• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,872 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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Bloody Delights and Sleepless Nights

2145 James street.

The building was wide, standing five stories tall. It was actually in better condition than most of the other building in slums. It made sense that this was where the Fallen Kings would reside.

“You sure this is the one?” Ruppy asked, dragging the stallion she had by the mane up to confirm the building.

“Y-yeah, that's it,” his voice quivered with fear before she dropped him, giving him one last blow to the skull to render him unconscious. Onyx strolled up from behind, her new thieving habit in full effect as she walked around and collected the few items off of the defeated thugs.

“You good?” The pegasus asked.

Onyx responded by giving her bag a jingle. The salary of a captain was by no means small, but Silver had taught her to be an opportunist/capitalist, taking every chance she had to make some extra cash. She took to the lessons quite well.

“Come on, let's go” Ruppy said, walking to the the front steps. Normally, she might have a plan, but she given the size of the building, it wouldn't do much good. Besides, she didn't know it's lay out either, so there wasn't much to plan with.

Onyx did her normal thing and disappeared into the shadows of the side of the building. How she got in was a mystery to Ruppy, but she didn't think much of it.

With a hefty kick, the door splintered and flew open, and the pegasus strolled in, eager for a fight. But when she entered, she noticed something was off. Well actually, it wasn't off, but familiar. The faces that stood before her...she knew them.

“What the fuck?”

But now wasn't the time to to go flipping through memories, as the familiar faces quickly charged. Ruppy lifted her hoof to stomp when,

“Don't! If you use you're magic in here, the whole building will come down on top of you!”

“Damn...” hoof to hoof it was. Oh well, it was more fun this way.

Ruppy flew forward, kicking the first opponent in the face with her hind leg and sending him falling onto his back. She landed with her hoof still on his face, crushing him under her weight. She pushed off and grabbed another one by the throat, slamming his head into a wall and sending cracks up it.

One came up behind her and grabbed her in a hold, locking her arms above her head. She jumped and pushed off the wall with her hind legs, flying back and crashing through the wall on the other side. Thugs gathered around to see what came through the dust, only to find a tan hoof swinging out and cracking the closest skull.

More gathered around her, surrounding her and blocking her into the room she broke into. That was until a body came tumbling down the stairs.

All heads turned and looked, expecting to find the one responsible to follow. All they saw was a black blur, then half of them collapsed. Onyx stood over the bodies, her blades dripping with blood.

The sudden slaughter startled the rest, giving Ruppy the chance to strike. In one quick blow, she ended all of them, the force of the punch breaking the ground and surrounding walls, sending them flying into and through the interior of the building.

“Never mind using magic, you're going to bring this place down yourself.”

“Did you find them?” Ruppy asked, ignoring her equipment's comment. Onyx replied with a shake of her head, “Well I guess it's the third floor then.”

“I should get back,” Black Wing said, moving to the balcony, “Princess Cadence wasn't expecting me to leave, so I shouldn't be gone for long. I'll see you later though Silver!”

“Bye!” the wind wolf called back, waving to his friend. Black Wing stepped out onto the balcony, then a flash erupted and he was gone, “It's good seeing old friends.”

“I'm sure it is,” Celestia agreed, craning and cracking her neck, “Oof...” she groaned.

“You okay there?” Silver asked.

“I'm fine,” she assured, though the pained expression on her muzzle said otherwise, “I've just been a little stiff from Day court and doing all of that paper work.”

“I was under the assumption you were a mare,” Silver commented. It took the alicorn a second to catch onto what he was implying, but when she did, she quickly scowled at him.

“Silver, you know full and well that I have no such appendage,” she bit back, “after all, you've spent so much time staring at my butt to know that nothing extra is between my legs.”

“Yeah that's true,” the wolf admitted all to carelessly. Celestia couldn't help but giggle at his bluntness. The small laughter caused yet another kink in her neck to shot down, causing her to flinch a little.

“I thought you were in a relationship with Luna and Twilight now,” she pointed out, trying to work out the pain in head rolls

“I said I might be. I haven't checked on Luna and Twilight yet.”

“Well do try to figure it out soon. Luna doesn't have many friends, much less a special some pony. And I'm afraid Twilight doesn't date...at all. I'd rather they didn't get strung along by your charm as so many other females have.” Jeez, the neck pains were killing her!

