• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,816 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

  • ...

Cathedral of Speed

It didn’t take long for the Stunticons to make it to one of the many interchanges on Velocitron’s highways, where they saw two vehicles thundering toward them. “Is that who I think it is?” asked Breakdown.

Wildrider zoomed in on the approaching vehicles and nodded as he saw them; a large green three-wheeled rocket car and a smaller red motorcycle. “Yep. Ransack and Crumplezone,” he noted.

“Looks like we’ll be recruiting some extra muscle while we’re here.” Dead End remarked flatly. “How wonderful.”

“Relax Dead End, we need all the help we can get; you know that,” Motormaster assured as he stepped forward, blocking the road as the two other vehicles approached them before they swiftly screeched to a stop and transformed in front of the large black truck-bot.

“Well, I’ll be fragged… Motormaster, is that you?” the motorcycle asked in happy surprise.

“Yep, it’s me Ransack.” Motormaster nodded as he approached. “And as of right now, you work for me.”

“Huh? Work for ya? Buddy, I don’t know where you get off, but-” Ransack didn’t get to finish that as Motormaster quickly pushed him to the road and stepped on his midsection.

“Hey!” Crumplezone snarled as he stepped forward, but stopped when the other Stunticons all raised their weapons and pointed them at him.

“Maybe you didn’t hear me. You work for me, or you’re scrap metal on the silicon flats.” Motormaster threatened.

“Yeah-yeah, alright fine.” Ransack agreed.

“Good. Now…” Motormaster nodded as he looked down at the motorcycle. “Where is the Galaxy Key?”

Once the team left the SpaceBridge, Rainbow smiled as she looked around. “I love this place already.” she smiled as she saw nothing around for miles except for desert salt flats and long open highways.

Twilight immediately brought up an analytic HUD on her windshield and started scanning the area. “Pretty arid planet. Why would Cybertronian life want to colonize it?” she asked.

“Don’t ask me; the colonies were founded millions of years before the war ever started.” Sunstreaker shrugged.

“And don’t worry; there is water here, it’s just underground,” Sideswipe assured. “I found that out the hard way when I took a wrong turn and ended up in a crater… which just happened to drain into an aquifer.”

“Nice,” Rainbow smirked as she roared toward the nearest on-ramp, with the others quickly following her.

Twilight continued her analysis and was impressed. “Hmm, this is a surprise. The atmosphere is suitable for organic life.”

“So we don’t need our rides’ life-support systems?” Sunset asked. “Great.” She rolled her window open a crack… but immediately rolled it back up when the wind on the road became too much. “Later.”

“Though there is something odd about it; there’s a bit more nitrogen in the atmosphere than on earth,” Twilight noted.

“That’d be one of the main ways Velocitronains make a living; nitrous farming,” Sideswipe remarked.

“Nitrous?” asked Rainbow excitedly. “As in ‘fuel injection supercharge’ nitrous?!”

“That’s the stuff.” Sideswipe smiled as he roared up next to Rainbow. “See, when racers on this planet get too old to stay on the track, they move out here to the desert to distill pure nitrous oxide so they can sell it to racers on the circuits. It’s one of the cornerstones of Velocitron’s economy; killer business really.”

“I hear there’s also a pretty lucrative mining outfit on this planet for Red Energon.” Lifeline remembered.

“Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.” Sideswipe smiled.

“Red Energon?” asked Twilight. “Energon comes in different colors?”

“Only a handful. And Red Energon is especially sought after on this planet.” Sideswipe explained. “It’s a pain in the tailpipe to harvest and takes forever to refine, but it’s worth it for the absurd boost in speed and power it can net you after a quick shot in the gas tank.”

“Sounds like my kinda drink. But I’m still plenty fast enough without it.” Rainbow smirked.

“Oh yeah? Wanna put your horsepower where your voicebox is?” Sideswipe smirked.

“Sideswipe, what are you doing?” asked Bumblebee.

“Hey, we’re on the racing capital of the universe, aren’t we?” Sideswipe returned. “I know we have a mission, but where’s the fun in being here if we don’t actually get to race?”

“Oh, you’re on!” Rainbow smiled as she roared ahead.

“Eat my dust!” Sideswipe yelled as he raced alongside her.

“Oh boy. Cmon, we’d better go make sure they don’t hurt themselves.” Sunset noted as she led the rest of the team after their speed demons.

They weren’t the only ones tearing up the roads of the planet, as miles away, a sleek red and white racecar roared along the highway amidst a massive block of racers. “I’m the top racer on this planet!” the car scowled in a female voice as she weaved in and out of traffic.

“Everyone here is plenty fast, but I’m the fastest bar none! Least of all him!” Her engine roared as she shot ahead along the highway… suddenly spotting a group on the road ahead. She smirked to herself as she looked at them. “Think you’re cool? Let’s see how cool you think you are when I run you down!” The racecar fired massive thrusters on her back and shot down the road toward the obstruction… until she finally saw who it was. “Holy-!” She nearly skidded out until she transformed into a gold-faced bot with her red cockpit for a breastplate, headlights as her feet, and her massive rocket-booster engine on her back, stopping right in front of Motormaster and his Stunticons.

