• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,816 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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Wreck 'n' Rule!

Optimus, I’m detecting an incursion in the atmosphere,” Teletraan reported, drawing the attention of the crew. “It appears to be a Cybertronian starcraft of some sort.

“Ours or theirs?” asked Rainbow.

Perceptor quickly went to the computer terminal and saw a strange signal. “There is something coming through a restricted band,” he reported, quickly analyzing it. “An Autobot identification beacon.”

“More ‘Bots?” asked Applejack. “Well, that’s good to hear. Always nice to have some more muscle.”

“Could be a trap. The Decepticons aren’t above baiting traps with false beacons.” Prowl brought up.

“We cannot let the opportunity pass us by if it is not a trap,” Optimus assured, turning on a com-channel. “Unknown vessel, this is the Ark. Identify yourself.” No response. “Unknown vessel, this is Optimus Prime; identify yourself.”

Inferno stepped forward, and his optics went wide when he saw the ship on the screen. “No freakin’ way. That’s no unknown, Optimus; that’s the Xantium; the Wreckers’ old tub.”

“The Wreckers?! Your old spec-ops team? Oh, this is gonna be fun.” Rainbow smiled.

“Yeah, if the Decepticons don’t get to it first.” Twilight reminded.

“Ha! They’d better be sendin’ their toughest Combiners, ‘cause that’s what it’ll take to bring down the boys,” Inferno assured. “Whaddaya say we go give my boys a proper welcome to Earth?”

“That’s if they’re still alive up there.” Wheeljack shrugged. “No response; could be everyone onboard's dead.”

“Or in stasis.” Bumblebee countered. “Either way, how about you and our human friends head over there and check it out?”

“Glad to. Wheeljack, send us over to where the thing’s gonna land.” Inferno ordered, hitting the button to drop the GroundBridge assembly.

“Right, you’re headed out.” Wheeljack smiled as he opened the GroundBridge, prompting Inferno to transform and open all his doors, allowing the girls aboard before the fire truck roared through the vortex.

When they exited the vortex, the team looked around and saw they were on a fairly abandoned section of Mexican beach near the gulf. “Uh… I’m confused; where’s the ship?” Rainbow was right to ask; the ship was nowhere near the group. Not that they could see anyway.

Then Spike made the unfortunate decision to look up. ‘Uh… it’s up there.” he whimpered. Everyone looked and saw the massive ship falling toward Earth… right on top of them.

“Oh scrap! Everyone into V-modes; scatter!” Rainbow ordered, quickly activating her Armor straight to jet-mode so she could fly away. The others followed her lead and burned rubber or jet fuel to get out of the way just before the ship crashed in the surf off the coast, a massive wave of sand and seawater shooting up toward the beach.

Once the massive wave faded, the team all looked out from their various cover and looked out at the impact site. “Whew. Man, that was too close.” Rainbow remarked. “Is everyone okay?” Everyone gave affirmative remarks, though a nasty-sounding scrape from Inferno said otherwise.

“Ugh. Ooh, feels like I might have a sand-wedgie, but other than that; yeah, I’m good,” he remarked, looking out to sea. “Now, let’s go get the guys outta there.”

“Are you sure they’re okay?” asked Fluttershy.

Xantium’s a Nova-class combat cruiser; they were built to last. And that goes double for her crew; we Wreckers don’t get hurt easily.” Inferno assured. “Even if we did, stasis pods are basically cushioned for all sorts of accidents or impacts. Cmon, lemme introduce you to the ol’ wreckin’ crew.” With that, he led the team into the water and marched toward the ship.

“I hope I’m not generalizing, but… The Wreckers; they aren’t too… uncouth, are they?” asked Rarity.

“Pfft. Furthest thing from.” Inferno assured. “Just a bunch of rough-and-tumble spawns of glitches more than ready to take the fight to the Decepticons. Really, the only ones you need to look out for are Whirl; who’s a total psycho, and Impactor; guy’s disposition makes Prowl look cuddly.”

I heard that.” Prowl remarked over the coms.

“What the-? What; do you listen in on all our coms chatter?” asked Sunset.

I like to know what’s being said behind my back.” the cop-bot remarked.

“Hey, you know how sour Impactor is. Am I wrong in saying he’s worse than you?” Inferno smirked. The lack of a response gave the fire-bot all the answer he needed. “Thought so. And as an added bonus, it feels like my wedgie’s gone.” Finally, the crew made it to the main forward airlock. “Hope the impact didn’t break this thing.”

