• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,806 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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Combiner Wars

By the time the girls arrived, the Ark was already abuzz with activity as the Autobots armed themselves. “Wheeljack, have you located the source of the energy surge?” Optimus ordered promptly.

“With a light show like that, how could I miss it?” Wheeljack pointed out as he brought up a map of Earth, a point in the Gobi Desert highlighted. “It’s right here on the Chinese-Mongolian border.”

“Powerglide and I have already contacted G.I. Joe; General Hawk is sending out the General to back us up just in case,” Hound reported.

“Wreckers are all standin’ by for your order, Optimus.” Springer saluted.

“Lot of defenses for something that just upgrades bots,” Rainbow remarked as she set the Planet Cup on the console.

“Combiners aren’t just upgrades, Rainbow.” Twilight pointed out. “We were all mentally linked when we combined.”

“That’s traditional for Combiners; the minds and power of multiple bots coming together as one,” Smokescreen noted. “And they don’t just come from nowhere either. They come from what we’re after right now.”

“And that is?” asked Rainbow.

“The Enigma of Combination,” Elita answered as she prepped her rifle. “The Artifact of Nexus Prime; the Seventh of the Thirteen, and the First Combiner. The Enigma is what gave you those Combiner Cores within your Armors.”

“During the war on Cybertron, the Constructicons stole the Enigma from Iacon and became one of the first major Combiners we’ve had to deal with.” Prowl recounted as he grabbed a large shotgun in addition to his pistol. “Since then, it was stolen and re-stolen by both sides, resulting in the events earning their own little name; the Combiner Wars.”

“Finally, the Enigma was returned to the Iacon Hall of Records, and Alpha Trion banished it and countless other Cybertronian relics here to Earth,” Optimus concluded. “And if Megatron were to acquire the Enigma again, he would build further legions of Combiners to destroy us.”

“And the last thing we want right now is an army of Combiners taking over Earth,” Jetfire assured as he primed his rifle and his arm and leg cannons.

“Then we’d better get movin’. The Enigma isn’t gonna wait forever.” Chromia ordered as she readied her axe, though she did look a bit more concerned than the others.

“Agreed. Wheeljack, activate the GroundBridge.” Optimus ordered. The engineer pulled the lever and activated the vortex. “Autobots, Transform and Roll Out!” The whole team transformed, including the newcomer Hot Rod and they all roared through the vortex, landing in the Gobi Desert right where they saw a large pit in the sands, surrounded by sand scorched to black glass.

“Yeah, this is definitely the place,” Cliffjumper smirked as he looked around at the scorched sand.

That’s what we thought.” Duke’s voice called over a loudspeaker. The Autobots looked and saw what the girls believed was easily the biggest vehicle the Joes had in their arsenal rumbling toward them; a massive gray tumbler with huge green landing pads on either side covered with a bevy of high-caliber machine gun turrets, anti-air cannons, and missile launchers, as well as a large space between them clearly meant for a cannon but covered by a small helicopter. “And that’s exactly why we brought the General.

“Whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho! You guys don’t half-do things, do you, Duke?” Rainbow smiled in excitement at the sight of the massive vehicle.

“Not when we’ve got Decepticons and Cobra to worry about,” Duke assured as he turned to the large vehicle’s driver. “This beauty ready to kick some ass, Storm?”

“You know it, Duke.” the major at the controls saluted as he stopped the massive assembly.

“Positions, soldiers!” Duke ordered as he leaped from the cockpit, prompting numerous Joes to snap to their places on the turrets of the massive vehicle while Wild Bill climbed into the small helicopter, ready to spin it up.

“Think this’ll be enough?” Lancer asked almost jokingly as she looked at the vehicle.

“Well, just in case it’s not, we’ve got something that might be a little more your speed.” Duke smiled as he grabbed his two-way radio. “Steeler, bring ‘em in.”

On cue, a group of eight heavy deep green tanks rumbled over the same ridge the General had just driven over, their cannons and mounted machine guns aiming in pretty much every direction but straight down. One of the tanks’ hatches opened and an unshaven man pulled himself up to look out of the turret. “Think we’ve got enough now?” he asked.

