• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,872 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

All Will Cower Before Black Wing's Power

Author's Note:

TRIGGER WARNING: References to rape and suicide will be mentioned in this chapter!

There were a scant few times anyone could recall Black Wing removing both of his seals outside of Star Shines training bunker. The reasons as to why he didn't varied depending on the situation. Most of the time it was because it simply wasn't necessary. Even with both seals on, his magic power still dwarfed that of most living creatures and removing just one would crush even captains under the sheer force of his presence.

Other times it was because of the environment. Magic thrived through the land and sky naturally, so a sudden disturbance could cause a disaster or two if he wasn't careful.

But the two biggest reasons were simple. The first being that his body couldn't sustain the pressure for very long. A half hour at the most before he completely collapses.

And the second was his presence.

For a moment, nothing changed. Twilight's words had been spoken and the reoccurring theme of stunned silence found it's place in the room once more . The battle raging on at the base of the mountain was the only sound that could be heard, the dull thuds giving the building life. Then very slowly, the white coat of a wolf leaned passed Celestia.

Now, Twilight considered herself to be a brave mare. She'd taken on many foes in the past, one of which was currently below her wreaking havoc, and while she had certainly been scared, she still stood tall and faced them.

But this one terrified her.

The loathing glare Luna had given her was different than any wrath she'd faced before. This was not the simplistic anger she'd seen on the enemies she thwarted before. To them, she was more of a nuisance than anything. But these eyes piercing into her own...they were familiar.

Twilight had seen those eyes before. They were the same ones Silver had when he snapped during Aurouras first visit. Anger, panic, fear and unfiltered hatred swam and swirled in the wolfs soul, all of it directed solely at the little lavender mare that spoke of something better left unmentioned.

Luna's pupils had almost entirely vanished. From where she was standing, Twilight could see the wolfs chest had stopped moving. Her body itself seem like a statue, even as she leaned to look past the ivory alicorn. No longer was Twilight just an annoying mare getting in the way. No.

Now, she'd properly earned loathing and animosity. Her words unearthed a grave issue that she had no business sticking her nose into.

While fear wracked the mares mind, Luna held her glare. The only reason the wolf hadn't already ripped her head off was because Silver would hate her for it. Nothing else in the room intimidated her.

Not the alicorn standing in front of her, baring newly sharpened fangs and wisps of flames beginning to sprout from her mane, nor her sister staring from across the room, who was a bit taller than she was a few moments before and whose coat had suddenly taken on a much darker tone.

"Be glad you mean something to him," Luna spoke softly, though her loathing was felt throughout the room.

Before Twilight could respond, her thoughts were cut off by something new. A new fear. One that wasn't caused by the wolf across the room.

Terror shuddered through her body as she suddenly struggled to breathe. Her legs gave out as she collapsed to the floor and the all the knots that had formed in her body up to that point had tightened tenfold. She couldn't move. She could hardly speak. She wanted to scream but she couldn't find enough air to do it.

She felt something on her back, though it was numb to the touch. Straining as she looked up, she found Ruppy mouthing words she couldn't hear. Was it another spell? Had Luna actually retaliated for her comment?

Looking past the pegasus, she found a sight she fought hard to believe.

Celestia was doubled over, sweat dropping off her chin. The burning in her eyes had gone, all trace of the last few minutes had been completely wiped away with the arrival of...whatever this was. The wolf standing in front of her hardly managed much better. Luna cradled her head in her paws and Twilight could see her gritting her teeth through her arms.

She wanted to look back to find her marefriend, but even lifting her head was almost impossible. She could see the guards rushing over to Celestia, their mouths moving but again, she could hear nothing. She noted shadows moving around behind her grew concerned for her marefriend. What about Cadence and her brother? And why couldn't she move?

Everyone else seemed fine. Ruppy hardly seemed any different, though the stars dotting Twilights eyes made it a little hard to focus. More ponies had begun to scramble about, many of them rushing out of the room. Through a hazy mind, Twilight assumed they were searching for doctors or maybe to find the source of whatever had knocked her and the others off their hoofs.

