• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,557 Views, 7,938 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Sweet Sweet Assistance

Author's Note:

Just at least 2 or 3 more chapters before this all closes off. Then we move on to bigger and wilder things as we always do here.

Pegalysium. Lulolum Island. Indigo Union. Late Afternoon.

Running this union was the new Grand Judge. The former prince of Pegalysium, Shooting Star. To many at the Indigo Union, this was the highest honour that anypony working there could obtain.

However, despite gaining this ranking and also gaining hold of Destiny Magic at last, Shooting Star, not even an entire day with this position, felt off.

"Hmm..." The previously young prince sighed, slumping his head on a table meant for a judge. The stylish and sleek hood that he originally asked for when offered a place at the Indigo Alliance, but turned it down, wasn't even getting his mood into a cheery one.

"Um, Grand Judge?" Roseshy, one of the members of the now established Indigo Union, poked her head through the entrance along with Waverush and Chicane, who always seemed to appear as a trio group. "Are you okay?"

"You haven't done anything yet besides going over to the Sky Monarch and mess with that door," Waverush commented as she and practically every Indigo Alliance Member knew about the changed history. Second Wind wouldn't keep it a secret from them after all.

"Ah...I'm just bored. Mainly with being this Grand Judge thing." He shifted his eyes over to the trio.

"How can you be bored?" Chicane walked over. "It's only second to the Grand Queen with the highest authority and all that. I'd be lucky to get something like that position one day."

"It's not as riveting as I thought it would be. Is sitting around and just saying stuff all there is to it?" This early, Shooting Star had found this position to be lacklustre at best. Despite his warped memories, his crushed spirit and now serene demeanour, the energy of an outgoing prince still remained somewhere. He could still tell when something was uneventful to him.

"Pretty much." Chicane shrugged. You're gonna have to live it with. You're the superior authority right here, so you have to act like one."

"Easy for you to say. You're the gaudy one so this is up your alley." Waverush taunted.

"Hah?" Chicane rushed over to Waverush, getting in her face."Are you calling me dull by any chance?!"

"Uh..." Waverush, trying not to act intimidated by Chicane, nervously looked away. "No way! Totally not! But you totally use words like those." She then whistled, only flaring Roseshy's agitation.

"I don't know. I'd rather be doing something else. I never even get to see what's beyond that Clock Door." Shooting Star stood up, removing the hood. "This hood's not cool enough to keep me entertained."

"Mhm..." Waverush slowly nodded, seeing how Shooting Star was feeling. She could relate in a way. "I don't blame him. It's not really the best thing in the world, is it?"

"Uh, let's chat for a bit girls." To speak in secrecy, Roseshy offered that she, Waverush and Chicane talk with each other, entering the next room and leaving Shooting Star to ponder. "Look. Maybe we should help him."

"Help him with what exactly?" Chicane asked.

"He's obviously missing something. A spark. Probably from what he was like before the Grand Queen changed a few things." Roseshy explained.

"I'd hardly call this a few. It feels like a lot." Waverush thought otherwise. While Second Wind only had minimal time to interact with time, she managed to make an impact that changed quite a lot about Pegalysium and the timeline.

"In any case, I think we should help him get that excitement back from when he was still with the Royal Family. How he was as a prince."

"Sounds to me like you could end up ruining the Grand Queen's efforts to make this happen." Chicane narrowed her eyes at Roseshy. "You're not thinking of that, are you?"

"No, not at all. Even if it's for a bit, let's get him to that mood again. It'd be pretty fun if we had a Grand judge who was that peppy, right?"

"Hmm...A peppy leader?" Waverush thought about it for a bit. Compared to Second Win, Shooting Star was nothing like her. This drained exuberant energy was visible with no sign of intrigue. Waverush did enjoy some excitement, as she imagined the things that could happen with an exhilarating leader.

"Leaders aren't meant to 'peppy'." Once again, Chicane had a different viewpoint. "They're supposed to be exactly what Shooting star became to achieve Destiny Magic. Serene, undisturbed and composed. That-"

"Yeah, let's do it!" Waverush made up her mind, cutting Chicance's sentence off. "I'm up for that! You're a genius as always, Roseshy!"

"Oh geez. I don't know about that..." Roseshy chuckled, blushing and feeling proud of this compliment.

"Ugh. I swear, Waverush, you're the one who influenced her current ideas." Chicane rolled her eyes. "Fine. What do you propose we do then?"

