• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Cosmic Threat! A hopeful resolution

Kanto Region. Pallet Town. Day.

"Boy. Take me to Radiant Hope." Over at the Ketchum Household, Sombra ordered Ash to take him to the one pony he still considered a friend. Radiant Hope.

"Radiant Hope? Uh...how are we gonna find her when you bring that up?" Ash asked as there wasn't any major lead on Radiant Hope that he could think of. They met her once and she vanished afterwards.

"You and your friends manage to find a way. Somehow. Either by absolute talent or absolute luck. Do that and lead me to Radiant Hope. She's out there somewhere. And I need you to find her."

"Well, we've got ways of finding her. Pinkie Pie's Slurpuff have some extra good scent. All we need is Radiant Hope's scent and they can track her down, no problem."


"We'll do just that. Are ya trying to tie up loose ends with her?" Ash asked before leaving the house.

"None of your business. Even though we are stuck so it will be your business. But, I couldn't leave things how they were before. Radiant Hope had rejected her destiny as a princess just for me. And what did I do? Go on to fulfil my destiny without even trying to reject it once. I simply accepted what the Umbrum and the Crystal Heart showed me. I am already too late considering what I am right now."

"It's not too late." Ash thought otherwise. "Sure you became this, but it's never too late to try something new, ya know."


"Why is it that you show so much faith in me? You know what will happen when I am eventually freed, don't you?"

"I just wanna help others. That's all there is to it." Ash replied with those two sentences. His drive to help out others with the right intention was still as strong as ever.

"You're an odd one. Too odd for me." That's all Sombra could reply with as they had approached the gateway to the otherworld, ready to visit good old Equestria.

However, the moment Ash got close to the gateway, he was met with a violent root that had sprung out of the ground. Ash and Pikachu jumped back as this ferocious root emerged by ripping apart the ground with a small hole, threatening to grab Ash as it was focused on him.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail!"

"Chu...Pika!" Acting quickly, Pikachu leapt forward, protecting his best friend by hardening his tail and slashing the root. The root had been cut in half, before dropping to the ground. It had then withered away as it left as soon as it had attacked.

"That was close...What was that about?" Ash wondered, looking at the withering root and its final pieces before it vanished out of existence. Sombra looked back at the remains of the roots, noticing how small cosmic particles dispersed along with them. The hole that the roots had emerged from eventually closed up.

EquestriaPonyville. Sugarcube Corner.

Over at SugarCube Corner, they went to the one pony who owned Pokemon that could sniff out anyone as long as they had a semblance of them. Pinkie Pie and her 6 Slurpuff.

"So. A pony called Radiant Hope, eh?" Pinkie Pie spoke. "Yeah, we can totally find her. All we need is something from her for Slurpuff to track down.

"Only thing I can think of is her home. Unless you kept something behind from her, Sombra," said Ash.

"Ooh. Is she somepony special?" Pinkie Pie teased the former ruler of the Crystal Empire nudging him. "I didn't know you had it in you, Sombra."

"Hush you!" Sombra bellowed, causing Pinkie to back away, chuckling afterwards, "She is special but that is as far as you go when mentioning her relationship to me. Her home at the Crystal Empire is the last thing left about her. Just help find here and that will be all."

"Sure thing." Pinkie smirked as she could see right through Sombra all too well. "Let's get ourselves ready for the Crystal Empire. Jade, we're heading out!" She bellowed for Jade Skies.

Before they would go, Ash decided to grab himself a quick snack for the day. As if it had appeared right as he thought about it, a piece of cake popped up on the table nearby, perfectly sliced and on a plate. "Say, Pinkie. Mind if I have that slice?"

"Huh? There wasn't a cake made today or yesterday but..sure! Nopony's having it." Pinkie replied, but she was slightly
confused about where this slice came from. He was free to costume it. However, Sombra kept his eye on the slice, observing it for a bit. Once Ash picked it up, Sombra could notice the familiar cosmic particles emanating out of them as they were fairly microscopic.

"Don't!" Sombra reacted by using his head to headbutt the slice of cake out of Ash's hands. The cake flew off before combusting with cosmic energy, startling everyone here. The combustion of cosmic energy was revealed to be Rift Energy as it had torn apart the walls.

