• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,871 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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Onyx the Bard and The Eventide Guard

Luna pulled the shower curtain back with a hoof while using her magic to float a towel over to her. She stepped out onto the rug, her mane soaking wet and clinging to her neck and cheeks, her dripping coat outlining the already curvaceous body to show it off even more.

Twilight watched as the mare dried off, entranced by her hypnotic figure as the towel draped and ran over her body.

“Now Twilight, if you keep staring so hard, you're going to make me embarrassed,” Luna commented, picking up on her marefriends gaze.

Twilight quickly shook her head and slowly sunk it down under the water, her own blush still clearly visible through the water and bubbles.

“Blub-blub-blub-blub,” she bubbled from under.

Luna simply giggled and trotted over, dipping her hooves under the water to raise the younger alicorns head, “Care to repeat that?”

The mares blush reddened and she couldn't make eye contact, choosing staring at the bubbles instead while she spoke, “Sorry...you're just really beautiful...”

Luna was actually surprised at the compliment, her eyes widening a bit at the statement as it hit her before a gracious smile appeared. She leaned over the edge of the tub and pushed a loving kiss onto Twilight, both of them melting into their affections for one another.

A familiar heat built up in their chest and lustful desires were sparked once more. As they broke apart, both found themselves panting heavily with a half lidded gaze, “Perhaps we should stop here,” Luna admitted, “We've had enough activities to last us for the night, and I for one am rather tired,”

Twilights head sunk back down, though not fully submerged. The mare leaning over the edge of the tub simply rolled her eyes and pecked her on the horn, “Sometime later, dear. But there's actually something I've been meaning to ask you about that.”

Twilight allowed her head to resurface once more, “What is it?”

Luna pulled back from the edge of the tub and began fidgeting with her hooves, “Well...it's a little silly to ask now...but can we, um, you know...get pregnant from Silver?”

The mare in the tub sat stunned, “You mean you let him...without knowing first?” she asked in near disbelief.

“It was a spur of the moment thing!” Luna defended, “I know it's hard for alicorns to get pregnant from stallions which is why there are so few of us, but I'm not sure if that applies to wolves as well. It's an entirely different species, so...”

Twilight closed her awe-struck mouth and giggled before stepping out of the tub, “Yes, we can get pregnant from him, but the chance is very slim. We're too very different races after all. Besides, Zecora has some morning after potions. I'll go get some from her tomorrow just to be safe.”

It was Lunas turn to stare in amazement. Twilights body was smaller, but had more plump to it. She wasn't chubby by any means, but what little extra weight she did have showed itself in all the best ways. Especially in that flank of hers~

“Luna?” Twilight called, snapping the alicorn out of her day dreams.

“Huh?” she asked with shake of her head.

“I asked if you wanted to come with me tomorrow,” the mare repeated, floating over a towel of her own, “You know, to Zecoras. She's one of the ones who helped me during Nightmare Night. The zebra witch doctor. Do you remember her?”

“Oh! I'm sorry Twilight, but I'm afraid I'll be busy tomorrow,” she excused, floating over her shoes, tiara and necklace but not bothering to put them on, “I still have paperwork to finish.”

Twilight waved a hoof, “It's fine. I'll drop it off here so you can come by and get it. I still need to interview Beats, so I won't be able to give it to you myself. I just hope Ruppy or Onyx don't see it.”

Luna raised a brow, “Oh, why's that?”

“They'll tease Silver until he tries to kill one of them,” she joked....mostly, receiving a light laugh from her marefriend.

“Speaking of our wolf, don't you think we've kept him waiting long enough?” Luna said as she hung the towels over the rack.

Twilight replied with a giggle, “Yes, I believe he's suffered from our absence long enough.”

Both mares trotted out of the bathroom, their bodies only slightly damp and manes still flat. As they reached the top floor, they noticed the absence of the wolf they were looking for. Their first place to check was the bedroom, but finding it empty left them wondering where else he could be.

