• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Crystal Heart.

Keeping Sombra occupied was not going as easy as they thought. His growing magic started to overwhelm the three. If it comes down to it, then there's always the last-ditch attempt. The Z Ring. As for the Empire itself, the fair was still going on, however, the main goal is to keep the crystal ponies busy and entertained whilst Twilight finds the REAL Crystal Heart. So it was up to the others to make sure nopony gets close to the fake one Twilight built from magic. But the truth that Obsidian said came back to haunt Twilight. Now she has to handle all of this truth whilst trying to find the Heart.

It's a race against time. Reinvigorate all the love in the Empire before Sombra gets back and drives the crystal ponies into despair once more.

The fair was going well so far. Many ponies started to regain their crystal forms gradually as they joined in on all the activities and fun. The food, the hats that Rarity hoof crafted from straws, things were going swell. Until Rainbow Dash came to Rarity, whispering in her ear. Rarity gasped as they grabbed the attention of the crystal ponies.

"I just found out they're offering face painting for the little ones." She awkwardly said while picking up Spike. As the ponies left, Rarity picked up Spike, whispering in his ear next.

"Twilight's doing what?" The baby dragon said. Twilight was walking through the Empire, still needing answers and clues to where the Crystal Heart maybe. That is until she looked at the castle itself, and sprouted an idea.

"Twilight! Wait! I'm coming with you!" Spike ran to her.

"You can't. I have to retrieve the Crystal Heart by myself."

"I know. I promise I won't lift a claw to help you." Twilight decided to bring Spike along, setting out to the castle.

"Where are we going exactly?"

"I think I might know where King Sombra hid the Crystal Heart." She said whilst facing the castle.

"The castle?"

"The king would have been counting on the fact that nopony would dare come looking for it here. They'd have been too afraid to even try."

"I hope you're right."

"You and me both." Finishing their conversation as they entered the castle indoors. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were keeping an eye for anypony who thought of getting close to the heart. Rainbow was especially cautious. Moving around like a wild animal. A bit too cautious, as she went up to the face of a pony who was just casually walking by and just so happened to be near them.

"What are you looking at?!" She scared the stallion who backed away from her. "That's what I thought."

"Uh, Rainbow Dash. We're supposed to be acting like nothing's wrong." AJ whispered to her.

"Exactly." She said as she growled at some ponies who were watching, scaring them off as well.

Unbeknownst to everypony... something was picking up pieces of crystals from the Empire itself. Not from any caves, but from the walls, grounds and even bits of the castle. It was a Sableye. The Darkness Pokemon. The Crystal Empire. Normally Sabeleye's prefer gemstones and usually pursue Carbink to satisfy their love of shiny gemstones... but crystals were just as good. Just not the most frequent material to go after. And this Sableye found the jackpot. Practically everything was crystals. Even the ponies.

"Sableye.." The little guy said. He ran around, picking apart as many parts of crystals from the Empire with his tiny little claws. Who needs to dig branching holes in caves when you have it all here in the outside.

"Odd." A crystal pony said.

"What is it?" The other asked.

"That...thing is picking apart the ground and walls with its claws. And it's... eating the crystals?" Sableye was doing just that. Munching on a huge pile it collected. This was good for its eyes, after all, they did gain gemstones for eyes from eating so much. The little guy spread out to find more, picking apart as many crystals as he could find. AJ and Dash noticed the Pokemon moving rampantly around, taking apart the Empire little by little.

"What in tarnation is THAT?"

"No idea. Let me see." Rainbow Dash got out her Pokedex to get some info.

"Sableye. The Darkness Pokemon. Sableye can often be found pursuing Carbink to satisfy their love of shiny gemstones. Stories say this gem-eyed Pokemon can make off with your spirit, so many people avoid them." The dex said.

"Make off with our spirits?!" They both said. Applejack backed up against the fake Crystal Heart as Rainbow Dash was a bit shaken up. She believed the rumours of Sableye's taking spirits from others as she got a nearby crystal to try and back it away.

"Don't come any closer you spirit-robber!" Sableye, however, ate the crystal from her hooves like it was nothing.

"Woah nelly."

"What do we do? It might blow our cover if it finds out what's behind here."

"Calm down Dash. This here fake's not even made of gemstones."

"Yeah, but the crystals aren't gemstones either so what's stopping it?"

