• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Partial Return of Cosmos

Within Cynthia's mind.

"Hello! Anyone?!" Right now, the real Cynthia was stuck. Ever since her body had been taken over by Cosmos, her mind was unable to think for itself. She found herself within her mind, crying out for someone ever since yesterday. "How could this happen...?"

Cynthia wondered how this had happened or how she had even ended up like this. She could only think back to that moment at the office, where she found the necklace. It all came back to it. No matter how hard she cried out, no one would respond to her.

No one except the cackling of Cosmos that echoed throughout her mind. She heard Cosmos' laugh coming from all directions, essentially mocking Cynthia. "There's that laugh again..." Cynthia had already heard it. Ever since yesterday, it has been happening. With Cosmos taking over her body, she laughed at Cynthia's inability to break free. This almost frustrated Cynthia.

However, she did not lose hope. Cynthia closed her eyes, remaining calm even in this void of mind. "I can't start worrying now. Or ever. Whatever is happening...I'm certain someone will find out that something is off. Whatever it may be...and whatever these laughs are."

All she could do now was wait.

Equestria. Near Ponyville. Day.

Cosmos was approaching Ponyville, still having the body of Cynthia under her control. After last night, her defeat was almost certain from the paws of Absol. But, even though Absol defeated her, the Disaster Pokemon had been sent to the Malice Dimension where Cosmos was once seen.

Cosmos had healed up and recovered after last night. She still had the Gym Leaders that were under her control since yesterday. Fantina, Roxanne, Roxie and Valerie. But that wasn't where her control ended. She got busy last night at Frenzy Forest. But while approaching Ponyville, Lucien and Sienna, who were following Cosmos' command without mind control, stopped in their tracks.

"Uh, I don't think we can go to Ponyville..." Lucien said.

"Hm? And why is that?" Cosmos asked.

"We'd end up in heavy enemy territory if we entered Ponyville. We were locked up for a reason." Sienna twiddled her fingers. "But we can do something else to help now that we're near it."

"I just said that we can't go there." Lucien nudged her.

"I know but...hear me out. There's another Rift Creation like us over at Ponyville. Someone else who has memories of this world and the Pokemon World. Well, okay I guess three of them but two of them have those memories."

"Hoh? Go on?" Cosmos was all ears as any useful information was a goldmine to her. Anything to prevent her apparent failure in the original timeline.

"His name's Cold Colt. And the other's Emerald Aura. Who's lounging it out at Applejack's Home now." Sienna explained. "If they put together where Twilight and the others are headed, they'll for sure reveal everything about you."

"I see..." Cosmos pondered. "That would risk my cover being blown. How annoying."

"Ah! I got it! What if we don't have to go to Ponyville at all?!" Lucien snapped his fingers, coming up with a bright idea. Sienna and Cosmos were curious about what he had cooked up. "Twilight and the others split up into groups to find the stars...and we've got our own group, right? So why don't we just use this group to find them."

"Hm-hm. You raise a good point, Rift Human. Your usefulness isn't wasted it seems." Cosmos was already in agreement with this plan. "I've already gathered up enough numbers to do my bidding. Why not use that?"

"What about Cold Colt and Emerald though? They could still be a problem." Sienna focused on her fellow Rift Creations. "Plus, Cold has more magic than us now. He's the biggest problem, no doubt."

"How big of a problem?" Cosmos asked as her smile disappeared. "I'd rather not have anything else get in my way like that Absol from last night."

"Uhh..." Sienna shrugged. "He's got a lot of potential and there's no telling how much he's grown with his magic so...pretty big. Very big."

"Hmph. I don't need that coming back to bite me. That little pony should be dealt with immediately." Cosmos looked at the distance as the Sun was rising. "The day is about to arrive now. Roxanne. Roxie. You will go to the boy and sort him out. And uh, that Emerald one as well."

"You got it!" Roxie replied. Even when under mind control, she still kept her exuberant personality.

