• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Ponyville vs Cosmos

Author's Note:

Fixed some minor parts in the previous two chapters involving Fluttershy.

Equestria. Ponyville. Fluttershy's Cottage. Nightfall.

"Discord! There you are!" Cosmos had found Discord. She appeared as a giant with her eye being seen outside the window. Once Discord saw her, he had only one thing on his mind.


Discord made the conscious decision to run away from his ex-lover, especially with how she was back in full swing with her true body while also having an amalgamated body of Cynthia and her Pokemon. But the second he chose to run, Cosmos had extended her arm, breaking it through Fluttershy's window.

The arm slithered indoors with Angel Bunny and the rest of Fluttershy's animals inside fleeing. Discord had been grabbed by the elongated arm with Cosmos' massive claw gripping him. His eyes popped out with his cheeks puffing as Cosmos had then ripped the roof off of Fluttershy's home, revealing her face to Discord.

"Oh, Discord! Sorry that it took so long but so many distractions have been getting in my way as of recently!" She giggled, pulling Discord towards her. "But now we're together again at last."

"Uh, w-wonderful." A terrified discord replied, trying to play it safe. "Did you have fun so far in this new collaborative world?"

"Ugh! Barely!" Cosmos groaned. "These Pokemon and their trainers can put up a fight. Malice just isn't cutting it with them. I miss the good old days. That friend of yours Fluttershy managed to get away, but I'll deal with her later. You don't mind do you?"

"Well, I..."

"But never mind that!" Cosmos giggled. "We're together at last! We have so much catching up to do! Canterlot should be mine by now and all those who are resisting me won't succeed! I received all my stars back once more plus one. I'm more than capable to pick up where things left off. And as a sign of my victory, here is the Ruler of Equestria."

Cosmos held her other claw out, summoning the Chaos Orb that she had made. Within it, Celestia and Passion were still trapped, unconscious to boot since their bodies had been overloaded to the limit. Discord scrunched his face upon seeing them both down and out.

"So much for her and her...whatever this green thing is meant to me," Cosmos smirked before bouncing the orb up and down. "I think this will make a nice decoration in my castle. Or an accessory. Ah, it doesn't matter. Either one works."

"Oh then...what about, Princess Luna?" Discord continued the questions.

"Her? Bah, she's got a concussion right now. A hard one after all that smashing with Dynasite. Unconscious as well. Not sure what I want to do with her but-" Just before Cosmos could finish her sentence, she had been interrupted. This interruption came from an attack.

A Pokemon Attack.

The Pokemon from the Pokemon House had shown up at Fluttershy's cottage, immediately going after Cosmos. Cosmos felt an array of different Pokemon Attacks hit her from the side, dealing super-effective damage. Since she had fused with Cynthia's Pokemon, she was now incredibly vulnerable to Pokemon Moves. Way more than she used to be.

"You!" Cosmos grimaced after being caught by surprise. The Pokemon of the Pokemon House recognized her thanks to her miniature appearance so they didn't need to ponder on if they should attack her. Plus, ripping off Fluttershy's roof and breaking her window was a big reason enough.

Once they got her attention, they started unloading various attacks onto the Sprit of Malice, throwing whatever they had at her. Mainly from afar. Fire, Grass, Ice, Bug and Fairy were the ones that Cosmos felt the most thanks to Cynthia's Pokemon as she put her arms up, blocking these attacks with a painful scowl on her face.

Meanwhile, Discord took this time to leave as he made his body slippery, allowing him to slip through Cosmos' grip while the Pokemon all bombarded her. Cosmos noticed that Discord escaped her grip, but was then hit in the eye by Swift.

"Enough!" Cosmos thundered at the Pokemon. Both figuratively and literally as she shot out that astral lightning that was embedded with all her vengeful fury. The lightning had consumed any incoming attacks while also roaring through the ground.

The Pokemon immediately backed away only for some of them to be shocked by Cosmos' vengeful lightning. The lightning flared across the ground, continuing on its path of destruction even when hitting the opposing Pokemon as it threatened to damage the Pokemon House.

Thankfully, the Ground-Types got in the way, using their immunity to any form of electricity to block the lightning. It had hit them instead, doing absolutely nothing.