Twilight suggested asking Ruppy or Onyx, but figuring that waking either of them would lead to their deaths, they quickly decided to just search the third floor. A quick trot later and they realized just where the wolf was, as they heard a piano playing as they came down the staircase.

Doing as they did before, both mares quietly stalked down the hall and cracked the door to the music room open...only to find the one at the keys was not Silver. The room was dark, illuminated only by the moonlight shinning through the circle window above.

The light shown on the figure on the bench, revealing a coal black coat that shimmered in it's graceful silver gleam.

It was Onyx. Her mane was let down out of it's normal braided pony tail, now flowing freely in luscious waves.

Her black hooves gently danced across the piano in a simple, yet soothing tune. Her lips parted, and she a silky voice flowed free.

♪♫There are loved ones in the glory
Whose dear forms you often miss.
When you close your earthly stories,
Will you join them in their bliss?♪♫

Oh sweet heavens, could every being living in that home sing with a voice that put angels to shame? Every word, syllable and letter sung with a flood of emotions.

And yet, they couldn't pinpoint what emotion it was. Was it grief, or peace? Pain, or joy? It was so enticing, the feeling that the song provoked. Both mares were so enraptured by the performance, neither of them noticed the figure coming from behind.

“Beautiful,” a voice whispered. Both mares turned around to find the wolf they'd been searching for standing behind them, a small smile on his muzzle, “I've always known she'd had an amazing voice, but I wasn't sure if she knew it herself. It seems she does though.”

The mares turned their attention back to the one mare show,

♪♫Will the circle be unbroken?
by and by, ohhh, by and by.
Is a better home awaiting,
In the sky,ohh, in the sky?

In the sky, in the sky...♪♫

Her hooves stopped moving and the room fell silent. Her eyes slowly lifted and their sapphire hue were irresistible to look at in the dark. All was still for a moment.

Until the unicorn leaned forward, resting her head on the piano. The three in the hall continued to sit for another few minutes, no one daring to speak until they heard a small snoozing sound coming from the room.

Silver stepped forward, pushing the door open the rest of the way and walked over to the sleeping mare while the other two followed behind.

“I had no idea she could sing like that,” Twilight commented in amazement, “It makes me wonder what her life would have been like if she didn't live on the streets. She could have had a great career as a singer.”

“Indeed,” Luna agreed, “I dare say she gives you a run for your money Silver. Her voice is simply astounding.”

The wolf chuckled, “I wish she would pursue it instead of this life. Honestly, the more time I spend with these two, the less I want them to become soldiers,” he lifted a paw and ran it through her mane, earning a gentle moan from the mare while she shifted.

“Her voice is without a doubt beautiful, but this moment feels so melancholy. One could even say tragic. After all, when was the last time you heard of a mare so unwanted she had to sing her own lullaby to fall asleep...”

Silver gently slipped under her and lifted her onto his back, “Come on. We should all get to bed now,” he whispered and headed to the door. All three left the room with silent steps. When they got to the first floor, Silver turned to Luna and Twilight, “You two go ahead. I'll tuck her in.”

The mares nodded and shuffled off to the bedroom while Silver went to Onyx's. He pulled the covers back and gently slipped her onto the bed, tucking the blankets around her to keep her nice and snug.

“She was at the piano, wasn't she?” a voice came from behind. Silver turned to find Ruppy standing in the doorway, her mane slightly out of place from what he thought was her having laid in her bed.

“Ruppy, what are you doing up?” he asked.

The pegasus walked into the room, taking a seat at the bedside of the unicorn and next to Silver, “Do you have any idea how long it's been since she's sang?” she questioned, ignoring his own. In truth, she'd rather not tell him that she was helping Beats bury a body.

Silver looked at her in confusion and before he could say anything, she continued.

