• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Human World. Canterlot. Fluttershy's home. Day.

At the moment, Ash, Twilight and Spike were visiting the human world once more. Teaching more about Pokemon was what they were here to do. And over at Fluttershy's home, it had an abundance of Pokemon. She's great with animals and the same goes with Pokemon.

However, it's harder to understand Pokemon considering how bizarre and unique they are. Plus, the human version of Fluttershy doesn't exactly have the same unique talent of speaking to creatures like the pony version, unfortunately.

Thankfully, Ash and the others know how to. Especially Spike, who can communicate with Dragon Pokemon via a golden light. Sunset Shimmer, who was present here, could even dabble in it. She's spent a lot of time around Pokemon after all.

"Thanks for helping out, everyone. It's been a handful taking care of them. Even though they're so attracted to me." said Fluttershy. "Is it like this back at the otherworld?"

"You could say that." Twilight nodded in response. "I mean, there's a whole house of Pokemon that your other self made there. I guess this counts as one?"

"Well, they do flood up the place." Fluttershy picked up a Growlithe. "The animal shelter won't take them, unfortunately. They tend to be...pretty destructive."

"Last week, every animal fled the shelter once a Houndour claimed it." Sunset chuckled nervously. "Safe to say the owners were pretty mad about it."

"What about everywhere else?" Twilight asked. "Did something get destroyed in the process?"

"Let's see...." Sunset began listing the number of incidents revolving around the Pokemon. There was a lot to list due to how many months it's been since the Pokemon came here. An entire year. And to do that, she wrote a list of the most visible problems, showing them to Ash and the others.

  • A Snorlax ended up blazing through the school cafeteria and every other restaurant here.
  • People keep passing out after seeing an Inkay or Hypno.
  • Purugly just sits wherever it wants to.
  • The Impidimp and Nickit have stolen who knows how many things.
  • The Sableye won't stop eating from the jewellery store, making the place almost go bankrupt at this point.
  • Anyone that tries to pick up Stufful because they're so cute and cuddly gets flung with that supernatural strength.
  • The Spearow are just annoying to be around with all their pecking and chasing.
  • Loudred wakes up the neighbourhood all the time, mostly at night.
  • The Ghost-Type Pokemon keep freaking the kids out, making it hard for them to even go to school without leaving the house or for anyone else to walk around safely at night.
  • And Tyrogue picks a fight instantly with whoever looks at them funny. Same with the Electrode and that just sets off a chain reaction of explosions.

"So yeah. That's just a few," said Sunset. "But no need to worry as you say. Doctors, vets and professors from all around the world are doing their best to fully understand Pokemon. Soon, we'll be smooth sailing like your world. I mean, it took less time for you to get the hang of things, right?"

"Yeah. It took like 5 months for everyone in Equestria to get used to Pokemon." Ash spoke. "Things weren't super easy even with a bunch of help."


"Guess that makes it more fun to understand Pokemon, huh? But it's not all so peachy. Some Pokemon around here are tough to manage. Even for Fluttershy. We'd better fix it fast. Before some Pokemon ends up destroying a bunch of the land." Sunset put the list away.

"Hm...I think I know how we can have everyone handle it." Twilight snapped her fingers, coming up with an idea. "But what about the problems here? How about we help out with those first and clear them up."

"Oh, right. Well, the most common and frequent ones are the Snorlax, Purugly and Loudred. Thankfully, Pinkie Pie handled the Snorlax part without a problem. Now it lives at the Sweet Shoppe. Loudred is kinda simple to handle. But Purugly is something else. They kinda boss a bunch of us around." Sunset sighed.

"When did they start?" Spike asked.

"Just a week ago. But they're already major problems for just showing up." Sunset nodded while crossing her arms. "Rarity and few others had a pretty good idea. Keeping the Purugly as a house cat. But that's not going so great right now."

"One of them even smashed my windows because it wanted to sit here." Fluttershy went up to a window that had been smashed by a Purugly. Indeed, there wasn't just one Puruguly around.

"Purugly's gonna be tough though. But let's see what we can do!" Ash radiated his positive energy which bounced off everyone. When he trusted his fist in the air, so did Twilight, Sunset and Fluttershy. Pikachu, Espeon and Spike used their paws and hands.

