• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,872 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

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Sombras Deal and Refusing to Heel

Silver had been called many things through out his life.

A mutt? Sure, it was technically true. A bastard? Again, true but mostly in literal sense of the word. A criminal? Again, technicality had fallen in his favor; though he'd never actually been arrested, so a suspected criminal at best.

But one thing he'd scarcely, if ever had been called, was dense. With his Wind magic, he could perceive his surroundings for miles, enhancing his already heightened senses to a frightening degree. A fly couldn't fart in a two mile radius without him knowing. Along side his awareness, he had a century's worth of wisdom collected from all around the globe. And while that may not compare to Star Shines seemingly unlimited knowledge or an alicorns longevity, it's still set him aside from most other creatures presently alive.

So imagine his dismay and surprise when, on his way back to the castle after having left it to play with some moose, he sensed an unrivaled animosity emanating from the building atop the mountain.

For a fraction of a moment, the blood-lust that poured off the castle made the wolf freeze mid step. The power that accompanied it was all the more terrifying. It was something ancient, several hundred years older than him. The only thing comparable was his fellow Alpha C.C., but even then she was a different kind of powerful.

But this....this was just old. Something that had been either displaced in time, or simply forgotten by it. It's age could only be rivaled by Celestia and Luna, which made the list of suspects very limited. Unfortunately, everyone/thing on that list was considerably more powerful than him.

And what was more unfortunate, is that it was headed right for him.

In a dash, Silver could see a black figure slithering through the plains. Steeling his wing, the wolf responded in kind to the figures approach, bolting forward with enough force to shatter the ground where his paws once stood.

In less than a second, the two hundred yard gap between himself and the shadow closed, Silver dragging his wing along ground to slice at the beast.

At the last moment, the shadow lurched from the ground, tucking and rolling out of the way as Silver came to a long slide until he stopped.

“I'm impressed,” came an eerie voice grumbled as the dust settled. Silver looked up to find an ashen stallion, covered head to hoof in armor. A short black mane flowed from the helmet with a matching black tail poking out from under his bright red mantle.

"Despite my being a shade, you still managed to locate my throat, and didn't hesitate to cut,” The stallion turned to look the wolf in the eye, revealing himself to be a unicorn. A bright red horn protruding from his head and crimson eyes to match it.

Silver flicked his wing out a few times, shaking the bandages around its base loose.

“I'm impressed too,” he responded, lifting a paw to tear through the next wrapping around his chest, “So how'd you do it?”

“You mean avoid a fatal blow?”

“No,” Silver punctuated his response with a final flick of his wing, “How did you get into the castle? Five Alphas were in that room, seven Betas, four alicorns and around a half a dozen captains. I'll disregard the moose because...well,” the wolf gestured a paw over to the distant field where many of the mages laid, “So how?”

“I've no need to tell you my secrets,” the stallion answered.

“Could you at least tell me your name?” The stallion stood silent, earning a shrug from the wolf, “Fair enough. I've stalled plenty as is.”

In that moment, the stallions eyes went wide. His form quickly dissolved back into a shadow to sliver away, but before his could escape, a black bolt of lightening crashed down from the sky cutting off his path. Rushing to the right, the shadow tried to make for a route, only to be cut off by coarse roots and prickly vines shooting from the ground and crashing down towards him.

The stallion manifested himself once again in a heartbeat, launching himself backwards from the roots, planting himself back where he started, now trapped in a triangle between the roots and two wolves.

“It's no use Sombra,” Star Shines voice came from above as she landed on atop the pile of roots, “Now stop running.”

The stallion made no sudden movements,choosing to observe the surrounding foes carefully, “I don't suppose a bargain could be struck?” he tried, “My life in exchange for whatever it is you're seeking.”

If he had no way of getting out, regardless of what he did, then what was the point of the three of them being here? The one he encountered was merely happenstance, but the other two followed. Why?

Were they hoping to escort him back? That he'd surrender?

Too hopeful, even for Celestia and Luna. Was it something he had with him? Information, most likely. If that were the case, then they'd try to take him alive. But how could they be certain? One of them already knew his name just with a glance, so odds are she believed he knew something she needed.

Star Shine tilted her head to the side for a moment in genuine confusion. “A bargain?” she asked, “What would be the point of letting you live?”

“Is that not the reason you're all here now? If I couldn't escape, then surely you had a reason to follow me here.”

