• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,557 Views, 7,938 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Every party needs some Discord

Author's Note:

This chapter has some raw chaos. Be prepared

Fluttershy's Cottage, the Pokemon House. Inside her home, the laughter of Discord could be heard.

"But that's not all. When I went to look for them again, they were on the ceiling!" Discord was chatting with Fluttershy as she laughed at his short chaotic story.

"Oh, Discord. I've never known anypony as funny as you!" Fluttershy said as teacups were floating towards her. "I love that story about the time you tried to train your right paw-" She was struggling to finish the sentence by laughing at how hilarious it was. "To fetch your left leg! Oh, I do love our Tuesday teas. And I can't wait for you to meet my friend, Tree Hugger. She's going to love you too."

"Tree...Hugger?" Discord chuckled at that name.

"I met her on a trip to see the Breezies. She's a member of the Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures."

"How nice for you." Discord wasn't too fond of this mysterious pony already as he took a bite out of his teacup.

"We're all gonna have so much fun together at the Grand Galloping Gala!"

"Oh! I was wondering when you were going to ask." That grabbed Discord's attention as he slid the couch towards his pony friend. "I'd love to!" He had a giddy face on him, but not Fluttershy.

"Oh. Oh no. Um...I'm afraid I've already asked...Tree Hugger." Fluttershy's ears drooped down as Discord stood up, walking away, not too happy about this. "I'm sorry, Discord. I assumed you'd have your own ticket since you and Princess Celestia are friends now. Were you not invited?"

Discord gave himself a suit as he turned around. "Who? Me? Probably got lost in the mail. No biggie as the foals say!" The tone of his voice was obviously saying that he as pretty hurt by it. "Well..gotta go!"

"But we haven't had any of our Tuesday tea-cakes." Fluttershy held out some tea-cakes, however, Discord picked them up, dumping them all in his suit.

"Well, I guess we're going to have to exclude them from our party this time." He tossed the plate tray as he was backing away. "Oh! Did I say that out loud? I mean..ta-ta." He had left Fluttershy's home, teleporting off.

Over at Canterlot, Celestia was expecting something, in particular, to occur at the Gala.

"I have a great feeling about tonight's Gala, Luna." Celestia was holding Passion in her hooves.

"Why is that?" Luna asked her sister.

"Well, Ash is arriving at the Gala as well, his first time. Along with Discord as well. I've sent him his own ticket. If they get involved, the Gala will be ten times as fun. Much more than when Twilight and her friends went a little stir-crazy the other time."

"Oh. Well, this does not concern me. I have a night to watch over. So once again, I shall not be attending the gala." Luna was about to walk away but she was stopped by Pyrestar who came in.

"Not this time, Luna," Pyrestar spoke. "I shall guard over the night for you."

"What?" Luna pulled back. "Pyrestar? Do you not hear yourself? You can't watch the over the night. That is my job."

"Yes. But I am half of you remember. Therefore, I share all of your capabilities as well."

"That is true but...after what occurred in your universe, I cannot let you do this. You need to take a break for as long as you ca-"

"No, Luna." Pyrestar stopped her. "I've realised that what happened in my universe could also happen to yours because of the Rift's existence. You may also end up suffering a similar fate such as mine. Therefore, I want you two to experience everything in your universe. There are a lot of little things to do this in this world, and you may never experience them. So, I shall keep watch over the night."

Luna saw that Pyrestar wasn't willing to give up on guarding the night. But what she said was true. Experiencing what this world has to offer, even the Pokemon world, is limited. So they'll have to experience them before they all vanish." Oh, alright. You can watch over the night." She ended up taking Pyrestar's offer. "But...I don't really have a Gala dress of my own. And the one I wore at Twilight's coronation was a bit too tight."

"I'll get you sorted about that. Now. Let's make this the best Gala possible!" Celestia placed her hoof around Luna. Nopony could predict what was about to happen tonight.

Twilight as helping Celestia get ready for the Gala as she was ecstatic today. Instead of spending time with Celestia, which was a massive failure last time, she's excited to spend quality time with Ash. And this time, she didn't have a single worry in her mind. Besides, if Ash is there, what's the worst that could happen? "I get to spend some time with Ash." Twilight got all giddy, putting her hooves together. "Nothing now can ever go wrong with this."

Over at Twilight's castle, Spike was sound asleep, just resting away, mumbling the word 'Gemstones in his sleep. That is until Discord appeared in front of him while snug in his blanket. Waking up, he let out a scream once he saw the lord of chaos.

"Where's Twilight?" He asked in a menacing voice.

"Uh...she's in Canterlot helping Princess Celestia with the gala!" Spike winced, feeling intimidated with Discord being close to him. Discord then teleported away, letting Spike have some space as he was freaking out from that small instance.

At Rarity's Boutique, she and Leavanny were getting both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo dressed for the Gala.

"Oh, your first Grand Galloping Gala! The excitement. The anticipation! I wouldn't miss this for all the jewels in Equestria!"

"We're going to the Gala! We're going to the Gala!" They jumped up and down, repeating themselves.

"Alright, ya'll. Keep it down." Applejack said as she was playing cards with Rainbow Dash. "It ain't like it's a life-changing experience or no...thing..." She turned around to see her little sister all dressed up as well. The sight of it was about to make her tear up. Which it did. "My little sister's all grown up." She blew her nose on Rainbow Dash's tail.

"Hey!" Rainbow winced, pushing her friend away from her tail.

"Now for you." Rarity went up to Ash who sitting on a bench, not up for wearing a suit at all.

