• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Ranger and the Agent

Canterlot. Celestia's throne room. Day.

More matters concerning the upcoming invasion were occurring today at Celestia's throne room. On that same round table. Like before, Luna and Cadence would be here but with a special guest that isn't really on the best of terms with Cadence especially.

That was Queen Chrysalis, of course.

Chrysalis herself was very nervous since her reputation wasn't the best in Canterlot. The Royal Wedding is a big example of that after she invaded it and tried to take over. Plus, she did almost steal her Shining Armor so there was that issue.

Right now, she was sitting with the alicorn princesses as the atmosphere was fairly tense between them. Mainly Cadence and Chrysalis. They sat apart from each other on the round table as everything fell silent in the room. Celestia and Luna could certainly feel the potential rising tension that may occur here.

"Cadence," Chrysalis spoke.

"Chrysalis." So did Cadence.

"You're looking less boisterous than usual..." Cadence raised her eyebrows.

"Well, I've mellowed over these past few months, if you must know." Chrysalis let out an unconvincing smile.

"Mmm." Celestia silently gulped as she cleared her throat. "Ahem. Well...you two seem fairly calm now, eh?"

"As calm as we can be." Both of them replied to Celestia. Obviously, they were able to maintain their coolness in this situation since they were also against a common enemy. Some great self-control.

"Well then...anyways." Celestia decided to get to the point of this meeting before Cadence and Chrysalis continue staring at each other with eerie intent. "Let's get to the topic at hoof. Chrysalis. You've already finished your plans, right?"

"Certainly." Chrysalis nodded. "My changelings and I have everything set. We can do more than just disguise ourselves. Besides, I myself have been to the Empress' universe during my alliance with her and Ghetsis."

"And you know what we can expect there," Celestia asked.

"A bit. I was very limited to where I could go. But I have something I can share."

"Excellent. I suppose I should eventually get Adagio here too. She was involved there as well." Celestia wondered. "But aside from that, you devised a plan to mask yourself as Empress Twilight, didn't you?"

"Of course. I know how she acts indefinitely. She and I are actually alike. Well...my old self anyway. If by chance, she leaves her throne room, I can quickly take her spot momentarily and work things from there."

"You do know how to keep yourself hidden." Luna nodded. "I mean...you tricked my sister and everypony in Canterlot for days after all."

"Um..." Chrysalis scrunched her face while looking over at Cadence who also made a poker face, remembering the events of the Canterlot Wedding. And the whole locking her up in the Canterlot mines.

Fun times.

"Mhm." Celestia once again cleared her throat. "Well, speaking of stealth, which is something we'll go into further, I already have two very important individuals going to work as we speak. It was decided just yesterday."

"Two?" Everypony turned to Celestia. "Is it Ash and Pikachu?"

"Not quite. But they're very qualified for this job. One of them, I know very well. They're currently working undercover and have been tasked with investigating and retrieving anything from Empress Twilight and Team Plasma without drawing too much attention. I've managed to receive help from the Pokemon World authorities as well. The Pokemon Festival truly paid off for us in terms of interaction."

"Who exactly did you send to do something so daring?" Luna questioned. "This is Team Plasma we're talking about."

"Pokemon Ranger Jack Walker and Agent Sweetie Drops."

Sinnoh. Snowpoint City. Day.

Snowpoint City. A winter wonderland of a city where stout trees and buildings are blanketed in thick snow.
The Gym is at the heart of the city. To the north is the Snowpoint Temple.

Currently, Jackie and Sweetie Drops, aka Bon Bon were here, waiting for Team Plasma to arrive. They don't just show up to Equestria. They still have access to their original homeworld, the Pokemon World.

This time, Team Plasma have started to use the many airships along with the Plasma Frigate that they've rebuilt as of recently in Pyrestar's world, along with other modes of transport. No more walking out of a gateway on their legs to get something for Ghetsis.

"Should be here in just a bit," Jackie commented as he and Sweetie Drops were in hiding, standing behind one of the many vistas this city had. "Once we get up and into that ship, we'll be in huge enemy territory. There'll be little chance of going back. Team Plasma can be pretty ruthless."

"Inside of a room with a bunch of maniacs?" Sweetie replied. "Yikes. We'd better make it quick or we might be stuck in that world forever. I've got things I need to do and this whole agency being restarted kinda messed up my schedules."

"It'll be fine. Plus, we just have to lay low and return whatever Team Plasma stole back to either this world or Canterlot." Jackie held out his bag. "Oh, yeah and remember..."

"I'll hide in here, I know." Sweetie looked at the bag since she was small enough to fit inside the entire thing. "I still think my disguise is gonna pan out and-"

Right when she kept on talking, the gateway opened up with a booming sound. A fairly large one considering that an airship was coming through. One that had the Team Plasma logo on it. But not just any airship. It was the Plasma Frigate. Their main means of transportation. Through the massive gateway, the airship had arrived as everyone in Snowpoint City looked up at its sudden arrival.

