• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,827 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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Perfect Harmony

Ratchet was next to Retrofit in less than a second as Optimus stared up at the shrine, at Megatron who was presently surrounded by the Stunticons. “I admit, I was a bit impatient earlier today, Optimus.” Megatron sneered as he took the Planet Cup in hand. “But clearly patience is rewarded, for now the Decepticons have one of the Galaxy Keys. And more will come. And soon, Cybertron will be ours to rule.”

“You know perfectly well that I will never allow you to possess the Galaxy Key, Megatron.” Optimus pointed out.

“Then by all means, Prime…” Megatron smiled as he locked the Cup to his back and drew his sword. “Come and take it. Or perhaps instead, you will be more concerned with the innocents you so care for.” With a snap of his fingers, legions of Vehicons stood up from the stands and started firing at the Autobots.

“Hit the deck!” Sunstreaker called as he and Sideswipe knocked Override and Stormchaser to cover.

“And now you understand why I had to leave when I did.” Sideswipe shrugged as he pulled his blaster and started returning fire, as all the other Autobots did as well.

“I need cover fire over here!” Ratchet called as he tried to focus on attending to Retrofit.

“Got yer back!” Ironhide called as he moved to the medic’s side, providing covering fire as Optimus and Megatron charged each other, blades at the ready.

The battle was epic as Autobots and Decepticons fought hard through the city. “Having fun yet, boys?” Motormaster smirked.

“You better believe it!” Wildrider called wildly as he fired at the Autobots.

“Yeah, this is way better than just racin’!” Ransack smiled as he and Crumplezone fired into the crowd.

“Oh, now I remember what we forgot,” Dragstrip smirked.

“As do I. Cover me.” Motormaster nodded as he walked over to the two goons, his other soldiers covering him. “Ransack? Crumplezone?”

“Yeah?” the two goons asked… before Motormaster blasted them both in the chest and left them to bleed out.

“You’re both fired,” Motormaster said simply as they died. “Stunticons, Combine!” The Stunticons quickly all drove into each other and slammed together to form their mighty combined form. “Menasor, burnin’ rubber!”

Megatron had just knocked Optimus down when he saw Menasor rise. “Yes. Excellent. Now Menasor, crush this world in the name of the Decepticons!” he bellowed.

Suddenly Rainbow shot behind him. “Yoink!” she laughed as she grabbed the Planet Cup from his back and skidded to a stop. “Gotta keep your head in the game, Megs.” Megatron merely snarled and aimed his cannon at Rainbow. “Oh jeez!” Quickly she zipped out of the way of Megatron’s cannon, dodging the shots as he fired on her.

“Hey Dash! How bout a round of keep-away?” Applejack called.

“Go long!” Rainbow called as she tossed the Planet Cup to the cowgirl, which ended up becoming a pitched game of keep-away between all the girls just to keep the Planet Cup away from the Decepticons.

“This is insane!” Stormchaser yelled as she fired on some of the Vehicons.

“And exactly why I left; I didn’t want you or your mother getting wrapped up in all this!” Sideswipe shrugged.

“So you left your girlfriend behind when she was pregnant?!” Sunstreaker asked in irritation as he pelted a legion of Vehicons with thermite grenades.

“I didn’t know she was pregnant when I left; all I knew was she had a secret to tell me!” Sideswipe pointed out, turning back to Override. “But, while we’re on the subject, I do feel like you should’ve told me about that before the race!”

“Maybe if you’d told me you had to leave, I would’ve.” Override countered.

“Can you guys please save this for later? Like when we’re not in the middle of a firefight?!” Bumblebee called over in annoyance as he kept firing at the Vehicons.

“Yeah, and can we also talk about how you kept my dad a secret for my whole life, Mom?!” Stormchaser asked.

“You never even told her about me?!” Sideswipe asked as he slashed one Vehicon’s head off with his swords.

“I told her the truth; you left before she was born! That seemed like enough at the time.” Override scowled.

“Well, it’s not enough now.” Stormchaser countered as she stabbed another Vehicon with her forearm blade. “You tell me my dad never cared about us enough to stick around and all of a sudden, you tell me he’s back?!”

“You told her I didn’t care about you!?” Sideswipe asked angrily.

“Sideswipe! Firefight! Focus!” Ironhide called.

“No, that’s a very valid concern Ironhide; a parent leaving before birth is one thing but being told they didn’t even care?!” Rarity objected as she swirled her gem shields around her to protect herself and the Planet Cup from enemy fire, quickly tossing the Cup in turn to Sunset.

“She’s got a point. Can you imagine what would happen if you left me if I was pregnant? What would I tell our kid?” Chromia agreed as she swung her axe.

