• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,872 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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Twlights Dream and Lunas Scheme

Twilight nuzzled herself deeper into the fur as she basked in it's warmth. She could feel the sun washing over her back as she laid atop Silver, her hooves wrapped around his chest and his paws around her waist. Every muscle in her body was completely relaxed; even her wings, which instead of being tucked to her sides like normal, fell limp, allowing for the thin blades of the tall grass below to brush and tickle against the tips of her wings.

She looked up from her nuzzling, looking Silver in the eyes.

Oh those sweet, honey hazel eyes. Like ponds of translucent gold, tempting her to dive in, and get lost in his gaze.

She allowed her hooves to release their hold on the wolf, slowing sliding them up his chest, then neck and finally to his cheeks. She pulled his head closer, and leaned in herself, her eyes never breaking away.

Their lips locked, gently but firmly. His were soft and sweet, like the honey that filled his eyes. His kiss was serene and calming, and yet at the same time exciting and intoxicating. Their tongues danced in their mouths and she found she didn't want this moment to end, for their lips to never part.

But after a long moment, they both needed air, and so they broke apart. Twilight pulled her head away, panting slightly with flushed cheeks and looked once more into the eyes of the wolf.

She opened her mouth to speak, “Silver, I lo--”

You know those times when you're having the best of dreams, and for what ever reason, your brain decides to wake up.

This was one of those times for Twilight. To make matters worse, not only had the blissful dream ended, but she woke up to a mind splitting headache.

“Oooohh...fucking hangovers.”

Twilight lifted the blankets over her head, though it was unnecessary as there was no light coming into the room. It was mostly just for comfort, like she was hiding away from the world and her princess duties for the day. Just wanting to sleep in until the pain went away.

Twilight turned over, her hooves landing on a familiar fluff. The contact caused the fluff to groan and stir from it's slumber. Two paws patted across the mattress to find the mare they had fallen asleep with the previous night.

It took only a few pats until the half woken Silver found what he was looking for, then wrapped his paws around it and pulled it closer.

Twilight felt herself get dragged across the bed and into Silvers embrace. While the movement cause her some pain, she gladly welcomed it. His fur provided some relief as she found it to be one of the more relaxing things she'd experienced, aside from reading a good book or working on a complex equation.

Twilight shifted to a more comfortable position, throwing her hooves around the wolf and cuddling into his body.

Perhaps she could stay in bed for the day. Maybe Silver would stay with her and cuddle some more. They could just lay there and read books, or talk or just do whatever. They could snack on junk foods and tell jokes, and overall just, as Rainbow Dash would put it, chill.

The thought made Twilight smile, allowing her a brief reprieve of her headache.

“I could have him to myself for the day. No Ruppy, or Onyx, or any pony. Just me and him.”

“Mhmm,” Silver groaned as he woke more, “Morning Twilight,” he whispered softly.

Thank Celestia, this wolf had some common sense. She remembered the last time she had a hangover and Spike decided he would get his chores done in the noisiest fashion possible.

Twilight didn't respond, only pushing her muzzle deeper into the fur. It wasn't solely because of the head ache, but also that he'd found her laying next to him. Sure, she asked him to sleep with her, but it was still a bit awkward for her to still be in bed with him after they'd awoken. After all, while they're sleeping, it can't be helped if they happen to fall into each others arms. It was beyond their control.

But waking up and not moving from said position was a little more direct. It clearly said, “Hey, I like to cuddle with you so don't get up and leave me to freeze to death without your fur.”

“Headache?” the wolf asked. Twilight slowly nodded in response.

“Well, I think I have some medicine around here that should help with that, but you'll have to let go if you want me to get it.”

Twilight only shook her head and tightened her grip. If he gets up, there was a slim chance he'd get back into bed. After all, he said the night before that he had things to do today.

Silver chuckled lightly, “Well alright then. But you'll have to let go eventually. One of us needs to get up to get food and drinks.”

“Damn, I forgot about that.”

Twilight sighed and released her grasp so that her hooves were simply in front of her on Silvers chest.

“Can...can you stay for today?” she asked.

Silver gently stroked her mane, “No, I'm sorry. I need to catch up on Ruppy and Onyx's training, and I still need to find Darings employer. And besides, don't you have things to do today too?”

For once, she did. Celestia had asked her to begin looking into making her own guard. Celestia and Luna would help with the process, but they needed to know what kinds of ponies were needed for Twilight.

These guards wouldn't be like Ruppy and Onyx, however, who were meant to be more like specialist. These guards would be like the common ones; trained but not particularly outstanding. The two princesses both agreed to transfer some of their more experienced members to Twilights guard to help guide the newbies, but the actual selection of the newbies would be left up to her.

She would have to go and look at files of guards and recruits for the day, shuffling through papers and reading recommendations and resumes. Twilight would much rather spend her day with Silver, or at the least, in bed recovering. Today was not the day for interviews and file reviews.

The hung-over alicorn groaned as she pulled herself from the bed, Silver following after. She looked at the clock, reading it was half past ten. It was later than she intended to get up, but at least it wasn't noon.