It was time for Jackie and Bon Bon to get to work. And they were hoping not to bump into Ghetsis if he was in there since this is his main ship. Hopefully, it was just the grunts.

Team Plasma were here for their usual retrieval missions. It's been a consistent and common theme of what they've been doing as of recently. While Empress Twilight and her forces are preparing for an invasion, Ghetsis and Team Plasma are up to something different entirely.

The airship descended near the outskirts of Snowpoint City with the doos opening up. There, a few Team Plasma grunts were ready to come out and get to work while the rest manage the Frigate.

Once the ship had landed, the grunts looked around to see if anyone near the city was watching them. They didn't want any meddlers and they were hoping that Sinnoh wasn't that aware of Team Plasma like Unova or Kanto. After seeing no one in sight, they walked off, ready to start their mission.

Unbeknownst to the team, some individuals were actually watching them and lurking about. Jackie and Bon Bon, of course. Once those grunts walked off for their retrieval mission, Jackie and Bon Bon could take action. First, they would have to get past the grunt keeping guard of the ship since the entrance was still open from when the rest of the grunts come back.

Jackie could take care of that.

While the grunt stood by the entrance, Jackie slid in, revealing himself out in the open instead of being stealthy and silent like a usual spy. That immediately got the attention of the grunt. At the same time, Bon Bon held a wire with a hook on it for one reason.

"Huh? A Pokemon Ranger?!" The grunt exclaimed, noticing Jackie's attire appearing as he was ready to take out his Poke Ball.

"Gotcha!" Right, when the grunt reacted to Jackie's appearance Bon Bon used that wire hook, grabbing onto the face mask of the grunt and pulling it down, allowing the rest of his mouth to be revealed.

"Have a bite!" And Jackie slid in for a reason. Within his grasp, he had a Tamato Berry. Spiciest berry there is. Two of them. With just the flick of his fingers and excellent aim, Jackie launched the two berries into the mouth of the grunt, forcing him to eat them.

"Wh-" Before the grunt could throw his Poke Ball or say something, the berries entered his mouth as their spicy goodness could take full effect.

Once they entered, the grunt froze in place, instantly feeling the heat from the berries rising as his tongue was the first thing to feel its effects. It's never a good idea to eat two Tamato berries.

"H-H-Hot!" The grunt cried out as he held his face turned red with fire spewing out. He couldn't handle the aggressive heat of two Tamator berries at all.

And with the guard unable to focus, Jackie could move in, knocking out the blazing grunt with a swift and simple chop to the neck, forcing him to fall unconscious as he had been taken out of commission. Plus, they didn't need him to scream in case it attracted more grunts inside the ship.

"Success." Jackie gave Bon Bon a thumbs up. "Now then...time to really fit in."

Indoors of the airship. The sub-level.

Minutes later, after the grunt had been knocked out in one hit, Jackie had taken his Team Plasma outfit and dressed in it instead. Jackie does this very often, disguising himself as a grunt. And Bon Bon ended up jumping inside of Jackie's bag, hiding in it in the meanwhile as she could also occasionally pop out and assist Jackie.

As for the actual grunt, he had been left outside, right near the Acuity Lakepoint which is close to Snowpoint City. He was in nothing but his vest and boxers at this point.

"Alright. We're in." Jackie said. "Let's see what we can find and grab before this thing heads back to Pyrestar's world."

"Got it." A muffled voice of Bon Bon came from the bag. Now that they were inside, they had to play this out perfectly. Luckily, Jackie knows how to keep a low profile during these situations. If he can do it with pirates, he can certainly do it with a group like Team Plasma.

Jackie started casually walking about while Sweetie Drops looked through some holes in the bag that had been poked through earlier, keeping a sharp eye out from the back.

Here, a plethora of Team Plasma grunts could be seen walking around, moving from door to door. They were all conversing with each other as Jackie and Bon Bon began listening to all their conversations, trying to see if they could find something of great importance and report it back. Due to his very visible bag, the grunts he passed by eyed Jackie down with curious expressions.

And just for clarity, Jackie also took the grunt's keycard. Not just his clothes. Every door here requires a keycard for the grunts to pass through after all.

He used the keycard on one of the doors, opening it up. When the door manually opened by responding to the card, Jackie was given the sight of an entire canteen where many Team Plasma grunts could be found, eating away.

"Oh." Jackie gazed at the astronomical number of them. As if he and Bon Bon weren't in heavy enemy territory already and outnumbered. If they were to get caught while indoors, it would look ugly for them. Jackie turned around, showing, Bon Bon the view.

"Sweet Celestia..." Bon Bon gulped.

"We could be sitting Ducklett's now," Jackie replied. "But it's fine. Let's hang around and see what we can get." He decided to sit down at the canteen to listen to more conversations, even though there was a clutter of noises everywhere.