Suddenly, the a flash of white pierced the room, blinding the mares already fading vision. The light held for a moment, and Twilight could feel something new added to the air. As it dimmed, a hum filled her ears and soon, the sound of panicked voices as well.

The air seemed lighter than it had before, though still felt thicker than usual. Feeling returned to Twilights body as her legs seemed strong enough to lift herself off the ground with the help of Ruppy.

"What the hell was that?!" the pegasus cried, "What happened?! You all just fell over all the sudden!"

"I...dunno..." her mind was still foggy and her breath was short like she'd just been running around the castle. She wasn't exhausted, but needed deep breathes.

"That" came the voice of the white wolf, still shaking off the effects of the of the events, "was Black Wing. He must have removed both of his seals."

Luna steadied herself as she peered down at Celestia, the alicorn still doubled over and gasping for air, "Do you get it now, Princess?"

Silver felt the pressure of Black Wings magic take form. It was an unusual experience to say the least, though not one he was unfamiliar with. For him, it felt more like whiplash than anything. Like someone had smacked him over the back of the head with a textbook. A little disorienting, but the effect faded quickly.

Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for those further away.

But the fact that Black Wing had taken off his seals in the first place must have meant something had changed. Removing them both was his trump card, and he was unlikely to do it unless he knew it was the only option. Up until this point, they'd been chasing Sombra around, making no progress. Silver figured the wolf must have noticed something and decided to take the lead.

Sombras head whipped around with the arrival of the unparalleled power. He knew he felt something within the black wolf the moment he'd landed, though he couldn't put his hoof on what. But now it was obvious. The wolf currently staring Sombra down from across the field was nothing short of a miracle. More a myth than anything.

A demi-god.

Never in Sombras life did he think he'd run into one. They were a rare breed, much like himself, and supposedly as powerful as the ones who made them, or at the very least, strong enough to hurt them. Going by the power Black Wing was emitting, Sombra was beginning to realize where exactly those legends had come from.

"His weapons are enchanted," Black Wing spoke, his voice carrying a new weight with each word spoken, "The sword deflects pure magic, the shield blocks physical attacks. They're automatic, so there's no point in trying to get past them."

The black wolf moved forward across the field to the stallion, "The only choice is to overload them with sheer force."

As the words left his mouth, the sky above began to darken. Thick black clouds seemed to appear from no where, but Silver and Star Shine knew all too well what was happening.

In a flash, both wolfs evacuated the immediate area. Honestly, there was no 'safe' place for them to be. So long as they were under the shadow of the clouds, they could still be hit. It was just that they were less likely to be if they were away from the target.

Sombra looked up as the clouds formed. It seemed....familiar, but before he could run, crackling static filled the field.

"Strike him down."

An arc of lightning ran through the sky before striking at the stallion below. The sword came to his defense, narrowly blocking the bolt though not with the precision it had before. Instead, the magic flung the power off in a random direction, creating a crater the size of a small town in the fields distance.

Before the next bolt came, Sombra quickly followed the other wolves lead and ran. It didn't matter where, but he knew he couldn't stay in the same place for longer than a half a second.

Snaking and zig-zagging across the ground, bolt after bolt crashed down after him leaving gaping holes in the field. Some missed entirely, others sent him flying with the force of the explosion. And soon, one came crashing down onto him again.

The sword flicked up, catching the arc and redirecting it once more and in the process, Sombra managed to catch a glimpse of his blade.

There were cracks forming now.

"That's what the wolf meant."

Black Wing already explained he understood how the weapons worked. Though the stallion didn't realize he meant he was going to literally, overload the weapons with magic.

The lightning he'd been firing wasn't actually elemental in any way. It was just condensed magic. He was attacking knowing it would be deflected and allowing the blade absorb a portion of the power with each hit. But a weapon can only hold so much.

It was then that the stallion realized his dilemma.

He couldn't just stop using the sword. His shield had no resistance to magic, especially of Black Wings caliber. But his blade would only last one or two more strikes before it shatters, and then it would only be a matter of time before the lightning hits him.