"Do you think he still likes Pokemon? I think so." Roseshy nodded, leaning to the Pokemon side. "The King and Queen did say that he enjoyed sightseeing Pokemon. Let's go above just seeing them."

"Ah, good thinking. I mean, we've got our own. Even if it's just...Unown and nothing else." Waverush sighed. "Wish we could get more but this is the limit."

After agreeing on helping Shooting Star, they re-entered the room, meeting with Shooting Star once more. But once they entered, they saw that he had fallen asleep in such a short timespan. The Grand Judge was snoring with his head still slumped on the table. Whether it was the boredom of this role or how it was meant to be nightfall in the true timeline, he was out of it.

"Oh my. That was fast." Roseshy commented. "Should we...wake him up and tell him?"

"Well, that puts a major delay in the plan, doesn't it"? Chicane shrugged, somewhat happy that the plan wouldn't go through since Shooting Star was asleep. "Perhaps another time."

"Nah, we can still work with this." Seizing a chance even with a slight drawback was Waverush. She rushed over to Shooting Star, suddenly picking him up. "Hrrgh...!" She would have to use her full strength to carry him.

"W-What are you doing?!" Chicane gasped with her wings sprouting out and intensifying in utter shock. "You can't just pick up the Grand Judge like that?!"

"Relax. He's asleep, so he won't know. He wouldn't mind too I bet."

"In case you've forgotten, he's a completely different pony from what he used to be thanks to the changed timeline!" Chicane roared. "He still has this position and who knows what he could do to us if he wakes up!"

"He'll be grateful, that's for sure! Quit your complaining and let's go! We've got a few hours before we clock out when the moon shows itself!" Waverush, eager to get this over with, flew out of the room with Shooting Star on her back. Roseshy promptly followed with Chicane reluctantly doing the same. Not that she wanted to, but mainly because she didn't want anything happening to the Grand Judge more than anything else.

Pegalysium. Pegalyisum Capital. Sky Monarch. Late Afternoon.

And with the topic of Shooting Star, the attempt to bring his memories back was already planned for. Mainly by Princess Luna. And in the meanwhile, Celestia would help Paramount with the Clock Door. Only the Pegasus of Destiny with Destiny Magic could open it, but with the Rift Magic that Paramount held, Celestia would try and bring out enough of this cosmic-like magic's potential for the door.

"Before we start, I could raise the moon now," said Luna. "Realistically speaking, it should be nightfall. But thanks to Second Wind's actions, that isn't the case."

"I think that might be for the best. What do you think, Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked. Twilight herself had a backup plan in case both these plans would go wrong. Horribly wrong. She was hoping that neither would fail.

"It should be nightfall by now. Second Wind may not know about us being able to raise and lower the sun and moon. She would be suspicious, but it would work in our favour to get to Shooting Star quicker." Celestia allowed it. "Let's do it, Luna."

"Right." The two sisters got on it. And it would start with Celestia. Celestia closed her eyes, allowing all of the focus to come through to her. This would be the first time that Paramount would witness Celestia's magic at work. It was simple yet gallant.

He watched as the sun had been lowered by Celestia's magic. There wasn't even an aura of magic surrounding the sun to showcase this. And if there was, the intensity of the sun just overpowered it. The sun was already at its late-afternoon phase and with Celestia's control, it quickly went from a late orange glow to a faint dark blue sky with just a slight glow in the distance.

That's where Luna came in, using her magic to then raise the moon to a certain height, allowing it to then move on its own afterwards until the night was over. Now it was the appropriate time that it should've been. Albeit, earlier as by now, it was past midnight, but this would have to do.

"So that's how it's done. Incredible. Were you born with this talent?" Paramount gawked.

"Not a talent. It's all high magic that makes it possible." Celestia giggled, tapping her horn. "Any pony can do it if they're strong enough."

"Alright. I say we give it at least an hour and he'll be asleep," said Luna. "Possibly, maybe, hopefully. In the meantime, I will govern the Dream Realm back at Canterlot. Perhaps stopping the Unown as well."

Luna was off. She and Darkrai promptly left to govern the Dream Realm as usual. This time, in the Hyperdream, where every possible dream exists. Celestia and Paramount would continue what they were doing at the moment. Celestia poured her magic into the Rift Magic that Paramount held out, nurturing it as if it was a baby or a flower.