When heading to a table to sit down, Jackie's bag was still the most glaring thing in here. No one was going to ignore it obviously. And Jackie knew that. But he was still trying to make sure not to draw too much attention to himself.

For the time being, he would just sit still, listen to some conversations, and possibly wait for the canteen to be cleared out. He could eat in the meantime. Jackie always packs something for his stomach.

As he sat down, tapping his finger on the table, his ears picked up on some very interesting conversations among the clutter of voices. Specifically, conversations closer to him and Sweetie Drops.

"Right in the midst of it all?" A grunt spoke.

"Mhm. When that invasion ends up happening, Lord Ghetsis will go straight for that baby when everyone's too wrapped up in the chaos." The second grunt replied.

"Good thing we're not a part of it." A third grunt crossed her arms. "Can't be bothered to be involved with something like that. We can just sit back and watch that Empress deal with everything."

"Yeah, unless she loses." The second grunt responded. "That Ash kid is a real problem, ain't he?"

"Too big of a problem." The first one shook his head. "Even for Lord Ghetsis. We're lucky he hasn't come over to our base yet. Wish he'd just stay out of our business."

"You all worry too much. After all, he's just another Pokemon trainer." The third one shrugged. "Eventually, he'll go crashing down like those changelings."

"Maybe. But if not, then someone needs to really take care of him. I suggest using this." The first grunt pulled out a mechanical object in the shape of an orb which made Jackie's eyes focus on it.

The object of choice seemed to be simple in which it was grey and had a blue and purple orb inside of it. Jackie isn't a super expert on the whole history of the two worlds crossing since he's mostly been in the Pokemon World. But he does know one thing.

The colours of the Rift are blue and purple respectively. From the Rift magic belonging to ponies such as Cold Colt, the Fusion Magic that can be found in places like the Arcane Sea and even the gateways themselves.

So this metallic spherical object was certainly one of them.

"How about this? When we get in close, we use this Travel Sphere to trap him in...I don't know, somewhere random and barren?"

"Hoh. Not too bad of an idea.'" The second one nodded. "Any random universe will do. If he's out of the picture, then that's one major problem gone from Lord Ghetsis' chest."

"And if it fails? What if it breaks?" The third one asked.

"We'll just use another, duh. Colress made multiple of these things. Lord Ghetsis isn't always going to open gateways up for us, so these are great substitutes."

"So that's what they are..." Jackie whispered to Bon Bon. "They made small versions of gateways that they can travel to, huh? Interesting."

"We're taking those in for sure. Princess Celestia is going to love this." Bon Bon commented. "How many should do you think we can fit in?"

"So will the Ranger Union. And from how big they look, I think 10 or 15 can fit in there. 20 if we really try." Jackie observed their size.

"I've got a spare bag. I could fit one more in there." Bon Bon did in fact have her own bag which was smaller in comparison to Jackie's.

Jackie and Bon Bon had one important thing to note down and remember. Those Travel Spheres. A sort of secondary way to access planewalking and gateways. With something like that at Team Plasma's disposal, they can go almost anywhere they want. Assuming they have other options to other worlds.

Jackie kept listening in on other conversations from different sides to see what else he could discover. But so far, he was just hearing babble about simple and mundane topics while they eat.

But, one thing did catch Jackie's attention that had some level of importance to it.

"When do you think we'll get Legendary and Mythical Pokemon like Lord Ghetsis? It'd be excellent to have our own for extra power." A grunt asked.

"Don't know. Colress is still experimenting on the ones they have. Most are just doubles anyway." Another one responded when eating her food.

"Legendary and Mythical Pokemon?" Jackie gasped silently.

"They have those here?" A muffled Sweetie Drops said. "And doubles?"

"Probably just repeats. They have been going through different universes so they would have the same Pokemon over and over again." Jackie stood up. "Let's get to searching for these Legends and Mythicals. We can grab some of those spheres along the way."

But as Jackie stood up, a few grunts, curious about his very visible bag, went up to the Pokemon Ranger to ask him some questions. And Bon Bon was the first to witness this.

"Oh...! Jackie, behind you...!"

"Hm?" Responding to Bon Bon's words, Jackie turned around, spotting five grunts coming his way.

"Hey. That bag of yours. Does it have what we came for?" The first grunt asked.

"Huh?" Jackie looked at his bag, adjusting it as he had no idea what objects the grunt was referring to.

"Obviously not. He's been sitting here for a while now." The second grunt pointed at Jackie. "He doesn't have them with him. Do you?"

"Nope." Jackie shook his head. "I didn't head out with the rest."

"Then what have you got in there? Unless we're being assigned bags soon for easier carriage."

"Nothing much. Just my food." Jackie held up a sausage roll to the grunt. "Want one?"

"No thanks." The grunt pushed the sausage roll away.

