• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,872 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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Castle Fight and Twilights Night

“Hey! …Hey! You still alive?!” Rainbow Dash called out in to the forest below.

“Silver!...” No voice called back.

“Oh, man...” Rainbow Dash dreaded what she knew she had to do. She had gone into the Everfree forest many times before, but it's not like she enjoyed being in there. Every time she ventured in, she could shake a strange tingling creeping up in pit of her stomach. Not like butterflies, but something more along the lines of being watched. Like she could feel a pair of eyes scanning her, waiting to pounce.

Reluctantly, Rainbow flew down to the top of the tree line and started scanning the land below, or at least the land she could see through the black leaves of the trees. She looked for a long while, but much to her worry, she couldn't find where the Silver had landed.

“Oh, great! Now he lost out here, and every pony's gonna think it was my fault,” the pegasus moaned.

“Are you still following me?” an annoyingly familiar voice asked from below. Rainbow stopped flying looked down to the direction the question had come from, and much to her bittersweet joy, she found Silver, not that he was really lost in the first place. He was perched on a branch in a large tree, and from what Rainbow could tell, was completely fine.

“There you are!” she shouted as she flew down to him, stopping just in front of the branch, “Do you have any idea how much trouble I would've been in if I didn't find you? Twilight would have had another breakdown and blamed it on me!”

“Oh relax, I'm fine,” he said as he dropped down from his place in the tree, “But I suggest you go back home.I saw something when I landed, and I don't intend on turning around any time soon. If this place is as dangerous as you ponies say, then you shouldn't even be flying over it, much less be wondering into it looking for trouble.”

“I'm not leaving you here, you're coming back with me!” she commanded as she grabbed Silvers tail and pulled, though it was pointless, as Silver far outweighed her. After her futile struggle, she dropped Silvers tail and turned to him, “Well even if I can't drag you out, I'm still not gonna leave you here by yourself.”

“So you are still following me," Silver said with a noticeably bothered tone.


Silver sighed and hung his head, “Suite yourself, but if there's any danger, run. Don't fight, just run.”

“Please, I can take care of myself. I've been in here plenty of times before, and even fought off a manticore once. I'll be fi--”

“No, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. My job now isn't to just keep Princess Twilight safe, but her friends as well.”

“Well if you're supposed to keep me safe, then why don't you just leave! I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you.”

Silver stopped and let out a frustrated sigh, “Like I said, I saw something when I landed. Something about this place is even more wrong than it should be. I was trying to get you to leave , but you're so damn persistent, and I can't just let this go unchecked.”

Rainbow Dash was actually a little surprised at his concern. She didn't realize she was making things difficult for him, but that didn't change the fact that she wouldn't just turn around and go home.

“...What did you see?”

“A castle. It's old and broken, but there was something moving around. I'm not sure what it was, but it felt...wrong, somehow.”

“I think you mean the Castle of the Two Sisters,” Rainbow informed, “It's where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna lived before Nightmare Moon.”

“Whatever that place is called, there's something there, and it's been hiding out for a while. So please, I'll ask you one more time. Will you just go home?” Silver pleaded, a look of concern and worry forming on his face.

“Sorry, but now I can't. If what you're saying is true, then I can't just leave things the way they are. I have to protect Ponyville too.”

Silver let out another sigh, “Fine. Just stick close,” he said as he turned and began to walk to the castle.

This isn't going to end well.

The pair took off to the sky, figuring it would be faster if they just flew to the castle instead of walking. It was also because that even though it was mid-day, the sky was dark, and the ground under the trees were even darker and they didn't want to risk being attacked. It wasn't from the storm clouds, since the Everfree forest had it's own whacked out weather, but from unnaturally black clouds looming in the sky. The castle quickly came into view on the shadowed horizon, and upon seeing it, Silver got the same feeling he did when he first landed.

