• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,872 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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Aerials Trauma and New Papa and Mamas

A few days had passed since Beats got his headphones. Vinyl got her bits and strolled on out the door, though she also told the stallion if he wanted new songs that he could come find her at The Drop.

With that business concluded and his new weapon received, if one could call it that, he began his training to sift through the songs and get a feel for them. Unfortunately, the Body Enhancement spells also left him in a state of fatigue; his muscles being pushed passed their normal limit.

Star Shine had explained that it was perfectly normal for this to happen, and that all he needed to do was get into better shape. So along side his new sparring practice sessions with the headphones, he also got body conditioning.

And so the days rolled on. By the end of the week, Star Shine had officially declared Silver fit to be released from the bed. He would be coming home that day.

As Ruppy ran through the week in her head, she trotted up the mountain side and to the home. Training was over and Silver would be back some time in the evening. Given that it was already late in the afternoon, she figured she wouldn't have to wait long before he showed up, more than likely with Twilight and Luna at his side.

Coming up to the back door, she slid the glass open and strolled in. She stopped by the kitchen for a moment to get a drink of water before heading to the shower.

She allowed herself to soak under the water for a little while since Onyx, Sica and Beats wouldn't be back any time soon. Their training always took longer, even though Sica didn't actually have training. Sure, she practiced whatever skill she had, but she wasn't actually one of Silvers trainees. Why she insisted on being there for their practice was beyond the pegasus.

Figuring she'd been in the shower long enough, Ruppy quickly scrubbed herself down and stepped out. After drying, she headed back up stairs and to her room to toss the towel and gauntlets onto her floor and went back to the kitchen for a snack.

Upon entering the living room, she found Aerial sitting on the couch.

“Oh hey, you caught up. I was wondering what was taking you so long,” Ruppy greeted as she dug through the fridge, “The shower's free if you want it, though I'm not sure how much hot water's left. But then again, it's never really been an issue before, so I think you'll be fine.”

Ruppy set out the ingredients for a simple but large daisy and jasmine salad and poured some sweet tea into a glass. After mixing up her lunch, she trotted over to the couch and plopped down next to the earth pony and flicked on the T.V.

It was then that something struck Ruppy as odd.

Why would Aerial just sit on the couch waiting for her to get out of the shower without the T.V. on? Why would she even wait at all? There were two showers. And perhaps the oddest thing of all was that Aerial hadn't spoken a word since she came in. In fact, had she even moved?

Turning to face her, Ruppy asked, “Hey, you okay?”

“Huh?” the pale blue mare responded, snapping her head up, “Oh, Ruppy. When did you get out of the shower?”

The tan pegasus eyed her, “Um, I've been out for a minute or two. I just told you while I was making this,” she said, holding up her salad and tea.

“Oh, sorry. I guess I zoned out a bit,” Aerial said with a shake of her head.

“You sure you're okay?” Ruppy asked, “You're looking a little paler than normal.”

“Yeah, I'm fine,” she excused, “I think the heat just got to me is all.”

“Heat?” the tan mare questioned suspiciously, “It's 76 outside. (That's Fahrenheit). And we're on a mountain where it's nice and breezy.”

Aerial just shied away, “I'm fine! Really!” she tried.

Ruppy kept on with her staring, “I can tell when ponies are lying to me Aerial. Not that I'd really need to know how to tell considering you're a terrible liar.”

The earth pony completely turned her head away this time, choosing to let her silence speak for itself. Unfortunately for her, it gave the wrong message.

Setting her bowl and tea down onto the coffee table, Ruppy turned and took Aerials cheeks in her hooves to make the mare look at her.

“Aerial. Speak. Now.”

Since she couldn't fully turn her head, Aerial simply tore her eyes away from the mare in front of her. But even if she did look away, she couldn't hide the saddened glint they held.

Ruppy sighed, allowing her hooves to let go of the mares cheeks, and instead let them drop to her waist and pulled her into a hug.

“Look, I don't know what it is, but I know something's bothering you. Please, tell me.” Ruppy could feel the mare in her arms give a small shiver before a shaky breath came from her.

