• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,871 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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A Second Voice and Making a Choice


The pain throughout Silvers body slowly stirred him from his slumber. He could feel pricks in-bedded into his skin, the splinters from last nights fight reminding him that he neglected to fish them out before going to bed.

Luckily though, the mares sleeping with him kept him from tossing and turning too much, so they weren't pushed in any further.


The wolf crack an eye open. Below him was a wavy, star spangled mane. And pressed in between that mane and his chest was a bundle of lavender fluff. It would seem that at some point last night, Twilight had rolled off of his back and to the front, nestling herself between a warm wolf and a chilled alicorn.


Silver sighed. While he did like the thought of being with the two of them, he knew only trouble laid ahead. He'd have to pick one or the other eventually. Or maybe one of them would pick for him? After all, it wasn't solely his decision. The mares had a say too.

Of course the problems wouldn't stop there. He wasn't sure how Celestia would react to him dating Twilight or Luna. And breaking the heart of the one not picked would certainly set her off, regardless of who it was. And a pissed off alicorn was not something he wanted to see.

“Mmmh...mmh,” the dark coated mare separated from him began to moan as her eyes fluttered open and her head slowly rose. She turned to look his way, her eyelids blinking open as she took notice of the distance between the two of them.

“Oh my, it seems we've grown apart,” she said coyly and adding a giggle. Silver chuckled lightly in response as well, looking down and stroking Twilights mane while giving a small smile that was....wrong.

Why? Why did his smile look like that? Like it was bittersweet? His joy was genuine, but at the same time, it was causing him pain. Just what was it?

Was something wrong? Should she not have invited Twilight to join them? Was there a line she crossed? Why was her wolf hurting so?

The questions flooded her mind, prompting her to ask,“Is something the matter?” her voice gentle and soothing. In the back of her mind, however, she was a more than worried. She honestly wasn't sure if she'd done something wrong.

Silvers eyes flicked up to meet the mare, “Huh? Oh, it's...it's nothing.”

Like she was going to believe that, “Silver, please. If something is bothering you, tell me. You said you would answer me so long as I asked.”

His ears twitched at the mention of his promise. Luna had him now. The wolf sighed, “It's just...I don't think things are gonna stay like this.”

“Well, you will have to get up and leave eventually, and Twilight and myself have our own things to--”

“I didn't mean like that,” he cut in, “I meant...I don't think I can see a way for all three of us to be happy...together.” The wolf sighed yet again, this time not bothering to hide a frown. He lowered his head to the pillow as his ears fell flat.

Luna watched the wolf as he mulled over the problem. But instead of showing him pity, Luna simple giggled, “What ever do you mean?” she said, rolling over to face him, “We can stay just like this for as long as we wish.” She brought a hoof up to his cheeks, slowly brushing back the tufts of fur on his face as he spoke.

“How?” he questioned, “This is only going to end with some ponys heart getting broken...” another long sigh escaped him. He hated the thought of either of them being hurt because of one of his decisions. But he'd gotten himself into too deep, and now couldn't find a way out. If he picked one, the other would be hurt. And if he didn't pick either, both of them would end up falling away from him.

Luna giggled once more, booping the nose of wolf, “Silly little pup. Do you not know of Equestrian herds?”

Silvers ears flickered and he lifted his head, “I've heard of them, but I never really understood what they were. Isn't it just like polygamy?”

The mare waved her hoof in a so-so fashion, “Something like that, I suppose,” she agreed before beginning her explanation, “Polygamy is one pony in a relationship with many others. The ones they date aren't there for each other, just the main one. But herds are different. We would all date each other, not just one of us.”

Silver cocked a brow in confusion.

Luna rolled her eyes playfully, “If it were the three of us, I would be in a relationship with both you and Twilight. You would be in a relationship with me and Twilight, and she would be with the two of us. In polygamy, I would only be with one of you, the other wouldn't be considered a partner.”

The puzzled look remained, despite the words that followed, “I think I get it, but would it really work? I mean, wouldn't Twilight would have to feel the same way for both of us?”

Luna looked down in somber, “Yes...she would.” While starting a herd would certainly bring her joy, there would also be a few things that needed explaining to the younger alicorn. Things she wished she could keep buried.

But maybe this could be for the best. Even if Twilight doesn't react in the best of ways, Luna will finally have the weight lifted off her shoulders.

“Well don't be too upset about it,” Silver said a little harshly. Why would she bothered by Twilight liking her? Does she think she'd only be in the way? If so, then why even bother offering to start a herd in the first place?

Luna reeled back slightly at the comment, “No, I didn't mean it like that...it's just...” the mare sighed, “It's a little complicated for me. But if you want, then...maybe we could try. I know I'm at least willing to.”

