• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Return of Malamar

East of Equestria. Under the seas of the unknown island. Afternoon.

Malamar was free from his stone prison. The very first Pokemon to ever attack Equestria just to gain control over the entire nation had been freed as a result of Melody Crystals and these navy blue crystals that were seemingly made by him.

Tendrils had previously emerged from the dark waters, grabbing Adagio, Brionne and Vaporeon, restraining them. The light from the Melody Crystals, Adagio's necklace and the other crystals had caused Malamar to break free at last.

"My muscles ache. Ohhh." Malamar groaned, stretching his muscles via his tentacles. Being trapped in stone would do that to anyone's muscles. Aside from those that don't have any.

"That's not possible!" Adagio exclaimed. "You should be nothing but stone now! How did you break free?!"

"I was turned to stone yes. Those Elements of Harmony were my downfall without a doubt." Malamar started swimming around Adagio before explaining everything to her. "I believed I would be forever stone. But that was only mostly true. At the last second before everything around me became stone, I had used Psychic to try and do something. Alas, Psychic was only capable of protecting one part of me. A single tentacle was slightly exploded."

"So what? One tentacle managed to keep you somewhat active all this time?"

"Yes. My Psychic powers are nothing to scoff at. But, even that was not enough. There had to be a catalyst for my freedom. And that catalyst would only arrive by chance."

18 Months ago.

The blast from the Elements of Harmony were powerful enough to send me flying out of Canterlot. Thus, I ended up crashing into the sea. And soon, the heaviness of my stone prison lead me to the depths of the ocean.

Indeed, this entire time, Malamar was the equivalent of a pebble being carried by the sea's current with no sense of direction. Much like the Sea Temple, Samiya.

Along the way, many Pokemon had come across his petrified body. Mainly Water-Types. A Tentacruel had come across Malamar, wrapping its tentacles around its fellow tentacle creature.

"Tenta?" The Jellyfish Pokemon observed. It gripped the statue for a few moments before deciding that it was of no use. So, Tentacruel simply tossed the statue away, causing it to drift away once more.

Thus a series of Pokemon interacting with Malamar's statue occurred continuously. And the further it went, the deeper the statue descended.

"Cors! Corsola! Corsola!" Some Corsola were jumping around before leaping and bouncing off of the statue, forcing it downwards. The Malamar statue took no damage from these contacts. After being used as a stepping stool by the Corsola, Malamar fell to the deeper areas.

Only to be raised by a school of Wailmer that were swimming by. The lightness and balloon-like properties of the Wailmer caused Malamar's petrified body to bound, flying in another direction. Afterwards, a school of Finneon swam by, swarming the statue and lighting it up with their colours before swimming off.

It flew by a group of sleeping Cloyster, making little sound. It was too quiet for the Cloyster to be woken up. The statue then brushed on the rugged body of a Relicanth school. Relicanth's bulky rocky body was capable of matching Malamar's petrified body, but still, nothing to affect it entirely.

This went on for days, weeks and would soon transition into months. Malamar drifted without any end in sight. But even while petrified, the Overturning Pokemon could still see and hear.

That is, until approximately 7 months later, something happened. Something that was known across Equestria and was a fairly huge threat that almost destroyed this nation and possibly everything else had occurred.

The Storm Behemoth.

I ended up gaining that chance to free myself when it happened. A 500ft creature made out of electricity had appeared in Equestria. And with all of this electrical power, the destruction it had caused was widespread. Widespread enough to reach me. Just the chance that I needed.

During the Storm Behemonth Event, naturally, it was in conflict with many others. Gathering energy and absorbing it into its body to continuously grow larger with more power.

And during one of its many power gains, it went through a surge. Every time the Storm Behemoth took a step, it would send an electrical pulse that spread across the land, hitting trees, buildings and everything nearby. It also had the power to shut off any electronics. Thankfully, at the time, Equestria's electronics were still limited even with the World of Pokemon.

