• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Sister of a Tyrant! Explosive Rage

Equestria. Ponyville. Sweet Apple Acres. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall.

"Are ya'll doing alright?!" Rushing indoors to check up on her family was Applejack, who nearly tripped from her speed. Due to the recent demon attacks, starting with the Memory Demon bringing about an ink-blotted terror, the farm girl wanted ot make sure that her family were still sitting pretty. And thankfully, all of them were fine. Untouched and unharmed as they reacted to Applejack's entrance.

"We're doing fine. What's up?" Apple Bloom said, currently being cushioned in between a Cottonee and a Skiploom, feeling superbly comfortable with these two soft Pokemon.

"Thank Celestia..." Applejack could rest easy knowing that her family was fine. Even the meteors from Meteor Mountain which housed the spirits of her parents were still here. "All that ink looked pretty big so it had me worried. But how come ya'll didn't hear what just happened outside?"

"About that...there was this giant black wave in the way. So we got really lucky that it didn't come this way. But we couldn't leave either." Apple Bloom explained. "Then it just blew up out of nowhere and got the place messy. We cleaned it up after that."

"Is that so? Good to know. Long as ya'll are doing okay for now. Guess that demon's gone until it shows up again. Sucks that they can just come back. Sceptile, we can head over and help everyone else as soon as we can."


"Ah...now that you mention it...when all that ink blew up, I saw some of it fly away." But Apple Bloom had more to reveal, grabbing Applejack's attention.

"Ya did? Where?" She leaned in. This correlated with what Sombra said. The demons were seemingly invincible, returning to the box of showing up yet again.

"I think it was going back to Ponyville. But it was mighty small this time with how much of it blew up." Apple Bloom added, unsure of the Memory Demon's current location. No one knew where exactly it slithered off due to how minuscule it became after that fierce scuffle.

But that only gave Applejack another reason to stay here and start searching. "Maybe that's why Stoutland's nowhere to be seen..." She even realized that it could have connections to Stoutland's disappearance since only Mayor Mare was found out in the open, but not the one with supernatural abilities. "Say, Apple Bloom...mind if I borrow that water toy in your room?"

"My Super Soaker? Why?"

Roseluck's Home.

Sound asleep, through all of that, was Roseluck. She was at her most comfortable right now despite the damage that had been done to Ponyville. Many ponies would be lucky to have the type of sleeping strength she had.

This heavy sleeping was accompanied by Roseluck tossing and turning in her sleep, messing up the bed. Even luckier for the earth pony, her home wasn't in range of all the destruction. Not every building had been severely harmed either. Most just got ink all over them that was then washed away thanks to the water and wind.

However, though Roseluck slept through it all, her presence was not ignored. While everyone else was trying to clean everything up thanks to what the demon left behind, something would slip through the doors of Roseluck's home.

It was the Memory Demon once more. The one piece of it that managed to slip away returned to Ponyville yet again. Unrelenting, the demon still wanted more memories to gather for its own pleasure. But in its current state, being seen by everyone would lead to nothing but trouble, even if the demons could just come back. Keeping a low profile, the demon chose to enter one of these homes to see what it could find. Thus, Roseluck's home was chosen.

"They can celebrate all they want. Thanks to that magic, us demons will always come back." The demon spoke in vain towards those that defeated it. "I just need some more memories and I'll be sitting pretty. But who do we have here?"

"Aha..." In her sleep, Roseluck giggled, having a pleasant dream that was enough to make her swat the air randomly.

"Hmm..." The Memory Demon would slither against the wall as a single blot which managed to blend in the darkness, going completely undetected. And by heading to the wall, it got a view of Roseluck from above, observing its next victim and if she was promising. However, upon seeing Roseluck, the demon gasped for a moment.

There was something about Roseluck that looked very familiar. The Memory Demon, ironically, attempted digging into its own memories to see what it could gather from Roseluck's appearance.

"Odd. She looks a bit like the Lich Queen." The Memory Demon acknowledged the similar appearance to Rosa Maledicta that was ringing in its head. This was the only connection it managed to find. "Oh well. Let's see what memories you have to offer."