"Do I have to wear a suit?" Ash groaned.

"Absolutely. Are you going to just waltz in there with the wrong attire? I mean, I'm proud of the work I did for your clothes...but it won't suffice at the Gala. Not at all."

"I guess. I mean I have worn suits in the past anyways."

"Now hold still." Rarity pointed her hoof forward as the Leavanny held Ash's feet down with String Shot, making him gulp. "And i haven't forgotten about you, darling." Rarity turned her attention towards Pikachu.

"P-Pika..." Pikachu winced, walking back a bit. His history with getting put into outfits was coming back to him as he recalled being put in a silly costume back at Cameran Castle.

"Don't resist. It's much easier if you just comply and wear this." Rarity had a small yellow suit that perfectly fit Pikachu.

The Electric Mouse Pokemon made a run for it, not wanting to get in. Rarity locked her eyes on him, as her Leavanny knew what to do. A single Leavanny used String Shot to latch onto Pikachu's back, wrapping him in a string cocoon, dragging him all the way towards Rarity.

"Pikachu!" The Electric Mouse Pokemon was squirming about, attempting to use Iron Tail but he the string was too thick.

It was too late for an escape. Rarity and her Leavanny army got to work, placing Ash and Pikachu in the suits that they were trying so hard to avoid. Despite the fact that the suits fit them perfectly, they still weren't fans of it.

"See? Don't you all look dashing in them?"


"Urgh. Suits are not my style." Ash pulled on the collar of the suit.

"Pika..." Pikachu sighed.

"That goes for the rest of you." Rarity turned around to the others. It wasn't just Ash and Pikachu who were here. His Pokemon were out along with Goh, Raboot, his newly caught Sobble and even Jade, Cold Colt, Sonata and Aria.

"I'm not a suit guy myself. I mean...I don't think I am." Goh said.


"You're all attending your first Gala. So you're going to look the part. Alright?"

"I mean...I'm not against dresses. We rocked some pretty nice dresses back at the other world, right Aria?" Sonata looked at Aria.

"I'll agree with that... They were pretty good looking." Aria nodded, cracking a smile.

"Yeah... good looking." Cold Colt the entire time was gawking at Apple Bloom, completely clouding off all other thoughts.

Rarity and Leavanny then dressed all of them from ponies, human and Pokemon in suits and dresses fit for the Gala.

"Rio." Riolu looked at the tiny little scarf he had along with his blue suit that matched Ash's colouring.

"Gen..." Gengar was a bit confused about what it was wearing. It could just become intangible and let the suit drop, but Nah. Since it'll be going to the Gala, it rubbed its ghostly hands together, knowing of the pranks it's gonna pull there. "Gen, Gen..." The Shadow Pokemon laughed mischievously

Dragonite as a hard decision since it as a full-grown Dragon. So Rarity gave it a small bowtie and suit jacket. A simple but effective choice.

"Far..." Farfetch'd sighed. It didn't see how it was going to get any stronger by wearing a silly suit.

"This thing's making my neck itch." Goh was scratching his neck along with his Raboot. Sobble didn't mind though.

"Oh, this beats our dazzlings dresses any day of the week." Sonata hummed as Aria just shrugged.

"I feel ridiculous. What about you?" Cold Colt looked over at Jade who was unresponsive to the dress she was wearing. It matched her jade colouring, just like how they all had suits and dresses that matched their signature colours.

"It feels comfortable." Jade replied monotonously.

"Look at you all. You'll be the eye of the Gala. Hopefully." Rarity commented as her Leavanny were even dressed. They made their own clothing for this.

"This is gonna be the best night ever!" The CMC said in unison. At the mirror where they were standing, the eye of Discord popped up, looking around as it terrified them, making them scream and run away.

"I don't suppose...these adorable little cutie-pies have their own tickets to the Gross Gruesome Gala, do they?" Discord rubbed Apple Bloom's chin with his pa as the little pony smacked it away with her hoof, blowing her tongue at him.

"Ahem." Rarity was about to speak as Sweetie Belle was hiding behind her. "To answer your rude question, they're going as our dates. Our plus ones." Rarity pulled her sister closer to her.

"We're plus ones!" Sweetie bellowed as the other two joined in, repeating the words. Discord took off both his horns, placing them inside his ears, not wanting to hear the horrific sounds anymore.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I believe I've got that!" Discord teleported off, leaving here as soon as he could.

Next was SugarCube Corner where Pinkie gave a cupcake to a random pegasus.

"Have a wonderful special fantastic day." She said, seeing the pony off. "Oh, hi Discord. Want some cake?" She knew Discord was here as the Draconequus was inside a cardboard box, surprised that he had been spotted. "I can give you a list of all the flavours we have in order. Most delicious, to incredibly unbelievably delicious!"

"Actually, Pinkie Pie. Who are you taking to...I mean... do you..." Discord was struggling to let the words out. "You know what! I am famished. I'll take all the cakes."

"All of them?" PInkie's tail stood up. "He wants all of the cakes!" She was excited, grabbing and shaking who knows what that she was looking at.

"Well, I'll need all my energy when I'm dancing at the gala. If I decide to go that is. Oh, by the way...are you...bringing any pony?"

"Oh, of course! I chose Jade in an instant. It's gonna be her first gala ever! And I realised that I could bring Maud along as not a plus one...but a plus two!! Those two are gonna get along so quickly! She's gonna have so much fun with Jade to point that she'll totally-" Pinkie Pie was blabbering away with Discord not paying attention. His eyes spotted Fluttershy walking and chatting with another pony. That pony was Tree Hugger. And beside her was her partner Pokemon, Lilligant. "-into a million pieces!"

