• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,806 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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Goin' Mesozoic

The Autobots were more than happy to have the Virago on Earth, and Optimus gladly introduced Elita-1 to the Joes as further allies in their war against the alliance between Cobra and the Decepticons. Duke and General Hawk were more than happy to meet the new recruits and they settled into their work on Earth, acquiring new Earth-based vehicle modes for their new home as they fought against their enemies at every turn available.

It was one afternoon several days after the mission on Cybertron when Jetfire returned from a scouting mission to find the whole team in the main hangar. “Welcome back, Jetfire. How’d it go?” asked Twilight.

“Well, I got some good news and bad news,” Jetfire said simply, connecting his drives to the computer to bring up a set of coordinates on the screen, indicating a location in Russia. “Good news is I think I found another Maximal signature in Russia.”

“That’s gotta be Tigatron,” Airazor remembered. “What’s the bad news?”

“This is where I found him,” Jetfire remarked, bringing up satellite video of the location, showing a large estate in the mountains.

Hound’s optics popped at the sight of that location, scowling as he saw it. “Great. The Cisarovna estate.” he snarled

“Cisarovna? I’ve heard that name before.” Twilight remarked. “They’re some sort of powerful Russian family that dates back further than the communist revolution, famous for having too many enemies to count and yet remaining suspiciously untouched by those enemies.”

“What’s that have to do with Tigatron?” asked Airazor.

“Cobra’s Baroness is the current leader of the family. And she has a hobby of keeping rare animals as pets.” Hound scowled.

That cleared things up for everyone; they had seen from the files that Tigatron had assumed the form of a white Siberian tiger; an incredibly rare happening, which would certainly explain the Baroness’ interest in him.

“Wait a minute, so you’re telling me that the Decepticons’ allies have just captured one of the Maximals and his part of the map?” asked Rainbow.

“Not for long! Beast-mode!” Cheetor snarled and transformed, ready to race off the Ark and run straight to Russia.

“Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa; easy Cheetor,” Rhinox ordered, grabbing the cheetah by the haunches. “Robots in Disguise, remember?”

“Yeah, and nothing says ‘low profile’ like a giant cheetah running straight across the country and the Bering Strait before it breaks into a Russian villa.” Twilight reminded.

“She’s right. This is going to take some serious planning.” Sunset agreed.

“Well for starters, why hasn’t the Baroness figured out that Tigatron’s a bot?” asked Bumblebee.

“Not sure; maybe Cobra just hasn’t been scanning for the Eukarian spark-signatures yet,” Wheeljack suggested.

“Even if that is the case, then it is only a matter of time before the Decepticons pick up on his signal,” Perceptor informed.

“Which means we’ve gotta move fast to bust him out,” Rainbow remarked.

“Not gonna be easy.” Powerglide assured. “I’ve done a few fly-overs of Baroness’ place; it’s a freakin’ fortress. It’d be easier to break out than to break in.”

“So we have to get someone inside and close to Tigatron.” Twilight surmised. “Question is who?”

The team all thought for a moment before Sideswipe’s optics popped. “I think I’ve got an idea.” he smiled wickedly.

“Why does that scare me?” asked Arcee with a roll of her optics.

“Hey, if it’s an idea, let’s hear it,” Applejack assured.

“Well… if the Baroness likes rare pets…” Sideswipe smiled.

Prowl apparently knew where this was going and immediately stepped in. “No. No-no-no-no-no-no. Absolutely not.” he said emphatically.

“Cmon Prowl, it’s the best plan we’ve got,” Sideswipe argued.

“Then we’d better come up with a better plan because that one is stupid.” Prowl disagreed. “Besides, we haven’t heard from them in years, so even if we did want to do that stupid plan, we’d have to find them first.”

“We both know who we’re talking about here, Prowl; he’s not exactly the definition of stealth.” Sideswipe reminded. “Even if he’s in stasis, he’ll probably wake up any day now. And when he does, something tells me we’ll be the first to hear about it.”

“What’re you guys talking about?” asked Sunset.

Sideswipe was about to answer when Teletraan toned. “Optimus, General Hawk is hailing us; emergency channel.” the computer reported.

“Put him through,” Optimus ordered, the soldier’s face appearing on the screen.

And he looked angry. “Would someone care to explain to me why we’re getting reports of a group of giant robotic dinosaurs tearing around the Colorado Rockies?!” he yelled.

Sideswipe smirked as he looked over at Prowl. “Toldja.”

“Coincidence.” Prowl countered immediately.

“Whatever helps you recharge at night, Prowl.” Sideswipe shrugged.

“Wait-wait-wait, back up; you know what this is?” asked Rainbow.

“Who doesn’t know Grimlock?” Springer smirked. “We’d better go get him and the others out of there before they draw too much more attention, Prime.”