"We'll see what we can do." Roxanne bowed. "I already have an idea that could work."

"The rest of us will split up into different groups. The other Gym Leaders back at that school included. These are the places you will all pursue. Klugetown. The Crystal Empire. Griffonstone. The Everfree Forest. And I will go to Canterlot as to be expected. And remember. Deal with anyone who would dare ruin my return. You Rift Humans are still coming with me."

"Not inside Canterlot...right?" Lucien gulped.

"Not at all. I can't risk you getting captured again. I need your information more than anything to ensure my victory. But you will stay at Frenzy Forest, got that?"

"Got it." The Rift Siblings replied.

"I did promise Twilight and her friends that I could call for them. But instead of letting them go to where the stars are...I think I'll send them somewhere else." Cosmos had other plans for Twilight and the others as she snapped her fingers to summon some maps.

"Give them these maps. They all lead to uncharted areas. As for all of us, we will be focusing on the destinations where the stars truly are."

"That's cool and all but, ya know...I'd suggest one last thing. Just for good measure." Lucien put his hands together as Cosmos narrowed her eyes, waiting for this chatter to end soon. "I-I'll make it quick! It's about the Pokemon. You could try and learn to battle with them?"


"I mean...you've got Cynthia's Pokemon now. Absol beat you so it wouldn't hurt to get used to battling with them, right?" Lucien tried to not come off as disrespectful just to avoid Cosmos' wrath.

"You're right about that." Surprisingly, Cosmos did not lash out at Lucien this time. She knew that this was one drawback to having Cynthia's body. She was lacking the skills. "Fine then. You'd better have the power to sort that out."

"We do!" Sienna raised her arm. "we can use the little bit of our remaining magic to bring you up to speed with Pokemon Battling. Sound good?"

"Hurry it up. The next time someone stands before me, I can use those skills to pummel them." Cosmos ordered as Lucien and Sienna got right on it. She stayed completely still, allowing the Rift Siblings to touch her. Their hands were placed on Cosmos' shoulders as they used their cosmic power to make some adjustments.

Cosmos' eyes flared as the skills of a Pokemon Trainer were being granted to her. It wasn't something she felt like she wanted, but in this case, she needed it. Cosmos accepted it as she didn't feel any different. Then again, there was no specific feeling of being a skilled Pokemon Trainer. At least, one that she could think of.

"Done. That should do." Lucien said as he and Sienna backed away.

"Good. It'd better work. Now, Let's set out." Cosmos and her group had set out, continuing on the quest to restore her full body so that she can once again cause malice throughout the world. They all had their destination and their plans. Roxie and Roxanne went straight to Ponyville first before anywhere else.

At Ponyville, Twilight and her friends had been gathered early in the morning to get a good start on their journey. They were always excited for a new journey to begin and the things they could experience. Some were hoping it wasn't anything dangerous at all. They had their bags ready along with extra bags that were bigger and packed with a plethora of objects. Luckily, their Pokemon could carry the bigger bags instead. Sceptile had a large one on his back as did Audino.

However, despite them all rising to this beautiful day, ready to set out, Twilight was the only one lacking a smile on her face. And for a good reason.

"Hey, Twilight. What's wrong?" Pinkie Pie bounced over.

"Well..." Twilight had a bit of a disgruntled face. She wasn't exactly in high spirits like everyone else. "Not everyone is here...Absol's gone."

"He was on nightguard duty as always and all of a sudden, he just vanished. I haven't seen him today at all..." The young alicorn sighed.

"We're gonna have my Slurpuff here track his scent down." Pinkie Pie latched onto one of her Slurpuff. "We'll find him in no time, Twilight."

"Right. We will, Pinkie Pie. He might even come back to us by himself." Twilight had hope that Absol would be found. However, Slurpuff's powerful nose wouldn't be enough. It certainly couldn't reach space and another dimension to track down Absol's scent. "He's way too wild for the worst to happen Anyway...I've given everyone here a map. This should help you out."

