• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Tempo Dome

Kalos. Cyllage City. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

Cyllage City. Known as the city of peaceful strolls, it was a city nestled between the cliffs and the sea, overlooked by steep Bicycle racecourses. Currently, Fluttershy, Spike and Applejack had shown up at Kalos for the Pokemon Festival right at Heahea City. And they were greeted with great warmth that was enough to satisfy their hunger.

Here at Kalos, they were sharing delicacies from other regions and in this case, they were met with Alolan delicacies, such as the famous pancakes that end up transforming Pikachu into an Alolan Raichu. They had first hoof and claw experience on how good these were.

"I feel like evolving just by eating these," Spike commented, stuffing himself with pancakes. But Spike was luckier than the rest of his friends as well as Axew and all of his Dragon-Types. He had the most supply of pancakes as there was a special dragon event going on for this Pokemon Festival.

And as a massive advantage, Spike not only owned Dragon-Type Pokemon but he was a dragon as well, thus, he got the best of both worlds.

"Sorry, Sceptile. Mega Evolution doesn't count." Applejack patted Sceptile on the back as he couldn't get a large supply of pancakes. He was only a temporary Dragon-Type. Sceptile ate his smaller supply of pancakes with tears rolling down his face.


"We've had a good run for the first day. What about tomorrow? Or even tonight?" Fluttershy asked, thinking about what they could do next at the Pokemon Festival.

"Aaah...Fluttershy. You're a decent battler, ain't ya?" Applejack already had something in mind.

"I'm not battling." Immediately, Fluttershy turned down any request to battle. And she said so with a nice smile.

"Oh. Nevermind..."

"But...Raboot loves battling." She then held the Rabbit Pokemon out who had pancake bits in his mouth, licking them off. "He'll love anything that involves a good battle."

"Boot. Ra..."

"What's that? You'd like to keep battles at a minimum?" Fluttershy translated as Raboot nodded in confirmation. "Oh, alright then. I guess this is the best place to wind down. Nevermind then."

"Forget about battling. We can do that later. Next, we should go to Alola. That region's got something I want to see." Spike stood up, having something in mind. It was tailored towards him, of course. "They say there's a Totem Kommo-o in Alola, And you know what that means?"

"It means we're still gonna have Pokemon Battles?" Applejack replied as it all came back to Pokemon Battles.

"Y-Yeah...But wouldn't it be great if I caught Kommo- on the first try?" Spike proudly said "Ever since I battled with Avaun, Kommo-o's one of the many Dragon Pokemon I've wanted to catch. And if I get lucky, I'll get a Z-Crystal out of it. Eh?"

"I would say that's a lot but...this festival is a lot," Fluttershy responded. "We'll go and see Kommo-o...but how about we try out that attraction?" However, Fluttershy's attention was drawn elsewhere. She aimed her hoof to the north, showing off a massive attraction that was bigger than the rest. She would get up and lead them there so that they could get a better look.

There was something surprising waiting there. In two ways. One of them was surprising for everyone else but for Applejack, it could be a different story.

The attraction was a large dome. It was surprising that something so big could show up after just one week of preparation. But such was the magic of Pokemon companies. And when they showed up at that dome, two signs were shown up. And on those signs were some familiar faces. A familiar Mythical Pokemon and a familiar friend of Applejack.

"Come see...Countess Coloratura and Meloetta?!" Applejack gasped after reading the sign and spotting the image of her friend. Coloratura was present here and she was next to a Meloetta.

"Oooh, there's a Meloetta here?" Fluttershy was more interested in Meloetta than anything else. "I didn't know your friend was partners with a Meloetta."

"Neither did I. This is all new to me. So she's here right now?" Applejack moved past the sign, heading for the indoors.

"Well, the other one says that the Songstress Primarina's gonna be here. What about that?" Spike asked, but Applejack and Fluttershy had already entered, prompting Spike to follow. "Wait!"

Tempo Dome.

This place was known as the Tempo Dome. Another attraction that was exclusive during the Pokemon Festival. And within this dome, it was full of various colours that appeared in the form of tiles. In fact, everything here was nothing but tiles. These tiles represented the 18 Types and made up the entirety of the dome. It was hard to see where there was a door.

"This place is weird..." Spike gawked before taking a step forward. And the moment he did, a sound had been played. One of the tiles had been pressed on, creating a melodic sound. "Hm?" It sounded like a guitar. A ukelele to be exact.

"Nice sound, Spike," Fluttershy replied before also taking a step forward. Her hoof pressed on one of the tiles, creating another sound that resonated with the sound Spike had made. It was yet again, the sound of a ukelele, but with a different tone. "Oooh..."