“Do you mind if I grab a bite on the way out?” Twilight asked as the two stepped out of the room. They moved down the hall and into the living room.

“No, go ahea--” Silver stopped mid-sentence as his eyes fell to the wavy, midnight mane sitting on his couch.

“Well, it was a nice life.”

“Silver?” Luna called as she turned and looked to Silver, “You're awake...and with Twilight.”

Twilight froze upon hearing the voice. She was scared, but couldn't figure out why. Sure, she just left Silvers room with him after sleeping together for the night, but what's so wrong about that? If Luna did figure it out and had a problem, she could simply say it was none of her concern what she did with Silver.

But this was something else. Perhaps it was Silvers reaction that scared her, and not the lunar alicorn herself. He did seem to have a guilty look in his eyes, but that could have also been embarrassment. His fur made it hard to see the blush.

“Heyyyy” he said back awkwardly, “what are you doing here?”

“Star Shine said you'd run off yesterday before you could heal properly, so I wanted to come make sure you were okay. There were also a few things I wanted to talk to you about, though it concerns Twilight as well.” Luna couldn't help but flick her eyes back and forth between the wolf and lavender alicorn.

Oh boy. Silver was beginning to get tired of hearing that phrase. Why does every pony feel the need to ask him questions? Sure, he prefers it if you ask directly instead of snooping behind his back, but still, give a wolf a break!

“Okay, but could it wait until a little later. I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon, and I'm really hungry.”

Luna nodded.

“I think I'll just stop by Sugar Cube Corner for breakfast instead,” Twilight nervously informed, “I'll uh... I'll see you later Silver.” Twilight quickly but awkwardly shuffled out of the door, leaving the guilty Silver and confused Luna to themselves.

“Soo...how are you feeling?” Luna asked, taking a sudden interest in the floor. It was a very nice tile.

“Um, good mostly,” Silver responded as he walked over to the kitchen, “I get winded easily and my muscles are a bit sore, but other than that I'm fine.”

“Good, that's good.”

Silence. An incredibility awkward silence. Silver wished he had just stayed in bed like Twilight had asked, but Luna would have probably came in after a while and found them. And that would not have ended well.

Silver reached up and grabbed a bowl and box of cereal from the cupboard, “So, just how did you get in anyway?”

“I used Tia's key. I told her I was coming to check on you and she hoofed it over.”


Silence once more.

Silence again.

And again.

It was killing both of them. Luna was dying to ask what he was doing with Twilight, but knew she couldn't. After all, it's not like they were together, so she couldn't go around accusing him of sleeping with other mares when he was never committed to one in the first place.

Silver desperately didn't want her to ask. He could handle any other question, just not that one. He felt like he was betraying her, and although nothing happened, he still felt guilty.

“Silver...” Luna began. Oh shit, here it comes, “What...what was Twilight doing here?”

Silver stopped eating for a moment and pushed his bowl away, “She got drunk last night and spent the night here,” he said calmly. On the inside, however, he was shaking more than Pinkie Pie on a sugar high.

“I see. She slept with you?” she tried her best not so sound accusing or upset, but rather curious.

“She did. I'll admit, I may have been a bit...tipsy as well, but we didn't have sex or anything. Just slept.” And cuddled, you big, fat liar.

That brought the mare some relief, “So you two aren't 'together' then?”


Silver shook his head, “No.”

Lunas internal flip out had ceased when she heard the response, “Well, I suppose good things can come of mistakes. Still, I suppose this complicates things a bit. He might be too attached to her now, or she to him.”

“Very well,” she rose from the couch and head to the door, “Come find me when you have some free time. I have a proposition for you.”

Silver nodded and Luna left the home. The moment the door shut, Silvers head banged on the table with a loud thunk.

“Damn, who killed you?” Ruppy quirked as she stepped out of the hall.

“It's nothing, don't worry about it,” he retorted before picking his head back up.

“So how ya feeling?” she asked as she sat down at the counter, stealing Silvers bowl. He didn't care. The awkwardness of the conversation had caused him to loose his appetite.

“I'm fine for the most part. A little sore and winded, but still alive and kickin'.”

“Good,” Ruppy said with a mouthful of cereal, “Cause we need your help with training today. I can't put a hole through the paper, and Onyx and Aerial both passed out yesterday and the day before.”

Silver sighed, “Yeah, I was afraid that might happen.”

Ruppy set her bowl down and raised a brow, “You knew it was gonna happen?”

Silver nodded, “The paper thing is supposed to teach you how to punch. It comes from a boxing training that teaches you to react your arm after it hits your opponent.”

“I wasn't talking about my training. Silver, that scared the shit out of me, okay? I almost lost it when Onyx dropped, but Aerial said she was gonna be okay so I figured Onyx just pushed herself too hard. The Aerial turns around and does the same thing the next day and suddenly I'm afraid I'm gonna be next!”

“Ruppy, I know you're upset, but I didn't mean for it to scare you or the other two. I was supposed come by and check up while you were training so you didn't get alarmed like this. I can assure you neither of them were in any danger.”

The pegasus sighed tiredly, “Well...if you say so. But next time, do you think you would at least warn us of the …erm, hazards, of your training. I might be okay, but I can't say the same about the other two.”