Silver hesitated for a moment, his eyes flicking back and forth between Luna and the other mare on the bed. Would it really work? Could they really be together? “Really? Do...do you really think we could?”

Luna nodded, “I'll talk with Twilight. It seems she isn't too bothered by the thought. I just really want us all to be happy, Silver.”

Happy...they could all be happy. It was all he wanted too.

The wolfs eyes seemed to light up and dance with joy, “I...I think I'd like to try it. But I think you should clear things up with Twilight first. I don't want to make her feel awkward or anything.”

Lunas face lit up with a bright smile, “Of course. Meanwhile, I think you should get back to that grimoire hunting. And that vixen from Caneighdia is coming by soon too.”

“Huh?” Silver asked with a cock of his head, “Radiance is coming?”

“Uh-huh. I told you last night I got a letter from her saying she was coming to see you. Didn't say why though.”

“Hmm, I guess she wants her collar off,” Silver hummed and thought for a moment, “I suppose I should get going then. There are a few other things I need to do too.”

“Awww, can't you stay and cuddle for a little longer?” she pleaded, using her puppy dog eyes to charm the wolf.

Those big blue sapphires staring up at him almost made him falter, “I'm sorry, but I can't,” he said, leaning over and giving the mare a quick nuzzle, “But I promise I'll get all this done soon. Also, it seems I have splinters, and they really hurt, so I don't think laying in bed would be very comfortable anyway. You can stay and keep Twilight company while I'm gone though. I'm sure you two could use the time together to umm....work things out.”

Luna sighed, “Fine. But when you come back, I'll be expecting frozen treats,” she demanded.

Silver chuckled, leaning down to nuzzle the sleeping mare beside him, “Alright then. I'll get something for both of you.”

He slowly rose from the bed, allowing for the lavender hooves draped around him to fall off. Twilight murmured and rolled over to the cool, comforting fur of Luna. Surprisingly, she managed to make the princess of the night blush, and what an adorable sight it was.

“Have fun you too,” Silver said with a coy smile and slipping out the door before Luna could shoot him a deadly glare.

The mare sighed and looked to the snoozing pony below her, “This will be anything but fun...”

There have been many things Silver has seen sitting on his couch after walking into the living room. There have been ponies of all races, wolfs, griffons, felines, and even a few demons.

One of the things he'd never seen before was a pissed off Star Shine, scowling at him as if she were trying to tunnel through him with only the power of her eyes.

Silver froze upon making eye contact with the angry wolf, “Sooo...um, I guess I did something huh?” he said meekly.

“Something?” she repeated, “That's a rather mild way to put it.” She moved a paw over and picked up the remote to the T.V., clicking it on.

“In today's morning news, a strange tornado formed out of no where in the middle of the night last night, destroying the manor of a local Canterlot pony. Luckily, no other houses were destroyed in during the event, however, the owner of the house, Light Screen, was killed tragically. The authorities are still trying to figure out where the tornado came from, but are coming up empty hoofed.....”

The T.V. clicked back off, and Star Shines glared only intensified, “Care to explain?”

Silver sighed, “I went to steal the book, got caught and had it out with that Light Screen guy. Turns out, he read from the grimoire, so he had some power in him. He also knew about me serving the princesses, so...I had to kill him. I couldn't risk him pulling something and putting them in danger.”

“You're the only one putting them in danger!” she shouted.

Silver reeled back, not so much out of fear of her, he just really didn't want Twilight and Luna to come stumbling out of his room and only add gasoline to the already raging fire.

“If you had just kept out of sight like we're supposed to, none of this would've happened!” she continued, “One of the reason we keep out of sight is because we stick out too much. If every pony will knows that the wolves serve the princesses and we end up doing something that the rest of Equestria doesn't agree with, then the blame falls on the princesses as well. So pulling stupid shit like this is only going to cause them trouble, Silver!”

At this point, the wolf had broken eye contact with his screaming counter part, looking only at the floor with his head down and ears flat.

“You think I don't know that?” he said softly, “You think I couldn't understand that everything I did put them at risk? I know why we're supposed to keep ourselves hidden! I know what happens when I cause them trouble! But damn it Star, it's not like I wanted this to happen!”

The wolf had brought his head up with a scowl to match Star Shines, “If I could do it over, yes I would make damn sure that I wasn't found out. That I wouldn't have had to kill that pony. But I can't! So I did what I had to to make sure that none of this would blow back on the princesses! And yeah, that might not be the best of ways to handle things, but I didn't see much else for me to do. So yeah, I caused some trouble, but hell, you know what? I made sure it didn't hurt them!

“The princesses are fine and every pony is none the wiser about the book, so if you don't mind, I still need to get two others. Now if you don't intend on helping me, then at least do me the favor and leave! I still have things to do other than sit on my ass all day and argue with you!”