Star Shines eyes opened wide and a breathe was caught in her throat for a moment before she burst into a fit of giggles, flopping onto her back as her paws floundered in the air. Even Silver and Black Wing chuckled.

After a moment, the wolf collected herself, bringing herself back up onto all fours.

“We don't care about anything you have in that old head of yours,” she explained as an eerie grin split across her face, “The fact that you tried to make an attempt on Celestias life tells me everything I need to know. You're clearly under orders of someone else, otherwise you'd have brought an army and made a show of it. You're far to proud to try and assassinate someone yourself. As for who you answer to, well it would be nice if you told me, but fact of the matter is you'd probably be killed if you tried, and if you weren't then you were either lying, or you didn't know who you were actually working for in the first place.”

The stallion paused a moment. She was bright. Very bright.

It was true, had he done this his way, the army would be knocking down the gates of Canterlot and tearing apart every other city and town in country. He'd draw out Celestia and Luna themselves and have them chase him around, only to retreat and do it all again another day. A battle of attrition spread across the land would have been the best course of action when handling those two.

But unfortunately, his master had other plans. “If not for information, then why come?” he wondered aloud.

The grin on Star Shines face grew, though it was now accompanied by a scowl the likes of which the tyrant had only seen in mirrors.

“You've embarrassed us,” she hissed, rage seething from her clenched jaw, “In front of the Princesses, the Royal guard, our Head Alpha. But the worst of it is that bitch Aurora witnessed it all. Sure, she was fooled to, but it was our responsibility to protect the Princesses. Had it not been for the guard behind the thrones, I'd have been tending to a gaping wound in Celestias throat right now. And I can assure you, she'll never let us live it down. So to amend our failures, we'll at the very least, return with your head.”

The stallion grinned. Thankfully this wolf liked to talk, and the other two seemed dense enough to let her. All the while she ranted, the tyrant king weaved his spells through the Earth, gradually letting them build. The sterling wolf was not the only one who knew how to stall.

“So it's a matter of honor, is it?” he asked.

“Pride,” she corrected, “We're not so upstanding to have something like honor. Now are you finished with your little spell or shall I continue to wait.”

Sombra chuckled. It didn't surprise him that she knew what he was doing. Why she let him was irrelevant, but her arrogance would be her downfall. He'd toppled an entire empire with this spell. Three mere wolves would be little to no problem.

Silver was the first to move, bolting off once more just like he'd done when Sombra descended the mountain, the world blurring as the distance was closed in under a second. A bladed wing flicked out and went straight for the stallions throat.

Sombra narrowly ducked the blow, Silver flying over him with the force of his strike sending a massive gash tearing through the earth. The stallion widened his eyes at the force of the blow. It had been powerful enough to level large building, and given the condition of the wolf taking the swing, Sombra considered himself lucky Silver was injured.

The wolf flipped himself back around mid flight, wrapping his wind around the edges of his blades and using the momentum from entire motion, hurled a goliath razor-edged gust back to Sombra.

Instead of dodging, Sombra's shadow whipped up, and the wolfs wind was met with a loud clank against metal. Emerging from the shadow was an ornate great shield with a broadsword strapped to its back, both as black as the stallion they came from.

With the wind blade blocked, dust kicked up into the air obscuring the view of all combatants. Sombra took the chance to try and run, making a mad dash for where Silver had first been standing. With speed that matched the wolfs, he shot himself forward through the smoke screen, only realize he'd made a mistake.

In the midst of the smoke, Star Shine had quickly snaked her roots outwards, knowing the stallion would try to escape. Sombra lifted his shield in front of him just in time to absorb the blow from the roots, sending him flying back. Before he could even get his hooves back on the ground, he felt powerful magic charging behind him.

Black Wing had circled, and much like a pitcher throwing his pitch, Star Shine had knocked Sombra straight to him.

The black wolf had finished gathering his magic and let loose a bolt of lightening that would shatter a mountain. Sombra flicked his sword around, barely re-directing the blow away from him.

The magic shot off into the distance, and as it descended, came closer and closer to Canterlot castle until crashing with a heavy thud in the distance.

Sombra manged to find his footing, skidding away with a proud grin on his muzzle. He might not have killed the Princesses, but at the very least that blow will have rung their bells a bit.

The stallion looked up for a moment, seeking to admire his work.

Only to find the castle still standing, a bright golden box covering not only the city, but extending down to the base of the mountain as well. Sombra sucked his teeth in mild annoyance.

Oh well. At least he pissed them off.

