• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,870 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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A Night With A Wolf

Twilights day had been fairly normal, except for the bizarre morning she had in Canterlot, but even that could have gone worse. Silver could have tried to eat them all, or could have been an assassin. But it's not like he was actually capable of killing any pony, not with princess Celestia there...was he?

Twilight shook the thoughts from her head and focused back on the task at hoof. She was reorganizing the library and cleaning up for when Silver would stop by. Usually she would have tasked Spike to do something like this, but he was away a comic convention in Fillydelphia would be there for the next few days.

Twilight looked over to the clock on the wall.

“2:45,” Twilight mumbled to herself. While her time back in Ponyville had been normal and enjoyable, time seemed to be moving unbearably slow. The train had arrived in Canterlot at around 12:15, and the ride had taken about 30 minutes.

“It's only been two hours, and he said he'd be here in the late evening,” Twilight said and let out a long sigh. She was eager to learn about a new culture and race she had never met. When Twilight first returned home, she quickly flipped through her books and tried to find something on Houndland and the wolves, leading to the creation of the mess she was currently cleaning. But despite her efforts, all she managed to find was some silly foalish books on how the big bad wolf would come and eat you if you didn't listen to your parents. There was nothing on their culture and magic, which Twilight had found to be a little strange, seeing as how she lived in a library and couldn't find anything on a well-known existing country.

Twilight had been fixated on Silvers amazing ability to turn his body from solid to gas. It was something she'd never seen or even heard of. And she wanted to learn it. Sure she could teleport, but she would instantaneously wind up in a new place, unlike Silver who seemed to be able to keep his body as a gas. But it wasn't just his magic that fascinated her, it was also the land where he came from. She had obviously never met a wolf before, so she couldn't have met some pony from Houndland, and there for didn't have any knowledge of their customs. This was the perfect opportunity to learn first hoof. Maybe she could even write her own book on it.

“The Land of the Wolves” by Twilight Sparkle. The thought made her giggle like a filly.

Twilight finally managed to place the last book in its proper place and decided to begin sweeping. She went to the kitchen next to the fridge to grab the broom when something struck her.

She looked to the fridge and thought, “I wonder what wolves eat....Oh Sweet Celestia!”

'Meat! Wolves are carnivores! What was hay I thinking! I can't let him into my house while I'm alone, he'll devour me in seconds!', She thought to herself.

Suddenly, Twilight found herself missing her number 1 assistant a lot more. Sure he was just a baby dragon, but still, just having some one else with her made her feel a little better. Twilight didn't know what to do. She could cancel and run, maybe stay at a friends house, but then Silver might just leave once he realizes she's gone and go eat some other poor pony. Twilight roughly shook her head.

'No! Princess Celestia said he wouldn't harm her or any pony else', and Twilight trusted Celestia when it came to matters like this. But still, it couldn't hurt to have some protection.

The thought sparked an idea. Twilight ran through her library and began pulling the books off their shelves, hastily reading and throwing the newly re-shelved books back onto the floor.

“Come on, come on! Where is--- Aha! Property Protection charms”

Twilight flipped through the book until she found the spell she was looking for. Twilight read to herself “The Sanctuary Protection Charm- when cast, the spell will prevent any form of violence from taking place within the set property.”

Twilight closed her eyes and focused her magic. Her horn began to glow and little sparks of magic energy came shooting out. The library began to glow and a large burst of light shoot out from Twilights horn. When she opened her eyes, the walls glowed a faint purple before the glow disappeared.

“Did it work?” Twilight wondered allowed. The library didn't look any different, at least not from the inside. There was only one way to find out. Twilight looked around the room and found Owlicious on her perch and trotted over. The small avian gave a welcoming hoot to her friend.

“Sorry about this,” Twilight said as she raised a hoof above the owl. Owlicious hooted and flapped, but the hoof came crashing down quickly. Owlicious flinched and covered her head with her wings, only to hear a loud crack come from the hoof above her.

Twilights hoof had been forced away by a magic shield, flinging her back and knocking her down.

“Well, I guess it works,” she dazed mare said with her eyes spinning. Owlicious hooted with anger at the the stunned alicorn, who could only apologize sheepishly in return.