“Years, Silver. It's been years since I've heard her voice. And I don't mean the one she used back when you first met her. I mean the one she's been using lately, the one she can sing with. The one where she sounds happy,” a single tear rolled down Ruppys cheek, “First she starts cooking and now this? There's no way I could sleep knowing she was singing again.”

She turned to face the wolf a her side, then threw her arms around him in a bone crushing hug, “Thank you. You've given her something I haven't been able to in such a long time.”

She gave him one last tight squeeze before letting him go and wiped the tears away. She crawled into the bed with the unicorn, “Go ahead and go to bed. You've got two mares waiting for you after all. I'll stay and keep her company.”

Silver smiled softly, then leaned down and pecked them both on the head, “Goodnight girls. Sweet dreams.”

He turned and left the room, looking back just as Ruppy snuggled up to Onyx.

“I love you both so much.” Click

A quick trot across the house and he was back in his room. Upon walking in, Silver found Twilight and Luna already cuddling in bed, the lavender of the two begin to drift into sleep.

“Finally coming to bed?” Luna asked as she stroked the mane of the mare in front of her. The wolf crawled under the sheets and placed himself behind Luna, squeezing her gently against him with a wing.

“Silver, be careful!” she exclaimed in a hushed tone, “What about your...wound?” Upon looking down at his side, she noticed a lack of bandages around his hip, “Where's your wound?”

Silver looked down to his waist, “Huh? Oh right, Star Shine healed me up with one of her potions before Black Wing and I started sparring. Did you really not notice until just now?”

“Well I was...erm, distracted! Yes, that's it,” Luna excused.

The wolf flashed a coy smile, “Oh don't worry. I know all about what was on your mind lately~”

Luna blushed and turned away, “Still, that's awfully convenient. If she had such a potion, why did she not use it earlier?”

“The potion forces the body to heal rapidly but it's potency is dangerous,” Silver explained, “If I drink too much of it within a certain time period, it'll more than likely kill me. She prefers to keep them on stand by just in case of an emergency, but she figured it would be acceptable to break her rule this one time. But now I won't be able to take the potion for another month.”

“Oh I see. It makes sense that a potion like that would have some limitations. But on another note, just where you you earlier?” she asked, still trying to fight off the blush from earlier while the wolf simply chuckled.

“Yeah, sorry. It took longer to clean up the library than I thought it would,” he explained pecking her on the cheek.

“So that's where you were,” Twilight mumbled. Silver leaned down and pecked her head too.

“Yeah. But now it's time to sleep,” he laid his head across Lunas neck and nuzzled into her chilled fur, its coolness blowing away every bit of stress he'd built up like a breeze in the night. A breath inward told him that even after her shower, she still smelled like ice cream. Everything about this mare was so...relieving.

It was then he'd heard something familiar. A hum coming from the chest of the mare he laid with.

It soft and gentle, soothing and entrancing as it slowly swayed him to sleep. He couldn't for the life of him figure out what the lullaby was, but he found himself dreaming of a place where the ocean meets the sky, his mares by his side as they watched the sun set over the horizon, and Luna raised a moon made of gold.

And as the clouds rolled by, she sang a song of the sea.

Onyx was woken by Celestia rays of sunlight piercing her eyes. She quickly lifted a hoof to shield herself from being blinded, and noticed an extra weight that came with it.

Once she could finally see again, the groggy unicorn saw a familiar tan hoof draped across her, though for some reason it had dirt on it.

After her mind began fully functioning, she realized the reason why the tan hoof was so dirty.

...The body they were supposed to help Beats bury. She'd completely forgotten about it after her solo the night before, but it seemed that at least Ruppy remember and went to help. Oh well, she'd make it up to him later.

Onyx flopped over and face the invader of her bed, accidentally waking her as well.

“Hmm,” Ruppy moaned as she woke. Her eyes slowly cracked open and blinked a few times until she finally registered that Onyx was staring back at her, “Hey buddy. How'd ya sleep?”

Onyx shrugged, “Pretty good. Was it you that brought me up to my bed?” she asked.

