• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,806 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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The Ark was quiet with the girls and their companions out of the ship, which gave Ratchet a chance to clear up his area of the ship. “Thank Primus for peace and quiet. Doubt I’ll have much while those humans are running around the ship.” he muttered. “Lifeline, I wanna get that diagnostic on the CR Chambers started before we’re called to the bridge.” He was expecting an answer from his nurse almost immediately, but nothing. “Lifeline?” He looked up and saw that his nurse wasn’t even there. He sighed as he started the system diagnostic himself. “Kids.” Once he was done, he left the medical bay and walked up toward the ship’s hangar, only to suddenly be cut-off by Bluestreak roaring in. “Whoa! Watch it!”

“Sorry!” Twilight called as Bluestreak stopped, allowing Twilight and Spike to climb out so the Bot could transform. All the other girls were there as well, along with several other Autobots.

“So is this everyone?” asked Sunset.

“Everyone available.” Bumblebee shrugged. “Everyone else was too badly damaged in the crash, so we had to put them in stasis until we had the resources to repair them.”

Cliffjumper looked around, and was confused. “It’s not everyone yet. Hey Ratchet, where’s Lifeline?”

“Guess.” Ratchet said simply.

Prowl rolled his eyes; he’d seen someone else was missing as well. “With Smokescreen.”

Ratchet sighed as he sat down. “Going through my own adolescence was difficult enough. Surviving my nurse’s is going to take a miracle.”

“You’re not the only one who thinks like that, old man.” Arcee nodded in annoyance.

“I’ll get them.” Red Alert groaned, turning on the p.a. system. “Lifeline and Smokescreen, please report to the main hangar. Like you were ordered to ten minutes ago.” The team could hear the irritability in his voice as he said that.

Soon enough, the girls heard the roars of engines down the corridor as a mint-green 1997 Porsche Boxster S and a blue and red Nissan 350Z with black 38s in white rectangles on the doors roared in and transformed into large bots. “Sorry! Sorry we’re late. We were just, uh… checking weapons inventory.” the Nissan (obviously Smokescreen) said quickly, and rather glibly.

Prowl just raised his eyebrow. “If you’re going to keep your position as diversionary tactician, brother, at least make sure your lies aren’t so transparent.”

Smokescreen scoffed and shoved Prowl in the chest goadingly. “Shut up Prowl.”

Rainbow seemed surprised as he looked at the two. “You guys are brothers?”

“All three of us. Wouldn’t guess it just by lookin’, would ya?” asked Bluestreak.

“Well, I mean… your body-kits look similar.” Twilight shrugged.

“Yeah, but that’s where the similarities end.” Prowl assured. “I’m by-the-books, Bluestreak’s a chatterbox, and Smokescreen… well, you be the judge with Smokescreen.”

“Dude cmon, seriously?” Smokescreen sounded offended.

“Hey, how many times did I bust you for betting on illegal street-racing in Praxis?” Prowl reminded. “Mother was disappointed enough after the first time.”

“Pfft. Oh yeah sure, I was the one who disappointed Mom the most.” Smokescreen scoffed.

“Don’t even go there.” Prowl warned, apparently knowing what his brother was going to say next.

Pinkie however was more concerned with Lifeline, particularly her design. “You look a lot like Arcee.”

“Not surprising.” Arcee shrugged. “We are cousins.”

“Well I must say this is very interesting, but what say we get to the point of why we’re here, eh?” Rarity suggested.

“I’m with ya there, kid.” Wheeljack replied, closing up the computer console. “We should be all set. Teletraan, introduce yourself.”

The girls were confused who Wheeljack was talking about until the main computer screen came on, showing the Autobots’ symbol in blue, which started moving as it spoke. “Welcome. I am Teletraan-1; an artificial interactive consciousness designed to operate the Ark’s essential systems and aid the Autobots in their mission to end this war.

“This is so cool.” Twilight remarked, looking up at the screen.

Wheeljack stood up from his workstation and collapsed his mouthplate. “I just finished modifying the ship’s systems to be compatible with human technology. Teletraan, run a diagnostic to make sure the mods will hold up.”