It didn't take long to reach the front doors of the castle, or at least what was left of them. The castle hadn't been used in 1,000 years, so it was naturally in bad shape. Much of the roof and upper floors were missing, allowing what little light there was coming from the sky to cast a unnerving glow into it, and several walls had been ripped off from weather or creatures of the forest. The walls that were still intact had been overgrown by vines and plants. All in all, Silver wasn't too disturbed by the appearance. After all, it wasn't the first abandon castle he had strode in to. But what got to him was the temperature. For what ever reason, when he first landed in front of the castle, he felt an strange freeze run through him. It was like he had just jumped into the Arctic Oceans for a swim. He let out a noticeable shiver and Rainbow couldn't help but to make a comment.

“Ya scared already? What happened to the whole, 'Oh, I'm supposed to protect you'”

“If I were scared, I wouldn't have bothered coming. I'd have just burned the forest down and left it at that. No, this... This is something else. And perhaps the strangest thing is that it's familiar.”

Rainbow simply rolled her eyes. While it was true that she wasn't fond of the forest, she did know what the castle was like. She had been in there many times before and nothing too terrible happened. Okay, except for the whole Nightmare Moon thing and Pinkie Pie scarring the crap out of every pony by pretending to be the Pony Of Shadows, but other than that, nothing.

The two pushed open the half hanging doors of the castle and wondered in. Rainbow Dash hadn't felt the cold that Silver had, but for Silver, it didn't leave his body and seemed like it would stay for a while.

The first room they entered was a grand hall, or at least what would have been a grand hall if half the roof weren't missing and vines hadn't invaded. The tattered remains of a red carpet ran down the center, and along the interior walls were several archways that lead to different areas of the castle. There were six passageways totals, three on each side, though the two on the front left wall had collapsed and couldn't be entered.

“Come on,” Silver said pointing his head to the right side, “I saw something move on the West side of the castle.” He trotted to the front of the middle passage and Rainbow followed behind.

“Which on do we take?” she asked waving a hoof to the choices before them.

“The back one.”

“How do you know?”

“I saw it in the castle room of the back tower. Amazingly, it's the only left intact.” Silver moved down the hall to the archway and motioned for Rainbow to come. She gulped, but went any way. She was used to the castle, but she and her friends had never bothered to go back to where Silver was suggesting. Twilight said it used to be where Luna's room was, and out of respect for her privacy, and fear of her wrath, they decided it would be best to just leave that area alone.

When she reached Silver, she looked down the hallway scanned the walls. Candles lit the way a good bit, but she still couldn't see very far. The hall was fairly wide, big enough for at least four ponies to walk through side-by-side.

Silver was the first to enter the hall. Rainbow stayed behind a pace or two, figuring it was a big enough distance to keep comfortable, but close enough to make sure she didn't lose him. The hall was longer than she expected, and Rainbow Dash eventually moved closer and closer to Silver the further they went in. She was too worried to notice Silver hadn't spoken since the two entered, but he soon asked her,

“Have you ever been to this part of the castle?”

“N-n-oo.” Rainbow answered, her fear beginning to take control, “Why?”

“No reason, just wanted to know if you were scared,” Silver replied with a smirk.

Rainbow Dash quickly jumped to defend her pride,“I'm not scared! I'm just...cautious. Yeah, that's right. Cautious,”

“There's nothing wrong with being scared, you know” Silver said, giving her a sympathetic and understanding smile, “Fear is good, especially in places like this. It's what keeps you alive.”

“Then, d--do you think something might attack us while we're here?”

Silver shrugged, “Dunno, maybe.”

Rainbow gulped again. She really didn't like where they were going, but she didn't have a choice. If what Silver said was true, then she felt she had a responsibility to deal with the problem as one of the ponies who helped saved Equestria on several occasions.

The walk continued. The hallway was quite long, and they were walking for quite a few minutes, but they eventually got to the end. At the back end of the hall, there was a winding staircase leading up to the higher floors. The staircase was a little smaller, but still big enough for the two to go together.

It didn't take nearly as long to reach the top as it did to get down the hall. When they reached the top, they found a large set of old oak doors with a crescent moon engraved on the wood. Silver gave one of the doors a push and cracked it open to poked his head in.