“Lemme try.” Applejack suggested as she waded forward and pressed her hands on the door, easily pushing them apart.

“Show-off,” Rainbow remarked.

“Oh hi Kettle, meet Pot,” Sunset smirked.

“Very funny.”

“I thought so.” Sunset shrugged as the team all slid into the airlock. Thankfully the controls for the inner door were still functional, so Inferno was able to open it himself, seeing a fairly trashed hallway.

“Oh, this bodes poorly,” he remarked, pulling his gun from his back. “Everyone be on guard; I don’t trust this.” The rest of the team quickly prepped their weapons as they slowly walked down the ship’s hallways. “Springer? Broadside? Guzzle, you guys there?”

“I don’t like this, Inferno,” Twilight remarked. “It looks like there was a major battle on this ship.”

“Wouldn’t surprise me if Twin Twist and Topspin had another brawl; those two fight like only brothers will,” Inferno remarked. “And if it isn’t them, it was probably someone Springer owes money. The guy was a smuggler before the war; got into a lot of trouble. Only the crew really knows… wherever they are.”

“Found ‘em!” Pinkie called from a certain chamber. The team looked and saw a large room filled with stasis pods containing the Wreckers.

“How’d you find ‘em so fast?” asked Twilight.

“I just read the signs, silly.” Pinkie giggled. And sure enough, there above the door was a sign that read Stasis Room.

“Oh. How’d I forget about this?” Inferno remarked as the team moved in, Twilight checking the status of all the pods.

“Well, their vitals appear nominal, so that’s a good sign,” Twilight remarked. “Let’s see if we can wake them up. Fluttershy, a little medical assistance?”

Fluttershy nodded as she walked over to the console, glad she had been paying attention when Ratchet and Wheeljack taught her how to revive a bot from stasis as she worked the controls.

As she worked, Rainbow glanced over and saw Inferno looked a bit pensive. “Something wrong?”

“Crew’s changed since I left,” Inferno remarked. “Few unfamiliar faces, few guys missing. I mean, the Wreckers were basically a Special Ops suicide squad so the mortality rate was pretty high, but still… I at least thought I’d recognize more of these guys.” He stepped over to one pod and wiped some dust from it, suddenly smirking at the blue-helmeted face inside the pod. “Course, every Autobot in the universe knows this old junker. I can’t believe it; Impactor actually brought Kup onboard.”

“What’s so hard to believe about that?” asked Twilight.

“Kup’s a relic, even by Cybertronian standards,” Inferno remarked. “Last time I saw him, he still fought with a laser musket, and those things were taken out of official service ages before the Great War.”

“Seriously? What’s he even doing on the battlefield? He should be in a museum.” Rainbow remarked.

“Exactly. So why did Impactor bring him on?” Inferno remarked.

“Well, let’s see what we can get out of them when they wake up.” Twilight shrugged. “Maybe then we’ll find out what happened to the guys you’re missing.”

“We’re ready,” Fluttershy reported, earning a nod from Inferno as her signal to press the button. Cold mist flowed from the pods as they each opened one after the other.

The first to leave his pod was a green bot with a yellow chestplate and shoulder plates. “Ugh. Gah, my head-gasket…” he groaned.

“Easy pal, take it slow,” Inferno assured as he helped the bot from his pod, the others all following in short order.

The first bot shook his head a bit and when he opened his optics, he smiled. “Well, bust me down for spare parts. Inferno, you old son of a gun; it’s great to see you.”

“Ha-ha! You too, Springer.” Inferno smiled as he hugged the great bot. “Girls, cmon over; wanna introduce you.” The girls gladly approached the green bot. “Ladies, this is Springer; second-in-command of the Wreckers.”

Former second-in-command actually, Inferno,” Springer assured. “We lost Impactor on Relva VI.”

Inferno seemed surprised. “Dead?”

“Lost in the field. He was declared MIA and I subbed in for him.” Springer shrugged.

“Speaking of missing, Inferno said there weren’t as many ‘bots he recognized down here.” Twilight brought up.

“Yeah, where is everyone?” Inferno asked seriously.

Springer sighed as he tipped his helmet up a bit. “Sorry to say it buddy, but… Impactor wasn’t the only casualty we suffered on Relva VI. Except most of those ones we confirmed.”

Inferno seemed astounded to hear this. “The twins?” Springer just shook his head. “Guzzle, Roulette? Rack’n’Ruin?”