They were all walking out of Fluttershy's home, ready to see what they could do in this town before the Pokemon turn it into their territory and overrun everything.

"Oh yeah. By the way. Do you guys remember what happened back at Everfree?" Sunset gave a quick reminder to Ash, Fluttershy and Spike about the small Everfree scenario. "The one with the Pangoro, missing people and sound waves?"

"Yeah?" The three of them nodded in confirmation.

"Something like that sound wave thing's been sorta happening again. But different with something bigger. Do you think it's the same person who put that radio there?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Could be." Twilight shrugged while walking beside her friends. "But aside from maybe Team Rocket, Plasma or the Umbrage Thieves, who in this world would try that?"

Crystal Prep Acadamy. Twilight's Room. Afternoon.

Over at the Crystal Prep Academy, parallel to the Crystal Empire and yet another school, there existed a room that belonged to one individual. Aside from the principal's office, a room for this world's Twilight Sparkle existed. Her own private room where she can conduct her research.

And right now, she certainly was performing some intensive research. And what else but on Pokemon. The Strange and Wonderful Creatures that are as bizarre as they are abundant.

Twilight had managed to gather up some valuable knowledge about Pokemon. Mainly by researching them. It's what she does best. However, she's also done what Pokemon Trainers commonly do. Catch Pokemon. And she found out about it frequently.

"Teleportation, hypnotization, super strength, super speed, flight, elemental manipulation. There's so much to go through. And these kinds of creatures are just roaming around." Twilight spoke. "I'm surprised no one's been hurt yet, right Spike?"

Spike responded with a simple bark.

"So I can use these to capture them." She held a Poke Ball in her hand. Poke Balls had now gained some recognition which was building up in this world after they had been discovered. Sunset Shimmer was to thank with that. "Sometimes it'll work, sometimes it won't. That's not very consistent."

She had a few Poke Balls out as Twilight had already figured out how the Pokemon worked. However, there were no Pokemon of her own. She has yet to catch one. But that test was about to happen.

"I think I know enough about them for now. Time to go for the real deal."

She was going to personally get a closer look at the Pokemon. So far, she's only seen them on her laptop, tv and outside due to sightings. Twilight has not interacted with Pokemon fully. She left her private room and the school without being seen. Then again, even though it was summer, she does tend to stay here for further learning.

Most of the students were off enjoying their summer vacation while few remained. Twilight walked out of the academy, having multiple Poke Balls and other necessary equipment at her disposal.

She knew of one area where Pokemon are most commonly found. There weren't many around the academy or where she lived anyway. However, that same area also had multiple energy signatures that Twilight's tracker formed. Not as grand as the Pokemon, but still grand.

The suburbs. Afternoon.

The suburban city of Canterlot. This was where her journey led her. Twilight rarely ever comes here if ever. This is actually her first time visiting this place. And she picked the right place to learn more about Pokemon.

Immediately, a crowd of Pokemon could be seen. And after the months that they've been around, the Pokemon and humans here have actually started to form bonds of their own. Now there were Pokemon that had Trainers. Even though the humans saw them as pets and preferred owners.

But she wasn't here for owned Pokemon. She was searching for wild Pokemon. Canterlot also had some Pokemon that were wild around here. Luckily for her, most of them could be found in the nearby forests and hills.

Twilight knew that this was dangerous. Pokemon are very powerful creatures, easily capable of crushing her like a twig or even obliterating her until she was nothing but ash. But she was ready. For science.

But in the same area as Twilight were Ash, Sunset, Fluttershy, Spike and the Twilight Sparkle from Equestria. Right now, this group were focused on the Purugly.

And there was certainly a lot of them. The Purugly basically owned Canterlot at this point. This suburban city was theirs. Their dominant and boss attitude made sure that barely anyone could deny them. They sit where they want. They sleep where they want. They eat where they want. Doesn't matter where or who they're facing.

Simple as that.

"Okay. There's a bunch so this won't be easy." Ash spoke. "Let's try and split up. Twilight, Eve. You can come with me and Pikachu."