He was in a pinch. He couldn't run anymore.

So now he had to fight.

Abandoning his current path, the stallion pivoted on his front hooves, spinning in a circle and rushing back at the wolf. Bolts continued crashing down around him, though he paid them no mind. Just as quickly as he'd gotten away, Sombra was closing in on Black Wing.

Another bolt crashed down, and the black sword flicked out saving him. One more strike would shatter it. Just a little closer.

As the distance shortened, another bolt crashed, the sword coming to his rescue for the last time. The magic rebounded as the the blade shattered into pieces, not that it mattered anymore. He was close enough now.

Only a few hoof steps away from the black wolf, Sombra kicked off the ground with enough force to match Silvers strength. The earth fractured as the stallion brought up a hoof to swing at the wolf.

Only to have his view blocked by a sterling wing.

Silver stood between Black Wing and Sombra, having taken up the position as support. He struck the moment he saw an opening as the stallion launched himself at the black wolf, with steady steel wings and aimed at the ponies throat.

Unfortunately, Sombra had something similar in mind.

As Silver struck, the shield whipped around and blocked the attack. The stallion was sent flying and Black Wing followed up with another bolt, this time taking aim at the shield. Magic crashed down and just as Sombra predicted, the shield shattered under one strike.

Not that it mattered anymore.

As the stallion went skidding across the land, he looked up with a grin. It wasn't quite what he was aiming for, but it would work nonetheless.

As Black Wing prepared another strike, he looked down to notice Silver had not moved yet. Looking around the wolf, he found why exactly Sombra had suddenly taken the offense.

Before the stallion was sent flying, he activated a new spell.

Searing pain struck Silvers abdomen as something pierced his stomach. As Sombra was sent away once more, the wolf glanced down and found his shadow now had a large black crystal jutting out of it and into him.

He watched as blood trickled down rock, the world quickly fading out into black. He could hear the muffled voice of Black Wing shouting, but couldn't make out what it was he was saying. Silver couldn't help but wonder if he was dying again. Oddly enough, fear didn't consume him. This time, it was something else.

As the world finally faded out completely, he could feel something spreading in his heart.

Something frigid and familiar. Something he'd known for years and kept locked away deep within himself.

Now the panic had set in. He knew this feeling all too well. This wrath he'd long since thought he buried. It wasn't the same as when he'd lost his temper with Auroura. That had been out of betrayal. Nor was it the same as when he created Silence. That had been out of disgust.

No. This rage was reserved for one wolf, and one wolf alone. The one who'd taken his world from him. Who snuffed out what little hope he'd had of being happy.

The one who forced himself on the girl he loved.

It couldn't come out. Never again.

"It-it's not possible..." Celestia gasped, her body still bent over from the pressure Black Wing exerted, "It's forbidden..."

"Ha! Forbidden?!" the white wolf laughed down at her, leaning close into her ear, "If that's the case, then why is your newest alicorn sleeping with my Alpha?"

Celestia snapped her head up, "Nothing would come of it! Especially not something like this! Th-this is just--"

"If you say 'wrong', I will kill you myself," Luna sneered, "Do not forget, Black Wing is one of my oldest friends. Princess or not, I will not let you dismiss his existence simply because you fear his power."

"Impossible," Celestia retorted, "Wha-How!? W-With who?! How did no one know?!"

Luna rolled her eyes at the mares hysterics, "I don't know how, and don't really care. As for the who, well, his mother really was the sweetest wolf. The father....well, you're not privy to information. And as for why no one knows, it's because it would put a target on his back. All his life, Black Wing has been persecuted and feared for his magic power. Beings like alicorns and emperors ignored him because they didn't know his true nature, but if they found out, they would kill him out of fear. So this secret was kept it well guarded. Aside from you and me, the only other ones who know are Star Shine, two emperors and his mother, but she took her secret to the grave."

Celestia stared at the wolf in front of her. She now knew where all of the arrogance came from. Why she was so fearless in the face of an alicorns power.