“With the Skystrikers and Conquests we’ve got watching the skies too? Yeah, I’d say we’ve got all our bases covered, Steeler.” Major Storm agreed.

“Uh… I hate to impose, but… can I scan one of these tanks?” Lancer asked promptly.

“Had a feeling you’d ask that.” Steeler smiled as he climbed out of his tank and patted the side armor. “This is a M.O.B.A.T., Multi-Ordinance Battle Tank. My personal favorite piece of mobile armor in the Joes’ garage.”

“Mine too, I can already tell.” Lancer smiled as she quickly scanned the tank, her body reconfiguring to match the vehicle. “Oh yeah, I’d like to see any Decepticon get past this.”

“Allow me to grant that wish!” Everyone was surprised to hear Starscream’s voice calling over the desert, especially when they saw a massive wing of Seekers fly into the area.

“What the hell?!” Duke remarked as the Seekers started firing on them, but their blasts were quickly intercepted by a combined shield from Trailbreaker and Rarity. “Nice work! Ace, Slip-Stream, get your wings down here; we got company! Bill, airborne! Turret crews, light these bastards up!”

“Sir!” the soldiers all over the General yelled as they swiveled their guns into place and started firing on the Decepticons, the wings of Skystriker jet-fighters and new fighters with forward-swept wings flew down from the clouds and joined the fight, along with the small attack chopper Wild Bill quickly launched.

“Maximize!” the Maximals all said at once and transformed, readying their weapons.

“I’m surprised to see you here, Starscream!” Rainbow smirked as she and the Autobots’ fliers quickly transformed and went up to join in the dogfight. “I figured Megatron wouldn’t want to share his new favorite punching bag.”

“Laugh while you can, organic! I’ve more than learned my lesson after my spate with the AllSpark and Lord Megatron trusts me enough to bring him the power of the Enigma of Combination!” Starscream countered as he fired on the former racer.

“Not without backup, he doesn’t,” Scrapper yelled across the desert as the Constructicons roared into the area, along with a large troop of Vehicons.

“If I may, Scrapper? Since we’re fighting for the relic that made us what we are…” Hook suggested.

“An excellent suggestion, Hook,” Scrapper smirked. “Constructicons, Combine!” On that order, Scrapper and Mixmaster roared forward first and started shifting; Scrapper folded his scoop upward and Mixmaster leaned his whole body up on his cab to form feet which Long Haul launched onto, transforming into a waist and lower-body assembly similar to Twilight’s configuration, linking on top of the first two – Scrapper on the right, Mixmaster on the left – before Hook hinged similarly to Sunset and linked on top of the assembly, into which the remaining two Constructicons locked; Bonecrusher on the left and Scavenger on the right, each deploying large purple hands from black wrist assemblies before a large purple assembly that looked like a small fighter craft deployed and locked onto the Combiner’s chest and deployed a large black-helmeted head with a thick red visor.

“Devastator destroys all!” he bellowed.

“Oh, so it’s a Combiner fight you want, huh?” Rainbow smiled as the Vehicons transformed and started firing at the Joes and other Autobots.

“Then it’s a Combiner fight you’ll get.” Sunset agreed. “Let’s bring it together, girls!” Sunset ordered. The other girls all charged at Sunset and just like last time, they felt the energy of the gold chips in their bot-forms burning through their bodies before they all combined.

“Harmonion fights as one!” the new Combiner announced as she marched forward, seeing she was about the same height as Devastator. “How does this sound, old man? Wanna go toe-to-toe with the new girl on the block?”

“With pleasure.” Devastator smiled as he charged Harmonion and tackled her, but she barely moved, thanks in no small part to Applejack’s strength coursing through the Combiner’s massive valves.

This is too easy,” Rainbow smirked in the mental link.

Harmonion’s servos whirred and quickly grabbed Devastator into a suplex, slamming him down into the sand and sending up a massive wave of sand that blanketed the entire battlefield. “Sand-blind; shield your eyes!” Duke called as he quickly ducked behind one of the tanks, the sand quickly overtaking the team. “Storm, get the mortar up!”

