• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,815 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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Yo Joe!

The girls weren’t entirely sure what to expect from these unusual new vehicles until they saw the crew climb out of both; a rather unusual-looking mix of people, including someone in a full-black outfit with a katana on his back. Their leader – a young blonde man in tactical armor – stepped forward, keeping the rifle in his hands lowered. “Well, isn’t this a rainbow of interesting?”

“Who’re you supposed to be?” Rainbow asked seriously.

“If I’m not mistaken, we’re the guys who just saved your lives.” he returned. “Now… where’s Optimus Prime?”

That was what really made the girls uneasy, prompting Sunset to step forward. “Who’s asking?”

“What, you guys don’t recognize us?” That voice didn’t come from the guy or any of his men; it came from the truck parked right next to them.

“Course we do, Hound,” Ironhide smirked as he transformed, smiling at the jeep.

Then it and the aircraft transformed as well, revealing them both to also be Autobots; the truck-bot had heavy all-terrain wheels behind his shoulders and on his shins, and was loaded down with several different types of weapons; twin 7.62mm submachine guns on his shoulder, an M61 Vulcan gun on his right arm, a deployable Stinger missile launcher on the left of his backpack, and a surface-to-air rocket launcher on his left arm, as well as two Cybertronian blasters holstered on his belt, while the jet-bot’s head formed from the nosecone, with narrow wings rising from his shoulders and large boosters on his shins.

Jetfire transformed as well and smiled as he clapped hands with the jet-bot. “Good to see you again, Powerglide.”

“Wait-wait-wait, stop! Stop!” Rainbow said seriously. “How did two Autobots end up with these guys? What, was it another ship?”

“No, Hound and Powerglide were on the Ark.” Wheeljack remembered as he transformed. “When we entered Earth’s atmosphere, we got shook up a little too much. Suffered a hull breach in the stasis bay; pulled a fair amount of pods overboard and scattered them across the globe.”

“Powerglide and I landed in North America.” Hound explained. “That’s when our pods were found by Duke’s boss.”

“‘Duke’?” Twilight asked, glancing at the blonde soldier.

“Callsign,” Duke explained quickly. “Real name’s classified. Anyway yeah, we found their pods when we were expanding our headquarters. Took us ages to figure out what they were, and even longer to figure out how to open them up.”

“How’d you get your hands on the Energon you needed?” asked Wheeljack.

“Actually, turns out our pods had enough Energon contained in them from when we were dragged overboard.” Powerglide shrugged. “They just had to punch in the right commands to wake us up. Guess we got lucky.”

“Once we were awake, we explained everything.” Hound rounded out. “They agreed to help us out and keep our secret.”

“And that was around the same time we heard reports of giant robots that could turn into vehicles around Canterlot City.” Duke nodded. “Hound told us it was probably you guys, so we’ve been planning on making contact.”

“Alright, so you know our secret.” Sunset shrugged as the other Autobots transformed, though Cheetor and Airazor stayed in their beast-modes. “Your turn.”

The redheaded girl with the crossbow next to Duke didn’t seem sure as she glanced at him. “Duke?”

“We might as well, Scarlett.” Duke shrugged, looking back at the group. “But I think that’s a conversation best-had at our base.”

“I can put the coordinates into the GroundBridge.” Hound noted.

“Great; more humans on the ship.” Ratchet rolled his optics.

“Nice to see you haven’t changed much, doc.” Hound smirked.

“Cmon Ratchet, I thought you and Fluttershy were connecting?” asked Twilight.

“I taught her the basics on field-triage; that’s it.” Ratchet countered.

“Well, believe me, Ratchet; these humans? A lot more skilled than any of your kids.” Powerglide smirked.

“Resent,” Rainbow noted.

“I will not overlook any opportunity for further alliances in this war,” Optimus assured. “Red Alert, activate the GroundBridge.”

It took only a few moments for the team to return to the Ark. Once there, Hound accessed Teletraan and began entering coordinates. “So how ‘bout some more names?” Applejack smirked.

“Yeah, that’s Ripcord, Breaker, Snake-Eyes, and Heavy Duty.” Duke pointed simply. “We’re Alpha Team.”

“For what?” asked Arcee.

“We’ll show you.” Hound smiled, flipping the main lever for the GroundBridge. “Here’s our ride.” He and Powerglide led the way with Alpha Team following, along with the girls, Optimus, Prowl, Jazz, Wheeljack, Bumblebee, Cheetor, and Jetfire.

As they approached the portal, Duke turned on a communicator in his ear. “General Hawk, this is Duke; we’re on our way home. And we’re bringin’ friends.”

When they passed through the vortex, they found themselves at a small military training camp in the Arizona desert, with that same eagle-shield symbol on the Quonset huts as on Hound's hood. "Welcome to the Pit, boys and girls." Duke smiled.