Eager to gain new memories, the demon hopped off the wall, going straight for Roseluck's face. And since she was unaware, there was nothing she could do to stop this or even know that it was coming. Finally finding a new victim, the demon would latch itself onto Roseluck's face, immediately expanding itself, no longer appearing as a small ink blot.

"I'll come back with a vengeance with what I can gather. Maybe she's hiding something that involves any one of these ponies. That'd be so hilarious to see their reactions while I pose as her." The Memory Demon said, showing its petty nature as most of Roseluck's face was being covered. But, that's where it ended. Shockingly, when covering Roseluck's face in ink, the Memory Demon would already find the first batch of memories. And those memories involved a very familiar face that made it pause.

The face of Rosa Maledicta showed up. In a short batch of seconds, it saw the perspective of a baby Roseluck viewing the face of her older sister, Rosa. Even then, Rosa still had the same manestyle, just with a bit more vibrance to it. The demon saw many memories of Roseluck hanging out Rosa who even had the same familiar voice, only confirming the demon's suspicions.

Multiple expressions and actions of Rosa flashed by rapidly for the demon to view and gather before then abruptly stopping at the moment when she left Ponyville. The demon would then stop everything that it was doing, much to its shock and dismay. It would instantly hop off Roseluck's face, no longer having the urge to possess her

Instead, the demon was absolutely stunned. The small ink blot started shuddering at what it had seen. This one asleep pony's memories threw it for a loop as it never expected to witness those memories.

"Is this...her sister?!" The demon gasped, realizing the gravity of this. It almost possessed the sister of the fearsome Lich Queen. "And I just ended up taking some of her memories. Just my luck...What's the Lich Queen going to do if she finds out about this?!"

"What will she do indeed?" Speaking through the Memory Demon's mind was none other than Opal Vivacity as she jump scared the ink-blotted demon.

"Mmm!" The demon shuddered, dropping some of its ink to the floor. "Miss Opal!"

"You found her sister? And took her memories?" Opal continued. "Big mistake."

"I-Is it? I assume that she wouldn't care for her sister because of the Black Crusade, right? It'll be fine, right? None of this matters in the long run."

"Wishful thinking. Us vampires will be completely fine during the Black Crusade. But there are some exceptions. Yveltal will be in one piece, exempt from the wave of destruction since it will be causing all the destruction. But her majesty plans to keep Roseluck around. Family matters. And you just ended up taking her memories."

"I-I can't get rid of them either." The demon gulped. "A-Am I going to get punished for this?!"

"Hmm...You're different from the Knowledge Demon and Parasite Demon, in which, you don't rob them of their memories. So, her memories of her majesty will still be intact. Having those memories won't harm anyone. After all, her life's most definitely been boring considering where she's lived. And as long as Queen Rosa doesn't find out, you'll be fine."

"Good to know..."

"But if she does find out...then, you'd best hope she doesn't care about it at all, which is highly unlikely." Opal would soon shut the Memory Demon down. "Then again, I don't know the outcome either. The best thing to do is just wait."

"I gotta get out of here..." The demon didn't feel safe being inside this room. Just the existence of Roseluck and who she was related to absolutely terrified this memory-hogging entity. She wanted nothing to do with her and hoped that Rosa Maledicta would never find out.

The demon would slither out of the room, having most of its body back. It slipped through the gap underneath the door, leaving the same way it showed up. However, upon heading outside, someone was waiting for it. A strong hoof stomped next to the demon, startling it. This was none other than Applejack's hoof as she was here with Sceptile and Delta Riolu.

"Gah!" The Memory Demon gasped, splitting against the door from shock.

"Going somewhere?" Applejack would grin at the demon's smaller appearance with Sceptile and Riolu giving it the fiercest smiles. "Thanks for the creepy Aura. Riolu here helped me find you."

"Rio!" Riolu waved as his was Aura that was responsible for this find. So as long as there was a living being, Aura would react. And for this demon, according to Applejack, the Aura was creepy, making it stand out from the rest.

