• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Cackling with gloom and terror, Ghost

Equestria. Ponyville. Afternoon.

Everyone was still within the realm of minds, sitting down with their eyes closed. Almost all of them. Not everyone was in that realm. But a majority of the ponies, humans and Pokemon that Ash knew and was friends with.

Some residents of Ponyville were exempt. And three certain characters were also free from this. Team Rocket. After coming back from their job over at Canterlot where they now work for not only Zecora but Glittercook, they felt like taking a long rest, unaware of the current situation so far.

"Aah...We had mountains of treasures when we went to Pegalysium that one time. How'd it all go down the drain so fast?" Jessie groaned.

"You couldn't help getting more fabulous for your contests with every piece of vanity you could find. Not that I blame you." James replied.

"These bits are at least consistent..." Jessie held out the bits she received from work. "Wish Zecora could do the same from time to time. I could maybe buy a house here with a few more."

"About that...ain't it a bit quiet here?" Meowth was the first to notice the silence. With a majority of the Ponyville residents currently in a state of mind, very few were still active. They then saw how a majority of them were sitting down with their eyes closed. "Hey. What gives?"

"Some sort of town traditional meditation?" James wondered.

"It's kinda creepy, don't you think?" Jessie shuddered at this uncomfortable sight. She then noticed how Derpy was flying around, being one of the few ponies who wasn't sent into this state of mind. "Hey! Muffins!" Jessie cried out for her.

"That's me. Hello!" Derpy waved at them.

"What's going on here? Why's everyone sitting around like that? Is something happening?" Jessie asked.

"Sorry. No idea." Derpy shrugged with her tongue out. "Everypony started glowing all of a sudden and sat down looking like that. I didn't get the same though. Same with Granny Smith and Big Macintosh."

"Really?" Team Rocket then slid over to one of the ponies sitting down. They observed the pony, Carrot Top to be exact, seeing how static she was. Jessie then decided to poke her to see if something would happen.

A poke on the cheek happened. But there was no response. One more and no response yet again. Team Rocket then went towards other ponies and Pokemon, trying to see if they could get a response out of them via nudges and pokes. But no one responded at all as Derpy and her Wooper just watched their movements.

"They're all completely out of commission," said James.

"Less creepy than a Ghost Town too..." Meowth gawked.

"Hang on a minute." Jessie then had something brewing in her mind. A chance that they could take and it was staring them in their faces. Just then, a sparkle occurred in her eyes as the most obvious thing to do was incoming. She then looked at Derpy before grabbing Meowth and James, pulling them elsewhere.

Derpy and Wooper just went on with their day.

"Don't you two realize what this means? If there was ever a chance for us to nab as much Pokemon as we can, now's that chance." Jessie said.

"Oooh." James got what she was saying. "The best opportunity comes to us from total silence."

"And if no one's there to hear it, did we really steal 'em?" Meowth grinned.

"There are still those who can hear it. That Derpy one's not knocked out. But on the plus side, there's no Audino that'll be an issue for us." Jessie giggled. "And if the stars are aligned properly, that means Pikachu's waiting for us here~"

"Taking their Pokemon while they're all unresponsive. Only a criminal would do that," said James before the three of them put on a devious grin. They cheered together, ready to take full advantage of this silence to steal as many Pokemon as they can. Especially Ash's Pikachu.

"The sound of silence is the best kind of sound!" They exclaimed in unison.


And to them, even if Derpy spotted them, they felt as if she wouldn't be that big of a threat. And whatever occurs next on the outside will not be experienced by all those on the inside.

The 18 Realms.

Previously, Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer and Scootaloo, who had passed through the Fire-Type door, had gained success from it. Fluttershy showed her burning kindness to an Ethereal Lucario, solving an issue without a Pokemon Battle, led to them going through another door that appeared in the area.

The Fairy-Type door. They assumed that this new led to the Fairy-Type area. However, once they passed through, they found out that it brought them back to the area where the 18 doors could be found.

"We're back here?" Fluttershy said. "I thought we'd end up elsewhere."

"But that means we can choose another door, right? But...Is it still Type Sensitive after what we did?" Sunset Shimmer wondered. "I've still got only Fire-Type Pokemon with me and all that."

