• Published 14th Feb 2022
  • 2,816 Views, 239 Comments

Cybertron Girls - SonicSpeedster97

The fate of an entire alien world rests in the hands - or rather, around the necks - of the Main 7, as they fight to save Cybertron and Earth from the Decepticons.

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When Dr. Fujiyama heard his robot had been hijacked by terrorists (as Prowl falsely informed him) he was greatly disappointed. “I must apologize, Dr. Fujiyama,” Optimus assured. “We attempted to defend your invention, but we were unprepared.”

“It could not have been foreseen, Mr. Pax.” the doctor shrugged.

“Nonetheless, I assure you that my team will do all in their power to return your invention to you as quickly as possible,” Optimus assured.

“Thank you, Mr. Pax. I only ask that you bring her back unharmed.” the doctor asked. “Her components are irreplaceable, and needed for further research.”

“Don’t you worry, Doc.” Jazz assured. “We’ll bring the little lady back in mint condition… I hope.” He muttered that last part.

“Thank you very much.” Dr. Fujiyama nodded as he left the arena where they met… allowing Optimus and Jazz’s avatars to disappear, returning to the team hiding in the loading bay.

“How ya doin’, Brawn?” Jazz asked.

“I’m fine.” the new bot assured.

“I beg to differ.” Ratchet argued. “That blast from Bombshell did a number on you. I’ll need to get you back to the base for more advanced treatment.”

“Please. I can’t transform right now, but I can still fight.” As if to emphasize this, he delivered a quick combo… only to suddenly stop and groan as he grabbed his right shoulder.

“If you allow your T-Cog to remain damaged, you’ll lose all motor control within a matter of days.” Ratchet reminded. “You’re going to Sick Bay and that is final.”

Optimus made his decision right then and there. “Red Alert, activate the GroundBridge. Ratchet, attend to Brawn’s wounds. Ironhide, take the humans back as well.”

“All due respect Optimus, but we’re not leaving,” Twilight assured. “We’ve got an entire planet to search for a single robot, so you’re going to need all the help you can get to find her.” She turned to her friends and smiled. “Who’s in?” The other girls roared in agreement, suddenly prompting Twilight to Pony-Up, as her Geode glowed brighter.

Wheeljack smiled. “Looks like we’re getting more help either way, Prime.” And sure enough, Twilight’s Armor unit hovered from her pocket and locked around her Geode, which started pulsing with energy. But then she noticed something; the Armor unit hooked to Spike’s collar started pulsing as well.

Both Armors gave a loud ring as Twilight was suddenly surrounded by her telekinetic aura, and Spike suddenly burst into flames, both of which suddenly grew to massive sizes before becoming solid.

Twilight’s face and limbs turned the same lavender as her skin, her torso turned a bright blue with a purple six-pointed star button on her collarbone, as her hips and upper thighs turned dark purple and her feet turned deep navy blue. Her steel cable hair flowed from her hair in the usual ponytail, partially covering a small purple diamond on her forehead, allowing her blue optics centered with purple to activate before being covered by a translucent rose visor, as bright lavender jet-wings flipped out from her back.

Spike’s transformation was somewhat similar; once the fire died, it showed that Spike was not only unburned but also encased in light purple metal with a bright green ridge on his head over his green-centered blue optics, his purple collar and gold tags still present around his neck, though they were somewhat overshadowed by the smallish tires in his shoulders and haunches. And those were even more overshadowed by the large dragon-like purple wings protruding from his back, amazing everyone.

(Cut it)

The team was amazed by their two new allies, though Twilight was especially surprised. “Whoa. Okay, this is incredible,” she remarked, looking at herself and her now winged dog-bot. “Why did we both activate?”

“I’m not sure.” Wheeljack shrugged. “Your Armor’s activation sequence must’ve been linked to the prototype’s. That means you two are binary-bonded.”

“Forget that; check out these wings,” Spike remarked, suddenly taking to the air on them. “This is awesome!”