Silver sighed, “I don't do it on purpose, you know. I'll admit, I'm a bit affectionate towards the girls I meet, but I never intend for them to develop feelings. It just kinda...happens.”

“Is that what's happening with Luna and Twilight?” she asked, with almost a growl, “You just feel bad for making them feel this way, and so you've decided to humor them out of pity?” Her eyes lighten a little, the orange from before making itself present.

“No,” Silver shot back with a growl of his own. The suggestion genuinely offended him, and all powerful alicorn or not, he wouldn't dare be branded as such a jerk, “When I say I've fallen for them, I mean it. It's a bit strange, wanting for two mares at once, but I would never 'humor them out of pity'. I'd sooner let you burn me.”

Celestias glare died down and she hung her head, releasing a sigh, “I'm sorry for getting work up. It's these damned pains, they're driving me crazy. They won't go away and having to look down to speak to every pony certainly isn't helping.”

“Don't like being tall anymore?” he asked with a smirk.

“No, I don't,” she whined, “Sometimes I think it's because of my height that stallions don't try to court me either. Well that, and because I'm a princess.”

“Well it certainly didn't stop me.”

The mare rolled her eyes, “Perversion and flirting are two different things. You attempted the former.”

Silver chuckled, “True, true.”

Celestia gave her neck one last crack, before groaning in pain, “Ugh! This pain will never end!”

The wolf laughed once more before moving behind her, “Here, sit.” he said, patting the ground. Celestia listened and plopped down in front of him.

He took his paws and slowly kneaded them into the base of her neck, controlling the way her head moved so that it turned in a smooth, circular motion.

“Ohh,” she moaned. The alicorn lowered herself so that she was laying on the floor on her stomach, Silvers paws still massaging her neck, “I'd forgotten about all of you little tricks.”

Silver chuckled, “They're not tricks. Just little things I picked up throughout life.”

“Mhmm...I don't suppose it would be too much to ask for a massage?”

The wolf rolled his eyes, “Why not?” He took his paws from around her neck and to the center of her back, slowly kneading up and down between her shoulder blades. Her wings flutter a bit every once in a while, but that was to be expected as the spots he was hitting were very sensitive, especially on the winged races.

Celestia hummed happily, loosing herself in the release of the pressure. She recalled the days when she visited Houndland, ones that she missed. For her, it was always a bit of a vacation, especially with Silver there.

“Hmm, how long has it been since we've done this? Just spent time together?” she asked, her mind wondering to and fro from consciousness to a half sleep.

“Well I haven't seen you in years, so too long for you I guess.” he said, moving his paws down lower to massage her waist.

“How is Houndland and your pack, by the way? I never did get the chance to ask. Since you've arrived, it's been nothing but business and duty. We haven't had much time to see each other.”

“Sorry about that,” he excused, putting a little more effort into his rubbing, “This whole grimoire chase is a bit time consuming. The pack is great though. I think they're supposed to be helping with the Winter Festival this year.”

“Oh yes, I'd forgotten about that. I'm sorry for having to pull you away just before the festival started.”

“It's fine. I never really liked winter anyway.”

“Now that I think about it though, isn't it a bit odd to be asking the largest criminal empire in Houndland to organize the festival?”

“The pack itself isn't a criminal empire, since that's technically not an occupation. It's just run like one. And besides, aren't you the one who's employing an ex-Rank 5 criminal as a body guard?”

Celestia let out a slurred giggle, her eyelids feeling heavier by the second, “'S true...”

“Don't fall asleep now. I might have the day off, but you don't.”

The words immediately pulled her back from the grasps of sleep, “Damn it...” she mumbled. Oh well, she figured she better get up before she gets too comfy. Besides, if Silver goes any lower, this massage might end up leading to something else.

She slowly rose from the floor, her hooves and legs a little loose from being too relaxed and causing her to wobble while she stood. She arched her back and let out a yawn, “I might just cancel Day court and go take a long, hot bath and a nap.”

“Do it,” he tempted, “I'll go get the bath started.”

Celestia sighed. She knew he would too, “No. Unlike you, I can't do whatever I want. I envy you in that way.”

“Meh, most do. But it's not as easy as one might think.”