She dropped off the stool and trotted back to her room. Silver sighed and put the bowl in the sink.

“She's right. I should go see how they're doing. I hope they're not hurt.”

Silver turned and left the kitchen, going down the hall stopping in front of Onyx's door. He knocked and entered when she called him in.

“Hey,” he greeted as he poked his head in. Onyx was laying on her bed with a book and some music playing softly. She gave a small smile and gestured for him to come in.

“Ruppy told me about what happened and how you collapsed. Are you feeling okay?” he asked as he entered and sat on the floor in front of the bed.

“I'm fine. My magic just ran out. I realized what caused it though.”

Silver perked up and gave her an amazed look. Onyx simply giggled and closed her book, marking the page it was on before levitating a dufflebag in the corner onto the bed. She pulled out one of the long black bars and set it on her bed.

“Corax Stone, right?”

Silver nodded.

“It slowly saps your energy, even when you not touching it. It's like those crystals in the cave that feed off of magic, but this just eats it and doesn't grow.” She slipped the bar back into the bag and focused on Silver, “But why? Why make me use this?”

“It will help you to increase the amount of magic you have. When I was training with my grandfather, he would make me where a chain around my neck made of the stuff. It would slowly sap my power, but when I took it off and recovered, I had more reserves than I did before. I didn't notice it because I couldn't feel the change, but I eventually discovered my magic lasting longer than it did before.”

Onyx stared at the bag with a curious face.

“You won't notice the change already. It's only been two days after all, but fainting is very common when training with Corax stone. When you cut your connection with it, however, you immediately begin to recover. Your body will get used to it after a while, and while you'll still faint, you will recover more quickly.”

Onyx floated the bag back to the corner, then turned her attention to the wolf who had guilt written all over his muzzle.

“Ruppy scolded you, didn't she?”

Silver nodded, “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare any of you. I meant to explain it all, but I got sick and you guys kept training without me.”

“It's okay,” she said gently with a reassuring smile, “No harm was done.” This was the most kindness he'd ever seen her show, or the most he'd ever seen her smile.

Silver looked up at her with a lightened expression, “Really? Thank you!”

Onyx giggled and dismissed the wolf from her room. It was strange, that moment. It was as if Silver had become a foal who was happy his parents didn't punish him for breaking something. It was actually pretty adorable.

Silver trotted out of the room and down the hall, a noticeable skip in his step. He grabbed his key from his room and headed for the door. He could stop by Aerials on the way the castle, since the last time he used his key was at the library, that was where he would step out.

Silver left his home and stepped outside. He took to the skies moments after locking the door behind him and flew to Canterlot in ten minutes. He was far fast than any train, and could take a more direct route than the tracks.

He landed a top a building across from the apartments Aerial lived in. They weren't exactly spectacular, but they weren't run down either.

Silver evaporated into the building, reappearing in the living room of Aerials apartment. He went to the front door, then opened and closed it. It was his way of letting her know he came in without scaring her.

Aerial trotted down the hall from her room, “Oh, hey. How have you been?”

Silver sighed. That question was really getting old. Sure, they were just worried about him, but the fact that he was standing should have been an obvious answer to their question.

“I'm fine. I'm more worried about you. Ruppy said you fainted during training.”

The mare looked glumly to the floor, “Yeah, I kinda over worked myself, I guess.”

Silver stepped forward and picked up her chin with a paw, “Hey, what's up? You seem down. I know that passing out can be a little embarrassing but it's not all that uncommon.”

Aerial shook her head, “It's nothing like that, it's just...” she trailed off into a mumble.

“You need to speak up if you want to talk.”

“Well it's just, while you were gone, I found this mare right, and I think I might really like her. We only just met recently, but I think I might want to try something with her. The problem is that I think she has a thing for this other guy I know, and well...I kinda had a thing for him too.”

“You had a thing for him, or you still do?”

“Had...have...I don't know!” she groaned and plopped on the floor.

Silver sat and thought for a moment, “This guy, does he like you back? And what about the mare?”

“I don't think he thinks of me in that way, more like a good friend than anything. And the mare, well, we had a moment, and I think she might feel the same about me, but I honestly can't tell. It was just that once, after all. I just don't wanna get my hopes up.”

“You know, this would go much easier if you just gave me names.”

Aerial shook her head, “Nope. I won't do that.”

Well that told Silver all he needed to know. He clearly knew the mare and the stallion, and while the stallions identity eluded him (fucking idiot), the mares was quiet clear.

Strange thing was, he never saw Ruppy interact with any other stallions. So who was it that she could possibly have taken a liking too?

“Look,” Silver began as he knelt down to Aerial on the floor, “I can't say I understand what you're feeling. But what I do know is that you're an amazing mare and I know that you can have any one you want. If this guy can't see you for what you are, then just go for the mare. You said you felt like there may have been something between you two, so why not chase it?”

A small smile formed on Aerials face as she thought about being with her new found crush. Sure, she developed it a little fast, but that didn't mean she couldn't take her time getting to know the mare.

“I...I guess you're right. I think I'll just ask her to hang out today. I wanna make sure we feel the same way.” Aerial rose from the floor, “Was there anything else you needed?”