All of her friends were holding onto maps fixated on different locations as well as those bags that would be brought with them. "They have everything they need to travel from protein bars, a detailed timeline and a drawing of a star gem."

"Bit too detailed if you ask me..." Applejack looked at the map, struggling to understand it.

"It's usual for Twilight." Rainbow Dash replied.

"We also have these maps that Roxie and Roxanne gave us." Twilight passed the maps to her friends. "They came in to see Cold Colt early this morning today also. My guess is that Cynthia's probably already one step ahead of us in searching for the stars. Maybe."

"It won't be a long journey, so they'll probably still have some time to head back to their jobs as Gym Leaders." Fluttershy replied." But I guess Roxanne might be late since she's the first Gym Leader of her region."

"We can't let her or anyone beat us to it then. We should get there before anyone else." Rainbow Dash flew over.

"Let me just pay a quick visit to the Pokemon House and my home." Fluttershy took flight. "I need to feed Angel and the others. After that, Discord will tag along."

"Discord? Are you sure?" Starlight asked, nervous about Discord's inclusion.

"Mhm. It'll be fun! With him and the Unown combined." Fluttershy was already getting excited about the possibilities before flying off to her home.

"You all should head to these spots. They're probably already altered to fit the Pokemon but their locations should still be the same. Pinkie Pie. Please make sure you find Absol."

"We will. Come on, Slurpuff! Let's go!" Pinkie raised her hoof as Slurpuff was already on the way.

"Slurpuff!" Slurpuff was off. But the running speed of a Slurpuff was certainly not going to help with the search. Nothing would in reality. Mew had transformed himself into a Machamp, immediately picking Slurpuff and Pinkie Pie up. He certainly had the speed to get there as he took off running. Twilight would follow Pinkie Pie in the quest to find Absol. Finding him was far more important than searching for the stars.


"We're out of here! Come on, Rarity!" Rainbow Dash also had the speed to leave.

Rarity would usually be lagging behind, but she had the perfect Pokemon to keep up with Rainbow Dash. Her Pheromosa. Pheromosa had been sent out, immediately picking Rarity up as if she was a child. Pheromosa also carried the bags on her back. They were a bit heavy for the Lissome Pokemon but she endured either way.

"After her, Pheromosa. Be careful with the bags as well.

"Mosa!" Pheromosa left the area, following Rainbow Dash's rainbow trail. Applejack would eventually partner with Fluttershy, who was currently at her home. She would have to wait compared to the rest of her friends whilst Spike and Starlight would team-up.

"Just wait for me, Absol," Twilight said. "I know you're okay"

Fluttershy's Home.

"Discord! I have some great news!" Fluttershy had entered her home where Discord was currently at. Currently, Discord was up to his usual shenanigans, messing around with Angel Bunny. "Oh."

"Finally." Discord recognised Fluttershy's voice as he had a bowl of lettuce on his head along with tomatoes in his eyes all while wearing an apron that said 'Chaos the Cook'. "Tell your monster of a lagomorph that he can starve."

"Oh, Discord! You need to use the spring mix, not the romaine! I should've told you." Fluttershy flew over, preventing Angel Bunny from pelting more tomatoes. She had to sort things out first before she would leave on her quest.

"How was your little meeting? You said you were going on a trip? I do hope it's to go antiquing. A Chippendale table for my breakfast nook would look lovely!" Discord asked. "Or perhaps...Scuba Diving in the Great Reef?! Oh, how about a walk in Gallop Park?"

"Maybe some other time. We're headed places to find a fallen star." Fluttershy replied, revealing what she and her friends were truly doing. Upon mentioning a fallen star, Discord's expression changed from happy to downright stunned and startled. His eyes widened as he turned around, looking somewhere overwhelmed.

"A...fallen star? D-Did you say a fallen star?"Discord asked with a stuttering voice.

