• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,872 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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King of Lost Magic and Mares Wreaking Havoc

The train chugged along the tracks, the familiar landscape rolling by once more. Onyx found herself living a moment of dejavu, as she and Ruppy made their way to Manehatten, intent on ending a war they'd started.

Ruppy was, once again, sleeping. Snoring away the afternoon train ride peacefully. How could she do it? How could she be so calm and relaxed when she knew they were about to stroll right into the biggest brawl of their lives?

The two of them were certainly not strangers to violence, but still; to be so at ease with such a situation laying ahead of them was almost unnatural.

Then again, these two were anything but natural. The violent streets of the Manehatten slums made certain of that. Hell, for Ruppy, it was before she was even on the streets. Back when she was still getting beaten daily, she was already fortified into a mare with nerves of steel. Onyx was, in a way, similar.

Maybe that's why she took a liking to the pegasus when they first met. They were both molded into the street mares at such a young age in order to survive. For Ruppy, it was through beatings by every pony around her. For Onyx, it was the world she was born into.

The brakes of the train screeched against the tracks, and the machine slowly came to a halt. The squeal of the brakes acted as an alarm clock for Ruppy, causing her eyes to shoot open and dart around wildly.

There it was, the instincts pounded into her from her childhood. When alarmed, be ready to strike.

“We're here,” Onyx informed.

Ruppys wild eyes died down as a yawn escaped her, “Oh, okay. Let's go then,” she said, sliding out of her seat.

Today was going to be a long day...

Silver stepped out of the bathroom, the steam from the shower flooding the hall as he exited. He trotted to the living room where the medical kit and bandages from before sat. Carefully, he applied the disinfectant and pad onto his wound before wrapping it up.

It took a good ten or fifteen minutes, but was to be expected without the help of levitation.

Once the wrapping was done and the kit put back away, Silver strolled back into the living room but paused and found himself staring at the hall that led to the bedroom, and the two mares that were in it. His mind screamed at him to go look, but thinking that if they were in the middle of their talk, he wouldn't want to just pop in.

So he sighed, turning to the counter to write a note to the two, saying that he would be in Canterlot Castle for a while, then probably out getting one of the other two books.

Wait...Luna never did tell him if she found the location of the other two. Damn...

Oh well, Silver figured he could just ask later, or maybe one of her guards knew. He doubted she did the searching herself, though it might seem like something she might do if she had enough time on her hooves.

But that will have to come later. After all, he needed to go see a certain vixen about a collar. Or at least, that's what he hoped it was about.

Silver trotted out the door, using his key to unlock it and step out into the castle halls once more. Much to his surprise, a guard was waiting for him just outside.

“A fox from Caneighdia is here to see you, sir. She's waiting in the Conference hall with Princess Celestia,” he informed, then bowed his head and trotted off.

Well that was fast. Silver hoped he didn't keep her waiting too long.

The wolf strolled down the halls, casually making his way through the castle and to his destination. If one didn't know any better, they might think he was the one who owned the castle and not the alicorn sisters. His strut seemed to say that he was the ruler, though it wasn't exactly voluntary. Not even the wolf himself seemed to realize he was walking with such a stature.

Silver pushed the doors open, finding the fox and the tall alicorn...chatting and having tea...

Well this was a bit of an odd sight. Sure, Tia was friendly, but this seemed a little...strange.

“Hey!” Silver greeted, causing Radiance and Celestia to look up from their conversation, “Sorry if I kept you waiting. I got home late last night and didn't get the message that you were coming until after I woke up.”

“Oh, it's fine,” Radiance replied.

“It most certainly is not,” Celestia chirped in with a grin, “I thought I'd taught this wolf better than to keep a lady waiting. Honestly, I've tried to teach him manners, but he simply won't listen.”

“Taught?” Silver questioned, “Manners? What alternate universe did I step into when I came through those doors? Cause last I checked, you've never once taught me anything, other than you're a complete pervert. And I have manners, thank you!”