“I'm really sorry, but I had to make sure it was working. You know I'd never want to hurt you,” Twilight said, reaching out a hoof to comfort her angry pet. The owl simply turned her head away, but allowed Twilight to pet her.

“How about I get you a special treat tomorrow to make up to you?” Twilight cooed. Owlicious turned her head around a little, then held up two of her feathers.

Twilight giggled, “Alright, two it is then,” Owlicious hooted happily and flew over to her owner, perching on her back and giving her neck a nuzzle, to which Twilight softly returned. Owlicious took her perch back and Twilight went back to the kitchen. She opened the door to the fridge and saw it was only half stocked.

“Hmm, I probably should go pick up something to eat. Silver will be here later in the evening and I'd hate to be a bad host, so I think I should cook dinner for us. But still, I wonder what I should get......Oh well, I'll just look to see what they have in the market. I'm sure there must be something Silver can eat,” Twilight exited the kitchen and grabbed her bag by the door, strapped it on and headed out. When she stepped outside, she noticed the pegasi building up some storm clouds, and remembered what Rainbow Dash had said back in Canterlot.

“I hope he makes here before the storm starts. It would be terrible if he got caught in it,” Twilight thought to herself. She then realized that she was at risk of getting caught in the storm too and quickly trotted through the town to the market.

Looking through the stalls, all she could find were vegetables and fruits. While she was sure that Silver could eat those, she didn't want to upset his diet, and didn't think it would be very filling for him. Twilight kept walking and looking until she saw a pasta stand selling thin noodles and an idea struck her.

'That's it! I'll make spaghetti!' she exclaimed in her head, 'I know he can eat that,' Twilight made her purchase and went back to the tomato stall she passed earlier and then went to the spices. With her shopping list completed, Twilight trotted back through town. She stopped in the town square and looked to the large clock on one of the buildings.

“Hmm, 4:36. I still have time before Silver arrives,” Twilight gave a look to the sky, “and it doesn't look like it will start raining just yet.”

The clouds had to be packed a certain way so that they will build up without raining ahead of schedule, which usually took a lot of time, especially for a storm of this size.

Twilight looked back down saw Sugercube Corner at the end of the road.

“Hmm, maybe I should get some dessert to go with dinner,” Twilight pondered and trotted over to her friends workplace. She entered into the bakery and was excitedly greeted by her pink friend.

“Hey Twilight! What's up?” Pinkie called out from behind the counter.

“Nothing much, Pinkie, just doing some grocery shopping. Do you think you could get me some dessert to go with my dinner?”

“Well of course! That's what Sugercube Corner is for!” Pinkie ducked back into kitchen and emerged a few minutes later with a pink box.

“Here you go! Half a dozen blueberry muffins and half a dozen chocolate chip muffins,” she said opening the box to reveal a mouth watering sight of pastries. They seemed to radiate a delicious glow and the smell rising from them told Twilight they were fresh from the oven.

“Thank you Pinkie, they look absolutely scrumptious,” Twilight said as she attempted to keep herself from drooling. She placed her bits on the counter and grabbed the box in her mouth. She waved good-bye to her baker friend and left the store.

The smell of the muffins was teasing her nose and she couldn't help but stop and have a bite. She sat down on the edge of a fountain nearby and popped the box open, the smell rising out once more. She battled with herself in her mind, trying to decide which muffin to try. She eventually picked a blueberry muffin and plucked it out of the box. It was warm in her hooves and practically screaming for Twilight to eat it. Twilight brought it up to her mouth, and just as her tongue touched the baked dough,


The sudden flash of lightening and roaring thunder startled the alicorn, causing her to toss the muffin from her hooves. Her attention snapped from the storm to the falling muffin. Not wanting to loose her tasty treat, she quickly focused her magic and wrapped the the muffin in her magic just in the nick of time.

“Whew, that was close,” Twilight said, brushing a hoof against her brow, “I should probably get back now. It looks like the storm's starting to come together.” Twilight closed the muffin box and levitated it and her blueberry one in front of her while she walked, taking bites out of it as she made her way home.

Just as she reached her front door, the sky began to lightly drizzle. After coming, in she went to the kitchen and placed the muffins on a cookie sheet and set them in the over, keeping it on low to keep them warm until it was time to eat them. She left the kitchen and looked over at the clock, “5:22, he should be here soon. I should probably get dinner started.”

