• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Thorns around Coronet

Sinnoh. Hearthome City. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

Arriving at the Pokemon World for the first time, the Lich Queen Rosa Maledicta already spread out her horrifying presence and magic. Starting from the thorns that overtook the lush fields of Route 208 to now sending an uncomfortable feeling through Hearthome City.

The people, ponies and Pokemon here at Hearthome couldn't describe what they were feeling. They felt something truly horrible nearby, but couldn't spot what it was even though the cause of it was sitting comfortably in this city. However, not all of them were affected by Rosa Maledicta's presence.

Fantina, the Hearthome City Gym Leader was unphased. And this greatly interested Rosa, who was casually sitting at Amity Park. The fact there was someone out there who was unaffected by her presence within an area that was a massive contrast from the eerie Magehold was bizarre, to say the least.

"Are you alright?" Fantina noticed how everyone here was feeling off compared to how ecstatic they were minutes ago and yesterday.

"I think so." A biker replied, holding her arm. Something about it felt numb yet she could still move it perfectly fine. But the biker lady continued to take in some deep breaths. "Not really."

The same went for everyone else. Everything hurt. Heads, chest, arms, hooves, etc. Granted, it wasn't so serious that they were all dropping but a part of them felt like it would get t that point eventually. The festive fun of this festival ceased for a bit as no one partook in any activities for a bit.

The humans, ponies and Pokemon then started gaining some fears. Just what Rosa wanted. Their fears were reasonable due to what they were feeling right now. What if there was no end to this pain? What if it got worse? These thoughts alone were enough to get their heart racing faster, never mind the pain itself. It'd probably take a simple and obvious decision to either give up or keep going at this point, but that decision just didn't seem to come.

Fantina was confused. Even more so when she something black around Mount Coronet. This was not the kind of excitement she enjoyed or was looking forward to. It was then that Fantina saw that there was only one individual here smiling while everyone had lost their smiles.

"You seem fine." Fantina went up to the Lich Queen Rosa Maledicta who was the unknown catalyst for all of this. "At least that's a good sign."

"So do you," Rosa replied as she was just as surprised by how not every single individual here was affected. Fantina was fine in every way. Unphased by Rosa's presence. "Why's that? If everyone else here is so disturbed by something, shouldn't you be disturbed too?"

"What would be disturbing them?" Fantina sat at the same table as Rosa. The Lich Queen saw that the further Fantina got, she still wasn't affected at all.

"Maybe something's shown up in the atmosphere to make them feel this way. Something so awful and heart-twistingly vile that they never expected to show up." Rosa then made subtle comments, referring to herself. She was even expecting Fantina to try and put the pieces together.

"If so...then I wouldn't be bothered by it." Fantina shocked Rosa with that answer, making her almost spill her drink in the process.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I've been around something like that before. It's when I was raised around my Ghost-Type Pokemon. And many other Ghost-Types in the past. So I believe I know a thing or two about vile and awful." She then chuckled, finding something to laugh about despite what was happening around her.

"So it's because of Ghost-Types then." By hearing this, Rosa had discovered that Fantina had built up an immunity to something akin to her ominous presence. Being raised around Ghost-Type Pokemon was a surprising beneficial factor.

By this revelation, potentially, other trainers who have been around Ghost-Types long enough or even own them could resist or even be immune to this presence. And the thought of it was somewhat annoying to Rosa. She also felt lucky that neither of the vampires were here to see this. Even the vampires, despite how natural they were around the Lich Queen, still feel a sense of fear, especially when it comes to failure. But that was only the benefit of living in Magehold.

Just then, a sound echoed across the sky that was far from here but loud enough to be heard by many others. Especially here at Hearthome. It came from Mount Coronet. One of the thorns broke off the walls again, causing a booming sound to go off.

"What's happening today?!" Fantina stood up after seeing some rocks drop from Mount Coronet. Rosa knew exactly what this was. The thorns were having their fun, focusing all their efforts on Mount Coronet.