“However, it does not make much sense,” Perceptor remarked. “Your organic form had no wings.”

“It must be some sort of link to his Equestrian counterpart; that Spike is a dragon.” Perceptor raised his eyebrow at Sunset’s remark as if asking for context. “Giant fire-breathing lizard with wings.”

“Hm. Intriguing.” Perceptor noted.

“Let’s see what alt-modes you’ve got.” Wheeljack smiled, prompting Spike to swiftly jump and transform, his legs folding in and his tail flipping down into a trigger as his mouth opened wide, landing in Twilight’s hand.

“Whoa! I’m a gun?!” Spike said in surprise, before realizing something. “Wait; how can I still talk?”

“Bots don’t need mouths to talk in their alt-modes.” Wheeljack shrugged. “And if I’m not mistaken, you’re not just any kinda gun; you’re a thermo rocket cannon.”

“My dog turns into a rocket launcher? Cool.” Twilight remarked with a smirk.

“Guess that makes you a Targetmaster, Twi.” Twilight seemed confused by the term Bluestreak used. “Bots binary-bonded to smaller bots who act as a weapon. Oughtta come in handy.”

“No doubt. But how do the wheels fit in?” Rainbow was right; Spike’s weapon mode still had wheels, which confused the others.

“Well now, this is surprising.” Ratchet remarked. “A Mini-Con Triple-Changer. Huh. Never thought I’d see the day.”

“Well, let’s see what it is,” Twilight smirked at Spike’s idea, and tossed him into the air, allowing him to transform again; this time into a small vehicle with almost pillar-like front bumpers.

“Cybertronian ATV. Nice.” Wheeljack smiled, as Spike familiarized himself with the unusual controls, even by the standards of a dog-driven vehicle.

Then Sunset realized something as he transformed back to beast-mode. “Wait a sec; if Spike’s a Triple-Changer, and he’s bonded to Twilight…”

“Then that must mean I’m a Triple-Changer too.” Twilight smiled in understanding. “I’m gonna need two alt-modes.”

“Well, that’s just greedy,” Rainbow remarked.

“But it may be most useful in battles to come.” Optimus nodded. “Wheeljack, accompany Twilight and Spike back to base so they may acquire more suitable vehicle modes. Ratchet-”

“Tend to Brawn; I gotcha.” Ratchet nodded as the GroundBridge opened, allowing the five through, as well as Sunset who was staying behind until her own armor activated.

“And everyone else?” Rainbow smirked.

Optimus nodded as he locked his face-plate. “Transform and Roll Out!” The order was quickly followed, with Rarity finally revealing her new alt-mode as a white 2012 Rolls Royce Ghost, before she and all the others roared out the door, across the planet.

Back at base, Twilight was looking through available alt-modes in Teletraan’s database, having downloaded her’s and Spike’s portions of the map into Teletraan’s system… and totally forgotten that they had left the door open, giving Nightbird an entrance. Though the security systems at the door made it far too dangerous, so she carefully began climbing up the ridge to the top of the volcano.

“There’s one thing I don’t get, Wheeljack.” Spike shrugged. “Why does Megatron want that robot anyway? He’s already got an army.”

“I stopped trying to understand what goes on in Megatron’s head megacycles ago.” Wheeljack shrugged. “And either way, I doubt she’s just gonna come here.”

Suddenly Twilight’s optics locked onto something; an F-16 Fighting Falcon and a 2021 Honda Odyssey. “Alright, I think I’ve got my alt-modes picked out.”

“Nice choices,” Jetfire noted. “Guess you’re gonna be joining Rainbow in flight training. Let’s get ‘em scanned.” Twilight quickly did so and was almost immediately welcomed by attributes from both her vehicle modes; cockpit in her midriff, grills on her waist, tires on her shoulders and thighs, and an air intake on her back under her wings.

“Huh. Not bad. I think I can work with this.” Twilight smiled.