"I've got some more types. I think I'm good." Scootaloo raised her hoof.

"Hm." But Fluttershy wasn't ready to hit a roadblock right now. She was the one who had summoned the Fairy door without even thinking about it. So she figured that she could at least do something.

Fluttershy then turned her focus towards the Grass-Type door, aiming at trying something new. She went towards it, pushing it open. But she didn't pass through yet. "Quick. In here. Maybe you can pass through if I keep it open."

"Oh. Okay!" Sunset replied as she, Scootaloo and their Pokemon approached the Grass-Type door. Lo and behold, Fluttershy's influence allowed them to enter through it without anything blocking them. "It works!"

"Knew it! Yay!" Fluttershy cheered. "This'll be some good information to pass onto everypony else. Let's hurry." Afterwards, they each entered the area with the Grass-Type door closing.

Past the Ghost-Type door.

Meanwhile, those that had gone through the Ghost-Type section were Trixie Lulamoon, Fantina, Hollow, Flurry Heart, three Canterlot Guards and Flash Sentry. They each owned Ghost-Types while one was a specialist on them.

The area they found themselves in was some sort of mansion. Already, they had a suspicious feeling about it. A mansion and Ghosts go hand-in-hand with each other, so they were expecting one thing.

"Everypony back in Canterlot is going to be heavily confused and worried when they see our current state. Especially with Princess Celestia and Luna back Princess Twilight's Castle." A Canterlot Guard said. "It could cause absolute chaos and total pandemonium!"

"It'll be worse with the royal family. Luckily, we know you're alright, Princess Flurry Heart." Flash Sentry looked to Flurry Heart. "Along with your parents. But your baby self uh..."

"Ah, it's fine. Sunburst will know what to do." Flurry Heart giggled. "And I guess Manaphy too."

"Oh. There is something outside." Trixie spoke, looking outside of the windows of this gigantic mansion. And it didn't look any better outside. It was practically a Ghost Town with other surroundings buildings that seemed to have total silence in them.

Dry grass, dying bushes and withering flowers could be seen laying everywhere in this suburban town. Remnants of packages and magazines still lay at some of the doorsteps, unopened and long forgotten. The creaking of wood and grinding of metal on metal were the only sounds in this town now.

Destroyed packages, remnants of forgotten letters and unpaid bills littered the floor of a post office. The silence was deafening as a large mill just outside of town still stood, seemingly on its last legs.

And as they witnessed the outside, a figure watching from the upper floor of the mansion, just through the creaks of the stares. It was some sort of wisp that formed blue eyes that gazed.

"Uuugh...!" Flurry Heart shuddered. "Can we hurry? Everything about this place gives me the creeps."

"It's probably mostly creepy with no light. Hold on, Princess." Flash went to turn on the lights, flying over to the walls near the door. But the moment he went to touch it, the light automatically turned out, starling him. "Huh?"

"Oooh. Was that magic touch?" Flurry Heart asked, thinking that Flash had done that by just touching the light.

"Uh...N-No." Flash shook his head, stuttering. "It just kinda turned on by itself."

"Oh no. No-no-no! It's exactly what I think it is!" Trixie violently shifted her head from left to right, having a grimace form on her face. "I was hoping to ignore this one day. But it looks like that day has come."

"What day? What are we talking about?" Flurry Heart felt Trixie's panicking as she could feel the pressure with a single sweatdrop emerging.

"Looks like we're in a Ghost Mansion and Ghost Town all together...Meaning that the door we passed through is 100% haunted by a spectre of some sort..." Trixie's face suddenly went dark as the lights started flicking causing the mood to be set as Flurry Heart was the most terrified. The guards simply shifted their eyes while Fantina and Hollow looked unphased.

"G-G-G-Ghost?!" Flurry Heart stammered with her hooves weak and shaking from this revelation. She was about to screech at the top of her lungs.

"But, princess! You have Giratina! Why are you afraid?" Flash Sentry asked. "Plus we have those outings with Starlight Glimmer's Hatterene and those can be...pretty terrifying."

"And I didn't expect some of you to be afraid of Ghosts since you each own one, droite?" Fantina spoke, looking at the slightly worried faces of the Canterlot Guards.