"Woah!" Pinkie's eyes almost popped out of her head. Part of the wall had been ripped apart as Mr and Mrs Cake ran over to see the destruction.

"What happened here?!" They both screamed as Jade wasn't as surprised as everyone here.


"That slice of cake held Rift Energy from the looks of its particles," Sombra observed. "It only took me two glances, but it's clear that Rift-related attacks have been attempted."

"Oh. It is?" Jade spoke as she was holding a second slice. Everyone gasped, fearing that Jade would get ripped apart. But Jade had already taken one bite from the cake seconds ago. However, Jade seemed completely fine. "Seems fine to me. Tasty."

"Hoh..." Mrs Cake almost fainted.

"Man, first the root now this? These are some surprises..." Ash scratched his hair.


"Those surprises are attempted and on purpose. The second time in the row was enough to let me know so." Sombra was ahead of the curve, knowing that two surprise attacks such as that from a random root attack to an exploding slice of cake were not natural. Even for the Pokemon World. "I know what this clearly is."

"Well, what is it? Don't keep us in suspense." Pinkie hopped on the table, eager to know along with everyone else.

"This and the root from before were attempted assassinations. Someone is out to get you, boy." Sombra revealed. The atmosphere became silent along with everything inside of SugarCube Corner. Jade simply continued to eat the slice of cake, remaining just as silent even with visible movements.

Out there somewhere, Ash was a prime target for someone. Someone that definitely did not want him around. And the options were both limited yet known. Ash has made his fair share of enemies. Some are locked up, some are in other universes and some are still out there, roaming the world.

"Aw, man. Again?"

"Exa- Again?!" Sombra took a moment to process Ash's words as they threw him off. "This has happened before?!"

"Yeah, you should've seen it. Most of Equestria went out to try and attack Ash," said Pinkie Pie. "It all started with this Pokemon Hunter named J. Pretty scary lady by the way. She had this Desire that was all about her wanting revenge on Ash. Then it got super out of control by affecting a whole bunch of ponies and Pokemon in Equestria, which had them chase down Ash from here to Johto." Pinkie broke it down in a simple yet lengthy way for Sombra to process. "Good times."

"I see..."

"So is it J again? If so, then what's she got access to if she can make exploding cake and roots come out of nowhere?" Ash wondered.

"That certainly was not that Pokemon Hunter J that you mentioned. Not at all. I have a clear-cut idea." Sombra already had a good idea of who was responsible for this. It was clear as day for him. "Boy. You are being targeted by the Rift."

"The Rift?" Pinkie Pie and the Cake Family each said.

"It all makes too much sense." Sombra shook his head. "While I said nothing back then, I am still aware of your actions. And what happened back at that Holon Region within that lake is evidence enough of why it would target you."

"Oh yeah...You mean what happened with me and my Aura?" Ash was catching on, already remembering the incident back at the Holon Region when he, Twilight, Pikachu and Espeon entered a gateway, staying within it for a bit. He could remember it now.

It was when Ash had managed to unleash so much Aura whilst holding on to Sir Aaron's Staff that was powerful enough to not just reach the Rift, but also damage it. It was the first time he, Twilight, Pikachu and Espeon, and anyone had seen the Rift injured. Visibly too. Ash remembered how parts of the Rift had been dissolved with a powerful cosmic scream being let out to sell the impact of it.

Naturally, after that shocking attack, the Rift did almost lash out at Ash before retreating to recover. Now that time has passed, it looked like that bottled anger from before had been released, targeting the one who had injured the Rift. Ash Ketchum.

"Right now, you are in grave danger, boy." Sombra circled Ash. "Possibly the greatest you will ever be in depending on where things go. You are singlehandedly the biggest target for arguably the most powerful force in existence."

"Oh! Ash! Are you going to be alright?!" Mrs Cake ran up to him. "I mean, this is much larger than what that Pokemon Hunter did no doubt!"

"S-Should we call for Princess Celestia?" Mr Cake suggested. "Ash your life is in danger!"

"Too much danger! Now it's a whole cosmic force coming after you!" Pinkie pIe lunged onto Ash, holding his shirt. "If having Equestria come after you was like a whole country then...the Rift is like an entire universe! Am I getting that right?"

"Everything you do could be coupled with danger along the way." Sombra continued. "The Rift will do what it can to exact revenge. But, there is a positive to this that I can see."