"Discord! Where are you going, dear?!" Cosmos cried out before elongating her arm once more. Discord opened a hole in his dimension with a zip, only for Cosmos to close it off by pulling the zip upwards. "Don't leave so soon, we've just reunited!"

"I uh...have some preparations that need to be done, that's what!" Discord turned around, facing away from Cosmos before being greeted with a massive claw. This claw had grabbed him as he was in Cosmos' grip once more.

"We can do that later! Right now, I have some unfinished business. That Princess and her friends are still around as well. I need them out of the way, understood? They've probably retreated to this spot. I just know it."

"Krookodile!" Krookodile saw his trainer currently being held by Cosmos. He rushed to Discord's side, using Stone Edge. The stones emerged from the ground as blue crystals, crashing into Cosmos' legs. Cosmos had been interrupted once more before glaring at Krookodile.

"Oh no, Krooodile, not now." Discord shook his head after Krookodile made his appearance. Cosmos pointed her claw at the Intimidation Pokemon. This was when Discord was reminded of his other Pokemon. His hundreds of Unown. "Hold on!" He shouted, causing Cosmos to pause for a bit. "Aren't we wasting precious time here with all of this? I mean, this place isn't that important."

"You're right. They're here somewhere." Cosmos nodded. "But I hold grudges!" Despite Discord convincing her, Cosmos still wanted some vengeance. And to do that, she decided to multitask. A way to spot Twilight and her friends and lash out at the Pokemon of the Pokemon House.

She dropped Discord before then expanding her size. She was far bigger than the entire Pokemon House and all of its locations, towering over everything in this area. She put on a menacing grimace for all the Pokemon to see while Discord slowly backed up, focusing on some new assistance. By the hundreds.

5 minutes earlier.

Indeed, they had shown up in Ponyville. All thanks to Bayleef saving them from imminent danger. However, by changing fate to bring all of her friends here, it took a massive toll on the already exhausted and weakened, removing a majority of her neck leaves as a lot of them had touched each of her friends, which were plenty.

"We're back at Ponyville?" Twilight noticed the familiar surroundings before turning to face Bayleef. "Bayleef. Could your leaf always do that?"

"It never teleported us before." Starlight shook her head. "I guess the leaf can do anything that Bayleef puts her mind to. I think."

"Bayleef." Bayleef smiled, looking like she was on the verge of passing out. But she was glad that she managed to get her friends back here.

"Poor, Bayleef. I think you've done enough for now." Fluttershy said to her partner who had used too much of her levels. Bayleef practically looked naked without them. "Take a rest." She had then pulled out Bayleef's Poke Ball, which she rarely ever uses. Bayleef was sent back inside her Poke Ball to recover.

"We could've totally taken that lightning, though." Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves, not too fond of suddenly retreating like that.

"I doubt it." Twilight shook her head. "Unless we had a Pokemon that had the ability to absorb electricity, we would be fine. But Ninetales managed to absorb all of that baneful fire."

"Ninetales!" Ninetales cried out as some of that fire flared ut of his mouth. That caught everyone off guard as astral fire with the colours of blue, red and purple had been seen, startling them.

"Wait! Ninetales?! You kept the flames?!" Twilight gasped as it was not a one-time use. Ninetales now had these malicious flames stuck to him as it didn't look like it bothered him at all. "Wow...You're something, alright."

"Ninetales." Ninetales stuck his tongue out.

"There ya'll are!" Just then, reuniting with their friends were none other than Applejack, Goh and practically the rest of Ponyville. They returned from Canterlot, filling the streets of Canterlot once more considering everyone else was unconscious.

"You're back?" Fluttershy stood up. "Did you get everything sorted out back at Canterlot?"

"We came back here because we saw an extra-large Cosmos in the sky. She looked close to Ponyville so we got worried." Applejack explained. "Ya'll doing okay?"

"Could be better." Rarity replied. "We just had an encounter with Cosmos far from here. Seems she's back to her prime now with some unsightly appearances."

"We saw. Did she just have Cynthia's Pokemon added onto her?" Goh asked.