"What is that thing?" Some crystal ponies came around. This was getting bad. Now a lot of them were around the fake heart and curious about the Sableye. Sableye took a moment to realise... it can chomp on them as well.

"Sableye!" Sableye leapt up, taking a bite on crystal pony's mane all of a sudden. The crystal pony screamed as Sableye held on to the pony.

"It's eating her mane!" AJ and Dash yelled.

"What's eating who's mane?" Rarity wondered as she looked over the current situation. She saw Sableye and was taken aback. A Pokemon made that had gemstones on its eyes and chest. "Oh my!" Sableye was hopping from pony to pony, causing a huge commotion as he wouldn't stop biting them.

"We have to put a stop this Applejack!"

"No need! I can handle this!" Rarity stepped up. "Mine!" Rarity also leapt forward, grabbing onto Sableye with ease. She had stopped a potential disaster from happening by easily catching the little dark ghost Pokemon. "There. Not too difficult. Now I think I'll hold on to this little darling for a bit."

"Hold on there missy. You ain't thinking of using it for anything... illogical, are ya Rarity?" Applejack said, gazing at Rarity.

"What? No, no. Don't be ridiculous. I'm only after the dazzling gems on its chest and eyes."

"Well then... make sure you get THEM as well." Rainbow Dash said as she was pointing at a horde of Sableye that appeared over the horizon. The Empire pulled them all in like moths drawn to light.

"Nopony panic! They're completely harmless! They'll only bite on you... Wait that doesn't sound harmless." AJ tried to make sure nopony went nuts. Now that there were multiple Sableye's, the entire Empire's crystals will be gone in a few hours.

"We have to stop them, or there'll be no empire! Pinkie Pie! Draw their attention!"

"With flash, Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie replied.

"Rarity! You're a gem expert! You do the catching!"

"I'll craft up a huge batch of hats! Getting them all in!"

"Fluttershy! I don't know if they count as animals but try your best if you can."


"Applejack... we have to stay here and keep a good eye on this sculpture."

"Will do, can do."

The Sableye were chipping away as Pinkie Pie had gathered up some crystals. Thanks to her being born and raised on a rock farm, working all day, she can break them with ease. Those hooves are just as strong as Applejacks'.

"Here little purple imp things! Check out all of these delicious and ripe new crystals! Eh? Eh?" The Sableye's became suckers for them as they stampeded towards Pinkie Pie like rabid dogs. "Uh oh." They glomped on the hooves of Pinkamena, biting like crazy. "OWIE! IT HURTS!"

"Holy moly those things are aggressive! Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash let Fluttershy do her thing as she went over to try and reason with them.

"Now now. Let's not get aggressive. I'm sure you all love to eat crystals. But please don't munch on my friend Pinkie's hooves. She needs those to bake for other ponies, so they can also eat what they love. Like you." The Sableye all looked at Fluttershy as they stopped munching on Pinkie's hooves.

"T-Thanks Fluttershy." Pinkie's hooves had marks on them. From all the biting. Let's just hope Ash is having just as much luck as we are."

Sort of. Ash was still trying his best to keep Sombra busy.

"You are stubborn like a cockroach, boy!" Darkrai was on the ground as Sombra lifted Pikachu and Ash with magic. "You put up a great fight. But at the end of the day... you are just a child."

"Yeah. I get that a lot! Thunderbolt!" A swift thunderbolt shocked Sombra from above. This used to deal heavy damage to him, but after all those minutes, his magic has grown to gain resistance to electric attacks. Courtesy of the rift.

"Nice try!" Sombra then used his magic to slam the two of them down on the ground as they screamed in pain. "Look at that... my force has already snuck into the Empire. I think I'll pay your Twilight friend a visit.

"It isn't over yet Sombra!" Ash and Pikachu got off from the snowy ground.

"My. You are more than just stubborn."

"Pikachu! Spin with Thunderbolt!"

"What?!" Pikachu began, spinning around while using thunderbolt. The counter shield was in play. Sombra didn't think too much of it as he fired a magic beam, but the thunderbolt blocked it due to frantic movements of it. "Trying to block me eh?" Sombra had cast a barrier around him as he ran around the counter shield.

"Gotcha!" Out of nowhere, Ash grabbed a hold of King Sombra, keeping him there.