“It's...it's Silver...” she softly said, almost a whisper.

Pulling back, Ruppy looked Aerial in the eyes once more, “Silver? What about him? What did he do?”

The earth pony just shook her head, “No, it's not what he did. It's...it's what happened to him.”

“'What happened to him?'” the pegasus echoed, “You mean how he got hurt?”

Aerial just nodded solemnly.

“Is it that you're worried about him?” Ruppy asked, “Because he's fine. He's even coming home today.”

Aerial let out a frustrated sigh, “It's just...well, you guys were out in the Everfree and I was at home reading a book! I had no idea what was going on! Hell, I still don't! I just came over for training and you guys said he got hurt and that was it! And I-- I just...”

She clenched her eyes shut as tears filled them, trying desperately not to let them flow. Her voice choked and broke for a moment.

“Hey, hey hey,” Ruppy cooed, bringing her back into a hug, “It's okay. Silver will be fine.”

“It's not that!” Aerial shouted, actually startling Ruppy, “It's that I was stuck at home when he was hurt! Do you have any idea what that feels like?! How terrifying that is!? And it wasn't just him, all of you could have been killed and I wouldn't have had any idea! I would have been all alone again!”

Ruppys hold tightened as the words hit her.

“Again? What does she mean?”

It was like the last time she'd seen Aerial cry. She said she didn't want to lose anymore of her friends. Ruppy had never asked about it seeing as it was clearly a sensitive subject, but still wondered what Aerial meant.

It's actually kinda funny. The boldest and loudest of the group, not asking a question out of tact. But then again, tact wouldn't give her answers.

“Aerial,” Ruppy said softly, “What do you mean by 'again'?”

She felt the crying mare go stiff for a moment in her hold before the quivering began and she buried her head into the tan pegasus' neck.

Despite her silence, Ruppy continued to press, “You said something else before. That you didn't want to lose anymore of your friends. What did you mean?”

Aerial wrapped her hooves around Ruppy and held her tight. Her cries weren't loud but her entire body trembled with grieve.

“Three years ago,” the mare spoke softly, “My friends and I went out to a club. We did it every so often, just for fun. Getting drunk and dancing. Finding some cute stallion or mare to hit on. Everything a college filly did.

“B-but something went wrong. We were dancing one minute, and the next there was a huge explosion. The whole building went up in less than a minute and...my friends...

“One was hit by a piece of wood. I-it was just s-sticking out of her back and I—just--...One was blown apart. H-her legs were--”

Ruppy could feel her lurch and swallow hard. She wouldn't lie to herself, she hated this story. She hated herself for asking about it. And what's more, she hated that it wasn't over yet.

“B-but the worst...One was crushed under a beam...S-she didn't die yet. I-I—I had to w-watch her....I-I wanted to help, but--”

“Please, stop,” Ruppy begged, “I'm so sorry for asking you in the first place.”

Aerial went quiet. Ruppy did the same. And now, they just sit in silence, and did so for what felt like eternity. The world faded and it was just the two of them.

After a while though, Ruppy heard something odd....and cute.

Shifting her head to look at Aerial, she found the mares eyes closed as a small wheezing came from her. Her grip still remained strong, but her head found some slack and rested on Ruppys shoulder.

The tan mare couldn't help but lightly giggle at the sight. She really was adorable.

Opting to pull a Silver, she slipped under Aerial and carefully placed her on her back before carrying her off to her room and placed her on the bed.

Despite not being a pegasus, Aerial was able to interact with clouds. She explained it once before as an effect of using wind magic. While Silver taught her a spell to interact with them, she found she didn't need to use it.

In any case, with the mare safely tucked into the bed, Ruppy turned and headed--

...There's a tugging on her tail. Why was there a tugging on her tail?

She turned and found herself caught by Aerial. Her eyes had cracked open a tiny bit, and in her hooves was Ruppys golden blonde hairs.

“Don't leave me. Please.” she begged, giving the tail a small tug.