However, that did not stop the destruction. This destruction applied to many. An example was Togekiss and how the home she had was also ravaged by the Storm Behemoth, plus the many Pokemon that had their homes destroyed who had come to live at the Frenzy Forest. And the same went for the seas that Malamar was currently drifting in.

When another pulse came through, the electricity had affected the ocean. The reaction was so volatile that it managed to make the sea tremble. Usually, that never happens with electricity and water. But with a creature as powerful as the Storm Behemoth, born from Rift Influence and some guy's TV setup, it was possible.

Seaquakes occurred, starting the Pokemon living within the sea and those near it via land. The volts from the Storm Behemoth also passed through the ocean, threatening to harm those who got close with horrible electrocution.

The result of this great tremor also caused a whirlpool to emerge. Many Pokemon immediately strayed away from this devastating whirlpool of great magnitude as to not get caught up in it. The Storm Behemoth could even create natural disasters of great scales in just a few seconds.

While the Pokemon managed to escape from the whirlpool, Malamar couldn't. His body was immobile. However, not only was he being pulled towards this furious vortex of H20, the 80,000,000 volts of electricity from the pulsation had struck him as well.

Added onto the spiral of the whirlpool, this combination of deadly attacks was still not enough to undo the effects of the Elements of Harmony. But they were able to deal some damage to it.

Specifically, the tentacle that was slightly exposed. Due to how that area of stone had already been damaged, it had taken further damage, causing only one of Malamar's tentacles to break free. Now it just looked like a statue with one loose-end poking out.

But, truthfully, that was all Malamar needed. His Psychic powers flow through not just his eyes and patterns on his body but also his tentacles. Practically everywhere. And with one tentacle being freed, Malamar could just barely move it around. Nothing else but that one limb.

It was all he could work with. And with this chance, he took the opportunity to make it count.

I was partially free. The damage given was not enough to fully release me from my stone prison. But it allowed me to improve and adapt to what I had. I could at least use the rest of my stupendous powers with just one tentacle. While limited, my species are among one of the strongest Psychic-Type Pokemon out there after all. However, while I was free, the whirlpool was still a threat to me.

Malamar was still heading for the whirlpool either way. Once it caught him, it spun the Overturning Pokemon with a furious spiral. If Malamar could scream, he would right about now. The whirlpool then moved upwards as a result of the Storm Behemoth creating more pulses.

After the few other pulses, the whirlpool had then shot Malamar into the air. Once there, Malamar could see the cause of this. He saw the Storm Behemoth in the far distance. Far or not, this 500ft monster was large enough to be seen from great distances either way. He knew that the Storm Behemoth was the cause of this destruction. And he was happy about it.

Afterwards, Malamar fell back into the ocean after having some airtime for a few seconds. He was hoping that the Storm Behemoth could continue damaging the environment to free Malamar fully.

But of course, on this same night, Ash and his friends had defeated the Storm Behemoth, ending its rampage. Thus, Malamar could not rely on the electrical monster for his freedom.

The behemoth had suddenly vanished one day. Presumably via defeat. That seemed to be my one chance of breaking free. However, I did not count everything out. With my free tentacle, I could perform actions still, albeit limited. I swam across the sea, using my tentacle to stroke and guide me. No longer was I moving aimlessly with no direction. Eventually, I ended up here near this sole island. Located in uncharted waters and yet it had such a vicious aura and feel to it. Truly wonderful.

Weeks and months later, Malamar had arrived at the sea where the sirens used to live. During his journey there, he used his Psychic powers onto his tentacles to fend off any nearby Pokemon that would approach his petrified body. He even used them to stray himself away from any tsunamis, more whirlpools or even worse phenomenons out there.

Once arriving at this part of the sea, Malamar could hear a melody. This was from the Melody Crystals and how their sound flows much better underwater. He was drawn to it. Something about it that he couldn't resist. Almost as if the crystals shared something in common with him.

When I arrived there, these crystals were what grabbed my attention. I could feel that they had similar hypnotization abilities to mine. I could not understand what they were, but they had power. Amazing power to use.