"She did." Twilight nodded. "Cosmos ended up absorbing them all to create an amalgamated variation of herself. She has all the strength of Cynthia's Pokemon. But now she shares their weaknesses."

"Weaknesses?" Cold Colt repeated.

"Pokemon Moves now work better on her than they did before. She didn't know." Pinkie shrugged before chuckling. The thought of Cosmos not knowing about this until it was explained to her was all too funny to think about, especially her reaction.

"But it's great that we're all still here." Fluttershy was more pleased to see her friends in one piece. By working together and thanks to the power of a Fate Changing Leaf, they managed to all survive. "But uh...where's Ash?"

"Ash is-" Those 5 minutes from before were up. At this very moment, before Hollow could say something about Ash, along came Cosmos.

Her body expanded as she broke through the trees, yelling with her voice booming across the area. This was around the time when she decided to multitask, searching for Twilight and her friends while also dealing with the Pokemon from the Pokemon House. And that time was now.

"THERE YOU ARE!" Cosmos spotted them, just as she hoped. Princess Twilight Sparkle and a majority of her friends had been found. Right here at Ponyville where they had all reunited. "Thought you could run for long?"

"We didn't intend on running," Twilight replied. "If anything, you let us find you before we had to go searching."

"Oooh, someone has a mouth on her." Cosmos let out a fake shudder. "I should expect that from an alicorn, however. But look at you now. Look how many of you it took to stand a chance against just me. I am just one entity."

"Using multiple bodies, that is!" Rainbow Dash called her out, causing Cosmos to scoff as she knew this was true. "You're doing all of this for what? Just because?"

"And rule everything," Cosmos added. "And get back with my Discord. But yes...I am also doing it just because. Why not? I live and thrive off of chaos. Shouldn't I be allowed to fulfil what I was made for? It kind of defeats the purpose of a draconequus."

"When it harms others, that's where we draw the line," said Twilight.

"But that's where all the fun comes from. Using my magic on objects, land or whatever else would be too boring" Cosmos groaned. "Using it on living breathing creatures is so different and so unique. After all, it's why I got such a kick out of attacking Equestria centuries ago. I was stopped, yes. But now, two of the forces that stopped me are now in this state."

She then used her magic to summon two things. A Chaos Orb and a Dynasite Cube. Inside of it, Celestia, Passion and Luna could be seen as the cube had been made transparent.

"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna! Passion?!" Twilight gasped while shouting out their names.

"I'll give them credit. They were far stronger than when I first encountered them centuries ago. Celestia even beat me but...some helpful advice and it was I who emerged victorious." She dangled the orb. "I was weaker, certainly, but not anymore. I'm above my prime. If I were you, which I was for some of you, I would give up while I still could."

The Chaos Storm from before had appeared, encircling the skies once more. The residents of Ponyville and their allies could feel the intimidation factor coming from Cosmos, no doubt. All of the Chaos Magic that came from the tear in the sky flooded towards her, overtaking the night skies with an array of unkempt and disorganized colours. But the residents of Ponyville and their allies did not give up. Not when they knew there was a chance.

"No? Well, then. Allow me to put an end to this once and for all. Get ready to be a part of my empire!" Cosmos decided that now was the time to finish this event. She felt as if it had gone on long enough.

"This might be our last chance," Twilight uttered before gulping. "We should make it count." All of them were going to try and finish this to the best of their abilities.

"Now. How should I sta-" Cosmos was thinking of how to put an end to them with all the options she could choose from. But, during her moment of pondering, she had been blindsiding yet again. A common theme due to how cocky and boastful she was.

This time, she had been interrupted via a black slash. This slash came at unprecedented speeds, hitting Cosmos in the face and leaving a visible mark. Everyone was astounded by this surprise attack as it didn't come from any of them. Being blindsided by this slash had almost toppled the Spirit of Malice. Twilight recognized that slash anywhere.

She looked up at the sky, seeing a familiar figure leap through the trees and even the clouds with an impressive jump. She knew the one Pokemon who would be so bold to catch someone off guard like that.


"Absol!" Twilight was thrilled to see Absol once more as the Disaster Pokemon came crashing down. But of course, he landed on his feet like a cat. Though, it was still hard to tell if he was a cat or a dog. Or both. "You're back! You're really back!"

