• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,871 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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The Clandestine King and Ruppys Upbring

Onyx stirred from her inadvertent nap, feeling the warm rays of the sunset hit her cheeks. As she slowly roused from her sleep, she rolled over and felt the comfort of something weighing down on her. She looked and found that during her nap, some pony had thrown a blanket over her.

As she looked around the room, she'd forgotten where she was for a moment. In that time, she hardened herself and prepared for the unexpected, but when she saw a note on the couch, she remembered her new residence.

Onyx felt the tension slip from her body as she reached out and took the note.


Have a nice nap? I'm afraid I won't be able to cook dinner tonight, so you and Ruppy will have to cook yourselves, but if you need me for anything, I'll be in the library. (Yes, I know you explored. Ruppy told me.)

P.S. You talk in your sleep. Like, a lot! And really loud too.

– Silver

Onyx felt a ping of annoyance flare up as she read the last sentence. Ruppy had always said the same thing about her, though Onyx never once believed it. She rarely talks when she's awake, she why would she in her sleep?

Onyx crumpled the paper and got off the couch. She paused for a moment to stretch out and shake herself before going to the kitchen. She popped open the fridge and it was stocked full, but didn't find anything she found appetizing. She went to the pantry just next to it, and at the bottom found a bag of fruits; some were apples, others peaches, and pears as well. She picked a green apple and a large peach from the bag with her magic and left the kitchen, munching down on her snack as she went into the hall. She was bored and had nothing to do, and figured Ruppy may be able to provide some entertainment.

Not bothering to knock, she peaked her head into the room, but found it empty. She thought for a moment, then figured Silver might know where the pegasus was. Onyx pulled back and went down the stairs. She strolled through the hall and into the grand library.

When she entered, she quickly examined the room to find where the wolf was, which didn't take long. He was on the second floor, browsing through his collection.

“Silver?” Onyx called, getting the wolf to look up from the stacks.

“Oh! Onyx, you're awake,” Silver said as he moved away from the shelves and down the steps, “Is there something I can help you with?”

“Where's Ruppy?” she asked before finishing off her apple.

Silver stepped off of the stairs and moved to a desk tucked away in the corner. It was covered in books and papers, with a glass of tea sitting on the edge. As he walked past Onyx, he grabbed the peach in his mouth and munched down, sending the juice squirting everywhere. “She shaid she realished she washn't done eshploring and wanted to shee the outback. I told her she should take you with her, but she said she didn't feel like dying,” Silver swallowed the large piece of fruit in his mouth.

The scenario wasn't necessarily wrong, though she wished Ruppy would have phrased it better. Onyx hated being woken up by any pony for any reason.

The unicorn titled her head, “Out back?”

“Yep,” Silver said as wiped his mouth and pointed a claw out the window, “The mountain only drops off on this side. There's a flat plain on the other side of the house where the porch is. You probably didn't see it earlier, but Ruppy did when she rage quit the games. She thought it'd be fun to go explore.”

Yep, that was Ruppy. She always had a sense of adventure, and couldn't wait to explore the unknown with her curious mind. Onyx felt the same way, but she wanted something exciting to happen, rather than being curious. She hated being bored, and would do anything to to escape it. Unfortunately, the sun was already setting, and Onyx wasn't foolish enough to go about a place she'd never been during the night. So, she was stuck.

She still had the energy thanks to her nap, but she didn't have anything to channel that energy into. The only one she could spend time with was Silver, but that would mean she'd have to do what she hated.

Start a conversation.

“So, what's all this?” Onyx inquired, referring to the mess on the desk.

“Huh? Oh!” Silver exclaimed, “This is research. I'm trying to figure something out.”

“What is it you want to know?” she inquired once more.

“Well, I'm not really sure. I had a feeling a few days ago about something I'd found, like I'd missed something, but didn't know what. I've been trying to figure it out, but I think I might just be a little insane.”

Onyx was a little curious now. Silver may not have come off as smart, but Onyx could tell from the books on the shelves that he was certainly intelligent. Maybe not a genius, but still knowledgeable. So she couldn't help but wonder, “What did you find that made you feel like you missed something?”