"You brat! Let go!"

"I ain't letting go! Darkrai!" Darkrai got up from the ground, recovering as he charged up a mighty dark void. This one grew to an exceptional size this time.

"You fool! Are you planning on sending us both into a nightmare state!? It will never work! I've grown strong enough to break free much faster now!"

"Not if we share nightmares.."

"Huh?!" Darkrai tossed the amped-up rift downwards towards the two.

"Pikachu! Go with Darkrai and make sure everything in Empire is fine!" Pikachu nodded, knowing his friend will be okay. The dark void engulfed them both, sending them both into a nightmare state.

Meanwhile, Twilight was frantically looking around the castle for the Crystal Heart. High and low. But to no avail.

"It's gotta be here somewhere. It's just gotta be." As she and Spike continued through the castle, Twilight spotted a familiar piece that Celestia showed her before they came to Empire. She then remembered what Celestia said about the Crystal Empire and about its love.

"If the Empire with hope and love, those things are reflected around all of Equestria. If hatred and fear take hold..."

It all clicked to Twilight.

"Of course!" She shouted.

"What? Did you find it?" Spike asked.

"No. Because this isn't King Sombra's castle."

"Well, isn't this where lived when he was in power?"

"It is. But it didn't look like this." Twilight concentrated her magic on the throne, her purple glowing horn had suddenly gained a darker light. Black lightning-sparked out of it. The same spell that Celestia used to show Twilight what would happen in hatred and fear took over was happening to her as well. The green, purple and black energy had appeared on her horn as well as it was making her struggle. Twilight fired magic at the throne, revealing what was truly there.

A flight of stairs. That went down. Really, really far down. Spike looked down at the number of stairs, getting chills as he gulped. Twilight led the way by making her horn glow to give off light in the dark area. However, she wanted Spike to stay behind suddenly.

"You stay here."

"Uhh.. if you insist."

Down, down, down. That's all these stairs went. Twilight kept moving along, unsure if she was even closer to the bottom.

"Can you see what's down there yet?!" Spike shouted down as his voice echoed.

"Not yet. I can't tell how far down this goes!" She replied. The purple mare used her magic to pick up a random crystal, dropping it down. The crystal kept falling and falling. Twilight was waiting for a sound of impact... but nothing. Dead silence. Sombra was twice as evil for having this absurd number of stairs.

"Oh, dear." She galloped onwards as one of the stairs cracked, making her slip. She fell from the stairs but luckily enough that was the boost she needed as she arrived at a door, right at the very bottom and saving herself with her magic.

"Yes! Finally!" Twilight went over to use her magic to open the door, however... they had vanished. She found another but that vanished as well. "What in the.." She went over to the next door she saw, trying to get there before it flew off. "Stop..moving!" The door she went too moved around the stairs, heading upwards. Another door appeared as the purple unicorn was getting frustrated. She had then used that same corrupt magic to fire at the door... and that's what opened it.

"Spike! I think it's here!" She smiled going through the bright light that shined in the door.

But she found herself in a familiar place. Canterlot. Celestia's throne room.

"What are YOU doing here?" Princess Celestia said with a somewhat different tone of voice she normally uses.

"I don't know. I opened the door and.."

"And now you must go." She responded.

"Go where?"

"It doesn't matter to me. You failed the test Twilight." She looked back at her with a sort of angry look on her face. Twilight was hit by this hard. What just happened?

"I don't understand! The test-"

"Not only will you not move on to the next level of your studies... you won't continue your studies at all."

"I...You didn't say anything about no longer being your student if I failed!." She began to tear up, ready to cry.

"Didn't I?" She said, walking off.

"But... what do I do now?" The laughter of Sombra echoed through the room all of a sudden. An artwork of him appeared on the glass windows. It was him gaining victory and Twilight failing. Twilight cried... not knowing what to think of what had just happened.

Then the voice of Spike echoed through her next. Spike had run down the stairs himself. Twilight was sitting at the door with her eyes glowing green and purple. Spike's shouting snapped her out of it.

"I know you told me to stay up there, but you were down here for such a long time and you weren't answering so I got worried, came down here and you were just staring at that wall and I was calling your name but I couldn't seem to get your attention..." He was talking rapidly, in a bit of a worried state. "What were you looking at? I mean, it's just a wall." Spike had walked up to that same wall, looking at it. He too was taken over by the illusions.