She had a demi-god at her command.

"C--celestia..." came a small gasp from across the room. The ivory whipped her head around to see Twilight wobble towards her, leaning against Ruppy for support, "W-what was that? I've never felt anything like it."

"It was Black Wing," Cadence spoke up, a hoof still tenderly rubbing at the side of her head, "He's removed his seals."

The white wolfs eyes widened with genuine surprise, "Oh! So you've seen him take them off before?"

Cadence gently nodded her head, "Just once, and he only did it because I asked him too. But it was nothing like this the last time he showed me. This time, I could actually feel it, but back then it was just...bizarre."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"You couldn't sense him last time, could you?" Celestia interrupted. Cadence paused and gave a puzzled look to the ivory alicorn before nodding once more and continuing.

"It was surreal. He was standing right in front of me but at the same time it was like he wasn't there. Like his existence itself kept flickering out of reality. It was hard to look directly at him too, like I was trying to look at the sun. I kept wanting to turn away."

Celestia swallowed hard, "It was his magic. You were closer to him then, so the effects were distorted." Cadence could only continue her puzzled expression to the mare as she explained, "Magic pressure has a different sensation depending on the distance. The closer you are to the source, the more intense and concentrated it is."

"B-but he's on the other side of the mountain!" Twilight cried, "I've seen him remove both of his seals before! When he was at Star Shines bunker, he and Silver went at it and I didn't feel anything like that!"

"If you were watching from the observation room, it blocks out all magic coming from outside the room," Luna chimed in, "The machines in there are sensitive, so if she didn't she couldn't get an accurate reading."

"If that's the case, then why didn't everyone else feel it just now? We're not protected in here."

The ivory mare let out a long sigh as she caught the grin the white wolf cracked.

"Because they're too weak." Luna answered. More puzzled looks (and a few glares) prompted the Alpha to continue, "It's not an effect that occurs often, but I've seen it before. When something of immense power approaches something with an incomparably smaller power, the weaker one will sometimes break under the pressure. Their mind will completely block out the existence of the stronger one because it literally cannot begin to comprehend what it's facing."

"So you're saying the power difference is so great, that their minds refused to even acknowledge Black Wing is even there?" Twilight asked.

"Precisely!" Luna cheered, "They'd have to be on the other side of the mountain to be begin to feel the effects in the same way we did. I'd guess at least another five miles away. But don't feel bad though, if we were any closer, even I wouldn't be able to feel it. When it comes to Black Wing, it doesn't really matter who you are, his presence will either crush you or you'll block it out."

Twilight could only look to Celestia as the wolf explained, a solemn nod confirming Lunas words. The little mare had broke. A twitch caught in her eye as a shiver ran down her spine. She knew Black Wing was powerful, Silver and Star Shine both confirmed it.

But she had always believed that the alicorns, Celestia and Luna especially, would dwarf him in terms of magic. They moved celestial bodies, for heavens sake! How could someone be anymore powerful than that?!

"Th-this can't be right!" Twilight argued, "That would put him on par with Celestia and Luna! Hell, maybe even Discord!"

Luna 'pffted' at the notion, "On par with the embodiment of chaos and the physical representation of the sun and moon? No. Don't be mistaken, Black Wing is incredibly powerful, but there are still limitations to his abilities. I assure you, if he could wield this power all the time, he wouldn't just be a Royal, much less guarding you all. Besides, just like you saw before, he and Silver have gone head to head plenty of times, and on a few occasions, they've escalated things to the point where Black Wing has removed both of his seals. Now, if Silver knows he's no match for an alicorn, how is it that his power can still rival Black Wings? Simple, it means there's a weakness to it."

Twilight shook her head at the question, "What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I said," Luna retorted with a roll of her eyes, "Black Wing can only maintain that state for thirty minutes before his body breaks under the pressure. What you all felt just now was the waves on the shore. Now imagine what it must feel like to be in the middle of the storm. Besides that, it's difficult for him to move around. He gets winded easily, so he can't really evade or defend. His magic is greatest weapon and his greatest weakness."