"Absol." Absol turned to face Twilight, putting on a smirk

"THAT THING AGAIN?!" Cosmos met with the Pokemon that started her boiling rage in this current event. Absol. Absol's sneak attack Night Slash was enough to drive Cosmos to an infernal rage. "ENOUGH WASTING TIME! ALL OF YOU WILL SUFFER!" She immediately attacked them, sending out Roserades thorns and Garchomps scales which were expanded.

"Here goes nothing! Absol, Night Slash! Eve, Psychic!" Twilight ordered as the conflict between Ponyville and Cosmos had begun. It started with Eseon and Absol and soon everyone else as they gave their Pokemon various commands.

Absol continued Night Slash, cutting the poisonous thorns in half while Espeon controlled the poison with her Psychic mind, crushing it from the inside while also breaking some of the thorns.

Sceptile had used Frenzy Plant, summoning large roots from the ground that met with these massive thorns, clashing against them. This allowed other Pokemon to run up the roots and use them to approach Cosmos. Pheromosa, Lopunny, Raboot and many more took that opportunity with Pheromosa moving ahead of them thanks to her superior speed.

Cosmos had made the scales pop out of the thorns and roots in massive rows as Pheromosa and Raboot were knocked off the plants that Sceptile had made. But along came Braviary with Steel Wing to cut the scales in half, only to them then grabbed by the thorns.

Ninetales, Rapidash and Raboot had burnt away the thorns via Flare Blitz and a combined Flame Charge. The three of them had crashed into the thorns as Ninetales ended up showing some of the vengeful fire that he had absorbed from Cosmos.

Cosmos scowled at Ninetales, recognizing the astral fire that she owned. Cosmos then used Kommo-o's scales to cause an ear-piercing sound that assaulted everyone's ears, especially Fluttershy and Audino's ears. It also made a soundwave that pushed other Pokemon away along with Sceptile's roots.

This soundwave was strong enough to even affect the buildings, threatening to pull them off the ground while other ponies, especially the younger ones and their Pokemon had been sent flying. Twilight and Starlight worked together to put up a barrier that encased all of their friends. This barrier had blocked off the sound coming from the soundwave, protecting them until it finally finished.

Once the barrier was down, they could continue, but now Cosmos was making it harder for them. Using Glaceon's icy breath, she started to flash-freeze the atmosphere itself. This made the air thin to breathe in while also freezing the beautiful grass and trees of Ponyville.

All the Fire-Types came together with Hollow's Houndoom using Overheat, Goh's Cinderace using Pyro Ball along with Rapidash using Inferno and so on. They held back the ice as it was powerful enough to even combat against fire. Its greatest weakness.

With the addition of other Pokemon attacks, they managed to blow away the icy breath that Cosmos had unleashed. But, Cosmos retaliated with another cataclysmic force. A tsunami. She had brought upon a massive tsunami that burst out of the ground with enough size and power to not just tear through Ponyville but also go beyond and threaten other locations.

Thankfully, they had Pokemon that could sort that out. Cheerilee's Lanturn had Water Absorb, perfect to absorb the water that was coming this way. However, Cosmos knew this by now as she switched it up. The moment the water came towards Lanturn, Cosmos had transformed it into a monster that was made out of Dynasite instead of water. This Dynasite monster gathered every part of the tsunami, turning it into Dynasite with massive fangs emerging. This was not something that Lanturn could absorb.

Rarity's 12 Leavanny had pulled Lanturn away with String Shot as the creature slammed its arm down. The impact of Dynasite hitting the ground was a colossal one with a metal as powerful as Dynasite did serious damage to the earth.

Cosmos wasn't just dealing with Twilight's group but also Krookodile's group. Back at the Pokemon House, she had used her magic to terrorize the utopia of Pokemon. She had used her tail of all things, multiplying it as they were essentially extra limbs attacking Krookodile and everyone.

All the while, Discord had gone into his dimension away from all of this madness. But this time, Discord wasn't running out of fear. He appeared in his dimension where all of his Unown that he had caught could be found.

