• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Foalsitter Ash. A Pokestar Studios trip

Ponyville, Day.

"You want me to Foalsit?"

"Yes. Watch over the Sweetie Belle and the others for us won't you darling?" Rarity said.

"Just for a few hours." Applejack followed.

"Oh like Babysitting. Okay! I can do that!"


"Marvelous. I hope they won't be too much trouble for you, darling."

"No problem. Me and Pikachu got this!"


"Well, we'll leave you to it. Good luck." Applejack and Rarity left with their friends to attend some important business over at Sinnoh.

"Alright! Let's get this started, you three!"

"We get to hang out with Ash?! Awesome!" Scootaloo yelled.

"What are we gonna do first?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Who's up for a movie?"

"WE ARE!" The CMC shouted.

"Then let's get started! We're gonna head on to Unova! They got some really fun stuff to do!"

"Unova? What's in Unova?" Sweetie Belle asked.

The Unova Region.

Pokestar Studios at Virbank City.

"Woah.. what is this?" Scootaloo asked.

"This is Pokestar Studios. A film studio. You'll find the best movies here."

"Films? Yes please!" Sweetie Belle bellowed.

"Come on. You gotta see this." Ash said. They entered the huge film studio as the CMC were met with all its glory. It was like nothing they've ever seen before. They were introduced to the plaza, and they hadn't even seen the other rooms yet. All the people and Pokemon moving about as they all had important jobs to attend to in here.

"Well look who it is! Ash Ketchum!" A voice called out.

"Huh? Mr Gold!"

"It's good to see you again, my boy. How have you been?"



"And who are these little ponies?" Mr Gold kneeled down to see the CMC.

"These three Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. I'm foalsitting them."


"It's like babysitting in their world."


"I'm showing them Pokestar studios for fun."

"Well since you're here, you can pitch and make another movie with us. What do you say?"

"Make a movie?! Can we join?!" Sweetie Belle said with a wide smile.

"Well, of course, my little pony."

"Yes! Oooh, I can't wait!" Sweetie Belle and the others were getting all giddy.

"So what's the movie we're making today?" Ash asked.

"Glad you asked, my boy. Come with me." Mr Gold led the group towards the studio. "You see, not too long ago I had a breakthrough. I have produced some of the best films in movie history with almost every genre you see. From romance to comedy and even a dabble in horror. But one I have yet to do is superheroes!"

"Superheroes?!" They all said in unison.

"Oh yes! I realised then when I saw the film made by Frank called Lightning Fast! Brave and Strong! Super Pikachu, I knew I had to tackle that genre next!"

"Oh! You saw the film I helped make with the director back at Kalos?!"

"Indeed I do. And I know it's this exact Pikachu was the star."


"Ash! You didn't tell us you were in a movie and helped with one of them." Scootaloo said.

"Hehehe. Guess I don't really bring it up too much do I?"


"So. How about it? Will you little ponies join in?"

"Yes please!" The CMC bellowed as they hopped on Ash's back, shoulder and head.

"Well... they really wanna star in it too so why not?"

"Excellent! Make your way to the dressing room and we can get this rolling!"

The Dressing Room.

Where all the props and costumes lie.

"Look at all these costumes!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Can they even fit us? They're mostly human and Pokemon made." Scootaloo asked.

"Don't worry. Ever since the two worlds crossed over, we at Pokestar Studios have crafted clothing fit for ponies as well." A lady working here said. "Here is where all the available props and sets are." She lent them a green book.

"Awesome. So which ones are our costumes?"

"These will be the ones you and your Pikachu will wear." The lady grabbed an outfit that resembled that of a 1939 Superhero. One for Ash and one for Pikachu.

"Oh sweet. Check it out Pikachu. They match!"


"And here are your costumes, little ones." The lady lent them each little filly costumes of their own, matching their size.

"What are we gonna play even?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Sidekicks, of course." The lady replied

"Sidekicks? Aw..." Scootaloo sighed.