The mare giggled while the vixen turned and looked at her with confusion, “Pervert? You?”

“Oh Radiance, my dear, you have so much to learn about me,” Celestia said with a flutter of her eyes, “And I can't wait to learn everything about you,” her voice dipped into a sultry tone and a bright blush found its way to Radiance's cheeks.

Silver simply rolled his eyes, “I forgot to mention. She has a thing for exotic races. You should have seen how she reacted to meeting me.”

“Ohh, now that's a conversation worth treasuring,” Celestia recalled, “Silver has a smooth tongue when he's using his words, so I can only imagine what it's like when he uses it for something else.”

Radiance's entire face was now brimming with blush, and she had to resort to hiding her muzzle behind her tail.

“Okay, enough teasing Tia,” Silver said as he sat down with the mare and fox, “So Radiance, what can I help you with.”

The blush quickly faded from the her face and she dropped her tail, “Oh right,” she lifted the fur around her neck to reveal her collar, “I was hoping you could remove this for me. Mast—Sir Little Horn sent me here to deliver a new contract to Princess Luna and I want to take the opportunity to have it removed.”

Silver nodded with a smile, “I was hoping that was the case. I'm not sure how long it will take to have the collar removed, but I know my friend with certainly be able to.”

“Just who is your friend?” Celestia asked.

“Tia, you've already met him. He's guarding your niece after all.”

“You mean--,” she began, only to have Silver cut in.

“Yep, Black Wing's coming for a visit.”

The wolf had left the room temporarily to go back home and fetch an item, leaving the fox and alicorn alone in the room again.

“So, just who is this Black Wing?” Radiance asked as she sipped at her tea. She was a little worried about the one coming to remove her collar, even if it was a friend of Silvers.

“He's one of the Houndland guards sent to protect us, and is currently looking after Princess Cadance in the Crystal Empire,” Celestia explained.

“I see,” Radiance nodded, “And do you really think he can remove my collar? I've tried many times before, and I couldn't do it myself, nor could I find someone else to do it.”

Celestia set her tea down before she spoke, “Radiance, tell me. On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate Silvers magic power?”

Though she was confused by the question, the fox answered anyway, “I would say about an eight. He's certainly powerful, but I've met stronger creatures in my life. None of them were willing to help me, of course. Other wise I wouldn't be asking him.”

Celestia nodded, “Well going off you're score, Black Wing is about a fourteen,” Though the statement may have been sounded like a joke, the look on the alicorns face was completely serious, “I've come to understand that the wolves inhabiting Equestria are without a doubt some of the most powerful creatures this country has ever seen. Black Wing is a prime example. His magic is rivaled by none, not even his fellow wolves.”

“So then, he's stronger than Silver?” the fox asked.

Celestia shook her head, “No, I don't believe so. From what I can tell, each of them has their own unique attributes. For Black Wing, it's his overwhelming magic. For another wolf, it's her intelligence. And for Silver...well I actually have no idea. But I do know that they've all fought and almost killed each other, so to say who's stronger is difficult to answer.”

Radiance pondered in thought. She misjudged Silver. She misjudge the entire wolf race. Sure, he was strong, but the praise Celestia was giving his companion was a little off setting. And apparently, Silver was as power as Black Wing.

This might cause problems in her plans...

“I'm back!” Silver said, strolling through the door. He had a small bag tied around his paw that made a clacking noise with each step, “It took a little longer than I thought. I had to stop and ask one of Lunas guard for something.”

“Are you ready to begin?” Radiance asked.

Silver nodded and pulled the bag open, shuffling around until he pulled out a small white crystal. He put it between his teeth and bit down, shattering the rock into dust. A white puff of smoke came from the crumbling remains, swirling into the air and gathering above their heads. It condensed more and more until it made a loud POP, then vanished altogether.

“Um, what was that?” Radiance asked. Silver simply held up a paw, silently telling her to wait.