"That's right. Twilight is very excited about it. She said a constellation fell out of the sky and we're on an adventure to collect all the pieces. How fun!" Fluttershy squeed. But Discord thought differently.

"W-What was the name of the star? There's no possible chance it could be the...Andalusian Constellation?"

"Uhm...yes. That's what it was called! I didn't know you were so well versed in astronomy. That's going to save you from reading the first 12 pages from Twilight's notes."

"This is just...some whim of Twilight's right? A flight of fancy? A hobby? She doesn't think these stars actually exist, right? Right?" Discord's face was getting noticeably more and more nervous.

"Well, it was actually Cynthia who found one. But here's a drawing of it." Fluttershy then showed her the book that Twilight lent her and the rest of her friends. The same constellation was on it. From the heart and the stars surrounding it. "And it's pointed the way to all the others. They're pretty far, but hopefully, we can get home soon."

"She found one?!" Discord grabbed Fluttershy, lifting her off the floor.

"Oh, yes. It was all so exciting."

"We have to leave." Discord made up his mind as fear had struck him to the core.

"What? Why?" Fluttershy asked as Discord ran out of the cottage. The moment he ran out, he opened a portal to his dimension, taking Fluttershy with him.

The Chaos Dimension. Discord's Home.

"Twilight, Cynthia and all of you cannot reunite all the pieces!" Discord urgently yelled as he had brought Fluttershy to her home in this dimension that was less horrible than Cosmos'. He then summoned some bubble wrap of all things, immediately placing it around the book that Fluttershy had with her.

"Why Discord? What's happening?"

"Those stars...aren't stars. They are Cosmos. You remember what I told you back at PokeStar Studios?" Discord shuddered from just mentioning her name alone. "Cosmos was once a terror upon Equestria. She was...well like me. But she took things too far. She hurt things. It took the combined efforts of the most magical beings to lock her away in the stars. And those stars were her prison."

"Oh my." That was all Fluttershy could say as she felt the terror in Discord's voice. She had then remembered when Discord had brought up Cosmos for the first time, back at PokeStar Studios when he revealed her name to her and Ash. "But wait...you said she wasn't from this universe."

"I did. But it seems I was fearing another Cosmos from another universe. The Cosmos in this universe is still someone that I fear as much!" Discord trembled. "Years ago, a shooting star knocked her out of the sky and the stars scattered. I've vested a powerful interest to keep Cosmos from coming back."

"We can talk about it just like we did back at PokeStar Studios," Fluttershy recommended as Discord gave her a hard hat for safety as well as creating a bunker for Fluttershy. The bubble wrap from before had also surrounded Fluttershy as Discord believed this to be the best way to protect her.

"Not really, but I suppose we have to." Discord sighed, laying down on his couch. "Before the stars fell, I used to monitor them constantly, always afraid she would come back. I thought it was a good thing they fell and spread across the land...it meant she was much farther away from being whole. But I ended up finding one...in the Everfree Forest."

"There's one in the Everfree Forest?!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Mm. It called to me. Cosmos' voice had a strong influence to bring me over. I hid it away. Under no circumstances can all those stars be reunited."

"Oh, dear." A stunned Fluttershy uttered.

"'Oh, dear' isn't the half of it." Discord sighed.

"Well, this is perfect. You should know where it is. We should go get and give it to Princess Celestia. She needs to know about the threat of Cosmos coming back, right?" Fluttershy wriggled her way out of the bubble wrap as the hard hat fell off.

"I suppose but I'd rather be left out of it. This is Cosmos we're talking about..." Discord bit his nails before then dialling back a few minutes to what Fluttershy had said. "Wait. Did you say Cynthia found them?"

"Yes, Cynthia. She's the one who insisted we should head out and find them. Why?"

"That has to be Cosmos' doing!" Discord bellowed. "Your Champion Friend might be in trouble!"