“Locked and loaded!” Major Storm called as he flipped a switch and opened the back of the General, revealing a massive 120mm mortar cannon.

“Wild Bill, flash bombs; we need coordinates on those Cons!” Duke ordered.

Comin’ up!” Wild Bill reported and started buzzing over the battlefield, dropping small charges that burst into blinding flashes of light, easily illuminating large groups of Vehicons.

“I got ‘em!” Major Storm called and started firing the mortar, supported by fire from the tanks and Autobots as they destroyed a massive amount of Vehicons.

Heads up; we got more incomin’.” Wild Bill noted from the glare of his flash bombs.

“More Cons?” asked Chromia.

“Negative; I’m not reading any Spark signatures,” Powerglide noted.

“Then who is it?” asked Ironhide.

“COBRA!!!” That gave them the answer as a fleet of HISS Tanks and Rattler fighters roared toward the group.

“Figures.” Duke shrugged. “Steeler, focus fire on the HISS Tanks!”

“Copy that!” Steeler nodded and the tanks started exchanging fire.

Harmonion meanwhile simply pulled herself up from the sand and looked behind her. “Is that all you got, Devastator?”

The massive green and purple Combiner simply wrenched himself from the sand and stood up. “Not even close.” he bellowed and drew a massive purple blaster, firing at Harmonion.

Quickly she used Rarity’s magic to deflect the blasts back at Devastator, but they missed by a mile. “A little support here would be nice,” she called.

“Comin’ right up,” Roadblock called from one of the missile turrets. “FFT Missiles incomin’!” Four missiles flew from his turret and hit Devastator right in the back, but they didn’t do much in the way of damage.

“Two can play at that game, fleshy!” he bellowed and flipped his left hand out for a bank of nine missiles, all of which he launched toward the General. Harmonion barely had time to use Rainbow’s speed to zip in front of the large transport and deflect them with Rarity’s gems.

“If two is company, then three’s a party!” she smirked and charged again.

Did we seriously just say that?” asked Spike.

Don’t look at me; it was Rainbow’s idea.” Applejack pointed out.

I thought it would be funny.” Rainbow shrugged.

Focus; we’ve still got a Combiner to beat down!” Twilight countered as Harmonion continued to wrestle with Devastator.

I think I have an idea to include us in this explosives bash.” Sunset smiled. “Pinkie, think you can make us some sugar grenades?

Worth a try.” Pinkie shrugged.

Almost the instant Devastator kneed Harmonion in the midsection, the hood of Pinkie’s car opened and a large canister launched up into the Combiner’s left hand. As soon as Harmonion touched it, it started glowing pink so it was quickly thrown into Devastator’s face, where it exploded into a burning pink cloud of smoke.

“Gah! Ugh! Alright, that’s it!” Devastator snarled as he raised his blaster again, but Harmonion simply deflected it with a quick backhand and they kept punching each other.

Just then, the radio in the General turned on. “General, this is Defiant. I’m picking up something entering the star system. Whatever it is, it’s big and heading straight for your position.

Optimus’ commlink toned at almost the exact same time. “Optimus, this is Wheeljack. Teletraan’s detecting an unknown starcraft approaching your coordinates.

“Are they friend or foe?” Optimus asked as he maintained fire against the Decepticons and Cobra forces.

Hard to say; they’re coming in pretty fast,” Wheeljack noted.

“Fast is right; they’re right on top of us!” Jetfire called as he saw a massive ship colored teal and red descend upon the battlefield.

Chromia was the first to stop fighting at the sight of the massive transport as it landed not far from the General. “The Forge’s Torch…” she said breathlessly.

“The what?” asked Harmonion.

Right on cue, the ship opened and a team of six femmes all colored the same as the ship leaped out from the hatch and joined the battle, all armed with powerful weapons; the tallest of them hefted a massive pickaxe over her shoulder while the one with a banded mask like Wheeljack’s raised a large wrist-mounted crossbow with bladed arms, the one with unusual red face paint drew a bladed buckler, and the two copter-bots drew large swords while the smallest of them drew twin auto-pistols, all of which were used against Autobots and Decepticons alike.