The wolf huffed as his voice died, and the two sat glaring in silence at each other for a while. Finally Star Shine sighed.

“I swear, I don't know what I'm going to do with you...” Both of their scowls had died down and become more of an annoyed glare.

“Well you could start by helping me get rid of all these damn splinters,” he said moving across the room and down the hall. He went into the bathroom and came back out with the med kit from the night before. He went and sat onto the couch, popping open the lid and pulling out the tweezers, only to have them plucked away from them in a near black aura.

“Huh?” he mumbled, looking up to the hall way. There he saw a disheveled Onyx standing in the hall, dressed in a baggy T-shirt with what he assumed to be drool spots on it.

“Are mommy and daddy done arguing now?” she asked. She didn't express any sarcasm, though she often didn't express anything, especially in the morning.

Star Shine simply rolled her eyes, while Silver chuckled at the joke, “Sorry. We didn't mean to wake you.”

The mare trotted over and sat down on the couch next to Silver. She stopped and stared at him for a minute, the raised her hoof to pop him on the nose.

“Hey! What was that for?” he asked, wrinkling his nose.

“You made me and Ruppy clean up after you last night,” she said as she began shuffling her hooves through his fur. It was really soft and fluffy! The only other time she'd felt his coat was their first day of training when Ruppy had snapped and Silver had to carry them back, but even then, she was too tired to really notice it.

“Oh, right...I guess I didn't really bother cleaning up last night. Now that I think about it, I didn't even bother to shower.”

Onyx nodded. Having heard earlier that Silver needed help, she began plucking a few of the wood splinters out, “We were worried when we saw the bloody rag and med kit. But when we peeked into your room, we knew you were fine.”

Silver blushed at the mention of it, “Oh. You, uh...you saw that, huh?”

He could feel the glare of the female wolf behind him. He didn't know how, but Star Shine could always tell when he broke one of her rules.

“Silver...” she growled, “Twilight also never came home last night. I assumed she stayed here with you, am I correct?”

Silver gulped, “Um...yes?”

“And she wouldn't happen to be sleeping in your bed, now would she?”

“I prefer the term resting, cause you see--” he was cut off by the sudden tackle of an extremely upset Star Shine, trying to viciously choke the life out of him.

“How many times do I have to tell you!?” she said, shaking him back and forth by his neck, “Keep your paws off the princesses!!”

“Ack!! Can't—Breathe!!”

“I know! That's why I'm choking you!”

In the midst of her strangling, Star Shine found her paws enveloped in a black aura, and were lifted off of the wolfs neck. Silver quickly used this chance to scamper away and hide behind the mare.

“Onyx! I knew you wouldn't abandon me!” he cried, throwing his paws around her and bringing her into a hug.

“I'll have to ask you not to kill my patient,” the coal colored mare said as she floated up the tweezers and some bandages, “It'll be difficult to train us if he's dead.”

Onyx turned to face the wolf, gently pushing him back onto the couch while she plucked a few more splinters out. At the same time, she was removing the bandages from his side, which had become rather bloodied, and began to clean the wound.

“Oh, don't bother putting on the new ones yet,” Silver said as he pushed away the clean floating ones, “I'm gonna shower soon, so there's not much point in it.” Onyx nodded and set the bandages back down.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot,” Star Shine chimed in, “Just what did happen to you?”

Silver sighed, “That damn grimoire. It's magic was tricky to say the least, and I wasn't really expecting a fight. Honestly, the unicorn using it wasn't all that great, but I forgot just how powerful grimoires could be.”

Onyx examined the pierced side of Silver. In the time she's known him, she's only seen him take a hit once, and that was by Ruppy's not so pleasant side. So if it wasn't the pony that was powerful, then it was the book. And to corner him well enough to deal a blow like this, the book must have had something pretty unique.

“Well, where's your spoils then? I know you didn't cause all of that trouble just to come home empty pawed.” Star Shine commented.

“I...” Silver paused to look around, “I actually don't know. Onyx, did you or Ruppy move it?”

“Library,” she said simply. Just a few more splinters and she would be done. The moment almost made Onyx chuckle and smile, the thought of having to take care of her trainer was amusing in someways. Like the big, bad wolf had finally been taken down a peg.

“And now that I think about it,” Silver added, “What did you do with my booze? I know I snagged some too.”

“Cabinet,” Onyx pointed to the kitchen, “But I think Ruppy may have taken a bottle for herself. I wasn't paying much attention.”

Silver pouted. Not only was it really good alcohol, but he had to shed blood to get it. Not that it was the sole reason he was there, but it was still part of his spoils and dammit, he wanted a taste!

Star Shine, at the mention of the books location, immediately strolled off down the hall, the stairs and to the room of books. A minute or two later, she reemerged with a fairly hefty tome in her mouth.