Others decided to try and clear their heads if that would work. That would mean going to a more secluded area such as the routes which were usually peaceful. However, the second a group of them decided to do so, they were immediately met with something that stopped them in their tracks.

They could take a step outside of Hearthome. When trying to do so, they all immediately moved back, unable to go any further as they shuddered. It was as if there was something too great forcing them to stay back.

"What now?" A disgruntled pony commented as there was something in the way. Something no one could see. Just like the presence that Rosa Maledicta exuded just by being here. In fact, when trying to move forward, only to be blocked again, this originated from Rosa Maledicta as well.

She didn't create a forcefield out of magic. Nothing like that. Instead, her presence was so great that it forbid anyone else from leaving. And to her advantage, no one could figure out that she was the cause. Just by her presence alone, not only could she afflict many others and send an uncomfortable sensation through them but it was so great that no one could leave even if they wanted to.

But even though Rosa knew this, there was still the wild card of Fantina. While she was immune to Rosa's presence, could the same be said for the invisible blockade?

"Excusez-moi... I should get them some help." Fantina offered to help everyone, unable to see them all in a troubled state. "Oh. Would you like to help me?"

"Help you?"

"Oui. You seem fine too. Maybe you can help use some magic for this." Fantina requested the Lich Queen's assistance before heading to the people, ponies and Pokemon to try and do what she could.

"I'll use my magic, alright." Rosa spoke to herself as a tiny black and purple crackle of magic appeared on the tip of her horn. She already had something in mind. "Maybe, I can use you all for future purposes. Especially you." She had her eyes on Fantina. Already, Fantina intrigued her just for her immunity. But now, Rosa could feel that someone like Fantina might be someone she would want down the road.

Mount Coronet.

Meanwhile, over at Mount Coronet, the CMC and all the Pokemon at Mount Coronet were currently in a similar position to the crowd back at Hearthome City. However, instead of being blocked off from leaving via Rosa's presence, they were instead physically blocked off by the ridiculous abundance of thorns that wrapped around the entire mountain with various layers.

Right now, various thorns were pursuing and attacking those that were locked in the mountain. Scootaloo and her Quilava were currently on the run from these thorns with Quilava providing support, burning away at the thorns with every chance he had by stopping and running each passing minute. But even when using Flamethrower on these thorns, there were still so many of them showing up and more to come.

When running up ahead, Scootaloo was met with new thorns that broke through the walls, blocking her way. She gasped, falling on her back as that luckily helped her avoid the incoming thorns. But it was only a stroke of luck. More of them were coming.

When they turned around to try again, Quilava came to Scootaloo's rescue once more, burning them thorns away with Flamethrower, creating another close call.

"Thanks again, Quilava..." Scootaloo sighed, laying on her back. "But why are there so many? No one told me that Mount Coronet would have so many thorns that acted like this."


"Everyone else!" Scootaloo gasped, sitting up before realizing all of her friends were in equal jeopardy. These thorns were plentiful and there was more than enough for everyone here. Scootaloo had to find her friends as soon as she could and right now, she needed a faster way to travel.

Luckily, there was the Pokemon for the job. Her Rapidash.

"I need your help! Rapidash!" Scootaloo launched the Poke Ball into the air as Rapidash was ready to emerge. However, after seeing Silver Spoon send out Glameow, the thorns detected life within these strange objects.

Instantly, when the Poke Ball was unleashed, the thorn took action. It rushed over to Rapidash's Poke Ball, immediately knocking it away. Scootaloo and Quilava equally opened their mouths and widened their eyes in absolute shock and horror as Rapidash's Poke Ball had not only been knocked away but it was sent outside of the mountain thanks to the various holes these thorns had made.

"Rapidash! NO!" Scootaloo bellowed after seeing Rapidash's Poke Ball fall out of the mountain. Just like that, her strongest and fastest Pokemon had been taken out of the equation, falling off Mount Coronet with his Poke Ball. Scootaloo couldn't believe her eyes as tears could be seen forming.