Commencing diagnostic.” Teletraan beeped quietly for a few moments before finally the face on the screen flashed green. “Diagnostic complete. Modifications accepted.

“Alright then.” Wheeljack smiled, looking at the girls. “All you have to do is connect your computer and we’ll see how we can do this.”

“I’ve got a character creation program on my computer.” Twilight noted, connecting her laptop to a port in the ship’s computer and opening the program. “What do you think, Teletraan?”

Analyzing program…” Teletraan noted, looking over the program. “Analysis complete. This program is primitive, but viable.

“I will take that as a complement.” Twilight shrugged, turning to the Autobots. “Okay, here’s my idea; you guys show us what avatars you have now, Teletraan scans them into the computer and I’ll use my program to build suitable human forms. From there, Rarity will work fashion and we’re in business.”

“Fine by me.” Ironhide shrugged. “Let’s do it.”

“Agreed. Autobots, Transform and Project.” With that order, all the Autobots in the hangar transformed with Optimus becoming a Freightliner FLT and Wheeljack becoming a 2018 Lancia Stratos.

The girls were confused by their actions until suddenly a hologram formed on the console behind Fluttershy, which exactly looked like Optimus’ bot-mode.

Naturally, she was spooked and hid behind Rainbow Dash, who was simply looking at him and the other holograms in confusion. “Your basic holograms are your bot-modes?” she asked.

“Cybertronians haven’t exactly had very positive relations with organic lifeforms until now.” Prowl shrugged.

“Why did you transform?” asked Sunset.

“The avatars are easier to project in alt-mode.” Wheeljack shrugged.

“Alright well, let’s get started, shall we?” Twilight asked. “Who’s first?”

“Well since they got here last, I say Lifeline and Smokescreen go first.” Ratchet suggested.

“Seconded.” Prowl and Arcee nodded as they raised their hands.

“Alright then, cmon over Smokey.” Applejack goaded, pulling Smokescreen out to the front by the wrist. Once in place, she let him go.

Commencing scan.” Teletraan reported, running a beam of blue light from the ceiling over Smokescreen’s avatar, sending the data into the computer.

Twilight looked at it and smiled. “Alright yeah, I think we can work with this.” she noted, quickly beginning. “Teletraan, scan the others while I work. Starting with Lifeline.”

“Cmon guys, this isn’t fair.” Lifeline protested, despite being pushed forward by Cliffjumper. “Just because we were a few minutes late today-”

“Today, yesterday, and the day before.” Ratchet reminded. “Not to mention skipping out on your assignments. Now get up there.”

Lifeline didn’t have much else in the way of a chance to protest as she was swiftly scanned by Teletraan before he moved on to Cliffjumper and the others.

“So I’m thinking I’ll deal with everyone’s physical appearance, and you deal with their clothes.” Twilight said to Rarity. “If you have any artistic input for makeup and things like that, I’d be happy to hear them.”

“Sounds lovely, darling.” Rarity agreed. “Though if it’s okay, I prefer to work on live canvases when I make new clothing.”

“Fine by me.” Twilight shrugged. “Wheeljack, is there some way we can wirelessly link my system to your holomatter projectors?”

“Sure; we can just connect Teletraan to our internal systems through our com-units.” Wheeljack shrugged as Optimus was getting scanned.

“Perfect. Well, there’s your canvas set, Rarity.” Twilight smiled. Finally, the preliminary scans were finished and Twilight had finished the bots’ human forms, all censored with simple white underwear and all sharing the same bright blue eyes.

“Excellent.” Rarity smiled. “Now, if you would please connect to the system, it’s time for the fashionista to go to work.”

“Back on Cybertron, we just called ‘em paint specialists.” one guy smirked; he had deep tan skin and shaggy black hair.

“Thank you for volunteering to go first… Sideswipe, is it?” Rarity smirked.