“Can we please focus here?!” Fluttershy cried out, surprising a lot of the Autobots with her volume.

“Sheesh, okay fine; we’ll talk about it later.” Sideswipe shrugged… before he saw something. “Stormchaser, look out!” Quickly he jumped across his daughter just in time to get a massive energy blast right in the chest.

“SIDESWIPE!” Override called in terror as she watched him fall limp on the ground.

“Medic!” Sunstreaker called.

“He’s not the only one who’s gonna need it!” Menasor roared as he stomped forward, his massive sword and shoulder cannons at the ready. “Unless you hand over the Planet Cup. Now.”

Sunset scowled as she stood forward, looking up at Menasor. “You’ll never have this Galaxy Key or any of the others,” she assured, her friends standing with her.

“Oh? And what do you plan to do to stop us, organic slug?” Menasor scowled, leveling his massive sword.

“Whatever’s necessary,” Sunset assured. “Because that’s what Autobots– no, that’s what friends do. And my friends and I have proven time and time again that as long as we’re together, darkness will never win.” The girls’ geodes resonated with power as Sunset said that, and surprisingly, so did the Matrix of Leadership within Optimus’s chest.

“By the AllSpark…” the Prime remarked breathlessly as he felt this surge of power… and how familiar it felt.

Across the galaxy back on Earth, a strange metallic prism thrummed with the same sort of energy before it opened and revealed a core of pure energy, which shot a massive beam of mystic energy out into space. A beam that was detected by the Autobots, Decepticons, G.I. Joe, and Cobra all at once. At the speed of light, the beam shot across the galaxy before it hit Velocitron and enveloped the girls and Spike. “What’s happening?!” Fluttershy asked in fear.

“I dunno, but it feels… incredible,” Applejack remarked.

Twilight looked around through the energy and saw a look of shock on all the Autobots’ faces and even one from Menasor. “Whoa, what’s going on?” Rainbow asked as out of nowhere, she started to jerk and spasm in what looked like pain. Everyone looked and saw that somehow this energy was reformatting her bot form to its original alt-mode of jet-fighter.

Then they appeared; small metallic gold disks suddenly formed from thin air in front of the girls’ optics with their symbols emblazoned on them. Their bot-forms’ chests opened up and these disks locked in behind their organic bodies before they closed up, their optics flashing sheer white as they started hovering before they all suddenly transformed to vehicle mode. Then things started getting crazy.

Pinkie’s car mode landed on the ground and spun into reverse and suddenly launched itself in the air, a large metallic foot construct deploying from its tail end before it landed with Fluttershy’s copter hovering next to her, the cockpit folding out into a foot as the rotors and tail collapsed into a leg. Twilight’s car roared toward them before it launched and everything behind the front doors flipped down under the front bumper and split in half into metallic thighs that locked into place on top of the leg constructs, Pinkie on the left and Fluttershy on the right. Then Sunset’s car leaped up and hinged horizontally in the midsection before it landed on top of the structure so far, the fenders folding under the bumpers to form large metallic orange breasts.

Applejack and Rarity were next, with Applejack’s truck linking into the new form’s left shoulder area by the front, a large fist folding out from the bed before Rarity’s car linked into the right shoulder and a similar fist folded out from under the rear bumper. Then Rainbow’s jet swooped up and locked into the assembly’s back, its wings extending longer and unfurling large blue crystalline feathers as the engines extended and bulked up before the nosecone folded point-down into a cavity in the body, allowing a white-faced head with a helmet that glittered like light blue crystal interspersed with white star-like spots to rise up, its optics flashing white before they glowed a steady blue.

Then Spike raced over to the massive form and leaped up at its breastplate, his legs quickly splaying out and linking into the shape of handles similar to those on the Matrix as his head folded onto his torso and his scalp opened, revealing an ornate gold display with seven colored crystals emblazoned on it.

Whoa, what just happened?” Rainbow’s voice echoed inside the large robot’s mind.

Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked in surprise.

Whoa, Twilight?! Is that- are we reading each other’s minds?” Rainbow thought back.

What’s happening here?” asked Fluttershy.

Ah think Ah know,” Applejack noted, making the robot’s optics look down at their body.

Whoa! Did we just combine?!” Pinkie asked. “Awesome!

Of course. Our unity must’ve activated whatever allows Cybertronians to combine.” Twilight noted in understanding.

And how does that explain this?” Rarity asked, clearly referring to the telepathic aspect of everything.

It must take us thinking in sync to operate this new form.” Sunset theorized.

Why’d it reformat me then?” asked Rainbow.

Probably because your jet form is more conducive to the Combiner’s structure.” Twilight theorized.