“Gone; every last one of ‘em. Plus some.” Springer shrugged mournfully before he smirked and looked around. “But we got another batch of fresh Energon here. Say hello to the most recent Wreckin’ crew. You probably remember a lot of ‘em. Still managed to hang onto Sandstorm, Broadside, and Whirl over there.” He pointed in turn to a yellow bot with large tire-like turbines on his back, a gray-and-red bot with what looked like wings on the backs of his arms, and a cyclopic helicopter-bot with chicken-like legs and massive claws.

Then he pointed to a blue helicopter-bot with bright pink blades, a green and brown tank-like bot, and the older-grade blue bot Inferno pointed out. “That’s Rotorstorm and Roadbuster, and you know Kup, obviously.”

“Hard not to know him,” Roadbuster smirked, glancing over at the old bot. “Old junker’s probably older than Alpha Trion himself.”

“Ha-ha, real funny.” Kup rolled his optics as he walked forward. “Old fella like me’s gotta do somethin’ to pass the time, ‘specially in a war.”

“Is that why you joined up? You got bored?” asked Rainbow.

“Nah, he joined up because he saved my life at Tarn.” Sandstorm countered. “Backed against a wall, guns empty and turbines shot. Then what does this old nut do? Roars in outta nowhere, breaks his laser musket across a Vehicon’s face and then lights ‘em up with some SMGs. Then he patched me up and I flew us outta there.”

“I was pretty damn impressed so I signed him up right then and there.” Springer smiled. “But that’s enough about us for now; what’s been goin’ on with you, Inferno? And where’d ya find all these femmes?”

“Yeah man, aren’t you worried about offendin’ Firestar from beyond the grave?” asked Broadside.

“First of all Broadside, Firestar and the Virago are still alive on Cybertron.” Inferno countered, surprising the Wreckers. “Second of all, these girls are a few centuries too young for my tastes. And third, there’s a lot more to ‘em than meets the eye.”

On that signal, the girls all deactivated their Armor and returned to their human forms, astounding the other Wreckers. “Holy Prima! Organics?!” asked Roadbuster.

“Worse; Pretenders,” Whirl remarked, two cannons flipping out from his chest almost like Rainbow’s machine guns. “Everyone get clear; I hear these things splatter worse than organics.”

“Whoa-whoa-whoa; muzzle discipline, Whirl!” Inferno ordered, pushing the guns away from the girls. “They’re not Pretenders; they’re just ordinary organics wearing Spark-Shift Armor.”

“Spark-Shift? But organics ain’t got Sparks.” Kup brought up.

“Long story. Short version; we got the map.” Inferno said simply.

The Wreckers were all astounded by this as Springer grabbed Inferno by his shoulders. “Are you telling me we’ve found the AllSpark?” he asked seriously.

“Well, um…” Rainbow remarked, unsure of what to say. “Yes and no.”

“And what does that mean?” asked Rotorstorm.

“I think that’s a conversation better had back at base,” Inferno assured. “Think the ship’s still good to fly?”

“Sure; why wouldn’t it be?” asked Sandstorm.

“What, did none of you feel the crash?” asked Applejack.

“Crash? What crash?” Springer’s question was answered when he turned on the feed from the ship’s bow-view camera and saw it jammed in the ground. “Oh. That crash.”

“Well, we’d better see about dragging her out.” Rotorstorm shrugged.

“Right. Broadside, get out there and pull for all you’re worth.” Springer ordered.

“Yeah, yeah.” Broadside groaned, almost like he didn’t want to do this. “Yeesh. Why do I always have to do the grunt-work?”

Sunset raised an eyebrow as she watched him leave, before turning back to the others. “Is he always like that?”

“Unfortunately. Broadside’s been a complainer as long as we’ve known him.” Sandstorm shrugged. “But he’s more than strong enough for this sort of thing.” As if to prove that, the ship shook and suddenly tipped until it splashed into the water, leveling out the deck.

“It certainly seems like it.” Rarity remarked, before Broadside walked back into the main room, dripping wet.

“There. We’re free. Happy? Saline content was way too high out there; gotta wash the salt outta my joints.” Broadside grumbled.

“Well, at least it looks like we can still fly,” Roadbuster remarked.

“Great. All hands to the bridge.” Springer ordered, leading the crew. “Inferno, you give us the coordinates for your new base; we’ll figure it out from there.”

“Gotcha. But let’s make sure the cloaking device still works before we go anywhere; locals don’t exactly take too kindly to giant-sized alien robots trompin’ around their planet.” Inferno ordered.