"Hey, it could be fun even if we are sidekicks." Sweetie Belle said.

"But then again. It is your decision. You can be whatever you want to be, despite the outfit. And here are your props." The lady pointed to a box. "I'll leave you all to it now."

"Thanks, miss!" The CMC said.

"Alright! What do we have here?" Ash went through the props. "Let's see. A sculptured mask of a Druddigon. A sword..."

"Ooh! I want that one!" Scootaloo grabbed the sword with her mouth.

"Pointy ears, very long staff."

"I'll take the staff!" Sweetie Belle said as Ash lent the staff to her.

"Oh, this is a big one! Even bigger than the Mecha-Tyranitar bodysuit Cilan wore." Ash pulled out a hefty and solid bodysuit of a Regigigas. "Awesome!"

"Wait, Ash! How do we know which props to take, if we're starring in this movie?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Oh. I should've told you three. In Pokestar Studios its YOU makes the script and story for the movie!"

"We do?" The CMC said.

"Yep. Though we don't have a script. Or a scriptwriter. Ah, I didn't think of that! I even forgot about the crew like the assistant director and the makeup and so on! Gah!" Ash held his head, forgetting the essential people needed.


"No worries. We can just go back to our world and find somepony who'd love to help." Scootaloo said.

"Oh, you're right. But who are some good choices?"

Over at the Sinnoh Region...

Rarity was getting nervous. Leaving all those 3 with Ash.

"Rarity? You doing okay?" Applejack asked.

"Hm? I'm fine. Perfectly fine." Rarity's eyes were shifting about as she couldn't stop thinking of the worst possible scenarios happening.

"You're all focused on what's happening with the young'ns and Ash aren't you? Don't worry. I know Ash and he's the last person who'd let anything go wrong."

"Y-You're right. I hope so.." She gulped.

"Relax. He'll be like a big brother to them all."

Back at Pokestar Studios, Ash and the CMC had gathered some ponies to help with this movie.

"Alright. We got our crew! Lyra will be our Assistant Director and Sound!"

"I got this, don't worry."

"Derpy. Costume and makeup!"

"You can count on me, Ash." Derpy saluted.

"And some of my Pokemon will help those two out. Sceptile, Snivy, Oshawott. I can count on you three to assist them."




"We're just missing one final member. A scriptwriter. Or even the director and cameraman." Ash said.

"I can handle that." A familiar voice came out of nowhere as Discord had poofed himself inside the Dressing Room.

"Discord?!" Lyra yelled.

"You wanna help with this movie too?"

"Well of course. The wonders of the theatre. Whether it be traditional or cinematic. I'm one for both." Discord was in a directors outfit, hat, funny pants, boots and everything.

"Oh come on, Ash. You don't think HE'D be a good choice for this?"

"No need to worry, Lyra. Discord's pretty creative so a guy like him may be needed."

"Isn't that right? I can create this perfect script and direct for everypony. The audience won't even know what they saw."

"Awesome. But we're missing a cameraman." Discord duplicated himself.

"We're all covered." Discord said.

"Alright then! We have our crew."

"YEAH!" The CMC shouted.

They got to work as Discord came up with a... unique script of his own. They say all movies are subjective so perhaps this counts for the Lord of Chaos.

"Here is the script. Written by yours truly." Discord showed the script as it had both words and some images added on.

"What's up with some these drawings?" Lyra said looking at the images closely.

"They'll make sense once they're played out, thank you very much. Now come on everypony. We've got a movie to make. Why not start with the first scene. Falling City."

"Falling City? Do we even have a city backdrop or something? Where's the green screen?" Ash asked.

"No need." Discord snapped his lion paw as he summoned a backdrop of a city behind them all. It was scaled down to fit the room so it was a bit of a mini-size city.

"That is a city alright," Scootaloo said.

"Now we gotta get to the Film Room. Where all the magic happens." Ash said. Discord instantly teleported all of them including the backdrop to the Film Room.

