• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,816 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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War and Peace

“Truce? You’re kidding me, right?” Sunset asked seriously. “Why would we ever ally with you?”

“Because alone, neither of our factions stand a chance against Starscream,” Megatron said simply. “Have you never wondered why I kept Starscream around despite all his treachery?” The girls couldn’t deny that; they were certainly curious what purpose Starscream served to Megatron. “I keep him around because he is a competent warrior, whose bullying and intimidation keeps those below him in check.” Megatron looked up at his traitorous air commander as he blasted at various military vehicles around the reflecting pool. “His venomous aspirations define him as a model Decepticon; the type of deviant that will ensure our ultimate victory in this war. But it is the thought of him in charge that keeps me alert; reminds me to always keep a weapon close at hand before I lay down to recharge. You see, leadership is not something I fear losing… it is something I dread Starscream attaining.”

The Autobots were actually somewhat impressed by this rationale, but Sunset still wasn’t completely convinced. “He’s tellin’ the truth.” Applejack assured, forcing the team to believe what he said.

Optimus was the one to stand forward. “Very well, Megatron. We are allies, but if we should defeat Starscream and save the AllSpark, I ask we be left on equal footing.”

“I suppose that is the least I can do.” Megatron shrugged. “Very well. Upon our success, I will allow you access to the Omega Lock.” He turned to his forces and raised his cannons. “Decepticons! Attack!” The entire Decepticon legion quickly leaped into action and fired all their weapons on Starscream at once, and this time it seemed to do some damage.

“Autobots, fire!” Optimus roared, prompting every Autobot to fire their weapons again.

Sunset grew annoyed as this seemed to be taking too long. “We’re gonna need bigger weapons.” she pointed out.

“Agreed. Springer, how soon can you get the Xantium into position?” asked Jetfire.

“Only one way to find out,” Springer smirked. “Sandstorm, you’re with me; we’re gonna go get the ship.” Sandstorm nodded as the two Wreckers immediately switched to their aerial forms and flew north as fast as they could.

“A sound decision, human.” Megatron relented. “Soundwave, return to the Nemesis; inform the Constructicons that unless they can get the ship back in the air relatively soon, they will answer to me.”

“As you command, Lord Megatron.” Soundwave nodded and retreated through a GroundBridge.

“Speaking of the Constructicons, Lord Megatron, may I suggest a bit more muscle?” Onslaught recommended.

“Indeed, Onslaught,” Megatron smirked.

“You heard the boss! Combaticons, Combine!” Onslaught roared as he quickly united with his soldiers.

“Bruticus, armed for battle!” the Combiner roared as he charged at Starscream and unloaded every ounce of munitions he had.

“They’ve got the right idea. Stunticons, Combine!” Motormaster bellowed, prompting the Stunticons to transform to vehicle mode. Wildrider and Breakdown roared into position in front of Motormaster as the large rig roared toward them, slamming his bumper against theirs as large purple feet formed from their rear ends, Motormaster’s trailer unfolding into a massive torso before Dragstrip jumped and locked into place on his right shoulder, forming an arm and grabbing Dead End to lock into place on the left shoulder.

The massive combiner seized a bit once the large head with two massive horns formed – almost like it was glitching – but stood strong immediately. “Menasor, burning rubber!” it roared in a voice that sounded not too dissimilar from Motormaster’s as it drew a massive sword and charged to combat, firing massive bolts of energy from the cannons at its shoulders at Starscream.

“Man, why don’t we have anything like that?” asked Rainbow.

“The Autobots do have some Combiners, but unfortunately not all of them are with us right now,” Ironhide remarked.

“Hopefully we won’t need them.” Twilight shrugged as the firing continued.

“You think you can defeat me?!” Starscream roared, easily swatting Bruticus and Menasor away like flies. “I possess power greater than that of Primus himself! I will obliterate this world purely as a show of my power! Then I will destroy world after world until the universe accepts this one truth! I am the one true ruler of the cosmos! I am the Emperor of Destruction! All Hail Starscream!”

It was then that he was suddenly rocked by much more powerful blasts… from the Nemesis and the Xantium as they drifted into a low orbit over the city. “We’ll buy you all the time we can, Prime,” Springer reported over the coms. “But even Xantium’s weapons can’t handle this sort of mass bombardment for long.

“Understood.” Optimus nodded, turning to his dark counterpart. “Megatron, we must end this quickly.”

“Agreed, Prime. And I have a plan to do just that.” Megatron smirked. “Focus the power of the Matrix through my cannon and the AllSpark will be released.”