Going back into the kitchen, Twilight floated out some pots and pans, and set out her ingredients on the counter in order of which she would need them. She squashed the tomatoes into a pot and added her spices, then set it on the stove on a low heat. She then boiled some water in another pot and added her noodles. While waiting for them to finish, Twilight went to the main room and cleaned up the books she'd thrown about earlier. After a few minutes of cleaning, Twilight heard a knock....from her balcony.

“What the hay?” Twilight wondered as she went up the stairs, “Owlicious, did you get locked out or something? Or has Rainbow just crashed into my house...again?”

Upon reaching the glass doors to the balcony, Twilight pulled back the curtains to see what was knocking, and had to try her hardest to stifle her laugh at what she saw sitting in front of her.

It was Silver, fur sagging with water and twigs and leaves sticking out. But what made it funny was the ridiculous expression he had when he was trying to fish out one of the branches sticking out from his back. He sat there nipping at his back like a dog with fleas, every time he snapped, his back would move the twig out of his reach. He stopped when he realized that Twilight was at the door, her mouth quivering from her barely contained laughter.

Silver looked forward, and rubbed a paw behind his head, “I, uh, kinda got knocked over.....by a tree.”

Twilight couldn't contain herself anymore, and promptly burst into a fit laughter. Silver gave a dull chuckle and blushed a little at the embarrassing moment.

'Great, I show up a day late, then leave before I even begin working and now I show up at my employers balcony looking like I'm a tree in a kindergarten play,' Silver complained in his head.

Once Twilight was able to collect herself, she opened the door and let the soaked wolf in.

“Aha-ha-haaa....I'm sorry, it's just, I really wasn't expecting you to show up like that,” the mare giggled.

“Trust me, I didn't intend to come looking like this.”

“Okay, how about you go shower and clean yourself up. Dinner should be done by the time you get out.”

“Oh, dinner! What for eats?” Silver said with a wag of his tail.

“Just some spaghetti. I hope that's alright,” Twilight said, pleading in her mind that she didn't screw up.

“Sounds good to me,” Silver happily exclaimed as he made his was down the stairs.

“The bathroom's at the end of the hall!” Twilight called out after him. Shortly after, she heard a door open then shut, and heard the water start to run. Twilight closed the door and pulled the curtains back before headed back down to the kitchen. Her noodles were just about done and so was the sauce. After seeing Silvers disheveled state, she figured she should make herself a little more presentable while he was showering, so she went to her bedroom and brushed out her mane and coat. She put on just a dab of blush and some eyeliner before leaving back to the kitchen. At the same time, Silver had just turned the water off, and it was a few minutes after that Silver exited the steamed bathroom.

He walked down the hall and poked his head around the corner, looking into the main room.

“Um, Miss Twilight?” He called out.

“I'm in the kitchen,” Twilight responded, “ and please, just Twilight,” Silver followed the voice, which turned into a soft humming as he got closer. He didn't recognize the tune, but he did enjoy her gentle hums. He found her standing in front of the stove with a spoon encased in her magic, slowly stirring the sauce. He noticed her mane laid flatter and her coat shined a little more than it did earlier. His eyes were drawn to hers, her iris' radiating a beautiful deep purple.

After staring for what felt like forever, Silver shook himself out of his trance and walked over next to Twilight. He hovered his nose over the sauce pan and took in a deep whiff.

“Hmm, smells delicious,” Silver said with a lick of his lips. Silver leaned forward over the stove, and Twilight had gotten a whiff herself, only it was of Silver and not her cooking. She could smell the soap he used, and while she was used to it's scent, she was not used to smelling it on some pony else. Her eyes drifted toward the sniffing wolf, and she noticed his fur was oddly dry for having just been out of the shower. Upon realizing she was staring at him, Twilight changed her thoughts quickly before Silver could notice her.

“Why, thank you. I wasn't sure what you could eat, what with you being a wolf and all, so I just went with spaghetti. I'm glad to see I was right,” Twilight dipped out a noodle and blew on before eating it. She chewed for a moment before nodding her head in approval. She shut off the stove and levitated the pot over to the sink, then dumped the contents into the strainer. She floated the strainer up and gave it a few shakes to get all of the water out before pouring the noodles back into the pot, then floated out some plate and glasses from the cabinet .