Malamar used his loose tentacle to interact with a chunk of Melody Crystals. He was hoping to try and use them to free himself. However, not even they were enough for the Elements of Harmony. Feeling this, Malamar tried something else. With what he could with his current limits, he began transferring Psychic energy into the crystals.

Because of this action, he had made a new variant. The navy blue crystals that were seen on the surface. With the mixture of the magic from the Melody Crystals and his Psychic powers, gradually, over time, he was able to make this variant.

Granted, having only one tentacle to make these crystals caused Malamar to spend most of his time in this one area of the sea. Months, even a full year had passed with more days and weeks coming and going.

But they all paid off. Malamar's hard work with just one tentacle and parts of his Psychic power allowed him to construct these navy blue crystals, embedding them with the power of mind control. They emerged from the island surface as they would not suffice in the sea due to their shape.

Bursting out of the ground, they appeared as towering sharp pillars. With all those months and weeks to work on these crystals, Malamar had created a way to mind control others without needing to be there himself. However, these uncharted waters were inhabited by any life.

Not even Pokemon lived here. He could only rely on the temptation of the crystals and the sound of the Melody Crystals as he continued to drift and improve on his mind-controlling creations, waiting for the time when he would be free once more.

I waited for so long. One pony ended up arriving here. A pony with ice wings. I had hoped to control him but it seemed the crystals were not strong enough. The powers I embedded within them could be resisted. All those months were not enough as my crystals were not at full power. Neither were my chances of freeing myself from that blasted stone prison. And now that time has come.

Present day.

"How grateful I am to you...really. Your crystal seems to be far greater than the rest. That is what led to my freedom. I thank you for that." Malamar finished his story on how he got here. "The magical reaction was far greater than I expected, honesty."

"Heh..." Adagio suddenly smirked before having something to say. "So you had to bet it all on complete chance to get this far, huh? SO much for being a genius if luck's what you're looking for."

"How dare you!" Malamar was offended by that. So offended, he slapped Adagio with his tentacle, causing her to gasp. "I may have relied on luck but that does not negate my brilliance. Very soon the world, both worlds, will know of how great I am. And I will have the power of the crystals grant me that wish."

"Good luck with that. Since you couldn't get them to do their job properly, you won't be able to control anything. Barely anyone else lives in this area anyway." Adagio taunted, even after receiving a potent slap.

"You must be forgetting one detail. I was only limited due to my stone prison. Now that I am free, I can use the full force of my Psychic aptitude!" bellowed the Overturning Pokemon as he started cackling. Just then, his eyes glowed purple as he managed to affect the Melody Crystals, ripping them from the seabed they were stuck on.

"?!" Adagio could feel something unusual happening as she wriggled around the tendrils, trying to break free. She even tried using her magic to blow them away.

"I have various plans in store if you must know! If I was ever freed, I would use these crystals on a global scale! The power I embedded within them will shoot into the sky, polluting the heavens above. Soon, the entire world will witness his hypnotic flare once looking up at the sky. Just a glance and their minds will be mine to control. Total domination in seconds!"

The Malamar were always about utter control. It is what these species specialize in most. Whether big or small, Malamar knows how to control.

The crystals on the surface reacted to Malamar's Psychic abilities as their slightly transparent lights became more opaque, flashing greater colours. And this became aware with Sonata, Aria and Arctic on the surface.

Aria was the first to notice while Sonata and Arctic were too busy talking about how they shared the same interests. The crystals, after interacting with Malamar's powers, soon interacted with the environment. Mainly the sky.

"What the...?" Aria gawked as rays of light from the crystals had shot into the sky. Once they did so, the clouds began changing colour instantly. Sonata and Arctic looked up to witness the colour shift as well, unaware of what was happening. However, Aria and Sonata soon felt this familiar presence.

They recognized this magic.

Back underwater, Adagio denied the chance of Malamar having any control. So, using her emotions as a crutch and channelling her anger, Adagio created a furious pulse of magic that was also backed up by her mother's necklace. She blew away the tendrils surrounding her, freeing herself.