But as they were doing that, a newcomer had arrived at Pegalysium. Four of them. Walking through the gates and just coming from below, or rather instantly showing up near the capital was Ash, Pikachu, Goh and Discord.

"Huh? Hey, Twilight! Guys!" Ash and Pikachu noticed Twilight and everyone else up ahead, waving promptly.


"Ash! Pikachu!" Twilight had a high sense of happiness upon seeing those two along with Espeon. "Goh and...Discord?!" That soon changed when she saw Discord here suddenly.

"What is that thing...?" Paramount squinted, gazing at Discord. He had never seen anything like him before. The King attempted to make sense of what kind of creature he was.

"Perfect sense of timing as always, Ash. Pikachu." Celestia flew over. "And I see you brought Discord along with you. This can be of great help right now."

"Mhm. Discord here caught a lot of the Unown that were over at Equestria. I didn't get to see what happened cause it was still kinda night back home. So, what did I miss?"

"You missed it. Just like we did. Second Wind's changed time in different ways to make things work out for her." Twilight explained. "But no need to worry! We've already got something! Princess Luna's off to the Hyperdream to help bring back Shooting Star's memories and we're trying to open this Clock Door."

"Yeah, I heard about that. So that door has time inside of it?" Ash, Pikachu and Goh turned to the door.

"Princess Celestia and King Paramount are trying their best to open it without Destiny Magic. But..." Twilight then swiftly shifted her eyes to Discord. "Discord. Could you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Open the door." Her hoof pointed in the direction of the entrance. "We're not sure if Rift Magic can do it yet but maybe your Chaos Magic can do it. You could try and open it for us."

"I could, I could." Discord nodded, scratching his goatee. "That would put an end to things, wouldn't it?"

"Not everything," said Paramount. "Second Wind is that exception. Right now, we are only focused on saving my son. Wherever he may be."

"Not sure who your son is, but I can go for that door." Discord shrugged, choosing to help open the Clock Door. With just the snap of his talon, he let his Chaos Magic go to work. But notably, upon interacting with the door, nothing happened. One of Discord's eyes extended, looking at his talon as he snapped it once more.

Nothing else. Discord then used his lion paw for a third snap, using both limbs this time. Discord growled, summoning multiple limbs of different species to try and open the door. "What's the matter with this thing!?"

"Not even his magic works on it?!" Celestia gasped.

"Of course not." Paramount shook his head. "The first Pegasus of Destiny Windkiss was the one who crafted this door. She was without a shadow of a doubt, the best Pegasus of Destiny to ever exist. I doubt something as frantic as Chaos Magic could break it. It's the antithesis to Chaos after all. Serenity."

"Oh, whatever. You and your big words." Discord, feeling bitter that his magic couldn't work on the door, crossed his arms before summoning a raincloud over him. First Rift Magic and now Destiny Magic.

"Pika-Pika." Pikachu patted him on the back to comfort him.

"So using Rift Magic is pointless then?" Twilight turned to the orb of Rift Magic that was out in the open. "That's a shame."

"I still don't get what's going here..." Goh said, still feeling tired.

"We still won't give up on this magic." Celestia thought otherwise, aiming to use the Rift Magic either way. "And we also have Luna to hold hope onto. Discord. Even if you can't open the door, you can still help. Fluttershy and the others are out there somewhere in Pegalysium. You, Ash, Pikachu and Goh can also try and find Shooting Star after he-"

"Yes, yes. Already on it." Discord replied with a sour tone. He clearly wasn't too happy about his magic being rejected. He made a bicycle, putting on a bike helmet with his face on it. After that, he pedalled on the bicycle, causing it to move in an instant without any build-up.

"Never seen him that upset." Twilight blinked as there were fire trails from the bicycle after it left at subsonic speeds. Nevertheless, they continued their sole plan to save Shooting Star more than anypony right now.

But dedicated to stopping them after being sent by Second Wind a second time were the Unown. They had left Pinnaculum Pegalysium, going straight for the first Peglysium as that would be where all of Second Wind's most hated individuals were currently at. And she was not far off.

Sweet-Toothed Skies. Nightfall.

Another location in Pegalysium located in the far east. A place known as the Sweet-Toothed Skies. And its name fit perfectly with what it appeared as. This entire sky island was a candy paradise. The mountains were made out of frosted cakes, a river of orange juice running through it, a waterfall of apple juice, trees made out of lollipops and candy canes and so many other sweet-related things. The sky above the island was covered by unique purplish and pinkish clouds. Fittingly, cotton candy.

