenly projecting his holomatter avatar; a dark-skinned man with brown hair wearing a red dress shirt, a blue necktie, black vest with blue pinstripes, dark gray pants, and shoes, and a single blue monocle-like lens over his right eye, all wrapped in a white lab-coat. “Now if you will excuse me.” With that, he simply took the microscope from Pinkie and climbed aboard Wheeljack, seated behind the engineer’s avatar in the driver’s seat.

“You’re gonna need more than human looks, Optimus.” Rainbow brought up, having cleaned herself up. “You’re gonna need cover names, so no one suspects you.”

“We’ll workshop that on the way.” Bluestreak shrugged as he transformed and allowed Twilight and Spike to climb aboard.

“Alright, let’s groove.” Jazz smirked.

Red Alert lowered the GroundBridge ring and set the coordinates for outside New York City as the vortex opened. “Good hunting, Optimus.” he saluted.

“Autobots, Transform and Roll Out!” Optimus’ order was swiftly followed as all the bots transformed and roared through the vortex, their partners riding along as passengers.

It was a fairly quick drive from the GroundBridge to New York City, the sight of which substantially impressed the Autobots. “Nice place. Kinda reminds me of Iacon.” Cliffjumper smiled.

“Remember team, we’re here to stop Megatron from abusing Earthling tech.” Ironhide reminded. “So where to?”

Twilight checked her phone for the answer. “Well, according to the news, Dr. Fujiyama’s presentation will be in… whoa, Madison Square Garden. That’s awesome.”

“You direct, we’ll drive,” Bluestreak smirked. And that was just what they did as the cavalcade rumbled through the streets of New York – devising their cover story as they drove, all the way to the massive stadium where the demonstration was being held.

“Alright, let’s hope this cover story works.” Rainbow shrugged as everyone disembarked, avatars included.

“Only one way to know for sure,” Ironhide noted as he stepped over to the security guard.

“Who are you supposed to be?” he asked brusquely.

“Pax Industries security and scientific team,” Perceptor noted, flashing a falsified badge – a fleet of which the team created on the drive. “We are here to observe Dr. Fujiyama’s work.”

“I don’t see your company on the guest list.” the guard noted, looking at his clipboard.

“Well, I’m sure there’s some way we can look past that, hmm?” Rarity asked, almost flirtatiously.

The guard wasn’t convinced. “Nice try, kid. You’re not gettin’ in if you’re not on the list.”

“You sure we’re not on it? Here, lemme see.” Rainbow insisted, snagging the clipboard from the guard’s hands.

“Wha- Hey!” he noted in anger.

“Sorry about her; you know how interns are.” Wheeljack shrugged, clearly hiding the fact that Rainbow had given the list to Perceptor, who was using the now miniaturized plasma cannon hidden in his alt mode's scope to burn text on the paper.

Once done, Rainbow smiled. “I think you need to get your eyes checked dude; we’re clearly on the list.” She handed him back the clipboard and smirked.

The guard was confused but shrugged. “Whatever. You guys can go on in.”

“Thank you.” Optimus nodded as the team all ventured into the arena, finding seats very close to the central floor of the building, which held a large tarp-covered form and an array of unusual devices, all surrounded by a large impact shield around the arena.

“The doctor’s machine is undoubtedly there,” Perceptor noted, indicating the tarp.

“If it walks, it probably needs a long extension cord.” Wheeljack joked.

Ratchet chuckled. “I wonder if batteries are included.”

“It’s probably gonna blow the lights the second they turn it on,” Rainbow smirked, prompting a low range of chuckles from the others…

Until Twilight glanced back at them. “In case you’ve forgotten, we’re here to protect the robot; not make jokes at its expense.”

“Oh cmon Twilight, what could the ‘Cons possibly want with a machine like this?” asked Wheeljack. “No offense, but human robotics tech is lightyears behind Cybertronian biotech.”

“No R&D process more efficient than evolution.” Ratchet agreed.