"Oh. Sure!" Twilight could get behind that as she nodded aggressively. Ash, Pikachu, Eve and Twilight walked off in a different direction. At the same time, Twilight gave a fist pump while looking back at Sunset and Fluttershy. Twilight enjoys spending time with Ash for certain. She then let out a silent; "Yes!"

Meanwhile, Fluttershy, Spike, Axew and Sunset Shimmer would also form their own group. Each would deal with the Purugly in their own way. Ash's group was heading straight for the first spot with an abundance of Purugly. The Diner.

Already, the Purugly had made their mark by barging into the diner. With hunger in their stomachs, they went for the food here. The workers here had to stand by and watch as their food was being devoured by the Purugly. Customers were being lost because of this disruption. How can they enjoy their food if a group of giant cats are strolling along to eat it all for themselves?

Ash's group entered, witnessing the Purugly chow down the food and rule the diner. They had already devoured a plethora of food. The Tiger Cat Pokemon weren't ready to finish either.

"Oh, man. They've really taken over the place, huh?" Ash said.


"Purugly!" The Purugly meowed at the cashiers and workers, demanding more food. And the workers had to comply. Unfortunately, they couldn't stand up to these Pokemon. They didn't have Pokemon of their own as the Purugly stomped their paws on the table.

"Alright, alright! We'll get you some more!" The employee here whimpered as they got to work, making some more food for the Purugly. The sheer power of Purugly's stomp and being able to break the table threatened them even further.

"Let's just try and reason with them like we planned. Purugly's not that ferocious after all," said Twilight as she approached the first Purugly. "Hey, Purugly.

"Pur?" The eyes of the Tiger Cat Pokemon immediately locked onto Twilight. All of them. EVery Purugly in this room now focused on the Princess of Friendship.

"Uh..." Twilight froze on the spot as all eyes were on her. She then regained her composure, attempting to perform what Ash and Fluttershy are known for doing. Communicating with Pokemon on an equal level. "Hi. Just a moment of your time. You probably know this but-"

"Purug!"Not even a moment for Twilight to reason with them. The Purugly slapped aside a cup, causing it to fly past Twilight and shatter against the wall. The Tiger Cat Pokemon then started approaching Twilight from all front sides.

"!" Twilight's face scrunched as she soon realized that the Purugly chose not to listen to her. All of them stood up, giving serious stares to Twilight.

"Okay...You don't wanna talk. That's fine." Twilight backed away while the Purugly approached. She didn't expect them to be so aggressive. Now she could see why so many weren't brave enough to stand up to them.

And after Twilight's approach, the Purugly wanted her out of here. Espeon stood in front of her trainer, protecting Twilight from any harm as usual. Ash and Pikachu sighed as the peaceful approach wasn't becoming a reality as they were hoping for.

"I-If you're here to help, can you head to the forest too!" The cashier said while hiding behind the counter. "We're missing a lot of valuable things that you know...every diner needs."

"Ash, you can head to the forest quick and head back here!" Twilight recommended. "Eve and I can handle the Purugly."

"You got it!" Ash gave a thumbs up before rushing out of the diner. "Come on, Pikachu!"


Meanwhile, with the other Twilight, she came across her own Purugly in the forest. Two of them. Both were hoarding items for themselves. A cash register with tons of money inside was one of them along with a menu sign. Most likely items that belonged to the diner. Twilight hid in a bush, spotting the two Pokemon for herself. She was a bit too nervous to go up to them, but Twilight was still curious about catching them.

"They look exactly like an average house cat but...a bit too rotund." She observed while whispering in the bushes. "At least 1.0 metres tall. They're bigger than your average house cat that's for sure." As she looked at the two Purugly further, Spike started barking.

After all, Spike is a dog and Purugly is a cat at the end of the day. Albeit a magical one. So it was natural for Spike to be agitated just by seeing the two of them. Plus, the two Purugly were starting to feud over their hoarded objects. Not only is this Pokemon a brazen brute, but it can be envious.

Just then, Spike jumped out of the bush, barking at the two Tiger Cat Pokemon. His natural canine instincts were hard to ignore or avoid at times. Most of the time is the correct term.

"Spike!" Twilight cried out, popping her head out of the bush. Now both she and Spike ended up alerting the two Puruguly, unfortunately. Now they were both targets. "Uh oh..."