"Yeah? What's that?" Ash asked.

"If it wanted to get rid of you, it would've done so with a larger scale attempt. From what I can predict, that Aura Attack that you hit it with must've hindered its cosmic abilities. I suspect that the Aura is still permeating within its body, causing it immense power and weakening its absurd power."

"Oooh, you did? Nice job, Ketchum!" Pinkie Pie's mood changed, nudging Ash for that.

"From now on, you will have to stay alert. And I will do everything in my limited power to keep you safe."

"You'd keep me safe, Sombra? Thanks."

"Don't get the wrong idea. You and I are connected. If you perish, I perish and I cannot afford that."

"Ah...Got it." Ash laughed as Sombra wasn't protecting Ash out of a kind heart. It was just for his own life. The plan to find Radiant Hope was still on. Pinkie Pie gathered her Slurpuff as they would all head for the Crystal Empire. But right now, Ash's life was being threatened by a cosmic force out of scorn.

But the trip to the Crystal Empire was not safe either. When getting on the train, Ash had been met with attacking doors. The doors from the train had flown off, multiplying as they threatened to hit Ash. Pikachu and Mew came to his rescue, using Iron Tail and Aura Sphere to break the doors apart. Just trying to get on the train was danger-inducing.

Once those train doors were broken, Ash could enter and take a seat. But even taking a seat was nothing but a bad sign. The moment he went to sit down, the seat of his choice acted as a wormhole, instantly gaining a gravitational pull to it. Ash grimaced, holding onto his hat.

Pinkie Pie, Pikachu, Mew and a few other ponies inside of the train went to grab a hold of Ash, preventing him from being sucked into the seat. Sombra had used his limited magic to attack the seat, obliterating it. With the seat destroyed, so was the wormhole that it had within it.

Ash sighed, taking a seat elsewhere. He knew that it was going to be a long day with this. He was more worried about everyone else around him than himself. While yes, his life was in danger, the ferocious attacks were enough to affect others around him.

The train started moving with nothing happening so far. Ash looked outside the window, wondering what he could do about these rampant attacks on him. The best thing he could think about was his Aura more than anything. It was the best counter to Rift Energy in every way. Rift Energy disobeys the law of reality while Aura was the natural flow of reality. They mirrored each other because of that.

Speaking of the train, the wheels of it had come off, causing the train itself to start losing control. Everyone on the train felt it rock. Ash and the others looked outside, witnessing the wheel fly off in the distance, leaving the train. With a missing wheel, the train was due for a massive incident with others in it.

Thankfully, Mew was there to stop it. Pinkie Pie had sent Mew outside, knowing what Pokemon he had to become to prevent an accident. Machamp. Mew had transformed into Machamp, gaining the absolute herculean strength that the Superpower Pokemon comes with.

Mew had used Machamp's colossal strength to grab the side of the train. His twenty fingers dug deep into the train, poking out and startling others. Mew could only stop this train instead of letting it continue moving. The horrible sound of the train wheels scraping on the rails could be heard, causing those who hated sounds like that to grimace, fall over or just cover their eyes. Or all three. The conductor curled into a ball, beginning to panic along with many others.

But thankfully, Mew managed to stop the train in its tracks, preventing it from moving any further. The train ride came to end, much to the chagrin of others who were trying to get somewhere. Mew looked over at Pinkie, giving a four-armed thumbs-up. Everyone was safe.

But Ash simply looked down with a less than thrill face. That instance threatened everyone on the train all because of the Rift's aim to exact revenge.

Everyone had gotten off of the train, deciding to travel to their destination by different methods. The train itself would have to be dealt with later on to make way for other trains. Ash, Sombra and Pinkie would do the same. But by air.

Pinkie Pie had turned into his favourite Pokemon to always turn into when giving a ride. Lugia. He emerged as the Water-Psychic-Type, giving them a ride to the Crystal Empire.

"This might get worse, Pinkie," Ash spoke to Pinkie Pie as they soared through the skies of Equestria.

"I hear ya. It's like we can't do much without the Rift being out to get you." Pinkie Pie shuddered. "Scary stuff. Finding Radiant Hope isn't gonna be super easy like we thought it would be with all of this."