Whoa, what’s this all about?” Applejack asked.

I don’t know, but if they wanna fight for the Enigma too, it’s probably safe to say they’re not on our side.” Twilight shrugged.

Then let’s go take ‘em down!” Rainbow roared as Harmonion charged, though, in the back of the mental link, Sunset was less sure.

The Autobots and Decepticons were both taken off-guard by these new attackers, but Chromia quickly laid her arms down as she raced toward one of them. “Pyra Magna, stop this! We are not your enemies!” she begged.

“Step aside, heretic! Those who misuse relics of the Holy Primes must face judgment!” Pyra barked as she swung her pick at Chromia, who barely had time to raise her shield to defend herself.

“You leave my lady alone!” Ironhide roared as he transformed and drove straight at Pyra, transforming again and firing at her at nearly point-blank range…

And his shots would’ve connected if the femme with face paint hadn’t suddenly teleported between them and tanked the shots on her bucker. “Same to you, sinner.” With that and little else, she bashed Ironhide in the face with her shield and knocked him and Chromia both back.

“Little too gung-ho there, don’t you think Jumpstream?” asked Pyra Magna.

“As if I’d let you get hurt, Pyra,” Jumpstream smirked.

“Flirt later, fight now, Jumpstream!” the feme with the mask bellowed as she fired energy arrows across the battlefield.

“Guh- Not the time, Dustup!” Jumpstream yelled as she charged back into the battle.

Hot Rod quickly slid to cover behind a downed Vehicon, ducking under a few of Dustup’s energy arrows. “You think you’re the only archer on this field?” he smirked and pulled part of his spoiler off his back, revealing it to be an energy bow which he aimed at Dustup and charged two energy arrows at once. “Get on my level.” He loosed the arrows and they both grazed Dustup’s arm.

“You’re pulling to the left,” Dustup smirked as she fired back at Hot Rod.

The bike-bot simply fired wildly and slid past the Wreckers until she reached the edge of the crater and looked into it to see the Enigma. “Whoa. Pyra Magna! It’s the Enigma of Combination!” she called.

“The Enigma?” Pyra said in shock, suddenly pushed to the side by Jumpstream just before Harmonion slammed an overhanded left hook into the sand where she was standing. “Well, that explains you. Secure the Enigma, Torchbearers; no one will be allowed access to this relic!” With that in mind, she quickly transformed into a massive eight-wheeled red firetruck and roared toward the crater.

That was the clincher for Sunset. “Girls, stop!” she bellowed and suddenly jerked her bot-form in one direction, suddenly pulling Harmonion apart and sending the girls tumbling into the sand.

“Ugh! That was completely uncalled-for, Sunset!” Rarity yelled as she stood up, brushing the sand off her paint. “I’m never going to get all this sand out.”

“Seriously SunShim, what was that for?” asked Rainbow.

“They didn’t even know we were fighting over the Enigma. And Chromia seemed to know them.” Sunset explained.

“Of course, I know them.” Chromia nodded as she and Ironhide limped over. “The Torchbearers are a peace-keeping organization from my home-colony Caminus.”

“Is everyone there as fanatical as them?” Rainbow asked as she pointed to the Torchbearers, who were quickly circling the crater around the Enigma.

Suddenly another form shot from the Torchbearers’ ship and flew over, tackling a sudden Vehicon away in a fast cloud of sand. “‘Fanatical’ is a hard word.” a female voice argued.

Chromia’s optics popped wide open at that voice. “Windblade?!” she asked in shock.

The sand cloud faded and revealed a gleaming red and black femme with blue highlights on her armor, a helmet similar to an ancient Japanese hairstyle, and a face colored with white and red paint that looked similar to kabuki paint… not to mention the massive wings with large mounted turbines and a large katana sheathed on her hip. “Sorry our reunion couldn’t be under better circumstances, Chromia.” she shrugged as she looked at her friend and back at Rainbow. “Nice wings, kid.”

