• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,816 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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Rainbow really liked the elevator for flyers the Autobots had built into the volcano, leading down to the Ark. And when she arrived in the main area of the ship, she saw exactly why Optimus had called everyone back; there was Sunset in a massive bot-mode. “Whoa, what? We’ve got the map?”

“Yep. We’re on our way to the AllSpark.” Twilight smiled proudly, having also returned with the rest of the team with a massive amount of Energon stolen from a Decepticon mine.

Wheeljack smiled as he moved to the controls. “Alright Autobots, moment of truth.” he smiled. “Teletraan, bring up a full holographic display of the map to the AllSpark.”

Teletraan followed his order and swiftly projected a massive 3D globe composed of all the fragments collected from the girls’ armors. But there was something easily wrong. “Wait a second; that’s not Earth.” Bumblebee was right; the planet displayed by the hologram looked nothing like Earth;

Ratchet seemed remarkably irritated, even moreso than usual. “What? You mean we’ve been on the wrong planet this whole time? This is ridiculous!” The other Autobots apparently agreed as they started arguing over whose fault it was.

Twilight took a closer look at the map herself, further analyzing it with her bot-mode’s inbuilt visor. “Wait a minute, this isn’t the wrong planet. It’s just from the wrong time period.”

Everyone stopped arguing when they heard that, as Perceptor – particularly intrigued – stepped forward. “Explain.”

Twilight did so by looking at Optimus. “When exactly did Alpha Trion launch the AllSpark from Cybertron?”

“Roughly 50 million of your years ago,” Optimus remembered.

“Well, that explains it; back then, this was what Earth looked like.” Twilight explained, drawing several lines on the large supercontinent. “So with these fissures accounted for, as well as the 50 million years of continental drift…”

Accounting now,” Teletraan reported and did exactly as it was told, spreading the continents out across the holographic globe until it was almost a mirror image of the planet Earth the girls knew and loved, with the coordinates for the AllSpark somewhere on the southeast coast of the North American continent.

“Bingo.” Twilight smiled.

Sunset looked closely at the highlighted position on the globe, almost confused. “Teletraan, zoom in on the coordinates on a standard map of Earth.” The computer quickly did as it was ordered, surprising everyone with the revealed location.

“Wait a minute; that’s Camp Everfree.” Twilight realized.

“Well, if that ain’t sweeter than fresh apple cider.” Applejack smiled, totally ignoring the weird look the Autobots gave her in response to her countryism. “That’s just a couple minutes from here.”

“Then what’re we doin’ standing around here? Let’s go.” Rainbow smiled, revving up her engines.

“Whoa there, Rainbow,” Cliffjumper ordered. “We can’t just drive out to a military camp and start diggin’ the place up for the AllSpark.”

Sunset just snickered. “‘Military’? Camp Everfree’s a kids’ sleepaway camp.” she corrected. “And it’ll be fine; we saved the place once. Plus Twilight’s dating the counselor.” Obviously, Twilight blushed and smacked Sunset upside the head, their metallic flesh clanging together. “Ow, why? It’s the truth.” Suddenly the small red diamond in her horn lit up and she heard something in her mind. And it almost sounded like a voice. “What the…?”

“What is it?” asked Bumblebee.

“I- I dunno, I just… I just hear something.” Sunset wasn’t quite sure how to describe it, but it was definitely present. For another few seconds, but then the voice faded from her hearing and the light in her horn flickered off. “Huh. It’s gone. It sounded… it sounded like a voice.”

“A voice?” Bumblebee was surprised. “Okay, that is… really weird.”

“Yeah, I don’t know what it was.” Sunset shrugged.

Ratchet quickly flipped out a small scanner and went over both her bot-form’s brain module and the brain in her organic body. “Hmm. Well, I’m definitely showing some stimulation in your frontal lobe circuitry. Not sure what could cause it.”

“Well, my geode power lets me read people’s memories when I touch them. Maybe the Armor and this horn made it… I dunno, wireless?” Sunset shrugged.

“Possible, though unlikely. Unfortunately, I have no more cogent theory.” Perceptor shrugged. “I will endeavor to locate one.”

“Alright good; while you do that, we all head out to Camp Everfree.” Rainbow planned, suddenly taking command.

“Hey, whoa-whoa-whoa; who died and made you Prime?” Sunstreaker asked seriously.

“We can’t all go out there.” Wheeljack reminded. “Someone’s gotta stay and defend the ship and town.”

“Is that you volunteering?” asked Rainbow.