"But we can find a way to stop all of these attacks." Ash looked to the bright side. "There has to be."

"There is," said Sombra. "That would be your Aura. The one thing that the Rift fears. It both protects you and allows you to combat anything Rift-related. That should be your ultimate form of protection. I doubt a magical barrier would be a good enough substitute. It should protect you from attacks within which is something that Rift cannot do with your body holding so much Aura. Outside attacks are another story."

"But how are we gonna do that? Ash would have to let his Aura be out all the time." Pinkie asked. "Can he do that? Can you do that, Ash?"

"Either way, you'll need to use that Aura to its full extent. Even if it means receiving that Delayed Aura Ataxia that you and other Aura users can suffer from."

"Yeah. I hear ya. But if there's something I can also use, it's Sir Aaron's Staff. Every time I use the staff, it just helps my Aura. Maybe that's the key." Ash wondered if Sir Aaron's staff was a good answer to this. But as he wondered, once they were getting close to the Crystal Empire with the frozen north being seen, the Rift attacked once more.

This time, it involved the snow and the weather. Grey clouds formed around the skies near the Crystal Empire and the Frozen North with Rift Particles emanating out of them. They looked up seeing a terrifying snowstorm along with a colossal snow tornado with ice shards inside of them emerging.

Out of the tornado, the shards had been launched, attacking the group as Mew was the first to have these shards hit him. They ducked from the mass shards coming their way as this snowstorm also threatened those at the Crystal Empire.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

"Mew, use Psyshock!"

"Pika...Chuuu!" Pikachu and Mew who had the size of Lugia unleashed 100,000 volts and three thick masses of Psychic energy toward the snow tornado. They managed to damage the tornado and its tremendous size.

They then managed to reach the Crystal Empire in time before it could get worse. Mew quickly descended into the empire. Everyone else had already gotten inside once they saw the snowstorm emerging for their own safety. Mew could return to his normal form, only to then feel the harsh chill with a smaller body. It was probably better for him to be a Lugia due to the resistance to anything ice-related. Aside from that, they were here.

The Crystal Empire. Afternoon.

They went directly to Radiant Hope's home as the snowstorm had come to an end. The Rift failed to use it against Ash. Pinkie Pie closed the door, looking outside to spot any potential threats that could show up and threaten her friend.

"We're good for now. Unless something else happens." Pinkie Pie sighed, sending out her 6 Slurpuff. They could get work with tracking Radiant Hope's scent.

Ash himself started thinking about a way to prevent all of these attacks as they were only worsening with each attempt. If it continued, it would reach larger scales and threaten more of Equestria's residents and soon maybe this whole world. Or even his world in other regions

Ash was a massive magnet for disaster at this rate. He wondered what he could do about this to at least slow the Rift's attacks down. "What to do...? Hmmm...?" The Champion of Alola sat on the floor, pondering. "Do you have any ideas, Sombra?"

"Why turn to me for ideas?" Sombra questioned.

"You've been around longer than me, so I figured you'd know more than me." He chuckled. "You're a king so you've gotta know what to do with these attempted attacks and all that, right?"


"We'd all like that." Pinkie Pie grinned, generally wanting anything to stop these attacks before they amp up to worse levels that could be cataclysmic.

"Hmph. I suppose so." Sombra took this chance to stroke his own ego. "If I were to ever be attacked in secrecy by those out to get me, there is one approach I would take. Destroy them from the inside."

"From the inside?" Ash and Pinkie Pie repeated.

"Precisely. And that approach works better than ever with this instance. Hear my words carefully, boy." Sombra smirked as Ash was all ears for this. "The Rift is a cosmic force. Meaning that everything it does can be performed in various ways based on its own boundless power. However, that can be prevented because of your Aura as any inner attacks are out of the question. Outside attacks, as I said before, are an issue. But, you can turn that against the Rift as well."

"Yeah...?" He slowly nodded, wondering where this was going.

"Everything the Rift does must be connected to it. Aura is like a disease to it. A parasite. If it were to come into direct contact with it, then the Aura would latch on, pushing it back."

"So what you're saying is...I gotta hit it with Aura each time it tries to get me?"

"Exactly. It may not stop all of its constant attacks on you, but with the effects it is still feeling from the previous encounter at Holon, another shot of it will be enough to make that cosmic entity hold back or even take more time to recover."