Silver shook his head, “No, not really. I just wanted to see that you were okay. You still need to keep training, but don't push yourself too hard.”

“I won't and I'll make sure Ruppy doesn't nag you any more too.”

Silver chuckled nervously, “Was it really that obvious?”

Canterlot Castle.

Silver had seen it a number of times before, but it was only now that he was afraid of it. In it's halls roamed a mare that Silver was, at the moment, terrified of visiting. Not because she was angry with him, but because he knew he hurt her.

Silver sighed and stood from his perch on a cloud. The streets were busy and he didn't feel like dealing with the judgmental looks he got from the Canterlot snobs, so he figured he'd stay out of sight.

Silver flew down and over the gates, signaling to the guards that it was him flying in. Most ponies in the city were unicorns, so none of them ever paid attention to the sky. He landed at the front doors and trotted in. It had only just occurred to him, but he realized he rarely ever used the front door to any building except for his own home. Usually it was a window or a side door. Huh, strange. Maybe it was his thief habits kicking in.

Silver wondered through the halls, looking for the lunar mare that had called him there. It had only been twenty minutes since she left his place, but he figured that since he was here in Canterlot he might as well see her.

“Silver?” a voice called from above. He looked up to see Star Shine sitting on top of a column. He hadn't even noticed her presence.

“Oh, Star. Hey, can you help me? I'm trying to find Luna.”

“That's Princess Luna to you,” she corrected as she dropped down, “And yes. She called for me as well. In fact, I think I saw Princess Twilight heading towards her as well.”

Star Shine took the lead and led her friend down the halls. She brought him to a study. It wasn't Celestias, so Silver figured it could only be Lunas.

When they stepped inside, Silver quickly saw just how different it was from the other. It was smaller than her sisters, and had cooler colors too. The walls were a blend of deep purples and blues, and the carpet was straight black. A desk was pushed into a corner, and two large couches were in the center of the room facing each other.

On one of those couches was Twilight, and on the other was Luna. Star Shines earlier prediction had been correct. Luna wanted to talk with all of them at once. But what for?

The two of them looked up from their conversation.

“Oh, you're here earlier than I expected,” Luna said as she rose from her spot. Twilight remained seated, but her eyes kept switching back and forth between Silver and Star Shine.

“Yeah sorry,” Silver said as he stepped forward, “I found myself in Canterlot and figured I might as well drop by to talk,” Silver looked past Luna and to the mare one the couch, “But why's Twilight here?”

Silver didn't get a chance to here an answer before he was smack over the back of the head by the wolf behind him.

“Ow! What the--”

“It's Princess Twilight to you,” Star Shine scolded as she stepped next to him, “And you'll do well to remember it. Geez, I swear you do this with every authority figure you meet.”

“That's not true. I call Princess Cadence by her title.”

“Yeah, only because she's married and you know you can't get with her.” Star Shine scoffed back.

“That's not true!”

“Ahem!” Luna cleared her throat to get the attention of the bickering wolves.

Star Shine quickly shot to attention and bowed her head, “Forgive me, I was out of place.”

Silver simply rolled his eye, “Suck up,” he muttered.

“If you wouldn't mind,” Luna said with a near growl, “I would like to begin our talk. It concerns all of us.”

Silver nodded and moved over to the couch, sitting next to Twilight. Star Shine took a spot on the floor next to the couch Luna was on.

“Now,” Luna began, “As I said before, I have a proposition for you Silver, and one for you as well Star Shine. I have already begun to talk with Twilight about it, though we were interrupted when you to came in.”

Star Shine folded her ears back. Oops.

“Anyway, what I propose is this. Would the two of you mind switching places as our guards?”

Silver cocked his head at her request, “Switch places? You mean I guard you and Star guards Twilight?”

Luna nodded.

“Hmm, well it wouldn't break any regulations,” Star Shine spoke up, “There would still be a guard for both of you, and technically we are supposed to be protecting all princesses, not just the one we're assigned to. But I currently guard both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Have you talked to her about it?”

“Yes, Tia said she is fine with it so long as every pony and wolf agrees. So, what do you say? Would you like to change places?”

Silver looked down at Twilight. Her expression saying she was mulling over the proposal, like it was a business deal. He honestly wasn't sure what he wanted to do. On one paw, he enjoyed being with Twilight, and had grown rather fond of her. On the other paw, he did want to spend more time with Luna. Although their last encounter had left things a little awkward for them, he still wanted to be with her.

Silver was broken out of his thoughts by a poke to the side. He looked down and found Twilight motioning for him lend her his ear.

He bent down so he mare could whisper.

“I think you should do it.”

The words surprised Silver. He wasn't expecting Twilight to give him up so easily. Maybe it's time for a little fun.

“Oh really? Is that it? Are you bored with me now?” Silver asked jokingly.

“What? No! It's just...” Twilight began to mumble as her face became a light pink, “If you aren't assigned to me, then it's less likely that you'll get in trouble when we have more...personal time together. I know I said I didn't want you to leave, but this way we can be...together in a different way.”