"Why are you saying all of this?" Celestia cut in with genuine concern in her eyes, "These secrets can be used against him, and you're so willingly putting them out for everyone to know. How can you be so reckless with the information regarding your friends power?"

Luna laughed at the mare for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, "Because it doesn't matter. No one in this room, aside from alicorns and the Alphas, would be able to stop him if a battle broke out. Whether or not ponies know his weakness won't make any difference. It's like if an ant knew a boot was going to crush it. So what? What can it do?"

The glares the wolf was receiving increased ten fold, but they all had to admit she had a point. Much Like Silver and Star Shine, no one would be able to stop them if they went out of control. An alicorn or a wolf would have to step in.

"But...." came a familiar small voice from the corner of the room, "What about Silver then?"

Baby blue eyes turned to meet the sapphire pair of a coal black mare. As soon as Luna laid eyes on her, she could barely contain her excitement. She already knew what Onyx was asking, and was giddy that she was the one asking it, but she needed everyone else to hear the explanation. "What about him?"

"Well, it's just....it doesn't really seem to add up," Onyx began, "Earlier, you said Silver was strong because he had traits from all of the other Alphas as well. But that wouldn't put him on the same level as Black Wing, even with the weakness. His magic can't be mimicked or taught."

The white wolf actually skipped over to the mare against the wall, "You know, out of everyone in this room, you're easily my favorite." Whipping her head around to address the room, Luna shouted, "Alright class, listen up! This lovely little gem is about to ask a very important question."

Once again, with the spot light thrown on her, Onyx fell into a stuttering mess, "We-well it's just that...e-even with the limited movement and body condition, Black Wing can still go head-to-head with an a-alicorns magic and give them a run for their bits, r-right?"

Luna nodded eagerly and leaned closer, "Go on...."

With eyes flickering back and forth between the white wolf and the rest of the room, Onyx pressed on, "I-it's just...Silver getting trained by a bunch of other Alphas probably wouldn't make up for the difference in power. He'd have to have something else."

"Which means?" Luna pressed the mare.

"Which means...." Onyx paused a moment to collect her thoughts, "Which means you played us... I was wrong earlier. Silvers power doesn't come from his training. It's something else isn't it?"

Luna squealed with delight as she once more scooped the mare up and spun her around, "YOU'RE BEST MARE! PAWS DOWN, NO COMPETITION! SOMEONE GIVE HER A COOKIE!"

"Please stop picking me up!"


"Not too long ago, I quizzed you all on the source of Silvers power," Luna twirled and spoke to the room, "When I asked, I honestly didn't expect anyone to be able to give an adequate answer, but this little mare did. And, unsurprisingly, you all believed it when I said it was true. Now, some of you may be asking 'Luna, why on earth would you ask a question, then lie about the answer?'. Simple. To see if you'd believe it."

While many of the occupants in the room cocked their heads in confusion, Twilight had suddenly found her fury for the wolf re-ignited as Luna rambled. "Okay, but why?" the mare demanded, "What's the point of seeing if we'd believe it!? None of us have seen him actually fight in a battle of this scale so none of us would be able to answer correctly anyway. So yeah, we'd have to believe you. So what would be the point of making us believe the lie?"

Luna waltzed over to the lavender alicorn, "It wasn't about the lying itself. It was about the answer you gave."

Fury fused with confusion and twisted in the mares expression, but before she could begin arguing again, the wolf pressed on, "Power is created from who you are; it is you. It's the reason your enemies fear you, your friends love you and your peers respect you. When I asked my question, I was trying to see how well any of you knew him. The lie itself was irrelevant. Onyx over there is the only one who picked up on anything even remotely significant regarding Silver, and I'd hoped someone would challenge the idea."

"How is his fighting style in any way meaningful?" Twilight barked.

Luna rolled her eyes, "It shows respect for us. He admires our skills enough to mimic and incorporate them into his own style. For us, it's his way of saying he's putting his life in our paws."

"Okay then," Twilight let out an exasperated sigh, "If his training under the Alphas isn't what makes him powerful, then what is it?"