"Ponyville? How did I get...No! I don't wanna go!" He was suffering through the illusions as well, tearing up. "Please Twilight! Don't make me!" Twilight closed the door to snap him out of it.

"King Sombra's dark magic. A doorway that leads to your worst fear." Twilight Sparkle explained.

"We were home... and you told me you didn't need me anymore." Spike wiped the tears from his dragon eyes. "You were sending me away..."

"A fear that will never come to pass." She said, hugging her dragon helper. "I'm never gonna send you away. And I'm not gonna fail my test." Her magic had fired at the same wall with the crystal that showed them their fears, revealing the actual door that led somewhere real.

Going through, led to something worse than both their fears combined.

More stairs.

"What's in there?" Spike asked, standing afar, just in case.

"Stairs." Twilight sighed. "Lots and lots of stairs. Maybe you should come with me this time. They went up together, moving on the flight of stairs.

Darkrai's Nightmare world. Sombra and Ash were both in it.

"Feh. This won't last, Darkrai."

"You're here with me now Sombra." Ash was standing in the distance, facing down Sombra.

"Even in the nightmare world, you still want to quarrel? Your family must be stubborn in general. You're just a boy. You can't handle nightmares without having to go home and cry to your mother."

"Oh if only you knew. I've been here before and I've conquered my fears a long time ago. The only thing you gotta fear is me."

"Hmph. Pathetic." Sombra fired a magic beam at Ash. It made contact as it looked like it destroyed him, levelling him into nothing. However, Ash had shown up behind Sombra. "What the-?!"

"Neat huh? If you conquer your nightmares in this world... you can live it out like a dream that you can control. Multiple Ash Ketchum's appeared out of nowhere, surrounding Sombra.

"You think you can scare me, boy? I will take on a hundred of you for all I care!"

"It's not taking me on that's the terrifying part. Or even the amount of me's. You haven't figured out the worst possible scenario for you."

"What are you on about?"

"You already got beaten a long time ago. By Celestia and Luna themselves. And now you're facing off against her student, Twilight and her friends."

"So? She is just a mere pupil and they are just dead weight. And I have grown much more powerful than before."

"Yeah, you would say that. But you were gone for a long time. So you don't know what they're capable of. If anything.. Twilight is a future Celestia in the making. She's already managed to defeat past enemies that even Celestia took down. I learned all of this once the worlds crossed over and Pinkie told me their past stories."

"What are you on about?!" A huge projection of Twilight appeared behind all the Ash's.

"You can't see it, can't you? Twilight's capable of taking you down like how the two sisters did. You're too focused on your grasp of power that you don't notice the major obstacle that you'll never get past."

"You think that'll stop me?! Some mare and her friends?! I am King Sombra!"

"Oh yeah? Because you sure are having a hard time against a kid and his electric rodent."

"Silence!" Sombra blasted all the Ash's until one remained. "I am going to make sure you and your precious little friends are forever enslaved by me. And as a bonus, I'll put you all to war and watch you be the first to fall."

"Heh. I'd like to see you try. Besides... Pikachu and Darkrai are most likely already at the Empire. And you and I have as much time as we want. Notice anything?"

"...How am I not free yet?"

"We're sharing a nightmare. It's twice as long and I'm in control here, buddy!"

"You can't keep me here forever!"

"Watch me! Even if you aren't scared! We're gonna be here for a long time!"

Back at the Empire, all the Sableye had been caught thanks to Rarity keeping them in huge hats after she ended up using every piece of her weaving materials.

"There goes all my materials. I do believe that is all of the-" It wasn't. One sneaky Sableye jumped up, clawing away at the cloth that was hiding the fake sculpture, revealing it to all the crystal ponies. "Oh."

"This isn't the Crystal Heart..." A crystal pony said. Their cover had been blown.

"Pikaka!" Pikachu and Darkrai had returned.

"Pikachu! You're back!" Pikachu went over to hug Fluttershy.

"Pikapi! Pika-Pikachu, Pi Pika!"

"What did he say?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"He said that Ash is keeping Sombra busy by sharing a nightmare with him. We have to solve this before he wakes up with Ash."

With Twilight and Spike, after going through all those stairs and flipping everything upside down to reveal the true path... they had finally arrived at where they needed to be. And there it was.