Rainbow was almost too shocked at the sight of Windblade to think but still scoffed a bit. “Mine? Looked in a mirror lately?”

“Yeah, they’re nice, aren’t they?” Windblade smiled. “Anyway, like I was saying, all of Caminus is bound by a religion known as the Way of Flame which teaches us that Primes are holy beings and their relics are of the highest worship.”

That gave Sunset an idea. “Optimus! Open your chest! Show them the Matrix!”

Optimus was seemingly confused, but since they didn’t have any better ideas, he did as he was instructed and opened his chest, showing the Matrix of Leadership in all its glory and letting its energy and light burst out.

The Torchbearers were immediately stunned by the sight of this. “A Prime…” Pyra Magna said breathlessly as she stepped back toward the pit… and suddenly misjudged her footing, slipping into the crater.

“Pyra!” Jumpstream yelled and reached in after her leader… just as Pyra landed on the Enigma. Then its light consumed the Torchbearers who were all drawn into the crater at once.

When the light faded, no one was sure what had just happened… until a large silver hand reached up and grabbed the edge of the crater, pulling up another massive Combiner; Pyra Magna obviously formed the torso with the smallest of the Torchbearers linked on as a chestplate, Jumpstream and Dustup were the arms and the copter-bots were the legs, all beneath a large teal head with a red crown and glittering set of goggles. The Combiner appeared confused for a moment as she examined her new form, but her fists suddenly clenched as she looked around. “We… I… am… Victorion!” she bellowed and stomped forward, drawing a massive sword composed of all the Torchbearers’ weapons from their back and leveling it forward. “And any who do not wish to face divine retribution should leave. Now.”

Starscream was more than terrified at the sight of the Combiner then glanced down at Optimus. “I would strongly encourage doing as she says,” he said simply as he raised his rifle again.

That was good enough for Starscream. “Decepticons! Retreat!” he ordered and soared away as fast as he could, the remaining Seekers and Vehicons quickly following him along with the Constructicons, who separated from Devastator and all raced away, along with Cobra’s forces.

“Huh. Well, that went easier than I expected.” Elita remarked.

“Pretty easy to convince Camiens you’re the good guys if you have a Prime on your side.” Chromia pointed out as Victorion suddenly separated and reverted to the Torchbearers, who simply knelt before Optimus honorably.

“Great and honored Prime, my group humbly begs your forgiveness,” Pyra Magna said quickly. “We knew not who you were.”

“There is no need for you to beg, Torchbearers,” Optimus assured. “I am no divinity, and misunderstandings such as this are common in times of war.”

“Of course.” Pyra nodded as the Torchbearers stood up. “May we at least know the name of the honored Prime that treats us as friends?”

“I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots.” he introduced himself. “And we too are fighting to keep the relics of the Primes from the wrong hands.”

“Then it looks to me…” the copter-bot with the visor smiled.

“…that we just found some allies.” the other finished.

Spike appeared confused as he looked at the two copters. “Uh, what’s that about?”

“Don’t worry too much about Stormclash and Skyburst; they have a twinned Spark. You know how it is.” the smallest bot smirked. “I’m Rust Dust, by the way.”

“Pleasure. We caught the rest of your names in the fight.” Sunset agreed.

“Again, our deepest apologies for our encounter going like that.” Pyra Magna noted, turning to Optimus. “If we’d known you were a Prime, we would’ve-”

“No apology necessary, Pyra Magna,” Optimus assured as he held up his hand. “As I said, such misunderstandings are common in war.”

“Especially when you’re late to the party and don’t know who else is invited.” Mirage agreed, casting an annoyed look at Sunstreaker.

“Ugh. You’re still holding that friendly fire accident over me?” Sunstreaker asked in annoyance.

“It’s not exactly easy to forget when one of your own shoots a thermite grenade at your back!” Mirage pointed out angrily.

“I told you a thousand times; the sun was in my eyes and I thought you were Dragstrip!”

“Boys! Focus!” Sunset barked.