"This is Roseluck's home...Whaddya do, ink splat?" Applejack narrowed her eyes.

"None of your business. The girl's in one piece." The demon would scoff. "But I still got some new memories to keep. And not only that, but I'll still find a way to escape and return to the box with fresh new memories. How's that?"

"Ain't happening. You won't get the chance to head back into that box." Applejack threatened the demon as Sceptile and Riolu would stand on both sides to prevent it from escaping. Applejack would stay in the middle with her hooves closed for a tighter gap. "Plus, you ain't looking so hot now. How come you didn't take Roseluck's body? Scared?"

"I would've done it now. But there is no way I'm going after her unless I want to see another day." The demon replied, immediately confusing Applejack and her Pokemon. That wasn't the response they were expecting. It sounded like the demon was hesitant to control Roseluck but everyone else was fair game.

"Say what now?" Applejack looked at Sceptile and Riolu, wondering why this was the case. "What? Are ya weak to fragrances too?"

"Not at all!" The demon yelled. "Seems you don't know. How about I make you a deal?"


"T-That's right...This deal will surely convince you to let me go. I know something big that you all probably don't know. Yes. Something crucial that ties back to all of this."

"Yeah right. What do you know that's gonna change our mind?" But Applejack doubted the Memory Demon, despite what it specialized in. "Be honest with me."

"Fine. In that room...that pony friend of yours...is the sister to the Lich Queen, Rosa Maledicta." The Memory Demon spouted it out, revealing the ties between Roseluck and Rosa Maledicta. In unison, Applejack, Sceptile and Delta Riolu couldn't believe their ears. Out of all the responses the demon could've given, this one was out of left field and smack them in the face with a moment of silence.

"Roseluck and...her?!" Applejack's hat nearly fell off, only to tilt and hang on her right ear. "Y-You're kidding!"

"With the memories I've taken, I never lie. Even if I am a demon." And that was the harsh truth. The Memory Demon had a strong sense of honesty mainly because it had the potential to know the truth about everything depending on whose memories it borrows. "Princess Celestia knows. She had a chat with Roseluck about her sister back at that Ethereal Pavilion. Right now, you've got the sister of a death-hungry pony in your town. And probably the only pony who will be spared during the Black Crusade."

Indeed. Very few knew that Roseluck's sister was Rosa. Family members, Opal Vivacity and Princess Celestia respectively. And of course, this was kept secretive for Roseluck's sake.

"Your Sun Princess knows by now what kind of consequences that could have if they knew about Roseluck's sister. Who knows what others would do to her? Maybe this town will be fine with it but everywhere else is another story...Not that she's as bad as the Lich Queen, not even anywhere near that level but what's stopping them from making the worst assumptions? This world has a reputation for doing that. So...how's that? Let me free for her sake?"

"No way." But even after what Applejack heard, she wouldn't let the demon escape. It never had the chance of convincing her in the first place.

"Figures. Then, I'll do it by force!" The demon would try and force its way to freedom, leaping off the ground while turning the sides of its blotted body into sharp blades.

"Rio!" But Riolu would intercept, sensing the demon's Aura rising to a hostile level. He would use Dark Pulse, getting in front of Applejack as protection before unleashing the pulse of darkness from his paws. The demon would be blown back, splitting against the door with bits of it spreading.

Applejack already knew this song and dance by now. She can damage it but it can regenerate using bits of it that get scattered just by conflict alone. But this time, she came prepared. "You ain't regenerating this time! Sceptile!"

"Tile!" Or rather, Sceptile came prepared. This whole time, his hands were behind his back, concealing something until the time was right. And that time was now as he revealed a Super Soaker Water Gun of all things.

"Apple Bloom's toy will do the trick! Soak 'em!"

"Scep!" Sceptile would take aim, unleashing the full force of this toy. Definitely, an odd weapon to use against a demon if it was considered a weapon. But judging by how the eye of the demon widened, it looked threatening enough.