He looked around for a moment then pushed the door open the rest of the way, allowing Rainbow to enter. The room was lit by a few old candles and at the opposite wall was a large bed, considerably larger than the average, but still not gigantic. It had dirty covers ruffled and bunched up on it, and a few old pillows that had deteriorated. There was a dresser pressed against the wall to the right with a number of items on it, mostly combs, brushes, bottles and what looked like old make-up along with a mirror attached to the top. On the opposite side to the wall with the dresser, there was a large glass door that lead to a small balcony on the outside.

Silver moved over to the glass door and peered through it, “This is where I saw the figure,” he said, then turned around and examined the room.

He paused before saying, “Somethings off...This room is different from earlier.” Silvers ears swiveled and his eyes continued to scan the room. He suddenly stopped his inspection and spoke, “The lights. The were no candles lit when I saw the room earlier. They're on now...”

“Are you sure?”

“I'm sure. If they were lit, I would've seen the figure better. Besides, think about it. You said that none of you're friends have come back here in the time that you've discovered the castle. So why were the candles in the hall still burning after a thousand years?”

“Magic candles?” she said meekly. Silver shook his head.

“Then, who lit the candles?”

Silver look around at the room again. First to the bed, then the door, and finally to the dresser, then widened his eyes. He noticed something in the reflection of the mirror. A shadow, slowly taking form behind him. It wasn't stuck to the wall, but actually taking the form of a pony behind him. Silver quickly looked back over his shoulder, and saw nothing there, then looked back to the mirror, and saw it again. It had fully formed into a faceless pony shape, and then raised a hoof to what would be its mouth, as if to shush him.

“Rainbow, run...”


In an instant, Silver flew across the room, kicked by an invisible force, and crashed into the dresser crushing it.

“RUN, NOW!” he screamed from the ground, and Rainbow Dash bolted out of the room. Silver scampered to his paws and ran after her, quickly catching up.


“It was a--” but Silver stopped as a large black spike shot down at him from the ceiling. He jumped to the side, narrowly escaping a fatal blow, but still managed to get cut down his side. “FASTER!” The two darted down the hall at even greater speed, but it was useless. The blackness that the spike came from on the ceiling caught up and this time, spread itself to the sides of the wall as well. Silver saw the blackness spread and realized what was about to happen.


“WHA---AHH!” Silver dashed under Rainbow and put her on his back. He slammed his paws into the ground as hard as he could, and just as the spikes shot out from the wall and ceiling, he disappeared.

Silver wasn't sure where he had ended up, but he managed to escape for the moment. He looked at his surrounding and found he was in a storage room. Of course, that meant there weren't any windows to escape from, so they were pretty much at a dead end.

Silver sighed and looked back at Rainbow Dash. She had her eyes tightly shut and her faced buried into his back.

“Hey, we're good. We got away,” Silver said as rolled his shoulder to get her attention.

“Huh?” she said as she picked her head up. She looked around and was stunned at the sudden change in location, “Where are we? How did we get here?”

“Don't worry about that. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?”

“No, I'm fine, but-- Silver, you're bleeding!” Silver looked down at his side and saw a crimson stain on his silver and blue fur.

“It'll be fine. It's not that bad. Are you sure you're not hurt?” Silver asked again.

“I told you I'm fine. Just a little shocked is all. I've never seen something like that, even in the Everfree forest. What was it?”

“It's a Shade, I think.”

“You think?”

“Well, it has the form of a Shade, but I've never seen one this strong before. They can't hide in mirrors, and they shouldn't be able to attack like that. Something in this castle is making it stronger, but I can't tell what. Is there something powerful hidden in here?”

“No, we've been in here dozens of times, and we've never found anything like that. The only thing that would be considered powerful would be the Elements of Harmony, but they haven't been here in a long time. We even had to get rid of them to revive the Tree of Harmony.”

“Yeah, but for a thousand years, they sat in here. The Shade was probably feeding off of their power before you came and got them.”

“So, what? Is that thing on like steroids now or something?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

Rainbow Dash hung her head and sighed. When she felt the fur tickled her nose, she realized she was still on Silvers back.

“Umm, could you let me down now?” she asked as a bit of blush found its way onto her cheeks.

“Oh, right! Sorry,” Silver said as he leaned down to let the mare off.

