• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Dark Illusion! The Cocoon Revealed!

Holon. Mountain Range. Underground.

Currently, underneath the area and away from the Pokemon Festival, Vampires from the Dread League were on the move. They were set on trying to reach Yveltal's resting place, but yet again, there was someone to get in their way. And in this case, it was their biggest opposition yet.

Reshiram was after them. This whole time, the Vast White Pokemon was focused on stopping the Dread League in their tracks, following any potential vampires. Reshiram could already distinguish a vampire from a regular pony via their reaction to light. And since he was brimming with fire, it was easy to expose them The underground was the only place where the vampires were safe from any light. But are they safe from Reshiram?

"Have we lost it yet?" The vampires conversed against each other while flapping their jet-black wings underground. They made sure to keep themselves silent just so they don't alert Reshiram. "It's been slightly silent now..."

"I doubt it. Dragons have a great sense of smell after all. It could track our scents down now that it knows us. But not to worry. Queen Rosa has our backs. She said that she would bring over one of the 100 Demons for us while also ordering Opal to come here. Opal received something of great value a few days back."

"Hm? Oh right. That power she took from that Bayleef. Lucky. Changing fate like that would be so useful. Next time, I'd like to use the Parasite Demon for myself."

"About that...which demon will Queen Rosa send to stop Reshiram?"

"Hmm...well the only thing that can beat a dragon is another dragon. But according to the Pokemon World, a cute little Fairy can do the same thing. Maybe she'll send a Fairy Demon if that exists."

"No way!" They started joking despite the fact they were being targeted by a giant fire-breathing Dragon that has arguably the most powerful fire in existence.

They would continue to make fun of Reshiram away from his presence while continuing on their way to those cliffs. While it was unclear what was waiting for them at those cliffs, all they knew was that at certain points, Yveltal will show up. When? No one knows. Why? It could truly be any reason.

And up above, Reshiram was surveying the area, searching for those cliffs and the vampires at the same time. The Vast White Pokemon figured that the best way to prevent them from ever reaching their goal was to camp out at the spot where Yveltal is said to rest. Naturally, the sight of Reshiram caught many eyes in Holon.

Over at Settlement Foxtrot, Professor Pine and the people living there were the first to notice the Dragon of Truth in the skies. It started with them seeing ponies being chased down by Reshiram, unaware of the stakes that were nearby.

"Why is Reshiram here? Oh! I wonder what type it'll become!" Professor Pine's eyes lit up, wondering how the Delta Storms would affect Reshiram. Most definitely, he would gain a new type thanks to the erratic nature of these storms.

However, Reshiram wasn't aware of how the Delta Storms worked. Potentially, he might have already gained a new typing without even knowing. Other settlements saw Reshiram's presence including the Holon Pyramid, where Delta Torchic and Delta Blaziken reside.

Delta Blaziken got a better view of everything by standing on the top of the tower. He was equally unaware of the stakes. Holon had no idea had these vampires were aiming for. Their goal was unlike any other goal as it was truly a destructive one with a horrible outcome.

Reshiram could see the cliffs up ahead. Now all he had to do was camp out there. But, it wasn't just the people and Pokemon of Holon watching him. Secretly, there was another outside force aside from the vampires. Aiming to stop them from reaching their goal, Daybreaker's forces were present here as well.

Reshiram got a better look at these cliffs, seeing how massive they were. The height comparison between him and the Rift was stellar. Although, he wasn't sure how Yveltal could rest here. There wasn't an open area at all. No sign of a large cave either. The only possible place was the top of the cliff where Yevltal could potentially stand up there. Either way, Reshiram will guard this area.

But as he got closer, Reshiram noticed something. There was some sort of black energy around the lives, permeating these bodies of rock. Reshiram eyed it down, presuming that it had something to do with Yveltal, no doubt. The Vast White Pokemon descended, facing these cliffs. Now all he had to do was wait.

Universe 11. The Solar Empire. Canterlot. Day.

Naturally, news about Reshiram's presence was shared by Daybreaker's forces. She received the message of Reshiram arriving at those cliffs, staying there adamantly. It was clear what Reshiram was trying to do. He had the same intentions as Daybreaker herself.

"So Reshiram's there, is he?" Daybreaker said after the message was passed on. "Good to know. Although...Reshiram has been the one getting in our way with each universe we travel to. It's getting a bit harder for Necrozma to find new light sources if Reshiram and Zekrom are present."

Truth be told, Daybreaker planned to do something about Reshiram and even Zekrom. Both of them alongside Queen Pyrestar were essentially Universal Patrol. While it wasn't her forces taking these heavy hits and it was mainly the Empress, Daybreaker knew that those two Dragons were obstacles to her alliance.