"Hm." Applejack tried it out too. This time, with a jump." She leapt over, landing on one of the tiles that were slightly further away from her friends. Once she created another melody, they all understood how this place worked, collectively having the same smile on their faces.

"Raboot!" So did Raboot, as he started jumping from tile to tile, creating a nice melody which had a fast tempo. "Boot!"

"Nice sounds, Raboot." Fluttershy joined in, prancing on some more tiles. And no matter which tiles were stepped on, they would all resonate with the others, creating a pleasant sound.

"Come here, Axew." Spike encouraged Axew to give it a try.

"Axew!" Axew jumped up, getting some decent airtime. And while he was in the air, in a split second, he ended up transforming into Haxorus with a beaming light shining in the air. Equestrian Haxorus emerged as he stepped onto two of the tiles. Not only that, but his tail had also hit four of them at the back.

Audino took baby steps since she had a short range than everyone else. But even if she took gentle steps, she was still able to create something. Sceptile decided to get creative, using his vines to touch some tiles while standing at the same spot.

Soon, they started having fun in this dome, moving from tile to tile and creating a consistent melody. It was as if this dome resonated with the spirits of everyone.

And by jumping and prancing on so many tiles, one of them opened up a passageway, grabbing their attention. The passageway was the replacement for the lack of doors in this place. And in that passageway were other Trainers and their Pokemon as they waved at Fluttershy's group.

"Hey there." A biker and his Cleffa waved at them before then disappearing by stepping on another tile, creating a louder melody. That title opened up another passageway that sucked them both in. "Oh!"


"Oh my!" Fluttershy spread her wings, heading for that passageway, wondering where that duo went off too. She descended, stepping on another tile. That sound then opened up another passageway, revealing another level to this large dome that also felt like a maze.

Applejack and the others joined Fluttershy's position, looking at the extra level. And that's when they saw her. On the next level, which had a circular appearance to it, Applejack's childhood friend, who was also the biggest pop star in Equestria had been seen.


"Hm? Applejack?" She noticed her friend as Meloetta appeared behind her. She indeed had a Meloetta of her own. A rare Pokemon to have due to how timid the species can be.

"Rara?" Applejack saw her friend who she had reunited not too long ago. They met just last year. "Hiya!"

"Hi-" But their greeting was interrupted once Coloratura's hoof touched one of the tiles. All it took was a slight graze for the tile to be set off. Her eyes widened as she slid back. In fact, this level of the dome had a circular appearance to it, making this one more turbulent. "Not again."

"Where are ya going?" Applejack asked as Coloratura started spinning in loops from top to bottom, setting off other tiles. This circular played a sound that resembled that of country music with the guitar and everything.

"Sorry! But this dome's still new to me!" She exclaimed, only for Applejack to follow her, entering the circular level. She set off one of the tiles as it ended up pulling her forward. This dome had some sort of gravitational pull that only reacts according to the appropriate tile.

"Same here! I didn't think I'd see you in this place!" Applejack shouted before getting closer. "Who am I kidding? I sorta did. How goes things?"

"Better than ever. Now that I have Meloetta with me." Applejack commented, looking over at Meloetta, who looked sick from all of this spinning.


"You got yourself a Meloetta? Lucky...But how?"

"Yeah, how?" Fluttershy and Spike asked as they also got close by taking the same level. They were all spinning in loops, heading to who-knows-where.

"Call it a chance meeting. This Meloetta here comes from another world. This isn't her universe. So I'm told. But it doesn't matter, because I have an amazing backup singer with me." She then hugged Meloetta, whose eyes bulged out.


"What's with this place though?" Spike asked. "It's fun but so confusing."

"From what I can tell, it's like a maze. I was told to come and perform here, but you'll have to wait until tonight for that to happen. The colours of this dome will light up the city at night." Coloratura explained as eventually, they left the circular level, entering another one.

They all were sent flying out of the level, screaming at the top of their lungs once they were shot out. Fluttershy spread her wings, being graced with the ability to fly. Everyone else, not so much. However, this next room had softer tiles, making the landing safe as the moment they hit the tiles, they created an orchestral sound.

"Ooh..." Applejack adjusted her hat. "I don't know if I'm gonna get used to this place."

"Get used to it. It's for the better if you wish to get out of here." Just then, someone spoke to Applejack from high above. Fluttershy had already seen him.

It was none other than Baron Alberto, alongside his Lickitung. He stood on one of the tiles that resembled a tower, crossing his arms and looking down at the others.