Twilight pulled away and began twiddling her hooves, staring at the carpet.

“Look, I kinda need some one new to research,” she excused, “Silver's good and all, but I can't quite figure out everything I need to know. It's by my understanding that Star Shine is quite intelligent, and more so than Silver. So, I figure she could help me more with my research. Therefore, I think we should switch.”

Star Shine shrugged, “I'm fine with that. Silver?”

Silver looked from the mare at his side, to the one across from him.

“Meh, sure. Why not?”

Luna beamed with glee. Finally, she could spend time with the wolf she wanted, “I don't think you have anything that needs to be moved, do you Star Shine?”

The wolf shook her head.

“Very well. I now conclude this meeting,” Luna said as she rose once more, “Come Silver, we have things we need to attend to.”

The alicorn headed to the door as Twilight got up herself.

“Hey,” Silver whispered to Twilight, “You can drop by my place whenever you feel like, 'kay?”

Twilight smiled and nodded as she left the room with her new guard. She was a little sad she wasn't going to be with Silver quite as often, but she actually meant what she said earlier. She really did need some one new to help her with her research, and if Star Shine was the genius Silver made her out to be, then she would be a great help.

Twilight left with Star Shine and headed back to the train station. Hopefully, the appearance of a new wolf in Ponyville wouldn't cause any panic.

Luna and Silver made their way down the halls of the castle, “So, what's first on the agenda?” Silver asked as he trotted next to the alicorn.

“I have a meeting with a Caneighdian Noble. He says he has access to powerful magic items and the ones who build them. He's willing to sell them to the guard and is coming today to get an idea of what kind of deal will be struck. Things like quantity, prices, materials, shipping and any special request we may have.”

“Hmm, sounds interesting. And your sister?”

“Tia is still trying to clean up the backlog of paper work that she neglected when she was looking for your trainees. I told her to let me handle picking them out but she insisted that she be the one to do it. And now, I have to take over her day court. Luckily my own responsibilities at night aren't too great, so I can manage both.”

The two rounded a corner and came to the conference room. It was medium sized, with a large circular table in the middle, with eight chairs surrounding it.

“He should be arriving soon, and it's by my understanding that he brought his own security. So, do play nice.”

Silver rolled his eyes, “Fine. I promise not to choke any one who looks at me side ways,” he said jokingly.

Luna giggled at the comment. Just as their joking died off, the door to the room opened once more, and a large pony...no, moose walked in. He was far taller than your average pony, and his legs was thinner as well. His figure itself was huge, and that wasn't taking his antlers into account. Behind the large moose was a single, smaller figure.

A vixen.

She had golden fur and a white underbelly. Her eyes were baby blue and she had a black collar around her neck. On her back was a large, black case.

“Welcome,” Luna greeted as the two approached the table. The fox took the case off of her back and set it on the table.

The moose knelt, “It's an honor.” Silver hardly even noticed the moose there, as all attention was drawn to the shimmering fox behind him. She too knelt.

Compared to the fox, this moose was plain. He had a maroon and black coat. Silver couldn't see his cutie mark as his coat covered it, but didn't particularly find any interest in it, or was even sure if there was one. He was still focused on the fox.

She was fascinating not because of her beauty, but because of her location. Foxes were known for being isolated to the eastern islands of Foxan. So why is it that one was here?

Silver was broken from his thoughts by the sound of chairs scraping across the floor. Luna and the Caneighdian had taken seats, and the vixen was moving off to the side. Silver did the same.

“Before we begin, could we excuse the room,” the moose said, “I intend on sharing some secrets that are best not heard by...some.”

The moose cut his eyes at Silver, accusing him without saying anything directly. Luna followed his eyes to the wolf behind her.

“I can assure you Silver will not say anything. He's a well respected guard and loyal like none other.”

“Yes well,” he began without shifting his eyes, “I'm afraid I have issue with trusting mutts, so I must insist that he not be in the room during the meeting.”

What happened to 'All Caneighdians are nice'?

Luna fought back a scowl and the desire the throw the table at him, “Very well,” she growled, “Silver, would you please step out?”

“If I'm leaving, so is she,” Silver said, pointing a paw at the fox. She perked up and looked around as if she was oblivious to the conversation around her.

“I'll not be left here unguarded,” the moose insisted, “I won't attack Princess Luna, so you may leave now.”

“That's not happening,” Silver replied flatly.

The Caneighdian glared and growled at the wolf with frustration.

“Forgive me,” Luna said getting the moose's attention, “but I do have a schedule to keep, so I need to move this along.” He looked up to Luna who wore an impatient face.

“Fine,” he growled through his gritted teeth. He waved a hoof and the fox stood and went for the door, the wolf following after. The doors closed with a clunk that echoed through the halls of the castle, and the two were left to each other. They were silent at first, but the curious Silver intended to change that.

“So...” Silver began, “What's the collar for?”

The fox didn't respond. She didn't even spare a glance; her eyes only focusing on the wall opposite to them.

“Could you at least tell me your name?”

Still nothing.

“Helloooooo?” he waved a paw in front of her eyes, but she only blinked. Well, at least she wasn't blind. Silver sighed and turned to face forward. They sat in silence for just under an hour until...