“Is there a drink you would prefer?” Twilight asked the near drooling wolf.

“Hmm, I heard the cider here is pretty good. I'd like to try some if you have any.”

“Well, I do, but...uh...it's hard cider,” Twilight said with a hint of embarrassment, 'Great, now I look like a pony with a drinking problem,' She didn't drink it often, but she did when she had a long day, such as her day after reforming Discord.

Silver shrugged, “Well, hard cider it is then.”

Twilight floated the glasses back up and grabbed two mugs, then when over to the barrel of cider to fill them. She moved back to the stove and filled the plates with spaghetti, then floated everything out into the main room. She sat everything on the coffee table in front of the couch and put out and hoof in presentation.

“Violá, dinner is served,” Twilight said proudly. She didn't cook often, mostly because she couldn't. She would always forget about it and get caught up in a book or experiment, and leave it to burn. Spike had eventually banned her from the kitchen.

Silver licked his lips once more, “It looks great!” He walked over and sat down on the couch, Twilight taking her seat next to him. He leaned over and gave it another whiff, savoring the delicious scent. He couldn't hold himself back for long, and quickly leaned over and began to eat.

He was a surprisingly clean eater. Twilight had thought that Silver might make a mess since it seemed he didn't have telekinesis, and therefore couldn't hold a fork. Going based off of his first appearance earlier that day in the castle dining room, she assumed he couldn't levitate things since he had to eat his apple from off his paw. It would seem her assumption was correct.

Silver lifted his muzzle from his place and licked the sauce from off his chin. He turned his attention over to his drink, which he seemed a little too eager to taste. He slid his paw into the handle and brought the mug to his nose, sniffing it as well. Twilight couldn't help but giggle.

“Do you always sniff your food?”

Silver looked up at the alicorn next to him, “well, I have to make sure you aren't trying to poison me,” he said jokingly and nudged her with a shoulder. Twilight giggled again and brought a fork full of noodles to her mouth. Silver sloshed his drink around in the cup before drinking some of it. He took three full gulps before he brought the mug down from his mouth with a sigh of refreshment. He paused and smacked his lips a few times, evaluating the cider.

“That's pretty good!” he cheered and then took another swig.

“You'll have to thank Applejack for that. She and her family are the ones that run the apple orchard here and they're the ones that make all the cider. Both normal and hard.”

“I'll be sure to pass on my praise the next time I see her,” he said moving back to his food. The two finished their meal rather quickly, making light conversation as they ate. Twilight complained about how she couldn't find anything on Houndland or wolves, and Silver laughed and said she probably wouldn't find much in Equestria.

Once they finished off their plates, Twilight levitated the dishes into the kitchen and set them in the sink. She pulled out the cookie sheet from the oven an placed the muffing onto a plate, then brought them back into the living room and sat them on the table.

“Oh, muffins too!” Silver sang. The two grabbed their desserts and crawled on to the couch, then Twilights interrogation began.

“Okay, since my books clearly couldn't tell me anything, could you please tell me more about your magic and where you're from? I've been dying to know.”

Silver chuckled, “You know, your books probably do have the answer, you just couldn't find the right one,” Silver took a bite out of his chocolate chip muffin.

Twilight gave Silver a skeptical look, the gestured a hoof around the room for him to get up and prove his words. Silver sat his treat down and stepped off of the couch, then walked around the room looking at the shelves, carefully scanning each one. He then stopped and picked out a book and walked back over to the coffee table, setting it down and flipping through it. Twilight, now intrigued (and slightly irritated), slid off the couch and peered over the wolfs shoulder, reading the title at the top of one of the pages.

“Elements of the World”, it was called. Silver stopped flipping and landed on a page labeled “Air and Wind Magic”

“This is the magic I use,” he said sliding it over to Twilight. She grabbed it in her magic and quickly read through the pages, picking up the important bits. While the book didn't tell her all that she wanted to know, it certainly answered some of her questions. She sat the book back down on the table, and looked over to Silver in surprise.

“Where did you find this?” she asked, suddenly felt a sense of deja vu .

“It was under E,” Silver sang out.

Ah, that's why this felt familiar. Twilight face-hoofed, “I've really got to remember that one,” she muttered to herself.