Whatever the case, we need a name for this beauty.” Pinkie pointed out.

Only one real thing I can think of for that.” Sunset smiled. The others all heard it in their minds and they liked it.

Suddenly the Combiner’s optics flashed a brighter blue before it posed strongly. “Harmonion fights as one!” it bellowed in a deep female voice. Menasor was more than a bit intimidated as Harmonion was at least a few dozen meters taller than him and definitely looked a lot stronger.

(Cut it)

“What?!” Megatron yelled in shock at the sight of this new Combiner, but it quickly turned to rage. “Menasor, destroy them!”

Menasor wasn’t sure what he could do but quickly started firing his shoulder cannons at Harmonion, but she quickly raised her right hand and conjured a large shield made of crystals, deflecting every shot.

My goodness! That’s my magic!” Rarity recognized easily.

Not anymore it’s not; we all have access to it now.” Rainbow smiled.

Not just yours; I think we can all use all our magic in this form.” Twilight smiled.

What about my dragon powers?” Spike suggested.

Worth a try.” Rainbow smiled.

On that cue, Harmonion reared back and opened her mouth, blasting a huge torrent of multi-colored fire across the battlefield, incinerating nearly all the remaining Vehicons. “Whoa! These girls get more and more awesome with each passing cycle.” Smokescreen smiled.

Menasor just roared as he charged the fire and swung his blade at Harmonion, but his sword was quickly caught in the left hand before the right hand stretched out and conjured a huge field of crystals into the form of a massive greatsword, the flat of which was swiftly bashed against Menasor, knocking him into the wall of the shrine and forcing him out of his combined form.

Oh, this is awesome!” Rainbow yelled as the Combiner dispelled its sword. “I don’t wanna separate, ever!

You really want us all in each other’s heads all the time?” asked Sunset.

Okay, so there are some downsides but come on; this is awesome!” Rainbow pointed out.

I must agree with Rainbow Dash; color-clashing aside, this form is simply divine!” Rarity agreed.

“Who’s next?” Harmonion smiled down at the remaining Decepticons.

Megatron was still more than surprised at this Combiner’s sudden appearance but scowled as he saw he was clearly outmatched against it and the other Autobots. And either way, he had more important things to worry about than just this single Galaxy Key. “Make no mistake, Optimus Prime; this is far from over.” Megatron bellowed to his rival before he turned away. “Decepticons, return to base.” With that, Megatron marched away toward a SpaceBridge followed by the Stunticons and what few Vehicons remained.

Once they were gone, the girls flashed white again and separated back into their individual bot forms. “Okay, that was awesome!” Rainbow called.

“I’d say so.” Bumblebee smiled… before becoming forlorn. “And now comes the attending to the wounded.”

“Oh dear, that’s right.” Fluttershy realized as she raced to Sideswipe’s side to try and help Hoist in keeping him stable while Ratchet attended to Retrofit.

“Is he gonna be okay?” asked Hot Rod.

Ratchet’s face fell. “I’m sorry; the damage is too severe. His Spark is giving out,” he said somberly. “Sideswipe has a better chance, but I need to take over from Hoist.”

Hot Rod and Clocker looked at each other in sorrow, but it was clear they had come to the same decision. “Go.” Hot Rod nodded, letting the old medic zip over to Sideswipe. “Retrofit, I-”

“Ya don’t have to say it, son.” the old bot wheezed. “I already know. Ya may not be my blood, but I’m damn lucky to have had ya with me. Clocker?”

“I’m here, Retrofit.” he nodded.

“Look after the farm for me, will ya?” the old bot wheezed.

“I will. I promise.” Clocker assured, suddenly surprised when Retrofit pulled him closer and whispered something into his ear. Clocker appeared surprised, but he couldn’t ask anything as the light in Retrofit’s optics burned out.

Across the way, Sideswipe was struggling as Ratchet jumped in. “Talk to me, Hoist; what’ve we got?” he ordered.

“The blast hit his filters; he’s losing too much Energon.” Hoist responded.

“Please tell me you can fix him,” Override said with a sense of desperation.

“I can get him patched long enough to get him to a CR chamber; beyond that, it’s up to him.” Ratchet shrugged as he grabbed a large plate of scrap metal, quickly welding it onto Sideswipe’s torso as he grit his teeth in pain.

“C’mon Doc, no painkillers?” Sideswipe cringed.

“Your filters are damaged enough as it is; the last thing you need right now is drugs.” Ratchet countered.

“At least his attitude’s still intact.” Sunstreaker shrugged.

“More than I can say for my optics; can’t see slag.” Sideswipe groaned, starting to weaken.