"If it isn't any bother, I'll be going now. I can still stick around if you're curious about my bag." Jackie offered while Bon Bon stayed silent, knowing what Jackie was planing.

"Let me see..." Unsure of why Jackie was the only one with the bag, she went up to the disguised Pokemon Ranger. This is where Jackie and Bon Bon team up in their own special way.

When Jackie turned around and the grunt went over to the bag, Bon Bon grabbed one of Jackie's many food items. Like the Tamato Berry, Jackie had a plethora of berries for various situations. Whether he wanted to feed some Pokemon or throw his opponents off guard. One of which were the sour berries. Consisting of the Aspear Berry, Lapapa Berry, Durin Berry and much more.

But next to that, Jackie also had a Pungent Root which was arguably his strongest food item for a reason. Sweetie Drops picked up the Pungent Root as she squeezed it with her hoof. By squeezing it, she brought out the unpleasant scent that came from it, raising it to the bag. Once the grunt got close, she could feel the horrible scent from the root as she pulled back wincing.


"Oh. That would be a Pungent Root." Jackie opened the bag, taking out the root while Sweetie Drops curled up, hiding deeper in the bag. "Doesn't smell so good especially when you get close. But it tastes pretty good on curry on other stuff as a flavour."

"Gross..." She held her nose. "At least keep your food in a box."

"Boxes aren't my style sorry. But I'll keep it in mind." Jackie laughed as he closed his bag, walking away from the canteen. "Nice use of that root, Sweetie Drops."

"Wasn't it?" Bon Bon grinned.

"Alright. Let's find ourselves a lab." The next stop was Colress' lab. If they could find it that is.

Second level. East wing.

The duo arrived at the second level, where nothing much was going on. Just more grunts sitting and walking by, eyeing Jackie's bag. But, the further they went, the fewer grunts they saw. Jackie and Sweetie Drops were hoping for some major progress.

That is until they came across Sweetie Drops noticed something that she could use to her advantage while moving about freely. An air vent. Something very familiar to her.

"Aha." Sweetie Drops looked around the bag for a while, seeing that the coast was clear with no other grunts nearby. She then got out of Jackie's bag, latching her wire onto the vent. "I'm gonna take a different route, Jackie."

"Hm?" Jackie looked up. "Oh, a vent eh? Alright. I'll meet up with you soon then. Got your Xtransceiver with you?"

"Sure do." Bon Bon held her Xtransceiver out. "Being this size helps a bunch. I've been through vents a lot before so this'll be a cinch. See you soon." She then went up into the ventilation duct, closing it as Jackie was now on his own.

The two of them had separated for the time being. But they knew that they would meet up again while doing their own form of investigation.

Sweetie Drops began to move around in the vent, hidden from everyone else while Jackie was more visible to the rest, searching for Colress' extra lab that could be found in this ship, other than the one he owns at Pyrestar's world.

However, Jackie's movements wouldn't go unnoticed for long. While many grunts turned an eye to the very prominent bag he had, some were far more suspicious and began following the Pokemon Ranger. These grunts began informing their other fellow grunts about Jackie.

But, while the grunts kept a closer eye on him, Jackie ended up coming across a room that had a whole assortment of those Travel Spheres, laying around in containers. Just what he was looking for.

"Oh!" He dashed over, pressing his face on the glass and looking at the row of containers. "Jackpot!" He cheered as he used the key card to open up the door to this room.

This was where the Travel Spheres could be found. Some of them at least. There were only 40 of them in this room and the number of grunts in this ship is way more than 40.

Unfortunately, Jackie's bag wouldn't be able to carry all these spheres so he would have to stick to 10 of them. But other than that, this was a great find. He immediately sent this information and what he's gathered and heard so far to Ranger Union via his phone.

"Uh, headquarters this is Jack Walker, checking in." He spoke on the phone.

"Jackie. What'd you and Sweetie Drops find?" A lady on the phone replied.

"Get a load of this." Jackie picked up one of the Travel Spheres. "Spheres that can allow someone to travel through gateways to other words."

"Excuse me?"

"Looks like their scientist Colress made this. Sort of a mini-rift machine. Totally beats having to walk far to a gateway if you ask me. Plus, they're apparently holding Legendary and Mythical Pokemon hostage here somewhere. Probably a mini-lab."

"Well, well. That's a find indeed. The spheres, I mean. Legendaries and Mythicals aren't that new or surprising."

"Yep. But it probably doesn't put a dent in that huge gateway up there." Jackie looked up. "Ghetsis must've opened that."

"Are you gonna hang around at Team Plasma's ship for a month like you did with Phantom?"

"Ah...Not sure. I'd rather be back on that ship than be around these guys. Tell HQ that I'll be back shortly. After Sweetie Drops and I have gathered what we can. This'll be the easiest Ranger mission yet."

"You won't be heading back shortly at all." Just then, Jackie's words were responded to by someone different. The grunts that were suspicious and secretly following him had arrived, hearing Jackie's words.