"So, which one do we do? We've waited for our chance to stop Reshiram and Zekrom. Now we can maybe stop one of them." A messenger asked. "You know...if you want, your majesty."

"Hmm...Who's my biggest enemy?" Now, Daybreaker had to think. Does she deal with Reshiram here or have him guard the cliffs against the vampires? She walked back and forth in her throne room before choosing one. She already knew who she hated more. Reshiram wasn't the one she despised.

"I'll let him stay there. The more against those dreaded vampires and their despicable queen, the better. And once that's said and done..." Daybreaker hopped back onto her throne via a fairly impressive back-jump. "I'll steal light from Reshiram next. But continue camping there. Do not interact with Reshiram unless something calls for it."

"Understood!" The messenger would soon relay this to the forces that were also camping nearby the cliffs. As it stood, for now, Reshiram would be untouched by Daybreaker's forces in an attempt to prevent the Dread League from getting closer to their goal.

"And as a bonus, Reshiram can get rid of those scampering night-walkers as well. So either way, it's beneficial." Daybreaker wouldn't mind Reshiram getting rid of the vampires. It would be one less headache to deal with.

However, neither Daybreaker nor Reshiram predicted what kind of mess would happen next.

Holon. Mountain Range. Day.

Arriving here to assist them was Opal Vivacity and her comically large and beautiful mane. And in her possession was the Box of 100 Demons. And this time, Rosa Maledicta already chose one demon to be unleashed. Her fellow vampires met with her once the coast was clear. There wasn't a sign of Reshiram anywhere, mainly because he was waiting for them.

"Your mane is..." The vampires were naturally flabbergasted by this new mane style she had.

"Wonderful, isn't it? Just a piece of it can alter fate. A beautiful ability for a beautiful pony." She flaunted. "With this, Reshiram won't know what's coming. But at least tell me you've come close to finding Yveltal."

"No...thanks to Reshiram. It knows what we want and I believe it may even find Yveltal's resting place before we do. We've barely managed to get close to those cliffs for days now. Not to mention those annoying guards."

"Oh, I can just about end that." Opal shrugged. "Queen Rosa stated that Reshiram could be the key to helping us find Yveltal. She knows best. So...to guarantee that I will chime in with my newfound ability. But we will need to confront Reshiram without retreating."

"Is the demon inside that box the answer?"

"But of curse...no one said another Dragon couldn't be a demon as well. It takes a Dragon to beat a Dragon...Unless you're some sort of Fairy." Opal would finally open the box, ready to reveal one of the 100 Demons. This one was hoof-picked by Rosa Maledicta, making this one a high-expectation demon.

If the Lich Queen chose it, it must be a wonderful decision especially since it was apparently a dragon. Once the box opened up, the demon within had been unleashed via a howling beam of light.

Narrow transparent sapphire eyes sat delicately within the creature's angular, bony skull, which gave the demon a terrifying-looking appearance. It seemed to have a somewhat anthropomorphic stature, similar to that of a Dragonite or a Garchomp. Its body was somewhat translucent, matching that of a Ghost.

growths on its chin. Several huge teeth poke out from the side of its mouth and show a glimpse of the terror hiding inside. A long neck runs down from its head and into a long body. The top is covered in curved scales and a row of armour plating runs down its spine. Its lower half is covered in massive scales and is coloured much lighter than the rest of its body. Two muscular limbs carry its body and allow the creature to stand tall and proud. Each limb has 4 digits, each of which ends in long claws seemingly made of obsidian.

Speaking of its limbs, they creepily had long fingers while twiddling them around. It appeared to have coloured fingernails too. This demonic dragon also had an uneasy smile to go with it.

Graceful phantom wings grew, starting from its shoulders and ending at the middle of its back. The wings were fully demonic as a specialized layer of seemingly colour-changing skin makes up most of the wing and small, sharp tips grow from each ending like massive spears. Its narrow tail ends in a sharp tip and is covered in the same curved scales as its body.

"This right here is the Trickster Dragon. Don't let the smile freak you out." Opal introduced the dragon. In response, the Trickster Dragon then waved its hands to the vampires.

But even when it waved its hand, a creaking sound could be heard. It sounded like bones were being adjusted, making it uncomfortable to hear. Not to the vampires though.

"Trickster Dragon? Are tricks really what we need right now?"