“He must be restrained first.” Optimus scowled.

“Leave that to us.” Twilight smiled. “Rarity, grab his arms; I’ve got his legs.”

“Right away.” Rarity raised several crystals and tossed them, surrounding and restraining Starscream’s wrists as Twilight grabbed his ankles. They strained to hold his immense strength as Rarity’s crystals cracked. “We can’t hold him long.”

“Then it seems we have little time!” Megatron remarked as he held his cannon at the ready.

“Indeed. Now, let us light Earth’s darkest hour.” Optimus nodded as his chest opened, revealing the glory of the Matrix, which blasted into Megatron’s cannon and energized it fully into a bright blue glow.

“You are strong, Starscream. But behold… true power!” Megatron roared as he fired the massive surge of power from his cannon straight at his traitorous wing commander, the raw powerful energy of the Matrix seeming to burn away at Starscream’s chest until he fell free, allowing the AllSpark to float away as Starscream fell into the reflecting pool.

Rainbow quickly flew up and caught the AllSpark in her hands before she hovered back to the other Autobots. “So this is the source of all Cybertronian life in the universe, huh?”

“Is it weird that I thought it’d be a little more…?” Applejack struggled to find the right word as she looked at the orb.

“Grand?” suggested Rarity.

“Yeah, that.”

“I can see what you mean,” Rainbow remarked as she looked at the orb.

“You’re holding the spark of our life-giver Primus. That’s not grand enough for you?” Ironhide asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, when you say it like that…” Rainbow was interrupted as she saw Starscream – weakened and seriously beat up – drag himself from the reflecting pool.

He groaned as he looked up… though his optics immediately popped open in fear at the sight of Megatron standing over him. “L-L-Lord Megatron! I-” Megatron didn’t allow Starscream the chance to continue; he simply dropped the head of his flail on the Seeker’s head, shutting him up.

“If you dare attempt to give me any manner of excuse Starscream, I will make you wish you had never been forged.” Megatron scowled. “In the meantime, I believe I have a deal to keep. Nightbird, bring forth the components of the Omega Lock.”

“You cannot be serious, Lord Megatron,” Nightbird asked in irritation. “They are the ones that killed our homeworld.”

“Killed it? What’re you-Mmf!?” Rainbow was suddenly cut off when Jetfire clapped a hand over her mouth.

“Shush Rainbow, if she wants to find that out, she should do it on her own terms,” Jetfire whispered to her sharply.

“You have your orders, Nightbird.” Megatron scowled. “Unless your loyalty to me falters.”

Nightbird seemed surprised by this accusation and nodded lowly. “As you wish, my master.” She stepped over to a few Vehicon soldiers who handed her the components of the Omega Lock she’d stolen while the Autobots produced the one component they’d managed to save – the ring from Rattrap’s capsule – all of which were locked together to form a magnificent-looking construct.

“Whoa… so that’s the Omega Lock…” Twilight asked in awe.

“So how do we get the map?” asked Rainbow. Her question was answered when the crystal at the top of the Lock opened and the AllSpark flew from her hands into the crystal which closed and flashed a bright blue as pure data shot from two of its prongs and formed into small data drives which fell into Optimus and Megatron’s hands before it closed and suddenly shot from Earth into space.

“What the-? Where’s it going?” Sunset asked.

“Calculating trajectory… Destination: Cybertron.” Soundwave informed.

“Cybertron? Why’s it going there?” asked Rainbow.

“To await the Galaxy Keys,” Megatron concluded. “It would appear that this race is not yet over. But when it is, you will wish it had all ended here. Onslaught, Motormaster, escort Starscream to the brig. I shall attend to him personally.”

“Yes Lord Megatron.” the generals nodded and took Starscream by the arms as he kicked and screamed in fear while the Decepticons left through a GroundBridge to the Nemesis, which promptly soared away.

“We should probably leave too,” Ironhide noted. “Somehow I think the whole ‘Robots in Disguise’ thing just died.”

“Agreed,” Prowl noted bitterly.

“Optimus and I will handle this. The rest of you return to the Ark,” Elita ordered. And that was just what they did; the main force returned to the Ark as the two commanders appeared before in an emergency session of the United Nations where they explained everything, all vouched for and backed up by General Hawk.

After a tense five hours in the main hall, the governments of Earth had all agreed to allow the Autobots sanctuary on Earth until they managed to end the war. And now with the map to the Galaxy Keys in hand, the end of that war was in sight.

But what no one knew was that lightyears away, in a distant corner of the universe, a colossal form stirred... as if something had awakened it, and it was angry. And hungry.