Wheeljack was admittedly surprised but shrugged all the same. “I suppose it is,” he said. “We have more than enough Autobots to spare. If I stay here with a smaller team, you guys will be free to go.”

“Agreed.” Optimus nodded. “Wheeljack, Red Alert, Lifeline, Inferno, and Perceptor will remain to watch over Canterlot. The rest of us will journey to the camp.”

“Alright then. Mind if I say it?” Sunset smiled broadly when she saw Optimus nod, as she turned to the opening door. “Autobots, Transform and Roll Out!” With that order, everyone transformed with Sunset transforming into a McLaren 12C and roared out of the ship toward the camp.

What none of them saw was that high above in the clouds, a large black and red jet with familiar VTOL wings was watching them move. “Starscream, this is Thrust. The Autobots are in the midst of a full mobilization, heading into the forest. Shall I pursue?”

Starscream smiled at this news. “With utmost haste, Thrust. I will lead the rest of the Seekers.” The transmission ended and the treacherous flyer moved on to go through with his treasonous plan.

Camp Everfree was fairly quiet with no campers for the week. Still, that didn’t stop Gloriosa and Timber from making sure the place was in tip-top shape if they had visitors. And they soon received an entire convoy of company as the girls rumbled into the glen and swiftly disengaged their Cyber-bodies straight from vehicle-mode, swiftly followed by the massive truck-form of Optimus Prime, which stopped before the gates to the camp. Understandably, Timber and Gloriosa were more than stunned when the convoy arrived, as Optimus somehow collapsed his exhaust pipes and rumbled in, allowing Bumblebee and Beachcomber to join him as the other ground-forces parked outside and Jetfire circled over the lake.

The three bots transformed as gently as they could, doing their best not to damage anything as they looked around. “Man. This place is gorgeous.” Beachcomber smiled; he loved Earth’s natural environment, which was why he and Fluttershy got along so well.

“Whoa. Man Twilight, what’d you bring these guys here for?” The girls were surprised; Timber Spruce had been a joker as long as they’d known him, only really dropping his comedic aspects when he was really serious, like in the Gaia Everfree debacle.

“Long story. Short version; we’re here for a treasure hunt.” Sunset smirked, looking up at Bumblebee. “You getting anything, Bee?”

Bee quickly locked his visor and looked around the camp, scanning the area for energy readings. “Hmm. I’m not reading anything that might be the AllSpark. Probably shielded, to keep the ‘Cons from finding it.”

The holo-avatars of the other Autobots walked forward into the campgrounds and looked around for themselves, with Ratchet locking his eyes onto something high above. “Jetfire, you seeing that lifeform below you?”

The ex-Seeker swiftly locked his scanners onto the entity, fairly surprised by what he saw. “Looks like some sort of bird.” And not just any bird; it was a peregrine falcon, circling over the lake.

Gloriosa smiled. “That’s the old Everfree Falcon. It’s been circling there longer than either of us can remember.” It was just then however that the falcon swooped down toward them.

“Not anymore it’s not,” Rainbow noted.

The team was already confused, but that confusion only deepened as the falcon swooped down toward Optimus. Then it just got crazy; the falcon suddenly grew to bot-size before its wings folded to its back, its legs extended and flipped around, and its beaked head flipped down into the chest, revealing a metallic feminine face and two large arms as it landed right in front of the Prime. “Optimus Prime. I was wondering when you’d get here.” This new bot spoke with a sassy sort of tone, but she did seem genuinely happy to see Optimus.

Bumblebee however was instantly suspicious and flipped out his stingers. “You’ve got about thirty seconds to explain yourself, birdbrain.” he threatened.

The bird-bot simply smirked and placed a hand on her hip. “Buddy, I’ve been here for millennia and seen all sorts of madness. You think you scare me?”

“Who are you?” Optimus ordered.

“Call me Airazor,” she responded. “My team and I were sent to this planet by a mutual friend of ours. Red and purple armor, spiky helmet, long beard; ring any bells?”

Optimus’ optics popped as he indeed realized who Airazor was talking about. “Alpha Trion sent you.”

Airazor nodded knowingly before Rainbow stepped forward with a serious expression on her face. “Uh, I feel like we’re all missing the big point here. How does a bird count as an Autobot?”

Airazor smirked. “Well, technically I’m not an Autobot.” She proved this fact by pointing to her right forearm, showing a green symbol that resembled a stylized wolf-face.