"Hmph. Don't underestimate this big guy. For you see...Queen Rosa forbid certain demons from being unleashed out of the box. This is one of them but on a smaller scale. This Dragon tends to get out of control, much like the Parasite Demon. But when the Trickster Dragon gets out of control, the results do not benefit either side. Which is why it's rarely used. Now would be the best time to use it."

"But of course..." The Dragon then spoke, startling the vampires. "Surprised I can talk? That's just one of my many tricks..."

"Uh, great trick." A vampire used her wing to give a thumbs-up. "So, what can you do about Reshiram?"

"Let me have my fun." The Dragon then suddenly twisted its body as if its entire upper torso was an owl. It even sounded uncomfortable. "You can predict what I'll do with my tricks. If you can."

"What kind of tricks would you pull on a dragon?" The vampires pondered as Reshiram seemed way too fierce to be tricked, especially with how intelligent he was. But this Trickster Dragon also had some intelligence.

"There is no trick in existence that won't work on anyone." The Trickster Dragon then rubbed its claws together as it sounded like metal scraping against something, harming the ears of the vampires. "Us Tricksters are the full representation of randomness and chance in the universe. Any universe. Wouldn't life be boring if there wasn't any randomness? It even embodies a sense of freedom. Us tricksters believe that nothing is part of some greater plan, even in the vast cosmos. It's all a factor of randomness."

"Sure..." The vampires all looked at each other, shrugging at the Trickster Dragon's name. "Whatever you say, pal. But, can you just go and deal with Reshiram already?"

"First. Let me get adjusted to myself. I haven't been out in 2000 years. So...you'll be an excellent warmup." Suddenly, the Trickster Dragon expressed one of its various abilities. It extended one of its fingers, touching a vampire. It touched her nose before retracting its finger.

"Ewww...! Its wrinkly finger touched my nose!" She squealed before flailing her hooves. Before she knew it, she suddenly slipped on a pebble. This tiny pebble was enough to make her fall over. The moment she fell over, her tail smack one of her fellow vampires in the face, causing him to sway to the side.

"Oof!" He cried out before bumping into another vampire. And soon, the others were knocked over. All it took was one pebble to mess them all up as they landed on each other. "Ough...What was that all about?"

"I manipulated your luck." The Trickster Dragon revealed what it pulled off.. "Or rather, I passed it on to this big-maned one. How was that?"

"Not cool..."

"Anyway. I'll be making my way there." The Trickster Dragon then hopped onto the top walls, crawling on them as if they were a spider. It even moved its limbs around as if it were a spider before crawling up to the surface. Opal and the other vampires would soon follow after the unnerving dragon.

Reshiram waited. And waited. He certainly wasn't planning on falling asleep. He also eyed down the dark energy around the cliffs, wondering if that was a sign of Yveltal potentially showing up soon or even already making an appearance prior to this.

Reshiram was already far away from Celestia and the others by now, unaware of what they had to go through. Daybreaker's forces watched Reshiram for a while, fully appreciating his glory. Despite the fact that he was an enemy, Reshiram was truly a majestic Pokemon to look at. Some even took the time to snap a picture of the Vast White Pokemon while they were still here.

Despite how majestic he was while also garnering great intelligence, Reshiram still possessed beast-like qualities. An example was how he started rubbing his ears with his wings. Wherever they may be. Scratching that itch felt satisfying to the Dragon of Truth before it then turned into discomfort.

Suddenly, his wings turned against him. Without his own control, Reshiram's wings began attacking him, smacking the Vast White Pokemon in the face. Reshiram grunted as these hits were fairly hard considering his physical strength. He tried holding back his wings from attacking him before stumbling back, almost falling over.

The one responsible for this was the Trickster Dragon. It revealed itself by crawling out of the clouds above, opening it as if it was a door. Reshiram looked up to meet this mysterious Dragon.

"Hello~" The Trickster Dragon greeted Reshiram before then shifting its size to match the Vast White Pokemon's height."You are Reshiram, right?"

"Who are you?" Reshiram questioned before barely managing to hold his wings back from continuously hitting him.

"A fellow Dragon. Many call me the Trickster Dragon. But my real name is Nyzzaghaidenunxulbiad. But Trickster Dragon is preferable."

"That voice of his...he sounds a bit like Discord. Even some of it looks like him." Reshiram noticed some key details. Mainly the voice of the dragon as it reminded him of Discord. "You said you're a Dragon. Are you actually that, or a Draconequus?"

"Am I? Oh, only partially." The Trickster Dragon chuckled while making his voice sound innocent as if he didn't know. But he most certainly knew as proven by his next batch of words. Some would call me a surprising offspring. My father was a Dragon and my mother was a Draconequus. But there was a third parent involved. A demonic one. Would you like to hear the rest"?