Adagio then flew towards Malamar while he was still using his Psychic abilities. While distracted, Adagio had crashed into the Overturning Pokemon, interrupting him. However, the Psychic hold was not broken. Malamar's focus was just that great as he was slammed into a sea cave with Adagio pinning him there.

"As if I'd let you! Those crystals were made by us sirens! Their power isn't yours to control!" She roared as she needed the crystals for her mother's sculpture. Malamar could take all of them for this world domination plan.

"Ah, so you know about them as well, do you? Then, in that case, that other crystal that you hold can be of great use!" Malamar bellowed, focusing his Psychic power onto Adagio's necklace.

But Adagio prepared herself. She had counteracted this by using her magic to interfere. And this action caused an opposite reaction. Adagio's magic clashed against Malamar's Psychic as it was also affecting the crystals.

On the surface, the clouds had gained a dark purplish colour to them. But with Adagio's magic, there was an interference. Thunder started rumbling as golden lightning bolts could be seen crashing down. The water was shaking as well. However, the mind-controlling effects of the crystals were still occurring.

While the effects only occupied the clouds of this island and sea and had yet to spread out. But that didn't mean they were not effective. Aria, Sonata and Arctic's eyes were already gazing at the clouds.

Malamar was right about one thing. Looking at the clouds for just a moment and his influence would flow. The hypnotic power of Malamar's Psychic abilities compelled the three of them as they found it difficult to look away from the clouds. But, thanks to Adagio's booming lightning bolts, they could snap out of it for a moment.

"Ugh!" Aria groaned, gasping as she had shaken her head. "What's going on?!"

"I think it's from Adagio!" Sonata then looked at the sea, noticing flashes of lights from two different energy sources going off. "Is she doing okay down there?"

They wondered about what was happening underwater. At the same time, despite Adaigo's efforts, with the power of the crystals added to Malamar's Psychic power, the clouds were only expanding, growing. Soon, it could pass the island and head somewhere else. An example would be the mountain peaks that were close by.

And there were Pokemon living there. The Pokemon living in the mountains noticed the clouds and how they expanded. The sound of thunder is what grabbed their attention the most. Once some of them turned in that direction, their eyes couldn't help but stare.

The crystals helped greatly as the clouds had already overshadowed the mountain peaks, expanding even further. Try as Adagio might, she was no match for the crystals and their abundance. It didn't help that Malamar's hypnotic abilities were utterly amazing.

Over at Canterlot, Celestia noticed this cloud in the far distance. While it wasn't exactly reaching Canterlot any time soon, its view was not to be ignored. The fact that it could be seen even from a gigantic distance was absurd. And Celestia standing on the balcony helped with this.

"What is that?" Celestia wondered after staring into the distance. She wasn't sure what she was looking at but it didn't spell anything friendly.

Celestia's eyes were unaffected by the hypnotic powers of the clouds. This was thanks to her already experiencing the power of a mighty Psychic-Type in the form of Celestial-Gardevoir. And also how her mental resistance had been increased due to Olympia's help.

But the same could not be said for everypony else. They saw these clouds approaching as it compelled them just like the rest. Many stopped what they were doing to only gaze at it.

Near Canterlot, the Pokemon over at Deerling Forest and the Pikachu population over at the Pikachu Highlands stared blankly with simple and unchanging expressions of wonder. Anywhere in the land where there might be Pokemon or even ponies living, the clouds could be seen.

Back underwater, Malamar had pushed Adagio away with a Psychic pulse, causing her to hurl underwater. Vaporeon and Brionne could not free themselves from the tendrils yet to assist, unfortunately.

"However! I have not forgotten about you. You abnormal hybrid." said Malamar. "I will not let anyone else stop my plans for complete control."

"Believe me. I had the same idea as you. Didn't pan out at all." Adagio used her magic to slice up the tendrils, freeing Brionne and Vaporeon at last. "If I were you, I'd give up on that and save you the embarrassment of losing."