“No, that was Silver. How did you know some pony brought you up?”

“For one, I don't remember falling asleep in my bed last night. And two, “Onyx used her magic and closed the drapes of the window, “I never go to sleep with the curtains open.”


The two laid in bed for a moment in silence. One waiting for a question to be asked, the other trying not to make asking it awkward.

“Sooo,” Ruppy began, failing at being casual, “You were...um, singing...last night.”

The unicorn mare nodded, “I haven't felt like it in a while, but I did last night. I've been wanting to play that piano since the day we first saw it, so I figured why not?”

Ruppy beamed and let out a small squeal, “You're actually playing again!” she quickly threw her arms around Onyx and hugged her tightly.

The one being hugged couldn't quite figure out what the deal was though. Yeah, she sang. So what? Sure, it'd been a long time since the last time she did it, but that was because she just wasn't feeling up to it. What's the big deal about her doing it now?

The twos joyous moment was interrupted by a knock on the door, “Ruppy, Onyx! Time to get up!” the familiar voice of Aerial yelled through. They could hear her banging on Ruppys door as well since she didn't know they were in the same room.

Both of the mares looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was almost 9:00 and time to get the day started, and by that, they meant training.

The two groaned and dragged themselves out of the bed, “We're in here!” Ruppy called while Onyx stumbled over to her dresser and floated out a brush.

The door open and a confused earth pony walked in, “Huh? Why are you both in here?” she asked.

“I had a sleepover and you weren't invited,” Onyx quirked while she twisted her hair into its usual braid.

Ruppy yawned and stretched, “Yep. We even had a sexy pillow fight. You should have been there, it was awesome.”

Aerial simply rolled her eyes, “Haha,” she laughed dryly, “Come on you two. We need to eat breakfast and start training.”

Onyx and Ruppy followed the mare out of the room and into the kitchen where they found a wolf and two alicorns sitting at the table eating.

“Morning girls,” Silver greeted.

“Morning,” Onyx replied replied with a smile, floating her food over to the table.

Ruppy let out another yawn, “Yo,” then sat at the counter to eat. The table was too far away.

“Hey Silver, what's our regiment for the week?” Aerial asked, taking a seat at the counter as well.

“Well, Tia will actually be in her office the majority of this week, so I'll be able to train you myself. I'll meet you girls down at the usual spot a little after 10:30 today. Until then, just do what you've been doing. And I want you two to bring your weapons from now on as well,” Silver instructed to Onyx and Ruppy. Both gave a simple nod before going back to eating.

“You know, for a bodyguard, you don't do very much guarding,” Luna commented.

“Well you and your sister have been doing a lot of paperwork lately, so there's not much point in me being around,” Silver defended, “The Royal Guard can do that themselves. And Twilight has Star Shine so she's covered. There's not really any pony left for me to guard.”

Luna hummed as she chewed, “Hmm, you do have a point. I suppose it is better for you to train them than to sit around and watch me and Tia do paper work all day.”

“Yep,” Silver said with a nod, “Speaking of your sister, she's starting a meeting soon and I need to get going,” The wolf quickly gobbled up the remaining food on his plate and drank the rest of his tea before setting the dishes in the sink. He trotted over to his mares at the table, pecking their cheeks and saying a quick good-bye before strolling out the door.

The earth pony at the counter gave a quizzical look to the pegasus beside her.

“They're in a herd, don't ask how,” Ruppy replied. Aerial just sighed and shrugged before continuing her meal.

Breakfast was over and the alicorns had gone to do their own work while the normal mares went to their training. Out the back and down the side of the mountain, they finally came to the little clearing they'd always used.

Ruppy began punching at the sheets of paper once more, this time punch a stack of ten sheets instead of the one and with her new gauntlets.

Aerial continued with holding a vortex, slowly changing it's pace and size to help perfect her control.