"Hm?" The ranger turned around to see the grunts. "Oh."

"You. You're a Pokemon Ranger, huh?" The grunt said, narrowing her eyes.

"Ah...This feels familiar." Jackie sighed. "Oh well!" He then removed the Team Plasma outfit, tossing it aside as he revealed his Pokemon Ranger outfit. "Caught me in no time! Pretty impressed. Usually, it takes days for someone to figure me out."

"Why you! Hand over those spheres!" One of the grunts exclaimed as they each took out their Poke Balls.

"Relax. I'm just taking 10 of them. You can keep the rest!" Jackie poured 10 spheres into his bag before tossing the containers at the grunts, hitting one of them in the head and knocking the grunt out.


Jackie, with his always superb agility, front flipped over the guards that stood before him as the remaining Travel Spheres had fallen on the floor due to him throwing them. The grunts turned around as they sent their Pokemon out to try and catch Jackie.




"Bye!" Jackie used the keycard to open the door, leaving the container room. But, even if he got out of there, he was now made aware by these grunts and soon everyone else as one of the grunts decided to alert the rest of the ship.

"Liepard! After him!" A grunt commanded her Liepad along with the others grunts and their own Pokemon. They then gave chase to the Pokemon Ranger as the grunt used his communicator to alert Colress.

Colress was at the helm since he was controlling the movements of the ship. He was the first to receive information about a Pokemon Ranger and seemingly a pony onboard.

"I see." Colress nodded as he knew what to do. Give a full announcement to the entire ship. "Attention everyone. It seems we have some intruders onboard. A Pokemon Ranger and some random pony. The last thing we want is a Pokemon Ranger of all people. Make sure you find him properly, please?"

Now everyone knew about Jackie and Sweetie Drops.

And speaking of Bon Bon, she heard this while moving through the ventilation as she sighed. "Oh well...So much for being discreet..."

Bon Bon continued to move within the vents while Jackie began running from his many pursuers AKA everyone on this ship.

"There!" A grunt called out as Jackie saw them up ahead along with their Drapion. "Drapion! Dark Pulse!"

"Dra...!" Drapion opened its mouth, ready to blast Jackie.

"Yikes!" Jackie winced as he witnessed the Poison-Dark-Type shoot out a dark beam of black and purple circles. However, Jackie's amazing flexibility and great reaction time allowed him to swiftly avoid Dark Pulse by moving to the side.

Dark Pulse ended up hitting the grunts and Pokemon in the back who were also chasing Jackie. The attack had launched them back, giving Jackie more opportunities.

"Oh! Mind if I borrow your Drapion for a bit?!" Jackie took out his Capture Styler, aiming it at the Ogre Scorp Pokemon. "Capture on!" From his styler, a golden beam trail came out at lightspeed, looping around the Poison-Dark-Type.

"Pion?" Once the light looped around Drapion, it immediately transmitted a bizarre energy to it, causing the Ogre Scorp Pokemon to temporarily switch sides. Now Drapion followed Jackie's commands. "Dra!" Drapion then suddenly whacked its own trainer with its tail, sending them flying.

"Ough!" The trainer grunted after being hit by his own Pokemon.

"Thanks!" Jackie hopped onto Drapion's back. "I'll bring it back, promise! Drapion, use Dark Pulse!"

"Drapion!" Drapion now listened to Jackie as it fired out a Dark Pulse over at the grunts and Pokemon up ahead. They had already been hit by Dark Pulse before when Jackie avoided it. Now they received a second helping which hurt just as much, forcing them to stay on the ground.

"Let's go!" Jackie ordered as Drapion got a move on. Due to Drapion being a scorpion-like creature, it used its legs to immediately climb up the walls of the ship for better momentum and mobility.


"There he is! Liepard, use Night Slash!"

"Golbat! Air Slash!"

"Magneton! Thunderbolt!"

"Garbodor! Venoshock!"

Each of the Pokemon ordered had unleashed their own attacks. While Liepard lunged at Drapion and Jackie with fangs bearing, the rest attacked from afar with a mix of razor-sharp wind blades, 100,000 volts of electricity, and a stream of poison.

"Drapion!" Drapion quickly turned its head around like an owl while rapidly moving on the walls. It was able to catch Liepard by using the two stingers on its tail, grabbing onto the neck of the Cruel Pokemon and stopping Play Rough.


"Dra!" Drapion then used Liepard as a meat shield, allowing the Cruel Pokemon to be hit by all three attacks in the process, causing Liepard to faint.

With no remorse, Drapion then used its mouth to not only fire Dark Pulse at its targets, but also toss Liepard into the other Pokemon and grunts while the beam of black and purple circles hit them all.

"Man you're ruthless..." Jackie looked at Drapion, feeling a bit nervous and terrified by this Pokemon's action.

"Dra!" Drapion nodded as it continued to run on the walls.