She didn't even need to beg to get Ruppy to stay. Hell, she could have commanded her like a dog and she would have listened.

Turning around, Ruppy carefully crawled onto the bed and under the covers. A pair of pale steel-blue hooves quickly snaked their way around a tan waist and pulled the two bodies together.

Ruppy happily returned the cuddle, rubbing Aerials back in gentle motions while humming some old lullaby she'd heard way back when. She knew she couldn't sing well, so she figured it'd be best not to try.

After just a minute or two of her hums and rubs, Aerial was back asleep. And a few minutes later, so was the mare holding her.

The first thing Ruppy noticed when she awoke was that she wasn't alone in her bed. It wasn't a common occurrence, but one that had happened before. It took a second or two, but she finally recalled just how she ended up with the blue coated mare in her hooves.

Aerial now laid with her back pressed against Ruppys stomach, a pair of tan hooves wrapped around her waist and holding her snugly close.

The pegasus' muzzle was just a smidgen away from the back of her neck and Ruppy could still smell some of the sweat from Aerials training earlier on, but didn't mind it one bit.

It was Aerials smell after all. It was a bit creepy and weird, enjoying the scent of another pony, but hell, it's not like anypony would ever find out.

As she laid with the sleeping mare in her arms, Ruppy felt something. It was a fluttery feeling in the pit of stomach, almost as if someone were tickling her. She picked up on the sound of her breathing as well. There was nothing odd about her breaths, but she never just noticed them for no reason before. It was normal breathing, but for some reason it felt deeper. Longer. More powerful than they really were. But perhaps even more pronounced than that was the thumping in her chest.

Her heart seemed to beat strong but smooth. It reminded her of the calm rumbling of distant thunder in a rainstorm. Intense but soothing at the same time.

Why was it that she noticed these things? She'd never paid them much attention before, unless it was a life or death situation. So why now?

It was then that her thoughts turned towards the mare in front of her. She noticed the same things about Aerial as she did for herself.

Ruppy could feel Aerial's back rise and fall in sync with the chest it laid against, her breaths deeper and lasting longer. Her hoof crossed over her heart, and she could feel the gentle yet firm beats, pounding away in the same rhythm as her own.

As she laid there, the tan mare began to think more and more about her. She wouldn't deny she was attracted to Aerial. She was a very cute mare after all. But Ruppy had also been with plenty of other cute mares and stallions.

But then again, she never got this feeling from them either.

It was a first for the pegasus. Ruppy had read about these feelings in stories, and she also figured the author was just over exaggerating things. That the feelings the character had were just normal reactions from physical contact.

But if that were true, then why hadn't she felt them before? Why was she only starting to feel them now? Why was it only....with Aerial?

Were the stories right? Were the authors not exaggerating?

Was this really what it was like to fall in love?

Ruppy honestly couldn't tell, and what's more, she wasn't sure how she felt about it. She was caught somewhere between overjoyed and absolutely terrified. She didn't do love. She'd never felt it before, much less knew what it meant. She wasn't even sure if she knew how to love.

What if she couldn't!? What if she ends up hurting Aerial driving her away?! What if--


It was amid her pondering that she was interrupted by a low growl coming from her stomach. Wanting not only to distract her mind but to also appease the beast that is her belly, Ruppy quickly decided it was snack time. Slowly extracted her hoofs from Aerials grasp, she felt a pang of guilt when the sleeping mare patted around for her missing cuddle buddy. Aerial eventually snagged a pillow and latched onto it, and comfort quickly returned to her.

Her escape now complete, Ruppy wandered out of the room and to the kitchen, taking note of the setting sun...along with the wolf and lavender alicorn on the couch.

“Oh hey, you're back!” Ruppy cheered, trotting over to see Silver. She quickly threw her arms around him in a hug, almost hitting Twilight since she was pressed against his side, “Sorry I didn't see you earlier. I uh, kinda took a nap.”

Silver just chuckled as the embrace broke, “Yeah, I noticed. You seemed to have some company when you were sleeping too. I don't need to have The Talk with you, do I?”