"I didn't know Giratina was a Ghost at first! Plus, I've only ever heard of Ghost Stories here and there ever since auntie took over, so I've never experienced one before..." Flurry Heart replied with a shaky voice and alert eyes. "And I didn't think I'd ever be in one...!"

"We-We' are highly trained guards!" One of the guards cleared his throat. "It's impossible for us to be intimidated by a Ghost..."

"But Giratina is kinda menacing though..." Another guard whispered, clearing his throat.

"You all won't have to worry at all." Fantina wagged her finger. "Not as long as I am here. If there's any Ghost Pokemon around, I know how to handle them without too much force. You all do as well since you own Ghost Pokemon as well."

"Yeah...Hahahaha..." Flash chuckled nervously. "I mean, we're too old for this stuff, aren't we?"

"Never too old to be vexed and perplexed by a Ghost." Appearing between both Flash and Flurry Heart was Trixie's face as thunder had struck, changing the lighting once more while fitting with Trixie's eerie tone. Just then, right as the noise of thunder came through, the door that led to the outside vanished with a ghostly aura.

"Gyaaaaaaah!" Flurry Heart screeched, grabbing onto Flash, squeezing him. Flash's eyes almost popped out of his eyes after that devastatingly strong hug. But that was just the natural strength of an alicorn. Especially one who was the original baby alicorn years ago.

"Gueh!" Flash cried out, almost passing out from that.

"We'd best hurry then. Maybe we can find something in this mansion." Hollow said as they all made their way through the mansion.

Flurry Heart made sure to stay extra close to everyone since this would be her first real experience with something so creepy after living almost alone in her original universe.

There was a lot to see downstairs before they could go upstairs. However, Fantina chose to go upstairs before anyone else. The group ended up in the kitchen first, poking their head through.

The goal was to just explore this area but also hopefully escape from this area since the Rift Energy was blocking them from leaving. And as a potential bonus, finding the cause of Delayed Aura Ataxia, maybe.

A kitchen was always a good place to be in as some of them were in the mood for some food. But the moment they entered the kitchen, not only did thunder strike again but it also lit up a painting on the wall that Flurry Heart and the others saw. The painting of a human with surprisingly expansive eyes. Due to how sudden and gigantic the painting was, they almost thought it was a living human who was standing in front of them.

"Gaah!" Flurry Heart screeched, falling on her back.

"No need to get so scared, princess." Flurry Heart helped her up. "It's just a painting. Then again, this is a first-time experience."

"R-Right..." Flurry Heart stuttered. "Whoever this is, maybe she owns the place? In her mind? Wait we're not in her mind."

"Or maybe she's long gone." Trixie appeared in between Flurry Heart and Flash Sentry once more with those same disturbing eyes while the lightning strike went off. "Perished with no finality in her life so now she lurks within the abode that she used to have, seeking that finality that was robbed of her in her final moments.

"Mmmm!" Flurry Heart's face started sweating up a tsunami as she shuddered, almost falling over. Flash Sentry kept her balanced.

"Trixie Lulamoon! Would you stop scaring the princess!"

"I recognize her." Hollow looked at the painting. "This is someone I saw back in Hoenn years ago."

"It is?" Flash turned to him.

"Mhm. So this means that this must be part of Ash's mind since he ventured through Hoenn as well. But this place is pretty confusing, to be honest..." Hollow pondered for a moment. "It's hard to say whether these doors have anything to do with Ash's memories at all. Or maybe it's a Ghost-Type trick. This mansion definitely doesn't look like that lady's house at all..."

"I think it's the second one. Look!" A Canterlot Guard exclaimed as the portrait was suddenly changing. Everyone looked to where he aimed as a second individual appeared next to the lady in the painting. It was an Aura Guardian.

"Who's that?!" Flurry Heart asked.

"It's An Aura Guardian!" Hollow exclaimed as the painting suddenly pulsated, releasing a Ghostly Aura. And from the Ghostly Aura, the face of a Lucario could be seen. Similar to the Ethereal Lucario that was through the Fire-Type door, it also had the same flowing body as it.

Everyone backed as howls came from the painting. They were shocked by the ghostly pulses but more shocked by the Ethereal Lucario as they had never seen anything like it before.