"Cynthia's in trouble?!" Fluttershy fell over as the bubble wrap popped all over, freeing the pegasus. "Then the maps ew have...one of them doesn't go to the Everfree Forest...My friends!" Fluttershy realized that her friends, including her, were exempt from the Everfree Forest as the maps did not list it at all.

"Are all in line for a trap." Discord finished her sentence. "Whatever Cosmos is doing, she's going for those stars either way, Fluttershy."

"We need to go to the Everfree Forest first!" Fluttershy spread her wings out. "If Cosmos didn't mention that place, then she'll have one free star with no one to stop her! Which means that everywhere else doesn't have a star there..."

"Must we go?" Discord squeed. "You're being far too reasonable with something like this.

"Yes! To save our friends and keep that star away from Cosmos. Before it's too late."

"A-Alright." Discord was hesitant but he would do this for his friends. "I'm not going to like it though."

The Everfree Forest. Afternoon.

The Everfree Forest. Still regenerating but it was close to being finished. The eerie nature of the Everfree Forest had already been restored. All thanks to three different forces.

The natural magical flow of Equestria, The chaos seeds that Discord planted centuries ago and the Rift Energy that had been planted 3 years ago. All three of these forces worked together to bring back the forest. And along with the seed and spark of Rift Energy, one of the Andalusian Stars had remained even after the forest had been destroyed.

Discord had brought Fluttershy here, quickly running through his memory to remember where he had hidden the star. They had to only find this star, but also warn their friends and especially focus on Cynthia, the one that Cosmos had possessed. It would be a busy day.

"It should be right here. Underneath this vicinity. I'll just clear the way." Upon arriving at this specific spot at Everfree Forest and witnessing the regeneration process, Discord had used his magic to dig a wide hole through the ground. After forming that hole, the star had been found. Fluttershy picked it up as it indeed matched the drawings and necklace that she had seen.

But right after it had been found, Audino's ears, along with Fluttershy's heightened sense of hearing had picked up on a nearby sound. The duo turned in the direction of the sound which came from the bushes.

They immediately stayed quiet to notice that someone was there. It was not a creature of the Everfree. They have yet to return here until the forest is restored. But instead, a familiar face.

Valerie and Sylveon.

"That's...Valerie! And Sylveon!" Fluttershy smiled upon witnessing her Fairy Mentor. "Hello, Valerie!" She waved at Valerie, who stood there with Sylveon by her side. Fluttershy flew over to them with a thrilled expression. Valerie waved back as well along with Sylveon using her ribbons.


"Hello, Fluttershy. What brings you here?" Valerie greeted.

"I was about to ask the same thing. I didn't expect you to show up here. Did something happen?" Fluttershy asked.

"Mmm. Not at all. Everything here seems natural. At least... as natural as the Everfree Forest usually is." Valerie chuckled for a bit before looking at Discord. Upon seeing Valerie, Discord noticed how bizarre Valerie's eyes were. They were naturally bizarre due to her tapping into Fairy-Type magic. However, Discord spotted that something was off about these already off eyes.

"We came here for this star. It's a bit of a long story." Fluttershy replied, wondering where to start with this array of information that she received yesterday and today.

"A star you say...? You wouldn't happen to know anything about this little thing, would you, Discord, dear?" Valerie put her hands behind her back as she glanced over at Discord. Her bizarre eyes were letting out a pink glow that Discord recognized. Not only that, but Valerie's voice gained a second layer.

The voice of Cosmos.

"Cosmos!" Discord soon realized who he was talking to as his heart skipped a beat. Numerous times. Absolute fear had struck him. A fear he had not felt in centuries.

"Cosmos?!" Fluttershy gasped once that name was mentioned. She navigated her head, wondering where Cosmos was. But the Spirit of Malice was right in front of Fluttershy.

Being close to Fluttershy, who was also a friend of Discord, gave Cosmos every reason to attack her. With a menacing grin that was out of place for Valerie's face, Cosmos raised her arm up as she grew sharp nails, promptly swinging them at Fluttershy.