Ruppy shivered and trotted away to the kitchen, “Okay first, I don't want to hear that coming from you, Mr. I-sleep-with-any-cute-girl. Second, you're a little to late to have The Talk with me. And third, I swear, if you so much as try to, I'll find some way to kill you.”

Her response earned a laugh from both the wolf and the alicorn.

“Well what else would I say?” Silver said, “I wasn't quite expecting to see you and Aerial together when I came back. How'd you manage to win her over, anyway?”

His tone was laced with a slight teasing, but he curiosity to know what happened between them was clearly evident.

As Ruppy came back to the couch with her food, she laid down with her head against his side, using him as a pillow and ignoring the hisses of pain he let out when she touched him.

The tan mare sighed as she munched on her sandwich before speaking, “Well...Aerial kinda dropped some heavy shit on me earlier. She cried, I hugged her, she fell asleep on me and I carried her back to the room. She woke up, asked me to stay and so I did.”

“Hmmm,” Silver hummed as he listened.

“So wait,” Twilight chimed in, “You basically just pulled a Silver?”

Said wolf turned with a look of feigned hurt, “Hey! That's not what I do!”

Both mare simply stared at him with blank expressions.

“Silver, that's all you do,” Ruppy retorted, “Hell, I think you invented it.”

Silver just huffed and turned away, “Well fine, be that way.”

Both mares rolled their eyes and laughed.

“But hey,” Ruppy added on, “Before you keep pouting, I was wondering....did...did Aerial ever tell you about what happened to her?”

Silvers mood quickly changed from a playful pout to a look of sympathy and pain. Not only did Ruppy notice, but Twilight as well.

“Y-yeah. She did,” he mumbled, “It's uh, it's pretty horrible. Why do you ask?”

After swallowing another munch, Ruppy simply stared at her half eaten sandwich, the recalling of Aerials story suddenly making her loose her appetite.

“It just...I don't know, I figured that out of all of us, she'd be the only normal one, you know?” the pegasus admitted, “My parents and foster parents were dicks, Beats' little sister was used as a hostage, Onyx doesn't even have parents, and Sica--”

“Wait, Onyx doesn't have parents?” Twilight cut in just before Silver did. In truth, he didn't know either. Onyx had never talked about her family or relatives before, so no one knew.

Ruppy simply shook her head, “She was raised on the streets, literally. I don't know how old she was when she was put out, but she was a lot younger than me. She said she never knew her parents or anything. I think....I think I might be the closest thing she has to family. I guess that's kinda obvious though since we've always been together. She was even the one who taught me how to live as a runaway.”

As the news hit her, Twilight found her throat tightening, “Oh sweet Celestia, you poor mares,” she whispered.

“Nah, it's all good,” Ruppy said with a wave of a hoof, “We survived.”

The three found themselves sitting in silence for a while, the T.V simply running and filling the room a droll noise. None of them paid attention to what was on it. It was of little importance after all, and with the next question Ruppy was about to ask, the sounds of the box would become essentially nonexistent.

“Hey, Silver?” She began, “Do you hate your dad?” Even through the wolf she laid on, Ruppy could feel Twilight stiffen at the question.

“Ruppy!” she scolded.

Silver just chuckled, “It's fine Twilight. To be honest Ruppy, I don't think I do.”

The tan pegasus rolled onto her stomach to face the wolf, “Really? Why not? Aren't you mad that he abandoned you? Don't you miss him?”

Silver shrugged, “Not really. I mean, yeah it was a dick move, but it's hard to hate or even miss someone you've never met.”

“So, you don't remember your father at all?” Twilight chimed in.

Silver nodded shook his head, “Nope. Not a single thing. I think I remember my mom telling me his name at one point, but that was a century ago, so I don't know it. I'm pretty sure I could find who he was though.”

“Was?” the lavender mare questioned before it finally hit her, “...Oh...right....” Silvers family were probably all dead. He was over a hundred years old after all, and they might not have had the same power he did. It was then that something else had also dawned on her.