“Shis sha one?” she asked. Both the patient and his doctor nodded. Star spit it out onto the coffee table and flipped it open.

“He said the magic was called Fairy Wisps, and from what I could tell, it was some kind of fire magic,” Silver informed. Star Shine quickly flipped through the pages, reading one page every few seconds.

“Hmm, well you're not wrong. Tell me, what did his flames look like?” she asked looking up from her studying.

“They were bright pink,” he recalled, “and released a gas that, when ignited, exploded and resulted in more pink flames. They also didn't have heat.”

Star Shine looked back to her book, “Well I guess you were right. This book is about the only reason you got hurt, and that unicorns own ineptness is the only reason you're still alive.”

“What do you mean?” he asked. In truth, he wasn't offended or even surprised really. He was dealing with a pony that read through a grimoire, and he knew that a grimoire was like the pony who wrote it. Filled with secrets and tricks unique to them.

“These Fairy Wisps are flames that have different attributes. They're defined by their color. You only saw one of them, called the Party Poppers. There's green Dragons Flames, orange Scent Flames, and pretty much the whole rainbow.”

Silvers eyes were wide with surprise. Now that wasn't something he was expecting, and nor was the mare working on repairing him. She stopped mid pluck as she tuned into the explanation. Apparently, it took only a fraction of a grimoires power to push Silver into a corner. Whether it was because it was this one book, or if could be any other like it, Onyx was certain that the power of a grimoire was not to be underestimated.

“Well, then again,” Star Shine added, “You are pretty out of shape. So that might have had an effect.”

Silver poked at his belly, “I knew I was getting pudgy...”

“...Pudgy? This is Silver when he's pudgy?”

Onyx had trouble believing it. She'd been running her hooves all across Silver for at least fifteen minutes now, and all she felt beneath that fur was muscle. It was relaxed, but even so she could tell it's quality was second to none.

And here they were saying he was out of shape....

“If this is him out of shape, then what was he like in peak condition?”

“Now that I think about it,” Star Shine continued, “I'm suppose we're lucky you're out of shape. If you hadn't been, you might have done damage to more than just the estate.”

“Hmm, good point...”

“These two....I think they're just trying to scare me now...”

Yes...even Onyx gets scared....

“Oh well,” Star sighed, “I can't have you guarding the princesses if you're not in peak condition, so after this whole grimoire chase is over, you're going back to your old regiment.”

The wolf in front of Onyx froze, “Uhh...beg pardon?”

His female counterpart grinned devilishly, “Oh yes Silver. Your ability to do your job depends on how good your health is. And you know I'm not one to take chances, so you're going to have to be in the very best condition if you're going to be a guard for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

Silver gulped, “I don't wanna die....”

“Don't worry,” Star Shine pegged on, “I'll make sure Black Wing joins you too. I'm sure he's rusty after spending time here in Equestria.”

The wolf quickly turned to the bandaging mare, “I need to warn him! Fast!! Onyx can you teleport me to the Crystal Empire!?”

She could only look on in confusion as she shook her head no.

Silvers eyes went wide, then his ears dropped and he let out a long, defeated sigh, “Oh well...it was nice meeting you all before my death...”


Star Shine giggled at the sight, “Oh come on, it's not that bad. Besides, I can't work you too hard. If you're exhausted after training, you can't guard the princesses properly.”

Silvers ears perked up, “Oh! This is true...Hmmm, maybe I won't die a slow, painful death after all.”

Stars giggles filled the room once more, “Okay well, I need to get going,” she said as she flipped the grimoire closed, “I'm taking this with me. I want to do some research with it.”

“Okay,” Silver replied, “Just give it back when you're done. I wanna copy the spells in it so I can make some new weapons.”

Star rolled her eyes as she stood, “It's always work with you.”

Silver retorted by sticking his tongue out, “Bleh!”

“Bye guys!” she called out as she opened the door.

“Bye,” Silver said with a wave. Onyx waved as well, though didn't say anything.

And now the two were left alone. Onyx looked to her teacher for a moment, and he stared back. She poked a hoof at his side after a while, examining the wound with each prod.

“You know, that kinda hurts,” Silver said, wincing slightly with each poke.

The mares jabs didn't stop though, “It's revenge for making me worry,” she replied calmly.

The wolf winced again, not at the pain, but rather the guilt of causing her distress. The wince was quickly displaced by wide-eyed surprise, however, when Silver found a set of hooves thrown around his neck.

“There was a lot of blood on the rag,” she said, her voice quivering slightly, “We weren't sure what happened.”

She was scared for him. Onyx was showing genuine, honest worry for the wolf. Sure, he knew she cared about him, but he was mostly surprised that she was showing it.

“Hey, hey,” Silver softly, returning the hug, “It's okay. A lot of that blood wasn't mine anyway. Don't worry, it'll take a lot more than this to kill me.”