Silver was about to speak, but then stopped. He gave the unicorn a funny look, then proceeded, “Do you know what a grimoire is?” he asked.

Onyx nodded. While she didn't know much, she did know at least a few basics of what a grimoire is.

“Well, that's what I found. But that's not all. I also found what's called a Shade, and two at that. I won't get into details, but let's just say it's a magic shadow. The first Shade was in a valley in the Galloping Gorge, and I didn't think much of it. I just figured it was there for me. But the second Shade was after the grimoire, trying to feed off of it, but I killed it. But I feel like I missed something. Something incredibly important...” Silver looked to the books scattered on the desk and furrowed his brow.

Onyx was now a little more intrigued. Mysteries weren't quite her favorite, but she did enjoy the ones that sent her around Equestria. Especially to places she didn't know existed, like this valley.

Onyx wondered over to the desk where Silver was and began looking at the books. A lot of them were about rituals and myths about grimoires, but a few were geographic oriented and maps of Equestria.

“Are you sure the first Shade was after you?” Onyx suggested, “Maybe it was like the second one and trying to find something.”

“Well that's what I thought at first, but then I didn't think it was possible. If there was something like that in the valley, then I would have sensed it, or read about it, or something.”

Onyx looked over at the maps to refer to where this valley was. She looked at an older one, but didn't find a valley labeled in Gorge. She shuffled through to an newer one, but it still wasn't there. Even if it didn't have a name, there weren't even any mountains or hills on the map to even indicate that a valley was there.

“Silver, where is this valley you're talking about? I don't see it on the maps,” Onyx said as she continued to flip through the papers.

“Oh, that? Yeah, the valley doesn't appear on any of the maps or references to Equestrian geography. It's like it doesn't exist or....some...thing...” Silver trailed off and his eyes focused.


“SHH!!” he shushed and waved a paw. He turned his head to the ground and focused, his eyes wide like a mad wolf.

“....doesn't exist...non-existent...invisible...hidden....”

Silver snapped his head up and flew up the second floor. He ran over to a book shelf at the back and began ripping books off one by one.

“No. No. No. No.” he muttered as he tossed them to the ground. Onyx rushed up the stairs, only to the top just as Silver jumped back down with a book in his teeth. He ran back over to the desk and quickly pushed through the papers and books until he pulled out a large black tome at the bottom of a pile. He flipped through the pages of both books in a hurry, and Onyx arrived back at the desk just as he stopped.

She looked at his face and followed his eyes as they scanned the words. The black tome was in a language she couldn't read, but the other book Silver had brought with him was in Equestrian. It showed a picture of a bracelet, small and silver with four gems embedded into it. At the top of the page, it read...

“The Clandestine King?” Onyx read aloud.

“It's an old legend,” Silver began “One from Houndland. It's about one of the old wolf kings. It was said that no one knew who he was, what he looked like, or even his name. But every wolf in the land knew his power. But as the years went on, his influence dwindled and eventually disappeared all together, but the one thing that he left behind was a bracelet. This bracelet was said conceal anything from any one, and was thought to be the source of the wolf kings power.”

“And you think that bracelet is what is in the valley?”

“Think about it. An entire valley that's been there for thousands of years. Plenty of resources and space, but no pony notices it. The whole places just hidden away. Like it's been...”

“Erased...” Onyx finished.

Onyx stared at the tome. It seemed crazy. Absolutely insane and illogical. How could there be a power that completely conceals an entire valley?

“So then what's the black book for?” she asked since she couldn't read the words.

“It's a book of black rituals. Dark, ancient magic. I'm trying to find out why the Shades would want the grimoire and the bracelet. Also, a hint to where the bracelet might be.”

Onyx switched her attention from the book to Silver. Why would he have a book like that? She understood that he was using the book as a reference, but hoped that was all he'd used it for. As a unicorn, even though she didn't attend school, she did know about black rituals. They were created to only inflict the greatest pain and deliver death, and even had ill affects on the caster. They were not something to be used under any circumstance, especially since they were illegal world wide.

Silver sighed, “Nothing,” then shut the book, “I really need to find that bracelet.” He put a paw up to his temple, gently massaging it.