The room was rushing about in a panic, doors and windows were sealed immediately after the wolves had launched themselves out of the room in pursuit. Shining Armor had placed a bubble around the room, conserving it's size so that it could be maintained longer and with greater defense.

The Captains had surrounded the moose that the shadow came from. Spears, spells and hoofs threatened his every breath.

Celestia, for her part, was in a bit of shock. An ivory hoof pawed at her throat where the shadow had lunged to, confirming that the hole she thought was in her throat was in fact only a phantom image. It had been centuries since she'd come that close to death. Were it not for the pony behind the thrones, she was certain she'd be on Star Shines operating table already, if not dead.

The thought gave her mind a much needed distraction. Looking up, she found her little savior standing in front of her, shining emerald eyes looking up with concerning. Her mouth was moving, though Celestia couldn't hear the words. Had she been speaking the whole time?

Celestia blinked a few times, forcing herself to focus through the now apparent ringing in her ears to find the comforting voice of a mare dressed in a black robe.

“Princess? Are you alright?” Sica asked.

“Y-yes...I'm unharmed,” the mare answered, “Forgive me, I-I'm a bit startled.”

“Celestia!” Twilight cried, “Are you okay?!” Lavender hooves scampered across the floor to the side of the princess, while a star spangled mane appeared behind them.

“Yes....”she answered once more.

“Ar-are you sure!? That thing almost killed you!” Twilight panicked. Stepping in front of Sica, the lavender mare reached forward and examined the ivory one sitting on the throne. Little hooves poked and prodded Celestia, searching for a gaping wound.

“Twilight, it's okay!” came the voice of the younger sister, stepping forward to remove the mares hooves, “She's okay!” Luna took the pair of lavender hoofs into her own, wrapping a wing around her shoulders for a moment.

Keeping one hoof held in her mare friends, Luna turned to face her sister, "Tia, was that--?"

"Sombra. Yes."

Twilights eyes somehow shot open wider than before, and she could feel her breathes quickening, "B-but how!? He was beaten wasn't he!? With the Crystal Heart and the Elements of Harmony!"

"I do not know Twilght," the eldest alicorn answered, "But I believe he might have an answer."

A white hoof gestured down to the moose currently surrounded. The Duke stood petrified. Whether it was because of attempted assassination or because of the several powerful captains circling was unsure, but not even a twitch escaped him.

Before any of the Princesses could move to question him though, someone else had taken a step down the ramp of the thrones. The only non-alicorn that had been seated with them.

And he was furious.

Twilight caught a glimpse of the scowl her brother bared as he made his way down and felt her blood run cold. She'd scarcely seen him loose his temper, and as of right then, he had officially snapped. The mare looked over to Cadence, as if to see if she would stop him.

But she was furious too.

Most would be surprised at the face she was making. It was Cadence after all. She was the sweetest pony you could meet, her kindness rivaled only by Fluttershy. But Twilight had learned a long time ago what happens when she was pushed too far. After all, what should one expect when the family of the Princess of Love has been threatened?

"Move." Shining commanded as he stepped of the slope. The circle quickly broke and made way for the raging Prince. The Duke may have had to look down to look the stallion in the eye, but the angle didn't take away from the flames burning in those eyes.

"Since the moment you came into this country, you've annoyed and disrespected the Princesses. As a guard, it's not my place to correct you, so I let it slide."

The moose gulped.

"And then, when you came back, you threatened war with Equestria with war over a slave that had escaped you. I wasn't here, so again, I let it slide."

Blood ran cold.

"And then you sent your wolves to harass my wife on her way here when you showed up unannounced. Thankfully Black Wing intervened."

Time froze as Shining Armor spoke his next words.

"And finally, after having your mages fire off magic inside this castle, you bring that thing in as well where it almost took Princess Celestias life, and potentially everyone else's too...including my wife and sister." The stallion took a step closer, the unmistakable chime of his magic activating rang out as his horn lit up, "I'm going to kill you."

And there it was. It was what separated Shining from most other soldiers.

Blood thirst.

It couldn't even be classified as a warning. Just a statement. Shining was pissed, and had every right to be. And the only mare that could stop him had already taken his side. Hell, she's the one who sent him down there.

"Shining wait!" Twilight cried, "He might know something!"

"So will the wolves," he snarled, his horn continuing to charge as his eyes flickered over to the canines on the other side of the room. The fact that they hadn't even moved to protect the Duke showed Shining what they were really like.