“Agreed. Springer, you will accompany me, Elita-1 and Wheeljack.” Optimus ordered.

“Hey, we’re going too; I think we’re owed an explanation,” Twilight assured.

“If you insist.” Wheeljack shrugged.

“We will handle it, General Hawk,” Optimus assured the soldier. “Transmit coordinates and ensure we are not interrupted.”

Understood. Coordinates transmitted.” The coordinates appeared on the main computer screen, which Red Alert quickly proceeded to enter into the GroundBridge. “This had better be settled soon Prime, or you’re gonna have to answer directly to me at eye-level. Hawk out.” With that, the transmission ended.

“Oh please. ‘Eye level’ or not, what could Hawk do to Optimus?” asked Rainbow.

“Trust me kid; you don’t wanna know.” Hound smirked. “To that end, I’d suggest you get a handle on Grimlock and his crew. Fast.”

“Understood.” Optimus nodded as the SpaceBridge opened. “Autobots, Transform and Roll Out!” As ordered, the team all transformed – with Elita-1 showing her chosen alt-mode being a Volkswagon ID Buggy – and all roared through the portal to the mountains of Colorado, far from any major city but well within viewing distance of the highway.
(Imagine this, but salmon-pink with brick-red trim)

“Okay, so what’s the deal with this Grimlock? He’s some sort of dino alt-mode ‘bot?” asked Rainbow. “I mean that’s awesome, but what’s the story?”

“An advance team from the war,” Wheeljack explained. “After we figured out it was this rock that Alpha Trion dropped the AllSpark on, Prime wanted a team to scout ahead and establish a beachhead here. Of course, there wasn’t much in the way of technology here back then so he asked me and Perceptor to come up with some suitable alt-modes for the op.”

“And you chose dinosaurs?” asked Twilight.

“Hundreds of pounds of muscle that ruled this planet for millions of years before your species evolved? You tell me.” Wheeljack argued. “Course, we made some modifications to help make sure the scan held and then Optimus put out the call for volunteers.”

“And that was what brought in the team that wished they were the Wreckers; the Lightning Strike Coalition Force,” Springer smirked.

“What a stupid name.” Rainbow sneered.

“Hey, Grimlock thought it up; not me,” Springer assured. “He wasn’t all there before he and his team scanned their dino-forms, but afterward? Woof.”

“Whaddaya mean ‘woof’?” asked Applejack.

“Yeah, dinos don’t woof; that’s puppies!” Pinkie smiled.

Wheeljack disregarded that as he sighed. “There were… complications in their neural nets when they scanned their new forms,” he explained. “Only Slash managed to retain all her intelligence; the others are driven by primal instinct and only a few orders. Hopefully, Grimlock still remembers enough about me to know not to try and munch me.”

“We’re about to find out. I got eyes on ‘em and they look awesome.” Rainbow remarked, and as the others followed her over the rise, they saw just how right she was.

The Dinobots were exactly what Wheeljack and Springer had promised them; giant silver dinosaurs with gold and red trim tromping around the hills. Twilight could easily make them all out as a T-Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, and Apatosaurus. “Impressive,” she remarked.

“Wait a sec; we’re missin’ two. Where’s Swoop and Slash?” Wheeljack noted.

“I don’t know about Slash, but I’m willing to bet the dino-bird currently nipping at my tailfins is Swoop!” Rainbow was right of course; there was a massive robotic Pteranodon flying after her with massive boosters mounted on its wings, snapping at her tail with his massive beak.

“Well, that’s Swoop accounted for,” Wheeljack remarked as he and the others on the ground transformed to bot-mode. “That just leaves Slash; who knows where she is.”

Pinkie was inching a bit closer to the larger Dinobots when something small jumped from the cliff and tackled her to the ground, revealed to be a robotic Velociraptor. “Found her!” she called, the raptor-bot snarling in her face.

(Cut it)

“Slash, stand down!” Wheeljack ordered.

Slash looked up and her optics popped. “Wheeljack? Is- Is that you? It’s been so long. Grimlock, guys; over here!” she yelled.

The T. Rex immediately looked and snarled as he saw Wheeljack and Optimus. “Wheeljack and Prime come for Dinobots?” he asked almost irate at the idea.

“Yeah, that’s right buddy; we need your help.” Wheeljack smiled.

“Grimlock don’t wanna help you.” he snarled. “Grimlock work with Autobots enough. Dinobots look out for themselves now.”

“Grimlock, I understand why you may have ill will toward me, but this is about the future of our race,” Optimus assured. “Without you, we have no hope of locating the AllSpark and restoring Cybertron.”

Grimlock seemed intrigued by this and glared at Optimus. “Prime… needs Dinobots?” he asked. “Dinobots only hope?”

“Yes,” Optimus said simply.

“Something tells me he’s gonna regret this,” Sunset whispered as Rainbow – having managed to shake Swoop off her tail – hovered down and transformed.