“Don't feel too bad about it. After all, you didn't know I used Elemental magic. So you wouldn't have known to look for this,” he reassured her.

Twilight sighed and closed the book. She got back on to the couch and Silver followed.

“What else do you want to know?” he asked.

“Well, the book, while helpful, really wasn't all to clear. Could you just explain what exactly your magic is?”

“Okay, sure. To begin, magic is a form of energy made from the thoughts and feelings of a creature. Like most races of the world, all wolves have magic in their bodies. They also have what's called Auras, which are just the visual form of our current personality and mood. This will help determine what element you use. Elemental magic is divided into different elements such fire, water and so on, and depending on what your aura is will determine you element. Keep in mind that no one aura is linked to one element. You could have the same aura as a fire magic user, but still use water magic. It all depends on how you view the element that you use. The source of that fire users magic may be an anger that burns everything, and yours could be a violent river that slams into the what ever blocks it's path. The same concept, but different views.”

“So then what is your view of the wind?”

Silvers ear perked and flickered a bit, but then he looked deeply into the mares eyes and smiled softly, his eyes reflecting nostalgic memories running through his mind. Twilight had seen this look many times when she was still a student under Celestia, and she knew she asked something deeply personal. But the look in his eyes was some kind of bitter sweet nostalgia. His honey-hazel eyes seemed to sparkle for a moment as he stated his answer.

“Freedom,” he said in a gentle tone. For some reason, the word had great power when spoken by Silver, and it sent a chill down Twilights back.

“It's the greatest form of freedom. It's everywhere, feels everything, sees everything and yet it no pony can say they've seen it, no pony can touch it, nor catch it, nor talk to it. It can whip up a tornado that can destroy a city, or bring a soft gentle breeze on a warm summer day. It can blow the hottest sand of the desert, or the sheer cold snow of the arctic. It can be anything, adapt to any environment and still exist. It's.....what I want to be.”

Twilight sat in silence the entire time Silver was speaking. He spoke with so much passion it made Twilight blush, though she didn't know why. She'd never thought of the wind like that. She never really thought of anything like that, aside from maybe friendship, but even that didn't have the same concept as Silvers heart-spoken words. Twilight felt that she was beginning to understand just what this wolf was like, even if it was only a little. And she felt horrible for casting that protection spell earlier. While she knows Silver is far from harmless, she also knows that he's very gentle. To quote him, “like a gentle breeze on a warm summer day.” She could see it in his eyes, the kindness radiating from them like a ray of warm light from Celestias sun.

“Twilight?” Silver said softly. Twilights mind snapped back to attention from having been lost in thought.

“Oh! Um, sorry,” She stammered as she rubbed a hoof behind her ears, “I was kinda trying to process it all. It's just, I've never really heard anything like it before.”

“It's alright. Not many other races can fully understand what it is that I'm trying to say. Heck, even other wolves can't quite follow. It's difficult to explain, and I know I'm not doing a very good job at it.”

“No, I understand more than I did before, and that's all that matters,” Twilight said with a smile.

“So, do you have anymore questions?”

“Oh, right! I almost forgot,” Twilight paused and tapped a hoof to her chin, “Ooh, I know! If you're from Houndland, why don't you have an accent?”

Silver let out a hearty chuckle, “I was wondering when you were gonna ask that. It's true that I used to have an accent, but over time I went to many different countries and learned many new languages. After a while, I learned how to adopt the accent of wherever I was.”

“How many languages can you speak?”, Twilight asked, now intrigued by the multilingual wolfs claim.

“Six, but I can read and write just about any language,” Silver casually stated.

Twilights jaw dropped, “SIX!? And you can read any language?”

“Well, almost any language. There are a few lost languages that don't have any actual writing in existence, but I still intend on figuring them out. But really, it's not that big a deal. Those skills really only come in hand for research. And besides, it's not like I'm Star Shine or something.”

Star Shine. Twilight had heard the name earlier when Silver was talking about the other wolf guards. She didn't take much interest in the mentioned wolf yet, as they were busy with their own protection details and she figured it would be best not to bother them, but this new information made her curious as to what the other two were capable of.

“What 's so special about Star Shine?”, the lavender alicorn asked.

“She's uh, kind of a super-ultra-mega-ultimate genius,” Silver rushed, rubbing a paw behind his head sheepishly.