And this was discovered by Pheromosa, the 12 Leavanny and the Pikachu from the Pikachu Highlands. "Mosa!" They had forgotten why they came here in the first place. Ever since looking at the Memoir Petals, their memories had been filled back, causing them to forget about their friends and their mission here.

They were in a candy paradise right now. Finding them here, or rather tracking them down, was Pinkie Pie who would be gravitated there. But she mainly did it with Slurpuff's sense of smell.

"Slur! Slurpuff!"

"Pinkie, are ya just going here cause it smells good?" Applejack spoke.

"Nuh-uh! Slurpuff could totally track their scent down with all of this stuff. See?" Pinkie Pie stopped, showing everyone that she and Slurpuff had the right incentive to come here. Not only did they find Pheromosa and the others, but they also witnessed the candy paradise before them.

"Woah..." Applejack had spoken too soon. But her eyes were far more attracted to the sweet sight.

"Sweet..." Rainbow Dash said, unintentionally making a pun.

"You said it..." Spike agreed, drooling with Cold Colt. Both Mews went wild, going straight for whatever they could sink their teeth into. Pinkie Pie ate some sweets along the way as was her expected action of her.

"Mhm. This place looks just like that one place in the Pokemon World." Pinkie whipped out a picture. "A place I swore I'd find full of sweet things too."

"Wait, that place?!" Applejack gazed at the picture. "From when we were on that plane to Galar? You still remember that place?!"

"Totally! I've just been occupied to go there. But this is the best substitute before the main course!" Pinkie Pie giggled. "Hey, Pheromosa! Everyone!"

"Phero?" Pheromosa, so focused on the sweets, took a while to recognize her friends along with the Leavanny and Pikachu. But when they did, they waved frantically at them. Some of them were even waving faster than they normally could, mainly the Pikachu. All of that sugar was kicking in, activating a sugar rush for some of them.

"We found them at least. But no Rarity or Fluttershy yet." Spike said, grabbing a piece of candy from the sweet-coated trees. He promptly started snacking away. "Mmm... So good."

"Pheromo?" Right after Spike mentioned Rarity's name, Pheromosa shot up. She then remembered why she came here and after looking at the cotton candy in her hands, the Lissome Pokemon's happy heart of sweets shifted into one of shock and disappointment. The same went for the Leavanny. "Pheromosa!"

She stood up, rushing over to Pinkie and the others to see if Rarity was with them. Rarity lifted up Pinkie, Applejack and Spike, seeing if Rarity was anywhere. But she clearly wasn't. "Phero..." Pheromosa then sat near one of the trees, rocking back and forth.

"Missing Rarity, huh?" Pinkie slid over. "Don't worry. We'll find her. We have Slurpuff for that after all. I mean, that's how we found you all."



"Now! Let's not waste any time!" Pinkie Pie, instead of sticking around and devouring this entire candy-filled island. "Let's get out there and find them all!"


"Right now? But this is all so good!" Cold replied, filling his mouth with as many sweets as he could. Starlight even found some slight addiction to it the moment she had her first sweet.

"We can stuff our mouths with all of this good stuff once we're done getting everypony." Pinkie picked up Cold Colt. "What about you, Jade?

"It tastes good but..." Jade held the food in her hoof. "I think I prefer your food to this."

"Love to hear it! Let's double the scent then." Pinkie Pie, to boost the efficiency of finding her friends, had sent out the rest of her Slurpuff instead of just one. All 6 had emerged onto the scene, trying to salute, but of course, their limbs were too short to do so. But they would if they could.


"Okay, Slurpuff. We've got one simple job. Let's find Rarity and Fluttershy." said Pinkie Pie. "And after that, we can all head home once all the big stuff's dealt with. Are you with us, Pikachu?"

"Pika?" PikaSupreme and PikaNoble looked over, having their stomachs stuffed to the brim. PikaSupreme laid on his back along with other Pikachu, too full to move.

"We're gonna have to carry some of 'em..." Applejack scrunched her face. Sceptile already picked some of them up with his vines carrying them along. The Pikachu would need some assistance as they were too full to move. Hard to tell how long they've been here.

A short-lived visit to the Sweet-Toothed Skies. Deep down, Pinkie Pie wished she could stay some more. But her friends mattered more to her. The Slurpuff, with their combined noses, would track down the others with efficiency, even ignoring the addicting and irresistible smell of the Sweet-Toothed Skies.