“Why didn't you get angry?” the fox said. Her voice was soft and timid, which was strange considering the enormous amount of magic she was giving off.

“What do you mean?”

“He called you a mutt. Isn't that a racial slur where you come from?”

Silver shrugged, “Well he wasn't wrong. I am a mutt since I have the blood of all three wolf races running through me. But I don't think he actually knew that it was a racist comment in that sense. Sure, he doesn't like wolves, but a lot of ponies don't. And besides, if got I mad every time someone called me a mutt, I be alone for the rest of my life with out friends.”

“So, it doesn't bother you?”

“Well, it would bother me if he meant it the way it is back in Houndland, but he didn't, so no harm done.”

“What do you mean 'back in Houndland'? Does it have a different meaning there?”

“It does, but it's a long history lecture that I don't really feel like reciting.”


They sat in silence once more. This time, it was only a few minutes before she spoke again.

“Radiance,” she said.


The fox repeated, “My name is Radiance.”

Silver smiled and turned to her, “Well Radiance, it's a pleasure to meet you,” he said as he stuck out a paw. She flinched and hesitated at first, but then returned the gesture.

“You know, you're awfully shy for a girl packing so much magic.”

“I'm not that shy, it's just...Master doesn't like it when I talk too much. He doesn't want me to bother others.”

Silver looked to the closed door, “Master? Well, sorry Luna, you just lost a business partner. There's no way I'm letting this one slide.”

He looked back to the fox, “And I guess 'Master' is the one who put that collar on you too?”

Radiance nodded, “It's so he can know where I am at all times, though I'm usually with him. If I try to take it off, I get shocked until I'm unconscious.”

The words sent Silver into a rage. His claws dug into the tile, the cracking of the floor just barely quiet enough to not give away his anger.

“With as much power as she has, that would take hours. She would lie there, getting electrocuted and tortured because this prick thinks he owns her!?”

“Do you want it off?” Silver offered, never letting a hint of his wrath slip.

“Didn't you hear me? I can't, not without--”

“I heard you. You can't take it off, but that doesn't mean I can't.”

“That doesn't matter. Either way, if some one attempts to remove the collar, then I get hurt,” Radiance couldn't fight back a shudder.

“So she has tried to escape then.”

Silver flicked his tail, a blade of wind whipped off and sliced cleanly into the floor. Radiance looked up in shock of the sudden action.

“I could cut this entire building clean in half if I wanted. Cutting through something like that collar would be nothing, even if it is magically enchanted. Even if that doesn't work,” Silver cast a deathly glare at the door, “I can always go to the root of the problem.”

“No!” she defended suddenly, and much to the wolfs surprise, “Even if Master hasn't treated me fairly, I still owe him a lot, and while I do wish to be rid of him, I don't want him dead.”

Silver sighed. In a way, it was a good thing. Amid his anger, he'd forgotten his promise to Twilight, and wouldn't have thought twice about killing the moose behind the doors when he had the chance.

“Well, when you do want out, come find me. I have a friend who can help get the collar off, or at the least, disabled. While I can cut it off, it wouldn't be smart as it would probably take off your head as well.”

Radiance pulled back in surprise, instinctively moving her paw up to her neck to assure her head was still attached.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot,” Silver added to the conversation, “Why is it that you're here? Don't foxes usually stay on the islands?”

Radiance nodded, “Yes, most do. But I got tired of the same old country, so I left. I was wondering the mainlands for a few years until I got into some trouble with some black market dealers, and that's when Master came and bailed me out. He said I have to serve him until my debt is fulfilled.”

“Black market? So the over grown rat with horns has underground connections. That gives me an idea, so I guess I'll need him alive for a little longer. Lucky little bastard. I suppose Luna will want to know too.”

“Well, if it's a debt, then I can understand why you wouldn't want him dead. It wouldn't be right to just up and kill him. But my offer still stands. If you want the collar off, just come find Luna or any one of the castle guards and they'll take you to me.”

Radiance gave a small smile, “Thank you.”

As they're conversation came to an end, Silver heard the doors to the conference room unlatch and open a bit. The meeting was over, and the moose was rising from his seat.

Silver pushed the door open and entered, Radiance slipping in behind him and moving to the Caneighdians side.

“Well, I hope to do further business with you in the future,” he said as bowed, then turned and went to the door. He didn't bother to acknowledge Silver walking past him, and Silver did the same.

“I too hope to continue business with you,” Luna replied from her seat. In front of her on the table was the large case Radiance had carried in, locked with three pad locks.

A sign of good faith maybe? Or perhaps a sample of his products? Oh the wonders a locked case held.

The door to the room closed, and Luna dropped her smile, and her head. The table made a loud thunk as her head connected.

“Ugh,” she groaned.

“Did ya' have fun?” Silver mocked.

“Faust, no. All he did was brag about how good his creations were. He never actually made any kind of a deal, or even the outline of one,” Luna lifted her head and pulled the suit case forward, “He did give me this though. Apparently, it contains three items he's collected.”

Luna floated a key that was laying next to the case, then unlocked each of the locks. She clicked open the case and revealed the treasures inside.