Well that's odd. Being able to do whatever you sounds rather simple. How could it possibly be hard? “Oh, and why's that?”

“Before you can do what you want, you have to know what you want to do,” Silver explained with a sigh, “It's easy to get lost when you don't have a path to follow. Like you, for example. You might not want to go to Day court, but you have to anyway. You have a path to follow, even if that path will end this evening. While I, with all of my freedom, am stuck sitting in a field with no destination in mind. Sure I can go where I want and do as I please, but I don't know where to go or what to do. I'm lost in the possibilities, and therefore cannot move until I find one I want. ”

“So while your freedom gives you possibilities, it also strips away your direction and desire,” Huh...it was poetic in a way, “Do you not like it?”

Silver shook his head, giving the mare a smile that warmed her heart. One that she'd seen only a few times before, but it was only when Silver was absolutely sure about his decision. One that said he was content.

“I love it. I wouldn't trade my freedom for anything. While it's true I may sometimes feel lost, I often find myself feeling something else. It's not just that I don't have a destination, but that I don't have anywhere to be. I don't have to keep moving. The chains that bind me to a path have been broken, and the weight lifted off of me. Now, I'm here and I will enjoy my time for as long as I am.”

The more Silver spoke, the more the alicorn remembered why she'd taken such a liking to him in the first place. Sure, the foalish nature of their conversations was certainly enjoyable, but that wasn't all.

It was that he was content where he was. The thought made her recall the day she met him....

Celestia was strolling through a castle garden in Houndland during one of her visits on a political issue the two countries had been having with a third one.

During her walk she happened to catch a glimpse of a netting tied between two trees. She always did love laying a hammock, especially on a day as fine as that one.

But when she approached the spot, she found the outdoor furniture had already been occupied. There was wolf, Silver, laying on the net. His head held up, nose pointed into the air and eyes closed as a breeze blew by, rocking the hammock.

Perhaps it was the garden, or maybe the sunny yet cool weather that spring day, but something made the smile on the wolfs muzzle so satisfying and infectious. She found her heart beating to a familiar rhythm and a gentle tingling feeling in her chest. One that was familiar, yet that she wasn't expecting.

She was content.

It was strange, an alicorn being so comfortable in a foreign land, but yet here she was. For some unknown reason, seeing the grin on the wolfs face made her as happy as could be. It was there that their friendship bloomed.

All thanks, to a simple smile.

“It's been lovely talking with you again Silver,” Celestia said, her voice reflecting the reminiscent feeling she had moments ago, “We should make some time to do it again soon.”

“I'd like that, sunbutt,” the wolf replied with a grin and a chuckle. The alicorn simply rolled her eyes and giggle along.

“So, what do you plan to do with your sudden day off?” she asked.

“Well, I've been meaning to go see a certain rainbow pegasus,” Silver said with a sigh, “I've been worried about her but I can't seem to find the time to go see her.”

“Oh. And how was she the last time you talked to her?” Celestia asked. She was more than worried about the little pegasus. After hearing what she lived through from Star Shine, she couldn't imagine the damage that had been done.

“She was...well, broken. I managed to help her a little, but honestly, I feel horrible that I've left her alone for as long as I have. She shouldn't have to go through this alone.”

“And she won't,” the alicorn said, placing a reassuring hoof on his shoulder, “because you will be there to help her through it all. Now go, your next visit is far more important than mine.”

Silver smiled gratefully, bowed his head and left.

“I do hope she is alright...” the ivory mare worried to herself, “Death is unforgiving, especially when it haunts those that escapes it's hold.”

The stroll to the third floor of the building was pleasant, in a violent an bloody way. After breaking three walls, cutting through 2 dozen ponies and blasting a couple holes in the floor, the two monstrous mares found their way up the next flight of steps.

“Huh, this isn't nearly as difficult as I thought it would be,” Ruppy said aloud as she reached the top step, casually stepping aside as another underling stepped out and swung at her. Grabbing his hoof, she twisted and flipped him down the steps, tumbling right down to the unicorn behind her. Onyx waved her sword, cutting him and pushing him off to side.

“We didn't have much trouble before. I don't see why they would be a problem now,” she said back.

“Hmm, true.”

When they reached the top floor, they were surprised to find that there was only one door along its wall.