Onyx sniffled and pulled back, only to catch a glimpse of a blonde mane creeping up behind the wolf and two tan hooves snaking their way across his neck.

“You know,” Ruppy purred in his ear, “After seeing you in bed with two alicorns, I figured my chances were shot. But if Onyx still has a chance, then maybe I do too.”

Blush....it shined brighter than Celestias sun. Not only was it coming from the wolf, but the black mare as well. It would seem she's vulnerable after tender moments.

“It wasn't like that!” she retorted, the pink hue on her muzzle still ever present.

Ruppy fell into a fit of laughter, “Oh man! The few times I can get you to blush are so worth it!”

“Shuddup! I'm not blushing!” she pouted. At this point, she had distanced herself away from the wolf and now sat on the other end of the couch. Silver simply sat dumbfounded. She was acting like...well like a normal mare!

Blushing and pouting and everything. Even showing her uneasiness when she's usually stoic to everything. It's actually pretty adorable. Luckily, she'd already finished removing the splinters, so she didn't really need to be so close any more.

Ruppy had finally managed to catch her breathe, and jump up on the couch next to Silver, “So! What was up with all that anyway? The princesses and blood, not the hug, by the way.”

Silver sighed. This story was beginning to get old, “I got hurt in a fight last night when I tried to steal the grimoire.”

“Oh, okay. And the princesses?” she questioned. Onyx had scooted a little closer too, wanting to listen to the story, though remained pouting. Just how did they end up like that anyway?

“I'm not explaining that....” Silver rejected.

“Oh come on!” Ruppy whined, “I'm curious, that's all! I won't say a word about it!”

“I couldn't explain it if even if I wanted too. All I know is, I went to bed with two alicorns in my house, and they woke up next to me the next morning. Not that I'm complaining.” Sure, leave out the part where one of them was inviting the other for a three way cuddle pile.

Ruppy rolled her eyes, “Slut...” Silver shrugged. Meh, he'd been called worse. “Anyway, we still gotta go check on Beats and his sister. He said he'd be with her until all of this crap blows over, so we should head out.”

The mention of the current war brought a thought to Silvers mind. One that would help put an end to it quickly.

“Wait, before you two go,” Silver said, stopping the mares from leaving, “I have a little surprise for you,” he shuffled off the couch and down the hall to the stairs.

Onyx and Ruppy exchanged confused glances, but remained waiting until he cam back with two cases balanced on his back. He set them down on the couch and motion for the two to come over. When they came, they eyes fell upon a glorious set of items.

In a long box was two swords, cased in a black sheath that seemed to have a galaxy-like design engraved and painted in them.

In a shorter case was pair of beautiful golden gauntlets. A leather strap cam from the side and around to the back to hold them in place against the wearers legs.

Both mare gasped at their newest accessories, if one could call them that.

“I was going to give these to you after you completed your training,” the wolf explained, “but I'd really rather you two didn't get killed because I didn't give them to you earlier. So, here you go! They come with a few extra perks, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of them.”

“Extra perks?” Onyx inquired as she lifted one of the blades. She unsheathed a portion of it and looked at the sharpened sword. It was completely black, and gave reflected a deep purple light when held in the sun.

There was something about this blade. Like it wasn't just a well crafted weapon, but something else. It was humming with energy and power, enticing and alluring the wielder. She slid the blade back into the sheath.

“They're magic,” he said with a grin, “Onyx, you shouldn't have much trouble using yours since you're a unicorn, but I imagine Ruppy will need some adjusting.”

The mentioned pegasus had already slipped on her gauntlets, watching them gleam in the sun light. Much like Onyx, she too felt the power that flowed through them, and couldn't wait to crush skulls with them.

“Sweet! So I get to use magic too?! How do I do it?!” she exclaimed.

Silver nodded, “Don't worry about it, you'll learn soon enough. Just give it some time, and you'll both see what makes my weapons so unique.”

Both mares were busy admiring their new gifts when their objective dawned on Ruppy, “Oh shit! I forgot we had to go see Beats!”

She twirled around and pounced on the wolf, giving him a quick, but crushing hug, “Thanks! Gotta go! Bye!” she rushed out and bounded out the door. Onyx quickly wrapped the sash that was in the case around her waist, hugged the wolf as well and followed after the sandy pegasus.

“Hehe, I just hope they awaken before the fighting starts,” Silver said to himself, before making way to the shower.

Luna laid in the bed, looking down at the small fluff next to her. Twilight really was adorable when she slept. The way her breathing made the cute little wheeze, how her ears and nose twitch every so often and how--

“No! I must focus! I need to think about how I'm going to tell her....tell her I...”