“Well whats that supposed to mean?”

“Exactly what you think. She's the kind of genius that puts even the super geniuses to shame. It's one of the reasons she was selected to come here.”

Twilights jaw dropped yet again. She had really hoped Silver was just exaggerating, but going from his personality, he didn't seem like one to do something like that.

“Do I even want to know what the other one can do?”

“Meh, it's up to you really,” Silver shrugged and took another drink from his cider. Twilight sighed. She really wanted to know what this Black Wing could do, but she also wanted to know more about Houndland, and it was getting late. She decided to leave the topic of the other two for another day, or maybe for when she met them face to face, and turned the attention back to the land of wolves.

“I'll forget about the other one for now. On to my next question. I read in my poorly informed books that Houndland has a centralist form of a sort of multi-airchy government, which really doesn't make any sense to me. Could you explain a little more?”

Silver chuckled yet again. Well, at least Twilight wasn't the only one enjoying herself.

“Yeah, we have a confusing form of government. You see, at the very top, we have the Emperors. They're much like Celestia and Luna, but they run things a little differently.”

“How differently?”

“Well, they don't get involved with the citizens very much. They let the packs handle that.”


“Packs are like guilds, and they tend to make up every form of government in Houndland. There are law enforcement packs, art packs, magic centered packs; there's virtually a pack for every aspect of a normal government, they just don't report to any one ruler, but rather the Royals.”

“Royals?” Twilight thought she was beginning to sound a little repetitive, but it couldn't be helped. After all, she didn't have her books and the only source of information she had at her disposal was Silver, although many of his answers just bred more questions in her head.

“Under the Emperors, we have the Royals. They're the second in command and make the majority of the decisions that run the country and the packs, while the Emperors sit back and maintain the natures of the world, like how Celestia and Luna have to raise and lower the moon and sun. Each Emperor can appoint 2 Royals, one male and one female, which then earn the title of King and Queen. Since there are 8 Emperors, there are 16 Royals. Each King and Queen are selected differently depending on the views of the Emperors. One might want a wolf with a heart of gold, and the other might want a wolf with a heart of coal. It usually works out in the end though. But you should also know that the Royals don't obtain power when they are selected by the Emperors. The title of King and Queen are just that, titles, and don't come with any extra perks. The only significance they have if that you were selected by the Emperor to bear that title. The only reason why the packs report to the Royals is because they are usually the leaders of the more powerful packs. ”

“So a wolf could be a Royal and not be previously famous?”

“Right, though that's usually not the way it works. Usually, the Royals are well known through out the country even before they are selected.”

“But do the Emperors actually do anything? It seems like they just sit there.”

“Well, you wouldn't be wrong. The Emperors rarely ever play a paw in any thing concerning the welfare of the country, but it's not because they don't care. They say it's because they are the rulers of the nature of the world, not the creatures that inhabit it, so they have no place ruling over us.”

“What do they mean by 'rulers of nature'? And how are they like Celestia and Luna?”

“Well, Celestia is responsible for raising and lowering the sun, and Luna is responsible for doing the same with the moon. The Emperors have abilities just like that, but unlike Celestia and Luna, they see that as their only responsibility, and leave us to our own devices.”

Twilight thought for a moment and pondered the rest of her questions, many of which concerned delving deeper into Silvers personal life than she was comfortable with, and she didn't want to seem pushy after meeting him just that afternoon. She let out a sigh and decided to back off with her interrogation, deciding she would pick it up on a later day. For now, she figured it would be best to just go to sleep. It was rather late and the hard cider had made her slightly tipsy.

“Okay,” Twilight yawned, “it's late and I'm tired. I think we should be heading to bed now,” Silver gave a puzzled look. The way she phrased her sentence almost made it sound like..

“I'll go make a bed for you,” the mare said, getting up off the couch.

“Wait, you want me to stay here?” Silver asked.

“Well, I certainly wouldn't want you to fly home in the middle of this storm. You did get hit with a tree after all and I would really rather you didn't get injured on your first day because I didn't want a wolf staying in my home.”

“But aren't you worried I might try something? Isn't that what the protection spell was for?”

“Well sure, at first I was scared, but now I don't think-- wait a minute! How did you know there was a protection spell?!”