“Eh, priorities.” Rainbow shrugged.

“Well, as far as I see it, our number one priority right now is getting out of here before General Hawk changes his mind,” Twilight remarked.

“Agreed.” Elita nodded and turned on her coms. “Red Alert, we have the Dinobots; send the GroundBridge.” The vortex opened in short order as the team led the Dinobots through the portal.

“Well, we’ve got the Dinobots.” Prowl remarked as he looked the mechanical beasts over. “Now what are we supposed to do, Sideswipe? They look more than a bit conspicuous for this planet.”

“We’ll just give them some new paint and kibble, and they’ll blend right in,” Sideswipe assured. “At least enough for my plan.”

“I think I know what that plan is,” Twilight remarked. “But I think we should let General Hawk in on it.”

“Good call. Teletraan, contact the general.” Sideswipe ordered.

The general’s face appeared in short order as he looked at the Autobots. “I see you got the dinosaur problem handled on your end,” he remarked.

“That’s the good news,” Jetfire noted. “The bad news is that we’ve just located another Maximal signature, and he’s in the Baroness’ chateau.”

Damn. That’s a hell of a turn.” the general scowled. “I suppose you have a plan to get him out.

“You’re lookin’ at ‘em,” Sideswipe remarked, pointing to Grimlock and his team. “Nothing on Earth rarer than a live dinosaur. We paint ‘em up realistically, plant them in Russia a few klicks from the Baroness’ house, she catches ‘em and locks ‘em up, then they find Tigatron and bust out with him in tow.”

Gonna be hard to explain something like that to the Russian government. I’ll see what I can do.” Hawk remarked. “When do you wanna go through with this?

“As soon as possible.” Optimus stepped in. “The longer we wait, the more time we give to Cobra and the Decepticons to determine Tigatron’s true nature.”

Unfortunately, Optimus was more than right; Megatron was on the bridge of the Nemesis when Sky Shadow stepped to his side. “Lord Megatron, Cobra’s Baroness wishes to speak with you. She says it’s urgent.”

“Let her speak,” Megatron ordered, prompting a Vehicon officer to bring up the Baroness’s face on the main screen. “Whatever business you have with me had best be brief, Baroness.”

Oh, I believe you will find this most interesting, Megatron.” the Baroness smiled as she stepped aside revealing a luxuriant white tiger in a cage.

It seems my latest pet is not what he seems.” With a snap of her fingers, one of her men handed her a small pad which she used to scan the tiger… and reveal to Megatron the findings.

“A Spark… the Eukarian known as Tigatron.” Megatron smiled. “You have located his canister?”

Indeed we have.” the Baroness nodded, as the camera was pointed to the container which was about shoulder height with the soldiers guarding it.

“Excellent.” Megatron smiled. “I will send a team to retrieve the capsule and dispose of the Maximal presently. Barricade, gather a squadron and deal with this.”

“Yes, Lord Megatron.” Barricade nodded as he left the bridge.

I hope you don’t mind if I deal with the kitty myself. I’ve been in the market for a new fur coat recently.” the Baroness smirked cruelly.

“By all means.” Megatron smiled as the connection terminated. “This alliance seems to be bearing more fruit than most of our other endeavors, Sky Shadow. I’m glad you convinced me to pursue it.”

“I’m pleased you approve, Lord Megatron. Though I suggest we watch ourselves.” Sky Shadow warned. “The Baroness is a schemer; I believe she may already suspect us of planning to betray them.”

“Well, we can’t have that.” Megatron scowled. “She will have to be convinced of our resolve.”

“I agree, my lord.” Sky Shadow nodded.

Neither of them noticed Starscream and his brothers outside the bridge listening in on this conversation. “We have to attend to this quickly, brothers.” Starscream scowled. “Lord Megatron is spiraling into a sense of reliance on these organics. He must be deposed before he destroys all we stand for.”

“Even with the other disgruntled crewmembers we’ve gathered, it’s nowhere near enough for a full-fledged rebellion,” Skywarp assured. “Perhaps we should consider… other arrangements.”

“Don’t be ludicrous, Skywarp,” Thundercracker argued. “He basically idolizes Lord Megatron; why would he put him on the list?”

“We have to do something.” Skywarp insisted. “Otherwise, Lord Megatron will ruin everything.”

It was just then that a yellow Seeker dashed to the commander’s side. “Commander Starscream, I have good news. Our patrols have located the other two Maximals.”

“And if Tigatron does not, then one of them must have the AllSpark,” Starscream smirked. “Excellent work, Nova Storm. Rally the Seekers to bring them to me.” Nova Storm saluted and left to do just that. “I believe we have our answer, brothers. Once I possess the AllSpark, I will possess the power needed to obliterate Megatron and the Autobots.” If only Starscream knew how much that plan would backfire on him.