• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The storm settles

The Storm Behemoth was slowly reaching critical mass.

It had now gained wings and the ability to fly. And at this moment, it had enough power to create a storm. Which it did. It summoned a storm as thunderbolts were raining down from above all across Equestria with the fury of a raging storm behind it.

"How are we supposed to deal with that?! Our moves can't even affect it anymore!" Twilight pulled her mane in frustration.

"The only one who can stop this is Passion. But she's still exhausted after wasting so much energy previously." Celestia turned to her partner who was still resting up.

"Isn't there any other Pokemon that can generate plasma?!" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The only two capable of doing that are Reshiram and Zekrom. But they're way out of our reach." Ash explained.

"Just our luck." Twilight sighed. She quickly jolted back when she noticed that a thunderbolt almost hit her. "Eep!"

And speaking of their luck, it was about to dwindle even further when the behemoth unleashed even more miniature versions of itself. Now with wings. And not only that, but they seemed to have also increased in size as well. The mini-behemoths had been scattered once more and this time they could roam around even more due to their ability to fly now.

"The number of them has increased greatly! There are too many of them now!" Luna exclaimed as her eyes were trying to keep up with the ludicrous amount of mini-behemoths. Fluttershy thought of a way to somehow stop this. She flew upwards, heading towards the exhausted Kirlia as she picked her up.

"Audi! Please heal Passion!" Fluttershy realized that the only one who can stop this needs to be back at full strength. Audino nodded, walking over to the drained Psychic-Fairy Type. She restored the young Pokemon back to health by swapping out Safeguard for Heal Pulse. Passion could feel her health returning to her along with all her energy.


"Passion! You're alright!" Celestia went over to her Pokemon. "Is your strength back?"

"Kirlia!" The Emotion Pokemon raised her arms up with all her energy back.

"That means she can shut them all off, right?" Rainbow asked.

"Not quite. She can only stop the main one since its a larger target. And she can only use the full power of her plasma to do so, which exhausts. She won't be able to stop that many, not with the limited energy she has." Celestia shook her head. It was an unfortunate truth. Despite the massive potential that Passion had, she still had limited amounts of energy inside of her middle evolution body. It seemed to be a difficult situation until Fluttershy came up with another idea that could help.

"Then in that case...we'll ask Victini for help." Fluttershy turned to Celestia. "Victini is still here, right?"

"Sadly. Ever since the Pokemon Festival ended, all the Pokemon there had left. Victini promptly returned to its home once the festival ended." Celestia answered. Fluttershy's idea went down the drain as they were running out of options now.

"Uh...everypony. It's doing something." Rainbow Dash was gazing at the behemoth and its current action. The Storm Behemoth had constructed a ball of pure electricity in its humongous hands. From the looks of it, it was about to fire the ball. The energy that exerted out of it was shooting out sparks that were hitting the ground beneath it. Pyrestar quickly picked up on what it was planning to do.

"It's attempting to blow everything away..." She gasped. The fused alicorn quickly took action, flying into the air in order to stop the behemoth. In return, she unleashed a magic beam in order to stop the ball from being released. It connected and pushed the ball back, but it only ended up causing the behemoth to absorb it.

The Storm Behemoth's intelligence had grown. It now had the ability to know what is a threat to it, and its sense of direction was improved greatly instead of just moving in a straight line. It was aiming to eradicate the ponies that had stopped it from moving earlier, more specifically, Passion. All of its attention had been focused on her. The behemoth flew towards Passion who had noticed that it was heading straight for her.

"Kir? Kirlia!" The Emotion Pokemon hid behind Celestia in fear. Celestia got in front of with her horn emanating in order to protect her Pokemon. The behemoth outstretched its arms with having the intent of destroying Passion, who was the biggest threat to it. Celestia put up a barrier around her and Passion as protection. But unfortunately, the behemoth broke through it with ease. The shattering of the barrier ended up knocking Celestia into a wall as the behemoth attempted to grab Passion. The Emotion Pokemon gasped out of fear with her reactive instinct to teleport away, which she ended up doing. Everypony backed up, getting a far distance from the behemoth. They all noticed that it was only aiming for Passion and nopony else. Passion had sent herself into the indoors of Canterlot, but that didn't change anything. The behemoth broke through the walls of Canterlot, hunting Passion down like prey. She gasped as she then started to make a run for it.

The length of its arms helped it catch up to her with ease. Passion attempted to keep up her running, but unfortunately, she didn't have much stamina left to do so. Each moment the behemoth draws near, more of the castle is torn apart. The Canterlot Royal Guards are all sent flying by the rampant movement of the behemoth. The thunderous roar from the behemoth shattered the walls around Passion and even the floor beneath her. She fell down as everything was crumbling before her. She wishes she could teleport continuously, but teleporting requires heaps of magic power for her. It was a moment like this when Passion wished she was a Gardevoir, that way, she could teleport as many times as she would want to and possibly even fight back.