They weren't the only ones who were using their combined attributes. Covering the skies once more were the Unown. Previously, they had stellar numbers to cover practically everywhere in Equestria. But ever since Discord caught a majority of them, their numbers had dwindled tremendously, much to the dismay and annoyance of Second Wind.

Before they could leave Sweet-Toothed Island, the Unown were the biggest obstacle instead of the delicious pastries surrounding them. Rainbow Dash and the group noticed the arrival of the Symbol Pokemon, but it was less intimidating than it was before. Not just because of the smaller numbers, but because of the protection of Arceus that they now had.

"Oh them again?" Rainbow Dash groaned. "Why now?"

"But there's less of them now." Starlight pointed out. "This shouldn't take too long. Plus, we've got an army of Pikachu that can-"

"Pika..." But the Pikachu were too full to move. So were the Leavanny as all of the food had them sluggish. Sceptile even struggled to hold some of them because of the food within.


"Nevermind..." Starlight sighed, feeling somewhat disappointed. The only one exempt from this was Pheromosa and her lissome-like body.

"Ah, it's fine! We can do this without them!" Rainbow Dash would challenge the Unown either way, holding out her Poke Ball and unleashing the Pocket Monster within. "Go, Altaria!"


"Riolu. This is gonna be your first go at a battle. Are ya ready?" Applejack looked at her Delta Riolu who has yet to partake in a Pokemon Battle ever since she got him. But now was that chance.

"Rio!" And Riolu would gladly take it, jumping off of Applejack's back and standing front and centre of everyone else.

"You're doing fine, Pheromosa. How come you aren't full like everyone else?" Spike asked.

"Mosa!" Pheromosa giggled, simply pointing at herself. Even if they couldn't speak Pokemon, it was safe to say that Pheromosa's status as the Lissome Pokemon and her amazing speed that allows her to run as fast as she possibly can, was a huge factor.

"That makes sense." Starlight shrugged.

"Here they come! Altaria, use Moonblast!" Rainbow Dash made the first command.

"Fairy Wind, Slurpuff! All together now!" Pinkie Pie ordered all of her Slurpuff, hopping onto the back of one of them.

"Al...Taria!" In unison, Altaria and the Slurpuff had used a combination of Fairy-Type moves. It started with Altaria opening her mouth, summing a pink orb gathered by the power of the moon. Fitting as Luna had just raised the moon. Once shot, the orb was joined by a spiral of magical wind from the Slurpuff.

The Unown promptly retaliated with Hidden Power. The red rays of Hidden Power gleamed through the night sky, meeting with Moonblast and Fairy Wind. Both sides ended up cancelling each other out in the process.

"Sceptile, bring 'em down here with Frenzy Plant! Riolu, use Bite!"

"Scep...Tile!" Sceptile stuck his hands in the ground, causing tremendously large roots to come out of the ground. These roots wrapped around some of the Unown, bringing them to a lower level. Frenzy Plant had even whacked some of them aside.

"Rio!" Riolu would then use the vines of Frenzy Plant as a way to travel. It was slippery for him at first as he was certainly not used to running up a giant root. But some of the Unown were close enough for him to attack. Riolu took a strong leap, opening his mouth as his teeth were coated in darkness.

He then took a bite of one of the Unown, causing a black and red combustion of energy to form. Albeit a small one. That one Unown took super-effective damage as Riolu went for the next.

The Unown used their combined powers to burn away at Sceptile's roots with Hidden Power Fire and Poison emanating from their bodies.

"Mosa!" But someone who could definitely run up the roots without any trouble was Pheromosa. At great speeds, she rushed past her friends, running on the roots before approaching the Symbol Pokemon. "Pheromosa!" Utilizing Triple Kick, Pheromosa had struck six Unown with three consecutive kicks. The first struck one Unown, the second struck three and the third smashed onto two more.

The Unown had certainly fainted from that assault and thanks to Sceptile restraining some of them, it was a success. However, the rest of the Unown weren't willing to lose, using a culmination of various Hidden Powers that could cover all Pokemon Types.

"Dragon Pulse!" Applejack and Rainbow Dash both said.