The Crystal Heart.

Floating there in all its beauty. Twilight gazed at its dazzling looks as she took a step towards it. However, Sombra's magic has increased to a point where he can now act even in his sleep. Once Twilight moved closer to the heart, black crystals popped up from beneath, knocking away the heart and trapping Twilight. Sombra's outside magic had turned the skies into a dawn color as his laugh echoed through the Empire.

"The heart! Where's the crystal-"

"Here!" Spike called out. "It rolled over to me when you dropped it." Crystals were rising from the ground as the cold chill of the air was getting to Spike.

"Don't move! You can move just not towards me!" Twilight said. She teleported out, however Sombra's magic teleported her back in, smacking her against the crystal walls. "How could I have been so foolish? I was just so eager to get it. And when I saw what was going on outside-"

"You have to get out of there Twilight! You have to be the one to bring the Crystal Heart to Princess Cadence. If you don't, you'll fail Celestia's test!" Thunderstruck as things seemed to be getting worse.

"King Sombra's already attacking the empire. He could reach the crystal ponies at any moment. Reach Princess Cadence.. my brother... my friends. There may not be enough time for me to find a way to escape. Twilight began to worry as she came to a conclusion, facing Spike. "You have to be the one to bring the Crystal Heart to the fair."

"ME?!" Spike said in surprise. "But Twilight-"



"GO!" She demanded as crystals kept rising. Spike picked up the Crystal Heart. It was all him now. Crystals had arrived across the entire Empire, beginning to cover most of the buildings.


"Woah nelly. That ain't right." Applejack said.

"This is terrible... unless.." Fluttershy got an idea. "Rarity! Let the Sableye go!"

"Are you INSANE?!"

"Trust me! They'll eat the black crystals!"

"Okay.. if you say so, darling." Rarity picked up the hats, letting the Sableye roam free. They set their sights on the crystals, ready to chow down. Sombra was getting stronger. He had broken free of the nightmare world.

"Finally!" He had no time to waste. With instant teleportation he was off. Ash had woken up as well, holding his head.

"I gotta get there quick!" He ran as fast as he could, heading to the Empire.

The worst-case scenario had arrived for the Crystal Ponies. Sombra was back.


"Looks like your friend Ash couldn't hold me back for long!"

"HEY! EVERYPONY! I GOT THE CRYSTAL HEART!" Spike said, holding it high up.

"That heart.. is MINE!" Sombra fired a beam at Spike, however, Pikachu countered with Thunderbolt. Darkrai attempted to put him into a nightmare again, however, Sombra had hit Darkrai with emerging crystals from underneath the Pitch Black Pokemon.

"RUN SPIKE!" Rarity screamed. Spike ran as fast he could towards Cadence with all his strength. Sombra was closing in as Pikachu kept getting in the way.

"MOVE OVER RAT!" Sombra fired a frenzy of magic blasts as they hit all over the Empire, even damaging the Sableye in the process. A blast hit near Cadence, creating a huge hole and making it harder to reach her. Things were coming down to the wire. Ash had arrived, seeing what was going on.

"Pikachu! Hold on!"


"ASH!" The mane 6 yelled.

Spike, Sombra, Pikachu and Ash. All moving as fast as they could. One to stop the heart and one to give the heart.

"Rainbow Dash! Toss me!" Ash said. Rainbow Dash flew down, grabbing Ash as she launched the trainer high up.

"I'm coming buddy!" Ash hopped on Sombra's head, gaining an extra bounce as he reached Pikachu who was standing atop a swerving pillar of crystals.

"You won't.. and CAN'T STOP ME!"

"We'll see about that. Pikachu!"

"Pika!" Ash's Z Ring began to spark. Ash took off his hat, placing it on Pikachu. The Electric mouse jumped up to fist bump and high five his partner as it was time. For a Z move.

"Stronger than a Thunderbolt's 100,000 Volts... 1,000,000 volts!" Sombra was closing in as everypony was getting nervous, some about to faint as Spike was closing, also having to focus on jumping over that huge hole. "No. Even bigger than that! This is our full power Sombra!" Unreal bursts of electricity was surrounding Pikachu, surging up from within him.

"Pika Pika..."

"Pikachu! 10,000,000 VOLT THUNDERBOLT!" He raised his fist in the air with all his strength. Pikachu was full charged, jumping over to the charging Sombra, head-on.