She fell down to the lower level of Canterlot Castle, arriving at the dungeon. Thankfully, the fall wasn't too hard, but it still hurt a Pokemon as small and fragile as her.

"Kirlia..." The Emotion Pokemon got up from the ground, holding her other arm due to the fall. And before she knew it, the behemoth appeared right behind her, ready to grab ahold of the little Pokemon. She let out a vocal gasp, turning around.. She was sure that it would catch her this time. But thankfully, her trainer had teleported in to save her. Celestia had arrived with Luna and Pyrestar by her side. All three of them had placed barriers in order to sustain it longer.

"Stay away from my Passion!" Celestia erupted with rage. She had enough of this behemoth and aiming to attack her own Pokemon pushed the line. However, even if she, Luna and Pyrestar used every ounce of their magic, it wouldn't matter due to the behemoth's ability to absorb energy. It was slamming against the barrier, slowly breaking it bit by it. Celestia realized that the only way to stop it was to let Passion unleash plasma on the behemoth a second time. "Passion! You must use plasma once more! It's the only way!"

She understood the importance of stopping this behemoth, however, her fears had gotten to her due to the chase she was previously in. But that quickly faded away when she remembered she wants to protect Celestia no matter what. So there was no time for fears. The Emotion Pokemon poured all of her psychic power into both Mystical Fire and Thunderbolt once more. She formed plasma in her hands in all its raw and pure energy. The Storm Behemoth broke the barrier finally, knocking the three alicorns to the ground. If there was a time to fire it, it was now. With all her might, she unleashed a bolt of plasma that raced towards the behemoth.

A direct hit was confirmed. And just like before, the plasma clashed with the electrons within the behemoth, causing a devastating chain reaction. The behemoth could feel all the energy within it being scrambled by the plasma. Its thunderous roar resounded once more but this time in pain. Its body generally couldn't handle the scorching force of plasma. As a result, the behemoth fell on its back, falling out of the castle and into the streets of Canterlot, where everypony saw it fall back. Passion exhausted herself once more with all her power drained. Plasma was still something she could barely withstand, especially when utilizing it at full power.


"Passion." Celestia picked up her drained Pokemon. " I have to thank you again. But...that behemoth will restart itself soon at any moment."

"Your Kirlia cannot keep this up, sister. There has to be a way to get rid of this behemoth." Luna commented, getting up from the floor.

"I know but...this behemoth is overwhelming. And I fear once it wakes up again, it'll obtain a new ability. And that might be a problem."

On the outside, everypony stood a good distance, gazing at the fallen behemoth, which was starting up again slowly.

"D-Did they get it?" Sunrise commented.

"No. Hear that sound? Its energy is rising back up." Twilight replied.

"Are you kidding me? I wanna go back to bed already?" Rainbow Dash groaned.

"It's already destroyed most of the castle. Who knows what else it could do when it wakes up..." Twilight whispered.

"Pikachu..." Pikachu's electricity was still out of control. All that energy in one place made Pikachu erratic. Ash held his buddy in his arms, trying to calm him down.

"Why is Pikachu acting like this, lately?" Rarity went up to Ash.

"I don't know. Ever since this behemoth came along, Pikachu's electricity has been going crazy." Ash replied.


"Going crazy?" Twilight said to herself. That's when she thought for a small bit...and an idea sparked. "Aha! I think I know of a way to stop the behemoth!" The moment she said that the behemoth awoke once more. Its long arms supported itself up, creating a crack on the ground. It was back to full strength once again, unfortunately. Its sights were still set on Passion, intent on destroying her. "Ash! Use Pikachu to stop it!"

"Huh?! But it'll just absorb anything we throw at it!"

"Trust me on this one! Tell Pikachu to use Thunderbolt! It'll work!"

"Alright. I trust you. Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" Ash pointed towards the behemoth.

"Pika..." Pikachu hopped off his trainer's hands, lunging towards the behemoth with a ton of electricity surging out of him. He was prepared to use his signature Thunderbolt, but this time it was different. Due to all the energy that was jittering in him, it actually wasn't an illness, but an overcharge. Pikachu's electric aura began expanding, larger than it ever has before as it was also radiating a blue colouring, similar to that of plasma. "Pika-Pika-Pika!" The thunderbolt kept growing and growing and growing, showing no signs of stopping. Celestia and the others noticed this gargantuan aura of lightning appearing, but not from the behemoth this time.

"Holy moly! That Thunderbolt's gigantic!" Pinkie gasped.

"How much power is behind that?!" Twilight was even surprised. She didn't expect Thunderbolt to grow like that. And now, everypony felt like it was a good idea to run away. And so they did. Everypony immediately left Canterlot, because they know the result could be devastating.

"Release it, Pikachu!" Ash commanded.

"PIKA-CHU!" The Electric Mouse Pokemon let it all out. All that energy that was boiling within him ever since the blackout could be released. And once it was released, an intense spurt of lightning emerged from him with the colour combination of yellow and blue. The sound it made was equal to that of a thundercrack as the bolt struck the behemoth directly. And the result?