"This place requires a lot of time to get used to. For me, it's not a problem at all. I've been here quite a few times." Albert spoke with a pompous tone as always.

"Oh, it's you again," said Coloratura as she had already met Alberto. "I thought I lost you there."

"Countess Coloratura. You can't be getting lost here when you have a song to perform tonight." Baron Alberto shook his head. "I've already decided to spread the word about this."

"I told you, that's my stage name. And you did that? Why thank you?"

"You said you know how this place works. Can you help us?" Fluttershy flew over. "It's fun but we're bound to get lost in this place. I think we're already lost."

"Of course. I'd be happy to help." Alberto snapped his fingers. "Of course, I have to tell you about these tiles and how unique they are. You already sense something different with these tiles, don't you?"

"Yeah. They sound like orchestra tiles." Spike patted one of the tiles as it made an orchestra choir. "Cool. The other two sounded different."

"That's because every tile in different levels plays a different kind of sound, tailored to a generation of music, making it the ultimate musicians area. There are over 1,200 definable subgenres that all link back to the top 13 main genres. A lot to think about, huh?"

"That's a whole lot.." Applejack's eyes widened. "Woah nelly...How does anyone get around in this place?"

"Ah, don't let those numbers overwhelm you. Those 1,200 subgenres have tiles that are next to each other. So you only have to worry about 13 rooms. Maybe 5 at worst."

"I'm focused on the pop one, obviously. But... I wouldn't mind using the other genres to make it sound grander." Coloratura already had an idea of what she wanted to do. "All I need to do is find my way here before nightfall comes, or else I'll have to perform tonight. Mind giving us a shortcut, manager?"

"Manager? Manger?!" Applejack gasped as Coloratura had a new manager. And it ended up being Baron Alberto of all people. "Him?!"

"That's right. He doesn't look like much. He looks a bit silly in some cases..." Coloratura whispered.

"I can hear you!"Alberto roared.

"But he's a great manager and he means well. Better than the last one. He's also funny to be around."

"Hm-hm. Follow my lead and hurry. Or else, someone might steal the show from you. Musicians from far and wide would be crazy not to come here."

And he was right. They would be crazy not to come here. Which is why four more had shown up at the Tempo Dome. Four visitors from another world of another species, currently taking on their human forms. In their quest to find one of their own, the sirens had appeared, joining the Pokemon Festival for the second time in a row.

Adagio, Aria and Sonata alongside their mother Vivace.

"Well. Looks like you're the one wasting time and stopping to see the sights." Sonata said to Adagio as she was the one who wanted to come here. Her love for music was just that great.

"Shut it. I'd be crazy not to come here. All of us would be. A place with music? That's a goldmine for us." Adagio crossed her arms, grinning at the Tempo Dome.

"Someone's already gonna be playing there." Aria looked at the sign. "What are you gonna do about that?"

"I know you, Adagio." Vivace leaned forward. "I know what you're planning to do next. Are you sure you want to through with it?"

"Most definitely." Adagio nodded. "I say we make our own big show there."

"So... an Upstage." Aria then smiled as well, having that same devious look on her face. "Nice."

"Yeah. Have we ever done an Upstage before?" Sonata asked.

"No. But it's a first for everything. We'll perform a song that skyrockets over whatever she's planning. Oh and her Pokemon." Adagio cackled, planning to upstage Coloratura and Meloetta.

"Oh, you three. You're still so devious. You take after your mother." Vivace giggled. "You three work best. I'll stay out of this one and watch the show."

"Come on, girls. Let's get ready." The Dazzlings would enter the Tempo Dome, but they would have no idea how complicated it would be on the inside.

Approxiamtely 5 minutes later.

And they did. It was a frantic mess. They had already left the Ukelele Zone and triggered a tile that lead to another level, causing them to fall into it.

Or rather upwards. They screamed as this level had an upwards gravitational pull, sending the three of them up. They were sent to the fourth stage which had a diamond shape to it. And the genre of music for this one was Rock.

"What is this?!" Adagio roared, trying to adjust herself. "This is..."

"Fun!" Sonata exclaimed, rolling on the tiles to create a guitar solo that sounded too good to be annoyed by. "I like this better than the first!"

"It reacts so nicely. It's like there isn't a single bad noise coming from it." Aria slid her hands on the tiles.

"Hmm...I can't hate it. It is pretty nice. So all the music comes from here." Adagio kneeled with her knee playing a guitar sound. "It's so out there and showy...my kind of place."