The girls were fairly confused as an older man in a general’s uniform journeyed out of one of the Quonset huts, seemingly unfazed by the appearance of Optimus and the other Autobots. “Nice to see your mission was a success, Duke.”

“Yes sir.” Duke nodded. “General Hawk, Optimus Prime.”

“Hound’s told us a lot about you, Prime,” Hawk noted. “It’s an honor to finally meet you.”

“The honor is mine,” Optimus assured.

“Alright, now that we’ve got the pleasantries out of the way, then maybe my team can tell me why they brought civilians to a black site?” the general asked seriously.

“Because of this,” Rainbow smirked and activated her Armor, shifting straight to bot-mode. This actually seemed to surprise General Hawk… but only a little.

Ripcord, however… “Whoa! Okay, what the hell?!” …Yeah. “That ain’t right, man!”

“Whoa. You managed to activate the Spark-Shift Armors?” Powerglide asked in awe. “You have the Map to the AllSpark?”

“Eh, it’s kind of a long story.” Jazz shrugged.

“To summarize for our new friends? If these girls want to know who you are, you tell them.” Prowl said with a tone of finality as Rainbow returned to normal.

“Well, I suppose you’re owed that much.” Hawk shrugged. “But I prefer to deal with people I can talk to at eye-level. Park it in over there and we’ll talk.”

“Understood.” Optimus nodded as his team transformed, Powerglide and Hound leading the team to a large vehicle bay, from which they projected their avatars as they walked in after the General, Cheetor plodding along after them.

Once inside one of the huts, General Hawk pressed a button that started lowering them down. Once they were below ground level, the team was in awe; the camp was merely a facade for a massive complex, filled with high-tech vehicles and weapons - including the bots' vehicles modes - not to mention at least several dozen soldiers. “Now, about that story; officially we don’t exist. Unofficially, we’re a special operations and tactics division, comprised of the top men and women from the best military units in the United States, dedicated to protecting the interests of the free world all across the planet.” Hawk explained. “We’re called G.I. Joe; when all else fails, we don’t.”

“Impressive,” Prowl remarked, obviously understating things.

“You don’t know the half of it.” Hound remarked, letting the girls get a good look at his avatar; a tan-skinned man in a simple green uniform with a black bandana around his neck. “This place has some surprisingly advanced sensor and communications technology for such a young race.”

“I think I’ll be the judge of that, if you don’t mind.” Wheeljack smiled.

Powerglide’s red-garbed fair-skinned avatar glanced over to Breaker, who nodded allowing the flyer to smile. “Help yourself, Wheeljack.” The engineer smiled as the tour ended in the massive, vaulted control room, at which point he placed his hands on the console and began running an analysis of the code and tech G.I. Joe had developed.

While he was looking through that, someone looked up from their console. “General, Skystriker 2 is coming in toward Pad 6 now.”

“Put it up, Hi-Tech. Tell Ace to taxi into Hangar 2.” Hawk’s orders were followed as a large fighter jet flew in and landed perfectly, taxiing to a hangar.

Jetfire gave an impressed whistle as he saw the jet for himself. “Now there’s a set of wings.”

“Oh, ya like that? Yeah, that’s a Skystriker XP-14F.” Ripcord explained. “Most powerful aircraft the Joes' engineers have ever come up with. Can even go into space with that booster kit.”

“Well, I have been in the market for an upgrade lately.” Jetfire shrugged. “May I?”

“Just let Ace park it first; we know your scanning can short vehicles out.” Scarlett reminded.

“Alright, fine.” Jetfire shrugged. “Hey, when I'm done, can we get a video feed of my body in the main bay? I wanna see the upgrade.”

“Do it,” Hawk ordered, a feed swiftly coming up on Jetfire’s body in the vehicle bay with the others. Once the Skystriker was docked, Jetfire focused and fired the scanning beams from his eyes, running over the jet. Once all the data was loaded, Jetfire’s body began shifting; the booster pack, weapons, and refurbed cockpit shape all formed and locked together into Jetfire's new body, with the G.I. Joe badge on his wings along with his Autobrand, the same badge appearing on his avatar's jacket as well.

“Not bad. Let’s see how I look with it.” Jetfire’s avatar swiftly disappeared as the large jet revved and slowly pulled away from the other Autobots, the base’s cameras and soldiers watching him as he moved. Then he transformed, which really drew some attention; his legs unfolded into the main boosters as the cockpit and attached fins flipped down to the front of his torso, his wings and boosters flipping up into a massive backpack. “Huh. Not bad. I can definitely make this work.”

“Suits ya, Jetfire.” Bumblebee smiled.