Onyx was actually kind of glad he closed it. It worried her. She didn't mind a little blood, just that torture was too much for her.

But she found herself worrying about something else. Or rather, some pony else. Or again, rather, some wolf else.

She didn't know why, but she didn't like that Silver had that book, or was so familiar with it. Perhaps it was due to him becoming her trainer, and she felt he might make her learn those kinds of spells. Or perhaps, it was simply that in the short time she knew him, she grew attached to him and this new home. For once in her life, Onyx may have actually care for some pony other than herself and Ruppy. Thinking of the devil, the boisterous pegasus busted through the door.

“I'M BACK BITCHES!” she hollered. Always has to make an entrance, this one. She flew over and landed beside Onyx, “Whatcha doin?”

Onyx merely pointed to the books.

Ruppy looked over to the stacks, “Da fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing,” Silver groaned, “Don't worry about it. What about you? Did you have fun on your little adventure?”

“Fuck yeah! This place is awesome!” Ruppy beamed with excitement, “Did you know you had a lake back there!? A fuckin lake!?”

“Yeah, that was already there when this place was first built. It's safe to swim in, so you're more than welcome to. There's also a hot spring.”

“Sweet! Onyx, we're swimming tomorrow after training!”

With her zealous friend back with her, Onyx reverted back to simple gestures for responses, and nodded.

Ruppy sniffed herself and gagged, “Whelp, I smell like sweat and shit again, so Imma go shower, eat then sleep,” she said before she stretched and yawn.

Silver chuckled lightly, “I think you should go ahead and shower too, Onyx. I'm not saying you smell, but you should get ready for bed. You do start training tomorrow.”

Onyx nodded once more, then left the library with Ruppy.

Silver looked back over the text.

Just what the hell is going on?....

Despite her nap before, Onyx slept soundly though the night. She was awakened the next morning by a voice softly calling her name.

“...Onyx...” the voice called. Despite its gentle tone, her instincts kicked in and her eyes snapped open. Not bothering to look at where the voice was coming from, Onyx lunged in the general direction and tackled who ever it was to the floor, making a loud crash ring through out the home. Her hooves met with a fluffy fur and she felt something pressed against her throat.

When she finally realized she was in no danger, she looked down and found herself on top of a very familiar wolf, and against her throat was a claw. It would seem she wasn't the only one who acted out of reflex.

The door to the bedroom flung open, “What the fuck ish goin on?” a drowsy Ruppy slurred, her mane frazzled. She blinked a few times before finally noticing Onyx standing over Silver in a seemingly provocative manner.

Ruppys eyes widened and she marched toward the unicorn, “Onyx, what the hell?! I thought we agreed I'd get the first go with him!”

“It's not like that. He startled me,” Onyx explained as she got off of Silver.


“'Oh...'? Really?Do you really two have an arrangement about who gets me first? Do you do this with every male you see or am I just special?”

“Shut the fuck up. You love it and you know it,” Ruppy said before turning and walking out of the room.

“True, but that's besides the point. Now that every ponies awake, we can get to training. Meet me in the castle in ten minutes.”

Onyx nodded and Ruppy hollered from her room, “'KAY!”

The minutes passed and Ruppy and Onyx stepped out of the house and into the castle hall.

Silver instructed them to follow him and the trio left the castle. They headed out of the back entrance and into a forest next to the grounds. They walked for a long time until they reached a clearing in the trees.

“Alright so,” Silver began, “before I can actually begin teaching you something, I need to see what you can do. So we're gonna have a little sparing session. Come at me however you please. The use of weapons is encouraged. Oh, and if you fail to land a hit on me by midnight, I'll make you sleep out here for the rest of the week.”

“Midnight? It's seven in the morning. Do you really think we're take that long?” Ruppy declared in a cocky manner.

“No, you probably need longer. I don't expect you to be able to land a blow at all,” Silver nonchalantly commented.

Ruppy scowled and dug a hoof in the ground, and Onyx moved over to a tree. She used her magic to snap off two thick branches and levitated them by her sides. When she turned to face Silver, she was wearing a noticeably angered expression.