"Places everypony!" Discord said shouting from a director's megaphone. After going through the script they took their places. Ash stood in the middle with Pikachu on his shoulder. Discord snapped his fingers as he made the city he created, crumble apart. Similar to how an actually falling city would look like.

"Ooh, these effects look so real.." Derpy had no idea that Discord was a being of chaos so she thought this was all effects from the studio.

Scene 1: Falling City.

The entire city had cracks in them as rubble fell down. There were flames surrounding the buildings as Apple Bloom was playing a young filly who had been hurt and was on the ground in the destroyed city.

"Cue the fall and catch!" Discord yelled. The building was about to fall down on Apple Bloom as Ash caught the building with his bare hands.

"Don't worry. I gotcha! Pikachu! Put out those flames!"

"Pika!" Pikachu hopped off Ash's shoulder, running around with Quick Attack to kick up some wind pressures to put out the fire.

"Excellent. Now for the toss!" Ash had tossed the building away as it broke apart. He then picked up Apple Bloom, placing her on his back.

"Cut! Brilliantly executed, Ash!"

"Ah gee thanks, Discord."

"I didn't even get to say anything." Apple Bloom sighed.

"Oh, you got to do some fake crying little Apple Bloom. Besides, this is all a prologue. There's little chatter in these scenes." Discord exclaimed. "Now all we need is the opposing force. The one who started this all. I vote Scootaloo."

"Me? I get to be the villain?!"

"You think you'd make a good villain, Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle said.

"I mean. I can be pretty terrifying if I try."

"Splendid!" Discord had snapped his fingers as he put the young pegasus in a menacing black and gold armor while still keeping the sword prop.

"Now. Cue the villain introduction."

As Ash had Apple Bloom on his back, he spotted somepony up atop the tallest building.

"Your line now Scootaloo." Discord said. Scootaloo didn't really know how to act well so she just went with the flow.

"Uh.. looks like you ended up coming back after your total defeat from before!" She bellowed. "Not a bright idea to return of all times, don't ya think, Astral?"

"I'd never leave the city or any civilian in danger. Even if I lose!" Ash retorted.

"Then you'll go down with this city!" Scootaloo shouted. "Nailed it." She thought to herself.

"Now. Take that leap and swing!" Scootaloo jumped off the tall building, ready to swing her sword at Ash.

"Pikachu! Iron Tail!" Ash commanded Pikachu, but this Iron Tail was toned down to make sure Scootaloo wouldn't get hurt.
The tail had clashed with the sword as they pushed each other back. "I'll defend this city to the very end! Especially from guys like you!"

"Hah! Then try it!"

"Cut! Splendid, everypony!" The first scene was finished. "Now THAT is a prologue."

"That was kinda fun. And that was just the first one?" Scootaloo said.

"I gotta admit Discord. You're pretty decent at being a director." Lyra said to the Draconequus.

"Well being the embodiment of all chaos, you tend to be a professional at things that match your forte. Making films involves a bit of chaos doesn't it?"

"He does have a good point, ya know." Derpy blethered.

"Now. We have more scenes to shoot, everypony. What we need is more casts. This city can't be falling if there are no civilians." Discord said.

"Well, we could use the rest of my Pokemon as civilians if that's cool with you."

"Of course. After all, from what I've seen these Pokemon movies can be all over the place."

Time passed as the movie grew bigger with more members working on it. The CMC were enjoying themselves more than they ever have before. Soon, the movie reached its penultimate state.

"Final scene everypony. Let's make this more dramatic." Discord had turned the set into an actual living skyline as everypony and Pokemon were hanging from the high skies.

"Woah! GR! DISCORD!" Lyra shouted.

"Don't worry Lyra. I can work with this." Ash said.

"You can?!"

"Yeah! Watch me!"

"Now cue the last scene! The Climax!" Discord exclaimed.

Ash was holding Sweetie Belle over his head as he was standing so high he could touch the clouds.

"We only have one shot at this. You'll have to make contact with the switch while being launched!"

"I got this! Launch me, Astral!" Ash had tossed Sweetie Belle forward as she extended her staff.

