• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,815 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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The Decepticons’ warship hung low in orbit around Earth, its sloped prow cutting through the air undetected by human surveillance systems by advanced cloaking technologies.

And right now, most of the crew was gathered on the bridge of the craft to watch their lord and master tear three winged officers (one gray, one blue, and one black) all new tailpipes.

“Tell me Starscream… considering your monumental failure to do that which Barricade could not… and your even more colossal failure to locate the Autobots’ base… why I should not kill you and your imbecilic brothers where you stand!” Megatron charged his massive cannon and leveled it at his soldiers.

Starscream was instantly frightened as he and his brothers swiftly dropped to their knees. “Lord Megatron, we offer no excuse,” he assured. “We drew close to what we believe was the Autobots’ base, but Jetfire blocked our path, and you know better than any how powerful he is.”

Megatron snarled but lowered his cannon. “Yes. Jetfire is a powerful warrior.” he nodded, turning his back to the flyers. “Had he not betrayed me; you would still be taking orders from him.”

“Of course, Lord Megatron.” Starscream nodded; he still remembered when Jetfire was his commanding officer on Cybertron.

“Though that still does not answer my first question.” Megatron reminded. “Since you lost the map to the AllSpark, why should I not kill you?”

“Because, Lord Megatron, we haven’t lost the map yet.” the black fighter reminded.

Megatron seemed intrigued. “Explain, Skywarp. Quickly.”

“I would. But why not allow Soundwave that particular honor?” Skywarp smirked, glancing over at a blue boxy con with a silver mouthplate, a red visor, and an almost glass panel on his chest.

“Well, Soundwave?” Megatron asked.

“Affirmative, Lord Megatron.” Soundwave nodded, speaking in an almost computerized monotone voice as he brought up a computer feed. “Tracking systems are still locked onto the signature of the AllSpark map, though it is fragmented.”

“The Autobots must have split the components up to keep them out of our hands.” the blue flyer suggested.

“I doubt it, Thundercracker.” Barricade reminded, limping a bit with his still damaged leg. “If the Autobots got their hands on the map, why not just use it? It must be the organics Bumblebee was protecting.”

“You mean the ones you claim damaged you?” Starscream smirked.

“That was no ordinary organic, Starscream.” Barricade scowled. “She had the strength of an Insecticon.”

“Please. If organics have this sort of power, why have they not used it before?” Starscream reminded.

“A valid point Starscream. Nevertheless, for an organic to damage a Decepticon so severely is no easy task.” Megatron agreed. “We must remain vigilant. Starscream, assemble our best ground-warriors; order them to track the signatures of each map fragment and bring them to me.”

“As you command, Lord Megatron.” Starscream bowed as he and his brothers left the bridge. “Fool. One simple incident of being chased off by an enemy and he does not trust us to handle this mission ourselves.”

“His logic is hardly unfounded, brother.” Thundercracker reminded. “Flyers would draw too much attention from the organics.”

“Were I the leader of the Decepticons, I would raze the entire city to the ground and pick the map from the ashes.” Starscream snarled.

“Well, until that time comes, we’d best return to our objective,” Skywarp advised, turning to a console. “All hands, this is Air Subcommander Skywarp. Requesting seven elite ground soldiers report to the GroundBridge-deck for a field mission.” Soon enough, when the brothers arrived on a deck of the ship occupied by a large circular system, they found seven soldiers there waiting for them, all with wheels.

“Excellent.” Starscream smiled, bringing up the tracking data on the nearby computer. “You will all be GroundBridged to the same area of this city. Once you leave the ship, you will separate and go to your assigned positions.”

“It appears as though each fragment of the map has been given to a certain organic lifeform, who is accompanied by one of the Autobots, who you’ll have to go through in order to get the map fragment,” Thundercracker explained. “Dead End, you’ll go after Trailbreaker.”

“If you insist.” the red and black con sighed. Two others rolled their eyes; they knew Dead End was always a fatalist among allies, but in battle, he was vicious.

“Wildrider, you take Cliffjumper.” Thundercracker continued. “Breakdown, you get Bluestreak. Offroad, you take Beachcomber; and Swindle, you take Tracks.”

“I suppose I’ll be taking Bumblebee then.” a red con with what looked like a yellow-metal pompadour smirked.

“Actually Knock Out, we were planning on sending you after Arcee and simply sending Crankcase after-” It was just then that Skywarp noticed something. “Uh… where’s Crankcase?” And sure enough, the ‘Con they were planning on sending was nowhere to be found…

Until he fell from the ceiling, his chestplate ripped open and dripping liquid Energon, swiftly followed by his assailant; a black and red female Decepticon with flames on her breastplate, a bow in her hands, and a psychotic look in her eye. “No one touches Arcee but me!” she snarled madly. “I have much to share with my beloved sister!”

Thundercracker and Skywarp glanced to Starscream, who simply sighed as he knew what they were about to say. “Very well, Flamewar. Arcee is yours to destroy while Knock Out will go after Bumblebee.” he relented. “Now, let us proceed. Blast Off, open the GroundBridge.”

“Roger. Opening now.” a brown flyer nodded, pulling a large lever that activated a massive green vortex within the circular rig in the room.

“Decepticons, to battle!” Starscream ordered, prompting all the Decepticons to transform and race through the vortex. The Autobots didn’t know it yet, but they would be in serious need of the map soon.