“Sorry.” the two apologized in annoyance.

“Well… that was… something,” Rhinox remarked.

“Yeah, that’s one word for it.” Rattrap shrugged as the Maximals switched to their beast modes.

“So… what now?” asked Moonracer.

“First off, I’d like to know what you’re doing here,” said Rainbow. “But I think we already know.”

“Yes. We were sent to this world by the Mistress of Flame – leader of the Way of Flame – to locate the relic that was activated on this planet.” Pyra explained, looking back into the crater. “We had no idea we would find the Enigma of Combination.”

“And what’s your excuse, Cityspeaker?” Jumpstream asked, pointing to Windblade.

Sunset’s interest seemed instantly piqued as Windblade rolled her optics. “Someone had to come along and keep an eye on you girls. And given what just happened here, I’d say it was a good call,” she said simply.

“I can accept that.” Pyra shrugged as she turned back to Optimus. “Now… what is to be done with the Enigma?”

“I should think that’s obvious,” Elita remarked, looking at her and Optimus. “After all, if we want to keep relics of the Primes out of the Decepticons’ hands… where better to send them than a planet where the Primes are hailed as gods?”

“Is that really the best idea?” Duke asked as Wild Bill landed his helicopter back on the General. “I mean, what if the Cons attack Caminus?”

“They are more than welcome to try, organic,” Pyra said with an edge to her voice. “Caminus is not simply a chapel; it is a bastion. If any attempt to plunder from us, they will die trying.”

“Hey, no need to get hostile here, lady; we’re on your side,” Roadblock called over.

“It’s true. See?” Hound noted, pointing to the Joes’ insignia on his chest.

“Man, what is it with bots and organic life?” asked Applejack.

“Don’t take it personally; it’s just that organic and technological life in the universe have rarely seen eye-to-optic through history,” Trailbreaker explained bluntly.

“Well… no reason not to start now.” Sunset shrugged as she collapsed her Armor back to her geode, followed by the other girls which deeply surprised the Torchbearers.

“What in Solus’ name…?” Pyra asked in shock.

“It is… a long story,” Optimus said simply. “But humans have proven time and time again to be sound allies to Cybertronian life. And while we have made a home on their planet, we have not forgotten our original home of Cybertron. And we would gladly accept further aid in ensuring we return there in time.”

Pyra bowed her head nobly at the suggestion. “We would be honored, Optimus Prime,” she said.

“Count me in, too.” Windblade agreed as she stepped forward. “Not much of a point being a Cityspeaker if you don’t find a few new Titans to speak with.”

“I… kinda want to talk to you about that later, if that’s okay.” Sunset agreed.

“Sure, kid.” Windblade smiled.

“Very well then. We will take the Enigma to Caminus and return to join your war.” Pyra nodded as she carefully picked the Enigma up out of the crater and carried it to the Torchbearers’ ship.

“Signal us when you’re ready and we’ll send the SpaceBridge to pick you up,” Bumblebee ordered simply. The Torchbearers offered a final salute and bow to the Autobots before their ship closed up and took off into the stars.

Once they were gone, Rainbow started snickering. “What’s so funny?” asked Twilight.

“Oh. Just thinking about how Starscream’s gonna explain this to Megatron.” Rainbow smirked.

“Ho-ho-ho, man; I didn’t even think of that.” Cliffjumper laughed a bit. “Man, what I’d give to be a fly on the wall of that conversation.”

In fairness, any flies on the wall would probably be smashed considering how many times Megatron had already thrown Starscream into the walls. “So you mean to tell me, Starscream, that not only have you failed to secure the Enigma of Combination, but you’ve allowed the Autobot to add another Combiner to their ranks on this dirt heap of a planet?!” the warlord roared in outrage.

“P- Please, My Lord, I was not expecting these newcomers!” Starscream choked. “Just- Just give me another chance, please!”

“Lord Megatron.” Soundwave walked over, interrupting the warlord.

Megatron snarled as he dropped Starscream on the deck. “Speak, Soundwave.”

