• Published 20th Sep 2015
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The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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Lunas Embrace and A Wild Goose Chase

Silver was met with an all too familiar sensation. The light blankets that were draped across his body, the pillow that propped his head up, the springy bed that he laid on; it was all far too familiar.

But perhaps, what he recognized the most was the rush of coolness, flowing over and through his fur, contradicting the warmth of the blanket. He could feel something against his chest, tickling the hairs as it shifted a little and pressed itself further into him, and the feeling of something constricting his body.

No, not constricting, but...hugging. A tight, loving embrace, never wishing to let go.

Silver moved his paws across the sheets until they felt the same cool fluff his body had known. He wrapped them around the figure and brought it closer, holding on a little tighter and buried his face into it when it got close enough.

“Maybe I'll just stay here for the day...”

Silver cracked an eye open and looked down to see a sleeping Luna. He had already expected to see her there, though he wasn't sure how they had gotten to her bedroom. The question was quickly dismissed however, as Silver felt his eyes close once more.

Silver took a deep breath in, then released it in a relaxing sigh,“Yeah, I'm definitely staying here today. The bracelet can wait.”

Unfortunately, the universe had other plans.

The alicorn his arms began to slowly wake. First, it was a simple moan, but then Silver felt her pull her head away from his chest. He looked down to see the half-lidded eyes of Luna staring back at him.

“Mhmmm, you're warm,” she cooed in a sleepy voice before nuzzling him once more, “It's a shame you need to leave. You need to make time so that you have a day where you can sleep in with me.”

“Why don't I just stay with you today?”

The mare shook her head, “No, you know you can't. You need to go to that valley today and find the bracelet. You said it was important, didn't you?” she muffled with her face still in his chest.

Silver groaned and sighed, “I didn't think you'd be the one making me leave today.”

Luna tightened her hold on the wolf, “Trust me, it's not like I want you to. I would send out a scouting party instead, but I doubt they could find it. Something tells me that finding this bracelet may be too much for them.”

Silver looked up to the clock on the wall. It was still only seven and he desperately wanted to stay. But Luna was right. He needed to find the bracelet, and laying around in bed all day certainly wouldn't help him.

Even if he was with a beautifully stunning alicorn princess.

Oh, the temptation.

But alas, duty calls. Silver struggled to rise from the bed, the sheets feeling like they'd gained ten thousand pounds. He felt Lunas arms slip off of him as he rose, making him regret ever deciding to get up as the comfort slipped away as well.

Luna rolled onto her back and watched the wolf rise, his posture lazy and tired. He sat on the edge of the bed with his back paws hanging over, then arched his back and yawned as he stretched before slipping off the bed. He gave a few shakes and made his way to the balcony door.

He'd much rather avoid any confrontation with the guards, or her sister.

“Come back soon...” Luna softly purred from the bed.

Silver turned and gave her a soft smile, “I will,” then cracked the door open before disappearing into the air.

Luna laid and watch where the spot where the wolf was previously standing. In her mind, she was hoping that maybe this was all a dream, and that she would wake up once more in the arms of the wolf. But the longer she laid there, the more she knew that it was real.

She sighed and rolled over to face away from the glass. She ran a hoof over the spot where Silver was laying, still warm from his fur.

“I suppose I'm lucky. I don't get to spend much time with him, but we've already grown this close. But I want more time with him. It's not fair that he spends all his time with Twilight in Ponyville.

I wonder how close they've grown. They spend much more time together than I do with Silver, but that's to be expected since he's her bodyguard. If only he was assigned to me instead. Or, if we could....switch.”

In her mind, Luna had formed a plan. One that would win her more time with the wolf she wanted.

Silver reappeared in the hall in front of the door that he always used to get home. He put the key in and entered the house, finding Ruppy and Onyx on the couch with cereal in the their mouths while watching T.V..

“Oh, hey. You're back.” Ruppy greeted with a mouthful of cereal.

“Yeah, I was at the castle researching all night last night. That reminds me, we're gonna have to skip over training for a few days, including today. I need your help with something.”

Ruppy and Onyx turned their attention away from the show and to Silver, “What's up?” Ruppy asked.

“I need you're help looking for something in a valley. It's a bracelet.”