As soon as the words left her mouth, a new power arose and took over the room. It wasn't the same as Black Wings though. This one wasn't an overwhelming force, but much more subtle and disturbing. It crept up the spines of everyone in the room, leaving a phantom breathe tickling the backs of their necks. Blood ran cold as the sudden desire to run filled their bodies, though they found themselves lacking the motivation necessary to flee. Instead, all they felt was a resignation to their inevitable death.

"Not that."

Extremities became numb and breathes hung in the air as fog. Windows frosted over and ice conquered the floor. Death itself had come into the building. Twilight and Celestia both quickly picked up on the sudden drop in temperature, whipping their heads around to find the mare they thought was responsible.

She wasn't.

Princess Luna stared out of the window with wide frightened eyes. How it was possible, she didn't know, but she did know that somepony else was using her magic.

That alone was enough to for the mare to be concerned, but what truly scared her was that it was not her magic alone she could feel. There was something else mixed in with it. Something cruel and sickening.

And indescribably furious.

Luna moved to the window, wiping away the frost built up on the glass. Peering down the mountain, she could see the field had been covered with shards of ice the size of houses jutting from the ground. Very little could be discerned with eyes alone but her knowledge of the magic made it easier to separate what was happening.

Mixed in with her spells from her grimiore, under the torrent of rage, was a very familiar sensation. One that she grew to know all too well.

One she came to love.


At first, there was silence in the void, but not the comfortable kind Silver had grown to appreciate. It was the silence that came to you in bed when you could hear the front door open and close and just knew your parents would start yelling soon. The silence that crept in when waited for your lover to come home and you know about the other ponies they've been with. The kind that appeared when your friends walk away after spewing insults and nasty comments about you, never knowing you were in earshot.

Something was happening. Something he didn't want to hear.

Muffled cries and shouts came from a distance. He knew that voice. Why was she hear?

"No! Get off!"


Silvers heart pounded. He bolted off to where he thought the voices came from, but suddenly they were everywhere. Screams and shouts drilled into his skull and he could hear the scrubbing of fur against pavement and labored breathes. Soon the struggling stopped only to be replaced by choked sobs of the girl he loved.

Silvers paws began moving again, running in any direction he could. He had to make it stop. The more he ran the louder the sound became until eventually his paws caught on something.

The wolf went tumbling forward and he no longer found himself in the void.

Blood covered the tile floors and a copper stench filled the room. Silver could only look down though. He didn't need to look up, much less wanted to. He knew this room all too well, and the moment regrettably more.

He knew the sink to the left had a little crack in the front right corner from when she dropped a box moving in. He knew the toilet to the left of it would always flush with a strange whine before taking forever for the tank to refill. He knew the mirror had a little smudge of blue paint on the top right corner from when the room was first painted.

And he knew the bathtub was to the right of him too.

Silvers eyes refused to look up from the ground. The stench of the room alone made him want to vomit, but the last time he threw up in her house, she got in trouble. So instead he swallowed hard, slamming his eyes shut and blocking out everything he could.

But the he'd forgotten to cover his ears.


A hushed voice came, hardly even audible. But the voice that spoke it was all that was needed to make the wolf open his eyes once more.

Silver found himself cradling Lily's body. Blood soaked into his coat from pulling her out of the tub and trying to keep pressure on her wrists. Tears poured down his face as he sat there whispering and begging for her to wake up. His body wanted to tremble but seemed to have forgotten how. He couldn't tell how long he'd sat there, his pleas eventually falling silent.

The bathroom fell away to ash, but the body in his arms remained. Silver looked up to find a mirror image of himself staring back at him, still holding Lily all the same.

"WHy diD sHe haVE to DIe?" the phantom called, "WHY DID SHE SUFFER?!"

The voice was a mimic of his own, distorted and static filled with every other syllable. It's face showed no emotion, only empty soulless eyes staring back at him. It's mouth hardly moved, even when it screamed.

Both Lily's crumbled to ash just as the bathroom did, and Silver scrambled to try to hold on. His phantom, on the other paw, only rose up.