"Cue Scootaloo!"

"I won't let you!" Scootaloo jumped in, using her sword to block Sweetie Belle's staff. "My plan won't be foiled by some runs! So get lost!" Scootaloo pushed Sweetie Belle back as she was ready to strike her down with the sword. Discord snapped his fingers, creating real lightning storms inside the studio to add a more dramatic effect.

"And... Cue Pikachu!" All of a sudden, Pikachu zipped past Scootaloo who turned around to see the speeding Pokemon blitzing past her. Discord motion blur to Pikachu to give a greater emphasis on speed.

"NO!" Scootaloo shouted. "Stop him!" Some of Ash's Pokemon had played minions. Specifically, Gliscor and Heracross. The two Pokemon flew at Pikachu, ready to stop him with a Fire Fang and Megahorn.

"It's perfect!" Discord slowed everything down as he took a good look at the scene. "Wonderful! But it would be a lot better if this were like this. Discord tweaked a few things around. He increased the size of Heracross's horn, made Gliscor's entire body red to match Fire Fang and gave Pikachu lightning trails with the motion blur. "There." Discord returned everything back to motion as Pikachu's head pushed the lever. The Skyline started to fall apart as the entire cast were falling.

"Oopsie. Forgot about that." Discord made it so that they all levitated as he added in the effect of a purple and blue pulse. "And cut! Brilliant! We've spent a few hours but it was all worth it. We've got ourselves a movie."



"Well, my work here is done. I'll be off now."

"You're leaving now, Discord?"

"Of course I am. I only pitched in to help write and direct this movie. Nothing else. See you back at Ponyville. Buh-bye." Discord poofed away.

"What a weirdo." Sweetie Belle said.

"But we have our movie thanks to him." Ash replied.

"So when do we see it?"

"Well, it's getting pretty late. I gotta return you three back home."

"Aww. I wanted to stay a bit longer." Scootaloo sighed.

"Don't worry. If I ever get the chance to Foalsit you three again, we'll have more fun and even go on an adventure."

"Really?! ALRIGHT!" The three of them yelled.

"And thanks for the help, Lyra, Derpy."

"No problem, Ash!" Derpy replied.

"Yep. I'm surprised nothing went wrong with you here Derpy." Lyra said to the klutzy pegasus.

"Me too. Must be the movie magic."

"Oh, Ash. Leaving so soon?" Mr Gold had entered.

"Yep. We just finished our movie. You can go and view it. We'll come back another time to see how it turns out and what everyone else thinks of it."

"Hmm. I see. Well, it was nice having you here again. Along with your pony friends and your Pokemon too. Come back anytime, ya hear?"

"Alright! Thanks Mr. Gold. Come on you guys." Ash said to his Pokemon as they followed him out.

Back home, at Ponyville.


"Yep! It's called Astral. And it was pretty fun through and through." Sweetie Belle said.

"Hah..Hah... I want to star in a Pokestar Studios movie." Rarity let her head down.

"Hehe. Guess I finally 1upped you at something, sis."

"Thanks for taking care of em, Ash. Really means a lot." Applejack said, putting her hoof on his back.

"No problem, AJ. I can take care of them anytime."

"I reckon you're a brother to all of them. Right Apple Bloom?"

"Mhm. The best big brother! D-Don't tell Big Mac I said that."

"I'm tired anyway. Making movies drains you, ya know." Ash yawned, sitting on a bench.


"Well. We'd best be off. Sweet dreams, Ash." Applejack said.

"Mmngh.." Ash murmured in his sleep. He and Pikachu had already dozed off that fast. He did well for his first Foalsitting, but more will come. And the bond he shares with the CMC will grow and grow, just like how the bond between Ponies, People and Pokemon continues to flourish.

Chapter 47 End.

Author's Note:

Pokestar Studios is still to this day my favourite thing in Pokemon History. I wish it came back or something similar to it was in other games. I'm definitely including it in this story a lot.

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