Prowl meanwhile was more focused on the mission. “What’s the verdict, Wheeljack?”

“Well, Hound wasn’t kiddin’; this stuff is high-end.” the engineer remarked. “Heck, with a little tinkering, we might be able to piggyback off this system and contact the Virago.”

“Wait, the Virago? You guys made contact with them?” Powerglide asked hopefully.

“If you could call it that.” Bumblebee shrugged. “Greenlight picked up, but we could hardly hear anything from her.”

“Did she at least say anything about Moonracer?” Powerglide asked seriously.

“If she did, we couldn’t make it out.” Jazz told him. “But hey man, I’m sure she’s alright.”

“I intend to find out for sure,” Optimus assured, turning to the leader. “General Hawk, allow us to utilize your systems. We may be able to use them to contact our homeworld and find any other Autobots out among the stars, and locate Cybertronian relics on your world that will win us the war.”

“You’re already locked in; we’ll connect your ship’s systems to ours.” Hawk shrugged. “We’ll also keep our eyes open, see what we find.”

“Many thanks, General.” Optimus nodded as he stepped to the door. “Autobots, return to base.”

Hound wasn’t sure, but when he glanced at Powerglide and saw the same thought in his eyes, so he turned to their commander. “General Hawk, we’d like to request a transfer.” he saluted.

Hawk smiled. “I figured. You’re on-call in case our mutual friends show up, but in the meantime, you’re free to do as you wish.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Powerglide smiled as he and Hound moved to join Optimus. “Room for two more, Prime?”

“Of course, old friends.” Optimus nodded with a smile, leading the team out of the base.

“See ya round, Duke.” Hound smirked as he left. Once back in their bodies, the Autobots rumbled away as the girls roared after them in their vehicle modes.

“So who was Hawk talking about when he said, ‘Mutual friends’?” asked Twilight.

“Well, the Joes actually have a fairly major oppositional force.” Hound explained. “They call themselves Cobra, and believe me; their weapons make some of the Joes’ gear look like cavemen’s tools. And as if all that wasn’t bad enough, they’re actually on fairly friendly terms with some Decepticons.”

“Seriously? Who?” Bumblebee got his answer practically immediately when Rainbow found something on her scanners.

“Uh guys, we’ve got company.” And that company turned out to be a blue Thunderbolt flying alongside, as well as a slender black jet almost similar to the SR-71 Blackbird flew alongside the team’s flyers.

“Great; Viper and Sky Shadow. That’s just what we need right now.” Powerglide grumbled.

“We’ve got more problems than those two; Soundtrack at 12 o’clock!” Hound was right; an unusually shaped tank with two large cannons on the top was rumbling down the road straight toward them.

“Hope you’re in the mood for some fun, Powerglide.” Viper scowled, firing on his red counterpart. Quickly, Powerglide transformed midair – using the thrusters on his shins to stay airborne – as he fired on the blue plane with a large blaster.

“Let’s dance, Soundtrack!” Hound roared as he transformed and lit the tank up, which swiftly transformed into a bot almost similar in body form to Soundwave, but with a distinctly more female look to her.

(Imagine this, but decidedly more feminine)

“Hope you don’t mind if I introduce a few other dance partners, Hound,” she smirked and opened the panel in her chestplate. “Squawktalk, Garboil, let him have it!” Two large data drives shot out and swiftly transformed – light blue into a vulture, and purple into a condor – which swooped around Hound, screeching and scratching.

“Cheetor, how fast can you get back to the Ark from here?” asked Sunset.

“Only one way to find out; cover me!” Cheetor smirked and raced away with a growl, moving at remarkable speed for his beast mode's size.

The firefight lasted for a solid few seconds, Viper and Sky Shadow transforming as well and lighting up the Autobots until Rainbow finally grew irate. “Alright, this is getting dumb.” In a massive burst of speed, she ran in massive circles around the Autobots creating a wall of wind that no one could pierce, eventually resulting in a small tornado. “Red Alert, GroundBridge! Now!” It only took a few seconds for the vortex to open, allowing the Autobots to retreat straight back to base as the tornado swiftly died down.

Sky Shadow swooped down toward the vortex, but it closed just before he could pass through it. “Hmm. Commander’s not gonna be happy about this,” he remarked.

“At least be happy Lord Megatron doesn’t know about any of this; he’d kill us himself if he knew we had allied ourselves with organics.” Viper reminded.

“I think it’s a bit late for that, gentlemen.” Soundtrack remarked as she looked up into the air. “It’s been a long time, Laserbeak.”

Author's Note:

Also yes, Soundtrack is an OC; I just wanted to include the Soundwave HISS form without explicitly using Soundwave.

Hero Forge art of G.I. Joe characters are all my own designs.