"Lucario!" The Ethereal Lucario roared as the objects within the kitchen were being levitated via ghostly manipulation. Much like the one from the Fire-Type door, this Lucario was essentially akin to a vengeful spirit, missing its Aura Guardian that had perished from Delayed Aura Ataxia.

The Ghost Aura appeared behind Lucario as a giant face of a human that used to be around but has long since passed. The objects in the kitchen were then thrown at everyone.

"Oh!" Hollow gasped as he had moved his head back, just barely avoiding an incoming pot moving at great speeds. Everyone left the kitchen as many objects that could greatly harm them such as the utensils were flying around.

Meanwhile, hearing all of this noise downstairs was Fantina. Prior to this, Fantina had found the same picture of the lady in a bedroom. Plus, it had the Aura Guardian on it and a Lucario as well. It seemed to be a family portrait from what Fantina could gather.

Just as she observed the picture and the room, her attention had been grabbed by the ruckus downstairs. "Oh mon! What was that?!" She wondered.

But she was not left out of the picture. Just as the ruckus was acknowledged by her, that same ghostly aura appeared in the room that she was in. Appearing as a dark purple wisp with some smoke, it had wrapped around the bed and chandelier of this room as Fantina backed away.

The aura then expanded, aiming to attack Fantina. The Ghost-Type-Specialist promptly left the room as the entity roared. She got out the rm right as the force had ripped parts of the wall off despite appearing as smoke and a wisp. Fantina then took out one of her Poke Balls to defend herself.

"Mismagius! Venez aider!" She threw the Poke Ball, sending out her Mismagius.



"Mis...Magius!" The Ghost-Type's body emanated an aura of electricity before shooting 100,000 volts from her body. The Thunderbolt looked like it would hit, only for the entity to distort its body, causing it to miss. "Mis

After evading the Thunderbolt, the strange Ghost Entity had then attempted to grab Mismagius afterwards. Mismagius had just flown away afterwards, avoiding it. Right that, Fantina heard the howls of someone coming from the entity.

It sounded like the cry of a woman from what she could tell. Afterwards, the floor beneath Fantina was starting to crack as she moved away from it. The floorboards had been split open instantly from this. "Shadow Ball!"

"Magius!" The Magical Pokemon fended off the spectre with a blob of shadows, finally hitting it with the second attempt. The spectre felt that one as it was pushed back a bit. Another cry came from it after the initial hit.

"That voice again..." Fantina uttered.

Back downstairs, after leaving the kitchen, most of them had sent out their Pokemon once they saw the Ethereal Lucario approaching them as well as the other spectre that emerged from the kitchen. This spectre had the howling of a man as opposed to what Fantina was facing.

"We'll counter spirits with spirits! Go, Spiritomb!" Hollow had sent out his Spiritomb.

"Mismagiu, do something!" Trixie backed away as the ghostly aura was coming her way. She threw her Poke Ball as her Mismagius arrived.


"Pidgeot, go!" But while the Canterlot Guards seen out their Golurk, Flash relied on his ace Pidgeot. Furry Heart chose not to send out a Pokemon for two reasons. Her absolute fear of this and how Giratina would mostly ikey break everything around them, resulting in potential injuries that no one would want.

"Spiritomb! Dark Pulse!"

"Mismagius, stop it with Power Gem!"

"Spiritomb!" Spiritomb and Mismagic both went first, unleashing a barrage of light rays that sparkled as if they were made of gemstones and a pulse imbued with Dark thoughts.

But all of those had been crushed by the Ethereal Lucario that simply used its Aura to block them. It approached the group by simply walking, exuding its already intimidating presence.

"Dynamic Punch!" The guards ordered their Golurk.

"Pidgeot, use Heat Wave!"

All attacks that worked well against Lucario. However, Lucario kept waking, allowing its Aura to do everything else. The Aura had reflected the Heat Wave, sending it towards the Golurk. Two of the Golurk had been blown back along with Spiritomb and Mismagius while one Golurk managed to get in close.

"Go...LURK!" The one Golurk swung its arm down, hoping to fully hit Lucario. Only for the Aura to block it, knocking the Automaton Pokemon aside with just its exertion. "Gol!"

"That Aura is ridiculous!" Hollow exclaimed. "Just what kind of Lucario is it?"