She couldn't say it. She couldn't even think it, much less form the words. How could she? After all this time, after that one night, she'd barely had any contact with the mare. But that was all it took.

Just that one night...

Twilight murmured in her sleep, and the midnight mare froze. A purple pair of iris's showed themselves from under her eyelids, and a delightfully squeaky yawn escaped her lips. She raised her head and blinked a few times, taking in the surroundings but never actually looking at Luna.

It clearly wasn't her first time waking up in this room, and Luna didn't have to have seen them leaving it together one morning to know it. She looked at the room with familiarity rather than confusion.

“Mhmmm,” she moaned as she stretched her limbs, “Morning Silver.” She laid her head back down against the fluff next to her, “Hm, strange. You're not nearly as warm as you usually are. What's wrong? Did the blanket fall off last night?”

She ended her sentenced by looking up from her cuddle and finally taking notice that the one she was nuzzling was not a wolf, but an alicorn mare.

“....Oh sweet Celestia...”

“I'm sorry to disappoint, but I'm neither a wolf, nor am I my sister,” Luna retorted.

“Um..Luna? Why are we...” as the words escaped her mouth, she recalled the night before. She didn't remember falling asleep next to Luna, but she did remember being in the same bed as her. But of course, there was also a wolf separating the two of them as well.

“Have you finally woken up enough to remember?” Luna asked, snapping Twilight out of her recollection. A blush found its way to her checks and proudly showed its bright colors.

“Um...I'm sorry,” she said meekly, “I didn't think we'd end up like this. I-I'll just go...” she attempted to bring herself up from the bed, only to find a wing pressed over her back, in a way, asking for her to stay. The request was soon formed into words when Luna spoke.

“Twilight, please. I wish to talk to you about something.”

The alicorn stopped lifting herself and looked down. Lunas eyes pleaded that she stay and listen, but Twilight would really rather she didn't have to stay and cuddle. It wasn't that she didn't like it, on the contrary, she found herself enjoying Lunas cool fur quite a lot.

It was just a little awkward. After all, waking up nuzzling the Princess of the Night was something one could only dream of.

Not that Twilight ever dreamed of it.


She lowered herself back onto the bed, putting a little distance between the two of them, “What is it?” she asked.

“It's...” Luna sighed, “Silver and I talked, and we have a suggestion. But before I ask you, there's something I must tell you first.”

Twilight nodded and Luna gulped. “Here we go...”

“Twilight, do you remember the first Nightmare Night after I returned?”

The mare nodded again, “Yes. You were upset because every pony was avoiding you.”

“Yes well,” Luna continued, “That wasn't exactly the only time I'd been shunned. There were other towns that didn't quite...accept my return, and there are still a few that don't.”

“Oh Luna, I'm so sorry. I had no idea.”

The midnight mare took a deep breathe, “Twilight, you were the first pony to show me any kindness or offer any form of friendship. You approached me without being scared, and actually cared about me. It...it really meant a lot to me. You mean a lot to me...” The words hung in the air for a moment before Twilight finally caught on to what Luna was trying to say.

“She..she has feelings for me?”

“Luna, are you saying--” she was cut off by a hoof pressed to her lips. Luna flashed a gentle smile, telling Twilight all she needed to know about the question she wanted to ask.


Luna continued, “About the offer Silver and I have. We both decided, and we feel like we'd be okay with...starting a herd.”

Again, the words hung. A blush bright enough to light up the room emerged on Twilights cheeks as the sentence sunk in.

“It's not just something we find to be a solution to our romantic dilemma,” the mare explained, “but we both want this. We want for all of us to be together and happy.”

Happy...there that word was again. It seemed so pleasant, so inviting. And yet so difficult to obtain. Why? Why couldn't things just be easy? Why can't she just say yes?

“I...” Twilight began, “I...I need some time to think about this.”

Lunas smile seemed to falter a little, but she nodded anyway, “Please, take your time. I don't want to push you into this.”

Twilight smiled thankfully before teleporting out of the room.

With a magic pop, the mare found herself somewhere in the back of the mountain.

“Ooooh, what do I do? What do I do?! This is all really sudden and-and I don't know what the hay is going on! Luna has feelings for me!? Since when!?

Well, I actually know that, but still! Why hasn't she said anything before!? She doesn't even know me all that well, so how can she say that?"

Twilight sighed and plopped onto the ground, rolling onto her back too view the skies through the trees.

“Why did this have to happen? I'm not good with romance, even if it's with just one pony. But a wolf and an alicorn at the same time? How am I supposed to handle that?

A second voice decided to voice it's opinion in her head.

'….Handle'? Why are you thinking that? There's nothing to 'handle', you just do it! You want to be with them don't you?”

“Well, Silver yeah...but Luna..”

“Oh don't act like you didn't enjoy waking up next to her.”