More grunts came after Jackie since they were everywhere by this point. They all witnessed the Ranger riding on the back of a Drapion which was running on the walls of the ship. Without hesitation, they ordered each of their Pokemon to attack them at all costs with whatever move they can. Some grunts even started throwing random objects at Jackie.

The Ogre Scorp Pokemon was clearly quicker than most of the Pokemon here aside from those that owned Liepard and Golbat as they could easily catch up with it. Drapion was able to avoid some of the moves as the ship itself was being damaged each time the Poison-Dark-Type evaded.

And when it couldn't evade, it would just fire Dark Pulses to cancel out other moves. And if someone got close with a physical attack, then the tail plus meat shield was the perfect response.

At the same time, Jackie caught some of the objects that had been thrown at him by the grunts, holding them in his hands. Looking at the caught items, he decided to return the favour. "Right back at ya!" He threw the items back at the grunts, hitting them with his superior precision.

Pokemon Rangers are trained for serious scenarios. For them to survive and withstand these scenarios, they go under various training regime that sharply enhances their skills and senses. And Jackie, being a Rank 9 Ranger meant that he was so skilled that some may say he's superhuman.

"Now then. Are you gonna lead me to that lab? If you know where it is?" Jackie asked Drapion.

"Dra!" Drapion could indeed lead Jackie to the lab as they kept fending off the grunts that approached them.

Meanwhile, with Sweetie Drops, her little vent adventure led to her own wild experience while Jackie is currently undergoing his via a chase sequence.

After moving through the long and large vents that had so many different paths with the constant sounds of fans spinning, She actually came across the room where Colress' mini-lab could be found.

"Aha!" Sweetie Drops grinned as she found her destination. But it wasn't without its obstacles. There were grunts inside of the lab as well, further creating walls that needed to be overcome.

Bon Bon analyzed everything her eyes could see. With this being a miniature version of Colress lab, it had fewer things going for it. There were Poke Balls laid out on the table. More specifically, Team Plasma Poke Balls. They even had the Plasma symbol on them like a Master Ball.

All of these had captured Pokemon, most likely Legendary and Mythical Pokemon within then. Retrieving them was vital as these kinds of Pokemon can cause mass destruction if in the wrong hands. This mini-lab also contained some working machines which were currently running along with books and papers lying around, all targeted around specific Pokemon and phenomenons.

After assessing the room, Sweetie Drops had an idea. It was about time she allowed her own Pokemon to get involved with the action. And being a secret agent, she chose the one Pokemon that would help in these situations in terms of sabotaging anything electrical related.

"Showtime." Bon Bon held out a Poke Ball, sending her partner out, which turned out to be a Marill.


"Alright, Marill. See all that stuff down there?"

"Rill?" The Aqua Mouse Pokemon looked through the vent.

"I think we should mess with it and turn it all off. Whadda say?"


"Great!" Sweetie Drops exclaimed as she smashed her hoof on the vent, causing it to fall off as it hit a grunt on the head, knocking her out.


"Huh?!" The grunts looked up, noticing their fallen member being taken out by the vent itself.

"Marill! Hydro Pump!"

"Rill!" The Water-Fairy-Type jumped down, opening her mouth as she unleashed a high volume blast of water which hit the floor at full force. Once the water connected with the floor, it immediately spread out in all directions, catching the rest of the grunts before they could send out their Pokemon and also flooding the lab itself.

With all this water emerging within the lab and the grunts being consumed by it, the machines here were being overloaded with high conduction. Everything was being fried because of this as the power of the lab was starting to fail and become unresponsive.

Because of this, the doors had opened up which usually require a keycard to do so. But because of Marill's Hydro Pump frying the lab and the door next to it, that wasn't the case as the water ended up reaching the outside of the lab and flowing through the corridors and the rest of the ship.

Sweetie Drops used her wire as a sort of spider web to descend. She made sure to stay away from the high levels of water that had just flooded the lab.

"Great job, Marill." Sweetie Drops praised her Pokemon before getting out a magnet and holding it with her mouth. Since every Poke Ball is metallic in design, magnets were a good way to attract them. Some trainers actually use this tactic if they're too lazy to grab their Poke Balls from afar.

Bon Bon used the magnet, aiming it at the flooded table as the Poke Balls were covered by all the water. The magnet managed to pick up on 2 Poke Balls, grabbing them each. That was the maximum her magnet could hold. She then placed her magnet and the Poke Ball in her bag, ready to get out another magnet for the rest of the Poke Balls.

But, before she could even do that, some grunts showed up, swimming through the water as the entire corridor had been flooded. Now everyone had to swim.

"What's going on here?!" A grunt exclaimed as he noticed Sweetie Drops and Marill.




"Time to go!" Sweetie Drops returned Marill to her Poke Ball before using the wire to ascend back into the vent she came out of.

"Get back here!" The grunts cried as they swam through the mini-lab, trying to catch Sweetie Drops.