"iT WaS YoU!" it cried, "YoU shOULd haVe SeEN HeR paIn! YoU ShoULd haVE SaVEd HeR!"

"I-I tried!"


Silvers paws stopped scrounging for the ashes and he looked up to meet his mirror. He'd seen this face before. So lifeless. So cold.

So hopeless.

He'd lost everything that day. The only one he was willing to become a better wolf for was gone. So what was the point of being a better wolf now?

Comments ( 14 )

I had a loader start glitching when the door opened for me one time
It stayed kinda folded up and was partially in the ground and sliding around before it popped over ont the tower next to the door

Still, it doesn't fit the characters, at least, the way they were written, and things went too fast and all...

When I have to be totally honest, I have to admit I feel unsatisfied.
The Living Sun, The Moon Incarnate and both Emotions (Love) and Magic (Friendship) are staggering under the wolves' powers.
It almost sounds as if they would dwarf them, despite "Luna's" answers...?

I would truly hope that Silver, in his newly induced rages, makes short work of our beloved villain Sombra and... well... turns him into a well-deserved paste...
Though, then we are still faced with a "loose" Silver.

Looking at Twilight, Celestia and (REAL) Luna, I would love to see (Pretend) Luna put into place, preferably by Twilight alone as she was threatened by her.
You could even drop a line like "Well... I... uff... underestimated her..." before the wolf passes out as she was trying to stop Twilight (and maybe Lulu) to get to Silver to help him.
Twilight, too, has some trick under her... sleeve? Hoof... whats the pony equivalent here? meh... that's a discussion for later.

So what was the point of being a better wolf now?

Be a better wolf for Twilight and Luna! DAMN IT! Open your eyes you giant fluffball!
And what about your "new daughter"? They love you for heaven's sake! And you them! Now stop fitting a tantrum and let Twi and Lulu help you...

I would not be surprised if those two would be the only ones who could "rescue" Silver out of his own past. His own mind. His regrets.
Would give it a nice turn.
He couldn't do better in the past, but he can do now.

Though... I may as well come to an end with my tantrum as well :D
Great chapter!

Is there a reason for the long update times?

now a day later... I remember a conversation in where Silver complains to Twilight about beeing an overpowered alicorn...
I... don't know what to think anymore...

A couple of new chapters and I just finished reading the entire story again. Your cliffhangers are unbelievable, the desire to know more is astounding. Bravo.

This story has been so great that I come back to time and time again. It might not mean much but this story is the reason I made an account. I enjoy each chapter and can’t wait for each release. Although you probably get such praise a lot. I truly enjoy the story you took the time to write. Good luck! 👍

My veteren cousin says your brother gives veterens a bad name by bragging about his kills.

Pretty fun to go back and reread as I wait

First things first
I really dislike the power creep we are getting in here.
It was fun to learn different elemental affiliation the ponies in the new guard have, and how they were trained
But now that the power level of the alicorn is on the line because of... rule of cool?
Not really as engaging anymore. I Do see redemption in the fact that Black Wing is basically a single-use magic nuke instead of a death ray. That tactical aspect does lower the bullshitery this whole "Hur Hur, Wolves are stronger!" but you know.

While reading this I often find myself placing one of my OCs as the recruit for the guard, Precisely: White Tulip. She does share similar-ish combat viability as Black Wing - She can only really fight when there is no sunlight. There is a longer story elaborating about that. In the short, extremely simplified version, she is more or less a vampire.

But using magic power as an ultimate measure of how strong someone is in the fight irks me. "It's over 9000!" all over and over and over.
I really would prefer if there was more logic and outsmarting than just raw power.

So yeah, I did like the combat on its own, not necessary the worldbuilding surrounding it. I don't want to boast about my own characters in the comments of your story so I will end it here.
If interested I wouldn't mind talking via messages about those

You confused me for replying to this 5 year old comment

Was a nice read, to bad the story is dead.

" offline last seen Sep 5th, 2020 "

yep... another dead story. :(

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