“Don’t you dare leave, Dad; you just got here!” Stormchaser ordered desperately. “I want to get to know you before you go.”

“You will; I promise you that.” Ratchet nodded as he finished welding on the metal.

“Where’s the nearest health center?” Hoist asked.

“Up that way; ninth building on the left.” Hot Rod answered quickly.

“Clear the way.” Hoist ordered as he transformed and quickly winched Sideswipe onto his truck bed, flooring it toward the health center as his and Ratchet’s sirens blared.

“Is Sideswipe gonna be okay?” Spike asked.

“Ratchet’s the best there is; even a patch job from him oughtta be enough to keep my bro alive until the CR Chamber can do its magic,” Sunstreaker assured.

“I’d prefer to make sure of that for myself if no one minds.” Override assured as she and Stormchaser suddenly transformed and raced after the emergency vehicles.

As promised, Ratchet and Hoist got Sideswipe into a CR chamber in the health center just in time and while the next two hours of repair were a long time for most of the Autobots to hold their breath, Sideswipe was soon intact enough to regain consciousness and smile at his friends and family all around him. “Don’t worry, guys; I’m not ready to join the AllSpark just yet.”

“You asshole,” Sunstreaker smirked as he watched Stormchaser hug her father in his bed. “You don’t come back from the brink with a lame line like that.”

“How far over the brink was I, Ratchet?” Sideswipe asked.

“Far enough that your treatment got priority,” Ratchet assured. “You’re alive, but until you’re completely back in one piece, you’re on medical leave. Here, if you want.”

“Really?” asked Sideswipe.

“We have discussed it,” Optimus assured. “Even if your damage did not make returning you to Earth a risk, you deserve some time here. To make amends and be with your family.”

Sideswipe smiled as he held Stormchaser with one arm and gripped Override’s hand with the other. “Thank you, Optimus,” he said simply.

Sunstreaker smiled as he looked at his brother. “Get well soon, bro,” he said. “And Override?” Override looked over at Sunstreaker who smirked. “Make sure my brother actually does get better, or Ratchet will be the least of your concerns.”

“You’re right; if he doesn’t take it easy, he’ll have to answer to us both.” Override agreed and bumped fists with Sunstreaker. “Good luck with the war.”

“We’ll need it.” Arcee nodded as she looked at the Planet Cup in Rainbow’s arms. “One down, three to go, after all.”

“And now we’re down a bot.” Kup scowled.

“Not for long.” Hot Rod stepped forward. “I’d like to join you.”

“Are you certain, Hot Rod?” asked Optimus.

“Three weeks ago, I would’ve said yes just out of interest of my own thrill-seeking.” Hot Rod smiled. “But now that I know everything that’s happening? I dunno; something… something in my Spark is telling me that I need to go with you. Like, it’s what I’m meant to do.”

“Far be it from us to argue with a bot’s Spark, Optimus.” Ironhide pointed out.

“Very well, Hot Rod. Welcome to the Autobots.” Optimus nodded, shaking Hot Rod’s hand.

“Well, now that we have that out of the way, we have another problem.” Elita pointed out.

“Indeed. And it can only be properly addressed on Earth.” Optimus noted and turned on his commlink. “Optimus Prime to the Ark; lock onto my signal and activate the SpaceBridge.” The vortex opened just behind Optimus, giving the Autobots a solid path back to Earth.

Unfortunately, they weren’t the only ones with trouble on their mind as a brig cell opened. Starscream curled into the corner in fear as Megatron stomped into the cell. “Does your loyalty lie only with the Decepticon cause, Starscream?” the warlord asked darkly.

“Of course, Lord Megatron,” Starscream said in fear.

“Then scramble your Seekers,” Megatron ordered. “The Enigma of Combination has been activated on this planet and I intend to be the one to possess it, so the Decepticons might finally crush the Autobots underfoot.”

Starscream was surprised; after going against the Decepticons with the AllSpark, Megatron was willing to allow him access to such great power as the Enigma of Combination? This was an opportunity handed him on a silver platter. “As you command, Lord Megatron.” he nodded and stepped past the warlord, already scheming as he left to take his Seekers out to do just as he was ordered.

But the Decepticons weren’t the only ones to mobilize. On a distant planet, a tall femme watched the starry sky, her face wreathed in shadows from burning braziers nearby. “A relic of the Primes has found life,” she said simply. “Its power must not be misused.”

“As you command, mistress.” a bulky femme bowed before she boarded a large ship and hovered from the surface. It nearly left the planet before a dark form leaped from the shadows and slipped in through the closing hatch before the ship flew from the planet’s surface and shot across the galaxy.