"You know what...cancel my order." Discord said as he teleported off.

"You want none of the cakes now?!" Pinkie Pie bellowed as a Slurpuff devoured one of them.

"Oh my. You are funny." Fluttershy was giggling, hanging out with her new friend.

"I guess every being in Equestria is FUNNY today." Discord's head poked through the middle of the two as he joined in.

"Oh. How rude of me. Tree Hugger. This is Discord. Discord. Tree Hugger." Fluttershy introduced the two to each other.

"Radical to meet you." Tree Hugger spoke, walking towards Discord. "Really digging your vibe."

"My...vibe?" Discord had never heard of such words before. Especially the way she was talking. If anything, both Tree Hugger and Discord were parallels of each other. Calm and Chaos.

"It's a compliment." Fluttershy explained.

"Oh, well! I'm sure it is. Well, I must be off." Discord teleported away but then returned the next second. "It has nothing to do with seeing you or not seeing you. You can rest assured of that." He left and returned once more. "Have fun at the Gala!" Now he actually left this time.

"Righteous." said Tree Hugger.

Over at Discord's realm where he resides, everything about it is chaotic. He entered his home by opening the door, but he actually just teleported in.

"Oh, Tree Hugger. You're such a great friend. So much funnier than unfunny old Discord!" Discord was mimicking Fluttershy, obviously feeling a great flow of jealousy within him. The door slammed as a glass mug broke by falling off the table. He got a cleaning headband with cleaning equipment, lifting the bed as a lint creation of two rabbits were behind it. "No, no. Here. Take my plus one. I insist." He put the smaller rabbit next to the bigger rabbit, mimicking once more. "Before somepony else thinks HE'S my friend and expects to be asked instead." Discord was over-exaggerating what actually happened while cleaning the windows by not making any contact with them. "What's that? You're worried Discord might be upset? Not a problem!" While washing the dishes by making them dirty, he was making up conversations between Fluttershy and Tree Hugger that definitely didn't happen at all. "I can make more new friends anytime I want. It's NOT as if ANY of this actually MATTERED!" Storming into his living room, sitting on his couch, Discord crossed his chaotic arms. "I don't even want to go to the Gala anyway!" That's when another being's noises could be heard outside. A Mail Pony had arrived, floating in the void, screaming. Discord appeared outside, stopping his movements. "Are you perhaps looking for me?"

"Are you...Discord of this current residence?" The pony looked at the mail. "I can't find any street letters in this place."

Discord took the mail, opening it without contact. Out of it revealed to be a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala. "My ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala!" He was now ecstatic as he grabbed the ticket. "I was invited after all!" Discord then paused for a second, leaning his head towards the pony, making him shake in fear. "Why was this so late?" He said in a menacing voice.

"W-Well... I got a little lost after I escaped the flying badgers. Can you point me at the direction of the bottomless pit? I think I can make my way back from there."

"Oh. Over there, somewhere. Just go over there." Discord let the pony go as he continued to float in the endless void. "Looks like I'll see you at the Gala after all, Fluttershy. But I can't show up alone... She'll think that she's my only friend. Wh could I bring on such short notice." The Lord of Chaos pondered for a bit until it hit him.

Now, Ash, Discord and a ton of Pokemon were to be involved with the Gala at the exact same time. All of the chaotic and hyperactive energy that they all bring with them at all times will be at the Gala all night without rest. What could go wrong?

The Grand Galloping Gala. Canterlot.

"I must say. It's been very nice having you take over some of the planning reception responsibilities for this year's Gala." Celestia commented as she was in her dress. Her Pokemon Passion was even in one as well. Ponies were walking about along with humans who were also invited.

"Anything I can do to make it easier on you." She replied.

"Thank you, Twilight. I am quite looking forward to just enjoying the Gala for once. And oh...are things going to get interesting." Celestia rubbed her hooves together.

"I can wait for him to get here. I'm kind of nervous." Twilight blushed.

"Don't worry. Ash will be here. Along with some more guests."

"...Guests? Oh, you mean his Pokemon."

"Yes. All of them." Celestia nodded.

"Mhm- All of them?!"

"That's right. I decided to give out tickets for the rest of Ash's Pokemon at Professor Oak's lab. They deserve some fun here too don't you think?" Celestia smirked. She knew exactly what she was doing.

Twilight gulped. She was planning to spend some quality time with Ash, but she didn't anticipate a large majority of his Pokemon arriving. But hey, who knows. Maybe it'll still go well.

Along came Ash. He entered through those doors, full of energy as well. "Ooh! This is it, huh? Not too shabby!" Ash exclaimed.


Behind him were all of his Pokemon from Oak's lab. Big, small, round, built, doesn't matter. They were here. And they even had their own attire, courtesy of Rarity and her own Leavanny army. From the ferocious and intimidating Charizard, the always lazy and hungry Snorlax, Muk who was melting away the carpet by just standing there, The always proud Oshawott who was here to impress, the rough Scraggy who was ready to headbutt the first individual he meets and so on and so on as all his Pokemon had various personalities. Seeing this made Twilight even more worried. She didn't take into account their personalities.

"Oh no." Twilight gulped.

"Oh yes." Celestia rubbed her hooves together.

"Have fun, you guys. I know I will." Ash and his Pokemon all split up to have their own fun. Goh and the others followed suit by also arriving with Ash. "Hey, Twilight. I made it. Just as you wanted." Ash walked up, greeting her.