“Well, here she is, boys; the great and glorious Override,” Motormaster smirked. “Greatest racer on all Velocitron… and former ruler of the planet.”

“Is that why you and your little posse came back after all these megacycles, Motormaster?” Override scowled. “To remind me of what I’ve lost?”

“No. We’re here to give you a chance to make the right call.” Motormaster said simply. “Now tell us; where is the Galaxy Key?”

(Eurobeat Intensifies)

“Cmon Motormaster, you know that’s not how we do things on Velocitron.” Override countered. “You want something, you gotta race for it. One-on-one.”

“You’re on!” Dragstrip assured as he promptly leaped forward and transformed to car mode. “Call it!”

Motormaster rolled his optics at his yellow soldier, but Override just smirked. “Three. Two. One. Burn rubber!” She promptly transformed and the two raced away down the highway, the other Stunticons quickly on their tails. “You’ve gotten faster, Dragstrip; I like that!”

“Faster than you!” Dragstrip roared as he raced onward.

“I don’t think so!” Override smiled as she raced ahead, flipping two massive engine thrusters off her back and firing them which sent her shooting along the road like a bullet.

“That the best you got?! Motormaster, turbo-pack!” Dragstrip yelled, prompting the large rig to launch something off his bed that latched to Dragstrip’s spoiler, revealed to be a massive turbo thruster that fired and sent Dragstrip roaring along the road. “WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…!!!!!!!!”

Finally, they were bumper-to-bumper as they neared a large arch, shooting under it at what looked like the same time before they skidded to a stop and transformed to bot-mode. “Yes! Yes! Yes, finally! I finally left you in the dust!” Dragstrip cheered. “I’m officially better than you, because I win!”

(Cut it)

“Settle, Dragstrip,” Motormaster ordered as he rolled up and transformed. “Check the screen.”

Sure enough, above on the arch was a large screen that showed just how close of a race it was… but clearly showed Override crossing the laser-marked finish line just before Dragstrip. “WHAT?! No! No-no-no-no-no; rematch! Right here, right now! This time it’s mine!”

“Not the priority.” Dead End countered.

“Right.” Motormaster agreed, turning to Override. “So about the Galaxy Key…”

“Yeah, never heard of it.” Override shrugged.

“I figured as much,” Motormaster said simply. “You always were lookin’ for a good race.”

“Isn’t that how she ended up with You-Know-Who?” Dead End remarked, earning one of the twin barrels of the blaster formed from Override’s thruster jammed in his face.

“Never bring him up again,” she warned.

“Settle, Override,” Motormaster assured as he pushed her blaster away from his soldier. “You may not know anything about the Key, but I know curiosity when I see it. Tell ya what; you outrace all of us and we’ll tell you everything you want to know about the Galaxy Key. When you’re ready for a rematch, meet us at the Bismuth Gulch ramp. Cmon boys.” The Stunticons all promptly transformed and drove away toward the gulch.

“Count on it.” Override smirked after them.

Soon enough, the Stunticons had explained what happened to their newest lackies at a large gorge glimmering with jagged bismuth crystals… and dotted with rusting wrecks. “You raced Override?” Crumplezone asked in surprise. “Wow. Did ya win?”

“Never mind that for now,” Motormaster ordered. “Point is she doesn’t know anything about what it is we’re here for, so it doesn’t matter.”

“So you lost,” Ransack remarked… just before Dragstrip grabbed him and dangled him over the gulch.

“Say that again.” he threatened.

Ransack and Crumplezone were both too terrified to say anything, but thankfully, the threatening was interrupted by Breakdown. “Wait a minute; what about Retrofit?”

“That old junker?” asked Dead End.

“Of course; he’s probably the oldest bot on the face of Velocitron. If anyone knows anything about the Key, it’s gotta be him.” Wildrider rationalized.

Dragstrip narrowed his optics at Ransack as he tossed him at Crumplezone, knocking them both into the sand. “Unless you two wanna end up as more wrecks in this gorge, I suggest you find Retrofit and break pieces off him until he talks.”

“R-Right.” Ransack and Crumplezone stammered in fear before they transformed and roared away.

“And the next time I race Override, I’ll win. That’s a fact.” Dragstrip scowled.

“Whatever helps you recharge, Dragstrip.” Dead End shrugged.

Soon enough, the Autobots’ team had found a high outcropping near the desert to look over the area. Sideswipe smirked as he saw a familiar purple vehicle in the sands below. “I don’t believe this. Dirtboss is still rollin’ around out there?”

“Who’s Dirtboss?” asked Spike.

“Planet’s champion off-road racer,” Sideswipe answered. “He’s only ever really seen by people at big planetary races; he trains pretty much all over the planet.”

“And who are those?” Sunset asked as she pointed down the other side of the ridge, indicating to two other very familiar vehicles roaring around the sands.

“Ugh. Ransack and Crumplezone.” Sideswipe groaned in annoyance. “Just a couple of bolt-headed bullies, probably lookin’ for someone to intimidate.”