Despite being blocked off, the thorns opened up a passageway just for Rapidash's Poke Ball, sending it away from Mount Coronet in the process, only further upsetting the little pegasus.

But the thorns didn't have time for tears. They went on the offensive even at Scootaloo's time of shock. Quilava would try his best to push them away again, only for some new thorns to burst out of the ground, intercepting his actions.

"Quilava?!" Quilava's legs and neck were restrained by these lower thorns, preventing him from using Flamethrower. Soon, Quilava found himself restrained as he tried breaking free with Flame Wheel or even Rollout. But these thorns were so strong that curling his body or manipulating it in any way was pointless. "Lava!"

Quilava even tried using his back flames to bur the thorns away but after seeing Quilava's biology, the thorns were smart enough to avoid its flames at all costs.

"Quilava!" Scootaloo ran over, going for another Poke Ball. But, a blockade of thorns came in between her and Quilava, preventing her from going any further. Scootaloo came to a screeching halt as her face almost touched the sharp thorns, forming another close call.

The thorns didn't forget about Scootaloo. Seeing that Poke Balls could be found within saddle bags, the thorns went for those next. Scootaloo backed away as fast as she could, evading one of the thorns that tried to snag her bag. But she couldn't evade them forever. While Quilava was struggling, Scootaloo could be considered on her own but the rest of her Pokemon had yet to be unleashed.

The moment she backed up however, one of the thorns already occupied a nearby spot. Scootaloo bumped into one of the thorns, receiving a sharp poke in the process. Her wings took the most from this.

"Ow!" She cried out in pain as that moment of weakness was enough to give the thorns enough time to act. Scootaloo closed her eyes from the poke before having her saddlebag taken away by the constricting and vicious thorns that were quick to adapt to the scenario. "Hey! That's mine!" She cried out with one eye open. The moment she raised her hoof, the thorns were cruel enough to wrap around them first, finally getting a hold of the pegasus.

Now Scootaloo was within their clutches just by this singular hoof grab. And judging by how her saddlebag was ripped away from her, there was a high chance it was about to get worse.

As for her friends, they weren't having an easier time at all. Across the levels of Mount Coronet, the thorns occupied everywhere at this point. And thanks to Scootaloo and Silver Spoon, they knew to target the Pokemon and the Poke Balls, seeing them as a threat.

Speaking of Silver Spoon, she and Glameow were on the run from these slithering thorns, trying their best to escape. They've been running for a while but these dark thorns were relentless, popping up and showing up in different areas.

"Glameow!" Glameow cut through some of the thorns that were up ahead with Aerial Ace, successfully clearing the way. But when one was struck down, dozens more would show up. Such was the nature of these thorns. Overwhelming numbers that adapted were the way to go.

The thorns had also grown strong enough to affect the various levels. The ground beneath Silver Spoon started shaking, causing Silver Spoon to lose her balance and stop galloping in the process. "Oh!" She gasped, nearly falling over once the ground quaked.

Cleverly thought by these dark thorns, their adaptation skills were superbly fast as the moment they shook the ground, they also broke it apart. Cracks formed, resulting in this level of Mount Coronet to give out. And once that happened, Silver Spoon and Glameow fell.

"G-Glameow!" The Catty Pokemon and her trainer screamed while falling from a fairly high level, only to be caught by the thorns. They wrapped around Silver Spoon's legs and Glameow's springtail. Silver Spoon lost something more than her saddlebag, which didn't contain any more Pokemon but just spare Poke Balls.

Her glasses were gone too, dropping from her face and down to the next level which was fairly high up from here.

"M-My glasses! I can't see without my glasses!" She cried out as she had those glasses for a reason. Instantly, her vision had been obscured, giving her only a blurry sight of everything around her. She couldn't even see how far her glasses had dropped.

And this pleased the thorns.

The thorns felt satisfaction from this, seeing Silver Spoon lose something that she needed and holding her in this position. These thorns shared the same craving for suffering that their creator, Rosa Maledicta enjoyed.