"Yeah. At least you ended making it. But did you have to bring ALL of your Pokemon? Couldn't some of them just stay behind?" Twilight responded.

"Yeah. But they haven't really gone out of Oak's lab in a while now. I thought I'd let them out of the fun, ya know."

"He's right, Twilight. Everypony, Pokemon and human deserve to have fun while it lasts. Pyrestar herself said it best even." Celestia nodded.

"Guess so. Well as long as there isn't any chaos...we're fine." Twilight sighed. But the moment she said chaos, trumpets flared.

"Announcing the Spirit of Chaos, Discord and his guest, the...uh..." The pony with the trumpet had no idea how to say this name. Discord leaned in, whispering the proper name saying to the pony. "The Smooze!"

Behind Discord came a strange slimy entity. At first glance, they thought it was another Muk. But it wasn't. Instead, it was a walking, living green slime with a bowtie and a hat. Everypony had no idea whether to be freaked out by the Smooze or Ash's Muk.

"Good evening, everypony. What a glorious affair." Discord greeted. His guest, The Smooze had grabbed a trumpet, devouring it inside its slimy body. "He does have a yen for shiny things. The rascal." Discord placed his claw inside the Smooze. Taking it out, he got a lot of slime on it as he placed it all on the clothing of a trumpet pony.

"I'll take care of this," Twilight said as she dashed over to Discord. "What are you doing here with...that? It's almost as bad as Muk. If not worse."

"Now now, now. The Smooze may be an IT, but it's an IT with a heart of...well...blob."

"This night...is extremely important to me Discord." Twilight looked over at Ash. "Keep...IT under control."

"Yes, yes, yes. Of course. Tell me. Have you seen Fluttershy anywhere?" Discord was on the search.

The looming chaos had already filled the entire Gala. And it was growing. Soon, it will erupt, turning the entire Gala upside down.

Snorlax was waltzing around, spotting some food nearby. It knew that it had to devour them immediately. So it did. Grabbing the entire table and dropping the food in its mouth, finishing it all in one go. Snorlax felt like going on an eating spree, and most of the time, it doesn't even notice that it's picked the wrong thing up. Mostly because Snorlax had picked up a pony, ready to eat it as it thought it was a snack. The pony was panicking, thinking this was her final moment in life, but Hawlucha had saved the pony by jumping forward, grabbing her away from the Sleeping Pokemon.

Charizard was walking about, intimidating everypony there. Mostly because he looked like a dragon, even though he's not one. It didn't help that his tail was always on fire, making them all cautious. And it also didn't help that Infernape had even more fire which was in the form of its hair.

Scraggy went up to a pony as they thought it was a pretty cute looking Pokemon.

"Aw...isn't this thing cute? Look at the way it's holding its...thing up." The mare said. But what she didn't know is that whenever a Scraggy meets someone knew, it greets them via headbutt. And that pony got that same experience as she felt a strong headbutt from Scraggy, making her head feel all the pain. "Ow!"

Twilight's eye was twitching as she looked up at Celestia. "Why Celestia? Why?"

Celestia merely gave off a response by facial expressions via a smile.

Luna had walked in, pulling at her dress. She had joined in as well. "Ugh. This dress is so frilly!" She even brought along her Pokemon as well. There weren't as much as Ash's, but there was a pretty hefty amount of them.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu was chatting with Passion and Eve who is now a fully evolved Espeon Rarity even managed to quickly made a new dress for Espeon, still resembling the dress that she had as an Eevee for a few minutes. Darkrai was lurking in the shadows, not wanting to get involved with the Gala. It wasn't for him.

Ash was eating away at some food that was thankfully not devoured by Snorlax yet. So far, he was enjoying himself. Twilight walked up to him to start a chat.

"So, Ash. What do you think of my dress?" Twilight was showing it off.

"Myrrh Fhoo," Ash replied with food in his mouth.

"Huh?" Twilight didn't understand. Just then, Gible came along, eating some of the food on the plate. Along with Totodile.

Ash swallowed the food, finally being able to speak clearly. "This stuff is good. Right, Gible? Totodile?"



"Yeah. But what about my dress?" Twilight leaned in.

"It looks pretty good." Ash responded, eating once again.

"Really? Thanks. You know I-" Twilight couldn't finish her sentence because she was being blocked by one of Ash's Pokemon. That being Bayleef who got in the way, narrowing her eyes at Twilight.

"Bay." The Leaf Pokemon was being very defensive of her trainer, not wanting anyone else getting close to him. Pony, human or Pokemon, doesn't matter.

"This is going to be tougher than I thought..." Twilight grumbled quietly.

Discord had given The Smooze a diamond to eat as he spotted Fluttershy with Tree Hugger. Both having their Audino and Lilligant beside them.

"The aura...coming off the waterfall was so...alive." Tree Hugger spoke in her usual tone. "So like...magic...manifestation. Actually, I sense an even bigger aura here. Like...universal level." Tree Hugger looked over at Riolu, feeling the aura.

Discord bumped into Fluttershy, trying to get her attention. "Oh, Fluttershy. I didn't see YOU there..."

"Can you sense Riolu's aura too? And how did you even know how to look for an aura on a waterfall?" She didn't even notice him. Or even feel the bump.

"Ahem." Discord kept trying to grab her attention. "A-A-Ahe-hem!" He kept it up until she finally noticed him.

"Discord! I thought you weren't coming." said the pegasus.

"No. I actually never said that. But funny how you remembered it that way. Anyway, good to see you. Tree...Friend is it? Your name is slipping my mind right now. How strange."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Tree Hugger. Blessings..."

