• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Hypersonic Vibrations! Boneless Pokemon

Equestria. Manehattan. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall.

"You're mine, Rainbow Dash!" Bellowing with devious glee in her heart was Merry Dread, who had recently used her magic on Rainbow Dash. The vibrant magic on her tail would glitter, reflecting off of Klang's body and shooting into Rainbow Dash's vision.

Her body froze on the spot, much like everyone who would gaze into this light against their own will. The pegasus was taking in this light as the curse was already claiming its next victim. "Mienfoo?!" Mienfoo hoped something like this wouldn't happen. And sadly, it did. By watching Rainbow Dash look into the light, she let her guard down, allowing Scizor to get a free hit in with Bullet Punch. "F-Foo!"

"Another one down!" Merry Dread cheered, gleefully clapping her hooves. "So much for your backup, Spitfire. For your sake and for my benefit, I hope you didn't call for more help~" She mocked Spitfire, who she also managed to grab. "Now, all I have to do is find Mew. Where and what did you do with the little guy, Spitfire?"

"I won't tell you!"

"Obviously not. But you should know that I'll find him somehow, just like how I found you. He can't escape from here after all. Not with how things have turned out. Mew should've dragged you into the floor but you somehow managed to avoid that. Then again, it didn't matter in the long run since I caught you and Scizor." Merry Dread smirked. "With Rainbow Dash on my side, I-"

Just then, interrupting Merry Dread's speech was none other than the outcry of the Bull Demon. By this point, every other demon would cry for Chrysalis, causing pressures to emerge in their respective locations. The pressure would be heard even within this melted room.

The ice would even start cracking from this increasing pressure, threatening everyone in this room if it were to ever give out and unleash the melted liquids. Pinkie Pie and Coco Pommel, who were the only ones exempt from Merry Dread's control thanks to constant evasion, faced away from the vampire while covering their ears, having to focus on two problems now. But with this noise erupting from the demon, even Merry Dread was occupied.

"W-What's all this crying?!" Merry Dread roared as her ears tingled from the sheer intensity of this roar. She was a vampire after all and her senses were slightly better than the average pony's.

"It's that bull!" Spitfire groaned. The only one who wasn't getting a reaction out of this was Rainbow Dash, surprisingly. She was still staring into space, dazed.

"Foo...!" Mienfoo's gutsy nature attempted to power through the noise, but even she couldn't do anything about this. On a slightly positive fact, this meant that the opposing Pokemon were unable to fight back since they were in a similar scenario with this crying. Altaria also suffered from this as she was being held back by vines from a Weepingbell.

Outside, Soarin and the other Wonderbolts would be stunned since they were the closest to this demon's outcry. Their battle with the Bull Demon ceased immediately once the cries of Chrysalis were heard. If only they knew about how it was all across the world.

Because of this outcry, much like every other demon, the Bull Demon would summon Green Lightning from the skies which would add to the destruction. And of course, it was now on no one's side. Not even Merry Dread as the lightning bolts would smite the melted building, blowing holes in it and splashing the melted parts everywhere.

"That bull...What's it up to?! I can't think straight here!" Merry Dread snarled before using her magic once more. This time, it was standard magic that was expected by many. The vampire would make a field of magic that immediately spread across this dripping room, cancelling out the sound from the outside.

The roars were still potent enough to be heard but were diminished to a point where Merry Dread and to an extent, everyone else within this vicinity could focus. This didn't mean the pressures were gone. The building would still tremble as there were lightning bolts constantly attacking the Contest Hall.

"Much better." Merry Dread sighed as her ears found peace. "Okay. Back to what I was saying...With Rainbow Dash on my side, I have double the speed on my side. Don't you two think?"

But sneaking away were Pinkie Pie and Coco Pommel once their ears were saved from the Bull Demon's outcry. Merry Dread would notice how they were moving away slowly, hoping that Merry Dread was taking some time to recover. But she wasn't as Spitfire would immediately fly in front of them both, intervening in their escape.