Onyx immediately caught on to what Silver was asking, “So, you found it?” she asked.

“No. I couldn't find a clue to how it's hidden, but I know it's in the valley. And even if it's not the bracelet, then there must be something else there that I over looked. Either way, the answer's in that location.”

“I don't know,” Ruppy protested, “This doesn't really seem to make much sense. I mean, aren't you kinda making some jumps here.”

Silver sighed, “Yeah, I know, it doesn't make much sense, but what little sense it does make is the only sense you're gonna find in this situation. The Shade that attacked me in the valley was there for a reason; one other than me. I'm not one hundred percent sure it's the bracelet that it was after, but there was something in the valley that it was looking for. I just need to find it first.”

“And you intend to search an entire valley for something you're not even sure is there? Great plan boss.” Ruppy mocked

Silver sighed once more. If only there were some pony who knew the valley. Some pony who could point out all of the strange spots that would likely hide where some thing would be hidden.

Silver faced-pawed. He was an idiot. He'd already met some pony who knew the valley like the back of her hoof. Although he hadn't seen her in a few days, he was sure she'd help him out.

“You two; meet me at the station in an hour,” Silver instructed, “We're going to the Galloping Gorge.”

Silver trotted off back through the front door, leaving a confused Ruppy and Onyx on the couch. They looked at each other and shrugged.

“Whelp, wild goose chase it is then.” Ruppy submitted.

The train whistled and hooted as the station filled with steam, only to have it dissipate moments after. On the platform stood two mares, one a coal black unicorn, and the other a sandy tan pegasus.

“He has ten minutes to get here before the train arrives to the Galloping Gorge.” Ruppy said impatiently, “And if that dumbass misses the damn train, I'm not gonna bother coming tomorrow for the next one.”

“I'm a what now?” Silver questioned from behind the mare.

Ruppy swung her head around to see the wolf, “You heard me, a dumbass!” she hollered. It took her a moment, but she finally saw that Silver had not come alone.

Standing next to him was not only Twilight Sparkle, but also an earth pony mare. She had a light blue coat that had three deep blue stripes running across her chest, and a strange swirling pattern on her fore hooves that matched the color of the stripes. Her main and tail were a dark blue, with light blue swirls like the ones on her hooves.

Twilight waved a shy hoof, “Hello again.” In truth, Ruppy and Onyx scared her. Onyx seemed to have a very cold, distant demeanor, and Ruppy was...well, Ruppy.

“Da fuck is this?” Ruppy questioned, pointing a hoof the the stranger.

“You weren't kidding; she does have a bad mouth,” the mare said looking to Silver.

“The fuck was that!?” Ruppy shot back.

“Calm down,” Silver said as he stepped between the mares, “you know it's true. Ruppy, Onyx, I'd like you to meet Aerial. She's the first pony I met when I came to Equestia, and will be helping in our search.”

Onyx stepped forward and extended a hoof, to which Aerial kindly shook. Ruppy simply stood and glared. It would seem the two weren't quite going to get along.

“So, why's Princess Twilight here?” Ruppy asked, shifting her eyes to the alicorn. He gaze went from annoyed to curious upon doing so, much to Twilights relieve.

Twilight stepped forward, “Well, Silver came to tell me that he was going to search a valley, and when I asked which one, he explained everything about what he'd been researching. I was a little mad that he kept it from me, but after hearing everything, I felt like I needed to come too. This does concern the safety of Equestria, so I don't want to be on the sidelines.”

Ruppy looked to Silver and raised a brow.

“Hey, she was coming whether I wanted her to or not,” he defended.

The train in the distance whistled, and Silver looked out over the platform to see a billow of steam racing toward them.

“Train's here,” he informed before grabbing a bag off the ground and tying it around his waist. It took only a few minutes of waiting before the train reached the station, then the five of them hopped on.

While the act of moving on to the train was fairly quiet, Silver still received a few strange looks from the other passengers, though no pony said anything. It would seem the residents were beginning to get use to Silvers presence, at least in Ponyville anyway. In this case, it may have been the presence of the alicorn that threw them off.

Silver moved through the carts until he found an empty one. Luckily, there weren't many who were traveling in the direction of the Gorge, so many of the carts were lacking in ponies. Silver took his seat in a booth next to a window, Aerial placed herself next to him, and Twilight next to her. Onyx and Ruppy sat across on the opposite seat.