"You have met me before, actually! Discord exclaimed, snorting out smoke from his nose.

"Cool. Like in another life maybe?" Tree Hugger pondered.

"You've gotta be kidding! You don't remember ME?" Discord took his hat, pointing at his horns to try and jog her memory.

"I meet a lot of different creatures." Tree Hugger laughed a bit, speaking in her relaxing tone as well. And thanks to Lilligant's aroma that it gives off, she at the highest peak of relaxation possible. "Each one of them, perfect, and unique."

"Yes, well. As I was saying." Discord placed his paw around Fluttershy, pulling her close to him. "It's just great to be here with my OLDEST, BESTEST, friend."

"Am I really your oldest, bestest friend?"

"You?" Discord chuckled. "Of course not. You think I don't have other friends? I'm centuries old. I was talking about the Smooze." He flew over to the blob creature. "Smooze-face, the Smooze-inator. Well I mean that's what we called him back in college." Discord grabbed his slimy pal, teleporting and placing it on the table. "Smooze. I would like you to meet Fluttershy and...hmmm..." Discord still forgot her name. "Tree...let's see...Tree Embrace?"

"Oh! I like that." Tree Hugger responded as her Lilligant nodded. "It's so in rhythm with my life force. Maybe I'll change it." Unaware to her, a bit of the Smooze was closing in on her, but Discord smacked its blob limbs away.

"I can't believe I've never heard you talk about the Smooze before." Fluttershy petted the Smooze, getting some slime on her hoof. "Sounds like you two are so close."

"Well, I'm glad you got that. Because that's what is true. We are..." Discord teleported to the Smooze, picking it up. "Very close."

"That's wonderful! The four of us should go out to dinner sometime." Fluttershy said. Hearing that made Discord snap the Smooze's head off, but it regenerated thanks to being slime.

"We should all go to dinner sometime?!" Discord exclaimed at Fluttershy. "Have you no heart?!" Just then a shriek could be heard. The Smooze was closing in on two ponies. "Oh. It looks like somepony wants to mingle. We'll be back in a bit." He floated away.

"Oh. Okay. Treezie and I would love to talk to you more later."

"Treezie?" Discord flew back, responding to that nickname. "Really? Sort of a juvenile nickname, don't you think?" Another shriek was heard with the sound of glass shattering. "Smoozie! Wait up!" Discord left once more.

Some of Ash's Pokemon had ventured off further in Canterlot Castle. Just to make sure they don't cause any trouble, Passion followed them. Some of Luna's Pokemon joined in as well along with Raboot and Sobble. Oshawott had discovered a room that could pique all their interests. It seemed to a be storage room filled with old toys and activities that a child would involve themselves in. In fact, these were items that Celestia and Luna never got the chance to use that much since they were too busy learning from Starswirl.

"Osha! Oshawott!" Oshawott called for them, heading inside the room. All of the Pokemon went to Oshawott, peeking at the storage room. They also saw what was inside. With all of these items just sitting about, practically untouched, why not be the first to interact with them for centuries.

"Corphish!" Corphish had the first go. It jumped onto a large diamond-encrusted cart with wheels, riding on it. The other smaller Pokemon did the same, jumping on the fancy shining carts, moving along with them. Soon, the Pokemon were racing each other on the carts all over Canterlot Castle. Passion gasped as she was powerless to stop them. Once Ash's Pokemon are active, there's no stopping them until they either tire out or Ash tells them to stop.

Sceptile sat back, acting cool as always. But Infernape was swinging about like an ape all over Canterlot, leaping from pillar to pillar. Thankfully, Infernape's flaming head doesn't set things on fire. Only if Infernape is furious. When he's not furious, the fire is safe. Just like a Rapidash. Charizard didn't even bother as he was laying around, acting all lazy.

"Rio!" Riolu raised his little baby arms up while balancing on the diamond cart. Donphan was racing against them without using the carts. Instead, it was rolling. All the noise made by the Pokemon could be heard, even all the way at the Gala.

Twilight was shaking a bit, trying to ignore all that noise. For now, she wanted to focus on. Ash. But that's pretty difficult considering that Bayleef won't let her be with Ash for even 1 second.

"You know Ash...it sure would be GREAT to spend some time with you if your Bayleef didn't get in the way..." Twilight was talking through her teeth as she was eyeing down Bayleef. The two were not on good terms right now.

"Sorry. Bayleef can be like that a lot. She can be pretty overprotective too." Ash laughed.


"More like clingy..." Twilight said quietly. "How about for once we spend some quality time together? I'm sure your Bayleef wouldn't mind that, hm?"

"I guess I could... You don't mind if I head-on, right Bayleef?"

"Bay!" Bayleef shook her head, not wanting Ash to leave.

"Oh, come on Bayleef. Just let me hang around with someone else for a bit, okay? I promise I'll hang out with you too."

"Bay." Bayleef lowered her head. Ash patted her grassy head, making her feel better.

"Yes!" Twilight silently cheered. She and Ash began to walk as the young alicorn turned around, blowing her tongue at Bayleef. This enraged the Leaf Pokemon, as she was preparing to get her revenge on Twilight.

Luna currently was just sitting about, unsure of what to do. In fact, for the first time, before she became an alicorn and had the duty of lowering the moon, Luna was tired. Drowsy. She was ready to doze off as her head titled towards her older sister. She fell completely asleep on Celestia's back.

"Aw. I haven't seen her like this at night in centuries." Celestia pat her younger sister on the head. It reminded her of when Luna was still a young little filly. So far, this Gala was going perfectly for Celestia. And she knew that things were already going to get better from here.