“Waking up next to her and dating her are two different things!”

“Not really...but still. Do you really think you couldn't learn to love her too?”

“Well, I mean...”

“Admit it. Lunas beautiful, smart, kind and fun. There's a long list of things you can use to describe her and they all point to the same thing. That she's some pony you could be with.”

“But I don't know how to be with some pony! And I never do something unless I know all the facts first, but I have little experience with things like this...”

“So then maybe it's time to make some. Think about it, what's the worst that could happen?”

“It could end up like Fla--”


“Sorry...But it's a real concern. I don't want that to happen again...”

“Let me ask, does Silver or Luna really seem like the type to do that to you?”

“Well no, but neither did Fl--...he..”

“Are they him?”


“Then why are you thinking they are? Silver has already sworn to protect you with his life, and it seems you mean more to Luna that you ever knew! Yeah, there's a chance you might get hurt, but dammit, think of how happy you could be! Think about how happy you could make them! You could all be happy...together.”

The second voice sparked a memory in her head. A simple one. A recent one. One from just the night before.

Her final thoughts, as she drifted to sleep, and the feelings that accompanied them... The warm, tingly sensation she had in the pit of her tummy as she realized just where she was and what she was doing. There with the two of them, she'd never felt so...content.

What they could have, and how it would make her feel. Every day, waking up with that same stomach full of butterflies. Knowing that every time she'd see them, she'd feel the same thing again and again.

“Maybe we could all be happy together.”



A tan hoof pounded against a wooden door of a small home in Ponyville.

“Hey Beats! You still alive!?” Ruppy shouted through the door. Onyx had to fight back a face hoof at her friends actions, “Helloooo!?”

The door swung open, a small orange filly pegasus standing in it's arch with a curious look on her face, “Um, can I help you?”

“Hey, you must be Scootaloo, am I right?” Ruppy asked. The filly nodded in response, “Is your brother home? I'm here to check up on him.”

Scootaloo gave the mare a quizzical look, then to the mare behind her. Onyx was simply shaking her head in shame. This was why she didn't like taking Ruppy out in public. She could be such an embarrassment sometimes. Going from pounding on the door like a manic to sweet talking a filly in a matter of seconds.

“Hey bro! Some mares are here to see you!” She called over her shoulder. A few moments later, a set of hoof beats approached the door, and Beats popped his head from around the wall, “Oh, it's you two.”

Just as he came to the door, his little sister had turned and began to walk away, and that was when Ruppy had a devilish thought, “'Oh, it's you two'? Is that really how you great the two mares carrying your children?” she said with more than enough snark and sass.

Onyx immediately looked up in attention. Did she really look pregnant? If anything, she'd lost weight from her training, so she shouldn't—NO WAIT! THAT'S NOT THE ISSUE HERE!

But the reaction Ruppy was looking for wasn't from the coal black unicorn behind her, but the small filly in front who froze mid step as the words reached her.

But before Scootaloo could even ask what she meant, Beats simply rolled his eyes and turned to her, “She's kidding. I don't how she finds that to be a joke, but I can assure you she nor the other one is pregnant, at least not with my child.”

Scootaloo simply shook her head, “I really hope so, cause I'm way too young to be an aunt,” she continued her trot to the back end of the house, wishing to not hear the rest of the jokes Ruppy may have to offer.

“Seriously? Pregnant?” he deadpanned, turning back to them.

“What?” Ruppy asked near innocently (the key word being 'near') “I was just having fun.”

Beats rolled his eyes, stepping aside to allow the two mares to come in, “So what's up? Come to pummel me again?” he asked, almost too seriously. He didn't quite trust these two. Their reputation made them feared by any pony who knew Manehatten well enough. And unfortunately for Beats, he knew it all to well.

“I did say we were here to check up on you. Didn't you hear me screaming through your door?”

Beats shook his head, “I was cleaning, so I guess not.”

Ruppy snickered, “You clean?”

The stallions rolled his eyes for the third time that morning, “Yeah, yeah, whatever. As you can see I'm fine, so you can go ahead an leave now.”

“Aww, but we just got here,” Ruppy pouted, “At least introduce us to that little sis of yours.”

“You already met her though.”

“Yeah but I get the feeling she didn't like my first impression,” Ruppy excused. In truth, she just wanted to bug Beats. He was about to reject her when Scootaloo came back through the hall way with a screwdriver in her mouth.

“I gotta go tune my scooter,” she muffled through. She began to trot to the door, only to pause when she stepped past the two mares. She examined the blades attached to Onyx's side, her eyes sparkling with fascination, “Whoa! Are those real swords?” she asked.

Onyx looked down at the blades, then to the filly to give a nod, “I just got them today.”