Red Alert almost seemed to be getting used to the girls being around… until Teletraan’s security database brought something to his attention, which confused him as he opened a com line. “Red Alert to Rainbow Dash; are you or Fluttershy coming back to base?”

No, we’re flying over Alaska,” Rainbow answered. “Why?

“Then why is the flyer entrance at the top of the volcano opening?” That single statement worried everyone present, forcing them to dash to the flyer entrance, where they took up tactical positions on either side of the door.

Twilight counted down on her fingers from three, at which point the door was opened and everyone jumped into position, Twilight even flipping blasters out of her forearms like Jetfire. But they didn’t see anything. “Huh. That’s weird.” Spike remarked.

“Maybe there’s something wrong with the door’s systems.” Twilight suggested.

“Well, couldn’t hurt to give it a quick debug.” Red Alert agreed as they returned to the hangar… unaware of something scanning something from Twilight’s internal computers. As it turned out, that scan came from Nightbird, who had scanned Twilight’s security code and started sneaking around the ship until she arrived outside sickbay, where Lifeline was working on Brawn.

“Easy there, Brawn. Your T-Cog is almost back to peak condition,” she assured.

“I think I know what Smokescreen likes about you, kid; you’ve got a gentle touch.” Lifeline blushed at Brawn’s compliment and continued her work… which totally distracted her, allowing Nightbird to sneak all the way to the ship’s bridge, where she deployed a drive from her wrist and plugged it into the system, downloading information from the computer directly to the Cerebro-shell in her head… resulting in an alarm going off.

Intruder on the bridge. Intruder on the bridge.” Teletraan blared.

Faced with the alarm, Nightbird was forced to retreat… only to run straight into Red Alert on her way out. “Surprise!” he smirked and fired his shoulder-cannon at her, only for her to dodge and deliver a devastating combo to the security officer… but he got in a lucky grab at her head, somehow automatically deleting her stolen security code, and causing the alarm to go off.

The tangler guns quickly flipped out and began firing, but Nightbird dodged every blast and ran out, pursued by the others. “Red, are you okay?” Spike asked.

“Down there!” Red ordered, pointing down the hall.

Jetfire quickly saw what he was pointing at and fired a blast at the ground near the robot, hidden in the shadows which stopped. “That was a warning shot; identify yourself or my aim improves.”

Nightbird simply turned back to the bots, which seriously surprised Twilight. “Wait, that’s Dr. Fujiyama’s robot,” Twilight ordered, grabbing Jetfire’s rifle and forcing him to lower it. “Optimus ordered us not to harm her.”

“Designation; Nightbird. All Autobots will be eradicated.” Nightbird said in her same monotone voice, before throwing a barrage of shuriken at the bots, who quickly took cover around corners.

“Guess Megatron didn’t tell her not to harm us.” Jetfire scowled.

Then something else was tossed out toward them; something Red Alert recognized immediately. “Grenade!” And not just grenade; a flashbang, which disoriented everyone allowing Nightbird to race out of the ship.

Once the ringing in the team’s ears and glare in their optics faded, the team looked around angrily at what had happened. “Contact Optimus,” Jetfire ordered.

It didn’t take long before the whole rest of the team arrived on the ship, looking over what happened. “I’d say you guys are lucky this ‘Nightbird’ didn’t do any permanent damage.” Ratchet shrugged as he looked Spike over.

“Yeah, my ears feel really lucky,” Spike remarked.

“Don’t worry Optimus; we’ll bring her in and stop her before she really causes trouble,” Rainbow assured.

“I believe it is too late for that, Rainbow Dash,” Perceptor noted. “The infiltrator accessed the map to the AllSpark.”

The gravity of the situation began to sink in after that. “With me and Spike’s parts, the map is almost complete; just a few gaps. All the Decepticons would have to do is go by process of elimination.”

“If Megatron gets the map, the war is lost.” Optimus scowled.