"Then again. Spitfire was already enough. But back at Magehold, unfair advantages are what we do best. Even though my sister always manages to get more minions on her side than me...!" Merry Dread grizzled her teeth. "Ooh, she's always ahead of me, I hate it!"

"If you two have a solution to this...please pull it off...!" A struggling Spitfire pleaded, hoping that any of them had a way to get past this issue. With Merry Dread's commands coming from her mind, she would immediately have Scizor and Spitfire grab Coco and Pinkie. Both of them were far too slow to escape from these two speed demons. And there was already a third one in this room.

"Mmph!" Pinkie Pie's face puffed up a bit after being clamped by Scizor's pincers which lifted her into the air. Scizor could barely hold back his absurd strength within his pincers. Mienfoo, who tried getting back up, was immediately stomped on by Merry Dread, placing her hoof on the Martial Arts Pokemon's back.


"I don't know why your trainer's just staring out into space. That's never happened before but if it keeps her from doing anything funny, I'll take it." Merry Dread said to Mienfoo. "Speaking of taking, I like the fire in your eyes. I'll take you too. All the Pokemon I've controlled so far aren't as aggressive as you. You'll make a fine addition to my team."

"Foo...! Mienfoo!" Mienfoo growled as she was using all of her strength to lift herself up, moving Merry Dread's hoof back. Merry Dread gasped before increasing her own strength to keep Mienfoo down. And for extra measure, she had a Wormadam use Psychic on the Martial Arts Pokemon, dealing a super-effective blow and keeping her down. "Mien!"

"I still can't find Mew which sucks." Merry Dread spoke while pinning Mienfoo down. "And what's got that bull crying all of a sudden? It'd better not be a sore loser or that's just embarrassing. Anyway, could you turn your head for me?" Merry Dread would then grab Mienfoo's head, attempting to turn it. But the Martial Arts Pokemon had enough fortitude to keep her head steady.

"Mien..." Mienfoo would look over at Altaria and Rainbow Dash who were currently out of commission. She was the only one who could do something. But right now, that didn't look to be the case. Pinkie and Coco kept their eyes closed, avoiding the light of Merry Dread. But even if they could avoid it, Merry Dread would still attempt to harm them. Her options were slim but not absent. Mienfoo had to find something. She was hoping her rage was enough to get through this. But not even her rage was enough.

Mienfoo then had a second thought. If her rage wasn't enough, then what of something else? Something less aggressive. For Mienfoo, she was already spoken to about this. By Bertha.

"Your Mienfoo has amazing passion. The likes of which I've only seen a few times. But, even the most passionate and fierce Pokemon have to be observant. Your Mienfoo's aggressive style is what works for her, but that shouldn't leave her wide open, especially with her being Pokemon so fixated on sharp reflexes."

Mienfoo had to be put at ease. After all, it's how she learned Meditate during her battle with Bertha's Nidoking. Her rage was amazing and could always be helpful when it comes to sheer power. But at times, ease and peace could assist a Pokemon in battle. And for Mienfoo, though it was not her style, for the sake of those around her, she would try it.

Even when pinned to the floor, Mienfoo could still use Meditate by simply closing her eyes. The Martial Arts Pokemon would let the collective fighting energy within her flow calmly instead of having it boil and explode. A blue and pink outline emerged from her body, gently moving around her as if she was underwater. Merry Dread would look down before then feeling a sharp burn on her hoof.

"Ow!" She cried out, moving back. Unexpectedly, her hoof had been burnt by the energy coming from Mienfoo's body. It was light energy after all.

"Foo...Mienfoo...!" Mienfoo would slowly get up, fighting back against Wormadam's Psychic.

"W-Wormadam...!" Wormadam struggled to maintain Psychic control of Mienfoo's body. Mienfoo's willpower far surpassed Wormadam's, mainly due to the circumstances. Wormadam's Psychic would be broken once Mienfoo's energy expanded from her body.