It only took a few moments for her to understand why, when another loud POP came from the balcony of the conference room. A few seconds later, another wolf strolled in.

He was about Silvers height, though a little shorter, and black all over, from nose to wing to tail. He wore a white bandanna around his neck and left leg.

“You called?” he said, stepping in through the glass doors.

“Yo! Long time, no see Blackie!” Silver greeted. Black Wing trotted over to greet his friend with a hug.

“It's great to see you again to Silver!” he said back. He turned and saw Celestia sitting in the room, and quickly bowed his head, “Princess.”

Celestia nodded in acknowledgment, “Raise your head, Black Wing. You're not here for me today.”

The wolf looked up and noticed the fox sitting in the room. She gave a shy smile and small wave, “Hello...” she said quietly.

Black Wing froze and stared.

Then in a quick blur he was standing right in front of her, his muzzle a mere inch away from hers.

“...She's...she's beautiful....” he whispered. Radiance, while at first shocked by the sudden movement, immediately blushed as hard as she could when her mind caught up with his words.

“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you,” Silver casually interjected, “This one has a taste for exotic creatures too. He's just more forward about it. He tried hitting on Tia when he first met her, before he realized he was supposed to be guarding her.”

“And it seems he's only gotten worse,” the alicorn sighed. Honestly, that wolf had little class. Sure, Celestia had her flirty side, but at least she tried to make it charming. He just comes outright with his thoughts and acts like a total, blunt perv. It really takes all the fun out of it.

“Well what did you expect?” Silver retorted, “You stuck him with the only princess that was in a relationship who then got married. You may as well have been starving him.”

“It's true...” Black Wing answered with a sniffle, “It's terrible. I can't play with Princess Cadence because of Shinning, and I'm not supposed to go out in public....” A few tears welled in his eyes, “Silver-er-ererrrrr!” he wailed, gripping his friend by the shoulders, “It's so lonely!!!”

His friend simply patted him on the back, “There, there. You know, wolves have already been revealed in Equestria thanks to me and Tia, so you can go flirt with all the pretty crystal mares you'd like.”

The words made Black Wings head shoot up and gasp with excitement, “That's right! How could I be so dumb!?” he turned to Silver and squeezed him in a hug, “Thank you for finally releasing me from this never ending nightmare!!”

Silver rolled his eyes at the wolfs antics, but returned the gesture. Black Wing was a little dramatic when it came to limiting his social interaction. One more than one occasion, their pack had to exclude him from one of their journeys to foreign countries, in fear of his...direct affection. Needless to say, he didn't take the news well.

But he wasn't all bad. When he wasn't groping some poor girl, he was actually quite normal. His intelligence was above average in most categories, but he excelled at magic studies. His personality was calm and collected as well, and if it weren't for his forwardness, one might even be able to call him charming.

“Okay!” Black Wing said, pulling out from the hug and facing back to the fox, “What exactly did you call me here for again?”

Silver motioned a paw for Radiance to come forward, and not so surprisingly, she hesitantly stepped closer, “She has a collar she wants off. I don't think I can cut it off without taking her head off too, so we called you.”

Black Wing stepped closer, bringing up a paw and running it across the ring around her neck, “Hmmm,” he hummed, “Well, it's certainly powerful. Whoever made it had serious skill. You were right to not try and cut it off. I doubt you could do it and not kill her in the process.”

Well...dodged one there.

“Can you get it off?” Radiance asked.

Black Wing now moved his other paw around her neck, closing his eyes as he read the magic emanating from it, “I can.” he answered after a little while.

Radiance's face lit up (pun intended) “Really!?”

Black Wing moved his paws down, “I already did,” in this grasp was the collar, torn in two. The fox gasped, and Celestia looked over for a closer look.

“Skilled as always I see,” she commented.