“Nevertheless, we must remain vigilant.” Optimus encouraged as the lights dimmed and focused on the main floor, welcoming a Japanese man in a smart suit stepping in front of the tarp-covered object.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for coming.” he welcomed. “What you are about to see today is state-of-the-art robotics technology, which will change the face of mankind’s technological development for all of history. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Fujiyama Technologies NXR-263 Stealth-Assault Robot.” With that order, the tarp was winched up into the ceiling, revealing the robot in its entirety; it resembled a female Cybertronian with sheer gunmetal armor, a purple midriff with a bright gold star in the center, a purple mask almost similar to Wheeljack’s, and gold optics.

“By the AllSpark…” Wheeljack was amazed, as were the other Autobots, and most of the rest of the audience.

“This robot is the greatest feat of robotics combat engineering I have ever designed. She is programmed with dozens of different fighting styles and built with the capabilities to use them to their fullest potential, especially when combined with her weapons.” As if by perfect timing, he produced a small remote control and began fiddling with the controls as he stepped to the side, prompting the robot to move forward to the array of devices around the arena. Once in place, the robot drew a large pair of nunchucks and began bashing several targets apart, before several small machine-gun turrets started firing at her, only for her to dodge each and every shot, flipping over them and smashing the turrets apart. This continued until the arena was littered with broken targets, as the machine returned to its static standing position.

The press around the arena started roaring in awe at this development, cameras flashing and questions roaring. “Dr. Fujiyama! Dale Grant; New York Times.” one reporter called as he stood up. “Your company has been nearly entirely devoted to technologies that benefit mankind; why diversify into weapons manufacturing?”

“This robot is hardly a weapon, Mr. Grant.” Dr. Fujiyama rebuked. “Think of her more as… the ultimate robotic bodyguard. She has been built as the ultimate symbol of the limitless capabilities of technology. And with this technology, humanity will soon be able to truly grow out of its infancy and perhaps come together, ignoring borders or race. With this technology, humanity will truly return to its status as one.”

Optimus smiled. “An admirable motive, Doctor.” he nodded as he stepped forward.

“Whoa Optimus, what’re you doing?” Sunset asked in concern.

Dr. Fujiyama was surprised as well, but for different reasons. “Well, thank you, sir. Do I know you?”

“No, though that is my fault.” Optimus nodded as he moved to the doctor’s side. “My name is Orion. I operate my own company known as Pax Industries, which also works to advance the boundaries of this race through technology. My company’s code is ‘Till All Are One'.”

“Ah, wise words, Mr. Pax.” the doctor nodded and bowed respectfully. “And what do you think of my machine?”

“Most intriguing. Though I am concerned;” The other Autobots knew exactly what he was concerned about. “What would happen if our enemies gained access to this technology?”

“Not to worry, Mr. Pax. This demonstration is only a one-day event, after which she will be transferred home to my laboratory in Osaka.” the doctor assured.

And sure enough, after answering a few more questions, the robot was left in a loading bay on the north side of the arena… which Rainbow Dash easily managed to infiltrate with her speed, unlocking the doors to the bay. Wheeljack opened it and allowed the other girls in, as well as the other Autobots. “Let’s get to it,” Rainbow smirked.

“Wheeljack, Perceptor, analyze this machine,” Optimus ordered. “Try to find some way to make sure the Decepticons will not be able to use it.”

“What Decepticons?” Applejack smirked. “They were a no-show all day. Kinda insulted.”

“Seriously. I hoped they would attack just so we’d have an excuse to crack some skulls.” Rainbow smirked.

“I’m all for a good skull-crackin’, but we’ve gotta remember Rule Number 1: ‘Keep a low profile’.” Ironhide reminded.

“Yeah, and nothing says low profile like giant robot war in a crowded arena.” Twilight reminded… before she saw Spike running around chasing something on the ground. “Spike, what’s that?”

“Some sort of bug,” Spike remarked, and he was right; he was chasing a small purple insect, which seemed to be trying to fly over to the robot.