“Thanks,” she said once she stepped down. When she did, Rainbow finally realized they were in different place, “Hey, do you know where we are? Or how we even got here?”

“We're in the hall on the opposite side of the one we went into. I kinda over shot the main hall we came in from, and ran past the exit. We have to go back to leave.”

“Nice going, super solider.”

“Hey! It's hard move that quickly in such a small space. And besides, I didn't hear you complaining while you were on my back. If you like, I could just grab you and dump you back there.”

“You wouldn't!”

“Try me..” The two gave each other a fierce glare before turning their backs. Silver was the first to look out the corner of his eye, but Rainbow still had her back facing him. He noticed a cut between her shoulder blades and rolled his eyes and moved closer to her. He put a paw on her back, causing her to squeal and jump.

“What the hay are you doing?!” she yelled as she tried to pull away. Silver put his other paw on her shoulder and pushed her back down before she could move.

“You're hurt. Now sit still.”

“I told you before, I'm fine,” the pegasus groaned. Silver ignored her and continued to inspect the wound. It didn't seem to be too deep, but it was bleeding slowly, though he figured it would stop soon.

“It's fine, just a cut.”

“See? Told you. Now if you're done checking me, do you mind explaining how we're going to get out of here?”

“We go back the way we came.”

“Seriously? With that thing still there? It'll kill us!”

“Not if we get to the main hall first. It's big enough that the Shade won't be able to enclose us like it did before. We just have to get to the door first. If it does attack, just dodge. It's slower than you think, and I know you can out maneuver it.”

She didn't like the idea, but she couldn't think of a better plan. It was true that that was the only way out, so they really didn't have a choice. “Fine.” she muttered finally.

The pair left the storage room and moved back down the passage. It didn't take long to reach the main hall, and when they entered it, they found it was empty.

“Let's move, quickly.” Silver said. Rainbow Dash didn't need to be told twice. They got half way to the door when it was suddenly wrapped in a black cover.

“Crap! It knew we would come back. Quickly, out through the roof!” Silver said as he and Rainbow took off. They bolted for the hole in the ceiling, but it was covered by a blackness as well. They stopped dead in their tracks as they saw all of the passages sealed off by the Shade, leaving them with no where to run.

“We're trapped!” Rainbow yelled. At the center of the hall, a black mass swirled gathered, forming into a faceless pony.

“Silver! It's here!” Silver flew between the Shade and Rainbow,

“Remember what I said, just dodge. Stay in the air and off the ground.” He darted toward the ground where the Shade stood, crashing into the floor, sending dust and stones into the air. There was a quick gush of wind and the dust cleared, revealing Silver standing alone in a small crater. A black shadow rose behind him and spikes shot out. Silver glanced and saw the attack, jumping and rolling out of the way, getting to his paws moments after and lunging back at the Shade, this time making contact and slamming it into the wall. It was pinned for a moment, and when Silver went to bite down on it, it absorbed into the bricks and ran up the wall to the ceiling, stopping just above Rainbow.

“Rainbow, move!” Silver yelled, and the pegasus dashed out of the way. The Shade jumped but missed and hit the ground, merging once again with the floor before darting around the hall, quickly running along all of the surfaces. It continually jumped out and attacked Rainbow, each time she barely managed to avoid being hit.

“Crap! It's catching up! I'll get hit soon!”

When it lunged the next time, Silver jumped and snagged the Shade in his jaws, biting down with a bone crushing grip. He shook his head and flung it into the air and opened his jaws wide. A blue light began to gather between his teeth, and large a beam fired from his mouth. The ground rippled from the force, and the blow back pushed Rainbow Dash a few meters away. The Shade that was caught in the blast was obliterated, alone with what little of the roof was left and a portion of the back wall. Bricks and rocks came crumbling down and dust filled the room.

“Silver! *cough cough* Silver!” Rainbow called through the dust, “Silver, where are you!?”

“I'm here!” he answered. His voice came from in front of Rainbow Dash. She trotted forward and found Silvers tail poking through some dust.

“There you are! Is it gone now? Can we leave?” she asked as she walked up behind him.

