• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,816 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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All Powerful

The crew of the Nemesis was decidedly surprised to find Botanica stumbling her way down the hallways, prompting two Vehicons to drag her before Megatron. “Lord Megatron, we found this Eukarian stowaway near the SpaceBridge deck.”

“Ah, you are the one called Botanica?” Megatron sneered. “I suppose it would not be too much to ask that you would be here to surrender the AllSpark?”

“Not even if I did have it.” the Maximal countered.

“What do you mean?” Megatron’s question was answered when the ship was suddenly thrown to the side. “Report!”

“Massive hull breach on Deck 7!” one soldier reported. “We’ve lost the port engine!”

Lord Megatron, we’re under attack by- Gah!” the soldier on the coms suddenly went offline as the ship shook further.

“Decepticons, whatever comes through that door, this ship does not fall!” Megatron scowled as he readied his cannon.

The other soldiers readied their weapons, all aiming for the main door to the bridge which suddenly burst open. And the person they saw in the door shocked the whole bridge. “Hello, Megatron.”

“Starscream?! What is the meaning of this?!” the warlord asked.

This is for every slight you’ve made against me.” Starscream smiled as he blasted Megatron straight in the arm, forcing him to fall back and clutch his arm in pain. “And this is to ring in my reign as leader of the Decepticons.” Another blast, this one straight to Megatron’s chest… which sent him into the helm controls, sending the Nemesis falling toward the ground. “Now… for my first act…” He shot out of the ship and flew away as the Nemesis tumbled into the mountains.

The Ark had been fairly quiet since Rattrap had joined the Autobots as most of the flyers had been searching the Amazon Jungle for Botanica, but the search hadn’t been going well as Rainbow reported when she returned from her shift at searching. “Still nothing, Optimus,” she reported.

“I suppose it would be too much to ask for results after only three days.” Elita shrugged.

“Frankly I find the whole exercise to be more than somewhat futile,” Perceptor remarked. “With over 2.5 million square miles of jungle to search for a single plant, the chances of successfully locating Botanica – even with a spark signature to trace – are miniscule.”

“Hate to say it, but he’s right.” Applejack nodded. “Tryin’ to find this gal is like lookin’ for a needle in a haystack… in a field of haystacks.”

“Then we’re gonna need a really big magnet,” Rhinox remarked. “I have samples from Botanica’s pollen. If I can program the sensors to track it, we won’t need to worry about the spark signature.”

“Wait-wait-wait, back up; did you say pollen?” asked Rainbow. “As in… y’know?”

“Eh, it’s pretty common among floral Eukarians. Options, y’know?” Rattrap shrugged.

“Yeah, I’m just gonna go ahead and add that to the list of things I didn’t need to hear today,” Twilight remarked in disgust.

It was at that moment that Teletraan toned. “Optimus, it’s General Hawk. And he is angry.

Optimus glanced at Elita before he turned back to the computer. “Patch him through.”

The general’s image came up on the screen immediately. “Prime! I don’t know what you’re doing right now and to be quite frank, I don’t care! But you need to contain this situation right! Now!

“What situation are you referring to, General?” Optimus asked in confusion.

“I think I know,” Sunset noted as she moved a news broadcast to the screen, showing Starscream hovering in robot-mode over the reflecting pool in Washington DC.

Citizens of Earth, behold my great power and despair!” he yelled. “I am Starscream; ruler of the planet Cybertron and emperor of destruction! Any who dares stand against me will face complete and total annihilation!

“Is he… bigger?” asked Pinkie. “And glowier?”

“The AllSpark…” Elita recognized in fear.

“What?! You mean Starscream of all bots beat us to Botanica?” asked Cheetor.

“I think the bigger problem here is how he got access to the AllSpark.” Sunset brought up. “I thought only the energy of the Matrix could open those capsules, so how did he manage it?”

“Not on his own, I bet you that much,” Wheeljack assured.

“Shockwave.” Perceptor scowled.