Discord had led the Smooze near the exit of the Gala. "Now listen Smooze. I need to make this a party of one for a little while." He opened up the doors, pushing the Smooze out. "Just stay out here, until I come for you." He closed the door, leaving the Smooze outside as he locked it. Discord noticed that Fluttershy and Tree hugger were laughing with Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. He teleported to them, laughing along, even if he had no idea what the conversation was about.

"What's so funny?" Tree Hugger asked.

"Exactly!" Discord nudged her.

Rainbow Dash and the others felt a bit awkward as they were not up for this. "Uh. I think we're gonna go hit the dance floor." They all backed away from this scenario.

"Fluttershy. Tell the Hugs here about the time we went to the store and came back with two cakes instead of one. Because that's how CRAZY we are. When we're together." Discord had his hoof around her.

"Um. We went to the store and got two cakes." Fluttershy talked about the story in a few words, making it sound unimpressive.

"Oh. Well you kind of left out all the fun and frivolity there. But I'm sure you got it Tree Hugger."

"I got that you really like cake." She replied, making Discord even more frustrated with her.

"We like each other!" That was the point! I'm actually pretty lukewarm about cake.

Another shriek could be heard. It was Rarity's as she was banging on the door. "LET ME IN!" Darkrai went over the door, opening it. It was revealed that Rarity and her Leavanny were all covered in slime. She walked inside, feeling an unparalleled amount of disgust as fell on the floor. "That creature took my jewels!" It was revealed that the Smooze was just eating away at every shiny thing it comes across. And the more it ate, the more it grew in size.

"Discord. I thought I told you to keep your friend under control!" Twilight went up to him.

"Oh please. I have better things to do than to watch that THING all night." He realised he went for a poor choice of words as he recovered by saying something else. "W-What I mean to say is...that thing is a dear, dear friend. And I'll make sure that the ooze that it can help but secrete, doesn't get on anypony else." Discord teleported to Rarity and her Leavanny, holding a vacuum cleaner. He sucked up all the slime from Rarity and her Pokemon, but also ended up sucking up their dresses as well. Rarity covered herself in embarrassment as her Leavanny got in the way, making sure nopony saw her.

"Thank you. Now to get back to quality time with Ash." Twilight sighed.

"You are making me look like a fool in front of Fluttershy." Discord was dragging the Smooze with a leash. "I'll be back when the Gala is over." He placed the slime creature inside a closet. But inside this closet was a bunch of shiny objects, just sitting around. Jackpot for the Smooze.

Meanwhile, the Pokemon continued their shenanigans upstairs.

"Pika!" Pikachu was starting to lose his balance as he crashed his cart into a wall. It caused a chain reaction as Oshawott and Scraggy also ended up crashing right into Pikachu. Then the Pokemon on the carts all lost balance, causing a huge cart crash. Snivy, being the graceful Pokemon she is, hopped off her cart, acting like nothing happened.


Ash's Snorlax had made its way into the kitchen, spotting all the food there. Every single morsel was about to be devoured by it, Muk was slowly melting away the floor along with the walls just by just moving around, Totodile and the other small Pokemon continued their playful rampage by jumping back onto the carts. They were surprisingly durable. Then again, they were made out of diamonds. The Pokemon continued their little cart race as they were moving about once more. This time, the even larger Pokemon found even larger diamond carts. How fitting. Now they joined in on the race.

Back with Twilight, she and Ash were having that quality time by sitting down. Although, Twilight had no idea how to start the conversation off. She's usually an expert at it but in a scenario like this, it's a bit tricky. Ash on the other hand was eating some of the food he had grabbed, just enjoying it.

"Hey, Ash. Why don't we um..." Twilight looked around, spotting the dance floor. "I know! Why don't we dance together."

"Dance? Ugh. I'm not great at dancing."

"Pssh. I'm sure you're not THAT bad at it. Come on. I'll teach you some moves along the say." Twilight got off the seat, using her magic to bring Ash along. Bayleef was silently watching Twilight's every movement, ready to disrupt her moment with Ash.

Discord was spying on Tree Hugger and Fluttershy by teleporting up on a chandelier.

"Oh, Tree Hugger. I've never known anypony as funny as you." Fluttershy laughed as she repeated the exact same words she said earlier this morning to Discord, but now it was said to Tree Hugger. She placed her hoof right next to Tree Hugger, making contact. Discord saw this as his eyes engulfed in green flames, not happy about this one bit. All of a sudden, the lights turned off.

"Check, check, check. Is this thing on?" Discord had a microphone stand, tapping on the mic. "Good evening fillies and germs! I just flew into Canterlot...and wow are my interspecies parts tired!" He made an attempt at a joke. But nopony cracked up at it. Not even humans or Pokemon. He then grabbed his hat, stretching it all the way down his body as he came out of it. "I've only got these tiny mismatched wings and even I can fly better than Twilight Sparkle. Am I right?" Another attempt a joke. This time it actually got a laugh out of Celestia, Ash and Sonata. But not too many were laughing still.

"Hey!" Twilight responded to that joke.

"Perhaps you're into more...observational humor?" Discord teleported off as his head popped out of the brick wall behind him. "Did you ever notice how you always materialize out of thin air? Why not thick air?" He exited out of the wall. "What's the deal there?" Still not that many responses from the crowd. A cough could be heard though. "Tough crowd."

"What is he doing...?" Twilight said.

"I think they're...jokes." Rainbow replied.

"Maud! Jokes!" Pinkie grinned over to Maud.

"My favourite."