"I'd rather not. Are you here with the vampires? The moment you mentioned demon solidifies my presumption."

"I most certainly am. I'm here to have fun with you. while they do their own thing. I haven't been able to do whatever I wanted for 2000 years, by the way. Locked up in that box with the other demons is so boring. Most of them just growl, hiss, roar and bellow. It's a miracle none of them have torn each other up at all. Only a few of us hold the intelligence to even think of something greater."

"Well, Nyzzaghaidenunxulbiad. You won't be having any fun with me. I've set myself to protect this area from the vampires and anyone associated with them. Do your worst."

"You actually got my name right. You're a smart Dragon, for sure. But you wouldn't want me at my worst. But we can see you at your worst...as a baby!" The Trickster Dragon pointed at Reshiram, shooting out a greenish beam with a fiery outline. Reshiram would respond to this via a blast of fire from his mouth. All it took was a simple blast to incinerate the bolt. "Mmm. You weren't supposed to do that on the first turn."

Reshiram wouldn't reply at all. Instead, he focused on taking down the Trickster Dragon as he then flew in with Dragon Claw. The Trickster Dragon was slightly alarmed that Reshiram would be so instantly confrontational. So, to prevent itself from being hit, the Dragon would use its chaotic powers to manipulate its body.

As it was made out of rubber, the Trickster Demon Dragon made its body flexible, swaying it to the side while also making itself thinner. Reshiram's Dragon Claw completely missed its mark but didn't catch him off guard. Knowing that he was Part-Draconequus, he expected something random. Reshiram went in for another swing with claws, turning around fairly quickly. The Trickster Dragon chuckled before then using its flexible body to evade another Dragon Claw.

Reshiram struggled to hit the Trickster Dragon with Dragon Claw as the Dragon could make various shapes with this rubbery body that were hard to make out. "Ooh! Missed me~"

Slightly agitated, Reshiram decided to get the advantage in the best way he could think. By using Noble Roar. The Vast White Pokemon used his signature roar to an intense degree, creating a powerful soundwave. The Trickster Dragon's giggling came to an end as this sound assaulted its ears, making it flinch.

Reshiram smirked before then striking while he had the chance. He swung his claws for a free Dragon Claw or at least it seemed free. Trickster Dragon's body wasn't just flexible like rubber, it was rubber. Reshiram felt its limbs and entire body fly back.

Reshiram was forced back by the elasticity, sliding on the ground before hearing the Trickster Dragon laugh again. The demon would then disperse its own body, turning it into a strange smoke that had multiple colours within it. This smoky body would then fly around rapidly in various directions, forcing Reshiram to keep a close eye on this opposing Dragon.

"Here I am!" The voice of the Trickster Dragon came from behind but the smoke body was in front of Reshiram instead. This was to try and confuse the Fire-Dragon-Type as the voices came from all directions, correlating with the swiftness of the smoke.

Meanwhile, Opal Vivacity and the other vampires were close. They could already see Reshiram in the distance, guarding the cliffs. There, they witnessed the Dark Aura around the cliffs that permeated constantly while also appearing dull. Even if it was dull, that was a sign of Yveltal's existence.

"I see it. Now, how will Reshiram help us find Yveltal?" Opal pondered for a moment. "Maybe...it's a matter of what happens to those cliffs."

"Should we get so close though? Even with that Trickster Dragon around, Reshiram isn't that far from the cliffs at all. Plus, Reshiram is unbelievably powerful so this could take forever."

"It could...and I'd rather get back to the festival. So, I think I'll put an end to this as soon as possible. All we have to do is let that Trickster Dragon force Rshiram to hit those cliffs. Let's see what the reaction is."

Meanwhile, Reshiram was still following the smoke body as the arms of the Trickster Dragon appeared everywhere, holding multiple signs that taunted Reshiram. These signs showed drawings of Reshiram in silly states. Whether I was by what he was wearing or how deformed he looked.

But, Reshiram wasn't bothered. Instead, by biding his time, he was able to finally find an opening. That was by using Psychic. The Vast White Pokemon finally tracked down the smoke body to get it in one spot before then using mental powers to blast the Trickster Dragon. Even in this smoke-like state, the attack went through, knocking the Trickster Dragon out of its current form.

"Ouch!" The Trickster Dragon cried out before holing its head. "How did you do that?"

Reshiram didn't answer back. Instead, he went for Fusion Flare to continue his attack. Reshiram fires a large sphere of flames with two rings surrounding it from its mouth at the opponent.