And of course, it wanted to make others suffer. It already caught Scootaloo and Silver Spoon. Many more within this mountain remained.

Right now, the Pokemon that lived in this mountain were fighting back against the thorns and were successful in destroying them. But this was to the thorn's advantage. Each time it was burnt, slashed, obliterated, torn apart and many other forms of destruction, it was adapting.

Absol cut them apart. The Machokes and Gyarados tore them apart with brute force. Clefairy, Golbat, Meditite and the three Medicham from before along with many others had the means to stop these thorns.

After receiving so much damage, the thorns adapted to these struggles. They adapted once more to grow stronger and more resistant. The moment Absol tried using Night Slash once more, it discovered that its horn was unable to smoothly cut through the thorns like before. "Sol?!"

"M-Machoke?!" The Machokes were equally surprised as their brute strength had failed to rip through the thorns yet again. These thorns had grown thicker enough to resist the Machokes grand strength. Even when they tried grabbing them, the thorns became heavier, forcing the Machokes to exert more physical strength than what they usually use.

Every Pokemon's natural way of dealing with these thorns had been countered by the growth of these thorns. When using their fast reflexes to evade these thorns, the Medicham discovered that the thorns had adapted fast enough to keep up with them, catching them when they managed to evade a few.

The thorns were giving them a hard time in every category, forcing the Pokemon to feel the pressure and potentially, at this rate, back them into a corner.

Diamond Tiara was on the back of her Liepard, using Liepard's speed to her advantage. But once again, the thorns had already grown fast enough to keep up with even Liepard. These thorns were all connected and could grow in unison, flourishing perfectly. They kept up with Liepard, pacing right next to her.

Liepard came across one of the open walls that the thorns broke through, which led to the outside. Forced to come to a screeching halt, Liepard would potentially fall off the mountain as Diamond Tiara held on to dear life. Liepard stopped right on time as her feet were right near the edge of the mountain. If she went any faster, there would've been a horrible and messy end.

But now, she was corned by various thorns that wouldn't hesitate to mess with her off the edge. Not only that but there were more thorns in front of her since the entire mountain had been blocked off. And even if she found a way to break free, more were waiting beyond this mountain.

As for Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, at the same time, they had already been backed into a corner, surrounded by a garden of thorns. They had the urge to take out their Poke Balls but if they did, the thorns would not hesitate. And they knew it. A sense of dread filled the atmosphere which greatly satisfied the thorns.

When trying to use her magic to blast away the thorns, her magic rays bounced off the thorns. They were strong enough to counter a Machokes strength after all. Thankfully for Sweetie Belle, she wouldn't need her hooves to take out her Poke Balls. She had the advantage of Magic.

"Meowstic! Prinplup!" Sweetie Belle quickly sent out Meowstic and Prinplup but she only gave the thorns a new way to stop the Pokemon from appearing. Sweetie Belle's unicorn horn was now another target.


"Prinplup!" Meowstic and Prinplup came to Sweetie Belle's aid as Prinplup used his razor-sharp flippers to block the incoming thorns, but the sharpness wasn't an issue for the thorns anymore. Neither were Psychic capabilities even when Meowstic used Psyshock on them.

Some of the thorns were pushed back by Psyshock, only to recover right afterwards, assaulting Meowstic and Prinplup. Meowstic and Prinplup were counted in a matter of seconds, whipped multiple times before being pushed away. These thorns had grown too powerful.

It was all a matter of numbers. The number of damage they had taken from different Pokemon and how the number of more thorns they can produce. Truly, this was only something that a Lich Queen could create just by appearing in this world for the first time.

They overwhelmingly towered over Sweetie Belle and her Pokemon, casting massive shadows. As if there wasn't any way out of here already. Meowstic and Prinplup continued to struggle against these thorns as her saddlebag was the next big target.

When trying to use her magic the thorns already crept up from underneath, using their increased size just to overwhelm the little unicorn. Sweetie Belle's magic wasn't strong enough as not only was she poked and knocked away but the saddlebag was ripped from her with ease.