"Hmmm..." Ash thought about it for a moment. He wanted to help the Rift, returning it to its true form when it was once Lucien and Sienna before they were transformed via an accident. Harming the Rift wasn't exactly on his mind as even when he did it the first time, it was by sheer accident.

But Ash knew he had everyone else to protect. And if it meant holding back the Rift for a bit longer, then he would go for it. He was already thinking of a less violent way to use his Aura against the Rift for a better outcome.

"Alright. Let's do it." Ash agreed to it as Sombra nodded in approval.

"That's it, boy." Sombra's eyes flared green. "The next time it strikes, let it feel the fury of your Aura. You are a king. Therefore, it should feel the wrath of one."

"Mmm. Thanks for helping me out by the way, Sombra. It's great that you're looking out for me."


"Nonsense. I thought I already told you that it was to keep myself alive as well. I can't have you perishing with my life on the line." Sombra scoffed, still looking out for himself.

"Aw, don't be like that, Sombra." Pinkie Pie bounced over. "It's okay if you don't wanna admit it."

"You be quiet...!" Sombra snarled at Pinkie, causing the party to slide away. "Have you tracked her scent down already?"

"Slurpuff!" The Slurpuff had already done so the moment they were sent out of their Poke Balls. Radiant Hope's scent had been recognized. Even after years of being absent from the original homeowner, the Slurpuff could still pick her up. "Slur-Slur!"

"The Slurpuff and their cute little stubby arms..." Pinkie Pie playfully flicked the stubs of the Slurpuff, making them giggle afterwards. "Are pointing somewhere south. Looks like we're heading south now."

"Then let us hurry. I must see Radiant Hope. And remember boy. The next time the Rift tries to attack you, let that Aura flow. Understood?"

"Yeah. I hear ya." Ash heard him loud and clear. He wouldn't let any more harm come to himself and others even with revenge on the table. It was off to find Radiant Hope but with a continuous sense of danger. The Rift had never shown to be vengeful before and now that it was vengeful, it showed it in a violent way.

Windswept Canyon.

Another Pokemon-exclusive location formed by the existence of the Pokemon themselves. They had found themselves here at the canyon that seemed to be governed by mainly Flying-Types with a few Rock and Ground-Types here and there. So far, when taking a trip here, the Rift hadn't attacked them yet.

But Ash was still alert as Mew appeared as Lugia within the skies. It was without a doubt his favourite Pokemon to become. It was mainly the sheer size of Lugia that made Mew always choose this Pokemon, fooling others into thinking that the actual Lugia was flying by.

And with the guidance of Slurpuff, finding Radiant Hope was a breeze. They had guided the others to where they needed to be. And right around the canyon, the pony of the hour was there.

Radiant Hope.

"There she is!" Ash pointed downwards as Radiant Hope had removed her hood, witnessing the familiar faces of Ash, Pikachu and Sombra.

"Sombra?" Radiant Hope uttered with Mew beginning to descend. He brought the wind within from the speed he was previously moving at. "Sombra! You showed up again?!"

"I did," Sombra replied as Ash had hopped off the ride that was Mew-Lugia along with Pinkie and her 6 Slurpuff. Mew would introduce his transforming self to Radiant Hope for the first time as well. "I came back to you after what was said before during our first reunion. You said that we would meet again, didn't we?"

"Yes. I did. Didn't think it would be this soon." Radiant Hope removed her entire robe.

"Hey there! I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie decided to introduce herself to Radiant Hope. "Nice to meet you."

"Oh. One of the Elements of Harmony. It's nice to meet you too for the first time" Radiant Hope greeted her back.

"Mew-Mew!" Mew and the 6 Slurpuff also introduced themselves to Radiant Hope with Mew circling the unicorn who had the longevity of an alicorn.

"I see you haven't gotten your physical form back yet." Radiant Hope observed. "But you've been doing well, right?"

"I suppose so. Nothing exactly eventful has happened to me." Sombra shrugged. "Except as of recently with sudden attacks. But never mind that. I came to you to tie up loose ends. You predicted right, boy."

"Heh. Thanks." Ash chuckled as he was spot on for predicting Sombra wanting to tie up loose ends with Radiant Hope.