Better than expected. In fact, the thunderbolt was so powerful it had the exact same effect as when Passion unleashed plasma on the behemoth, but to an extreme level. All of that lightning had not only scrambled the electrons, but they even overloaded the behemoth's electricity. It once again, let out a thunderous roar of pain, unable to handle all of this energy. It was taking the punishment of 170,000,000 volts of electricity, more than it could handle. And just like that, the behemoth was not just defeated, but even eradicated. Its destruction resulted in an earth-shattering pulse that spread across not just all of Equestria, but the entire world and even the Pokemon world as well. It finished just like it started. And as a bonus, the smaller behemoths were affected by the pulse, being obliterated by it as well. But this came with a cost, the pulse caused mass destruction across the entire world, causing ludicrous amounts of damage in the process. Canterlot was almost destroyed with barely any buildings left at all. And the final result was an explosion of electricity that was the aftermath of it all, separating the clouds themselves.

The smoke cleared, the dust settled, the skies became silent once more as the final thing that could be heard was the echo of the behemoth's cry which faded away into the night. Twilight and the ponies had slowly moved forward, wanting to see the end result. With hope in their eyes, the behemoth was no more. Once everything had calmed down, Pikachu fell on the ground, no longer feeling jittery anymore.


"He did it...WOOHOO! He did it!" Pinkie Pie hugged Applejack.

"Oh finally...it's over." Twilight let out a huge sigh of relief along with everypony else. The behemoth had finally been defeated. Cheers of victory echoed throughout Canterlot.

Celestia looked over the damage caused by the blackout event, seeing the once beautiful Canterlot now in a nearly destroyed format. But that didn't matter right now. What mattered most to her was the safety of her subjects and her Pokemon. And indeed, they were safe. But greatly exhausted and tired.

"So much destruction has been caused this night. But at least you are all still safe." Celestia sighed. "I don't know how we're going to recover from this."

"We will. We always do with Pokemon involved." Luna patted her sister on the back. "And now...I need some rest." Luna actually ended up falling asleep on the spot and for good reason. Tonight was ridiculous. Nopony could've predicted what would end happening at early nightfall. Soon, everypony started to fall asleep on the spot. They needed the rest after all of this. Celestia looked over her subjects being completely asleep, exhausted from the behemoth attack. The Sun Princess figured that she should get some rest too along with her Pokemon. But Passion was already asleep, dozing off next to her trainer's leg. The only ones awake at the moment were Celestia, Ash, Darkrai, Pikachu and Pyrestar.

"Sorry about what happened, Celestia. I didn't expect the Thunderbolt to cause that much damage." Ash went up to Celestia.

"No need for an apology, Ash. Nopony could've predicted any of this happening tonight. What's important now is that you are all safe. We'll rebuild Canterlot and any other location that may have been affected. Plus, this will be a story to tell in the future."

"I'll say. Your world is surprisingly much more chaotic than mine despite having a better outcome," Pyrestar uttered.

"By the way, what do we do with this one?" Darkrai showed Celestia Obsidian who was still in a nightmare state.

"I'll handle it. In the meantime, get some rest, Ash, Pikachu. You two deserve it."

"You got it. I do need my 10 hours of sleep after all. Come on buddy."

"Pikachu!" Pikachu hopped on his partner's shoulder, feeling refreshed once more. The night could now carry on with silence. It will take some time to recover from all of this, but what matters the most is that it's all over now. The behemoth has been destroyed, Obsidian has finally been defeated, the blackout is over, and the teenager who was thought to be the cause of all of this was out of the clear for good. To many, this would be an event completely unnatural to anyone. But with Pokemon involved, it's fairly normal for the most part. What a night.

The Rift had noticed that Obsidian had been defeated finally and it only took a few months for it to happen. All 3 Rift Ponies had been sorted out.

"Most impressive. My best Rift pony has been bested. Now all 3 of them have been defeated in some way. Which means...it's your turn. Lucien. Sienna. I trust you can perform better and create vastly more impressive scenarios."

The Rift was referring to the two Rift humans who were seen with Cold Colt and Emerald Aura many months back. The man by the name of Lucien who was seen during the Weavile attack and the Drill-Haired girl by the name of Sienna who was seen during the Darkrai attack. It was their time to act now that the ponies had their turn.

"Don't worry. We've been watching over all of this and we know we can do better." The man named Lucien commented.

"Our scenarios will be top of it all." Sienna spoke.

"I suppose so. If either of you decides to play the role as a villain, go on right ahead. But I am hoping for an interesting outcome. I don't want to leave these two worlds feeling dissatisfied."

"Count on us." Both said.

With the Rift pony situation finally being dealt with...at least for the time being... the Rift humans, created by nothing but cosmic energy will take their place. What they are capable of will have to be seen when they make their next move. As the
journey continues.

Chapter 138 End!

Author's Note:

About time these two made a return. I haven't brought them back for many chapters.

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