"Foo!" Now in a state of peace, Mienfoo would radiate the energy of Meditate around her body, breathing in and out. This allowed her to immediately sway ahead from an incoming Bullet Seed from Lombre. With that evasion, Mienfoo would then lunge at Lombre while facing the other direction, performing a backwards lunge.

"Lom!?" Lombre gasped before being kicked in the face by Mienfoo's back kick. The hit sent Lombre spinning, passing by Merry Dread who looked mildly unimpressed.

"Is that it? Get her!"

"Scizor!" Scizor, who was carrying Pinkie Pie with one pincer, who would go after Mienfoo with Superpower. Mienfoo anticipated this incoming attack thanks to her meditative state. She closed her eyes, thinking deeply as to how Scizor would strike. With only one pincer available, there were minimal options. And that was enough for Mienfoo to retaliate.

"Foo!" Mienfoo would then use Force Palm, performing a turnaround swing that clashed with Scizor's Superpower. The blow was strong enough to send rippling shockwaves across the area, breaking some of the ice around the floor while also knocking away the fainted Pokemon. Merry Dread held her ground, not only allowing this impact to throw her balance off.

Mienfoo would look Scizor in the eyes with an intense expression but she was still being calm at this point. Alas, even with this moment of peace, Mienfoo still had the odds stacked against her. And that came from none other than Glaceon. She would be shot in the back by Coco's Glaceon who would surprise the Martial Arts Pokemon with Ice Beam. "F-Foo!?"

Mienfoo would be smacked away by Scizor right afterwards, failing to keep her momentum. Unfortunately, Mienfoo would fall. Admittedly, her brief moment of retaliation did harm Merry Dread's hoof and even managed to overpower two Pokemon. But that was all she could do.

"Yikes. Opal was right about Fighting-Types. They're always prone to a turnaround." Merry Dread said before looking at her hoof. Her tail would then emanate her Curse Magic, fixating it on Altaria. She would force Altaria's eyes open with her hooves. Altaria, who couldn't retaliate due to her restraints, would soon be caught by the vibrant light.

"Mienfoo..." Mienfoo groaned, failing to get back up. Her strength had failed her in this instance. All she could do was lie there and watch Altaria succumb to Merry Dread's magic. After that, she would fixate her vision on Rainbow Dash. But something was amiss. "Mien?"

Rainbow Dash was still in the same position even after all of that went down. But she wouldn't be motionless for long. Mienfoo noticed how Rainbow Dash was suddenly jittering. It was slow but visible. Rainbow Dash was indeed moving, but it was done differently than normal.

"Hm?" Merry Dread would soon notice this. In fact, she could hear it. It sounded like electricity was being built up all of a sudden. "What the...?"


"Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie Pie opened her eyes, hearing the build-up of electricity. And that wasn't the lighting outside. Speaking of which, this building wouldn't last as long as the lightning would keep crashing down. Merry Dread knew that she would have to leave her eventually. Mainly out of boredom and safety. Rainbow Dash's jittering was noticeably getting faster and faster, accelerating unexpectedly.

"What's all that vibrating for?" Merry Dread said. "Glaceon. Show her a thing or two with Ice Beam."

"G-Glaceon...!" Glaceon would attack with Ice Beam as it seemed that Rainbow Dash was wide open. Surprisingly, that wasn't the case. Instead, Ice Beam would phase through Rainbow Dash completely, hitting the walls instead. Merry Dread scrunched her face out of shock after witnessing this whiff. The vampire rubbed her eyes, hoping she wasn't seeing things wrong.

But her eyes did not deceive her. Rainbow Dash would continue vibrating before then moving her hoof at last. Her right hoof would be raised, shaking vigorously before her mouth started moving.

"My...bones....hurt!" Rainbow Dash expressed her pain, finally saying something. "But...it worked!"

"What?! You should be moving under my control!" Merry Dread backed away. "How are you resisting!? And what was that earlier?!"