"Pika-Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-KA! PIKA! PIKA!" With a mighty cry and a great thundering echo, multi-coloured volts of thunder emerged, shooting at Sombra. They clashed with the Unicorn King's barrier, making a sound equal to that of 10 thunderstorms going off at the same time. The attack was pushing Sombra back as he was struggling.

"C-CAN'T LOSE TO THIS!" The force of the thunderbolt managed to tilt the castle, making a better angle for Spike to reach Cadence.

"Great job Spike!" Cadence used her magic to lift up the heart as she flew down, making sure to avoid the clash of thunderbolts and magic. The clash was spreading lightning bolts all over the place, causing craters to form. Everypony was avoiding it as Cadence reached the centre. "The Crystal Heart has returned. Use the light and love within you to ensure that King Sombra does not!" She returned the heart back to its normal location as it stuck there perfectly.

This overwhelming unity and love had restored the crystal bodies to ponies who were once dull and grey. The ground lit up with a bright beautiful blue light that spread out across the Empire. The heart spun around, turning even Cadence and the rest of the Mane 6 and Spike into Crystal Ponies and Dragon. This even turned Ash, Pikachu and Darkrai crystal. The combined force of the thunderbolt and the Crystal Heart had overwhelmed Sombra, destroying the black crystals, much to the Sableye's dismay and freeing Twilight as well, making her crystal too.

Sombra's body had been destroyed by both the 10,000,000 volt thunderbolt and the Crystal Heart, finishing him off and restoring love to the Empire. Once and for all. A beautiful array of lights spread out in the sky being filled with the colors of the thunderbolt as well, even being seen from Canterlot and Ponyville. Celestia and Luna knew that it was done.

And that was that.

Everypony rejoiced as they had won against Sombra. The Empire they knew and love had returned. Ash and Pikachu took a deep breath. That was a ride. They are exhausted.

"Whew. Finally."


"Good job Spike." Twilight said from above.

Peace had returned to the Empire as everypony went on to live their normal lives and return to their homes. The Mane 6, Ash, Pikachu, Darkrai, Spike, Cadence and Shining Armor had left, leaving the Empire behind.

"Oh. I do so wish it was permanent. Did you see how my mane just absolutely sparkled." Rarity said whilst carrying all those Sableye.

"I didn't know we could be affected. Having crystal skin was so cool." Ash replied.


"Everything's gonna be okay. You gotta stop saving my rump like this. Starting to get embarrassing." Shining Armor said to his sister.

"Wasn't me who saved you in the end. It was Spike."

"It's just a test. Maybe she'll let you retake it."

"I don't think she's gonna give me a new test." Twilight sighed, all upset.

Back at Canterlot, Spike and the others were outside, starting to panic, especially Spike. He felt like he had robbed Twilight's victory and test completion.

"Keep it together buddy. Gotta stay strong. For Twilight." He said, pacing back and forth while breathing. Celestia was outside, gazing at the wonderful lights that were coming from the Empire.

"It's beautiful." She said.

"I wish it had been me who ultimately made it so. But it wasn't."

"Twilight. As I understand it, Spike brought Princess Cadence the Crystal Heart, because you weren't sure how quickly you would find a way to escape the tower. You weren't willing to risk the future of the citizens of the Crystal Empire in an effort to guarantee your own. Far better that I have a student that understands the meaning of self-sacrifice than one who only looks out for her own best interests. Similar to how Ash risked his own life to save you back at the Royal Wedding."

"Does...this mean..?" Twilight said with a glimmer in her eyes.

Spike was still outside, worried still.

"She's totally gonna lose it! Keep it together buddy. Stay strong! For Twilight."


Then, Twilight came out of those doors, saying those words they all wanted her to hear.

"I passed!"


It was a rough ride. Going to Crystal Empire, returning and heading back to save it all. It was something that Twilight thought she wasn't ready for. Even if she was to do her best at any costs. Whatever it takes. But with her friends beside her, she was prepared. It was a high-stake test but it was completed.

And so, the world of Pokemon and this world continue on. With a new Empire in the mix, who knows what's next? The rift does. Whether it's on the side of good or evil...it will be there to see it through and enjoy itself. No matter what.

Chapter 30 END!

Author's Note:


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