Black Wing tossed the ripped bits aside, “Meh. It wasn't too hard. I just had to overload the collar with magic. It was already broken after I first put my paw on it. I just want to feel her soft fur a little more.”

Radiance quickly shuffled back, hiding behind Celestia, “He scares me...” she whimpered.

“He should...” the alicorn said back, “He is one of the Royals of Houndland after all.”

Radiance stared in disbelief, sitting in silence for a moment as her mind began to shatter bit by bit, “No....This-this perverted wolf is one of the Royal Guards of the Emperors?!” While she wasn't an expert in Houndland society, she had visited the country enough to a least known about the Royals.

Black Wing straightened himself out, before giving a bow, “It's an pleasure to meet you. I was selected as Emperor Nycrims right paw, and given the title as King of Lost Magic.”

The vixens eye twitched in confusion. Upon closer inspection, she realized he was telling the truth. She could sense his magic, and recalled what Celestia had said earlier about his magic.

He was off the charts. It was amazing she hadn't sensed it before hoof. He easily surpassed Silver in terms of magic, though she still couldn't see how Black Wing could have trouble with taking on an opponent like Silver. Celestia said they were equals, but the magic he was radiating said otherwise.

“King of Lost Magic?” she questioned, finally breaking out of her confused stupor, “What's that supposed to mean?”

“Well, it's kind of a secret,” he said with a shy paw rubbing behind his head, “But, if you stick around long enough, I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually.”

Radiance gave him a quizzical look, but before she could ask what he meant by “figure it out eventually”, Silver asked her a question that caught her attention. One that she had asked herself before, but dared answered in truth.

“Speaking of sticking around, what are you gonna do now that you have your collar off?” he asked.

Well...that was none of his business. Still, she'd better play the part.

“I'm not sure,” she said, “Before Little Horn, I just kind of wondered around, going from town to town. I don't want to go back home, but I don't want to end up just wondering again,” she looked to Black Wing and Silver for a moment, a shine of gratitude filling her eyes, “But I have you two to thank for my freedom. If there is any way I can repay you, please let me know.”

Black Wing immediately grew a devilish grin, but before he could even let slip a syllable of perversion, Silver jammed his paw into his mouth, “Actually, there may be something you can help me with. I need to find the owners of two grimoires. Unfortunately, Luna was unable to find them, but I figure you might have an idea of where they might be.”

Radiance nodded, “Who are you looking for?” she asked.

Silver reached into the bag around his paw and pulled out the other two cards from it, giving to the fox. She looked at them for a moment before giving one back.

“This one doesn't have a grimoire,” she informed, referring to the one given back, “If he did, I'd know it. He works for Little Horn to deal in spells and rituals. This one, on the other paw, most certainly does. He broadcasted to every buyer in Equestria that he had a grimoire called The Zodiac Tome a while ago. I didn't really believe him, so I just ignored him. But if you really think he has it then, I guess it was true.”

Confusion found it's way to Black Wings face, “The Zodiac Tome? Are you sure?”

“Well that's what he said. He might be lying, or have the wrong book,” Radiance excused.

He turned back to Silver, “I've never heard of a grimoire that goes by that name. You should find it quickly. We don't know what it can do.”

Silver nodded, then faced back to Radiance, “The address?”

“He lives in some where in the Macintosh Hills. But if you really need it, I could just get it for you,” the vixen offered.

“Huh?” all three questioned at once.

“Well if you think about it, getting the book really isn't all that hard. You just need to buy it from the guy,” Radiance answered.

And then it hit them all like a train...

THE BOOKS WERE FOR SALE!!! They could have just bought them instead of stealing them!!

Silver hung his head in disappointment, “So I got stabbed for nothing?”

Celestia nodded solemnly, “Looks like. And a pony lost his life. Honestly, I feel foolish.”

“Wow, you guys really screwed up, huh?” Black Wing commented, only adding to their despair.

“You're not helping,” Silver mumbled. The worst part was he knew he would have to tell Twilight. Her potential reactions were what scared him the most. And things were going to well with them too...