The first item was an orb. It gave off a dull, yellow glow. The second was a dagger. It resembled a hunting knife, though the edge was completely serrated. The third item was a necklace, simply a gold chain.

“Hmm,” Luna hummed as she examined the items, “What does he expect me to do with these?”

Silver chuckled and reached for the case, pulling it in front of him. First, he lifted the orb, eyeing it closely, “It's a Catalyst. It's loaded with explosive magic. You set a timer and then it goes boom, though it doesn't seem to be too well made. The explosive magic itself seems fine, though the timer on it is flaky.”

Silver placed the orb back and picked up the dagger, “Enchanted. Other than that, I can't tell. You won't know what it does until you cut something or some pony with it. As just a normal dagger, I give it a 6 out of 10.”

He put the dagger back and lifted the necklace, “Same as the dagger. Enchanted, but I can't tell with what. I recommend putting it on a dummy and seeing what happens,” he set the necklace back down and looked over the items once more.

“There is one thing I know about these items though. They were all made from the underground.”

“How can you tell?”

“Magic items manufactured by companies all have signature spells and magics placed on them. They teach all the enchanters in the company the same spells so that each item is the same. These on the other paw are unique. They have an unfamiliar signature.”

Luna looked at the items in the case, “So they're faulty. You said the timer on the Catalyst was broken, and there is probably something wrong with the other two. He's trying to scam us.”

“Probably. He might have known that you weren't able to tell the difference quality and faulty goods, and tried to sell them to you.”

“Well, then this deal is off. I have no interest in buying items that would put my soldiers at risk.” Luna closed the case and pushed it away.

“Well, before you do that, I might need him for something,” Silver said nervously. Luna looked up and gave him a look that was somewhere between a glare and curiosity.

“Need him for what?”

“Well, as it turns out, that moose has connections in the underworld. Connections I need if I'm going to track down that grimoire that was taken in the cave.”

Luna groaned, “Why can't you just make your own connections?”

“Because to do that, I would have to set up an op out here for my pack. While Equestria does have some commodities I would like to get my paws on, I think it would be best if our two worlds didn't mix. Might get a little nasty.”

Luna let out a long sigh, “Do I have to? I really didn't like him. Not only did he call you a mutt, but he kept flirting with me. It was quite uncomfortable.”

“Well, I really only need the fox he was with. She seems to do most of the leg work and probably has a better standing than he does in the underground. Work ethic is well respected among criminals. So really, just keep him around until I can win her over and then you can tell him off all you want.”

“I'm sure you'll be using that charm of yours to steal her heart,” Luna mocked.

“No, actually I offered to get that collar off of her. I already set the bait, so I suspect she'll bite first chance she gets. When that chance is, I don't know, so I need her to have a reason to keep coming back. The best way to do that is to keep the connection between you and him open.”

Luna rolled her eyes and sighed once more, “Fine, but if he asks me out on a date, I'm shutting this whole thing down.”

“Fair enough. Now, is there anything else for today?”

Luna groaned once more and dropped her head again, “Yes...”

For the rest of the day, Luna and Silver sat through meetings and court sessions. They had to listen to nobles complain and bicker over the most insignificant of things. One stallion was even trying to sue a filly for bumping into him and knocking his coffee onto his new sweater. How Celestia puts up with these imbeciles was beyond both of them. But eventually the solar half of the diarchy lowered her sun, and evening came. The doors to the castle closed and the ponies were sent on there ways.

After the day she had, Luna decided a nice long soak seemed appropriate to help relieve the stress. It was nightfall when Luna came out of the bath.

Luna walked back into her room, looking for the wolf she had told to wait for her after he got done with his own bathing.

She noticed the doors to her balcony where opened, allowing for a cool breeze to blow in. She went through the doors and found Silver waiting, looking out over the edge. Instead of looking at the stars, he was looking at the forest at the base of the mountain. His tail wagged gently as he peered over.

“Want to go play?” Luna asked as she walked towards the wolf.

Silver looked back and saw Luna walking to him. There were still a few droplets of water clinging to her fur, allowing the moonlight to glisten off them, and her usual majestic mane and tail had become flat, “Naw. Besides, you look too tired to play.”

Luna giggled, “Well, you're not wrong. I am quite tired,” she sat down next to him and leaned against his body. His fur was damp, but still warm despite the cool breeze that was blowing that evening, “What's so special about the forest?”

Silver smiled, “It reminds me of Houndland. There are huge forest and empty plains to run around in. I used to do it when I was a pup, running around with my friends and playing tag, or hide-and-seek. We even built a club house.” A flash of nostalgia flickered in the wolfs eyes, and Luna suddenly found herself feeling guilty.

“How could I have not noticed? Silver misses his home and I never once bothered to even ask how he felt.”

“Do you miss it? Your home and family?” Luna asked gently. She leaned a little more into Silver and wrapped a wing around him.

“Well, I do miss Houndland, and I can go home anytime I want with my key. I suppose what I miss is the good ol' days, where was I still innocent and playful.”

“And your family?” Luna asked as gently as she could.

Silver flashed a bitter-sweet smile, “My family is...gone. They all died a long time ago.”