Onyx was swinging away like she'd always did. Her new swords drained her just as much as the Corax Stone rods and she began to understand why he had her use them in the first place. Sure, her magic hadn't improved all that much in the time she'd started training, but at least now she was able to cope with the effects of the draining.

Time flew by as the three continued their respective practices. Until the unicorn was interrupted by a voice in her head.

“Ugh! I'm bored! Can't you do anything other than swing me around?”

“This is my training. Silver said I need to do it to get stronger, so I am.”

“And you just do every little thing the wolf says, huh?”

“Of course. He's the strongest thing I've ever seen, and if this is the way he says I can get power, then I'm more than willing listen.”

“But it's so...boring! Can't we spar or something!? I'm getting dull over here!”

“Oh hush you. Silver will be here soon. I'm sure he'll give us something to do.”


As if he'd overheard their conversation, the wolf appeared in the clearing.

“Sorry to make you wait,” he announced, catching the trainees attention, “Tia made me stay and help clean up her study. Honestly, the mess that mare makes... Anyway, how goes the training?”

Ruppy held up two of her stacks of paper, one in each hoof with holes punched clean through. The wind then picked up and blew them out of her grasp, before being sliced and shredded by Aerials doing.

“Oooh, pretty,” Onyx awed as the watched the torn pieces dance in the air before fluttering to the ground, “My blades have just been annoying me. She keeps saying she's bored.”

Silver chuckled, “Yeah, she's a lively weapon. But your next exercise should help with that,” he explained before walking over to a tree. His wings shimmered and became blades before he kicked the trunk. The whole thing shook and the leaves fell by the dozens. In a flash, Silvers wing slashed around him, slicing the falling leaves clean in half.

“This is your next step Onyx,” Silver informed, “You're already strong enough to wield your swords in battle, so next you'll be learning how to properly use them. I want you to be able to cut every leaf that falls from this tree every time you kick it. Do that, and we'll move onto the next phase. But be careful. Your blades are still draining you.”

The unicorn nodded and stepped forward under the tree, giving the first kick of many more to come. Once she was started, Silver moved on to Ruppy while motioning for Aerial to join them.

“So, how do you like them?” he asked the tan mare.

The pegasus held up her hoofs to examine the golden gauntlets, “They're pretty sweet. I've never used Earth magic before, but it was kickass.”

“Good, cause you're going to need to learn how to use that in combination with your punches. Aerial, what about you?”

“Meh,” she said with a shrug, “I can hold a strong vortex for a while and launch accurate and sharp wind blades pretty easily. I'd say I'm ready to move on.”

“Good, cause you're going to be helping each other train. Follow me,” he instructed.

He took them to a side path that led to a steep slope in the mountain.

“Ruppy, you see that crushed path on the slope there?” he asked, pointing a paw to a noticeably flattened line of the mountain side.

The pegasus nodded, “Why do I get the feeling I won't be liking what you have in mind?”

Silver chuckled, “Oh relax. I did the same training when I was first learning Wind magic, and I survived. Now Aerial, you see that ledge up there?” he asked the earth pony. She nodded as well, “Good, now follow me up there. Ruppy, go stand on the crushed path.”

The mares both gave him an uneasy look, but did as they were told. Ruppy stepped out on the mountain side, barely able to maintain her proper balance, while Aerial followed Silver up onto the ledge. When they reached the top, she noticed a large number of boulders of varying sizes sitting in front of her.

“Now, what I want you to do Aerial is use only your wind magic to push these boulders over the edge, sending them rolling down to to Ruppy,” he explained before walking over the slope and look down to the pegasus below, “She's going to be rolling boulders down at you! I want you to punch through them!” he called down below.

Even from atop the ledge, both the wolf and the earth pony could see Ruppys eyes go wide, “ARE YOU INSANE!?” she screamed back.

“Well, that's still up for debate!” he answered, “Don't worry! The first ones are going to be small! She can't push the bigger ones yet!”