"Purugly!" The two Purugly tossed aside their conflict over their hoarded items and chose to attack Twilight and Spike instead. They stomped their paws o the ground, causing a small tremor that made Spike jump. Spike shuddered at the tremor as he quickly scurried over to Twilight. He then hopped into Twilight's arms, whimpering.

The Purugly then attacked with the first one using Body Slam. The Tiger Cat Pokemon jumped into the air with its paws out, ready to drop onto both of them with its full body weight.

"Ah!" Twilight gasped as she made a run for it. And at the right moment. Purugly smashed into the ground, creating a crater that had its shape. The second Purugly then pursued Twilight and Spike, using Quick Attack. The Normal-Type lunged at its targets at a speed that made it almost invisible.

And of course, there was no way Twilight was avoiding this. She had been hit in the back by this Quick Attack at full force. She groaned and cried out as Spike fell out of her arms. Twilight then fell to the ground afterwards with her back slightly injured.

"Pur...!" Purugly then growled at Twilight, hissing while also approaching her. Twilight looked back as she started scurrying away while on the ground. Unfortunately, despite its massive size, Purugly is one fast cat.

Seeing that she couldn't outrun the Tiger Cat Pokemon, only one solution left. The Poke Ball. Twilight took out the first Poke Ball as she lunged it at Purugly.

"Pur?" Purugly looked up to see the catching device coming towards it. The Poke Ball touched Purugly's nose, automatically pulling the Tiger Cat Pokemon in with a red light. This was Twilight's first time witnessing the Pokemon enter the Poke Ball. And with it touching the ground, the results were pending as the Poke Ball started shaking.

1...2...Not quite. Purugly had broken free, shattering the Poke Ball as its anger towards Twilight and Spike grew even further, much to the chagrin of Twilight.

"Purugly!" The other Purugly had used Swift, jumping into the air, swinging its tail and sending out multiple star-shaped rays at its targets.

"Guess that didn't work!" Twilight cried out before picking Spike up again. She ran away from the incoming star-shaped rays. But that wasn't all that she had to worry about. The other Purugly had Dig in store. The star-shaped rays of Swift blew up each time they struck the ground, startling Twilight.

Twilight was aiming to get out of the forest as soon as she could. She knew the way out of here thankfully. However, her pathway to the exit would be blocked once the other Purugly emerged with Dig. By bursting out of the ground and creating a hole in it, Purugly startled them, blocking their way out of here.

Twilight backed away, almost falling over. Not after experiencing one of the rays from Swift blowing up near her. The explosion affected Twilight, causing a wind pressure that had pushed her and Spike away. Twilight screamed as she held Spike close to her.

She tumbled on the ground with her jacket being damaged in the process. All this time, she had made sure Spike wasn't injured in any way. With scratches showing on herself, Spike started whimpering as Twilight was now starting to feel a lot of pressure.

She sat up, breathing in and out as the Purugly started slowly walking up to her. Twilight realized that this whole experiment was a bust. But it was about to get worse.

"Arbok!" Jumping out of the shadows in these acres of trees was an Arbok. Twilight gasped as the Arbok appeared before her. And once it did, Arbok did what it was usually good at.

Arbok transfixed its prey with the face-like pattern on its belly. It's a sure-fire tactic that mostly works on weak and frightened individuals. And it certainly worked on the frightened Twilight. She looked at Arbok's pattern with fear and shock in her eyes and heart.

The Cobra Pokemon then slithered towards Twilight as the two Purugly walked off. Since Twilight had a new problem, they felt like they could leave it up to Arbok for this. Frozen with fear, Arbok took advantage of its victim, wrapping around Twilight and Spike.

Twilight closed her eyes as she could feel herself being bound, restrained and constricted. Her glasses were starting to fall off as she was whimpering just like Spike. Arbok hissed as it was ready to feed on them. And once Arbok wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible.

With how things were looking, it looked impossible for Twilight and Spike to escape. Not until she heard the words of someone give out a command.

"Pikachu, Quick Attack!"

"Pikachu!" At lightning speeds, Pikachu had approached and tackled Arbok in the face with Quick Attack. A direct and full force attack too.