"A few things...Oh, this smarts!" Rainbow Dash's bones would be audible to everyone's ears, cracking in response to her rigid movements and resisting Merry Dread's magic. "When it comes to speed, I've got a few advantages over Spitfire. Plus if this was Mind Control, this would be totally different. But you don't have Mind Control, do you?"

"Hmph." Merry Dread scoffed. Indeed, Her power was similar to Mind Control, but it wasn't. It was only the manipulation of the body and not the mind. This obviously correlated with bones. "So, you caught on quickly. But it only makes sense for someone who can break out of it to find out. Even so...are you willing to risk your bones to try and break free? Nothing's stopping me from doing it again."

"She's vibrating her body so quickly that she's messing with her bones?!" Spitfire gasped, realizing what Rainbow Dash was doing. Her speed correlated with her resistance, harming her own bones to gain control of herself once more. "Ouch."

"Totally!" But Rainbow Dash would take that risk without a doubt. "But that's not all. I did with someone helping me. And vibrating so fast that Ice Beam went through me was super risky. "

"Someone helping you?" Merry Dread repeated, wondering who was assisting Rainbow Dash at the moment.

"Mienfoo, are ya doing okay?" Rainbow Dash asked Mienfoo, who was currently slumped over.


"You're right, Dash. I am controlling the bones of my victims. They're so easy to exploit after all with how many of them you can work with. Amazing, right?"

"But we're not gonna let it get to us again. Not ever. Luckily for me, I exercise a lot so I can deal with the pain! Take that vampire! I've got you beat!"

"So what? You found a way past my power. Let's see how quickly your bones break with all of this resistance." Merry Dread would grin before having the remaining Pokemon attack the multi-coloured maned mare. And at the same time, Merry Dread would prepare another vibrant green light to control Rainbow Dash. "Let's do it again!"

"I don't think so...Now, Castform! Reflect Type!"

"Castform!" Emerging out of her saddlebag was one other than Castform. The one who was helping Rainbow Dash had been revealed. Since his Poke Ball was gone, his only resting place was the saddlebag. And upon emerging, Castform's radioactive cells would immediately react to whatever he decided to copy. And to Castform, the best element to replicate was Steel. He would look at Scizor, copying his Steel-Typing. The most defensive typing of them all and the sharpest too.

As always, his cells would react in an explosive way to the Infinity Energy. In this case, Castform, when copying the Steel-Typing, unleashing a giant wave of silver energy that had multiple steel shards within them. The wave would expand as a pulse, pushing back the opposing Pokemon.

S-Scizor!" Even Scizor would be pushed back by this as Merry Dread's scarf was torn apart by the blades. She would back away, attempting to avoid the incoming blades and the massive wave. Glaceon was struck by the wave, taking super-effective damage in the process.


"You had one in your bag?! Crafty...I would've done the same!" Merry Dread exclaimed before being blown back by the force of the silver wave.

"Castform helped out by using Shock Wave on me while in my saddlebag. It hurt, but it was worth it. I knew about your magic when I spoke to Spitfire, so when I was flying over here, I came up with a plan."

"Nice going, Rainbow Dash." Spitfire complimented while being pinned against the wall via the spikes. In fact, even Merry Dread found herself being held by with the spikes stabbing into her scarf.

"We'll get out of here before it all comes crashing down! But if I wanna free you, I'm gonna knock you out first! Go, Luxray!" Rainbow Dash would then send out her next Pokemon. Luxray.


"I'll give you that...It's not a bad plan. Too bad it's not enough to stop me. You can slow me down though." Merry Dread confidently said before ripping off her scarf to break free. The vampire would then spread her wings out, baring her devious fangs at the pegasus.

"Castform! Go wild and copy whatever type you see! Luxio, Discharge!"

"Cast!" Castform would face away from Merry Dread, fixating on the next Pokemon he could copy. He focused on the Fainted Pokemon, going for Wormadam. The Weather Pokemon would copy Wormadam letting his cells go wild yet again. The typing he mimicked was the Rock-Typing. Perfect for those in the air, like Merry Dread.