"Raboot!" Raboot was the fastest to react to Cosmos' swing, kicking her hand away with a High Jump Kick. Fluttershy took a second to process what had just happened as it all flew by so fast. Cosmos snarled at Raboot who had prevented her from landing a sneak attack. It startled Fluttershy as she had almost received a horrific scratch, causing her to jerk back.

The Andalusian Star had been dropped, only for Sylveon's ribbons to grab it midair, pulling it towards her. Once it was within their vicinity, Cosmos was the one to hold it now. Upon holding it, the Andalusian Star radiated a familiar pink glow that matched the one Valerie and Sylveon's eyes were giving off.

"I don't believe it...But I thought you were in the body of Cynthia?!" Discord screeched.

"I can pass my spirit onto whoever I influence. Right now, I'm not just in this body...but that one as well!" Cosmos pointed at Sylveon, who was also under control. Cosmos was within both of them. "It's so good to see you again, Discord, darling!" Both the voices of Valerie and Sylveon spoke to Discord as that voice haunted him.

"Y-You're Cosmos...?" Fluttershy backed away with Raboot, Bayleef and Audino standing in front of her.

"That's right, my little pony. Come here, Discord. It's been too long!" Cosmos spread her arms out with a haunting magical aura behind her. "I'm already close to returning. We have so much catching up to do! I already have one of the stars now!"

"But I thought you already found one"? Discord gulped.

"Oh, no, this is the only official one I've obtained. Thanks to the Rift Magic I was given, I ended up creating one more star in the form of a necklace. So in a sense, I have one more extra star that is a part of me. Nifty, right?"

"Oh...that's great..." Discord tried playing it nice when in reality, he was terrified beyond belief.

"I've been so bored in space, my dearest. It's been so long since I've had company. In space, no one can hear you scream, so shouting out was pointless." Cosmos sighed. "But I'm not alone anymore. We can go back to having as much fun as we had in the past. And our reign of chaos and torment will dominate again. Everypony in Equestria will fear me. And they will adore you. Just like you always wanted."

"Well, Cosmos. You see...I'm actually out of the chaos game. Gone in a new direction. Restructured. Whole. New resume, really." Discord grinned, revealing the change that had happened to him after all these years of him being away from Cosmos.

"Come again?" Cosmos wasn't thrilled to hear this.

"Have been for a while. Now, I am a reformed draconequus. So I think you'll just need to find somepony else to reign with." Discord shrugged at her as Cosmos' jaw dropped from both bodies.

"I am so displeased to hear that, darling." Her tone intensified with her magical aura from the Andalusian Star intensifying. Once she got one part of her power back, she used it to form another Andalusian necklace around her.

Soon, Fluttershy and her Pokemon noticed tentacles rising from behind her. These tentacles were not from any creature in the Everfree Forest. Once again, it was Cosmos. This signified her growing rage.

"So does this mean you'll do some goody-two-shoes thing like go behind my back and stop the others from aiding me to my completion?!" Cosmos growled, pointing at her fellow draconequus.

"What? Me? Never." Discord laughed, but Cosmos could easily see right through him.

"Is this what you've attracted yourself to?" She then glanced at Fluttershy with a horrific stare. She was immediately disgusted by that thought. "Ugh."

"Raboot!" Raboot bellowed at Cosmos.

"Bay-Bay!" So did Bayleef.

"Um...we should be leaving now." Discord slowly backed away with Cosmos approaching him with a casual walk. "It was lovely having a chaat with you after so long, Cosmos but um..."

"Hang on. Where did you send my friends off to?" Fluttershy spoke. "And um...I don't really appreciate you taking control of my friends' bodies either."

"Tch. That's none of your business." Cosmos scoffed at Fluttershy. "You gave me what I wanted though, so thank you. I was thinking of letting your friends do the same but something important made me change my mind."