Silver simply turned away and ignored her pleas, “Are you ready?” he asked Aerial. She nodded and began using her magic to roll one of the boulders over to the side. It wasn't too large, a little more than half her height, but since her wind magic wasn't that strong yet, she still had difficulties moving it.

However, she eventually pushed over the edge, sending it rolling down towards Ruppy.

“WHAT THE FUCK!?” She yelled before jumping out of the way.

“No, no no! You're supposed to hit the boulders, not dodge them! Try again!” Silver called down.


Aerial had already begun pushing the next boulder, this one just as big as the last. It toppled over the edge and came rumbling down.


“Calm down, and focus. You've destroyed an entire street, you can manage one mere little boulder. Just focus your power on your hoof, and strike at it's center.”

“Easier said than done!”

At this point, Ruppy had no choice. The boulder was now to close to dodge. So she reared back her hoof, and just when the tumbling rock came into reach, she struck with all she had.

The rock itself shattered, but thanks to the slope, Ruppy had little to no hold and went sliding down the mountain.

“Perfect!” Silver congratulated, “Keep doing it just like that! I'll go check up on Onyx!”

“I swear, if I'm not dead by the end of the day, he will be...”

Twilight sat on her couch, idly reading through the papers of other possible recruits that had requested to join the guard. Many were locals looking for better work, though they didn't quiet meet the standards she was looking for.

In the section where she asked them to describe themselves, many had simply spoke of how strong they were, and how they'd follow orders without question. While this may have been acceptable for Celestias and Lunas guard, it wasn't exactly what Twilight was looking for.

Sure, she wanted soldiers that could follow orders, but she didn't want some stoic statues that intimidated every pony that walked by. She wanted guards that smiled and greeted ponies as they walked down the streets on patrols. She wanted guards that were friendly, not frightening. And these current profiles were certainly not living up to her expectations.

The alicorns thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Setting the papers aside, she got up and answered, finding Beats on the other side.

“Beats! You're right on time!” she exclaimed. He's already gotten points for punctuality, “Come on in and we can get this interview started.”

“Certainly ma'am,” he answered as he stepped inside. He followed her over to the main room where she had a chair sitting in front of the couch, the table between the two piled with papers.

“Sorry about the mess,” Twilight excused as she began shuffling all the papers into neat stacks and setting them aside, “There are a lot of applicants and only one of me.”

“It's perfectly understandable. Beside, it's no worse than the mess my sister can make, especially when she brings her friends over. Oh, this reminds me,” he said as he dug into his saddle bag, before pulling out the papers Twilight had gave him before, “Would you like these now?”

“Yes, please. These should definitely help move the interview along quicker,” she replied, taking them into her magic and flipping through them. After a moment, she sat down on the couch while Beats sat in the chair.

She floated over a notepad and pen before looking up from the papers, “Alright, first question. What made you want to become a guard?”

“Well,” he began as he fidgeted with his hooves, “It's not really that I want to become one, but I kind of owe Ruppy, Onyx and Silver a favor. Ruppy said that the best way to pay them back would be to join your guard, so here I am. I also needed a new job too since my last one ended rather abruptly.”

Twilights pen scribbled down some notes, “Okay. Now, you said something about your last job. What was it exactly?”

In truth, she'd already known that Beats was an ex-member of the Fallen Kings, and she understood his situation. But he didn't know that and if he wasn't willing to come clean about his past, then he would definitely have a had time convincing her to let him join.

The stallion let out a sigh, “Truthfully, I was a member of a recently disbanded gang, the Fallen Kings. As a member, I ran a club as a DJ, peddling drugs and other illegal products through it. I only really did it because I needed to make sure they didn't come after my little sister here in Ponyville. Well, that and to make money.”

“So you admit to being part of a criminal organization?” she asked.

Beats gave a nod, “Yes, I was. Though it was not by my own choice.”

“Please explain,” Twilight requested, “Even before the new leaders came in, you were already a member of the Fallen Kings. How was it that they managed to ensnare you into doing what it was they wanted?”