Wait a sec-" The demon was cut off once it was hit in the face by the strong pressure of water, soaking it. All the while, Roseluck was still sleeping like a Queen. Not even the sound of something being pressured against her door was enough to wake her up.

"Now, Riolu! Vacuum Wave!"

"Rio...Lu!" Riolu would generate the wind that would air dry the demon's ink boy. He used Vacuum Wave to make this happen, releasing waves of wind in succession right after Sceptile soaked the demon. The Memory Demon would find itself receiving a less fierce but still effective version of what happened to it back at the centre of Ponyville when it still had a majority of its Pokemon.

But Applejack recalled what Sombra said. Despite how efficient there was, the demon would somehow, in some way, end up fine and return to the Box of 100 Demons. But that was only if it managed to get away. And right now, the farm pony wasn't taking any chances.

"Gah..." The Memory Demon groaned before sliding off the door. It was back to square one, appearing only as a small blot with one eye. "Is that all you got?"

"This should do the trick." Applejack would be the one to finish things off. By digging into her Saddlebag, she revealed a jar, of all things. At least it wasn't as strange as the Super Soaker. Applejack would contain the demon in this jar which was more than large enough to hold it. With the Memory Demon being in a weakened state, it wouldn't have the opportunity to find somewhere to heal up since it was currently imprisoned. "Let's see you head back into that box now."

"Curse you! You can't do this to me! Not when there are so many memories that I've yet to view!" The demon roared before breathing in and out, feeling too tired to continue yelling. "And why a Super Soaker and not a Pokemon?!"

"Doesn't hurt to humiliate once in a while. Plus, Granny would've told me to go for this one too." The earth pony giggled as she now successfully captured one of the demons, subduing it. But there was still more to deal with.

Faye Mountain. Changeling Lands.

One of these demons was still active. The Centipede Demon. The Changeling Lands were greatly damaged thanks to this massive demon's actions. Large holes from its tunnelling were left behind along with the toppling of various homes. Recently, it released acid from its body, which only added to the destruction.

Chrysalis groaned, getting back up as she was still giving it her all to stop this demon. Unfortunately, she was the only one capable of putting in that effort since she was the Queen. Everyone else was a different story. The acid harmed the Fairy-Type Pokemon as it was the equivalent to the Poison while many of the Changelings struggled to find a safe place to hide.

Thorax looked outside as the main Changeling Hive was still intact thankfully. He held Anthophilia who was currently put to sleep to avoid the havoc happening outside. Ribombee was also on the ground as she took considerably more damage than Chrysalis.


"Eugh. All of this has made you soft, little Chrysalis." The Centipede Demon mocked Chrysalis. "You're nothing a shell of your former self in so many ways. You expect to protect everything like this?!" It then laughed, shaking the ground with its tremendous strength, making everyone else fall over as the main hive would continuously take damage.

"S-Silence...!" Chrysalis groaned as some of the acid managed to get onto her wings, poisoning her. Chrysalis used her magic to try and protect her wings, but the acid burned violently.

"If your mother were, she'd be very disappointed. Tsk. Tsk. If you were anything like your old self, this might be a different story.y Alas, it's not!" The demon would then take off the top of the Changeling Hive with a fierce headbutt.

"Bombee!" Ribombee would still try and retaliate even with her fragile durability. She would first heal herself with Pollen Puff before then throwing Dazzling Gleam rays at the Centipede Demon. The demon's carapace had grown to a point where Dazzling Gleam wasn't that much of a problem for it. It pushed it back but the damage wasn't as substantial as before.

"Wait! Ribombee!" A strained Chrysalis said before lowering her head.

"You should learn when to quit!" The Centipede Demon roared at Ribombee before unleashing a stronger retaliation. This time it was from its forty legs. The Centipede Demon would first hit the ground, making another tremor. But this time, this tremor would launch Ribombee into the air just from sheer force.