"Rrrrr...!" Lucario snarled at them, promptly stopping its movements for a moment. That's when the spectre made its move. Moving at a quicker pace than Lucario, the strange spectre had instantly flown in Mismagisus's direction.


"Mismagius!" Protecting her partner, Trixie pushed Mismagius out of the way. But at the cost of having herself be hit. The spectre had connected, but it didn't knock Trixie back. Instead, it had entered Trixie as if it was being pulled in. "Ugh!"


"Trixie!" Flurry Heart and the others cried.

"Dark Pulse, Spiritomb!"

"Tomb!" Spiritomb managed to blast the spectre in half with Dark Pulse, making sure that all of it did not enter her fully. And it worked. The spectre had pulled back, feeling the brunt of Dark Pulse.

But right after it was blown back, it separated into smaller wisps. These smaller wisps then flew around the hallway, targeting everyone else instead of just Trixie.

"Look out!" Hollow warned everyone as the wisps started zooming. One of them almost snuck up on Hollow, only for Spiritomb to blast it away with Dark Pulse.

The Golurk tried knocking the wisps away, only able to handle so many. And with so many of them flying around, it was only a matter of time before some of them entered the three Golurk. Pidgeot flew around, using his amazing speed and agility to his advantage along with Flash Sentry. They managed to avoid it along with Flurry Heart who stayed close.

"Twister, Pidgeot!"

"Pidge! Pidgeot!" Pidgeot then flapped his wings, unleashing a twister of draconic energy. This twister was large enough to catch all of the wisps that were still flying about. They had been caught in the twister, fading away afterwards as the spectre backed away.

"Nice work, Pidgeot!"


"Trixie! Are you alright?! Are all of you alright?!" Hollow asked after seeing them receive wisps in their bodies. They stayed silent for a moment before Trixie raised her head. At first, it seemed as if they were unaffected at best.

However, once her head was raised, Trixie's eyes opened as they were revealed to have the same azure glow as the spectre. Only this time, it had a darker colour coupled with a nightmarish grin that contorted Trixie's face just a bit. The Golurk also raised their heads with their eyes gaining that colour as well. But there was no grin for them.

"GH!" Hollow grimaced after seeing Trixie's face, pulling back.

"Gyaaah!" Flurry Heart along with Flash Sentry screeched as anyone would after seeing that face. From how they were now glaring at them was not a good sign.


"D-D-D-Do you think they're possessed?!" Flurry Heart stuttered as Flash nodded in response.

"Whoever's in there...we didn't want any trouble," Hollow spoke to the spirit that was still lurking around Lucario. However, after asking, the Lucario just growled in response.

Afterwards, the sceptre wrapped itself around Ethereal Lucario. The Ethereal appearance of Lucario had been given the ghost aura as well as the Aura Pokemon was also growing. Soon, it became an amalgamation of two forces as it appeared as a spectral Lucario that was mostly a head and arms with a giant flowing wispy trail for the rest of its body.

"Oh my..." Flurry Heart gawked at the sight of this newly transformed Lucario.

"This...This looks like a vengeful spirit..." Hollow uttered. "It's furious about something. And I guess possessing the others is one way to increase its chance of getting us."

"Why us?!" Flash Sentry asked.

"Vengeful spirits will go after practically anyone. And we're certainly not safe even in this mind right now!" Hollow exclaimed as the giant claw of the Spectral Lucario came flying down. He ran off, picking Spiritomb off the ground as Flurry Heart and the others dashed away before they could be hit.

Trixie and the controlled Golurk had promptly followed them. The Golurk had used their jet boosters to gain better speed that would allow them to keep up and potentially outpace their targets.

"How come the Golurk are possessed?!" Flash had another question.

"Golurk's an automaton! Even it's not safe from Ghosts despite being a Gh-" Just as Hollow explained, a giant claw emerged from the walls, passing through it and almost grabbing him.

The group then went upstairs, hopefully finding a way to lose their pursuers. But more importantly, freeing them and finding a way out of here. As they went upstairs, they came across Fantina who was currently undergoing the same issue as them. A spectre of a similar origin but a different voice was right behind her. And since Fantina was heading downstairs while everyone else was heading upstairs.