“The old leaders did it the same way the new ones did. They threatened Scootaloo, though at first I was there out of sheer naivety. Before I was a member, I was a local DJ for Manehatten. I got a steady job at the club I'd mentioned earlier, and after two years of working there I was finally informed of the...back room business that went on. Of course by that time, they'd already found out about my sister, and after my first rejection of their offer, Scoots was almost attacked. I sent her here to live Ponyville while I stayed in Manehatten and tried to find a way out. I was trying to get away in the confusion after the gang first fell, but somehow they found out and I was stuck there again.”

“So for the most part, you were unaware of the illegalities that went on in the club?”

“Well, I knew that something was a little off about it, but I was in need of money, so I didn't bother asking questions. The job paid well enough to support me and Scoots nicely so I figured I should leave well enough alone. And at the time, I wasn't the owner either, so it would have been rude of me to judge how the place was run.”

“Okay,” Twilight mumbled, as she continued taking some notes. Well, he gets points for honesty. But there were still a few things she wanted to check.

“Well, moving on from your past, well focus on your current life. What exactly is your life like at the moment? If I may ask, that is.”

“My life? Well, right now it's pretty great,” he replied with an honest and cheery smile, “I'm finally out from under the hooves of the Fallen Kings, and while my bank account isn't quite wealthy, it should last long enough for me to find a job. I'm also finally living with Scoots again. It's been hell having to live apart from her.”

“Hmm,” Twilight hummed as she stared at her notes. All that she'd written pointed to Scootaloo living alone here in Ponyville. She was half tempted to ask about their parents, but that seemed a little too personal for a job interview, so she decided to leave it alone, “Well that answered that. Alright next question; What makes you think you'd be a good addition to my guard?”

“Well I'm honestly not sure,” he admitted as he rubbed a shy hoof behind his head, “I mean, I'm strong and a good fighter, but here in Ponyville I feel like those skills wouldn't be all that necessary. Sure, I've heard stories of how whacked out this place is, but nothing ever really calls for violence. Or at least, not pony versus pony kind anyway.”

“So you're saying that your not qualified to be a guard?”

“No. I can be a guard, I'm just not sure if I can be your guard. Honestly it's really up to the way you want me to act that's going to determine if I can meet your standards.”

“Hmm,” she hummed once more. This one was...passive actually. He never once gloated about his own prowess, despite being stronger than many of the stallions in the town. He even admitted that he might not be able to meet her behavioral requirements. He seemed calm and collected, able to talk his way out of a situation and even diffuse a tense one with no need for violence, which was more than she could say for Ruppy and Onyx.

“One last question,” she said, looking up from her notepad, “Why should I hire you?”

“Because I have intricate knowledge of how criminals work, even if there are few to none in Ponyville. I have actual combat experience and can spot some pony with ill intentions from a mile away. Also, because your lacking in pony power for your guard. And I come with recommendations from Ruppy and Onyx.”

Well now he was bragging.

But he did have a number of points. His time in the Fallen Kings would have definitely given him a fair amount of knowledge on criminals, and that was what Twilight was really after.

All of her other concerns were more or less covered. Combat efficiency was always a factor, regardless of where they may live, and his personality seemed to fit her criteria for the guard she wanted to make. Now there was only one thing left to do.

“Beats,” she said as she rose from her spot, “I'd like to be the first to welcome you to the Eventide Guard.”

Author's Note:

Suuuuper late....and I'm suuuuuper sorry!

I swear, I didn't mean for this to happen! I got busy with school stuff last week and forgot to write and then my computer screwed up andimsorrypleaseforgiveme!!!

Also, here's the link for the song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egLChx-U54o
Lunas lullaby is also a real song, by the way. Ten points to who ever can identify it!

I'm not sure who originally made it, but I found it on Bioshock, so I guess credit goes to them? I have no idea....

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