Loyal only to themselves.

"Or he might not have known anything!" she tried. When her brother lacked in response, Twilight pushed further, "Think about it! He came in here genuinely convinced that he could take out Silver using the mages! He tried to start a war with his pack without knowing anything about their rules! Do you really think he'd be smart enough to pull off a stunt like this?"

"She's right Shining Armor," Celestia said, finally speaking up after getting her nerves under control, "The Duke may be a fool, but he was used by Sombra without his knowledge. The Umbra are nearly undetectable when they assimilate into a shadow, and it's made even harder when their surrounded by powerful magic and beings. The Duke didn't know what he was doing. Now undo your spell. We must help Silver, Star Shine and Black Wing."

Shining armor held his gaze for a moment longer. Everyone knew the shield in his cutiemark was meant as a symbol to protect. What most fail to realize is the lengths he will go to in order to achieve that.

And he is the best at it.

Before releasing his magic, the stallions leaned into the moose's face, "If I see you again, I will kill you. And next time, no one will stop me."

The hum from his horn died down as the magic dissipated. Shining spun around and moved back up the slope, returning to his wife for her to drop her muzzle into the crook of his neck. Twilight could hear a loud sigh escape the pink alicorn, though she could swear she heard an undertone of disappointment lacing the breath.

As much as she wanted to address the behavior, she had to pull a page from her brothers book and let it slide. There were more pressing concerns at the moment. Sombra had darted out of the window towards the direction Silver had been sent to. She could feel his magic flaring as the battle began and worry pressed into the foreground of her thoughts as she recalled his current injuries.

He'd said himself that he could handle something at a Beta's level, but an Alpha like Aurora had to be taken on by Black Wing and Star Shine. The only reason she hadn't already busted out of the room was because the two had chased after the would-be assassin before her brother threw up his shield.

"Celestia, what are you going to do?" she asked, "We don't have the Elements or the Crystal Heart!"

"We'll do what we did before we had either," Celestia stated calmly, rising up.

Her horn ignited and magic wrapped themselves around the adornments on her body. Necklace, shoes and tiara gently floated off, finding their way onto her throne while she moved to the window, "Come sister. Let's join the battle."

Before Twilight could speak, she felt the grip on her hoof tighten. Looking back, she found her eyes meeting with her marefriends.

"I love you," Luna whispered, before letting go and removing her items in the same manner as her sister.

"Luna, wait! You can't!" the youngest alicorn tried.

An almost amused giggle came from the Princess of the Night as she moved away from the thrones and joined her sister, looking back at Twilight with sterling eyes and growing slit pupils.

"But I am."

Twilight, for the umpteenth time that day, felt her stomach drop. Her blood froze and knots formed in places she didn't think they could in ways she'd never felt before. The change had been so quick. Had she always been like this? Or was it because threat to their lives and Silvers that she'd snapped so quickly?

She knew they weren't weak. Literally, no one could rival them magically, physically or intellectually. They were the alicorns that controlled celestial bodies and had been around longer than most countries had even existed. They'd seen kingdoms rise and fall, having been the cause for more than a few of them.

But Sombra was different.

Even the textbooks in school, which had been known for downplaying and undermining the tyrants strength, still painted him as a god of war. He was an Umbra, a race of creatures thought to be legends and said to have been born in the dark when the first light had broken across the universe. He had access to magic no one had ever seen and the knowledge to employ it in the most twisted ways.

Celestia and Luna were powerful, certainly. But that's not to say Sombra wasn't. Not to mention the fact that alicorns could never truly fight at full strength. If what Silver said was true, then the country and possible further beyond would be destroyed if they did. And that's assuming they didn't hold back even more because the wolves were down there.

They couldn't fight properly if they had to make sure they didn't kill the wolves by accident.

"Shining, lower your shield," Celestia commanded, snapping Twilight from her fretting. She'd only caught a glimpse before her mentor turned away, but she saw the bright molten orange the ivory alicorns eyes had reverted to. And something that added a new knot to her discomfort.

Slit pupils.

With a flash, Shining undid his spell and let the shield fall. Celestia and Luna opened the window and spread their wings, only to pause.

"Shining," Celestia called back, "You did have just the one shield up right?"

The stallion looked up from his wife, who was still currently grumbling and staring daggers at the moose, "Yes, why?"

Both alicorns took a step back, the taller of the two gesturing a hoof out of the window, "That."