"Give up? Inconceivable!" Malamar shouted before using Dark Pulse. Malamar had formed a beam of black and purple rings in front of his chest, unleashing these circles at the trio.

"Vaporeon!" Vaporeon had used Water Pulse while Brionne used Hyper Voice. A sphere of water met with one of the circles while a soundwave with a beautiful melody. Their combined prowess fended off Dark Pulse.

But Malamar had more than just Pokemon moves at his disposal. Those tendrils that looked a lot like his tentacles could still be used as they flew out of the murky parts of the ocean.

Immediately, they had smacked Brionne and Vaporeon away before more went towards Adagio. Adagio repelled these tendrils by making a magical field grow. Right after getting rid of them, along came Malamar, Night Slash.

Adagio's eyes widened as she just barely managed to evade Malamar's tentacle swing. A bit of her hair had been grazed with a strand falling off. Afterwards, Malamar had used Hyper Beam at a close range, ready to blow Adagio sky-high. And the same went for Brionne and Vaporeon.

Seeing this threatening attack, the siren-pony-hybrid shielded herself and the two Pokemon. With great timing too. Hyper Beam had been used, engulfing the shield in its destructive fury. While the shield managed to protect them, the beam had pushed them out of the sea as it continued flying upwards.

Shooting out of the sea was Adagio's shield and Hyper Beam. Aria, Sonata and Ace watched this emergence. Adagio had lowered the shield once Hyper Beam faded away. Adagio safely brought the Pokemon down via magical levitation afterwards.

"What happened?!" Aria ran up to her big sister. "What was all of that?!"

"It's Malamar," Adagio replied before looking back at the sea. Emerging out of it was Malamar via Psychic levitation. His eyes flared with his signature devious smirk forming. However, once he emerged, instead of attacking, Malamar simply observed his surroundings.

He saw how his crystals while doing their job, were not enough. Their abundance, in his eyes, were limited. Malamar wanted more. He then shifted his attention towards the Dazzlings and Ace, giving a sinister stare. Sonata squeaked a bit from the initial stare, hiding behind Ace and staying close while also holding out a Poke Ball.

"Kricketot!" Kricketot buzzed at Malamar, getting ready to defend his best friend and all of his friends. Malamar was only slightly intimidated by the Bug-Type considering he was incredibly weak to this type.

"You are correct about one thing Adagio Dazzle," said Malamar, surprising the siren.

"Correct about what?"

"Not how my control plan will fail. It won't. Unless I stay here. I am finally free and I refuse to let myself be captured once more. Not until I am at my absolute best with all I can have will I further my chances."

"There you go. Speaking about chances again." Adagio smirked, taunting Malamar while bringing up a previous discussion.

"You wretched-" Malamar was about to rant before stopping there. "It's fine. But the last time we will speak about chances is now. I won't take a chance here and let my downfall happen. But I will remember this. And you should remember me as well!" Malamar then used Superpower, slamming his tentacle on the ground before creating a gigantic shockwave with a smoke cloud.

Adagio protected everyone from the shockwave, preventing it from harming anyone. But that was Malamar's getaway option. And it worked well. He had escaped, nowhere to be found.

"Got away," Adagio uttered once lowering the shield. "Slimy little squid..."

"Those words were kinda foreboding actually..." Aria replied. "Does this mean we have another problem to deal with?"

"Afraid so. And it might be my fault." Adagio lowered her head. "If I had known mom's crystal would react like that then he wouldn't have been freed and-"

"Hey. It's okay." Sonata went over to her. "You didn't know that Malamar was down there at all. Don't blame yourself, Adagio. Okay? What's more important is that we get that sculpture."

"Right, right. Thanks, Sonata." She thanked her little sister. "Luckily, Malamar didn't take every Melody Crystal. There might be enough to sculpt."

"Yeah but...Should we deal with that first?" Arctic Ace aimed his hoof at the sky and how the clouds were still affected. "And how do we get rid of it."

"They have some of the Melody Crystal's power. So music is the way to go. Hold on." Adagio stood firm as she was the perfect counter to this. Her singing voice was amazing. Aria and Sonata as well even though they weren't full-on sirens anymore.