"Luxray!" As for Luxray, he would unleash a flare of electricity that would shoot into the air, moving around erratically like a whip. The two elements would meet with each other. An expulsion of rocks from all sides along with the flare of electricity forced Merry Dread to evade as much as she could. But now she was the one at a numerical disadvantage as she found herself being knocked out of the sky by the barrage of rocks.

Following that was the electrocution from Discharge, only increasing the damage as she fell. The vampire would glare at Rainbow Dash with disdain in her eyes before having Altaria take action.

"Altaria!" Altaria had been taken over by Merry Dread, unfortunately. Rainbow Dash was too late to stop this bodily control as the Humming Pokemon unleashed a Dragon Pulse on them from above. "Taria!"

"L-Lux!" Luxray and Castform were caught by surprise when Dragon Pulse struck the floor around them. It ended up blowing the duo away when it combusted, forcing them away from Rainbow Dash.

"Luxray! Castform!" Rainbow Dash growled before then sliding back on the ice. Castform would tumble, only to be caught by Luxray who managed to recover. The Gleam Eyes Pokemon would grab Castform with his mouth when recovering in the air, saving the Weather Pokemon from further harm.

"Check this out! I can do more than just melt and control! Here's the best of both worlds!" Merry Dread revealed more of her power. And fittingly, it was a combination of her two most noticeable magical abilities. She would swipe her hoof before suddenly manipulating the solid melted walls, making them wet once more.

Merry Dread could control the melted parts of whatever she affected, sending them as a stream of attacks. Rainbow Dash grimaced before being shielded by Luxray's swift appearance.


"Luxray!" Luxray would put up an electric shield, fighting back against the stream of melted liquid that came his way. He would end up harming Castform and Rainbow Dash with his expulsion of lightning but it was worth it to protect them from greater harm.

Luxray's eyes would flash through the smoke once he destroyed the liquid that came his way, eyeing down Merry Dread with hostile intent. Merry Dread stuck her tongue out at the Gleam Eyes Pokemon, still being fearless.

"Get off the walls already!" Merry would then stare at Scizor, who was pinned against the walls thanks to Castform's previous stunt. By manipulating the walls, she forced Scizor off by pushing him with another melted stream.

"Z-Zor!" Scizor groaned as not only were his bones being harmed but he would be used as a body weapon. Scizor would then grab Rainbow Dash's tail unwillingly once he was launched. Rainbow Dash found herself being snatched by Scizor who would soon take flight.

"Huh! Hey!" The pegasus yelled, grabbing the attention of Castform and Luxray. But they also had to pay attention to Altaria who was fighting against her own friends.

"Alta!" Altaria would use Hyper Voice, sending a white shockwave of melodic sound which would shatter the ice around the duo. Luxray would spit Castform out, using him as a rocket.

"Lux!" As for Luxray, after shooting out Castform, he was forced back by Altaria's Hyper Voice. But it wasn't in vain. Castform would use this as a chance to tackle Altaria, as much as he regretted this.

"Cast!" Castform smashed Altaria's head with all of his little might. His little might was noteworthy as it managed to make Altaria stagger. And she was already known as a durable species.


"Come on you guys! Win this!" Pinkie Pie cheered while also being pinned against the walls by the spikes. "And...get me out of here please."

"Come on Scizor! Don't do this!" Rainbow Dash yelled while being held up by Scizor. She would rock her body back and forth, trying to evade Scizor's pincers once they were swung at her. "Castform! Reflect Type!"


"Not this time! I've got you! Your bones are mine!" Unexpectedly, Merry Dread was already close to Castform, using Altaria's stagger to her advantage. The vampire would toss Altaria away before showing off her vibrant light to Castform.


"Castform!" Pinkie Pie, Coco and Spitfire would cry out as it seemed like yet another victim of Merry Dread's magic could be claimed. This time, it would be Castform. But noticeably, Rainbow Dash did not react to this.