"But how are we gonna play our big show on this thing?" Sonata asked, climbing up the diamond-shaped level. "I mean if there's gonna be a crowd in here, won't they mess up our groove by stepping on these tiles? Even if they sound good either way."

"She's right. We'd have to find a way to make it work. We also want everyone to see right?" Aria questioned.

"I have the answer for that." Adagio stood up. "I learned a spell that creates powerful hologram visages. I'll just use it to show ourselves to everyone in this city. Easy as that."

"As if!" Just then, Coloratura's voice had come through. From above, Pop music could be heard. A passageway to the upper levels had been opened up as Coloratura's group had entered the fray.

Adagio backed up as this group crashed down, setting off the rest of the tiles. Thankfully, every tile was safe, making the landings fun instead of dangerous. Coloratura was even stylish enough to stick a landing alongside Meloetta. Sceptile had used his vines to create a net, catching the others.

"I heard you correctly, didn't I? Upstage me?" Coloratura walked up to Adagio.

"You heard us right indeed." Adagio shrugged. "We'll just make a quick and strong takeover of this place and give everyone an even bigger show."

"You three?" Applejack and Fluttershy immediately recognized the Dazzlings. They weren't too surprised to see them at a place like this.

"Of course...this place has all the options we could ask for, so the sky's the limit. And our performances go beyond the limit. No big deal." Adagio boasted.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but I'm already set to perform. You can't just come out of nowhere and declare this."

"We can and we will. Our passion for music burns brighter than anything else!" Adagio exclaimed. "Any chance to sing and show everyone our talent is a golden opportunity."

"But why now?" Coloratura asked.

"Upstage. Just for the fun of it." There wasn't much of a reason for the Dazzlings to try and upstage her. They just felt like doing it. "Or we can't wait. Either way, we're going to go bigger than you. If you want, you can go first and we'll go second and outdo."

"Mmm...No. I don't think so." Coloratura shook her head.

"That's right. You three are nothing but delinquents." Alberto vigorously pointed at them. "I've already spread the word that this will be her show."

"And that's why we came here," Adagio added. "I can already picture what we could do with something like this. All the combinations.."

"Mhm..." Aria and Sonata nodded in agreement.

"Are you sure about this?" Fluttershy then decided to interject. "We could all just solve this peacefully, right?"

"She's right. Upstaging? Really?" Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Do you wanna try and have that happen at a nice time like this?"

"Well...We just wanna perform. And if it's in a big way, what's the issue?" Sonata slid over as the Dazzlings were going through with this. "Plus, this is kind of Adagio's shtick. Best not try and argue against it. It'll go nowhere.2

"Hmph. Then I have a solution." Alberto got in between Adagio and Coloratura who were competitively staring down at each other. "This dome isn't just for music. It's for Battle Music!"

"Battle music?" They all repeated.

"Oh yes. The spirit of Pokemon Battling lives on in everything. Including this. This dome can sometimes be used for battles but you won't be standing around in one spot. No, no. You'll sort it out in a place like this and I'd love to see who'd play the best tune with all of these movements. Of course, I'm rooting for Coloratura but we'll see."

"Deal!" Adagio took the offer. "I'll play a melody that's too good to beat."

"I've already figured out how this place works. I know which tiles will bounce off well against each other." Coloratura thought otherwise.

"Did it have to come to this?" Fluttershy sighed as Aria went over to her.

"Yeah. Sorry. We're just playing along." Aria revealed that she wasn't fully serious about the Upstage. It was enticing, but Adagio was fonder of it than her sisters. But they had some interest in showing off more than others. "Kinda. Let Adagio get through this and be over with it. Besides. Her only Pokemon is Kricketot who's..."

"Not strong?" Adagio finished Aria's sentence. "Oh, you'll find that my Kricketot's capable enough."


"Oh. Well, in that case, good luck." Aria backed away from Fluttershy, siding with her sister. "Sounds like she knows what she's doing."

"Honestly...I'm all for this." Spike had no problems with this discourse. He wanted to see it for himself.

"You and your Kricketot against me and Meloetta? Oh, no. If there's a tile that can play bells, they'll already ring your fate." Coloratura taunted Adagio as a fierce musical rivalry between the two of them was born.

Adagio, for the sake of being herself, chose to upstage Coloratura, just because. She may not have a sensible reason but the excitement of being so petty and frivolous was too enticing. As for Coloratura, if anything, she sank right into Adagi's trap, going along with what she wanted. Applejack, Spike and Alberto would watch it, interested while Fluttershy just shook her head, waiting to see how this goes. The challenge was too exciting to pass up too.

Chapter 843 End.

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