"So much for the other Poke Balls! But these should do for now!" Only 2 Poke Balls were retrieved. The others, not so much. But at least it was something. Now there was the next objective.

To get out of here after being caught.

Colress could tell that things were escalating to an unnecessary degree. One human and one pony have managed to cause this much chaos in a short amount of time.

"Tch." Accursed Pokemon Ranger...They're the last kind of people we want to interact with." Annoyed by this sudden change of events, Colress decided to involve himself in this. Despite the massive flood, some electronics were still working. But barely.

By commanding the helm and all the movements, Colress controlled the ship, causing it to start moving. The Plasma Frigate was starting to ascend as everyone could feel the ship's sudden movements. Colress knew that the doors of the ship were unresponsive at the moment. Jackie wouldn't be able to escape along with Bon Bon. But just that, escaping from a high height would be a problem. And that's what Colress was going for as the ship had already reached a high level in seconds, showing just how fast it was.

"That can't be good!" Jackie looked outside the windows, noticing the change in height. "We gotta get out of here fast!" He then noticed that the styler was beeping aggressively, meaning that the effects on Drapion were starting to expire.

"Dra!" Drapion fired some Pin Missiles at more grunts and Pokemon, attack them while it was on the wall, avoiding the flooded floor.

"Sorry, Drapion! You've been a real help! Thanks!" Jackie hopped off Drapion as the effect of the Capture Style had expired. Drapion was no longer on Jackie's side.

"Dra? Dra?"

"I'll need your help next! Golbat! Capture on!" Jackie landed on the head of a grunt, harming them while also balancing on them too. He then fired the styler, wrapping it around one of the Golbat's that had been attacked by Drapion.

"Golbat!" Now Golbat had been shifted to Jackie's side.

"Golbat!" Jackie hopped off the grunt's head, jumping onto other grunts like he was playing hopscotch, forcing them further deep into the large stream of water. "Think you can get us out of here?!"

"Bat!" Golbat certainly could as it flew over to the Pokemon Ranger. Jackie held his hand out, grabbing onto Golbat's leg and taking an aerial ride with the Bat Pokemon.

Golbat ascended, avoiding the water while also aiming upwards. The Bat Pokemon used Shadow Ball, hurling a blob of shadows upwards as it broke through the ceiling of the ship.

There was still the aim of meeting up with Sweetie Drops again who was most likely still in the vents. Golbat carried Jackie upwards, continuing to fire Shadow Ball through the ceiling of the ship, revealing the higher levels gradually.

Jackie kept a good eye out for Bon Bon if he could find her while Golbat blazed through the ceilings as if they were nothing. At the same time, other Golbats chased Jackie down, shooting Air Slash, Air Cutter, Venoshock and other moves at the Pokemon Ranger.

"Woah!" Jackie swung his body as if he was sitting on a swing, avoiding the attacks while Golbat looked back at its fellow Bat Pokemon.

"Golbaaaaaaaat!" Golbat then decided to stop the other Golbats in place by using Supersonic. It generated odd sound waves from its always open mouth, beating them onto its fellow Poison-Flying-Types.


Escape seemed imminent as Golbat shot the next Shadow Ball, revealing the highest point of this ship. The upper floor and where the helm can also be found.

"There!" Jackie cried out as Golbat sped up, gracefully flying out of the Plasma Frigate's final hole and entering the outside, just atop the ship.


"Thanks, Golbat!" Jackie thanked the Bat Pokemon as he let go of its leg, landing on the surface of the ship. "Now...Where's Bon Bon?"

"Right here!" Right on time, Bon Bon appeared by having her Marill blast Hydro Pump through the wooden structure that the top of the ship had. "I just followed all the damage and destruction you caused. Pretty easy."


"Was the water part your move, Marill?" Jackie asked.

"Sure was."


"Nice." He gave her a thumbs up. "Now, let's get out of here before this whole ship goes down. We've got some pretty good stuff so far. Let's report back."

"You're not going anywhere, Pokemon Ranger!" But of course, they couldn't just leave here casually. After the ruckus, they had caused, Colress couldn't ignore it as he had shown up.

"Colress." Jackie narrowed his eyes at the scientist.

"You rangers know how to cause so much trouble. This is Lord Ghetsis' main ship and you've absolutely ruined it." Colress held out a Poke Ball.

"Ah, it'll buff out." Sweetie Drops scoffed.

"Hmph! You won't be leaving here scot-free or at all! Go, Magnezone!" He sent his Poke Ball out, revealing the Magnet Area Pokemon.


"Magneton! Use Flash Cannon!"

"Magne...!" The Electric-Steel-Type was getting ready to blast its targets with concentrated metallic energy.

"Golbat! Shadow Ball!"

"Marill! Hydro Pump!"