"At least you thought of being cooperative...?" Discord tried making this conversation less awkward.

"I only ever wished to be cooperative with you Discord. But to be honest, that selfishness of yours is what's so attractive about you as well. How I missed it...It's one of the things I adore about you. And I know you. Do you know what would distract you from warning the world of my return?"

"A sternly worded letter?" Discord squeed.

"If you're busy trying to protect someone you care about!" Suddenly, Cosmos had attacked Fluttershy once more. This time, with increased magic as she unleashed both a beam from her hands and a Moonblast from Sylveon's body.


"Audino!" Audino immediately protected her trainer by using Protect. She formed a green shield in front of her, facing the incoming attacks. A successful block as she had managed to stop the two attacks. However, even with just one blast, Cosmos was able to almost push Audino back along with her Protect. And that was only with one Andalusian Star with her once more.

"These Pokemon...No matter! I have Pokemon of my own!" Cosmos then revealed two more of Valerie's Poke Balls. Out of them came the rest of her Pokemon. Spritzee and Mawile.



"Let's see if these skills work. Spritzee. Unleash your Moonblast! The same to you, Sylveon! And Mawile! Rip them apart with Bite!" Cosmos finally knew some Pokemon Moves that she could use thanks to what Lucien and Sienna had done.

"Spritzee!" Spritzee summoned a sphere that was powered by the moon with Sylveon doing the same. As for Mawile, it would rush in with its massive maw, coating its fangs in darkness.

"Raboot! Go and use Flame Charge! Bayleef, use Energy Ball!"

"Raboot!" Raboot advanced as a battle had engaged between Fluttershy had Cosmos. Raboot coated himself in a flaming aura while Bayleef had unleashed a ball that was powered by nature itself.

Energy Ball had clashed with the two Moonblasts while Raboot had crashed into Mawile before it could pull off Bite. The Steel-Fairy-Type had been knocked over while Energy Ball managed to equalize with the two Moonblasts.

"Audi, use Hyper Beam! Raboot, Ember!"

"Audi...!" Audino charged up Hyper Beam, holding her hands out as she gathered Infinity Energy in her palms. As for Raboot, he kicked a pebble into the air, igniting it.

"Nope." Cosmos once again interfered in a Pokemon Battle. And this time, one half of her magic being restored, her options had increased. She had used those tentacles from before as they had burst from the ground. These tentacles had wrapped around Audino's arms and Raboot's legs, pulling the Rabbit Pokemon down while also interrupting Hyper Beam.


"R-Raboot!" Raboot had been slammed to the ground as the tentacles restrained him. The tentacles also went up to Discord with less hostile intent. Cosmos still harboured feelings for her fellow draconequus. Discord yelped, immediately ascending to avoid the tentacles, only for them to follow him along with some thorns.

"You're not going to leave me, Discord, darling! Now, use Gyro Ball and Fairy Wind!"

"Sylveon!" Sylveon cried out, summoning a gust of pink wind that had Fairy Magic embedded in it. Spritzee started spinning rapidly, having enough force to charge through multiple trees.

"Quick, Bayleef! Use your leaves!"

"Bay!" It was time for Bayleef to use hear Fate-changing leaves. She forced some of her leaf buds to come off, instantly flying over to Audino and Raboot. She didn't have a move that could counter Gyro Ball and Fairy Wind so this was the best option.

And it certainly worked without failure as once the leaves touched Audino's ears, fate had been changed. Cosmos had witnessed the power of Bayleef as not only had the attacks of Gyro Ball and Fairy Wind missed but the tentacles holding down them that also vanished.

"The power to change fate..."? Cosmos gawked before grinning. "In that case..." She snapped her fingers, turning the ground into tar. Once it had been altered, the tar had immediately caught Bayleef, Fluttershy, Audino and Raboot since they were all on the ground.

Raboot got the worst of it as he ended up face-first on the tar. "R-Raboot!"