Onyx slowly walked toward the wolf, the branches being brought up a little. Ruppy began to circle him, her eyes never leaving his position. Silver simply sat on his haunches in between the angry mares, observing and noting their movements.

“So, Onyx uses a duel-wield style. Her posture and stance don't indicate and formal training or style, but there's still very few openings. Ruppy doesn't have any stance at all, although I still can't quite tell what her movements will be.”

Silver cracked a grin, “Now we're talking...”

Onyx was the first to move. In a flash, she dashed forward and swung at the wolf. Silver leaned to the side, avoiding the blow with minimal effort. The second strike was just as easily avoided, and Silver remained in the same sitting position.

“The strikes are strong, but sloppy.”

Onyx raised the branches once more and swung one from the side. Silver ducked, only to have the second branch come down from above. He rolled out of the way, then yet another swing came from the direction he was jumping.

“She read my movements?! But how!? Even experienced soldiers can't do that!” Silver planted a paw on the ground and pushed up over the swing. At the same time, he heard a shuffling come from behind the branch and looked to see Ruppy dashing toward him on the same path the branch had. He rolled in the air, and pushed off her back with his paw, causing the would be punch to miss and send Ruppy flying. Silver landed on his paws and watched the two mare regain their positions.

“And then there's Ruppy. She timed the attack perfectly, using the swing as my blind spot, and the attack didn't seem coordinated. She might not seem the brightest, but Ruppy is definitely observational, and can think in her hooves.”

“Tch! Nimble little bastard...” Ruppy grunted.

“Their offense is good, but let's see their defense.”

“My turn,” Silver warned, then bolted toward the two mares, not giving them time to prepare. Silver used his wing and batted at Onyx. She jumped back, but not quickly enough to avoid a full blow. She was sent hurdling across the clearing and into a tree.

“She quick on her hooves, and has good reflexes, but her overall physical condition needs to be improved if those skills are to be of any use.”

Ruppy unexpectedly lunged at Silver, using his movements to create a blind spot once more, only to have him duck, then spin on his fore paws and kick her in the stomach. She too flew across the clearing.

“Shit! She caught me off guard and I kicked too hard! But there was something wrong with her stomach...”

Much to his surprise and relieve, Ruppy simply laughed and rose to her hooves.

“Damn, that's one hell of kick you got there,” Ruppy coughed out.

“What the hell? That kick should have shattered her rib cage. She should be coughing up bones and lungs! What the hell is she made of, diamond?”

Lost in thought, Silver barely noticed the presence behind him. Silver jumped and rolled out of the way just in time before the branch could make contact with his skull.

“Onyx?! When did she get behind me!?”

Silver quickly pulled a good distance away from her.

“Oh? He's quick for a big guy...” Onyx said flatly as Ruppy joined her.

“These two....they're perfect! Ruppy has an incredibly strong body, and a mind to match it! If she learns a proper style, she'll be unbeatable! And then there's Onyx. Her strikes are strong and well thought, and coupled with he natural ability to read body movements, she could defeat a dozen trained guards with minimal effort. And her ability to mask her presence in mere seconds is hardly surprising, but still remarkable. I hardly noticed she disappeared. If I train these two properly, they may surpass even me....





Onyx and Ruppy could see Silver crack a maniacal grin, “Let's continue, shall we...”

For the rest of the day until late into the sunset, the three of them were out in the forest sparring. The two mares would often come close to landing a hit, but never could make contact. As the day turned to evening, the two mares grew tired and breathless.

“Celestia...Damnit....” Ruppy huffed in exhaustion, “Why....can't we....hit him...”

Silver sat in front of them, his breathing unchanged and his posture relaxed, “Ya ever heard the term 'too slow'?” he taunted. Ruppy blew a breath out of her nose and rose to her hooves. She charged at the wolf, only to be smacked away by his wing.

Silver had put a little more strength into his strikes at Ruppy when he discovered her durability, but when Ruppy hit the ground and didn't get back up, he began to rethink his decision. She was on the ground for about thirty seconds before Silver began to worry.

“Ruppy?” Silver called. She didn't call back. She just laid on the ground silently. Silver took a step forward, but then the atmosphere around Ruppy had begun to change. It was filled with blood-lust and and a deep seeded hatred. The thought to be unconscious pegasus rose from the ground in a wearily manner and her breaths were drawn out and raspy. She slowly turned her head and stared at Silver.