Silver lifted his paw and stared at it, “Luna, I'm not an average wolf. I've lived for over a century. My family didn't. My brother, sister and mother are all dead, and I never knew my father. Though I'm happy to say they all went peacefully, dying of old age.”

Luna felt herself drowning in guilt, “I'm sorry,” was all she could say.

Silver waved a dismissive paw, “Don't worry about it. Everything dies at some point. Nothing last forever.”

“But what about you? You've lasted well past your time.”

“Funny thing about Houndish Magic; it alters your body the more of it you accumulate. The more magic you have, the longer you live. With my magic, I'll probably live for another three hundred years. Star Shine will live for about as long as me, and Black Wing will live for at least another five hundred.”

“So then you're not immortal?”

Silver chuckled, “No, but for what's it's worth I did try. That's how I met Star Shine actually. We both wanted to live forever, but we gave up. Figured there was not way to become immortal, only to be born as it.”

“A short lived dream then.”


After their talk died down, the two sat in silence for a while. Luna still had her wing wrapped around Silver, and he leaned down and rested his head on top of hers. The scent of chocolate scented shampoo wafted through his nose, then a thought occurred to him.

“Hey Luna,” he said, “I've been wondering, what was the whole point of switching me and Star Shine?”

Luna giggled at his adorable ignorance, “You haven't figured it out yet? It was for this,” Luna stepped forward and slipped under Silvers arms, placing herself in his lap. She snuggled her back deep into his fur and made certain her body was kept warm by his.

“You just wanted to cuddle more?” Silver said jokingly.

Luna laughed, “No, I wanted more time with you. Twilight had you all to herself, and after the first few times we were together, I found I wanted to be with you more, so I asked if I could switch.” Lunas midnight blue coat didn't due her any favors for hiding her blush. In fact, it only made it more visible.

“So you just want me for my fur, huh?”

She laughed once more, “No. You made a promise to keep me company. I'm just helping you fulfill that promise.”

“While getting snuggles and cuddles at the same time. Well played, moonbutt. Well played.”

“Moonbutt? How did you...”

Silver chuckled, “You might be able to look into my memories, but so long as your sister is around, I will know every last one of your dirty little secrets.”

“I'm so gonna kill 'Tia”

“What-what else did she tell you?”

“Oh nothing important, moonbutt,” Silver teased then wrapped his paws around her waist and pulled her tightly. It didn't hurt, but kept her pressed against him firmly.

Luna rolled her eyes and made herself comfortable in his embrace, “But you are right. I do enjoy your cuddles. Though I must ask...did...did Twilight enjoy them as well?”

Silver froze and chuckled nervously, telling Luna all she needed to know.

“I see...”

Silver sighed, “Look, nothing major happened between the two of us. Yes, we slept together. Yes, we shared in some of the more intimate of contacts. And before you ask, yes, I do feel strongly for her. But those are all things I can say about you as well.”

Lunas heart dropped and jumped all at the same time. While it pained her to hear him say that about Twilight, it also brought her joy knowing he felt the same for her. Deciding not to put a damper on her night, Luna voted to ignore any feelings of dismay and to simply enjoy Silvers company.

“Mhmm, well I suppose you saved yourself. If you hadn't said that, I'd have stolen your key and made you sleep outside.”

Silver let out a relieved sigh, causing Luna to giggle.

“Scared were we?”

“You have no idea.”

“Well worry not, little wolf. You'll be staying with me tonight,” Luna assured as she pulled herself from Silvers hug. The night air suddenly felt so much colder, “Come. I'm tired and my bed has been feeling rather empty lately.”

Silver rolled his eyes in a playful manner and rose to follow Luna back to her room. They stepped inside and quickly got into the bed. The blankets were lifted with Lunas magic and the two crawled under the comfort of the covers.

Silver laid on his stomach while Luna nestled her body into his side. He draped a wing over her form and she dropped the blanket onto the two of them.

It was like a piece of paradise, that bed. Luna felt like time had stopped, and allowed the two to lay there for as long as they pleased. It took mere moments for Silvers warm fur to put the alicorn to sleep. Silver laid awake for a little while longer, gently nuzzling the sleeping mare at his side.

“I never noticed before, but her coat is really soft. It may not be as long as mine, but it's still like silk. *sniff sniff* And she smells like ice cream too. Maybe that's just her natural scent. After all, Celestia naturally smells like cake, so maybe it's the same for Luna.

Silver stopped his nuzzling for a moment and caught the sound of a small wheeze.


Lunas ear flickered and her hooves twitched a bit. She pressed herself against Silver a little more, mumbling something he couldn't make out, but got the message. He continued to nuzzle her more, and her twitches died down until she became still once more.

He noticed the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. The way her nose twitched on occasion and her wings wiggled into his stomach. But what made him happiest, the thing that brought boundless joy to his heart was the small, content smile gracing her lips, and the mumbled half sentence that escaped them.

“--ove you...”

Author's Note:

Okay, yeah I know it's late, but in my defense, this was a really long chapter. Also, I got games for Christmas, so what did you expect to happen?

Anyway, enjoy!

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