• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,815 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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Allies and Recruits

“Three simple Autobots flyers over a jungle, and they managed to escape you with your objective.” Megatron scowled at the Insecticons. “I assume you have a meaningful explanation for this latest blunder, Shrapnel.”

“Don’t blame us, Lord Megatron; we did our job.” Shrapnel assured. “If you wanna blame anyone, blame Sky Shadow; he’s the one who sent Cobra’s air-strike team to help us, but once the Autobots called in their own backup, they were impotent in helping us.”

“Exactly as I have been assuring you, master,” Starscream assured. “Humans are worthless whelps, nothing more than insects for us to crush.”

Megatron ignored Starscream as usual, looking instead back to Sky Shadow. “Why were the forces of Cobra there in the first place, Sky Shadow? I have yet to solidify any sort of alliance with them.”

“We can easily rectify that now, my lord.” Sky Shadow assured. “Cobra Commander has agreed to meet with you in the northern ice-lands of the North American continent, as soon as possible.”

“Give Soundwave the coordinates for the GroundBridge,” Megatron ordered, prompting Sky Shadow to leave to do just that as Megatron turned to Starscream. “Starscream, have your Seekers reported any further Eukarian Spark signatures?”

“Uh… nothing definitive, Lord Megatron,” Starscream said quickly. “Ramjet believes he may have found something in the north on the eastern hemisphere. I’ve yet to confirm it for myself, but it appears to be genuine.”

“See that it is confirmed, and if there truly is a Maximal there, destroy them and bring me the capsule,” Megatron ordered.

“If I may be so bold, my liege?” asked Knock Out. “You seem to be forgetting that the only thing that can open these capsules is the Matrix, which is still in the clutches of Optimus Prime.”

“I will deal with Prime myself when the time comes,” Megatron assured. “And once the Matrix is in my hands, the Omega Lock and the AllSpark will be ours.” He smirked cruelly as he looked at the medic. “Though you have reminded me; is our latest… recruit prepared for tasking?”

Knock Out smiled. “The indoctrination went off without a hitch, my liege. Flatline and I have convinced Nightbird that her Spark was one of the last Warforged created by the AllSpark before the villainous Autobots cast it away and killed our world. Her Spark had no corporeal form to enter and we did not have any to give her after you singlehandedly saved her from the madman Optimus Prime and his psychotic concubine Elita-1, so we were forced to place her in stasis until we could find one.”

“So thanks to the Autobots, she has never seen her homeworld.” Megatron smiled. “Excellent work, Knock Out. That will do well in swaying her to our side.”

“Oh, it undoubtedly has, my liege. She is incredibly loyal and wishes for nothing more than to serve you and bring about the annihilation of the Autobots.” Knock Out assured.

“Perfect. We will hold a ceremony for her when I have returned from my negotiations.” Megatron smiled, looking at Soundwave. “Soundwave, report.”

“Coordinates locked; activating GroundBridge,” Soundwave reported as the green vortex opened.

“Sky Shadow, you will join me and present me to this Commander,” Megatron ordered.

“I would be more than honored, Lord Megatron.” Sky Shadow assured as he moved to his master’s side, both walking through the vortex.

In the wilds of Canada, a massive group of tanks similar to Soundtrack’s alt-mode was gathered around a small group of people, one of which – wearing a helmet – stood in front of everyone else. He stood with strength as the vortex opened and allowed Sky Shadow and Megatron through. “Sky Shadow.” the helmeted man said simply.

“Wise Cobra Commander, I present my master; Megatron, conqueror of Cybertron and leader of the Decepticons.” Sky Shadow introduced, stepping to the side.

“It is an honor and a privilege.” Cobra Commander said as he stepped forward.

“Yes. It is.” Megatron said simply, looking at the others surrounding the commander; a black-haired woman with thick black glasses, a metal-skinned man, and the most outrageous mad scientist you've ever seen. “Your lieutenants, I presume?”

“High Command staff.” the commander corrected, pointing to each one in turn. “My Second in Command and Chief of Intelligence Baroness Anastasia Cisarovna, our weapons manufacturer Destro, and our chief scientist Dr. Mindbender. I was quite surprised to hear from you; I wasn’t sure what such an advanced mechanical race would want from such a humble organization as Cobra.”

“If Sky Shadow is to be believed, you’re anything but humble, Commander.” Megatron countered. “I understand you have grand aspirations. A global conquest of your own, perhaps?”

“I see Sky Shadow isn’t very good at keeping secrets.” the Baroness remarked, glaring at the Decepticon tactician.

“I merely offered my lord and master a chance for an ally, Baroness. The same chance we now offer you, Commander.” Sky Shadow smiled.

“I believe I know what chance that is,” Commander noted, looking back to Megatron. “I’ll make it quick and simple, Megatron; you help us conquer Earth and recognize our galactic sovereignty once it’s in our hands, we help you with advanced weaponry and manpower. Do we have a deal?”