“We’ve still got some time, Optimus.” Red Alert assured, holding something up. “Bombshell fitted her with a com-unit, but I managed to disable it. Without coms, she’ll have to find another way to signal for a GroundBridge.”

“Then we’ve gotta move, fast,” Twilight noted.

“Agreed. Autobots, Transform and Roll Out!” Everyone quickly did so and left the base.

Ratchet quickly called Optimus once they were gone. “Red Alert, Perceptor, Wheeljack, Lifeline, and I will have everything back online in no time,” he assured. “Good luck.

“Thank you, old friend. We may need it.” Optimus noted.

As the bots drove into town, Cliffjumper pulled over near Sandalwood and glanced his avatar’s head out the window. “You wouldn’t happen to have seen a big black-” He didn’t even have to finish; Sandalwood just pointed down the street leading out of town. “Huh. Thanks.” That was all he needed to know as the team quickly rolled out.

Twilight was still getting used to her new wings, and carrying Spike on her lap as she and Rainbow flew alongside Jetfire. She was just getting the hang of it when she saw something off to her side. “Contact; on the bluff.” And sure enough, Nightbird was climbing a bluff nearby, allowing the Autobots to see her.

Quickly, they all transformed with Twilight grabbing Spike’s new Mini-Con form out of the air before he fell. “A simple stun-blast oughtta do the trick,” Jetfire smirked as he raised his rifle, firing at Nightbird and knocking her down.

“Nice shot, Jetfire,” Ironhide smirked. “We’ll take it from here.” Bluestreak and Applejack were the first ones to join her on the ridge, only for Nightbird to suddenly kick Bluestreak in the face and knock him down.

“Whoa! Playin’ possum, huh sugar?” Applejack smirked. “Well, let’s see how ya handle someone a little sturdier.” Apparently, she did fairly well as Applejack was easily knocked back to the others.

Optimus was just moving forward when Nightbird began throwing more shuriken. “Incoming!” Bumblebee called. Rarity quickly raised a gemstone barrier in front of the bots to intercept them.

Spike growled as he swooped down on his wings. “Alright, time to turn up the heat!” He could feel a heat welling up in his robot mode's belly and assumed it was because of his dragon-powers, ready to breathe fire.

Optimus raised a hand to his mouth and stopped him. “Stand down, Spike. We promised not to harm her.”

“Well, she didn’t make any promise like that.” Twilight reminded, emphasized by Nightbird drawing a large energy blade from her back.

Optimus lowered his large blaster and slowly approached. “Nightbird, we mean you no harm. We’ve come to help. Do not force my hand.”

“All Autobots will be eradicated,” Nightbird said simply and struck Optimus’ hand, forcing him to drop his blaster before he was conked in the head and knocked to the ground.

“Alright, that’s it!” Smokescreen growled and readied his rocket launchers.

“Stand down; do not damage her!” Optimus ordered.

“Fine. Then at least let me do this!” Applejack smirked and quickly drew a bot-sized revolver, quickly shooting the sword from Nightbird’s hand.

She thought nothing of it and grabbed up Optimus’ blaster and dashed to the other side of the bluff, quickly jumping from the cliff. Rainbow tried to grab her but too late; she vanished. Literally. “No sign of her, Optimus,” Mirage reported. “Maybe she has a cloak.”

“Question is; with all the weapons she has, why would she steal Optimus’ ion rifle?” asked Ironhide.

“I heard that a ninja always takes a part of an enemy with them.” Drift remembered. “We’re just lucky it was just a weapon.”

“Hey, Nightbird! You forgot this!” Pinkie called out into the unknown, waving the sword the ninja apparently abandoned in her hand.

Meanwhile, Megatron had seen the whole thing through Nightbird’s optic feed. “Not only does my Nightbird have the map to the AllSpark, but also my hated enemy’s weapon?” He was more than impressed. “Prime will lose much more before we are finished.”