"Another one?!" Flurry Heart screeched as the second spectral force was about to grab both Fantina and her Mismagius.

"Make a collision, all of you! Rapidement!" Fantina suggested. They did just that. Once they came across each other, the two of them had juked out their pursuers, causing them to crash into each other.

Fantina did it with grace, elegantly jumping over Trixie and the others while Hollow and his group took a simplistic approach, ducking underneath the second spectre.

The collision caused them to fall over, tumbling down the stairs as Fantina and her Mismagius ran back up the stairs instead of going downwards. They were now all upstairs. But it didn't take long for their pursuers to recover.

In fact, the Spectral Lucario received before anyone else, howling with both the sound of a man and a Lucario. It had then chased them down, ravaging the stairs with its swift movements.

"Oooh..." Trixie and the Golurk, despite being under the Ghost's control, could still feel the pain they had taken. Some of Trixie was still in there as she whimpered, holding her head.

The chase continued. Fantina and those that weren't controlled entered some of the many rooms that already had open doors. Trixie got ahead of the Spectral Lucario, heading for one of the rooms that they had entered. Only for the door to be shut, causing her to crash into it. "Oof!"

"Sorry, Trixie!" Flurry Heart apologized from the other room. Just then, before the pursuers could enter the room, out of the next door, Fantina's group had exited out of another door from another room that quickly. But now there was confusion as they all didn't stick to the same doors.

Flash and FLurry Heart ran to another nearby room. Pidgeot and both Mismagius did the same while Fantina, Hollow and the currently-being-held Spiritomb went for another. The two spectres, Golurk and Trixie promptly split up to try and cover some ground.

However, this only led to chaos as there was a constant back and forth of room swapping. One of the many disadvantages to having such a massive mansion.

Once everyone was inside one room, the doors had closed. Only to then later open with Flurry Heart flying away from one of the Golurk. The door that Flurry Heart went through was still open as Hollow had also passed through it. Not only that, but he ended up passing Golurk who hadn't yet realized this whiff.

Golurk then turned around, running back to the room that it saw Hollow enter next only to crash into another Golurk that was coming through the same door, causing them to stagger for a bit. They then went back into rooms.

Next, Fantina could be seen escaping from the spectres, running into another room. Seconds later, she was running out of that exact same room, however, by some bizarre turn of events for a bit, she was the one chasing the spectres down. Albeit momentarily.

Then it was just a rapid mess with everyone swapping places without them knowing or realizing it seconds later with the sounds of doors being opened filling the room.

Trixie then went up to one of the doors, seeing that Flash had entered it, shutting it tight. She tried opening it by pushing her hooves onto the door but not to no avail. Then suddenly, lost in the confusion, Flurry Heart did the same, assisting the spectre-controlled Trixie in trying to open the shut door.

"Hm?" Flurry Heart had just noticed this and so did the mind-controlled Trixie. "Gah!" She screeched before running off. She grabbed Trixie's attention afterwards.

The Spectral Lucario had enough as it had charged up an Aura Sphere, standing in the middle of the upper hallway. The Aura Sphere had a ghostly Aura around it as it was slammed onto the floor. A dome-shaped explosion occurred, causing everyone to stop moving.

"Oh my Arceus!" Fantina gasped before seeing the explosion coming their way. "Mismagius, Protect!"

"Mismagius!" The Magical Pokemon quickly put up a protective shield around everyone else. Trixie's Mismagius did the same, also having Protect. The explosion ravaged through the house, blowing the ceiling off. The rooms had also been blown back by this.

Mismagius had also made sure to put a shield around Trixie and the Golurk despite them being under the control of the spectres. Once the explosion subsided, the roof had been blown off, revealing the night sky.

The Protect screen had been lowered as Mismagius flew over towards Trixie. "Mismag!" She cried out her name. Trixie still felt dazed before noticing Mismagius approaching. The spectre-controlled Trixie then raised her hooves at Mismagius, trying to scare her. But that wasn't happening. "Mag?"

"That was a close one..." Flash sighed. "If we get hurt in here, who knows what'll happen on the outside? What do we do now?"

Just as he wondered that, both spectres started howling once more with three voices coming out. After blowing the roof off with that giant Aura Sphere, the two spectres started merging all of a sudden. Hollow and the group watched as they formed to make one bigger spectre.