Twilight was surprised when she saw it. “That’s strange.”

“What is?” asked Bluestreak.

“Well, that’s a rhinoceros beetle. They’re not native to New York,” she explained before she noticed something; the beetle’s shell was almost metallic… with a familiar symbol on it. “Decepticon!”

The Autobots all quickly reacted and readied their weapons, only for the beetle to suddenly transform into a large purple Decepticon with an almost knight-like mouthplate. “Bombshell,” Ironhide growled.

“If you Autobots don’t mind, I’ll be taking this little beauty with me.” the Decepticon laughed inanely as it started firing, almost indiscriminately on the Autobots, who were forced to take cover as Bombshell grabbed the robot’s body and dragged it away out the door… only to suddenly be tackled to the ground by something.

When the team looked to see what it was, they saw a dark green H2 Hummer with a bright yellow bumper, which swiftly transformed into an Autobot with a yellow chest and gray domed head. “Brawn. Good to see ya, buddy.” Ironhide smirked.

“You too, ya ol’ bucket,” Brawn smirked, cracking his large knuckles. “Now how bout I crush this bug?”

“Feel free to try.” a voice suddenly came from behind Brawn, coming from a black Kenworth K1000 truck with a heavy trailer that roared up and charged the new bot. Brawn just smirked and raised his hands, easily catching the truck as his feet ripped up the pavement.

“Nice timing, Motormaster.” Bombshell laughed, suddenly blasting Brawn in the back and sending him to the ground. “Now let’s burn rubber!” Quickly, the bug jumped onto the back of Motormaster as they both roared away, through a GroundBridge.

“Well, that was disappointing.” Brawn groaned as he tried to stand up. “First time outta stasis in millions of cycles and I let a couple Decepticons get away with a… uh… what was that thing exactly?”

“It’s a long story uh… Brawn, was it?” asked Twilight. “I just hope that target’s okay.”

Unfortunately, it wasn’t as it had been brought straight to an Energon mine where Megatron was awaiting with several other officers. “Excellent work, Bombshell. Now begin your work.”

“Gladly, my liege.” the beetle-bot smiled as he laid his prize on a surgical table, quickly opening it up.

Knock Out scoffed. “Lord Megatron, you expect this thing to be able to bring us the map to the AllSpark? It’s barely even at turbofox levels of intelligence.”

“I must agree, my lord.” Bombshell nodded. “This will be far too simple.”

“Spare me your meaningless critiques,” Megatron ordered. “Just do as you’re ordered. Is she capable?”

“Certainly, my liege.” Bombshell smiled, throwing away several parts and replacing them with larger ones. “Just needs a bit of rewiring, a bulkier Energon-based power source, and of course, my personal favorite invention of mine;” He produced a small unit from his belt. “A Cerebro-shell.” He glanced his shoulder at the coms officer at the computer. “Soundwave, optic interface?”

“87% complete,” Soundwave reported.

“Excellent. Now let us complete warping her mind.” Bombshell smiled, locking the Cerebro-shell into the machine’s head with a mad chuckle.

Once it was locked in, the machine stood up from the table and stood at attention. Starscream was unimpressed. “Please. She looks like an earthling puppet.”

“Until I worked my magic, she was.” Bombshell smiled. “But now, she’s something more. State your designation and master.”

“Designation: Nightbird. Decepticon infiltration agent.” the robot spoke in an almost mechanical feminine voice. “I serve only one master; Megatron.”

“Excellent.” Megatron smiled. “And what is your mission?”

“Locate map to AllSpark and present it to Megatron.” Nightbird nodded simply.

“And if you encounter any Autobots?” asked Megatron.

“All Autobots are enemy. All Autobots must be exterminated.” she nodded.

“Excellent. Then go; complete your mission.” Megatron ordered, allowing Nightbird to walk from the mine… passing the still unimpressed Starscream. Still, the Autobots would soon come to fear this new machine, whether they knew it or not.