“Um, did we take a wrong turn?” Ruppy asked. Surely this wasn't the entire third floor. Her unicorn friend didn't care however, and simply walked past and pressed against the wall next to the door. Ruppy quickly followed after, and Onyx twisted the knob with her magic before slowly opening it.

For the first few seconds, nothing happened, so they peeked their heads to look into the room. The room was incredibly large, spanning the entire floor of the building, and had a dull gray wall paint and tile. The lighting, while bright, only seemed to bring out the dullness of the colors. In the center of the room was a large, round table with four ponies standing around it, and one large chair turned away.

“Come on in,” a voice called, “We've missed you.”

The chair slowly turned in it's cliché manner, and revealed a familiar face. Now that they looked closer, all of the ponies in the room were familiar. These faces that brought back memories of violence and struggle, of the world they'd just so recently escaped and were now dragged back to thanks to them.

They were the ponies Onyx and Ruppy used to run with. This explained the pegasus' familiarity with the grunts below. Unfortunately, they never had a real name for their little group, so this was the only way they could be referred to. But the ponies at that table were, without a doubt, their old “friends”, if one could even call them that.

“I see neither of you have changed much, except for those little toys yours,” the stallion said. He was a pegasus, his coat was a light gray and his mane and tail near white. His eyes were a cold blue that made even the icy arctic north feel like it was a volcano.

“What the fuck are you doing here Steel?” Ruppy asked stepping into the room as Onyx followed behind. The other four members around the table came forward as well.

“What do you think?” he asked with a smirk and waving a paw around the room, “Every empire needs a king, and after you two came and tore it down, I figured 'hey, why the hell not?'. So I built from what was left, and took over this damn city like we were supposed to.”

“And where the hell does killing the two of us come in at?” she growled back, “We didn't even know about this until you sent your little bitches after us.”

“Oh that? That was personal,” he said with a growl of his own, “You abandon us. Left us for that little dog that kicked in our door and shit on everything we built!”

Ruppy scowled harder, her eyes trying to tunnel through the pegasus on the other side of the table. That was, until she heard a giggle. Looking to her left, she found a sight that terrified her. Onyx had a hoof over her mouth, hiding a smile.

To most, that would seem insignificant, and to a few, strange given the situation. But to Ruppy, it was downright petrifying. Onyx was pissed....

Ruppy had her inner demon that popped out when she got her flank kicked too much, but Onyx had something too. A sweet simple smile...that accompanied a blood-lust that surpassed her own.

“Hehehe,” she giggled, “You're upset because we left you? Killing two mares over such a foalish reason? Even going so far as to kill a filly should some pony disobey you?” Onyx paused to giggle once more, then put her hoof down and revealed her smile. It was one that you would see everyday on a pony you walk by on the street. One that was make you want to smile back and say hello to the young mare passing you by, “I can't help but wonder. Will you cry like a foal too, when I butcher your friends in front of you?”

The sheer amount of rage that radiated off of her would cause any pony to shit bricks.

“What is this....this nightmare?....”

All four stepped back, but Onyx only stepped forward. Then another step, and another. She took her time as she approached the table, with each step echoing in the room like the ticks of a timer counting down to their slaughter. Her smile never faded. That warm, friendly grin, that spelled death for all who would dare bring it out.

“Fuck this shit!” one of them screamed. She was a unicorn with a creamy white coat and white mane and tail, “It's just one mare!”

She floated out two knives strapped to her sides by a belt and launched them at the approaching black unicorn. Onyx easily weaved through the blades and in a single movement, swung her sword.

“AHHHH!” the cream coated mare wailed as her horn fell to the ground with a light clatter. She fell over in pain, clutching her broken appendage while still screaming, only to have her voice silenced by a blow to the throat, catching her jaw as well, cracking and dislocating it. Hoof to hoof wasn't her forte after all, so she didn't have the control Ruppy did.

“Hush now,” Onyx eerily cooed, continuing to hold her hoof over the broken mouth of her victim, but her muffled cries still loud enough to hear, “it's not your screams I want to hear.”

“Fucking bitch!!” one of the remaining three shouted as he bolted towards the mare. He leaped at Onyx, only to have a golden hoof come down onto his head and smash him into the floor. His head cracked and deformed as his skull was crushed under the power of Ruppys blow, blood spurting across the ground with a wet splat.