The spectre suddenly had three faces popping out of it with six arms. A bellow in the night sky, a beat of a heart echoed from this spectre. Eight harrowing eyes stared at them with an immobilizing force while also bellowing thunders from its combined mouth as if it were a battle cry. The sound of a Lucario, a man and a woman echoed out.

"That voice again!" Fantina pointed at the merged creature. "This house must've belonged to whoever's voice is within that ghost. Including the Lucario I saw in the picture."

"I didn't see a Lucario. We saw an Aura Guardian in the one in the kitchen." Hollow replied.

"I saw the Aura Guardian too...Cela signifie! Two different pictures!" Fantina gasped. "This is their home!"

"And they're mad at us still?! What does this have to do with Delayed Aura Ataxia also?!" Flash asked.

"The Lucario and Aura Guardian are self-explanatory. But I think the time for letting them rest easy has passed. They're out to destroy us now." Hollow replied. "And if we don't do something, we could end up ghosts in this realm forever."

"There's enough space thanks to that explosion so..." Flurry Heart then stepped forward, gulping as she held out an Ultra Ball. It was time for Giratina to appear. "Go! Giratina!"

Out of the Poke Ball emerged the Renegade Pokemon Giratina with a greater tone. With enough space, Giratina could float about without an issue. Fantina and Hollow collectively gasped as they never expected her to have a Giratina just casually on hoof.

The three heads roared at Giratina, only for the Ghost-Dragon to roar back at them. Flurry Heart then climbed onto Giratina's face, putting on a serious face instead of one where she was afraid. Just as she got on Giratina, moving to the top of his head, Flurry Heart looked at her surroundings and the destruction caused.

She then saw the room where Fantina previously was before the chase ensued. The picture was within her sights due to the height she had on Giratina's head. The moonlight beamed onto it. She could now see all three of them in this picture.

"So that's what it is..." She said to herself before facing the three-headed spectre. "First, I'm going to knock the ghost out yu all. Scary Face!"

Giratina looked at Trixie, the guards and the Golurk, giving off a face that was a million times more terrifying than what Trixie had done earlier. And it was so terrifying due to all of the horrible things Giratina was inserting into their minds, it scared the spectres out of them.

"WAAAAH!" Trixie screeched as she had seen something truly heinous. And in a sense, Flurry Heart paid her back for those times she scared her. Which were recent. "Hah...Hah..." Trixie started hyperventilating as Mismagius went to hug her.


"Delayed Aura Ataxia is the reason for this, isn't it?" Flurry Heart spoke to the spectre. "It ended up making things hard for you. And I guess you lost someone close to you because of it. The Aura Guardian. I'm sorry about that. I miss my parents from my universe too. I don't know where they are."

The spectre paused for a moment, listening to what Flurry Heart had to say. Indeed, Flurry Heart could relate to the spectre in a way. Her parents from her universe were still stone and their location was unknown sadly The Aura Guardian here looked to have a family with seemingly his wife and the Lucario that was by his side.

However, the spectre's rage was so immense that it was beyond reasoning with. All of that anger and sadness had formed into all three of them exacting vengeance on what was known as the Universe's Malison. Another name for Delayed Aura Ataxia. But it was mainly Lucario who was the most distraught.

"But...I won't allow you to take your anger out on us." Flurry Heart then changed her tone. "I've got a family that I want to head back to soon. And another one I want to find and free."

"She's right," Hollow replied, holding his head. "I've got a kid incoming and I can't be stuck here. That would hurt Jewel. I need to be there for my kid."

"Well said, Hollow." Fantina placed his hand on Hollow's shoulder. "But I feel for this spectre...How tragique."

The spectre then gave a thundering roar, rushing at Giratina with its eight massive claws. This would be Furry Heart's first major battle with Giratina and she wasn't ready to lose here of all places.

"Giratina! Use Iron Head!"

The Renegade Pokemon's head hardened as it charged forward, butting heads with the spectre's three heads. However, before the spectre could grab Giratina, the might of Iron Head had staggered it, knocking it back.

"Shadow Ball!" Hollow, Fantina and Trixie joined in with all three of their Pokemon using Shadow Ball.