Discord continued his attempts at jokes, but on two sides of the spectrum, something was occurring inside of the closet and the Pokemon were slowly making their way downstairs in their carts. The sound of wheels and Pokemon could be heard from above, but everypony didn't really mind it. But Twilight was getting nervous. "Knock knock." He tried the good old fashioned knock-knock jokes, but no response. "You're supposed to say who's there?! This is the most basic of jokes!" Discord smashed a watermelon, getting some of it all over some ponies.

"You're the most basic of jokes." Maud replied. What she said made everyone laugh. They were now laughing at Discord, not with him. Discord was not enjoying this one bit. A young colt saw the closet glowing as he was quaking in fear of what could be beyond that closet. That's when pure raw chaos occurred. On both sides. Everypony turned to the stairs, not paying attention to the closet except for that one little boy.

All of a sudden, all the Pokemon racing down the stairs, all in the carts at top speeds.

"Pikachu!" The Electric Mouse Pokemon raised his hands up, having the time of his life. The speed they all were moving at was a bit on the ludicrous side. Everyone was attempting to avoid the moving diamond carts with Pokemon on them. They were all over the place, knocking down tables and even managing to pick up some ponies along for the ride.

"Oh. My old diamond carts. I never did get to play with them as a filly..." Celestia casually said, acting like there weren't Pokemon causing destruction along the way. Next was the Smooze. It had grown to a grand size due to all the shiny objects it had devoured inside the closet.

"What. Is. That?!" Twilight pointed her hoof at the enlarged Smooze. Now it was true chaos. The Pokemon did not mind the Smooze at all. They were having too much fun with their race. Although who knows where they're even racing to at this point? Passion held onto Riolu's back, too terrified to get off the ride due to how fast the cart was moving. She tried to stop them earlier by grabbing Riolu, but it ended up being a failure, and now here she is, apart of the race.

Everyone ran around screaming. Whether it was from the Smooze or the Pokemon. Mostly both. A chef exited out of the kitchen, screaming in terror. "There's a monster devouring all the food!" He pointed at the kitchen. Snorlax was chomping away, decreasing the amount of food inside the kitchen.

"This is pretty interesting." Jade said.

"Mhm." Maud nodded.

"Wah- I'm up!" Luna woke up from all the noise that was going on. "Is the Gala over?" Luna rubbed her eyes as they were baggy.

Oshawott decided to show off by firing a barrage of Hydro Pumps on the floor. The water attack he released caused a mini-flood to occur as he was surfing on the water with the cart. The Pokemon soon did the same. Now it was a surfing race as some humans and ponies were being carried by water. Darkrai was just sitting back, watching and letting all of this happen. He had the power to stop it. But he couldn't be bothered. Plus, the Pokemon are allowed to have fun. So why interrupt.

Twilight looked around, sweating bullets at the pure chaos that had taken over the Gala.

"Surfing? Oh sweet! Let me get in!" Ash was about to join in, but Twilight held him in place.

"No!" She exclaimed. The Smooze was sticking onto ponies, making their hooves get stuck in place. Twilight tried to blast the Smooze away, but it was a failure. It kept regenerating. None of my magic works on this ooze. Just then, Bayleef had dropped some water on Twilight as a small revenge trick.

"Bay..." Bayleef laughed from a distance as Twilight looked back at it.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Goh was getting dizzy as he was being carried by the water as well.

"So-So..." Sobble was about to cry, adding more chaos to mix. "SOBBLE!" The tears started flowing in. Once Sobble cries, everyone cries, no matter what. Celestia and everyone in the Gala were crying uncontrollably, even Discord.

Muk was moving about as its biohazard toxins mixed in with the Smooze and Hydro Pump, creating an odd colouration of purple and green.

"Discord! How could you bring him here?!" Twilight looked over to the Discord.

"Oh, he's not that bad." Discord replied.

"OH! My shoes will be ruined forever!" Rarity winced.

"That's what you're worried about? Really?" said Applejack.

"This is kind of a bummer." Tree Hugger said as she and Fluttershy were stuck on the windows thanks to the ooze of the Smooze.

"Isn't it though? And to think. It never would've happened had I come to the gala as somepony else's plus one." Discord commented, looking at Fluttershy when he said that.

"Seems like something might've harshed his flow, ya know? Like his senses are agitated." said Tree Hugger.

"You don't know anything about rare creatures. I've known Smooze-face for ages. He's not agitated. He's partying down!" Discord busted some moves.

"All he needs is some calming auditory therapy." Tree Hugger replied, confusing Discord. "I know I always feel really at peace when I'm being bathed in positive vibes. Maybe he'll calm down with some sonic bless."

"Do you even know what you just said?"

Tree Hugger than started to hum. Meditative hums actually. The chaos was only increasing in scope. Gengar's shenanigans had come into play as he was scaring some ponies, making them faint as they were absorbed into the toxic liquid ooze. All of Tree Hugger's humming was actually calming the Smooze down to Discord's surprise. This was making the ooze diminish, freeing those that were trapped in it.

"Let go Smooze. Bliss out..." Tree Hugger was calming it down even more. The ooze was being pulled back so much that everyone who had gotten dirty with the ooze was now clean, since the ooze is apart of the Smooze. Every last bit of it. Although they were still wet. Snorlax came busting through the doors, breaking it down as it picked up even more food nearby.