"Alta!" Altaria and Sceptile went in sync, using Dragon Pulse at the same time. Together, they sent out a blue dragon-shaped blast that moved through the flames that had burnt away at the rest of the roots. Their combined strength managed to break through the Hidden Power rays, hitting the Unown that had unleashed them.

And of course, they had further assistance from Spike and Starlight. Spike already had Axew out while Hatterene had just joined the fray. Spike's Axew transformed into Haxorus with his body bulging and expanding with that usual golden glow showing itself.

"Hatterene, Dazzling Gleam!"

"Haxorus, Dragon Claw!"

"Haxorus!" Haxorus met with some of the Unown, swiping his claws at them as they imbued with a pulsating green draconic energy. However, some of the Unwon backed away, shooting their Hidden Powers at Haxorus which involved Ice, Fairy and Dragon. Haxorus closed his eyes, taking the hits despite the effectiveness.

"Hatterene!" There to assist him was Hatterene. Hatterene's body let out a magical shine before unleashing a barrage of rainbows. Haxorus grinned as the rainbows had passed by him, not even touching him. That was proof of their teamwork as the Unown that had attacked him ended up being bombarded by the rainbow rays.

"Okay! I say we make this next attack be seen by everyone so they know where to find us! Let's finish this! Altaria, Dragon Pulse one more time!"

"Leaf Blade, Sceptile! Riolu, you use Strength!"

"Slurpuff, Energy Ball and Fairy Wind!"

"Hatterene, Psycho Cut, now!"

"Sceptile...!" Sceptile crossed his arms before separating them, causing his bladed leaves to extend and glow green. Alongside Riolu, Pheromosa and Haxorus, they would get up close and physical while the Slurpuff, Hatterene and Altaria would assist from afar.

And they would make sure all of their friends would see this. Cold Colt would be the one to make it happen with his Rift Magic, waiting for the right moment when the attacks were at their peak. And they were. Sceptile slashed past the Unown, Haxorus crashed right into them whilst Pheromosa gave them all a stern forward kick with Triple Axel. Riolu's wasn't as extravagant but he still played his part.

Then, the tearing blades of Psychic energy, the spiral of Fairy magic and the spheres of nature came along. The rest of the Unown created a large forcefield to protect themselves from falling this way. When the rest of their fellow Unown were crashed into the forcefield, they did everything in their power to keep it stable.

"We'll push right through that! Okay, Mew! Use Aura Sphere!"

"Mew!" Mew quickly left the lollipop tree, going straight for the forcefield. The other Mew, who didn't involve herself with battling, would bear witness to what her fellow Mew could do With Aura Sphere, he placed his arms together, allowing the concentrated Aura to show itself. "Mew-Mew!"

Mew then tossed the sphere, causing it to travel rapidly through the candy ground, causing parts of it to tear apart. And with great speed, the AuraSphere crashed into the forcefield, adding to the strength that his friends had also showcased. And with that final attack addition, it was enough to break straight through.

Cold Colt then use his Rift Magic at that moment. He allowed the impact of the attacks to expand, making them seem larger than they usually were. The scale of this impact covered the night sky for many to see.

And they saw it without a doubt. Especially Fluttershy's group. "Those attacks..! That must be everyone! You heard it too, right, Audi?!"

"Audino!" Audino could already hear the sounds of Pokemon names and commands being shouted out. They found their friends' location. They knew where to go next and they had Team Rocket's Rocketship to guide them there.

And as for the Unown, they had been overwhelmed, leading to their defeat. Their fragility showed even with their numbers advantage. Albeit small and they were slightly lucky since the Pikachu and Leavanny were too full to act.

"That takes care of that." Rainbow Dash said. "Great job, Altaria."


"Great job on your first battle, Riolu." Applejack complimented him. Despite having help, Delta Riolu performed well.


"Pikachu..." PikaSupreme, as his status as a king, gave a thumbs up for their effort. He also felt like he would be able to do something if he wasn't full, but his age would've said otherwise.

"Now that that's done with, let's get rolling!" Pinkie Pie shouted before having one of her Slurpuff picked up by Pheromosa. She and Rainbow Dash were the faster here after all, but even Pheromosa couldn't carry all of them. Some improvisations would have to be made. "But uh...Let's sort out grabbing everyone, okay?"


After defeating the Unown, the group would continue searching for their friends with the guidance of the Slurpuff. The goal to save Shooting Star and reunite with their friends were reaching their boiling points. And of course, the mission to fix the timeline as the journey continues.

Chapter 721 End.

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