Her eyes were wide, and the iris and pupils shrunk. The emerald green that once filled them had vanished and was replaced by a bloody crimson red.

The killing intent that radiated off of her made Silver doubt if this was the same mare from just a few seconds ago, but he knew that it was. What happened though? Did he hit her too hard? Was she finally fed up with the taunts and just snapped? Just what brought about this sudden change?

“Onyx...get back....” Silver instructed. The coal unicorn wasted no time moving to cover behind a tree. She'd seen Ruppy get like this once before, and it ended with a bloody massacre.

The raged filled Ruppy rushed Silver, her current speeds far surpassing what she had previously shown, and caught the wolf off guard. She brought her hoof down on top of his head, and he crashed into the ground with an enormous impact, causing the land beneath him to split and Rupture.

The pegasus stood on her hind legs and brought one up above Silvers head. He rolled out of the way just in time as the hoof came down, sending the crack to spread even further. Ruppy turned and faced the evasive wolf, only to see him disappear in a moments notice.

The wind started blowing hard in the clearing, and began wrapping around Ruppy. She made futile swings at the winds, but they only persisted and picked up in speed. As the winds gathered, they began to glow a brilliant blue, and soon encased Ruppy. An ear shattering scream pierced the air, and then the winds broke all at once.

Ruppy collapsed from her hind hooves and fell to be caught by Silver. Her eyes were shut and she seemed unconscious. Silver put an ear to her chest and heard soft breathes and steady beats.

Silver sighed in relief, “It's okay. She's okay!” he called to Onyx who came out of hiding. As she approached the two, Silver laid on the ground and propped Ruppy against his side.

“Is she...?” Onyx began, cautious about approaching.

“She calmed down,” Silver finished, “I think. I'm not really sure what went wrong in the first place though.”

Onyx moved over to the sleeping pegasus and laid her head down on her lap, “It's because you hit her too much.”


Onyx looked up from her friends lap, then looked back to Silver. She wasn't sure if she should tell him, but felt that he needed to know, “Did you notice? Her body? It's strength?”

Silver nodded, “Yeah, she has one of the toughest bodies I've ever seen.”

“She wasn't born with it,” Onyx began, “When she was young, her parents were abusive. They beat her mercilessly and broke her a hundred times over. Her body kept healing and coming back twice as strong, but that only made them hit harder.”

“When she was thirteen, the social services got involved and took her to a foster home, but that was only worse. The foster parents there beat her too, and to make it worse, so did the other kids. Even at school, she was beat up. There wasn't a day in her life that Ruppy didn't get punched or kicked. Eventually though, she ran away at sixteen, and that's when she met me.”

Silver was a little apprehensive about learning this, not just because he felt like he was invading, but because he just didn't like stories like this. He knew he had to know though. What ever that thing was was dangerous, and so he asked, “What was that thing?”

Onyx showed the same apprehensiveness Silver did, but continued, “The first time I saw it was during a brawl we'd gotten into with some gang. We were out numbered and getting beaten pretty badly. Then, the same thing from just now happened, and she went into a fury. She--- she killed all of them, smashing their heads into the pavements and buildings, and sends huge cracks across every surface. The entire block was destroyed by the end of it.” Onyx gripped her arms as she recalled the frightening moment, “So much blood...”

Silver recalled the blow to the head that he received, and looked back at the fissure. Certainly, that was a strength that could level a city block with ease.

Onyx managed to collect her self a little and picked up again,“When she finally calmed down, she told me about everything that happened to her. Before then, I didn't ask, and there for didn't know about her past. But she said when she was getting beaten, her mind was flooded with the memories of her parents, foster home and every other punch and kick she'd received in her life and she just...snapped.”

“So when she gets hit repeatedly, she reverts to...that?”

“I'd appreciate if you didn't refer to me as 'that',” Ruppy murmured.

Silver looked back over his shoulder to the mare that laid against him, “You're awake?”