“Fine. Rotorstorm, check the cloak, and make sure it’s functional.” Springer ordered.

“Check.” Rotorstorm nodded and moved to check the device as the other systems came online.

“So what happened to you guys anyway?” asked Twilight. “Why were you in stasis?”

“Ah, ran into some old friends of mine.” Springer shrugged. “Owed ‘em money I didn’t have, so we had a… disagreement. We took a few good hits, so we had to go into stasis; set the pods for CR mode to help with repairs. Don’t exactly know how long we’ve been in there, or where we landed.”

“We’ll explain everything back at base,” Twilight assured.

“Right. How we doin’, crew?” Springer asked.

“Minor hull damage; nothin’ you wouldn’t expect from reentry and a crash landing.” Sandstorm remarked.

“Cloaking system’s up and running,” Rotorstorm reported.

“Course laid in,” Roadbuster reported from the navicomputer.

“Take ‘er up, Wreckers. Let’s go see who’s in charge here.” With that, the Xantium rose from the Gulf of Mexico and took to the air, turning completely invisible to everyone outside it as the ship flew northeast toward Canterlot, the team explaining everything that had happened recently as they sailed.

Finally, the ship found a place to land near the main base on the side of the volcano, out of the direct line of sight from the outside world. “Nice place,” Springer remarked as he looked around.

“Yeah, if you like dreary and dismal.” Broadside said flatly.

“Then you’ll definitely love it here,” Rotorstorm smirked, bumping the bot on the shoulder. The Wreckers laughed at that as they made their way into the Ark, welcomed by the crew.

Springer was particularly impressed by the layout, but quickly stood at attention when he saw the big-rig commander. “Optimus Prime.” He saluted, prompting the other Wreckers to do so as well. “It’s a privilege, sir.”

“Likewise, soldier.” Optimus saluted. “What have you to report from your voyage?”

“Not much, sir,” Springer remarked. “Cons still have Cybertron locked down. Just heard from Inferno that the Virago’s still kickin’, so that’s good to hear. And we’re more than willing to help in any way we can with the hunt for the Omega Lock and the AllSpark.”

“We have sorely required more assistance,” Optimus assured. “And we would gladly welcome your ship and crew to our ranks.”

“We’d be honored, sir,” Springer assured. It was just then however that they heard a loud barrage of blaster fire outside.

“Looks like we brought some more fun than we expected.” Sandstorm remarked, quickly leading the crew outside… just in time to see Starscream and a large group of Seekers bombarding the volcano.

“Autobots! Surrender the Omega Lock and your prisoners, or you will all be obliterated!” Starscream ordered.

Bumblebee cracked his neck and started out of the ship before Springer held up a hand to stop him. “No. We got this,” he assured, leading the Wreckers forward. “No prisoners here, Starscream! Just a bunch of ‘Bots more than ready to throw down!”

“Then by all means, Autobot fools! Feel free to ‘throw down’ with us!” Starscream smirked, firing at Springer.

But the Wrecker commander just pulled a sword off his back and deflected the blast away into the ground nearby, prompting a chuckle. “Oh, we intend to. Wreck n’ Rule!” he roared, quickly transforming into a heavily armored helicopter as Sandstorm turned into a turbine VTOL and Broadside turned into a large blocky jet, each following their commander into the air and firing on the Seekers.

Starscream was frozen in terror as he remembered that rallying cry. “‘Wreck and’- Retreat! Retreat!” He quickly transformed and flew away as fast as he could, quickly followed by his Seekers.

“I got ‘em!” Rotorstorm smirked as he raised one of his guns, firing a few rockets after the Seekers as the rest of the air team broke off their pursuit… just as the rockets blew right above Starscream, nearly knocking him out of the air as he flew as fast and as far as he possibly could. “That oughtta keep Scare-scream away from here for a good long while.” Pinkie couldn’t help herself; she cracked right up at that as she started laughing. “See, guys? Finally, someone who appreciates good comedy.”

“Hey! What am I; shredded steel?” asked Roadbuster.

“Not exactly a lot of room for joking on the battlefield, Rotorstorm.” Springer reminded as he transformed and landed. “Especially not on Wrecker missions.”

Rainbow smirked as she glanced over at Cliffjumper. “Betcha your week’s Energon rations Pinkie Pie’s gonna change that real quick.”

“Oh, that's not even a bet.” Cliffjumper agreed, and they both knew how right they were. But what they didn’t know was that they would soon be engaged in a full-scale battle for not just their future, but their very lives.