Arctic Ace and the Pokemon could only watch as the Dazzlings were ready to sing this effect away. Mainly Adagio since she still had magic within her. With the power of her mother's necklace, the tune she and her sisters started singing was formed

Formed into a golden light. The same light that only appears around Adagio in certain instances. They made the song short. But that short song was beautiful enough to fight back against the hypnotic light. It was mostly Adagio's magic that assisted but any kind of singing would do.

"Kricketot!" Kricketot and Brionne got involved. Mainly because both of them love singing and couldn't resist a good song. This helped greatly. Their combined vocal strengths helped in fending off against the clouds.

Soon, the magic within the clouds had been expelled. Arctic Ace watched in wonder as they returned to their natural colours with a beautiful fade-out. He was amazed by how wonderful they could sing. The clouds from close and afar were expelled from this quintuplet of singers. Just like the control was gone.

"That's that," Adagio said. "Siren magic will always beat out siren magic as well."

"What about that one time at the Battle of the Ba-" Sonata was about to argue against that, only for Adagio to shove her hoof into Sonata's mouth.

"Now then. Let's get to sculpting. We'll use what we can to make it as big as we could possibly make it." Adagio was ready to get back into the ocean.

"Hey. Can I help?" Ace suddenly said. "Sculpting sounds like it would be fun. Even though we just got done seeing an evil Malamar come and go."


"Yeah! Sure!" Sonata interrupted Adagio this time. "It'd be a great help!"

"This is a family matter thing!" Adagio nudged Sonata. "I'm sure your sculpting skills might be good and all, and thanks for warning us about Malamar and everything, but we're doing this as a family."

"Aw. But-" Sonata tried pleading with Adagio.

"It's fine. I understand." Ace was fine with it either way. "I should be going now anyway. I've got more places to explore. It was fun getting to see you three. And your great singing too. Plus I'm hungry right now after that chat."

"It was fun. Do you think we'll see you again?" Sonata asked.

"Eehh..." He could only shrug. "I don't know about that. Unless...you have an Xtransceiver?"

"Oh! I do!" Sonata quickly dug into her saddlebag, pulling out the popular item in Equestria. The Xtransceiver. With this, they could pass Trainer numbers.

"Why not?" Aria shrugged, deciding to do the same as she took out her Xtransceiver. All except for Adagio. Not because she didn't want to. But because she didn't have one, finding zero need for it. At least for now. Just like that, they had passed Trainer numbers with each other.

"There. Guess we'll see each other more often with this. Good luck with your sculpture. I'm off to venture in the Pokemon World next." Ace said, spreading his wings out.

"Ooh! When you get there, see if they have anything new to taste?! And tell me all about it!" Sonata exclaimed.

"I sure will!" He shouted back before flying off, continuing his journey.

Ponyville. Afternoon.

With no further interruptions, Adagio could gain the Melody Crystals. A good enough chunk to sculpt with. After receiving it, she and her sisters brought it back home. Now they could begin sculpting the perfect gift for their mother.

But before they could do so, appearing inside via teleportation was Princess Celestia. She started the Dazzlings and their Pokemon with her sudden appearance.

"Adagio! I felt your magic before! Is something wrong?!" She cried out.

"Nothing's wrong, Princess Celestia. My sisters and I were just getting rid of a problem for a moment. Sorry if we gave you a scare." Adagio explained.

"Oh...Thank goodness...I thought something horrible was about to occur." Celestia had a sigh of relief, glad that her student was A-OK.

"By the way, Malamar's back." Sonata then dropped a surprising sentence that accelerated Celestia's heart instantly. Standing there surprised, Celestia could only reply with one word.


Malamar was indeed back. And now loose. The result of waiting months and almost two years just to break free. And it worked out. However, he was still made aware either way. And with Sonata's instant word-drop, the Overturning Pokemon, while mischievous, had a lot to watch out for. Aside from that, some sculpting was about to be done as the journey continues.

Chapter 630 End.

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