Megatron scowled. “You will forgive me if I am slow to trust, Commander. Past relations between Cybertron and organic species have been… difficult,” he said simply. “I know of your weapons’ potential, but I will require more. Proof of your men’s usefulness in other areas of my interest.”

“And what areas might those be?” asked the Commander.

“Before Cybertron died, the Autobot agitator known as Alpha Trion sent some of the most powerful and sacred relics of our world out among the stars,” Megatron explained. “I have a list of arrival coordinates, indicating that several among them have landed here on Earth. I assign your soldiers with one simple mission; bring me one of these relics by any means necessary.”

“I don’t suppose you have a target in mind for us?” asked Destro.

Megatron snapped his fingers and Sky Shadow handed him a Cybertronian tablet, which he scrolled through before he found something. “Simply go to the following coordinates and you will find one of them. Bring what you find back here, and I will arrive to retrieve it.” Megatron ordered, listing off coordinates.

“Got ‘em,” Mindbender remarked before he looked at his own tablet’s readings. “Huh. That’s unusual.”

“What is?” asked the Commander.

“My instruments have been detecting some fairly powerful energy disturbances from this area in the last few weeks.” the scientist remarked. “Whatever this thing is, it must have some serious punch.”

“You are more than welcome to find some way to test the device once you have located it… provided that that test is conducted under the watch of one of my own warriors,” Megatron assured.

“As you wish, Megatron.” the Commander nodded. “So… can I take this to mean we’re in business?”

“For now.” Megatron sneered. “But make no mistake; if you fail, you will be among the first to be destroyed when I conquer this world.”

“I assure you, my lord, we will not fail.” the Commander assured, turning to his soldiers. “Return to base, and prep for an archaeological expedition; we’re goin’ diggin’.” The whole platoon quickly mobilized and prepared to move out as the Commander and his staff jumped into a jeep. “I look forward to doing business with the Decepticons in the future, Megatron.” With that, the whole platoon raced away into the forest.

Megatron turned back to Sky Shadow, who smiled at his master. “Your opinion, my lord?” he asked.

“They do appear powerful. But we shall see just how powerful they are when they bring me what it is they find.” Megatron assured.

“That reminds me; what did you send them after, Lord Megatron?” asked Sky Shadow.

“Unfortunately, even I do not know that,” Megatron remarked, looking back at the list. “All we were able to recover from the computers of the Iacon Hall of Records was a list of coordinates, not what lay at each set. We will simply have to wait and see what it is that Cobra brings us.”

“Of course, my lord.” Sky Shadow nodded as the two went back through the GroundBridge to the Nemesis, where they found Starscream waiting for them.

“And how did the meeting with the human scum go, master?” the air-commander asked.

“Their weapons speak for themselves, Starscream. Now we see how well their soldiers take orders.” Megatron answered. “If they prove themselves, then we are in business.”

“And if they attempt to betray us?” asked Starscream.

“Then we accelerate our timetable,” Megatron said simply. “If they do not betray us, we will assist them in conquering this pathetic planet before we destroy them and take it for ourselves. If they do, we destroy them first and conquer second.”

“You have no need to worry about betrayal from Cobra, Lord Megatron.” Sky Shadow assured. “The Commander is most generous and loyal to his benefactors. Why do you think Viper, Soundtrack, and I have survived so long under their watch? We promised them allies unrivaled in their conquest, and we have delivered.”

“Indeed you have, Sky Shadow. Assuming the Commander’s soldiers can locate what I have asked of them.” Megatron agreed, turning to Starscream. “Starscream, is everything in place for Nightbird’s induction?”

“All rites shall be observed, per your discretion, my master,” Starscream assured.

“Good. We will proceed immediately.” Megatron ordered, stepping forward to the controls. “All Decepticons, I bring good news; our ranks will be expanded this day as our latest guest takes the Rite of the Deceptibrand. All those wishing to join in the celebration will report to the flight deck in ten minutes. Flatline, your services will be required as well. Glory to the Decepticons! Glory to Megatron!”

“Glory to the Decepticons! Glory to Megatron!” the bridge crew cheered; their cheers echoed across the ship by the rest of the ever-loyal crew.

Megatron terminated the channel and turned to Knock Out. “Knock Out, you will prepare Nightbird for the ceremony and deliver her to the flight deck. I expect her to be on time.”

“As you wish, Lord Megatron.” Knock Out nodded and bowed before his master, slowly retreating to the elevator.

When the appointed time came, Megatron stood near the aft end of the ship’s flight deck at a makeshift altar as the Nemesis flew through the clouds over Spain, surrounded by Decepticon soldiers holding purple lanterns aloft, weapons shouldered in a line of honor leading all the way to the ship’s main door. “Let the Rite of the Deceptibrand begin!” Megatron decreed, prompting the door to open revealing Nightbird, unarmored and naked aside from a small white Decepticon badge dangling from her neck by a chain, standing next to Knock Out with two Vehicon soldiers holding her armor. Slowly, they approached the altar where Nightbird knelt before Megatron. “Nightbird, as we seek vengeance for our lost homeworld and destroy the heinous Autobots, we offer you a chance to take vengeance personally as we formally welcome you to the ranks of the Decepticon Empire.”