“Onyx, stop playing with her,” The sandy pegasus commanded as she lifted her hoof out of the mashed pile of blood and bones, “We came here to kill, not torture.”

Onyx rolled her eyes, “Fine...” then in a quick slash, severed the head of the muffled mare, “You always get so serious when I start to have fun.”

“That's because your definition of fun is twisted,” she snapped back, “When we get home, we're gonna have to talk about this. With Silver too.”

The unicorn rolled her eyes once again and approached the last two of the four. Both were quivering, and rightfully so. Two of their members were just slaughter in front of them, and the killers seemed unfazed by it, and one of them enjoying it.

“You two really haven't changed, have you?” Steel said, all too calm as he rose from his chair. He rounded the table, his hoof steps were heavy and resounded with a deep boom, “Only ever seeing red, never the other colors of the world. Of course, that's what made you so dangerous. You cared for nothing more than each other, and violence was the only thing you knew and needed to protect what little you had. So a world filled with blood was one you were comfortable with. It was a world where you knew you would always come out on top. A world where monsters could thrive.”

“So what's your point?” Ruppy spat, “You call us monsters but remember we used to be partners. You might as well be one yourself.”

“My point is that unlike you, I can see more than red,” he stopped in front of the two mares, while still keeping a large distance between them, “I see the full spectrum and understand things you two couldn't possibly comprehend. And that's what makes me better than a monster. It makes me a king. I've seen what it takes to conquer this underworld of ours, and I've taken it all for myself. You see, I've learned why those ancient beasts were called the Fallen Kings. They took the underside of their homes and turned it into an empire! And now I've done the same. So no, I am not like the simplistic monsters you two are. I am a true Fallen King, not like those pathetic excuses from before who didn't even know the proper stories.”

“Ha! That's a load of--” Ruppy was cut off by a sudden knock to the side of her head, the only thing she could make out was the color of grey.

“Did you forget how I am!?” Steel bellowed as the pegasus was sent flying back and crashing to the wall. Onyx bolted forward and swung, only to watch Steel vanish and get knock away by a kick to the stomach. She went tumbling to the opposite side of the room, landing as she gasped and coughed for air.

“You two, get her!” Steel commanded as he directed a hoof to Onyx. The two quickly obeyed and ran over to prepare for a fight as the unicorn got to her hooves.

Steel walked over to Ruppy, who laid against the wall, “If you honestly thought you could bring down this empire--”




“What do you find so amusing?”

“You actually think you're like one of the Fallen Kings!?” Ruppy snickered as she lifted her head to look at Steel.

“I AM!” he snapped, but Ruppys grin only grew. Before he knew it, his head jerked up with a massive amount of force, and the world had taken a spin. He lost his balance and fell to the ground, taking notice of Ruppys hind leg sticking up in the air and the taste of blood from where his teeth bit into his tongue.

“You think they were called Fallen Kings because they ruled the underworld? You think you're capable of matching their legends? Hahaha! Oh buddy, you couldn't be more wrong,” Ruppy chuckled as she rose from the rubble of the wall.

“They were beasts that killed for glory and pride. They butchered thousands for the sake of entertainment. They were depraved animals driven by an insane logic that only they could understand. The underworld? Pfft. They didn't give a shit. All they wanted was to see what the hell they could do with their power, to fight for the sake of fighting; to kill for the sake of spilling blood. All they wanted was to push their limits until they got killed.

“They weren't Fallen Kings because they fell from society and ended up in the underbelly of the world. They were Fallen Kings because they'd burn their own empire for shits and giggles. They fell from sanity and order and landed in depravity, wickedness and chaos.

“You can't see the full spectrum and become like them, because the only thing they cared about was killing what needed to be killed. They were monster like us, that could only see in red. You're not a Fallen King. You're just a dog that got out of it's kennel.”

“Oh?” he questioned as he spat out the blood in his mouth, “And how you know that?”

“Because I live with one of them.”

The sound of two heavy thuds came from across the room, catching Steels attention just in time to see his companions headless bodies fall to the ground behind their severed heads. Onyx flicked her swords to fling the blood off and stalked forward towards the pegasi.