All heads turned to look, finding a brilliant golden wall stretching out beyond the tower. Beyond the city. All the way down to the base of the mountain. There was a pause in the room for a moment before a sound broke the silence.

"Tsk." The unmistakable sound of teeth sucking came from across the room, "I was really hoping you guys would fly out full speed and smack into it like pigeons hitting glass."

All heads turned once more to find a white wolf with a clearly annoyed expression on her muzzle, "I could even hear the little 'squawk' you'd make on impact."

"Lower the barrier Luna," Celestia demanded, "I do not have time for these games."

"Games?" the white wolf echoed, "I'm not playing games right now, and I'm not taking it down."

Celestia was running short on patience, now moving from the window and over to where the nuisance stood, careful not to let her hoofs accidentally shatter the floor. "Take. It. Down." her eyes now burned bright enough actually illuminate her face as she bore down at the wolf.

Much to her surprise, when Luna did look up, the alicorn was met with a scowl that matched her own. Fur bristled around her neck, snarls escaped her lips that flashed acute fangs, and those eyes.

She'd had beautiful icy blue eyes. And their defiant gaze was only extenuated by the words she spoke.

"You don't scare me."


Amidst the confrontation, a spell smashed into the barrier. Shrieks and calls filled the room as most everyone either ducked or moved to block whatever debris may have been flying at them.

It took a moment, but soon they all realized that there was none. Cadence had once more crawled back out from behind Shining, who had reflexively created a shield to protect the two of them. The guards lowered their weapons or dragged themselves back up from the tile. Sica had even helped Twilight up to her hoofs after having dragged her down in protection.

The only ones who remained standing unflinching were Celestia, Luna and the wolves.

As the alicorn held her stare, she realized something.

The wolfs words had been true. There had been no hint of ignorance, pride or lies present in her voice. Thinking back, Luna hadn't even been intimidated when the alicorns threatened her for harassing Twilight. She backed down, sure, but the insincere apology made it clear she wasn't afraid of either Celestia or her sister. She couldn't help but wonder what made her so confident in her strength.

After a long moment, and the when the room a quieted down once more, Celestia spoke. "They will die. Sombra battled my sister and myself and even then, it took the Crystal Heart to banish him. They cannot fight him."

The defiant glint in Lunas eyes had shifted to rage and the alicorn could swear she'd actually heard the wolfs teeth grind. "Do you have any idea who they are?" the wolf hissed, "Do you think my Alphas are so weak?"

They were getting nowhere. Sombra had manged to deflect or block synchronized attacks from all three with barely a scratch on him. Not to mention the fact that he hadn't actually attacked yet, and if the stories are to be believed, then he packed one hell of a punch.

All he was trying to do was get away.

Black Wing pondered on it for a moment, then discarded the thought. He'd leave things like motive and reasoning up to Star Shine.

His role right now was supporting Silver. Out of the three, he had the best physical abilities, even if he was injured, so he had to play the vanguard.

Star Shine had to keep her roots spread out to prevent Sombra from escaping, but given the high speed movements Silver chased him around at, the roots were constantly changing and she didn't have time to try for anything else.

That left Black Wing to follow close and wait for an opportunity to strike, though every time he had, Sombra deflected it. He'd always make use of the attack as well, sending it flying towards one of the other two or using it to make a smokescreen.

He was clever. Very clever.

The black wolf took to the sky and circled around the two battling wolves once more, knowing Silver would swipe at the stallions footing to force him to jump.

On cue, the stallion was in the air and Black Wing fired off his shot once more, his lighting whipping around like a snake to confuse the opponent. It didn't mean much to Sombra though.

Without even turning his back, the swords flicked around to the magic, once again striking it and sending it away to Silver who was in pursuit. The wolf narrowly dodged the magic as it passed by, flapping his wings once more to close the gap between himself and Sombra.

The stallion quickly reacted, putting his shield behind him and kicking off it, flying back to the ground and crashing in the dust cloud kicked up by Black Wings deflected magic. Silver whipped his body around and sent a volley of wind blades in the cloud with a wave of his wing. The dust disappeared and the stallion came running out trying to escape once more.

The roots shot out, smacking him back to where he'd first landed, though once more, it was not a direct blow and Sombra was left uninjured.

As Black Wing landed back on the ground, he followed the two battling head to head, careful to remain in Sombras blind spot as he waited for an opportunity to strike. It was because of this that the wolf had realized two very important aspects of the fight.