“Yeah, just hold up a sec,” Silver said as he stepped forward. He walked to the farther end of the hall until he reach the wall that he had blew off. A few rocks had continued to fall off, but there was a small section of the wall just to the right of the hole that was completely unscathed by anything. Not even the vines, which had infested virtually every wall in the room, had not touched that one spot.

“What is it?”

“This wall. There's a room behind it,” Silver replied as he moved forward and ran a paw over the bricks.

“I wouldn't be surprised. This place has all kinds of trap doors and hidden walls. We ran into a few of them before. They were just little surprises for the Princesses to play with though, nothing special really. Now can we please go!?”

“No, this is different. The air coming through the cracks, it's...” Silver paused and lifted his nose, whiffing near the bricks, “...sweet. Like vanilla.” Silver ran his paws over it once more, “There's a spell on it. It's locked and protected.”

“Silver, please! Can we just go!?”

“Just wait.”

Silver put both paws onto the wall. A blue archaic circle appeared light and a number of gold lines pulsed through the wall. After a long minute, the magic shattered, both the circle and the lines. There was a loud clunk and whining, then a puff of dust shot out from the cracks of the bricks. A small portion of the wall collapsed, revealing a dark room behind it.

Now, Rainbow Dash could smell the sweet scent Silver was talking about. He was right, it did smell like vanilla, but why? Did they just discover Celestias secret cake stash or something?

Silver moved to the side of the wall and grabbed a candle. He turned back and went through the hole, Rainbow coming in after. The candle provided little light, luckily though, the room was small and had a lantern of it's own laying on the floor. Silver lit it and took a good look at the room. He looked down and saw he was in front of an old desk with scattered quills and bottles of ink and papers on top. To his right, there were two bookshelves which held tomes of magic and research. Finally, behind him, there was a podium with a book laying open on it. It was this that caught Silvers eye, and he had a inkling that he knew what the book was.

He moved to the podium and scanned through the pages of the book. He flipped it over to the cover and instantly realized what was happening at the castle. He stared in disbelief at the tome in front of him, only to be interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

“Silver, what is it?” She asked as she looked at the cover, “It's just some old book. I'm sure Twilight would have a party over it, but I wasn't expecting you to.”

“It's not just a book,” he said, his voice mixed with fear and excitement, “It's a grimoire.” Silver cracked a huge grin, one that actually scared Rainbow. She hadn't seen a smile like this before, and she didn't know what it meant. It was twisted in a way, like a mad stallion with a devilish plan.

“What's a grimoire?”

“Don't worry, I'll tell you about it later. But now, I have a bit of an understanding about what was going on in this place.” Silver moved back to the desk and picked up and old saddle bag that was laying next to it. He dumped out the contents and stuffed the book into the bag. He went back to the desk and ripped open the drawers, dumping them out as he opened them.

“Silver, what the hay are you doing!?” Rainbow Dash yelled as she watched Silvers erratic behavior.

“Come on, come on. I know you had to have something. If you have this then I know you were...AHA!” Silver exclaimed as he emptied out the final drawer. A thick, black journal with multiple tabs sticking out of it fell to the ground. Silver quickly swiped it up and crammed it into the bag as well, then strapped it on himself.

“Alright, lets go,” he said, he previously cautious demeanor had turned into a gleeful smile like that of a filly on a field trip.

“Waitwaitwait, you said you understood what was going on.”

“Yes?” Silver said as he stepped back out of the hole.

“So? Do you feel like sharing? In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a little more than lost here,” Rainbow followed behind him and the two moved back through the main hallway to the exit.

“We found a grimoire. It's a book of magic. Ancient, powerful magic. I think this is what the Shade was feeding off of to gain it's power.”

“How can you know that?”

“Let's just call it a hunch for now, but I'll be able to tell when I get a chance to look at it. For now, I think we should leave. I've had enough of this castle for today.” For once, Rainbow didn't need to argue with him. She had felt the same, and couldn't wait to get away and ditch the wolf. She regretted ever following him in to the forest.

But she also felt that, maybe, he wasn't too unbearable. He did look after her while they were there, though he didn't really need to, and he was pretty cool in that fight. But he's still annoying and stubborn!