“Matter of fact, my team and I aren’t even originally from Cybertron. We’re from one of her colony worlds; the jungle world of Eukaris. Everyone there has some sort of animal life as an alt-mode and my team is no different; we just assumed modes that would blend in better on this planet. We call ourselves the Maximals.”

“Okay, that’s actually pretty amazing,” Twilight noted.

Airazor seemed almost unsure as she ran a hand over the feathers on her shoulder plates. “Organic alt-modes have some disadvantages, I admit. These feathers are enough of a hassle on their own – and don’t even get me started on molting – but the animal instincts that came with the mode, that’s another debacle entirely.”

“What sorts of instincts?” asked Fluttershy.

“A conversation for another day,” Airazor assured, seemingly embarrassed as her faceplate turned deep blue. “For now, let’s see if I’ve got anything for you guys.”

“Wait, ‘if’?” asked Sunset.

“Alpha Trion gave me and each of the other Maximals a canister, each said to be containing the AllSpark,” Airazor explained. “It was a sort of a shell game in case the Decepticons caught up to us. He was the only one who knew which one of us had the real thing.”

“And no one looked in their container?” asked Twilight.

“Even if we wanted to, we couldn’t.” Airazor shrugged, producing a small icosahedral capsule from her back.

“They’re locked down and according to Alpha Trion, there’s only one thing in the universe that can open them.” Her glance up at Optimus explained exactly what she was talking about.

Optimus nodded in understanding and opened his chest, revealing the Matrix in all its glory. A blue beam shot from the crystalline center to connect to the capsule, apparently opening an advanced system of locking mechanisms between each panel before the beam faded and Optimus’ chest closed. “Alright, moment of truth.” Airazor smiled as she looked at her capsule. “Would you care to do the honors, Optimus?”

“Allow me, I insist!” Everyone was surprised by that voice, especially when they saw its source; Starscream, hovering high above surrounded by his Seeker armada. They swiftly opened fire, but none of their shots connected as Trailbreaker swiftly erected a shield over the camp.

Optimus scowled as he locked his battle mask and raised his blaster. “Return fire.” Bumblebee and Beachcomber both raised their own blasters and quickly opened fire on the Decepticons, but none of their shots connected.

“I got this. Time to stretch my wings.” Rainbow smiled and dashed out to the lake, quickly activating her Armor and taking to the air, readying her weapons. Jetfire flew in on her wing in full battle mode, but the Seekers were remarkably maneuverable.

“We’ve gotta lead them away from the camp.” Sunset rationalized. “Then we can really cut loose.”

“I can take care of that.” Airazor smiled as she raised her wings, taking to the air as she raised the capsule in her hand. She let out a massive screech which swiftly caught Starscream’s attention. “Hey, slag-for-brains! You want this? Come and get it!” Quickly she hid the capsule and transformed back to falcon-mode, divebombing down toward the others.

Starscream simply smirked, breaking away from the main conflict and the other Seekers. “As you wish, freak!” He followed Airazor down toward the ground, where she quickly swooped and flew further away from the camp, leading Starscream away.

Rainbow and Jetfire had themselves succeeded in scaring the remaining Seekers into following their leader. “Follow us, guys. Let’s have some fun!” Rainbow smirked.

“Autobots, roll out!” Optimus ordered, prompting everyone to quickly transform back to vehicle mode and roar after their teammates.

“Sorry we couldn’t stick around longer, Timber! Talk later!” Twilight called back as she drove out. She glanced off to her side and saw Sunset smirking in her car next to her. “Not a word.”

“I wasn’t gonna say anything.” Sunset insisted… but she totally was. Later.

Ahead, Airazor was steadily slowing down as Starscream started catching up. “Alright, time to bring out the big guns. Airazor, Maximize!” With a screech, she quickly transformed back to bot-mode and flipped out two forearm-mounted photon-crossbows, which she quickly used to fire on Starscream, blasting massive marks on his armor with every shot.

It was just then that the bird-bot heard a flash of noise behind her. She turned to see what it was but didn’t see anything. It was only until she noticed a certain weight on her belt missing that she figured out what happened. “The capsule!”

“Oh, you mean this?” Skywarp had somehow teleported right behind her and stolen the capsule off her belt, before teleporting next to Starscream. “Cmon brother, let’s get outta here.”

“Not just yet, Skywarp,” Starscream smirked as he took the capsule for himself. “What say we pluck this techno-organic freak of Cybertronian nature and serve her to Lord Megatron for dinner?”