“I wish for nothing more, Lord Megatron. You saved me from destruction when I had only just been born, and so I will gladly repay your generosity and spark by donating mine to our victory.” Nightbird assured.

“Excellent.” Megatron nodded. “Now… recite the Oath of Conquest.” He nodded to Flatline, who moved around behind the new recruit.

Nightbird wasn’t sure what he was doing, but she had been warned by Knock Out to prepare herself for pain. Either way, she looked on the back of her training badge and found the oath written out. “‘I pledge my unquestioning loyalty to Megatron and the Decepticon cause. I shall-’ Ngh!” She cringed as she felt Flatline’s Energon scalpel cutting into her back and opening her up. She tried to ignore the pain and muscle through the rest of the oath. “‘-devote my Spark to achieving our goal of a Decepticon-controlled Cybertron, by any means necessary’.” She stammered a bit as she felt Flatline reaching into her chest from the back, clutching her Spark casing. “‘And annihilate a-all who have d-driven us from our r-rightful homeworld. Surrender is n-not an option’.” At last, Flatline pulled his hand from Nightbird’s back, holding a piece of her Spark casing in his Energon-stained hand.

He handed it to Knock Out as he carefully closed up her back, while Knock Out placed the Spark casing into a small crucible where it was melted down before being poured into a mold which Onslaught slammed shut and flash-finished, presenting a completed Decepticon badge. As this was happening, the Vehicons had taken the training badge from the pained Nightbird and were redressing her in her armor. Once she was redressed, she knelt weakly before her master as one of the guards bent down to her ear. “Fair warning; this next part’s going to hurt a lot worse than the first part,” he whispered.

Nightbird wasn’t sure what that meant until she saw Megatron lock the new badge onto a small staff, where Soundwave coded it with recognition data. Once it was coded, the staff – now recognizable as a branding stick – was brought toward Nightbird as it was electrified. “Welcome, brave Decepticon. Your destiny awaits.” With that and nothing else to say, Megatron violently drove the branding stick into Nightbird’s breastplate, making her scream in agony as the electrified badge burned into her chest. Finally, the pain stopped as Nightbird fell to her knees. “Rise up and serve your new master.”

Nightbird was still overwhelmed by the great pain but did her best to rise to her feet, her head still bowed to her master. “Yes… Lord Megatron,” she said simply.

Megatron smiled cruelly as he looked out over the other Decepticons. “Decepticons, today is a momentous day! For today, we welcome into battle our youngest sister; Nightbird! Rejoice!” The crew roared with cheers as Nightbird looked out at the people who appeared to take enjoyment in the pain she had just endured. “You all remember the pain you went through in your rites! To Nightbird and to all of you, I grant this reminder; draw on this pain, and make it your strength! Let your enemies feel that which you have felt! Show them the true meaning of agony and terror! Bring the glory of the Decepticon Empire across the universe! All Hail the Decepticons! All Hail Megatron!”

“Hail Megatron! Hail Megatron! Hail Megatron!” the soldiers cheered, giving Nightbird the incentive she needed to fight.

Eventually, the ceremony rounded to a close as Megatron made his way back onto the bridge. “Report,” he ordered the interim officers.

“Nothing to report, my lord. All is well.” one of the officers reported… before an alert sounded from his station. “Uh, cancel that; something’s entering the atmosphere.”

“On-screen,” Megatron ordered as the image of an object entering orbit appeared on the main screen. “Soundwave, identify.”

“Identifies as Cybertronian Nova-class combat cruiser.” Soundwave identified.

“A Nova-class? Haven’t seen one of those in ages.” Onslaught remarked. “Calculate projected point of impact.” Soundwave did just that, showing it would land on the Gulf of Mexico just off the coast.

“Starscream, scramble your Seekers’ nearest patrol unit to those coordinates and investigate,” Megatron ordered. “More of our Decepticon brethren may have come to join us.”

“And if it is the Autobots, my liege?” asked Starscream.

“Do you seriously need to ask?” Megatron smirked, making Starscream smirk just as much as he left to contact his Seekers.

Nightbird walked forward, still weak and pained from the ceremony. “And what of me, my lord?”

“You require rest after your rite, my dear,” Megatron assured. “But once you are fully functional, you will adopt a vehicle mode and infiltrate the Autobot base to bring me those components of the Omega Lock currently possessed by the Autobots.”

“As you command, Lord Megatron.” Nightbird nodded, limping off to the barracks.

“Sunstorm and Acid Storm have reported their locations, my lord,” Starscream reported. “They are closest to the point of impact. Please, permit me to join them so that we make certain that those aboard are dealt with.”

“As you wish, Starscream.” Megatron shrugged, waving the Seeker away. This would be a fine day for Starscream to start his plans of usurpation… or so he thought.