"That rabbit of yours looks flammable! Let's see how much!" Cosmos cackled as she focused her magic on Raboot. She knew that if fire came into contact with tar, the results could be catastrophic. However, the moment she forced Raboot to unleash fire from his body, Discord intervened, pushing the fire back.

He had saved Fluttershy and the others from experiencing a horrific flammable paroxysm. Cosmos blinked, realizing that her actions had been reversed thanks to Discord. "Discord?!"

"Ehehe..." Discord waved at Cosmos before then using his magic to make the tar disappear.

"You really have changed...for the worse!" Cosmos roared, vastly disappointed at how Discord had changed. Chaos was still in his nature, but not the type of chaos that Cosmos wanted.

"Are you three okay?" Fluttershy asked her Pokemon.

"Audino!" Audino and the others were still healthy and available to continue.

"Do you want to keep this up, my little pony?" Cosmos pointed at Fluttershy. "You're just wasting time...Didn't you want to go and rescue your precious friends from whatever they might run into."

"My friends!" Fluttershy gasped as Cosmos was right about that. This scuffle that she was going through with Cosmos was draining time, causing Fluttershy to stray further away from her friends.

"That's right! Gahaha! What's it gonna be? Surely you want your friends to be safe, but you wouldn't want someone as powerful as me to be free, would you?" Cosmos hit Fluttershy with two difficult options. Rescue her friends or end up having to try and stop Cosmos here.

"I choose my friends." Fluttershy made up her mind instantly, surprising Cosmos. She expected a little bit of hesitation.

"That's our cue to leave!" Discord decided that it was not worth fighting Cosmos. He snapped his fingers, only for Cosmos to do the same at the right time. Discord managed to leave the Everfree Forest, but he soon realized that Fluttershy and her Pokemon did not come with her. "Fluttershy?!"

Cosmos kept her behind. While he snapped to poof away, Cosmos snapped to keep Fluttershy and the others behind. Outside the Everfree Forest, Discord looked over to see the emergence of those same terrifying tentacles that Cosmos seemed to always bring along with her.

Fluttershy saw the tentacles rise in every direction, forming a tentacle cage around the Everfree Forest. One of these rising tentacles had almost struck Discord, forcing him to back away as these tentacles rose to great heights.

"Aren't you going to come back for her, Discord?!" Cosmos' voice echoed throughout the forest, reaching Discord from the outside. "Surely you will for someone you care about!"

Discord was stunned as tentacles started closing together. Cosmos' maniacal laughter could be heard as just one Andalusian Star was enough to make her this dangerous.

"Discord! It's okay!" Fluttershy suddenly replied to Discord. "Valerie and the others are my friends too. I have to help them. You should help the others too. It's not too late maybe."

"Are you insane? Don't you know that I am in everyone that I've controlled? You have no idea who else I could be controlling at this moment." Cosmos scoffed.

"I don't know. But it won't stop me. I have the greatest friends that I can count on. Even from another world." Fluttershy stayed confident and brave in the face of a malefic force. "I'm getting my teacher back too while I'm here."

"Another world..." Upon bringing that up, Discord immediately thought of one of his best friends from another world. The Pokemon World. Ash Ketchum. Realizing this, Discord had left this world immediately.

"Run all you want, Discord, darling! You did it before and you've done it now! It doesn't matter. I'll still find you once more. And we'll be together forever!" She continued the booming voice before ending it. "But first...I'll deal with you, pony. I think I'll have fun torturing you once this is over."

"That won't happen."

Fluttershy was still somewhat nervous, facing off against the Spirit of Malice. She wasn't sure what her odds of winning this were. She stood before the controller body of a Gym Leader, a teacher and friend to her who also possessed the terrifying cosmic powers of chaos and malice. And the same went for those who were under Cosmos' control. But nevertheless, she was prepared to do her best and free her friends from this body and mind control.

If she could.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 781 End.

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