"Why? We don't need to, Sombra." Radiant Hope walked up to him. "I already told you everything back then at the Pixie Plains. About what I ended up doing after everything else that transpired all those years ago."

"I know. Trying to help me. I had already apologized back then. I frankly am stumped on what I should say next. I managed to find you here but..."

"You don't have to tell me much, Sombra. Even now, we're still friends." Hope put her hoof on his cheek. "I know you're not all about friendship, but you still see me as one. We can forget about the whole destiny thing for friendship. Can't we?"

"We...can." Sombra agreed. "But I am curious. If I am to ever get my body back, what will happen next with you and I?"

"Well, my mission will end there. I've just been roaming the world the entire time to help you. And when I would finish doing so, I started thinking of heading back home, settling down and living a quiet life. Not sure about the princess thing since I've long overdue for that."

"Hmm..." Ash observed this conversation closer, mainly looking at Sombra.

"What about you, Sombra?" Hope questioned. "What will you do once your body is back to normal. Will we go back to being friends?"

A question that Sombra would easily answer without a second thought. He had said it to others before. When he gets his physical body back, he would enslave them all and continue his conquest. But in the face of Radiant Hope, that second thought had been born.

Sombra wondered if he should tell her what he would do. Would it be the right thing? Sombra knew it wouldn't. However, he had been lied to in the past, so any lies revolving around him were essentially disdainful in his eyes. The former ruler of the Crystal Empire closed his eyes as a visible sweatdrop could be seen emerging. He had an answer, but it was quickly swapped out for something else.

"I believed that I could continue my destiny on what the Crystal Heart showed me. But...you defied your destiny, didn't you?"

"I did. Technically, it's not too late for me to become a princess. I have the alicorn longevity and my wings haven't emerged yet. I still look like I haven't left the Crystal Empire for a day even." Radiant Hope chuckled. "So, I believe, it's not too late for you either, Sombra."

"It should be too late. Do you honestly believe that things would change with what I ended up becoming? If anything, I had fulfilled my destiny, only for it have come to an end." Sombra turned away. "I have become an Umbrum and the pony that many feared. You may have swayed your destiny, but mine has run its course."

"That's not true!" Radiant Hope bellowed, startling Sombra. "Oh, Sombra, you can be so stubborn! You were just thinking of enslaving the Crystal Empire again, weren't you? You're still looking into your destiny. But you can change it, just like I did."

"Tch." Sombra had been seen through by Radiant Hope. His lie didn't work as effectively as he wanted it to.

"Besides...you have friends now, don't you?"

"This boy is not my friend." Sombra rejected.

"But he's there for you, isn't he? Were you to be connected to anyone else, they would've despised you." Radiant Hope lowered her head. "They would've done everything in their power to get rid of you. Or worse. But Ash didn't. Did he? He's staying by your side, choosing to talk casually with you instead of a far worse outcome. Pikachu involved. Can't you see that?"

"He's a nuisance more than anything," Sombra growled as Ash chose to stay silent throughout all of this.

"But a nuisance you can talk to." Radiant Hope thought otherwise. "Maybe a nuisance is what you need in your life. I know I was."

"Hmph. Yes. You were a bit of nuisance back then." Sombra closed his eyes, smiling afterwards. "Whenever we would play, you did have your ways of annoying me, didn't you?"

"I did. And that's why we were friends. Can you say the same about Ash and Pikachu?"

Sombra then turned to Ash and Pikachu, thinking about it for a bit. He thought back to each moment he had with them. Mainly Ash more than Pikachu. They have had their banter no doubt. Each time Sombra would berate him, Ash would shrug it off and laugh afterwards, unphased. Sombra always wondered how someone could be that relaxed yet energetic at the same time.

He saw Ash as an oddity. But not an oddity that was exactly a threat to him. An oddity that just happened to exist and was impossible to stray away from. Despite his hatred for all things positive, Sombra managed to always find himself conversing with Ash even if he was stuck to him.

Aside from that, Ash was the only one who chose to speak to Sombra about personal things. Such as someone he cared for, which is what brought Radiant Hope to mind in the first place, and what he enjoyed. He even got tips on being a king from Sombra.

Sombra thought back to all of it. In all of his years, only Hope has ever spoken to him about things that deviated from conquest, enslavement and so on. And now that it was all coming to Sombra, he could only think of one thing. He still saw Ash as a strange individual but in a different light.