The first was that no matter how quickly he attacked, or how distracted the stallion was, the sword would always deflect his magic. It didn't matter the angle, timing or magic packed into the attack, it would always be sent flying elsewhere. The second was that the shield would always absorb attacks from Silver and Star Shine, but never deflect them.

These two revelations led the wolf to test a theory he'd developed.

As Black Wing stalked around Sombra once more, he charged up another shot, firing it off when Silver slipped out of the way. The stallion had his shield lifted in front him with his blade off to the side, and just like before, even with perfect timing and accuracy between the wolves, the shield left and the sword took it's place. The magic bounced off the steel and went hurling to Star Shine.

Root snapped up from the ground and took the attack head on. In the heat of the battle, Black Wing doubted Sombra would have noticed, but through a small crack between the plants, emerald eyes gave the black wolf a questioning glare. In truth, Black Wing had dialed back the magic, but that was the whole point. Anyone would have been able to tell that his attack was considerably weaker than everything he'd thrown out so far.

Why would he do that in the middle of a battle?

To see if it'd be blocked by the shield or deflected by the sword.

Up until this point, Black Wing had assumed that Sombra had been deflecting his shots intentionally because they could be redirected. But at the same time, so could many of Silvers blows.

They might not have been sent hurdling to another of the wolfs, but it would have given the stallion an opening to strike, and given Silvers condition, Black Wing doubted he'd be able to avoid a direct hit.

So why not take the advantage to at the very least maim one of his opponents? Simple.

Because he couldn't.

Black Wing suspected that the weapons Sombra were using weren't entirely under his control. That they were living weapons, or at the very least, programmed with magic that made them respond in specific ways to certain attacks.

The sword deflected pure magic attacks, ones similar to Black Wings Lightning. The shield blocked physical ones, like Star Shines roots. He figured the only reason why the sword didn't deflect Silvers wind blades is because the wind itself wasn't actually created from magic. Silver just manipulated the wind into an edge and sent it flying out.

If that were the case, then all the stallion would have to do is keep his body moving and the weapons would do the rest. The wolf almost chuckled.

Sombra never had any intention of fighting anyone. This gear of his gave him the best chance to escape. He completely ignored offense and focused everything on defense and evasion.

Of course, this was all just a theory of Black Wings. But if he'd learned anything from Star Shine, it's that all theories must be tested. With that in mind, the wolf lifted his leg and undid the bandana wrapped around it.


...And the one around his neck followed after.

"I know they are powerful," Celestia argued, still peering down at the equally enraged wolf, "But they cannot defeat him! Your friends will die!"

Twilight felt the world spin as the words rang through room and left an eerie chill in the air. Surely she wouldn't let them die! Luna was supposed to be one of his oldest friends! She has to know what will happen if she doesn't take down the barrier!

As the silence rolled on once more, Twilight's heart reeled with the wolfs response.

"You think I would risk that?" Luna's words carried their own weight. Celestia caught the glare deepen as she somehow became even angrier with the Princess than she had been seconds before.

Her voice hissed and seethed a loathing Celestia could only recall hearing a scant few times in all her life, "You think you know my wolves? My Alphas? I have spent the last hundred years with them! Building our pack! Building our family!"

At this point the wolf was no longer sitting idly on the floor. She snapped up to all fours, challenging the alicorns stance with flared wings and claws shredding the floor, "And after a few years of knowing them in this pacifist country where all your problems are solved by rainbow magic; you genuinely, honestly think you know what they can do!? That you know their abilities better than I do!?

"I would not have let them leave if I thought, even for a moment, that one of them might not come back! I'd have gone myself if that were the case! You know only a fraction of their power!

"And do not be mistaken Celestia, or anyone of you! They might be sent here are your guards, but so long as I'm breathing, I will not let them die for you! You're not worth that much!"

As Lunas voice finally died down, Twilight felt something build in her stomach. It was a new kind of anger. One she wasn't familiar with.

Who was this wolf to decide her worth? Who was she to say Twilight didn't know her boyfriend? Who was she to judge someone Silver had chosen to love?

An Alpha? A pack mate? An old friend?

None of those things meant anything to Twilight. Only to Silver. And perhaps it was because of this that the next words that left her mouth were not the same kindness she'd been known to show.

"But you let him die once already."

Author's Note:

BOOM! NEW CHAPTER! And only slightly late. Though in all honesty, that's mostly because of the new cover image. I made it myself!

Why you ask?


Hope you enjoy!:twilightsmile:

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