Sideswipe was a bit surprised by this. “What? Whoa wait, I never said-”

“Too late.” Ironhide smirked, shoving Sideswipe forward with his muscular though scarred fair arms, buzzcut red hair truly driving home that he was a veteran. “Get in there, kid.”

Once he was in place, Rarity cracked her fingers and turned to the computer, bringing up a selection of outfits in Sideswipe’s preferred color-scheme of red and black. She waved her hands past Sideswipe, pleased Teletraan had mapped her motions to the computer so that with every wave, a new ensemble shot onto his body. “No. No. No.” Though she went through a few. “No. Oh, goodness no. No. No. No.”

Finally… “Whoa-whoa, wait. Go back to that last one.” Sideswipe insisted. Rarity wasn’t sure what she was talking about, but did as he asked. And she was glad he did; she’d heard Sideswipe was a punk and this outfit fit that aesthetic perfectly; a black t-shirt, red jeans, black boots, a red and black leather jacket and black fingerless gloves. Sideswipe smirked as he tugged on the collar of his jacket. “Yeah-ha-ha, this is what I’m talkin’ about.”

"I like that.” Rainbow smiled. “It works for him.”

“It truly does.” Rarity nodded in agreement. “Alright then Sideswipe, you have laid claim to your ensemble. Who’s next?”

“Might as well be me, eh bro?” This guy looked almost exactly like Sideswipe, except his hair was shaved on the sides to show faint gold.

“Very well, Sunstreaker.” Rarity smiled and waved her hand through the wheel, letting Sunstreaker look at all the possible outfits. Finally, he raised his hand to stop her right on an awesome outfit; gleaming gold pants and leather jacket over a black t-shirt and black flat shoes.

“Oh yeah baby; a perfect outfit for a perfect bot.” Sunstreaker smirked.

The girls just rolled their eyes; Sideswipe had warned them his brother was a narcissist. “Next.” Applejack called.

That honor went to Prowl, whose tan skin and black hair with red streaks in the front framed a very serious face. Rarity looked at him closely and smiled as she had an idea. “I have something perfect in mind for you.” And as it turned out, that idea was a simple Canterlot City Police officer’s uniform; black suit with a red tie and white pants.

Next up was a lieutenant named Jazz, instantly recognizable from his dark skin and black dreadlocks and goatee. Rarity was confused about what to do for him, so he just stepped forward. “Lemme take this, hun.” Jazz smirked as he stepped forward and waved his hand until he hit something perfect for him; an almost disco-like outfit of a white jacket and pants, a button-up shirt that was mainly black with blue near the middle and red dead-center, a silver 4 charm on a chain and a pair of blue visor-style sunglasses.

“He-he-hey, lookin’ good Jazz.” Sideswipe smirked, patting his friend on the back.

After him came Optimus who actually appeared fairly handsome with his square-jawed fair face and short blue hair and beard. Rarity smiled. “I planned this for you in advance, darling.” With that, she simply moved her hand to the side once and gave the Prime his human garb; a simple white t-shirt under a red jacket with black chest-piping, blue driving gloves, jeans and black boots with deep blue laces.

Optimus smiled; he seemed impressed by his garb. “Most impressive.” he nodded. “Thank you.”

That was enough as he stepped aside and allowed Ratchet to take his place, showing him as a rather rotund old man with gray hair, brown stubble and fair skin. Rarity however isn’t one to judge a person by their body and simply switched him to his outfit; a red polo shirt, white cargo pants, red and white sneakers, and a doctor’s coat with a red-cross armband on the left arm. Ratchet wasn’t sure what to say, because he had a bad feeling he might say something offending, simply walking to the side.

After him came Wheeljack, whose tan skin and scraggly gray hair and apparently singed facial hair certainly made him look like a mad scientist, and unfortunately, Rarity’s chosen outfit for him only accentuated that; a white, green and orange t-shirt, deep gray pants, green boots, a toolkit, a gray medical facemask he could easily shift and a lab-coat. Still, Wheeljack appeared happy with his outfit as he dashed to hug Rarity before he moved away.