“I could sense it when I first came into the house. It was like something wrapped around me, but I couldn't see it. Then, when I was scanning the shelves earlier, I noticed a Property Protection Charms book, and figured that must have been what the feeling was.”

Twilight was surprised at his sensitivity to magic and his ability to piece together the small bits of details. She understood why he was picked for the assignment of protecting the princesses.

“Right,” Twilight said, smiling sheepishly, “like I said, at first I was a little afraid but now I'm convinced that you won't try to harm me.”

“And why's that?”

Twilight stammered, “I—um—it's ---er , look don't question it, just be glad I'm okay with it and not making you fly home!” Silver chuckled at the mares frustration, and Twilights cheeks flushed a slight pink.

“Alright, I'll stop teasing.”

Twilight puffed out her cheeks and walked up the stairs, Silver following after her. She moved aside a book case that was on wheels for some reason and reveled the wall behind it with a large rectangular cut going up and stopping at about 8 feet. She wrapped the rectangular piece in her magic and pulled down, allowing a bed in the wall to fall to the floor. Twilight then walked over to her own bed, bent down and stuck her head under the frame, then emerged a few moments later with some pillows and a blanket in her magic.

Handing them over to Silver, she said “You'll be sleeping here tonight. I'm not sure how comfy the bed is, but at least it's better than the couch.”

Silver took the blanket in his mouth and tossed the pillows onto the head of the bed, then sprawled the blanket out in a swift fling of his head. The comforter slowly floated down and lightly set onto the mattress.

Silver looked to Twilight and rubbed a paw behind his head, “Hey, uhh, thanks for letting me stay, and for dinner and dessert. I'd like to return the favor sometime, if you don't mind,” he said giving a shy grin.

“Oh, you really don't have to! I just figured I should make some dinner and happened to grab some dessert as well, and letting you stay here seemed like the nice thing to do.”

“I know, but still, I would like to; that is, if you would allow me.” Silver flashed a charming smile that matched his words.

Twilight stared at the wolf in embarrassing surprise. She turned her head away and blushed, “Well, okay then,” she mumbled.

Silver beamed, “Great! I'll let you know when I have some free time, and I'll be sure to ask you when you can. But for now, I think we should get to sleep.”

“You're right. Good night, Silver,” she said as she turned to her own bed. She pulled the blankets back with her magic and slid under into the warm envelopment.

“Night, princess.” Silver softly said as he crawled into the bed. It wasn't the comfiest thing he'd slept on, but it certainly wasn't the worse.

'Well, tonight went pretty well. I got a lot of my questions answer and Silver doesn't seem to be all that bad of a guy. He's kind and honest, although what he said about the way he views his wind magic kinda bothers me, but I'll leave that for tomorrow,' Twilight snuggled herself deeper into her pillows and wrapped the blankets a little tighter, 'Dinner was pretty good too, if I do say so myself. And it was nice being able to talk with some pony like that. It's been a while since I have a face-to-face lesson instead of just reading from a book. Silver seems interesting, even though he's a wolf....wait, why would that matter. Just because he's a wolf doesn't mean he would be any less interesting than a pony. Not unless I was on a date or....some...thing.'

Twilights thoughts spiraled out of control as she began to think of her night from a new view.

'Make up, dinner, drinks, dessert and a long personal chat. He even said he would 'return the favor'. Oh sweet Celestia, I went on a date with my wolf body guard.'

Twilight picked her head up from her pillow and looked over to Silver, who seemed to be snoozing softly.

'No, no. It wasn't a date. It was just....research. That's right, research,' Twilight thought to herself. She laid her head back down and closed her eyes once more. 'Pfft, date, I sound like Rarity.'

Twilight let her thoughts slip away as she began to dream. Her mind was filled with a colorful grassland, where a deep, emerald green could be seen stretching for miles across fields that were littered with bright yellow flowers. She looked to the sky and found it slightly cloudy, but still sunny all the same. Amid her staring, some pony had appeared beside her, but it wasn't a pony at all. Who else but Silver appeared standing next to her. She turned and faced him to find his eyes staring warmly into hers.

“Come,” he whispered, “I want to show you my world, princess,” Dream Twilight smiled and followed the wolf into the unknown lands. Little did she know, the real Twilight was smiling the same content smile.

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