"Snor!" Snorlax ran forward, shaking the entire Gala, passing through the water with ease as it ran through the Smooze, heading the nearby food. Snorlax knocked some of the Pokemon on the carts out of the way. Heracross went flying, crashing into Gible. The impact made Gible dizzy as it shot out a Draco Meteor that hit Pikachu right in the face. Pikachu felt that, not pleased about it. In response, the Electric Mouse Pokemon unleashed an area destroying Thunderbolt that shocked everyone in the entire Gala. Now their dresses and suits were all ruined by electric shock. The Hydro Pump ended up vanishing by heading out of the door and to the outside. Passion let go of Riolu as she held her head, feeling extremely dizzy, walking back to her trainer.


The chaos was slowly calming down. Everyone was glad as they were congratulating Tree Hugger on stopping the Smooze.

"That was the most magical thing I've ever seen done with animals!" said Fluttershy. This pushed Discord to the limit as he was done with Tree Hugger.

"Oh, thanks everypony. It makes perfect harmonic sense your magic doesn't work on him. He only responds to vibrations that peace out his energy field."

"Stop it! STOP IT!" Discord bellowed. "THAT'S IT! I am done with you, Tree Hugger!"

"Oh, man...you're really bumming me out. Can you just like...lower your voice a scooch." She replied.

"A scooch? A SCOOCH?!" Discord was done. He ripped open a portal in time and space, showing an unusual dimension, unlike anything anyone has ever seen before. He then brought Tree Hugger towards him, making her float.

"Woah dude...what is THAT?!" Tree Hugger looked over at the dimension that had a sock puppet wearing a sombrero and moustache behind a background that looks like a child drew it.

"Relax! I'm not going to hurt you. I'm simply going to send you to another dimension. I can't have you interfering in my relationship with Fluttershy anymore!"

"Discord! Stop!" Fluttershy's voice called out to him as she flew up.

"I will! Just as soon as she's gone. Then we can have a good laugh about this old affair over our regular Tuesday teas."

"Don't worry, Fluttershy! We'll stop him!" The rest of the Mane 6 stepped up, thinking they could stop Discord. The Lord of Chaos got out a disco ball with the Smooze behind him. He tossed the ball as the Smooze followed it. The girls were absorbed inside of the Smooze, takin them out of the equation.

"I'm doing her a favour! It's a lovely dimension, Fluttershy. Fun sand beaches." A dead desert with a skull and a cactus. "An attentive wait staff." Two bland ponies in a painting. "I mean okay, the humidity isn't great. But where isn't that the case these days?"

"I don't understand why you're doing this? We were all getting along so well!" Fluttershy said.

"As well as we could! Considering you've already stopped all of our friendship by inviting...HER to the biggest night of the year!" Discord pointed at Tree Hugger. "As if I didn't matter at all!"

"Did you really think I'd abandon you just because I have a new friend?!" Fluttershy responded, raising her voice.

"Yes! Because that's what you did!"

"No, Discord! I invited a friend to a party! I didn't abandon you! What if you had a friend that you could discuss chaos-based magic with? Would that mean we weren't friends anymore?" What Fluttershy said was making Discord ponder for a bit.

"Uh...well...no. I suppose not. It would just mean that I have different friends for... different things...oh." It finally clicked to Discord. "Oh, dear. It looks like I've perhaps reacted just a scooch."

"More like a lot of scooches!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "Tree Hugger. Could you give us a minute?"

"I'm just so new to this whole friendship thing. It's so much more complicated than it looks."

"Do you think maybe you owe somepony an apology?" Fluttershy crossed her hooves. Discord got out a flower, but she smacked it out his paw. "Not me!"

"Oh. Yes...right." Discord turned to Tree Hugger, snapping the dimension away and placing her down. Fluttershy went in to hug her friend, glad that she was okay. Discord went over to the Smooze, grabbing all the shiny objects inside of it, reverting the slimy creature back to its normal size. "Uh, Tree Hugger. I'm sorry that you got caught in the middle of my...you know...wrath."

"Oh. It's all groovy." She accepted his apology as she gifted a hug. She pushed him away though. "Um. I need like a few minutes to clear out my chakras before I can hug you from a place of authenticity."

"Oh, your chakras...fair enough." Peace had returned to the Gala. But not really, the Pokemon were still running about, even after all that. Snorlax had tired himself out from all the eating, making his rampage come to an end. "I owe you an apology Smooze. I spent the whole evening thinking about my own feelings and never thinking about yours." Discord apologized to his slimy friend as the Smooze accepted it via a kiss to the face. "Well, friends! I think I may actually grow to like this multiple-friend thing."

"Finally. It's over." Twilight sighed, sitting down from exhaustion. "Tonight didn't go the way I planned it. It was a total repeat of last time. Sorry, Princess Celestia. Ash. I didn't get to give you a break or spend that much quality time with you."

"Are you kidding?! This was AMAZING!" Celestia exclaimed. Twilight and Passion were both confused by that response.

"W-What?! But there was ooze all over the place! Water was flooding everywhere! Snorlax devoured all the food! The Pokemon were race surfing on hard diamond carts! Everypony including us got shocked and wet! We all started to cry from Sobble! And one of the guests threatened to send somepony else to another dimension!"

"I know! Can you imagine how dull it would've been if I hadn't invited Discord, Ash and all of his Pokemon? A complete snore-fest! Come on! The night is still young!" Celestia walked off, dragging Luna along who was sleeping on her back.

"Have fun racing, buddy?" Ash picked up Pikachu.

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu nodded as all of Ash's Pokemon flocked over to him.

"Maybe next time." Twilight sighed. She then decided to walk along with Ash and his Pokemon. Seemed like the more simple option at this point. What a chaotic night it was.

Chapter 121 End!

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