"I need help...Someone help!" Sweetie Belle cried out for some more help at the top of her lungs. But everyone here needed help.

And that cry for help would become something special for someone to hear.

Unova. Arcane Sea. Afternoon.

Only one individual heard Sweetie Belle's cry for help. The word 'Help' was a massive word for this individual. Standing at the Arcane Sea on the back of his Lapras was none other than Galaxy Master.

He heard her voice. Sweetie Belle's voice resonated with him from the sheer intensity of it. Despite being in a completely different region, for this fictional character brought to life, that wasn't an issue.

"!" He gasped after hearing a serious plea. Much like how he was able to show up at Geosenge Town for the vampires, being too late since the problem had been solved, he received another alert from another region.

Galaxy Master was no stranger to this thanks to Geosenge Town. And after hearing this, he decided to move. Despite being here at the Arcane Sea for the Rift, someone else was crying out for help and he couldn't ignore this.

"A cry of help!" He exclaimed. "Pikachu! Lapras! We can finish gathering the water from these seas later!"



"Right now...a desperate cry for help is near." Galaxy Master switched his current action to focus on something else entirely. And just when he had gotten this far. "Thank you for your help, Lapras. But we'll head there in our light forms."

"Lapras!" Lapras was happy to help. Galaxy Master returned her as stardust, absorbing her into his arm. Lapras would be needed again once they return to the Arcane Sea. Galaxy Master and Pikachu could only reach a certain destination on time because of one reason.

They had the power to become light. More specifically, light that greatly resembled the light from the Sea Temple's crystals. Once Lapras was gone, they didn't even touch the sea. Instead, they turned bodies into light, wasting no further time.

While they couldn't move at the speed of light, they could travel fairly fast either way. Fast enough to leave the vast Arcane Sea and also enough to appear hidden with the brightness of the azure skies and the Sun.

However, they weren't the only ones here. This entire time, Darkrai had been here, knowing that Galaxy Master would come after a place this special and loaded with Rift Energy. He had the right assumption as he saw their bodies of light travel above them. Darkrai hadn't touched the sea of Rift Energy at all, merely staying hidden far enough to be undetectable. A shame there weren't any shadows here.

The Pitch Black Pokemon would wait here for their return, knowing that there was too much Rift Energy here to ignore or even leave behind considering their goal.

Sinnoh. Mount Coronet. Afternoon.

Despair had already come to Mount Coronet. First Hearthome and now Mount Coronet, though Hearthome wasn't suffering as much as what was happening at Mount Coronet.

The thorns were clearly dominant in all of this. The Pokemon were doing what they could but it just wasn't enough. There were too many of them and they were only growing by the second in terms of adaptability. Their options were running low as the thorns were toying around with them.

Diamond Tiara and her Liepard had been caught due to their limited options as well as Apple Bloom being caught as well. Her Poke Balls were all being held up with the thorns keeping them and teasing her in the process. By how things looked, it would be obvious that the thorns would emerge victorious.

That is until a flash of light came bursting through. Two of them.

From the skies, flying straight through some of the thorns from the outside that blocked Mount Coronet, two bodies of light had managed to break through them.

The thorns that restrained the Poke Balls and Apple Bloom had been obliterated by this light, disintegrating in the process as it was unexpectedly sensitive. Apple Bloom had been dropped, saved by these beams of light as her Pokemon were free as well. Not a dent on the Poke Balls had been made as the thorns in this area had backed away.

"W-What in tarnation...?" Apple Bloom groaned, holding her head after being dropped. She turned her attention away from the thorns and instead towards the beams of light that showed up.

Galaxy Master and Pikachu made their grand entrance. Right after breaking through the vines, they left their light and bodies and introduced themselves to the earth pony who was still a bit bewildered. And she was about to be even more bewildered once these two individuals had arrived.

A call for a hero had been made and only one of them could hear that call as the journey continues.

Chapter 863 End.

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