• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,815 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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“So you mean to tell me… that in addition to failing to destroy the Autobots’ human Pretender pet… we lost one of our most prosperous Energon mines?!” Megatron’s rage was palpable from his soldiers assembled on the bridge.

“We beg forgiveness, Lord Megatron.” Onslaught knelt before his master, followed by his soldiers. “We were obviously underprepared to deal with this human.”

“Obviously.” Megatron nodded, turning to Starscream who recoiled in fear at the attention. “And I believe it was your assignment to ensure that the Combaticons were prepared, was it not, Starscream?”

“I- I too beg forgiveness, Master.” Starscream knelt in terror, cringing from his injuries. “I was unaware the Autobots would locate the mine, nor that they would send their newest weapon.”

“Hardly an excuse, Starscream.” Megatron reminded. “Now we are yet further from the AllSpark with nothing to show for our efforts.”

The copter-bot smirked at this. “I wouldn’t necessarily say that Lord Megatron.”

“Oh? And what exactly makes you say that Vortex?”

Vortex stood with a twisted smile as he pulled up a holographic data display. “I ran a scan of the mine’s environment and found something rather interesting; a data frequency, consistent with ancient Cybertronian technology.”

“Such as that forged by Solus Prime.” Megatron understood. “The child’s Armor.”

“And the map within it, no doubt.” Vortex smiled madly.

“Then all is not yet lost, my liege.” Starscream nodded. “We need simply locate the source of this frequency and launch a calculated assault to claim what is ours.”

“An inspired plan, Starscream. But one you will not enact.” This frightened Starscream more than a bit. “I feel you have failed me enough over these last several solar cycles. I will lead this assault myself, with you at my side so I can keep an eye on you.”

“As you wish, Master.” Starscream bowed, silently disliking this plan very much.

Megatron could see that, but thought little of it, simply turning instead to his communications chief. “Soundwave, isolate any available sources of this frequency.”

Soundwave did exactly that, swiftly finding success. “Seven sources isolated.” he reported. “Each one emanates identical frequency.”

“Good. Give us the location, and we will lay waste to them at once.” Megatron smiled.

“Negative. Frequency hubs scattered.” Soundwave reported. “Suggest they be allowed to converge before attack.”

Megatron didn’t seem overly enthusiastic at this idea but sighed. “Very well. Send your Mini-Cons to maintain surveillance and inform us of their convergence.”

“Affirmative. Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, eject.” He pressed a button on his shoulder and his chest opened, revealing a small compartment filled with large objects that looked like data-drives; one red, one gold. They both launched from his chest and transformed; the red into a robotic falcon, and the gold into a robotic vulture, both of which hovered in front of him. “Operation: Observation.” Both bird-bots nodded at this and flew away, to do their duties.

“Starscream, prepare your Seekers for the attack.” Megatron ordered.

“As you command, Lord Megatron.” Starscream nodded and left the bridge, met by his brothers.

“I suppose our lord wished to remind you of your failures?” Skywarp smirked.

“Shut up and walk, fool.” Starscream ordered. “Our master has located the Armors containing the map, and we are to be ready to claim them. Ready the Seekers for battle.” Skywarp and Thundercracker saluted as they left their brother, who simply chuckled to himself. “Once I possess the power of the AllSpark, Megatron will fall before me and the Decepticons will be mine to rule.” Lofty aspirations from such a small Con, but he intended to make good on them, by hook or by crook.