When they got back to Ponyville, it was already sunset. The clouds had mostly scattered, but a few big ones still lingered in the sky. Rainbow Dash had decided to go home for the day, and flew back to her cloud home. Silver figured he should at least go and let Twilight know he was back before she began to worry, so he flew to the library. Just as before, he decided to knock on the balcony glass door instead of the front. It was only seconds after when Twilight appeared with a look of relief on her face.

“Silver! You're back! I was afraid you'd gotten lost or something,” Twilight said as she opened the door and let Silver in. The two went down the stairs and to the main room and sat on the couch.

“Yeah, sorry. I meant to get back sooner, but something kinda came up.”

“What was it? What happened?”

Silver proceeded to tell her about his encounter with the Shade and the grimoire he found. She took it well, considering he almost got her best friend killed, but was now more worried than she was before. He showed her the grimoire to see if she recognized it, but she didn't.

“But why would something like this grimoire be in the Sisters Castle?”

“Well, I'm not really all that surprised. I wouldn't put it past Celestia or Luna to study something like this, but what I'm trying to figure out is why the Shade was there. They're not natural creatures, they have to be made by some pony, and the magic used to make them isn't commonly found in Equestria. What's worse is that this is the second one I've seen since I've been here.”

“Wait, you ran into another one of those things?”

Silver nodded his head, “It's why I didn't show up the first day. I had to stop and search a valley to the north to find it. Then there was this mare, and she'd had a rough day, but that's another story. Anyway, the point is that at first I thought the Shade was sent after me, but now that I've seen the Shade in the castle, I'm thinking it's been there a lot longer than just a few days.”

Twilight hummed and tapped her chin,“These shades, they're just shadows right? They actually look and behave like shadows?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I'm thinking that's where the Pony of Shadows legend came from. It's and old story that says when Nightmare Moon was banished, some of her magic was left behind and haunted the old castle. Ponies might have been confusing the Shade with remnants of Nightmare Moons magic. And if that's true then the Shade was hiding out in the castle for quite some time. Maybe years, centuries even.”

“That would certainly make sense. Anyway, I'll figure it out tomorrow. I'll go talk to Celestia and Luna and see what they know about this. For now, I think I'll just head home.” He packed the book away, but before he had even turned to leave, Twilight spoke.

“Are you sure you don't want to stay the night again? Spike still isn't back yet, and I do happen to have some dinner cooking,” she offered. She did enjoy his company, and she would feel bad if she made him fly home after his long day.

Silver paused and thought for a moment. After a few seconds, he shrugged and set his bag down, “Sure why not? What are you cooking this time?”

Twilight smiled, “Lasagna. It should be done in about 20 minutes. Why don't you go shower and it'll be done when you get out.”

Silver chuckled, “I get the feeling we've done this before,” he said as he trotted down the hall. Twilight giggled too as she watched him disappear around the corner. When she heard the shower cut back on, she picked up Silver bag with her magic and set it on the couch. She went to her room and straightened herself out, the thoughts of her previous night with Silver coming back.

“It's just like a date again. Well, maybe not exactly, but still, it's pretty close. But the weird thing is, it doesn't really feel wrong. In fact, I think I might kinda like it. I think I might...even...like...”

Her thoughts were interrupted be the sound of the bathroom door opening. Twilight snapped out of her imagination and quickly finished sprucing herself up before she left her room, just as the timer for the lasagna rang. She went to the kitchen and pulled out the steaming tray of pasta and sauce and set it on the stove. She looked at her meal and admired it for a moment, mentally congratulating herself for not burning her meal, only to have a muzzle appear next to her, whiffing the aroma.

“Smells great,” Silver hummed.

“Yep,” was all Twilight managed to squeak out. His body was inches away from hers, and his head was hovering just above her shoulder next to her cheek. She could feel the heat from the hot water of the shower radiating off his body and could hear each breathe he took when he whiffed the food. She couldn't tell if he was doing it on purpose, or if he just didn't realize how close he was. Either way, Twilights cheeks practically exploded with blush. It wasn't until he moved away that she finally got her nerves under control, although the pink in her face was still prominent.