“Go right ahead and try, Starscream,” Jetfire yelled as he and Rainbow corralled the other Seekers to meet with their commander. “You touch a single feather on her Eukarian hide and you’re scrap metal.”

“‘Eukarian’?” Starscream seemed surprised… but not by much.

Airazor smirked. “Now don’t go giving me the wrong idea, big fella.”

“Trust me birdy; sometimes I wish Jetfire had more of a filter between his brain and his mouth.” Applejack smirked from down on the ground, leveling a large revolver up at the Seekers, along with the other Autobots.

“Starscream, surrender the containment unit and leave with your life,” Optimus ordered, leveling his blaster.

“Now why would I surrender something the great Optimus Prime is so interested in?” Starscream smirked.

“Because if you don’t…” Rainbow began before she opened her arms and revealed every missile she had, armed and ready for launch at him. “Your call. Leave the box and run, or we look through the scrap metal until we find it after I blow you apart.”

Starscream snarled, but weighed his options; he knew that even with his entire armada, he wouldn’t be able to handle all the Autobots at once. Plus he was already banged up enough from Airazor’s barrage. “Fine. Take it.” He simply allowed the container to fall from his hands as Twilight caught it with her telekinesis and floated it down to Brawn’s hand. “But know that it will be mine. Seekers, retreat.” With that order, the armada transformed and flew away from the town.

Jetfire and Rainbow swiftly led Airazor back down to the ground, where they all stood easy. “Everyone okay?” asked Ratchet.

“We’re fine, doc,” Rainbow smirked. But apparently, she spoke too soon as Airazor began sparking and seizing.

“Gah! Talk about great timing!” she groaned as she swiftly transformed back to falcon-mode.

“Whoa. Are you okay?” asked Spike as she perched on his back.

“I’ll be fine; this just happens sometimes.” Airazor shrugged. “It’s another of the disadvantages to having a technorganic body. The restructuring when I scanned this bird changed my body outside and in; gave me several unfamiliar organic organ systems while deactivating some technological ones.”

“Like the ones that keep local Energon fields from surging and interfering from your internal systems?” Bumblebee figured.

“Yep. I can really only use my bot-mode for a few hours every day outside a shielded location.” Airazor nodded. “My whole team’s been affected in much the same way. Whatever damage the Energon fields cause, our beast-modes’ auto-repair systems fix.”

“Maybe Ratchet can find a way to fix it permanently. He’s the best medic this side of the galaxy.” Sideswipe smirked.

“Even I have limits, Sideswipe.” Ratchet reminded. “But I suppose I’ll see what I can do.”

“What about the rest of your team? Why didn’t they help out here?” asked Rainbow.

“I’m sure they would’ve if they were here. ‘Cept maybe Rattrap; that guy’s a coward and annoying as all get-out.” Airazor shrugged. “After we landed here and made sure we were all clear on our mission parameters, we went our separate ways.”

“When was the last time you had contact?” asked Prowl.

“Bout fifty years ago.” This astounded the girls.

“Wha- fifty years ago?!” asked Twilight.

“We've been under radio silence since then. To make sure the Decepticons couldn't find us,” Airazor assured. “Relax; the others can handle themselves. And anyway, I think there are more important things to consider right now.”

“Yeah, like ‘why did Alpha Trion’s map point us to you and not your landing point?’” Sunset pointed out.

“Perhaps he knew Airazor was the one carrying the AllSpark.” Rarity suggested.

“Only one way to find out,” Brawn smirked at the capsule in his hand before he looked around. “But let’s save that for safer quarters.”

“Brawn’s right. I have a bad feeling Starscream and his goons aren’t the only ‘Cons out here.” Drift pointed out.

“How do we know for sure?” asked Sunset.

“IS ANYBODY STILL HERE?!?!” Pinkie yelled out into the forest.

“Pinkie!!” the girls all yelled at her.

“WHAT?!” Pinkie quickly realized it. “O- OH SORRY- uh sorry.”

“You bonehead. You’re gonna get us all killed.” Rainbow pointed out… before she moved out in front of her. “IF YOU’RE HERE, JUST IGNORE THAT LAST BIT!”

“Nice save, Dash.” Applejack remarked sarcastically.

“Y’know, maybe heading home isn’t the worst idea.” shrugged Twilight. “I think we could all use the break.”

“Agreed. Autobots, return to base.” Optimus ordered, prompting everyone to transform – with Airazor staying in her falcon-form and finding shelter in Sunset’s cabin – before they all roared back to the Ark. What they would find when they returned would shock them all.