Ironhide stepped forward after him, and Rarity instantly knew what to do for him; a red t-shirt and red camo pants with combat boots. She may not have liked the ensemble herself, but Ironhide certainly liked it as he swung a few punches. “Now that’s nice. Good n’ mobile.”

Bumblebee zipped over after him, smiling with his scruffy blonde hair and fair skin. Rarity smiled, easily devising him an outfit consisting of black pants, yellow shoes and a yellow and black hoodie over a black t-shirt. “Yeah, this is what I’m talkin’ about.”

Next up was Cliffjumper, who looked like a really nice guy with his fair skin and short red hair. Rarity wasn’t sure what to go with for him, so she just scrolled through outfits until Cliff stopped her hand right on something he liked; a black t-shirt under what looked like a red pilot’s jacket, black driving gloves, black jeans and red boots, not to mention the prominent red helmet with silver horns he held in his hand. “It’s like I always say; ‘Mess with Cliffjumper, and ya get the horns’.”

Applejack chuckled at that. “Not bad. Y’know, we say that same sorta thing ‘bout bulls. And that’s just cause they’re ornery.”

“You obviously haven’t met Cliffjumper. ‘side from Ironhide over there, he’s the orneriest of us all.” Smokescreen smirked, his fair skin and blue hair with bleached blonde fringes in the front gleaming as he stepped up.

“I’m gonna take that as a compliment and not punch you in the face.” Ironhide assured.

“I appreciate that.” Smokescreen nodded. Rarity just smiled as she went to work, choosing his outfit. Finally, she found something perfect for him; a red t-shirt with his black 38 in a white rectangle on the chest under a blue jacket, blue jeans and black shoes.

Lifeline slipped in after him, her fair skin and short curly orange hair catching Smokescreen’s eye the moment it was mapped onto her avatar. Rarity had an idea for her almost immediately, simply giving her a mint-green nurse’s outfit with a red-cross armband like Ratchet’s. “Ho-ho yeah, that’s what I’m talkin’ about. Lookin’ good babe.” Smokescreen smiled.

“Save the interfacing for your quarters, Smokescreen. And when you’re both off the clock.” That was Inferno; a fair-skinned fellow with black hair who certainly spoke the truth.

Rarity had seen that his vehicle mode was a large fire truck so she simply swiped to the side and gave him a set of black and red fireman’s gear from the Canterlot Fire Department. “Nice. I can definitely work with this.”

“Stand aside, dear Inferno.” Tracks smiled, pushing him aside carefully with his tan skin and white hair gleaming. “Let’s do what we can do now, dear.”

“Oh don’t worry darling. I already have something perfect in mind for you.” Rarity smiled, swiping only once which gave Tracks his outfit; a deep blue turtleneck, black pants, blue boots, a black dress-jacket, red shades and a charm shaped like his hood decal.

Tracks smiled as he looked himself over. “Stunning, dear.” he smiled, strutting to the side.

After him was Red Alert, pale skin and short red mullet accentuating his eyes jerking left and right faster than anyone could track. Rarity just smiled and waved her hand, giving him a simple red and white suit with a red tie and a white tactical visor on the right side of his face. He smiled as he looked through the visor, finding it to his liking as he stepped to the side.

Next was Bluestreak, whose silver hair with red fringe in the front and fair skin made him look very similar to Prowl and Smokescreen. “Alright, so here’s what I’m thinkin’.”

“Ah-ah. Don’t even say anything, darling.” Rarity assured. “I already have something for you.” And indeed she did; as it turned out, her idea was a simple gray suit, red pants and gray boots.

“He-hey, nice.” Bluestreak smiled as he walked off to the side.

After him was Mirage; dark skin and slicked back black and blue hair indicating him instantly.

Rarity had heard that Mirage was once upper-class on Cybertron, but she’d also seen his alt-mode was an Indianapolis F1 racecar so she wanted to try and indicate both. Finally, she was forced to have Twilight give him a small data-chip that could allow him to switch between a racer’s suit and her second choice; a suit composed of a blue-sleeved white dress-shirt, a blue ascot held by a red pin, a white dress-vest and pants, and white loafers. Mirage smiled as he adjusted the ascot. “Nice. I can definitely make this work.”