“We should’ve looked into human roboticists’ toy chests sooner, Lord Megatron.” Knock Out smirked. “Nightbird alone is magnificent; imagine an army of drones like her.”

“Ah, even the brightest stars burn out eventually; some quicker than others,” Starscream remarked. “Especially after Bombshell over-torqued her circuits.”

“Who asked for your opinion, Starscream?” the Insecticon snarled.

“Nightbird will not burn out until she returns with the map,” Soundwave assured. “All has been programmed properly.”

If she returns, I think you mean.” Starscream scowled. “She’s barely true Decepticon material.”

“Perhaps I should scrap you and give her your post to test that theory, Starscream.” Megatron scowled.

The Autobots had resumed their search for Nightbird, but so far they weren’t having much luck. It wasn’t until they were halfway to Camp Everfree that Rainbow transformed and landed in front of the others. “Hang on; I think I’ve got something. Due north; let’s go!” she ordered and led the team north. “We’re closing in.”

Finally, they found Nightbird in a narrow canyon near the outskirts of town. “Gotcha,” Bumblebee smirked.

“No one attack,” Optimus ordered as they assumed bot-mode. “I wish to capture her unharmed.”

“I don’t think she’s gonna wanna come quietly, Prime.” Ironhide was right; suddenly Nightbird’s sword flew back to her hand from a magnetic charge before she moved to attack Prime who dodged each of her swings before she retreated.

“We’ve got her, Prime,” Jetfire reported as he, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rainbow all flew after Nightbird with the other bots running after them.

Finally, she was boxed in with no hope of escape, so she stood her ground. “Okay, no more Mr. Nice Bot.” Cliffjumper scowled as he and Bumblebee raised their weapons… only for them to be knocked from their hands by shuriken.

Mirage smirked as he cloaked and snuck carefully around Nightbird as Optimus attempted dialogue again. “I swore to your creator that I would not damage you, Nightbird. But you leave me no other option.”

“Maybe this will help!” Mirage yelled and tossed Optimus his rifle, which he caught and aimed at the ninja-bot.

“I truly regret this.” That was all Optimus said before he fired on Nightbird, knocking her down.

“Well, silver lining; at least we know she’s not indestructible.” Twilight shrugged… before Nightbird jumped to her feet and threw another barrage of shuriken.

“This is getting redundant!” Cliffjumper remarked as he and several others took cover. “We’ve gotta do something!”

“I’m open to suggestions, Cliff!” Applejack countered. Everyone tried something – even vehicle-mode attacks – but nothing worked.

Megatron grew more and more pleased with every moment. “Magnificent. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted.” he smiled. “Starscream is most definitely out of a job.”

Starscream heard that from outside the bridge and scowled. “Replace me? Hmph. We’ll see about that.” Suddenly, he saw his chance when Rarity and Trailbreaker combined their shielding abilities to completely surround and immobilize Nightbird.

“No!” Megatron was rightfully concerned, which Starscream took full advantage of.

“My liege, allow me to lead the strike to liberate dear Nightbird and bring you the AllSpark.” he offered graciously.

Megatron was too concerned to think rationally and raised his hand. “No, I will lead the team alongside you. The map will be mine if I have to obliterate every lifeform on this worthless planet!” With that order, Soundwave opened a GroundBridge.

It opened on the other side just as Cliffjumper saw something fall from Nightbird’s side as she struggled against her bonds. “That drive must have the map.” He couldn’t grab it to find out as the portal opened and he was suddenly blasted back to the others.

“Cliff!” Rainbow called in worry as she caught him, only to see the Decepticons move out from the vortex and scowl at the Autobots.

“Surrender Nightbird and you will live!” Megatron ordered.

“You’ll have to take her from us the hard way!” Rainbow smirked.

“Agreed. Autobots, attack!” Optimus ordered, prompting everyone to open fire, engaging in a massive firefight with the Decepticons… which they slowly started losing.