“Wow, I've never seen real swords before! Where did you get them?!” at this point she had dropped the screwdriver and stepped closer to examine the sheaths. Onyx was kind enough to sit down and remove them from the belt they were attached to, setting them on the floor for her to look at, ““They're really pretty! They remind me of you!!” Onyx couldn't help but blush a little at the compliment. Foals were her weak points.

“I got them from my teacher,” Onyx explained, “He's going to show me how to use them.”

“Cool! Can I learn too? Oh! Maybe I'll get my cutie mark in sword fighting!!” she exclaimed.

Onyx only looked up to Beats for a response.

“I don't know about learning to fight,” he said, causing Scootaloo to cease her joyful bouncing and look up in disappointment.

“Oh, come on! Please!!” she begged, “I promise I won't hurt some pony!”

Beats simply chuckled, “I don't want you to hold up their lessons, but if the wolf will let you, then you can stop by every so often to watch them train.”

Scootaloo beamed, “Yess!” she cried out joyfully, before jumping to hug her brother, “Thanks! You're awesome!!....wait wolf? You mean that wolf with wings I saw wondering around town the other day?”

Beats nodded, “So you've seen him around?”

“Yeah,” she said letting go, “So you're learning to use swords from him?” she asked Onyx.

The mare nodded, “He's even the one that made these.”

“Hm...Cool!” she exclaimed once more, “I've never met a wolf before! Is he cool too?!”

Onyx waved her hoof in a so-so fashion, “He's can be cool. Sometimes he does really stupid things, but he's also really nice.”

“I wanna meet him!”

“You can meet him later Scoots,” Beats said, stepping into the conversation, “right now, you need to go get ready for school.”

The filly turned and looked at the clock on the wall, “Oh crap!” and bolted off down the hall.

Beats chuckled as he watched her scramble away, and Onyx slipped the blades back into the belt.

“Well, this has been nice,” Ruppy said turning to the door, “But we should go. We still need to finish things up in Manehatten.” Onyx nodded in agreement and stepped to the exit.

“Hey, you two,” Beats called after them, “Look, I'm sorry if I seemed like a bit of a dick a moment ago. I'm glad you two are putting yourselves on the line while I stay here and look after Scoots. So, thank you. Both of you. And if there's anything I can do in return, please just ask.”

Both of the mares were surprised. While they barely knew Beats, they didn't think he was as kind as he coming off as at the moment. Sure, the brotherly atmosphere he had when he was around Scootaloo may have been the cause of what they were seeing, but since she wasn't in the room at the moment, it seemed like this was a genuine side of him.

Beats was a kind stallion. Who'd have thunk?

“If you want to help us out, then do us a favor and sign up for Princess Twilights guard,” Ruppy said, opening the door, “Right now, we're the only ones that have been enlisted.”

Beats nodded, “Sure, I'm looking for a new job anyway. One that's a little more legal, that is.”

Ruppy giggled, then stepped out of the door, “Be sure to go see Silver later, I'm sure he wants to scope you out before hoof.”

Beats shrugged. He needed to talk with him about Scoots wanting to watch the training anyway.

“Bye!” Ruppy called and Onyx waved. Beats waved back and watched the two walk away.

“Huh...they're not nearly as scary as the rumors made them out to be.”

“Soo, you spoke an awful lot today,” Ruppy said with a smirk as the two of them trotted through town, headed for the train station.

“That filly kept asking questions, what was I supposed to do?” Onyx replied.

The pegasus giggled, “Is that really it? Cause I was thinking you were having fun playing big sister for a moment there.”

Onyx cocked a brow, “Big sister? Is that what that was?”

“Well it's that, or you were trying to get friendly with her so you can get closer to Beats.”

“And why would I do that?” the unicorn asked.

“Cause you like him!”

The unicorn stopped dead in her tracks, “What the hell gave you that impression?”

“Well nothing really, I thought you two would make a cute couple is all.”

Onyx blew raspberries, “What's with you and the romance comments today?”

“Oh come on!” Ruppy exclaimed, “When was the last time you had a colt friend?”

“I've never had one...”

“Exactly! It's always been one night stands with you. Maybe you should try getting with Beats? He's actually pretty hot when his face isn't swollen from being beaten, and he seems like a nice guy.”

Onyx simply rolled her eyes and trotted ahead, “I'm not taking dating advice from you.”

Ruppy laughed, “Well, can't blame you for that.”

The two arrived at the station, trotting up the stairs just as the train for Manehatten pulled in.

“Well we can pick this up later," Ruppy said, stepping onto the train, "let's go finish what we started,”

It was time to end the war.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I know. It's a week late. But schools been busy!! This chapter was also a little long, but I still could have done it in a week, if I didn't have school.

Meh, oh well. It still got posted.

I made a pic for Ruppy wearing her gauntlets. I know, it's long over due. I'll make one for Onyx too, eventually.

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