Once ever pony had boarded, the train whistled once more and took off. The train chugged along the tracks, which was the only sound in the cart since no pony had spoken a word.

The silence was awkward, at least for Silver, Twilight and maybe Onyx. It was hard to tell how she felt most of the times.

Ruppy sat and stared at Aerial, her eyes piercing in to the earth pony's soul. Aerial sat and twiddled her hooves, trying to avoid eye contact with the angry mare across from her.

“So,” Ruppy began, a hint of annoyance in her voice, “Just how exactly did you two meet?” The question could have been answered by either Silver or Aerial, though it was directed mostly at the latter. Twilights ears perked up as she recalled that Silver mentioned meeting a mare on his first day in Equestria, which caused him to be late.

“Well,” Aerial explained, “I was out on my day off and I decided to go to the valley in the Gorge to relax. No pony else goes there so it's a nice spot for some privacy and relaxation. Anyway, while I was there, I felt like I was being watched, but ignored it. Some things happened and I ended up meeti--”

“What 'things'?” Ruppy interrupted. Aerial paused in her story and slowly looked to the floor of the train cart. She fidgeted with her hooves more than she was before, and began to shake noticeably.

Silver reached over and put a paw on her shoulder, giving her a warm smile when she looked up to him, “It's okay, you can do it.” he assured her.

She smiled back and continued, “I was walking along a cliff side to get to the lake below it, when it collapsed. I wasn't hurt, but I almost died.”

Ruppy scoffed and rolled her eyes, but Aerial seemed to ignore it, “A little while later, after my...incident, Silver found me and asked me to help him look for something. We searched the valley until sunset, but didn't find it. That was when Silver saw I had an extra shadow, and then he ripped it off the ground and it became what he calls a Shade. They fought, he won and then we...”

Aerial paused and smirked ,“...went back to my place,” and added a bit of husk to the ending, earning a small twinge of anger from the pegasus across from her. Silver – some how – didn't manage to catch it, neither the anger nor the husk.

One of the greatest warriors in the world, and he's as dense as a brick when it comes to a mares feelings. Twilight, on the other hoof, caught on, and while she turned a brilliant shade of pink, she also felt a prick of pain. She hadn't even thought about if Silver was single.

But to some extent, it also brought Twilight some relieve, though it was very little. If what Aerial said was true, then it meant Silver did at least have an attraction to mares. Before now, she wasn't sure if his flirting with her was playful or if he was serious. Of course she still isn't completely sure, but now she was leaning towards the latter.

“He made me promise not to tell any pony I met him though. What about you?” Aerial questioned, “How did you meet Silver?” Again, any one of three could answer, but it was directed mostly at Ruppy.

“He busted into our place, fucked up our guys, barged in on a meeting and asked us on date.” Ruppy said with a wave of her hoof, “Although the date did turnout to be a trick which led to us beating the shit out of another gang.”

Aerial gave a questioning look to the wolf beside her, to which he responded, “Hey, shit happens.”

Aerial sighed. While she hadn't known him long, she knew his antics were not only insane, but always for a reason.

“So, why'd you do it?” she asked to Silver, but Ruppy answered instead.

“He said he was looking for ponies to train, and that the whole 'gang fight' thing was a test to see how strong we were. Needless to say, we passed with flying colors.”

“Silver, you're training other mares?” Aerial questioned.

The way she sounded made it seem like he'd just got caught cheating, “Um..yeah..didn't I tell you?” Silver winced as the earth pony beside him glared.

Twilight pulled back into the corner of the seat. This was a conversation she'd rather not be a part of.

“Other mares? You're training with him too?” Onyx asked, finally speaking up.

Aerial turned her attention away from Silver, “Yes. After my incident, I discovered I posses Wind Magic, much like Silver, and he's agreed to show me how to use it.”

“SO THAT'S WHERE YOU'RE ALWAYS DISAPPEARING OFF TO!” Ruppy exclaimed, “And here I thought you were banging the princess or something.”

Twilight perked up and flushed a face full of pink once more as she began mumbling incoherent sounds.