“We’re gettin’ hammered here!” Applejack remarked.

And she was right; just as Smokescreen almost got the drive, Bombshell buzzed down and grabbed it, blasting him straight through the midsection. “I got him!” Spike barked and ran out, breathing green fire at the Decepticons as he locked his forepaws onto the Autobot and dragged him to cover, the drive wrapped in his tail.

“Twilight to base; we have wounded! Requesting backup and medivac!” she reported.

Gotcha covered!” Wheeljack assured as another GroundBridge opened not far behind Autobots lines, allowing him, Brawn, and Lifeline to move into the fray.

Lifeline was terrified when she saw Smokescreen so damaged. “Smokey!” Quickly she dropped to his side and dragged him back toward the portal.

“Cover her; our shields are failing!” Trailbreaker reported.

“I got somethin’ better than a shield!” Brawn smirked and drove his hands into the ground, pulling a massive wall of stone up in front of the team, allowing every shot to bounce off it as the team planned their next move. “And that’s why they call me Brawn.”

Unfortunately, as the shield units dropped their powers, Nightbird was free and began to battle the Autobots. Starscream was watching from behind a ridge, more than pleased at the way the battle was going; Autobots caught between Nightbird’s hand-to-hand and Decepticon weapons. “My replacement, eh Megatron? Let’s see how much you like her when she’s offline.”

When no one was looking, he snuck around behind Ironhide and fired one of his arm-mounted blasters over his shoulder right as he fired, hitting Nightbird square in the back. “Nightbird, no!” Megatron yelled in concern.

“Say good night, bucket-head!” Rainbow smirked and let loose a massive barrage of missiles, blasting massive amounts of stone from the walls down toward the enemy.

Starscream quickly moved back to Megatron’s side as the Autobots opened fire. “The battle is lost, my liege. We must retreat if we are to have any hope of winning the war,” he assured.

Megatron snarled; he hated to agree with Starscream, but he made a good point. “Decepticons, return to base!” he ordered as the GroundBridge opened, allowing the Decepticons through amidst a hail of blaster fire.

“Nice shot, Ironhide,” Brawn smirked.

“I didn’t know I actually hit her.” Ironhide shrugged.

“Well, whatever happened, let us take solace in the fact that we have victory once again.” Optimus smiled… before he looked at the trail of Energon Smokescreen had left in the dirt when he was dragged back to the ship.

Soon enough, the Autobots returned to New York and delivered Nightbird back to Dr. Fujiyama (having told him that she was reprogrammed by the terrorists who stole her as a weapon), who was more than happy to see her unloaded from a trailer Optimus brought with him. “Thank you so very much, Mr. Pax. You have my eternal gratitude for returning my machine. And not a scratch on her chassis.”

“We’re just glad she’s back in the right hands, Doctor,” Twilight assured. “Deprogrammed and neutralized, thanks to our science team.”

“And safely locked away, permanently.” The doctor smiled as he sealed his machine into a large pod. “Thank you again, Mr. Pax. Remind me to visit your company someday. I would love to see what you’re working on.”

“Thank you, doctor. Perhaps another time.” Optimus nodded as his team all left the room, returning to their bot-bodies and driving through the GroundBridge back to base.

“Y’know, I’ve been meaning to ask,” Rainbow remembered as she looked at Optimus. “Why did you choose Orion Pax as your cover name?”

“Because that is his name.” Ironhide smiled. “Or it was, anyway. Before he became a Prime.”

“He was an archivist in the Iacon Hall of Records.” Red Alert remembered. “Circumstances just demanded that he take up the mantle of Prime and the Matrix.”

“Cool,” Rainbow remarked, happy to know a bit more about the girls’ large friend, though it easily devolved into concern when they saw the worried look on Lifeline’s face. And even then, what they did not know would soon return to haunt them.

Author's Note:

Looks like we've got one extra addition to the team. And here's his artwork.

As usual, art by eiloo