“Not only do you lack the mentality of a Fallen King,” Onyx interjected into the conversation once she a few feet away, “You lack their power. The wolf we live with is a monster both in body and mind. Compared to him, you're the equivalent of stubbing a hoof. Annoying and painful, but it's hardly a problem.”

Steel chuckled as he rose from the floor, “I'll show you a problem,” he snarled before darting forward once more.

There were quick blurs of gray and black that crossed each other before the two of them reappeared on the side opposite of where they were standing. No pony moved for a moment until a heavy thud came from one side.

“The only problem I see,” Ruppy announced, “is your lack of composure.”

On the floor was the body of the gray pegasus, split down his shoulder and through his chest. Once more, Onyx flicked her blades back and this time, sheathed them away. She turned to Ruppy, donning her normal, expressionless face.

“Can we go home now?”

Ruppy giggled, “Sure lets go. But I think we should torch the place first. You know, get rid of any evidence.”

“But what about all the stuff left on the bodies?”

The pegasus sighed, “Ugh! Fine. Go on your body raids, I'll wait. But be fast. The guard should be here soon.”

Onyx mocked a salute then trotted off to the halls to begin her plundering. This would also have to be discussed during their talk with Silver. Oh boy, today's gonna be a looong day....

Silver stood outside of the cloud home as he did once before. The clouds were fluffy and white this time, just like they should be and the rainbows ran freely down the sides. He lifted a paw and knocked on the door.

“Dash! It's Silver!” he called through.

The was a pause for a moment before a voice yelled back, “Come in!”

Silver pushed the door open and strolled through the house to the living room where he found the cyan pegasus laying on the couch, her hooves tucked under a cushion and her head laying on top of it as she watched the TV.

“Hey Dash,” he greeted as he sat down next to her on the couch, the mare pulling her hind legs closer to make room.

“Hey, what's up?” she asked, lifting her head off the pillow. She had a small smile on her face, but something was off. She seemed...weary.

“Nothing much,” he said back, still eyeing her expression, “Just figured I'd drop by and see how you were doing.”

A near invisible frown that caused her smile to falter for a moment told the wolf everything, despite what she said next, “I'm good. My little breakdown from before helped a little.”

“Dash...” he said with the greatest amount of care possible.

Her eyes flicked up and met his for a moment, before going back down to the floor, “Silver, I said I'm okay.”

The wolf slid off the couch and sat in front of her on the floor. Cupping her cheek with a paw, he lifted her head and looked into her eyes, “Dash, please...” he begged.

The pegasus let out a sigh and sat silent for a minute, then allowed her head to fall forward against his chest, “I...I've been having trouble sleeping again.”

“For how long?”

“Only a few days, but I keep waking up in the middle of the night and I can't fall back asleep. So I just lay there for the rest of the night until I have to get up.”

“Is it nightmares that keep waking you?” The mare simply nodded in response. That would explain her tired look. She wasn't just physically exhausted, be mentally as well. She needed help, and Silver wouldn't be able to provide it all on his own.

“Ya know I used to like seeing the sun rise. I rarely ever saw it, and it was pretty and reminded me that today was a new day. But now? I can't stand it. This sickening feeling just creeps into my stomach. It's like high school, when they made us get up before the crack of dawn. I hated the sunrise then too.”

A long, heavy sigh escaped her, “I just want to sleep. I miss it.”

So she felt it too. That feeling in the pit of her stomach when she saw the sunrise. It was a beautiful sight, without a doubt. But still...something about seeing it after staying up throughout the night just made it wrong. Like the tiredness stripped the joy out of seeing it, and replaced it with a mocking feeling that told you were going to be miserable for as long as you were awake. You were tired and irritable and just want to rest, but you can't because the world keeps moving. It wasn't painful, but you just didn't have the energy to do anything. It was...exhausting.

“Hey, I have some ideas that might help, but only if you're up for it,” he offered, “I know what going days without sleep can do to some one, so if you want to stay here and try to rest, you can.”

“What are you gonna do?” she asked, pulling her head up from his chest.

“Star Shine has a ton of medicines and potions, so I'm pretty sure she has something to help you sleep. And...well I was going to ask Luna if she could help keep the nightmares away.” He was hesitant about asking the alicorn for help. He wasn't sure if Rainbow would want to expose herself like that.