The Trickster Dragon would respond to this by grabbing one of the clouds. It extended its arms, using them to grab the clouds. The clouds were then used as shields before reacting to the sphere of flames. Instead of a violent explosion, the clouds were also made to match that of a bouncy texture that wasn't quite rubber but was just as flexible as if it was rubber. The Fusion Flare was launched right back at Reshiram.

Reshiram gasped before swiftly flying to the side, evading his own attack. However, this worked to the benefit of both the Trickster Dragon and the vampires. It's exactly what they wanted. Fusion Flare struck the cliffs that possessed a Dark Aura around them.

The violent explosion happened around those cliffs, engulfing the Dark Aura within it as well. "Yes! Bullseye!" Opal exclaimed. "Now, time to see what happens!"

Her theory was backed up. Those cliffs had a Dark Aura for a reason. hey did indeed react to the Fusion Flare. The darkness around them flared out of the flames, transforming them from their usual orange appearance to a pitch-black one. Reshiran and even Daybreaker's forces eyed down the cliffs as a howl came from them.

The battle stopped promptly just to see what was happening around these cliffs. That's when a Pokemon Cry emerged from them. Reshiram was hoping that he wouldn't hear a cry from this area. That would mean only one thing. Just then, the Dark Aura then revealed something.

This entire time, the cliffs were nothing but a facade. An illusion. An incredibly well-placed illusion thanks to the power that protected it. No vampire was able to see through it at all. Not even Reshiram saw through this illusion. All it took was something powerful to break past it. And Reshiram fit that bill. Everyone else certainly couldn't do it. Rosa Maledicta was right to predict Reshiram helping in some way.

"An illusion?!" Opal gasped before seeing what was truly hidden past these cliffs. They paved the way for a mysterious island that was hidden from everyone's eyes in this small region, far offshore from Holon. its main feature is large crystals, which were all covered in a familiar power. Both the Delta Storms and the crystal from Geosenge Town. The same crystals that share a connection to Yveltal.

And resting on this island, aside from all the Delta Pokemon living there, something else could be seen at the edge. Something that the vampires yearned to obtain.

Yveltal's Cocoon.

"There it is!" Opal Vivacity cried out. "Yelta's Cocoon! So, Yveltal was in hiding this entire time. It must've used that Dark Aura of its to conceal its true location via the cliffs. And Reshiram's attack was just powerful enough to destroy that Dark Aura. Queen Rosa. Are you-"

"I've heard it loud and clear Opal." Rosa cut her off via her telepathic message. "That illusion was impressive. On par with what I could make. I doubt any of you would've broken that Dark Aura. I was right to predict Reshiram to break it. It takes a Legendary to overcome a Legendary. I'll be right there...That cocoon will be ours."

"Relay the message to her majesty, quickly!" Daybreaker's troops would act fast as well. Now that they knew where the cocoon was, they absolutely could not let the Dread League obtain it. Daybreaker had to know about this.

Reshiram meanwhile was stunned to see the cocoon as now its true location had been revealed. The Trickster Dragon shrugged, not sure how to react to this. It could care less about the cocoon after all.

"Anyway. Why don't we continue, Reshiram?" The Trickster Dragon requested them to continue.

Reshiram would continue. But he would aim to put an end to this conflict before heading to the island. He prepared a Dragon Pulse to blast the Trickster Dragon away, going for a short burst. Quick but weaker. However, for Reshiram, his attacks were naturally powerful.

"I think not!" Opal intervened. By using her long mane, she took a piece out as she appeared then tossed it from below. The piece of mane rolled on the ground, touching Reshiram's legs to quickly change fate. The second Reshiram went to unleash Dragon Pulse, his attack was disrupted, blowing up inside of his mouth. The Dragon Pokemon felt this explosion from within as it shocked him thoroughly. The Vast White Pokemon then fell over, crashing to the ground with a massive dust cloud forming in the process.

"You've served your purpose, Reshiram. Now, we need you out of the way while her majesty comes for the cocoon" Opal revealed herself along with the other vampires to Reshiram. The Vast White Pokemon snarled as the effect of the Dragon Pulse inside of his mouth truly bewildered him.

Opal wouldn't be the one to enter the island. That was Rosa's task now. Opal and the other vampires would simply get in Reshiram's way rather than advance to the cocoon. And with her power to change fate along with the Trickster Dragon, Reshiram was face-to-face with a formidable duo.

Yveltal's Cocoon has finally been discovered. Two Queens from two worlds would soon come for it now that its location was found. Will it be claimed by the clutches of the Dread League or by the Solar Empire?

As the journey continues.

Chapter 928 End.

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