Next was Trailbreaker whose dark skin and black hair made him stand out. Rarity smiled as she instantly knew what to do for him, giving him a straight black outfit with white pants and black boots as well as a pair of blue visor sunglasses. “Nice. Yeah, this works.” he nodded.

After him was Arcee, whose fair skin and short curly blonde hair made her look adorable. Rarity knew she had to do something to frame that well, so she swiftly devised a custom outfit; a white crop-top t-shirt under a pink jacket, pink jeans and deep pink shoes. Arcee smiled as she looked herself over. “This is so cute. I love it.” She smiled as she hopped over to the others.

Next was Beachcomber whose dark skin with wheel-like tattoos on his shoulders and blue hair and beard made him look very chill. Rarity decided to keep that aesthetic and gave him blue bands on his biceps, below his elbows and on his wrists, a blue tank-top, jeans, and blue sandals, as well as a silver amulet that looked like his bot-mode’s chestpiece and a blue set of visor shades. He seemed happy with it and slipped back over to the others.

Last but not least was Jetfire, whose fair skin and white hair with a red flip in the front made him look very friendly. Rarity had seen his bot-mode and smiled as she composed a red and white pilot’s uniform, including a white pilot’s helmet with a blue visor and white oxygen mask which he held in his hand. “Very nice. Very nice indeed.” Jetfire smiled as he moved over to the others.

The girls looked over all their handiwork and were impressed. Smiling, they all high-fived and cheered for their victory. Apparently, these actions confused Ironhide and Optimus as they raised their eyebrows. “What’s with that?” Ironhide asked.

“What’s with what?” asked Rainbow.

“You strike each other, yet you find enjoyment in it,” Optimus noted. “Why?”

“What, you don’t have high-fives on Cybertron?” Evidently not as Rainbow’s question only made the bots more confused. “Alright-alright, it’s sort of a sign of celebration and friendship, y’know?”

Bumblebee and Cliffjumper looked at each other for a second before they both smirked and high-fived each other, hard. “Ooh, kinda stings.” Cliff remarked, shaking his hand in pain.

“Well, you’re not supposed to do it that hard.” Applejack remarked.

“Still, feels pretty cool.” Bumblebee smirked. “I think I’m gonna like this planet.”

“I hear that.” Wheeljack smiled as his avatar disappeared and he transformed back into bot-mode. The others quickly followed suit, until the room was once again filled with full-sized Autobots.

It was just then that something started beeping on Ratchet’s belt. “What in the AllSpark?” He grabbed the small scanner off his belt and pointed it at the girls, growing even more confused as he saw the readings. “Well now, this just doesn’t make any sense.”

“What doesn’t?” asked Twilight.

“I think my scanner’s on the fritz, because it says you girls have Sparks.” Ratchet explained, surprising the others as well.

“Wait, seriously?” Lifeline checked her scanner as well, surprised when she saw the same results from the girls and Spike. “You’re right; this doesn’t make any sense.”

“Can I see those readings?” asked Twilight.

“Of course. Teletraan, link my scanner to the main screen.” Ratchet’s order was swiftly followed, allowing the girls to see bright blue glows coming from their collarbones.

Sunset looked and knew exactly what they were. “Those aren’t Sparks. They’re our Geodes.” And she was right; the energy on the screen was emanating from their Geode pendants.

“That doesn’t make any sense.” Wheeljack remarked. “How can crystalline geodes from an organic planet like Earth emanate the same energy as a Cybertronian Spark?”

Sunset smiled; she’d been waiting for someone to ask something like that and she had the perfect answer. “Do you believe in magic?”

Author's Note:

I couldn't find any images of my idealized designs for the Autobots' holo-avatars online, so you're just going to have to use your imagination. Sorry.

Anyway, the time has come for the Autobots to learn of what has happened in this world before they met the girls. How do you think they'll react?