"Boy. You still make my head turn." Sombra shook his head. "But...I would be lying if I said you were not amusing to be with." Sombra was honest to him. "I wonder...you have yet to call me a friend. Would you even dare make that claim?"

"We're getting there." Ash gave the best answer possible that threw Sombra off guard. It wasn't an immediate yes as Sombra was expecting. Instead, Ash chose a simple yet effective one. "No one said it was gonna be easy, right?"


"I don't understand you." Sombra turned away from Ash. "Do you honestly think you could become my friend over time?"

"I made a lot of promises in this world. I'll add this to the pile." Ash grinned.

"We'll see about that." Sombra agreed to Ash's challenge. "But Hope. You don't have to worry about my physical form."

"I don't?"

"There are ways to bring me back. But...they are being put on hold because of this one right here." Sombra nudged his head in Ash's direction. "Cease your goal. It has a solution."

"Oh. So there is a way." Hope gawked. "Well then...in that case..."

"You can return. Return to the Crystal Empire. Just as you said you would. Perhaps even become a full-fledged alicorn at last." Sombra smiled as he truly wanted the best for his friend.

"I could return now." Hope gasped, realizing that her long journey could finally come to an end. "Oh, Celestia must be so worried about me. What am I going to tell her? Becoming that absent for how long?"

"Worry about that yourself. I will worry about my own future," said Sombra. "But I suppose this conversation is over. This isn't exactly how I envisioned us patching everything up."

"R-Right. But, I still want to do a few things before I return to the Crystal Empire. Even so...I'm glad we had this talk, Sombra." A tear appeared in Radiant Hope's eyes. This was the best news she had heard in a long time. "I didn't think it would take us this long to get here but here we are."

"Take care then. I will be waiting for you at the Crystal Empire. If my physical form is brought back afterwards."

"You don't have to wait for that, Sombra." Just then, Ash had a surprise waiting for him. "Let's do it. Let's ring you back in full, okay?"

"What?!" Sombra pulled back. This was a staggering reveal.

"Oh, thank you so much, Ash!" Radiant Hope exclaimed with joy in her heart.

"A-A-A-A-Are you serious?!" Aside from his defeat years ago, Sombra was absolutely gobsmacked to hear this. "You aren't joking around, are you?!"

"Nope. Let's have either Discord or the Unown do it. Both ways work really." Ash shrugged.

"Totally." Pinkie Pie also shrugged with Ash. "You're not so bad, Sombra."


"Thank you-" Sombra was about to explode with happiness before dialling it back, clearing his throat. "Ahem. I appreciate the offer. Many thanks."

"Ah, don't be modes!" Pinkie grabbed his face. "Let it all out! All that happiness!"

"Get off of me!" Sombra roared at Pinkie Pie, blowing her back as Radiant Hope could only let out laughter from all of this. She had never seen Sombra so happy before even if he had just yelled at Pinkie.

"Well, I'm glad. I'll be seeing you then, Sombra." Radiant Hope turned away. "Looks like you're adept at finding me, so I hope you can all do so again."

"We will. Just count on Slurpuff here!" Pinkie raised her hoof.


"Hurry, boy. I need to feel my muscles again." Sombra ordered Ash to hurry up.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." Ash adjusted his hat. "But it's a good thing we didn't get attacked this time, right? Would've thought for sure it would've been the entire day with the Rift trying to get me. Turned to this instead. Makes it all the more fun, doesn't it?"

"I fail to see how being threatened with your life and then having this conversation afterwards can be seen as fun. Then again...what else can I expect from you?" Sombra just went along with it as he ended up finding amusement in all of this. It even made him laugh.

Soon he, Ash, Pikachu, Pinkie Pie, Mew and the six Slurpuff all started laughing. It was hilarious when they thought about it. But that hilarity was one of the many benefits of their turbulent lives. The threat of the Rift still being out for Ash was still there, but Ash was ready. A dose of Aura was being kept. But aside from that, Sombra and Radiant Hope had patched things up, going their separate ways again.

But they would meet once more at another time. And at a better circumstance. Right now, Sombra was just happy to get his body back soon as the journey continues.

Chapter 740 End.

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