"R-Ri...!" RIbombee gasped as she tried recovering by flapping her wings. But it was too late. The Centipede Demon was one step ahead of her as it then charged in, getting up close and personal as it then bashed its head against the Bee Fly Pokemon. Ribombee took the Centipede Demon's full strength as a large shockwave rippled through her body. Ribombee's eyes would then flicker for a bit before slowly starting to turn white. The force of the hit then sent the Bee Fly Pokemon far off, hitting one of the remaining mountains. Chrysalis watched as Ribombee would then roll off the mountain, hiding the hard edges before finally reaching the ground.

Ribombee would lay there, motionless. That attack from the Centipede Demon seemed to be the decisive hit. A hit so strong that Ribombee couldn't counteract this. With her eyes white, Chrysalis was absolutely mortified by what she had witnessed. Seeing Ribombee in this state and what was becoming of her own reminded her of the most unfortunate moment of her life.

"I'm getting bored now." The Centipede Demon said. "The Magic of Love isn't all that and that little bee went out sad if you ask me. Pathetic."

"Don't you dare insult her...!" Chrysalis' eyes flashed a vibrant green after hearing the words from the Centipede Demon. By this point, seeing Ribombee was enough to push her over the edge. And it certainly did. Her magic started flaring out great speeds, forming into a pillar. The Centipede Demon would squint as the rubble from all the destruction would rise from Chrysalis' magic.

All of her subjects would look in awe as her magical aura was greater than before. However, there was something different about it. Or rather, familiar. Chrysalis was no longer feeling the love at this moment. Nothing about this had anything to do with love. All of this havoc, destruction and humiliation was the opposite of love.

"What is this?!" The demon gasped at the sight of this magical explosion. Chrysalis was exuding hatred. And that magical aura of hers was very similar to what she used to have before entering her purity form. Her magic exploded, pushing back the Centipede Demon.

This was no longer the magic that would synergize well with the Faye Mountains and all the Fairy-Types. Speaking of the Fairy-Types, they would shudder at this. They didn't shudder at the Centipede Demon this entire time but Chrysalis' old magic was enough to make them tremble.

However, this was far greater than what it used to be. Chrysalis was far stronger than what she was before, making the return of her previous magic greater than ever. The Fairy-Types were absolutely terrified of what was emerging from that pillar. A sudden shock-wave and a muffled burst erupted through the clouds as the image of Chrysalis' eyes glared through the magical aura.

Emerging out of it was an enraged Chrysalis, who no longer radiated that loving magic that she brought along with her. Her old self would flash within the dark green aura, showing her original colours. The Centipede Demon would see the old Chrysalis before nervously grinning. There was something nostalgic yet intimidating about this.

"I won't forgive you even if you apologize!" Chrysalis let out a thunderous shout. "You're going to pay you overgrown pest!"

With her rage exploding to new heights, Thorax was hoping that Anthophilia wasn't seeing this. But in her sleep, she was starting to murmur. Was she feeling this or was this the cause of a nightmare? This magic and the way it was pulsating around Chrysalis looked a bit familiar to Thorax. He only knew of one pony that once emanated this before being defeated. Empress Twilight Sparkle. Or more specifically, Midnight Sparkle. It even started resembling that of Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon as green flames would erupt from the ground in response to her fury.

Chrysalis would unleash a standard magic beam. But it was not standard at all. It was devastatingly strong to the point where it tore apart all the holes the demon made while melting away the acid itself. The Centipede Demon would gasp before crawling out of the way. It barely managed to evade the attack due to how massive it was the beam would graze its armour. The carapace meant nothing was a piece of it was effortlessly obliterated.

The demon would yell in pain as this was the most damage it had taken, undoubtedly. The magic from Chrysalis' blast burned greatly, even melting away at the digestive acid that it stored up. The Centipede Demon ceased all its crawling to take a moment with the pain. The pain became disorienting in seconds, making the demon writhe as it was struggling to grow a new carapace as fast as it could.

Terrified of what Chrysalis had unleashed, the Centipede Demon would look over to see a Changeling that was far more terrifying than what Mellifera was, Chrysalis' Purity Form was and without a demon, her old self. The Centipede Demon made the grave mistake of reviving this terrifying power and elevating it to new heights.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 975 End.

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