“Banging the princess?” Aerial quickly turned her attention back to Silver, her eyes like daggers.

Silver balled up in his corner of the seat, “Look, I'm not with Twilight that way, alright,” Silver defended meekly, “I'm just her body guard, that's all.”

“Body guard? Since when?” Aerial interrogated once more.

“Since my second day here. It's kinda the whole reason why I'm in Equestria.” Silver rubbed a shy paw behind his head.

“Oooooh, Silvers got some explaining to doooo!” Ruppy mocked as she laughed.

Aerial continued her death glare for a minute longer, only to sigh and look away.

“Should've known better...” she mumbled to herself.

“Huh?” Silver quirked, picking up on her noticeably saddened state.

“Nothing,” she mumbled back.

Twilight, still in her corner, might as well have died from embarrassment. She also felt guilty for some reason, like she stole Silver away from Aerial. She simply balled up sat quietly, not knowing what to say.

Silver, still being as dense as a boulder, ignored the moment. After all, he could see the Gorge coming up on the horizon.

“We'll be there soon,” he informed.

The steam filled the station, just like it always did, then disappeared. After the train pulled away, the group walked down the steps of the platform and across the tracks towards a forest in front of the stop. Aerial and Silver led while Ruppy, Onyx and Twilight trotted behind.

They reached the tree line of the forest in a few minutes, then walked along the trees and bushes rather than at it. After another minute of walking, Aerial stopped in front of a bushel of lilies, then pushed them aside and revealed a path behind them.

The path was natural, being mostly formed by pebbles and roots pushing up through the ground, but hoof prints could clearly be seen in the dirt where Aerial had used it before.

“Follow me,” Aerial chirped and stepped behind the bush. The others followed and walked down the shadowed path for another solid twenty minutes. The road itself wasn't actually that long, it just took a while to climb over and under a lot of over sized roots.

When they finally reached the end of the path, they emerged on top of a hill, looking out over the valley.

There were four mountains, two on each side. A crystal blue river cut through the land in between them , surrounded by emerald plains of grass, littered with trees.

Aerial took in a deep breath, held it for a moment, then breathed out.

“No matter what happens here, I always love it. Even if I did almost die...twice.”

“Yeah, yeah, enough of that bullshit,” Ruppy said as she pushed past Aerial, “can we just find this stupid bracelet thing and go? I wanna take a nap.” The pegasus went down the hill side to the plains below.

Aerial let out a frustrated grunt, but decided not to act on her anger.

Twilight approached Silver, “Are you sure they're going to be okay? They don't seem to like each other very much.”

Silver hummed and thought before saying, “Well,we need to split up anyway, so it shouldn't be much of a problem. Aerial and Onyx can search from the ground, while the rest of us look from the sky.”

Twilight nodded, “Sounds good.”

Silver told Onyx next, then Aerial. Finally, he went down the hill to find Ruppy. She was at the river getting water.

“Hey Ruppy,” Silver called. She looked up from her drink,


“You're gonna be with me and Twilight in the sky, 'kay?”

“Okay.” She went back to drinking.

He knew something was wrong. He had only known her for a few days, but he could tell when something was bothering her. “What's with you today?” Silver asked. Ruppy kept drinking but looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

“Come on, you've been cranky all day. What's wrong? Is it Aerial?”

Ruppy pulled her mouth from the water and wiped. She spread her wings and flew off, never so much as glancing back at Silver.

Of course she didn't have to, since Silver took off as well and swooped in front of her, “You're not getting rid of me that easily.”

Ruppy stopped and hovered there, glaring at him with great annoyance, then went around. Silver again swooped around in front.

In stead of stopping this time, Ruppy swung a hoof. He caught it with ease and grabbed her, swung her around and tossed her into a near by cloud. She didn't move, but just sat there in the white fluff. Silver moved to sit on top of the cloud, above where Ruppy had landed.

“That bad, huh?” Silver quirked. Ruppy sat silently. Silver sighed and moved down to her level.

“Ruppy, please. Talk to me.” he pleaded. The mare remained silent, “Could you at least tell me why you won't say anything?”

“...Because it's stupid...” she whispered, turning away.

“Huh?” Silver leaned in closer.