"Form!" Instead, Castform would smile, unleashing Weather Ball at Merry Dread which ended up blowing up in her face. The vampire would fall over, holding her face from all the pain since her guard was down for that one moment.

"Gah! My face...!" Merry Dread yelled, growling and moaning from the pain. "But that can't be...I should've controlled his bones! Unless...!"

That's when Merry Dread noticed one key detail with Castform. And that was his appearance. Castform was a small Pokemon with a distinct build compared to most of his fellow Pocket Monsters. And that was the fact that he looked like a cloud.

"Figured it out?" Rainbow Dash grinned. "Castform doesn't have any bones! He's just a walking cloud! Or a floating cloud. Wait...clouds always float. You get my point!"


"Impossible!" Merry Dread pulled back as Castform was the ultimate outlier in all of this. The one Pokemon she couldn't control. Or rather, one of the few that her magic had no effect on. "It doesn't have any bones! Then how did I control Froslass?! She's a Ghost?!"

"But that head of hers has bones in them. Along with her limbs." Spitfire explained. "Froslass has a hollow body but that also means she has hollow bones. It's why she can bend her arms like that. Castform's all squishy and soft. Like a Jigglypuff or a Ditto. No matter what form he takes, he'll be boneless."

"Not only that...but your tail isn't looking so good! Not after Luxray shocked you!" Rainbow Dash pointed out how Merry Dread's tail had been burnt because of Luxray's electricity. It wasn't just her mane after all. "Do you think you can use your magic now?!"

"So...it's all because he's soft and squishy, eh?" Merry Dread got up, twitching aT that fact. It slightly irritated her but it wasn't enough to enrage her. "Fine. I'll let that slide. That doesn't mean I'm not annoyed by that. But this also means I can go all out on this little cloud since he's immune."

"Bring it on. I'll finish it with this. Luxray! Castform! Use Wild Charge and Energy Ball! Now!"

"You'll be buried underneath the Earth once I'm done with you!" Merry Dread would gather all of the melted parts that she could, raising her hooves and summoning the largest stream of melted parts yet. The vampire would then launch the giant stream of liquid like a beam as it was large enough to eclipse everyone in this room.

Luxray would charge right at it while Castform would fire a ball of nature from afar. At the same time, the Bull Demon's crying would bring down an ever harder-hitting lightning bolt of magic. This once-beautiful Contest Hall was now utterly totalled as Luxray would charge right through the stream of liquids, using the aura of electricity as his shield.

Energy Ball would help Luxray out before being lost within the melted liquid. Merry Dread would gasp as the full force of Luxray's charge would get exceedingly close, only for Scizor and Altaria to get in the way. "L-Lux!"

"Too bad! So sad!" Merry Dread laughed as Scizor and Altaria would intercept him with Bullet Punch and Ice Beam. Luxray failed to reach Merry Dread because of this. "You wanted to see if my magic would still work with this smoky tail?! Well, here you-"

But before she could finish her sentence, taking advantage of this all was none other than Rainbow Dash. She took flight, dashing through the air at her best speed before meeting with Merry Dread up close and personal. The vampire would gasp before even having the chance to use her magic.

"I'll do it myself!" Rainbow Dash would then use the full force of her velocity to tackle Merry Dread. It was way faster than what Luxray could produce, making the vampire's own bones shiver from this insane impact. Rainbow Dash took the risk of harming herself too as her own bones hadn't fully recovered yet.

But it was worth it.

Merry Dread's mouth was wide open as her pupils shrunk. Now she knew what it felt like to have her bones disrupted and harmed. And all it took was a high-speed pegasus to do it as she would fall over alongside Rainbow Dash who fell second. And while shivering from the hard body impact she performed, Rainbow Dash would declare these words after Merry Dread fell on her back with a stunned and bewildered expression.


As the journey continues.

Chapter 981 End.

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