“I’d say they found someone,” Twilight remarked as she saw Ransack and Crumplezone circling two other bots; one looked ancient with a black, silver, and gold color scheme and a metal beard and the other looked decidedly younger with a brighter blue color-scheme.

“Wait a sec, I know those guys; that’s Clocker and Retrofit,” Sideswipe remarked. “We gotta get down there and help ‘em out; they don’t stand a chance against those two goons.”

Twilight looked down and saw the older bot – whom she could only assume was Retrofit – raise a bludgeon that looked like it was formed from his engine block and deploy a large gold blade from it. “I dunno, Sideswipe; I think they can handle themselves.”

Ransack smirked as he and his partner transformed. “Well, well, well, looks like someone wants to play hardball.”

Crumplezone just chuckled. “Good, so do I. But I play for keeps.”

“Whaddaya say; Iron Whirlwind?” Ransack asked.

“Eh, I have more fun with Double Piledriver.” Crumplezone shrugged.

“Leave us alone!” Clocker yelled.

“Get lost, punk!” Ransack smirked and bashed the young bot away as he drew a large blaster while Crumplezone’s large engines flipped over his shoulders and aimed at Retrofit.

“Oh no ya don’t!” Rainbow smirked and suddenly leaped from the team’s perch and shot across the ground on the thruster on her back with her doors serving as wings before she tackled the two thugs away and hit the ground. “You guys okay?”

“Yeah, I think so.” Retrofit nodded. “But who’re you?”

“She’s with me, old-timer,” Sideswipe replied as he roared over with the others.

“Well, looks like ol’ Motormaster isn’t the only guy comin’ back today,” Ransack smirked as he and Crumplezone found their feet.

“Motormaster?! He’s here too?” asked Sunset.

“Yeah, and I bet he’d pay a whole heap for your carcasses!” Ransack smirked as he and Crumplezone opened fire on the Autobots with one shot hitting the older bot and knocking him to the ground.

“Retrofit!” Clocker yelled and dove to his side.

“Oh, you wanna play rough huh? Alright then, let’s play!” Rainbow smirked and immediately transformed, roaring across the desert toward the two thugs. They both transformed and maintained their fire on Rainbow, until she sent herself into a spin and ended up knocking both the thugs off their line and straight into rock walls before she switched back to bot-mode.

“Nice moves, Rainbow!” Sunset smiled as Rainbow stumbled over. “You okay?”

“I’ll tell you when the spinning stops,” Rainbow remarked dizzily.

Ransack and Crumplezone both transformed and raised their weapons again, firing on the speedy Rainboom, but she quickly transformed back to car mode and roared toward them dodging every blast. “Time for some circular firing,” she smirked and shot straight between them… forcing them to accidentally shoot each other and knock themselves to the ground as Rainbow transformed to bot-mode again. “Give up?” The two goons – having apparently had enough – transformed and roared away across the desert. “Thought so.”

“Retrofit, please hang on!” Clocker begged as the old bot groaned on the sand.

“Step aside, Clocker; lemme take a lock.” Lifeline insisted as she knelt beside the old bot to examine him.

“This is Lifeline; she’s our team medic.” Sideswipe introduced simply as the nurse examined Retrofit’s body.

“Damage doesn’t look too serious. Stabilizer’s out of alignment; you may feel a bit disoriented for a while, but some rest ought to be enough to help that.” Lifeline smiled as she stood up.

“Well thank you, young one. I don’t know what we’d have done without you.” Retrofit smiled as he propped himself up on his engine-block weapon. “And it’s certainly been a long time since we’ve seen you around here, Sideswipe.”

“What can I say? I’ve been busy these days.” Sideswipe shrugged.

“Not so busy that I can’t invite you back to the farm for a drink, I hope?” Retrofit smirked.

Sideswipe smirked. “That Engex swill you make? How could I refuse?”

“Well, cmon then.” Retrofit smirked as he transformed into a high-tech dragster and Clocker transformed into a convertible two-seater sports car which led the way as the others roared along behind them.

“So how do you know this guy?” Spike asked Sideswipe.

“Ah, we met once ages ago when I used to race on this planet regularly,” Sideswipe remembered. “Got sent flying off a track one time and ended up trashing his nitrous condenser. Had to work for him for about a month to pay off the damage.” He smirked and revved up next to Retrofit at this. “So how’ve things been since I left last time? Get any new stooges for the farm?”

“Matter of fact, I have.” Retrofit smiled. “But nothing anywhere near as clean as when you worked for me. This one’s my relative.”

“Your relative?” Sunset asked in surprise as they slowed down near an old farm and transformed to bot-mode.

“Seriously?” The group was surprised by a voice from around the corner of the farmhouse. “I thought this paintjob was something special, and now everyone’s got it.” The group was certainly surprised by the bot they saw; deep maroon with an orange hood with a gold wing design on his chest, dark gray shins and feet, and a large yellow spoiler on his back.

Retrofit just smiled “Sideswipe and company, let me introduce my nephew… Hot Rod.”

Author's Note:

That's right; Hot Rod Skywalker reference just blew your mind. Also, in case you hadn't noticed, the Eurobeat shall intensify for the duration of the Velocitron Arc.