"Bok!" Arbok cried out as its focus on Twilight and Spike was disrupted, freeing her and Spike. The Cobra Pokemon then cried out as it now had an intensive stare towards the Mouse Pokemon, utilizing its patterns.

However, Pikachu wasn't afraid of Arbok. And it made sense considering which Pikachu this was and who the Trainer was. Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town.

Twilight panted as she noticed the arrival of Ash and Pikachu. They were here for the objects from the diner, but after spotting Twilight and Spike in peril, they switched rapidly.

"Arbok!" The Cobra Pokemon then lunged at Pikachu with Poison Jab ready on its tail.

"Iron Tail!"

"Chu...Pika!" Pikachu also lunged forward as his tail clashed with Arbok's tail. However, Pikachu had used the immunity of Steel-Type towards Poison-Type to his advantage. With a cunning grin, Pikachu pushed Arbok's tail away with his overpowering Iron Tail.


"Pika!" Pikachu then slapped the Cobra Pokemon in the face with Iron Tail, knocking it back. Twilight's jaw dropped as she was witnessing a Pokemon Battle for the first time.

"Ar...Arbok!" Arbok slid on the ground before firing Dark Pulse from its mouth.


"Pika...!" Pikachu jumped into the air, slapping his face a couple of times as he summoned an aura of electricity. By doing so, Pikachu unleashed 100,000 volts of electricity from his body.

The bolt and pulse clashed, entering a short beam struggle. But one that Pikachu won easily as Thunderbolt tore through Dark Pulse like a black hole consuming light. Arbok's eyes widened as it had received a smite from Pikachu's Thunderbolt, feeling the punishment of 100,000 volts.

And with Thunderbolt striking and causing an outburst afterwards, a charred Arbok emerged from the smoke. Arbok quickly realized that it was outmatched. So, the smart option was to run away. And that is what it did, slithering off so that it wouldn't receive further punishment from Pikachu.

The Purugly had also witnessed this, seeing how powerful Pikachu was. Ash turned around to face the Purugly, but as soon as he did, they made a break for it, not wanting to be caught up in this mess. They had left the stolen items as well.

"Pikachu." Pikachu then turned to face Twilight and Spike, immediately recognizing their familiarity. "Pika?"

"That's two in one," Ash said whilst walking up to Twilight. "Are you okay?"


"Oh hey..." As Ash held his hand out, he quickly recognized these faces too. "Twilight? Spike?"

"T-Thank you." Twilight grabbed his hand as she was helped up. "Do I know you? And what was that?"

"Pika..." Pikachu and Ash then looked at each other before Ash quickly realized what this was. He knew that Twilight was at the diner, dealing with the other Purugly.

"Oh, I get. You're this world's Twilight and Spike, right?"

"W-What?" Twilight squinted before blinking a few times. Her glasses almost fell off before they were adjusted. She wasn't sure what Ash was on about.

And Ash knew this. There was a lot to explain as not everyone in this world is aware of parallel universes and how the Pokemon managed to end up here.

"Ah, it's a long story." Ash laughed nervously. "If you want I can tell you about-"

"Yes!" Twilight bellowed. "You look like you know what you were doing back there! All those commands you gave to uh...um..." She then looked down at Pikachu, trying to figure out what he was. "W-What is that?"

"This is my partner Pikachu." Ash smiled before Pikachu hopped onto his shoulder. "My best friend and buddy."


"And those...w-what were those things?" She referred to Arbok and the Purugly.

"Arbok and Purugly. I'll just run something short with you first."

5 minutes later.

Ash and Twilight sat down on a log with Ash explaining the quick gist of everything. How the crossing over of the worlds came to be. The Rift. The Pokemon and all events that have happened so far. At the same time, Pikachu was playing around with Spike.

"That's pretty much it. There's way more!" Ash spread his arms out.

"I...see..." Twilight nodded. "So that's why there are so many of them. And this is more frequent in a parallel world from here?"

"Oh yeah. There's a bunch you're missing out on. I mean, your parallel self's gone through a lot of it."

"I have a parallel version of myself?!" Twilight gasped as she was taking notes.

"Yeah. Oh, right. I should be getting back with the objects now." Ash adjusted his hat. "Sorry I couldn't stay around a bit more. But boy was it cool meeting another Twilight."