At the same time, all three Pokemon fired their ranged attacks. From a silver beam with metal shards in it, a ball of shadows and a stream of highly concentrated water, they collided, equalling each other out before causing an explosion in between.

"Marill Use Superpower!"

"Rill! Marill!" Marill's hands and tail started glowing as she ran through the smoke at impressive speeds, appearing in front of the Magnet Area Pokemon while lunging.


"Magnezone! Thunderbolt!"

"Magne...!" Magnezone began charging up power to shock Marill. But it was too late. Due to Marill moving through the smoke earlier, the Aqua Mouse Pokemon got her hit in, smashing her hands onto the eye of Magnezone.

"Marill!" The force of her strike was so great, it shattered the wood of the upper deck while also slamming Magnezone so hard that it went crashing through the ship, falling far down and entering the lower levels.


"Ah!" Colress gasped.

"Nice hit!" Sweetie Drops clapped her hooves.

"You still won't get away!" Colress was ready to send out another Poke Ball as the Team Plasma grunts were starting to come up here.

"Don't have time for more battling..." Jackie uttered as he looked around for a way to leave this behind. He then spotted a far away Staraptor in the distance, flying by with its flock. "Ah!"

"Go, Beheeyem!" Colress sent his next Pokemon out.


"Use Psychic!"

"Golbat! Supersonic!"

"Marill! Rollout!"

"Baaaaaaat!" The Bat Pokemon omitted sound waves from its body, sending them towards Beheyeem and throwing the Cerebral Pokemon off focus, interrupting Psychic.


"Ma!" Marill then came in, smashing into Beheyeem and sending it back.

"Keep him a bit busy for me, Bon Bon! You too Golbat!"

"You got it! Hydro Pump!"

"Use Signal Beam, Beheyeem!"

"Capture on!" Jackie exclaimed as he sent his styler towards the nearest Staraptor, wrapping the golden light around the Predator Pokemon and sending the energy through it.

"Star!" Staraptor was now an ally temporarily as it flew over to Jackie's direction. "Staraptor!"

Both Hydro Pump and Signal Beam cancelled each other out as Bon Bon and Colress continued to face off while Staraptor was closing in. However, things were gonna get tricker from here on as Magnezone ended up resurfacing, flying out of the hole it crashed through and appearing in front of Marill.



Not only that, but the Team Plasma grunts had all gotten up here along with their Pokemon. It was only a matter of time until they got out of that water. Well, a few of them anyway.

"Uh...!" Bon Bon winced at the sight of the newcomers. "Jackie!"

"Got it! Hop on!" Jackie called out as he hopped on Staraptor's back as Staraptor came swooping in at high speeds.


Bon Bon and Marill were picked up by Staraptor via the usage of its head. The two of them were launched into the air by Staraptor, screaming before Jackie caught them both. The wings of Staraptor also knocked Magnezone away.

"Gotcha! Get us out of here, Staraptor!"


"Don't let them escape! Signal Beam! Thunderbolt!" Colress roared as the other grunts commanded their Pokemon to try and strike Jackie and the others down.

"Golbat!" However, Golbat flew in front of the attacks, protecting Jackie by being a shield as it had been hit by the attacks, taking all the damage for Jackie and Bon Bon. "Bat!"

"Huh?!" Colress gasped, looking at the fainted Golbat. And due to Golbat fainting, the styler had lost its connection to the Bat Pokemon.

"Thanks, Golbat!" Jackie thanked the Bat Pokemon in the distance before escaping the vicinity of the Plasma Frigate and Team Plasma in general.

They had successfully escaped.

"..." Colress looked in the distance, adjusting his glasses while scoffing. In the end, Jackie and Sweetie Drops were the victors in all of this. Not only did they destroy parts of the ship which belonged to Ghetsis, but they got away with valuable information and very important objects and Pokemon too.

This can be considered a defeat.

"Pokemon Ranger..." Colress took his glasses off, knowing that they have lost for the day.

Canterlot. Celestia's throne room. Late afternoon.

"Here's what I was able to return, Princess Celestia." Sweetie Drops had returned with valuable objects. The Poke Balls that held Pokemon inside of them and some of the Travel Spheres given to her by Jackie. They both took half of them.

"Excellent work, Agent Sweetie Drops." Celestia nodded. "It was a brilliant idea to restart this agency. I knew I could count on you for this."

"Pah. It was nothing." Bon Bon felt proud as she gave herself a confident smirk and a pat on the back. "But, I couldn't have done it without Jackie. Having a real Pokemon expert really helped out in the end."

"Indeed. You may head home now. I'll call you for other missions when needed."

"Yes, princess!"

A successful mission. From both a Pokemon Ranger and a Secret Agent. Granted, it ended in destruction and anarchy but when it comes to Pokemon that's to be expected.

Equestria now had something to utilize in the future. Fairly soon even. With the invasion still approaching in just 3 weeks, all the help is needed as the journey continues.

Chapter 416 End.

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