“Because it's stupid, alright! I'm stupid!” she yelled, causing the wolf to reel back. She huffed and glared, only to lay back and mope a few seconds later.

“What do you mean?” Silver asked as he moved a little closer. Ruppy rolled on to her side,

“I thought Aerial would be like every other mare from Canterlot, all prissy and stuck up. But she's not. She's actually a decent pony, no matter how much I seem to piss her off. And that just pisses me off.”

“That you were wrong about her?”

She didn't respond, and instead balled up. Silver had never known she could get like this. To him, she seemed like she was always having fun, though that fun may have been at some pony elses expense, and often was perverse. But now, here she was, moping because she felt guilty about judging some pony before actually getting to know them.

And honestly, Silver was glad. He was happy that guilt was one of the things the street hadn't beaten out of her. It made her more pony than monster.

Silver stepped over the mare and leaned down to look her in the eyes, “You know what you have to do right?”

Ruppy sighed and stood, “Let's just start looking for that bracelet.” She lept off the cloud and began her search.

Silver pondered if he should go after her, but decided it would be best to let her work through it herself. He'd much rather avoid another swing at him.

7 hours. 7 grueling, mind-numbing hours of searching for a piece of jewelry they weren't even sure was there.

It was the evening and every pony had regrouped near the river.

“So, did you find anything?” Silver asked every pony.

They all shook their heads. Silver sighed and hung his.

“Well, I'm sorry for dragging you all out here for nothing. I guess it was just a wild theory.”

Twilight place a reassuring hoof on his back, “Hey, it's okay. You were only doing what you thought was right.”

Silver smiled back at her, “Thanks Twilight. Come on, lets get going. We haven't had anything to eat all day. Luckily, the river gave us water though.”

The group all turned and headed up stream. Every pony except for Aerial that is. She stood still.

“Aerial, you coming?” Silver called.

“...The river...” she mumbled. Silver cocked his head.

“The river runs to the lake. We didn't check the lake!” the earth pony exclaimed.

“It's probably not there,” Ruppy spoke up, “Why would some pony hide it in the lake anyway? Wouldn't that just make the bracelet rust?”

“No, if it's magic, it won't rust. And besides, the lake is deeper than it seems. It's not so much a lake as it is a cave. Every time I went swimming I would try to touch the bottom, but never could. I thought maybe the lake leads back into a cavern or something, so there wasn't a bottom. Oh Celestia, I'm so stupid! Why didn't I think of this before?”

“I'll go check it out. Every pony else, go back to Canterlot,” Silver commanded. Not that it really worked though. The mares all gave him questioning looks.

“Yeah, don't think so,” Ruppy retorted.

“We're coming with you Silver,” Twilight added on. The other mares all nodded in agreement.

Silver sighed, “Figured it was a long shot. Oh well, but if we get into trouble, getting Twilight out is the first priority. I'll get the bracelet, just make sure she gets out.”

“Roger,” Ruppy said with a salute.

Twilight didn't like the idea of being put before every pony else, but she knew this was something Silver wouldn't argue about, nor would any pony else.

So they trudged along the river for about twenty minutes, until it came to a cliff and became a waterfall. Silver peered over the edge and looked down at the lake below.

“Hmm, doesn't look that deep.” Silver hummed.

“Trust me, it's deep.” Aerial reassured.

Silver took a couple of steps back from the edge, “Well, only one way to find out!” Silver charged at the edge and jumped.

“SILVER!” Twilight called after him, but it was too late. The wolf dived into the water below, creating a large splash.

He didn't resurface for a few seconds, the longest seconds of Twilights life. Eventually though, the water bubbled and a wet wolf head popped up from it's surface.

“Hey! Aerial was right! The thing is a bottomless pit!” Silver called up. Twilight let out a sigh of relief and flew down with Ruppy to the lake side. Onyx jumped just like Silver had, and Aerial...glided?

She certainly wasn't falling, but she wasn't flying either. This must have been the Wind magic she said she discovered, and Twilight had just discovered her new study subject.

But that would have to come later. Right now, there was an underwater cave that needed to be searched.

Author's Note:

Sorry! I know it's late! I kinda got caught off guard and had to finish project, but I still managed to complete both the story and the work.

Also, if you want a pick of Aerial, look here! (she's the pony, obviously)

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