"Wait. Don't leave yet." Twilight stood up. "You're obviously an expert when it comes to this...Pokemon thing. Please, I need help understanding them. I mean, I almost got chewed up and slammed by them minutes ago."


"These scientific creatures, I assume are so bizarre and hard to understand just as much as they are hard to reach. It'd be really helpful if you could assist me. IF that's okay with you."

"Sure thing." Ash nodded, giving hope to Twilight. "I can teach you a lot, no problem."


"Really? Thank you! Here!" Twilight wrote something on her notebook before ripping some paper off. She then showed Ash her home address. "You can find me either at Crystal Prep Academy or my home."

"Got it." Ash took the paper. "How about I show up tomorrow?"

"That sounds good to me...um...What's your name?"

"My name's Ash Ketchum." Ash pointed at himself. "Nice to meet ya."


"Well, Ash. Thanks for saving me back there and thanks for offering to help. Hope I can see you tomorrow. I-If I don't get eaten by a Pokemon. Actually, um..." Twilight scratched her hair. "This forest is a bit too dangerous, can you help me out of here?"

"Sure. Where to?" Ash walked beside Twilight.

"Crystal Prep Academy is fine with me," Twilight spoke as they made their way towards Crystal Prep. Along the way, they started chatting. And Ash took this as a great opportunity to continue telling and teaching Twilight about Pokemon. While they still have the time.

Back at the diner. 7 minutes later.

After that was said and done, Ash returned to the diner with the stolen objects. Plus the money was safe inside. And at the diner, Twilight had tamed the Purugly, surprisingly.

"Woah. You calmed them all down?" Ash gawked.

"Mhm." Twilight scratched an itch on a Purugly. "I just did what I do to Eve when she's stressed out. After all, they're cats, right?"


"Awesome. Okay, here's your stuff back." Ash placed the cashier down on the table while still holding the sign. "Sorry, the menu sign's a bit broken."

"It's fine. We can figure something out." The cashier said, taking the sign. "Thank you all so much for your help. We would've gone bankrupt and out of business at this rate."

"You're welcome. Alright, how are Sunset and the others doing?" Ash wondered about the rest of his friends. Right on time. Sunset and the others had arrived with tattered clothes and messy hair.

"Oh! What happened to you all?!" Twilight sat up.

"It's cool..." Sunset trembled with a thumbs up and a nervous grin. "Took care of the Purugly. Found a pretty good place for them to stay at."

"It wasn't easy..." Fluttershy chuckled nervously as Spike and Axew had fainted.

"Okay. I think it's time we called it a day." Twilight picked Spike and Axew up as they were no sound asleep after fainting. They dealt with the Purugly problem. Short and sweet in the end.

Ash and the others could return home now.

But as they were turning home with Sunset and Fluttershy heading to their respective abodes, Ash decided to drop something massive on Twilight, regarding what had just happened today.

"You met an alternate version of me?! Here?!" Twilight gasped.

"Mhm. Right at a forest." Ash responded. "I promised I'd help her understand and learn about Pokemon too. So I'll be heading there tomorrow to help out." He then showed Twilight the note her other self gave her. "Guess everyone's got an equal in this world, huh?"


"That's a bit bizarre...Then again I should've seen it coming." Twilight chuckled. "What do you think would happen if we met? I mean, would time, space and all of reality break apart?"

"Uhh...not sure." Ash pondered as they approached the portal. "I mean, I met Red and you met the Empress right?"

"Yeah. Probably nothing big. Oh, by the way." Twilight then twirled her hair. "Just this coming month and pretty soon, the Grand Galloping Gala's closing in. I know this hasn't happened before but...would you dance with me, Ash?"

"Sure. But uhh...I'm not that great at dancing." Ash laughed even though he had taken some dance lessons in Kalos. But he was still a novice.

"I can show you a thing or two." Those were the last words she said in this world before jumping right through the portal with Ash.

Ash now had made a promise to return tomorrow for a new friend he had just made. Technically, the same friend as the one he already has but not really. Parallel worlds sure are a befuddling enigma. But that adds to the excitement of them as the journey continues.

Chapter 516 End.

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