“Oh...that's sounds good,” the mare sighed and dropped her head forward again. His fur was so soft and comforting, luring the drowsiness that evaded her these past nights back to her. Her hoof subconsciously snaked their way around his body as her eyes felt heavier and heavier.

“Mmmh...I think...I can nap now...” she mumbled.

Slowly, her breathing began lighter and her hooves lost their hold. Silver pulled her away and laid her down on to the couch, gently resting her head on the pillow it was on before.

“I'm sorry, Rainbow. You shouldn't have to suffer for something I lived through. I promise, I'll fix this.” He made his was up the stairs of her home and to her bed, pulled the blanket off and walked back down to the sleeping mare. He tossed it over her, using his wing to make sure it softly fell over her body. Her hooves shuffled a bit and grasped the comforter, pulling it snugly into her chest.

The sight was beyond adorable, and Silver couldn't help but chuckle. He leaned over and gave her a light nuzzle, then headed to the door. Now to go see two other mares.

Hopefully, ones with better news.

Luna laid on the couch of Silvers home with a pillow pulled over her head, concealing her from the embarrassment of showing her face to the world outside.

“I can't believe I actually told her that! What if she's doesn't feel the same!? What if she thinks I'm weird?! WHAT IF SHE HATES FILLY-FOOLERS!?”

The sound of the front door opening and closing made the alicorn tense and stiff. She could hear noises hitting the floor, but couldn't tell what was making it.

A gentle touch on her back and a warm voice that called her name told her who it was, “Luna?”

“Silver?” she asked, never removing her head out from under the pillow.

“Luna, what happened?” he asked as he made his way around the couch, sitting down in front of the mare.

“I—I talked to Twilight.”


“And I told her how I felt and how we wanted to start a herd.”


“She said she wanted some time to think about it...” Luna clutched the pillow tighter to drown out the world, despite it not making any noise. She really wished she could just pull a Silver and evaporate into thin air.

“Oh...” if only she knew...

“Silver...do you really think she'll want to be together?”

“Luna--” he started, only to be cut off by her worrisome ramblings.

“I mean, with you, I can understand. You're a male, charming, attractive, and a number of other things.”


“But I'm...I'm just the princess that every pony is either afraid of or pities. I've barely even spoken with Twilight, and even then it was usually only for official duties.”


“Why would she ever want to be with me?! I'm- I'm no pony to her! I'm just a figure head that rules with Tia! And- and....”

Her exclamations died off as she began sniffling. A small shudder went down her back and Silver could here her sob once or twice. It was then she felt something touch her back again. Two somethings actually. Then a weight crawled onto her back softly, nuzzling her neck affectionately.

“Silver please...” she cried, “Not now.”

“Luna, that's not me.”

The alicorn froze. Slowly, she removed the pillow from her head and turned to look back.

She was met with a lavender alicorn on her back, it's hooves wrapped around her waist and violet eyes looking into hers.

The midnight mare attempted to speak, but could only manage softer squeaks.

“Luna,” Twilight said warmly. Sweet heavens, that voice could melt ice, “I'm sorry I took so long. It took a little longer to get back than I thought it would.”

“D-did you hear--” Luna was silenced by a hoof covering her mouth.

“I spent sometime thinking, and after a weird conversation with myself, I decided. I...I want to be with you,” She turned and looked up at Silver, “Both of you.”

“You mean--”

“I don't know why you would think I thought of you as no pony, but Luna trust me when I say I don't,” she removed her hoof and cupped the mares cheek, “I'm not sure what I'm feeling, but I know it's not just for Silver. I want you too. Last night, when we feel asleep, it felt...right. And it was the same this morning. Luna, being with the two of you would make me happiest mare in Equestria. So please, will you let me join your herd?”


“I think the word you're looking for beings with a 'y'” the wolf chimed in.

Luna stopped and took in a deep breath. This was happening. She could be with them both. No more lonely nights. No more empty beds. No more feeling like an outcast. She would be loved.

She could be happy. They could be happy.


Author's Note:

Okaayy! So, herd is a thing now....

Sorry I missed posting it last week. I know, I've gotten bad about this. But I will keep trying to post them on time! If their not posted the next day, then they will be on here the next week, I promise!

Anyway....YAY FOR SHIPPING!! :heart::heart::pinkiehappy:

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