Optimus narrowed his optics in anger at this. “The Decepticons have once again perverted ancient powers to bring destruction.” he scowled. “We cannot allow this to continue any further.”

“Then we’re dealing with this?” asked Rainbow.

“Absolutely.” Red Alert nodded as he lowered the GroundBridge ring.

“Lock and load,” Ironhide ordered as he prepped his large blaster. Everyone else quickly grabbed an arsenal of high-caliber weapons and loaded themselves down. Once they were ready, the entire Autobot team rallied in front of the GroundBridge which Red Alert quickly activated.

“Autobots, Transform and Roll Out!” Optimus roared, prompting the whole Autobot team to switch to vehicle mode and race through the portal, which dropped them on Highway 50 next to the reflecting pool where they saw what looked like a large National Guard team surrounding the pool with tanks and aircraft.

“Well, this oughtta be fun,” Rainbow remarked from her cockpit.

Just then, her radio turned on. “Unmarked Raptor, identify yourself or you will be treated as hostile.” an air-team commander ordered.

“Looks like we’re out of options, Optimus,” Rainbow remarked.

“So it would seem. Autobots, it would appear that if either of our species is to survive on this planet, it has become absolutely necessary to drop our cover.” Optimus ordered.

“Fine by me.” Jetfire smiled as he soared toward Starscream and swiftly transformed in midair, immediately going to battle-mode before he swung a hard right hook at Starscream’s face, but the superpowered Seeker barely even flinched and simply batted Jetfire down into the pool.

“Tell me that wasn’t Jetfire’s best Sunday punch,” Applejack asked seriously.

“Fraid so.” Ironhide countered.

“Then I guess we go all-out.” Hound smiled as he roared down to the side of the reflecting pool and transformed, letting loose against Starscream with all the guns he had mounted to his body as the others quickly followed his lead.

“What the hell are you?!” one of the soldiers asked seriously.

It was just then that another VAMP jeep raced up to the perimeter team and Duke stepped out. “They’re with me, sergeant; that’s all you need to know. Now clear the perimeter and leave this to the pros.”


“Or I could call General Clayton Abernathy and ask him to give the same order; it’s your call.” That was enough motivation for the sergeant to move the human military away from the area. Duke was the last one to leave as he flashed Optimus a thumbs-up. “All you, Prime.”

“Many thanks, Duke.” Optimus nodded as he looked to Elita, who simply nodded. “Autobots, we are clear to engage at our fullest capabilities.”

“You heard him, ladies; no more holding back. Let him have it!” Elita ordered as the Autobots fired every ounce of munitions they could spare, but it didn’t seem to be doing anything, while every blast Starscream let loose from his supercharged null ray cannons against the Autobots dealt impressive damage.

Optimus barely managed to intercept numerous blasts with the Skyboom Shield, but it wasn’t enough. In fact, it didn’t take long before they were truly beaten; bashed away from Starscream and badly bruised as he flew toward the main city. “Ugh. Well, that was thoroughly humiliating.” Rainbow groaned as she pulled herself from a highway overpass support.

“For once Rainbow Dash, we are in complete agreement.” Rarity groaned. “I don’t suppose anyone has any ideas?”

“I have one.” The Autobots were surprised by that voice, until they saw Botanica approaching along the highway.

“He-hey Flower-Face.” Rattrap smiled happily. “I was wonderin’ when you’d show up.”

“Where’ve you been?” asked Cheetor.

“In the care of Shockwave.” Botanica groaned. “And unfortunately, he and Starscream aren’t the only Decepticons I’ve taken to associating with.”

“What do you mean?” Sunset’s question was answered when she looked behind Botanica and saw a massive group of Decepticons trudging along the highway, damaged but still intact. With Megatron at the head of the pack.

Optimus scowled and stood to face his old adversary. “Explain your presence here, Megatron,” he ordered.

“Save me the heroic bluster, Prime; I’m not here to fight,” Megatron assured. “I come with a proposition of a truce.”