Despite being in a relationship with the wolf, she still knew very little about him, or even Luna for that matter. But then again, the up coming date might soon fix that problem. But there was still one other thing...Twilights family was still alive and well.

Being the logical mare she was, Twilight began finding a way to solve her predicament. The first issue could be solved by just asking questions, and although it sounds harmless, she knew it could be quite the opposite depending on the subject.

Her parents though....oh, that was problem. She wasn't sure how they'd react to her having a col—wolfriend. Hell, they probably thought she was still a virgin. And not only her parents, but none of her friends knew about the herd, aside from Rainbow and Celestia. How would they take it? Would they be mad she kept it a secret? Oh no, WHAT ABOUT SHINING AR--?!?

“So you just don't care about him?” Ruppy asked, saving Twilight from her private panic attack.

“Pretty much. I mean, if I had to say, the only thing I'm mad at him for is leaving my mom to raise three pups on her own in the middle of a war. Really, what kind of an asshole does that?”

That actually got a giggle from the tan mare which put the wolf at ease a little. She seemed down ever since she came into the living room, and Silver had begun to worry. In fact, he still did.

“Ruppy, why are you asking me all this?” he inquired, “Is...is there something you need to talk about?”

The smile that came with the giggle seemed to fall a bit, but still remained, though it held a vastly different feeling to it. Her eyes softened and became a thousand yard stare for a moment. Silver knew this face. He'd worn it himself a hundred times before, and the alicorn to his side had also known it all too well, since she was the one who had to see it on him.

“I've got a really shit dad, ya know. And a mom too,” she admitted, though it wasn't really necessary since the wolf already knew, “Hell, every family I've been with was shitty...except this one,” It was here that she wrapped her hooves around Silvers neck, “Silver...do you think it's weird I call you Papa?” she asked.

The wolf just shook his head.

“And....and if I told you that I...I want you to be my Papa?” He could feel her quiver and shake, fresh tears rolling freely down her cheek and falling against his fur. But before he could respond, Ruppy just pressed on.

“I know, it's creepy and stupid. B-but I've never had a real family before. I've had Onyx, and we're like sisters, but we've never been a whole family. And my mom and dad...they're just...”

“Shh...” Silver said, sitting up to bring her into a hug, “It's okay, sweetie. Don't worry.” A gentle paw rubbed her back as she choked on her cries, “I know you've had it rough. Not you, or Onyx, Aerial, Beats or even Sica have had the best of lives. But I swear to you, I'll do everything in my power to make sure that from now on, you're always smiling.”

Silver pulled back and cupped her cheeks, “That's what Papas do for their little fillies, right?”

Ruppy cried even harder and buried herself back into his chest, ignoring the small grunt of pain he gave from his wounds.

“Well, looks like I've already failed at this Papa thing,” he joked, “Cause you're still crying.”

“Well perhaps this needs a mothers touch,” Twilight chimed in.

Ruppy pulled her head from the fluff and turned to look, only to find the alicorn was no longer sitting in front of her, but behind.

“T-twilight?” she asked, “You mean...”

A gentle embrace cut her off as Twilight held Ruppy, “I have no idea what your parents did to you,” she said softly, “In fact, I actually don't know very much about you. But that doesn't matter to me, because what I do know tells me that you're an amazing mare that wasn't loved when she was little. But now, you will be. You won't just be Silvers little filly, or mine. You'll be ours. Luna, Silver and me. And the same goes for Onyx as well. And Sica, and Beats. I'll be Mama Twilight, or whatever you want me to be.”

The sounds of cries filled the room once more as Ruppy melted into the hug. She felt the warmth of Silver pressing against her back as she was sandwiched between the two.

Her heart pounded with joy, and a new found sense of belonging wormed it's way into her chest. Was this what it was like to be loved?

It was similar to the question she asked herself earlier, though still some how entirely different. At the moment though, she didn't care. All she wanted was to be with her family.


Author's Note:

Guys...school sucks.

Hope you enjoy!

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