"Spiritomb!" Spiritomb summoned its Shadow Ball in the middle as Trixie's Mismagius and Fantina's Mismagius ended up representing the traits of their trainers. Fantina loved contests and Trixie lowed putting on a show. So, fittingly, the two Mismagius had placed their Shadow Balls beside Spirtomb's making a V-Symbol. Afterwards, they had been unleashed, hitting the three-headed spectre square in all three of its heads.

"Pidgeot, Brave Bird!"

"Golurk, use Shadow Punch!"

"Pidgeot!" Pidgeot eliminated himself in a blazing aura of fire, zooming towards the spectre while the three Golurk had held their hands out. Their hands then sent out shadowy hands, each perfect for the three heads and the body. As Pidgeot crashed into the spectre, the six fists had smashed into the spectre.

"If you're a Ghost similar to Pokemon Ghosts then let's see if you can ignore this!" Flurry Heart's eyes flashed with a purple glow. "Hyper Beam!"

Giratina opened its mouth, summoning a gigantic sphere of Infinity Energy. Out of that sphere came a raging beam that tore through the house walls.

The three-headed spectre saw this coming, using Aura Sphere with all six of its claws, sending them towards the beam. But it was to no avail. Giratina's Hyper Beam was too much as it tore through the attacks. Indeed, these Ghosts were not immune to Normal-Type moves as opposed to Pokemon Ghosts. It didn't help that Lucario was still a Fighting-Type through and through.

A much bigger explosion than what Lucario had done earlier was made. But one that no one needed to move away from at all as Flurry Heart watched it all erupt with a mighty blaze.

The spectre couldn't handle that at all. Giratina proved to be the superior Ghost along with the assistance of other Ghosts. Plus Pidgeot. The three heads had vanished as the spectre reverted to a Lucario.

The two remaining heads flowed into the night sky wind, being carried by its cold embrace. After that ended, the Ethereal Lucario sat on the floor with its head down. But then, it started crying, as noticed by Flurry Heart.

Despite all of this, Flurry Heart still felt for Lucario, knowing what it had lost. The young alicorn hopped off of Giratina to meet with the Ethereal Lucario.

Just then, the Ethereal Lucario was met with a hug. Something that it didn't expect. But only Flurry Heart, sharing the loving heart of her mother could grant this.

"I'm sorry, Lucario." She said to the teary-eyed Pokemon. "Really. But it's time for you to move on. And leave the rest to us."


"Your friends are waiting for you on the other side, aren't they?" She pulled back, giving the Aura Pokemon a smile to comfort it. Lucario then wiped its ethereal tears before agreeing on that. This was years ago. Way before even Hollow or Fantina were born.

Lucario missed them for that long. And the age of this house showed just how long it truly was. Lucario struggled to accept it but thanks to Flurry Heart, it knew that it had to continue.

"Go to them, Lucario. And as for me, I'll go to the ones I love as well. Let's both reunite with them, okay?"

A new door had appeared at the end of this nearly destroyed hallway. A door that led to the Dragon-Type area. This was thanks to what Flurry Heart had done. This would lead to the realms outside.

Lucario then sat there for a moment before having its body suddenly fade away, being carried into the nighty sky with the two wisps. Everyone looked up to see a visage appearing. The visage of two humans holding their arms out. The lady and the Aura Guardian. And Lucario held its arms out, ready to grab those loving hands.

Flurry Heart and the others could leave now as they went for the door. She returned Giratina promptly as Trixie still felt perplexed. "What a scare..."

"I thought you were the one meant to be doing the scaring, Trixie." Flurry Heart giggled, nudging the unicorn. "You sure scared me back there."

"Okay, okay. Fair play, princess."

"That was émouvante, Princess Flurry Heart." Fantina complimented. "You truly are your mother's daughter."

"Mm. And that was a fine resolve you showed there." So did Hollow.

"Good job, princess!" Flash Sentry saluted.

"Aw geez..." Flurry Heart could only blush with embarrassment from these compliments. "You guys!"

2 doors with 2 realms have been dealt with, receiving some form of closure. Now only 16 doors remained with 16 types that most likely had the force of Aura in them for everyone as the journey continues.

Chapter 643 End.

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