“Mind if I have some cider?” Silver asked as he pointed to the keg in the kitchen.

“Help yourself,” Twilight said as she floated out two mugs, plates and silverware. She passed the mugs to Silver, “Some for me too please.” Silver took the mugs in his paws and flicked the switch on the tap to fill them up. Twilight was cutting out some pieces of lasagna and setting the on the plate, then floated them out to the table in the main room. Silver came out shortly after with the two mugs in one paw and sat them on the table. He took his seat next to Twilight and began to eat. He occasionally paused and asked about her day. She told him after he left, she went to help Pinkie Pie fix the roof of Sugarcube Corner since it had gotten badly damaged from the storm. That took up the majority of her day, and she had only been home for about an hour and a half before Silver arrived, just long enough for the lasagna to cook. The two finished their meal and downed their drinks, and much to Silvers surprise, he had gotten a little dizzy.

“Hmm... this is a little stronger than last time.”

“I think you might be right,” Twilight said as she stared into the empty mug, “I think I might've grabbed the wrong barrel. -hicup-”

They sat back on the couch and tried maintain their composure as much as possible. Silver had a bit of a hard time since he was now not only buzzed, but tired. His eyelids had grown heavy, and he knew he would fall asleep soon.

Perhaps it was due to the alcohol, but Twilight ended up asking a question she normally wouldn't ask, not even to a pony.

“Silver, what do you think of mares?”

Silver raised a brow, “Huh?”

“Mares. What do you think of them? Do you find them attractive or are they just ponies to you?”

“Um...why are you asking this?”

“I'm just curious. I don't see very many relationships where the couple are two separate races. But since Spike can see Rarity as attractive, I figured maybe wolves can too.”

“Hmm,” Silver hummed, “ I guess I've never really thought about it, but yeah, I can see some mares as attractive. What about you? Have you ever had a thing for another race?”

“I don't concern myself with romance, regardless of race, ” Twilight said with a dismissive wave of a hoof.

Silver flashed a charming smile, “Aww, that's a shame,” he said as he leaned closer and whispered, “You're actually one of the cute mares,” Twilight bloomed into a brilliant fuscia pink.

She buried her face in her hooves and muttered, “You're terrible, you know that?” Silver chuckled and laid his head down.

“Yeah I know...” Silver paused and let out a yawn, “...but I meant what I said,” he mumbled. It only took a few moments for Silver to fall asleep. When Twilight finally picked her head up, she realized he was snoozing, though that didn't change the fact that she was still thinking about what Silver had said.

He..he thinks I'm cute? But why? No other stallion has ever really shown an interest in me. Is it because he's a wolf and just sees me differently?

Twilight couldn't help but stare at the sleeping wolf before of her. She stepped off the couch and moved to sit in front of Silvers body.

What am I doing!?” She wasn't sure if her actions were her own, or if it was the cider taking over.

She put her fore hooves on the couch and pulled herself up. Silver took up a lot of the couch, but when she crawled next to him, he seemed to move back and made room, as if to tell her to join him.

I need to stop and leave now! Twilight Sparkle, just go to bed!

Twilight lowered herself onto the couch and against Silvers side. His warmth rushed over her like a thick blanket, and she suddenly felt like her home was much colder than usual. Silver moved around a little as he tried to account for his company to make himself comfortable. He rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around Twilight, receiving a small yelp from the notion, but nothing more. She didn't struggle. Instead, Twilight rolled to her side as well, so that she faced Silver. She place her hooves on his chest and nuzzled herself into his fur.

He's so....warm...

Twilight could hear the rhythm of his breathing and his heart. To her, it was like a melody. With the gentle rise and fall of his chest, it was as if she were floating in the ocean, her body bobbing up and down with the waves passing below her, rocking her to sleep.

I shouldn't be here...I shouldn't be doing this...but for some reason, I couldn't care less.

Twilights eyelids fell, and her mind began to slip. Her final thought before slipping into a slumber,

I think I'm gonna keep him...

Author's Note:

Tipsy Twilight and snuggles are always so much fun!

Update: The pic is on here!

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