Ruppy nodded, and Onyx looked up to her. She stared at the unicorn for a moment, then in a quick movement, a tan hoof went across her coal black cheek and a loud slap resounded through the trees.

“Fuckin bitch....”

“Ruppy!” Silver scolded as he used his wing to hold her down against his side.

“It's okay...” Onyx spoke up, “I deserved it.” She rose to her hooves and moved closer to the pegasus. Silver kept his wing pressed firmly against Ruppy, and Onyx threw her hooves around the mares neck.

Ruppy turned her head away, but Onyx continued to embrace her, “I know you're mad, but he would have found out sooner or later,” the unicorn whispered softly.

“But it would have been from me!” Ruppy hollered, “You had no right!”

“I know, and I'm sorry...I shouldn't have and I'm so, so sorry...” Onyx hugged Ruppys neck a little tighter. The pegasus was still clearly upset, but she let out a sigh and her body relaxed a little,

“Damn it Onyx...”

Silver loosened his wing and Ruppy reach out to return the hug. Their embrace broke after a few minutes and Onyx laid down next to Ruppy against Silvers side.

After a few moments of silence, Ruppy spoke, “So, whatcha think?” she asked, “You gonna keep training a freak like me? Or am I too much of hazard?”

“Freak?” Silver questioned and turned to give the mare a genuinely confused look, “You're not a freak, Ruppy. Slightly terrifying, yes. But certainly not a freak. And besides, even if you were, that would make me and Onyx a freak too.”

Ruppy chuckled, “Then I guess we're all a bunch of freaks...” She looked up at the sky for a moment, then asked, “Hey, are you still gonna make us sleep out here?”

“Nope. You managed to land a hit before mid-night.”

“We did?” Ruppy asked. Silver pointed a paw over to the fissure in the ground.

Ruppy wondered what he meant, but was too exhausted to ask. She crawled on top of his and laid across it, “Can we just go home then?”

Silver laughed lightly, “Sure. Grab Onyx and toss her on.”

Ruppy looked over and saw the unicorn had fallen asleep at some point. She rolled her eyes then pulled her up over Silver back and balanced her so she wouldn't fall off. Silver trotted carefully back to the castle so as to not disturb the sleeping pony on his back.

Most of the trip back was quiet, only the sounds of the first few crickets of the evening filled the air, and the occasion mumble from Onyx. But eventually, Ruppy broke the silence.

“Hey, Silver?” she asked softly, “When you said that if I was a freak, then you were too, what did you mean?”

Silver looked to her with a confused face, but answered anyway, “Well, for one, I was the one who stopped you, so I guess that makes me even more of a freak, since I can beat one. But, it's also that I'm a lot like you.”

Ruppy blew raspberries, “How are you like me? Last I checked, you don't go ape shit when you get your ass kicked and you're not some little punk off the streets. You're loaded with cash with a huge house and your surrounded by hot chicks all the time. Your life is the complete opposite of mine.” Ruppy hung her head. Before, she had accepted that her life was, as she put it, shitty. But now that she got a taste of what better life was like, she began to feel the effects of just how bad hers was before.

“Maybe now, but my life wasn't always like this,” Silver informed, “Growing up, I had a life similar to yours. My mom didn't beat me, but I still had my problems. In Houndland, at the time, the local wolf packs were constantly at war. No where was safe, and a lot of wolves got killed in the cross fire of the fighting. I grew up in a world of violence, death and blood. And what's worse is that I learned to tame that insane world, and eventually became it's king....

“It may not seem bad when I explain it, but my power was gained by creating a mountain of corpses, and standing atop them as the proud victor. I had to kill to survive, and I enjoyed it....Even now, there's still a piece of that inside of me. So yeah, we're more alike than you'd think.

“As for my current life style, well I made myself. I'm not sure where the hot chicks came in, but I struggled and fought to get to where I am now. I was by no means born with it.”

Ruppy just lowered her head and wrapped her hooves around Silvers neck.

“...Just a bunch of fucking freaks, I guess...” she whispered, her chuckling voice contradicting the feel of the statement.

“But still, it's a place I can call home....”

Author's Note:

Sorry! This ones a little late. I kinda got caught up in reading A Treasure in the West. It was really good!

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