The Unown lounged either inside his home or the vast expanse of this dimension, not doing much unless by Discord's orders. That was how the Unown worked after all.

"Alright, everyone. Gather around." Discord called for them as the Symbol Pokemon all flocked to their trainer. "Right. If there was ever a better time for me to use you all, now is the time. There's a problem happening outside, but I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle."

Discord then opened up a portal within his dimension as the Unown didn't need to hear anything else. Al, they needed to do was fulfil Discord's wishes as they normally do. Once the hole was open, the Unown with their massive numbers had flown out.

More assistance to help defeat Cosmos was on the way in the form of the many Unown. Back outside, over at the streets of Ponyville and the Pokemon House, Cosmos was putting the pressure on the group for sure.

Some of the Pokemon from the ponies had fainted from Cosmos' assault, causing them to be returned. But of course, they had more teammates to help them out.

Pheromosa breathed in and out as her fragile lissome body couldn't handle this. Rarity saw this before returning the Lissome Pokemon to her Poke Ball, leaving it to the rest of her Pokemon.

To match Cosmos' size, Pinkie Pie had Mew turn into Lugia, emerging as the Water-Psychic-Type. Cosmos looked Mew dead in the eye as he used the body of the Diving Pokemon to ram right into the Spirit of Malice. Cosmos managed to keep herself steady by increasing her weight. She grinned at Mew before opening her mouth, unleashing a massive flare of astral fire.

Mew had taken the flames head-on as they engulfed his entire body even as a Lugia. Sadly, Mew could not copy Lugia's Typing and thus, these flames were truly painful as he fell over, almost hitting the town hall building. Sceptile had used Frenzy Plant to catch Mew, however.

Cosmos then gripped the air itself as if it was a bedsheet, messing with space yet again. She had removed a chunk of the sky off before throwing it at the group. They weren't sure what to do against the sky of all things. The only thing they could do was attack it. But before they could do so, someone already did.

Bisharp from PokePark appeared, cutting the sky chunk in half. It split into two pieces before dissipating and shattering at the same time. "Bisharp! You're here!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Sharp!" Bisharp looked back at Twilight as he and the rest of the Pokemon from PokePark still had not finished their duty. Since they were all officially Twilight's Pokemon, they would defend her no matter what. She certainly had the numbers to protect her.

But Cosmos was still a problem. All of these numbers were needed to go up against this one entity, making it certainly challenging as she had various options against so many Pokemon despite having a weakness to them now.

"I'm getting tired..." Scootaloo panted. "I still haven't slept."

"We just need to get Phione to shine that light on her and Cynthia and all her Pokemon are free, right?" Sweetie Belle also appeared tired as the scuffle between Cosmos continued.


"Ash isn't here. Where is he?" Spike asked. "Was he with you?"

"Ash set up a plan. He's going all-in with his Aura." Hollow explained. "He's waiting for the right moment to use it all on Cosmos for a Hail Arceus attempt. I hope he pulls it off soon because there's no way we can continue against someone like her."

It was revealed that Ash was setting up a plan. Not much of a plan as it was a simple action, but something that would help Cynthia and her Pokemon. Defeating Cosmos was another story, but it was mainly the ones she fused with that needed saving.

High in the skies, riding on the back of Dragonite, Ash was already near Ponyville at this point. But, even though he was expected to use his Aura, Sir Aaron's staff and the Aura of his Lucario, there was one extra ally. Cynthia's Lucario. The one Pokemon that was not affected by Cosmos' magic. Four times the Aura. Ash had come up with the plan a while ago with the Kingdra Durance and when he comes up with a plan, he makes sure that it's initiated.

He saw Cosmos in the distance with Dragonite hovering there. Cosmos could be seen throwing out an assortment of magic against her opponents as it looked like she was in two places at once.

"There she is." Ash adjusted his hat with both Lucarios behind him. "We'll make this in one shot, you guys. Even if it doesn't defeat Cosmos, we'll at least free Cynthia and the others."

"Rrr!" The two Lucarios said as Dragonite advanced towards the scene. Ash had the staff out, ready to take action at any moment. At least, when he's close enough.

"Just hold on, Cynthia! Everyone!"

As the journey continues.

Chapter 796 End.

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