• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,815 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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Serpent's Bite

“I am disappointed, Sky Shadow.” Megatron certainly looked disappointed as he glared at the soldiers he’d recalled. “Joining forces with organics?”

“It wasn’t exactly by choice, Lord Megatron.” the flyer assured, Viper and Soundtrack flanking him on the bridge of the Nemesis. “You remember full-well about the hull-breach we suffered when we entered this planet’s atmosphere all those years ago.”

“Still, it is disappointing.” Starscream countered. “Some of our lord’s greatest soldiers, reduced to mere tools for organic slime.”

“That ‘organic slime’ you’re referring to happen to have remarkably advanced weaponry. Observe.” Soundtrack noted, swiftly transforming back to her tank mode and aiming one of her cannons at a Vehicon near the door. The soldier suddenly stopped and tried to run away, but was suddenly blasted across the bridge by a massive concussion blast, which caved most of the metal from his body. Megatron raised an eyebrow as Soundtrack transformed back to bot-mode. “Impressed yet?”

“I suppose so.” Megatron shrugged. “Though that does not mean this… what were they called; Cobra? Just because they have impressive weapons technology does not mean organic lifeforms are worth acknowledging.”

“Why not?” asked Sky Shadow. “Lord Megatron, I am one of the Decepticons’ greatest and most loyal military tacticians and with all due respect, you seem to be ignoring this opportunity.” Megatron raised an eyebrow again. “The Cobra Commander has his own plans to conquer this planet, so I say we use it to our advantage.”

“Pah! Competition.” Starscream scoffed. “We’ll wipe out them, the Autobots, and anything else that stands in our way.”

Megatron appeared to be ignoring Starscream as he kept his optics locked onto Sky Shadow. “You have my attention.”

Starscream was surprised, but Sky Shadow just smirked. “Here’s my plan; we offer enough aid to Cobra for them to conquer this planet, and in the event they do succeed, then we wipe them out and take this planet for ourselves.”

“And if Cobra’s leader discovers this duplicity?” asked Megatron.

“Then we go with Starscream’s plan and destroy all life on Earth.” Sky Shadow shrugged. “But I doubt it will come to that. Cobra Commander is intelligent; I agree, but…well, we are Decepticons, aren’t we?”

Megatron simply smiled. “Very well, Sky Shadow. Arrange a rendezvous for me with this ‘Commander’; I wish to speak to him myself.”

“As you command, Lord Megatron.” Sky Shadow nodded as he and Viper left the bridge. “As for Soundtrack… well, I think she’s got some catching up to do.”

“Indeed I do.” Soundtrack nodded as she glanced across at Soundwave. “Hello, brother.”

That was all Starscream stuck around to hear as he left the bridge, finding his Seekers outside. “We just heard; Lord Megatron is joining forces with organics?” Thundercracker asked seriously. “It goes against everything he once stood for.”

Starscream scowled as he looked over at Thrust. “Now you see why we must dispose of him, Thrust?”

“Absolutely, commander. Megatron’s mind has been poisoned; we must take control of the Decepticons or he will destroy all we stand for.” Thrust scowled. “Ramjet, Dirge, ask around the crew; see how many of the others are discontented with the present state of affairs.” Two other cone-headed Seekers – one white with more shallow red wings, one blue with yellow delta-wings and front canards – saluted and left to do as they were ordered.

“Thundercracker, Skywarp, rally the Seekers and prepare to raze this planet to ash until we find the AllSpark,” Starscream ordered, his brothers leaving to do so. “Soon, Megatron. Very soon.”

“If you’re trying to reassure me about when the destruction of the Autobots will come, then I can assure you Starscream, I don’t need you to.” Starscream jumped at his master’s voice, growing remarkably terrified by his sudden appearance behind him. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m needed in the medical bay. Take your Seekers and search the planet for the rest of these ‘Maximals’.”

“As you command, o mighty Lord Megatron,” Starscream assured, allowing the warlord to walk past.

Megatron sneered as he walked down the hallway, eventually finding himself in the medical bay. “You wanted to see me, Shockwave?”

“The cloning and grafting procedures were successful, and the spark synthesis generator is fully functional,” Shockwave reported, indicating to the now replated Nightbird. “I assumed you would prefer to be present for her awakening.”

“Proceed.” Megatron scowled. Shockwave stepped to a console and pulled a lever, causing small electrical pylons around the chamber to thrum with electricity, sparks flying everywhere. Knock Out opened Nightbird’s chest cavity to reveal a small chamber, which a short cable was swiftly plugged into. The cable then surged with energy as Nightbird’s optics shot online, prompting a scream from her vocal processor. Finally, the whirring faded as the generator powered down, detaching the cable from Nightbird’s chest and allowing her up with a groan.

“A resounding success, my liege.” Shockwave nodded simply. “Now if you will excuse me, I must return to my post on Cybertron.”

“Of course, Shockwave. I can handle everything from here.” Megatron assured as his scientist left.

“Ugh. Wha- where am I? Who am I?” Nightbird groaned.

Megatron scowled and glanced at Knock Out. “Oversee her indoctrination. I have other matters I must attend to.” The Autobots would soon dread their future in the war.