“I detected a vessel leaving the planet carrying an energy signature,” Soundwave reported, displaying the energy readings on his chest screen.

Megatron scowled. “The Enigma… Where is it going?”

“Most likely destination; Caminus.”

“Caminus? Pfft; that figures. They treat Primes as gods; it’s only natural they would deny me the weapons I rightfully deserve.” Megatron scowled, promptly turning to Sky Shadow. “And what of our human ‘allies’, Sky Shadow? What excuse do they offer for their failure in securing the Enigma?”

“None but fear, my lord.” Sky Shadow assured. “This Camien Combiner did appear to be more than they could handle. I assure you though that Cobra Commander has promised they will be punished most severely for their failure.”

“At least he and I share one interest; punishing disloyalty.” Megatron scowled.

Starscream groaned as he pulled himself to his feet. “What now, Lord Megatron? Do we lay siege to Caminus?”

Skywarp just chuckled derisively. “Help yourself. I’ll teleport my fist inside your abdomen and wave.” Starscream simply scowled at his brother in annoyance.

“Skywarp speaks truly, Starscream.” Megatron pointed out, interrupting whatever his commander had in mind. “Caminus has been impenetrable since it was colonized, and for very good reason. Even we dare not attempt to invade them. It would be suicide.”

“Yes, my lord.” Starscream nodded in annoyed understanding.

“I must agree with Starscream, Lord Megatron; with the Enigma and first Galaxy Key in the hands of the Autobots, what do we do now?” asked Sky Shadow.

That was when the computer toned. “Lord Megatron, we’ve decoded the next set of Galaxy Key coordinates.” a Vehicon reported.

“Display the location,” Megatron ordered, prompting the destination to appear on the ship’s screen. “Eukaris…”

“The home of those biomechanical deviants?” Sky Shadow asked in disgust. “Huh. Well, that oughtta be enjoyable.”

Megatron couldn’t help but smile cruelly. “Well, Starscream… you wanted another chance…” he said. “And so I shall give it to you; accompany me to Eukaris and assist me in leveraging their Galaxy Key to our hands.”

“Yes, Lord Megatron.” Starscream nodded, despising this plan already as he followed his lord to the SpaceBridge.

Sky Shadow was right about one thing, at least; Cobra Commander dealt with the soldiers who returned from the Gobi Desert very swiftly… by executing them all by firing squad. “What manner of morons do I have working for me that they dare run from battle with G.I. Joe and their toys?!” the commander roared in anger.

“Calm yourself, Commander,” Baroness assured. “We are not done yet.”

“No. Indeed not.” the Commander nodded, turning to the one-eyed soldier at his side. “Tell me, Major Bludd; has there been any progress on our project in Cambodia?”

“Not much.” Bludd shrugged. “Blighter’s really in that mountain tight, and we’ve hit the stone with everythin’ short of a particle cannon, but the bugger hasn’t even cracked.”

“Shielded, then.” the commander noted. “Return to Cambodia and keep digging; bring me the entire mountain if you have to, just bring me the weapon.”

“Yes sir.” Major Bludd bowed and swiftly left.

“I request to go with him.” a man asked from the shadows, wearing a ninja Gi in all white. “You never know who may show up.”

“Patience, Storm Shadow.” Cobra Commander ordered. “You will go where I tell you to go.”

Storm Shadow simply scowled under his mask and slunk away. “You know he’s going to go with Bludd no matter what,” Baroness remarked.

“Of course. But in the meantime, I expect progress. From all fronts.” Cobra Commander pointed out, casting a glare over at Destro, obvious even through his mask.

“My men have been workin’ round the clock to reverse-engineer as much Cybertronian tech as they can,” Destro assured. “We’re close to a breakthrough, sir; I assure you.”

“As you have been assuring me for weeks.” Cobra Commander scowled. “Until I hold a weapon in my hand, I don’t think I’ll be believing you.”

“You will, Commander. You will.” Destro nodded as he walked off. Baroness left as well, leaving Cobra Commander knowing that whatever came next would be dangerous for all Cybertronian life on Earth.