“Okay so,” Radiance interjected, breaking their moping spree, “I'll go buy the book, so long as you provide the funds, since I'm broke, and then bring it back. Sound good?”

Everyone nodded, some less enthusiastically than others.

“I'll give you the money,” Silver offered, “I don't think the citzens would like it if they found out Tia was spending the nations money on the black market. I'll have it to you in a day or two.”

“That's fine. I need to arrange transportation anyway and get everything ready. Navigating the Hills is difficult without a guide or the proper equipment,” she explained before heading towards the door, “I really can't thank you all enough for this. And if there is anything else I can do, please let me know.”

Silver and Celestia waved bye, while Black Wing became teary-eyed and whimpered. But before he could beg her to stay, Radiance had already left the room.

“I'm gonna miss her,” he said with a sigh.

“She's not dying, you know,” Silver retorted, “You can go visit her anytime you want.”

“Yeah, but I'm busy with guarding Princess Cadence. I can't just up and leave whenever I feel like.”

“Well then invite her to the empire,” Silver proposed, “She said she didn't have anywhere else to go, and you could even put her on the guard. She's strong enough to be captain.”

“Well, I suppose I could...Screw it, it's worth a shot. I'll ask her when she gets back.”

“Yay!! Blackie won't be lonely anymore!” Silver cheered, mocking him in a way. His friend rolled his eyes and smirked.

“At least I'm not a eunuch like you,” he shot back.

“I am not a eunuch!!” Silver growled, “I'll have you know I was offered to join a herd today, by two princess none the less,” the wolf stated with a proud smile shinning on his muzzle.

That was until he realized the room had gone silent and recalled what he just said.

While the sight of a slack-jawed Black Wing was enjoyable, Silver was more focused on the sudden raise in temperature coming from behind him.

“Silver...” the white alicorn growled, “what was that you said about a herd with two princesses?”


“Because it sounds to me like you were implying you were going to start one with my little sister and previous pupil. I know I certainly didn't offer you into one, and Cadence has never met you. So the only two left are Twilight and Luna.”

Silver slowly turned his head, his eyes falling to the raging alicorn behind him. Her eyes had become bright orange, and her mane and tail were now becoming brighter and whiter.

“Um, T-Tia. Le-lets not over-react here,” he stammered, trying to keep the princess from roasting him, “After all, I said I was invited to start a herd. I haven't done so y-yet.”

The alicorn stepped forward, glaring down at the wolf. He could literally feel her eyes burning into him. It didn't hurt, but felt like he had just opened up the oven door. But after a full minute of staring, Celestia finally closed her eyes and sighed.

“Well, I suppose it's none of my business anyways,” she said, taking a step back. Her mane and tail went back to their normal colors, as well as her eyes, “Both Twilight and Luna are old enough to date whom ever they feel like. I have no right sticking my nose in their affairs.”

“Whew...” Silver breathed a sigh of relief as the temperature in the room feel back to normal.

“However,” she pegged on, “should I find that you mistreated either of them in anyway, I'll find a way to bestow upon you that immortality you so desperately wanted all those years ago, and then banish you to the sun.”

Silver gulped. Celestia could be down right terrifying when she wanted.

“Well like I said,” Silver continued for reasons unknown to him, “it was only an offer. Twilight still hasn't made up her mind, so it might just be me and Luna.”

Celestia gave a small smile, “Well, I hope you all do end up in a nice herd. Just so long as you make them happy.”

Well that was an easy enough request, “I will.”

24th and James.

It was the address the goon from the first assault had given Ruppy. When she heard it, she thought she would have to wonder up and down the street until she found the right building. That wasn't the case...

The entire street was the base.

Perched atop a cloud, she could see dozens of thugs scouring the streets. They'd set up barricades, posted guards and even ensured every one of them was armed in some way. Some had bats, others had knives, some earth ponies even had brass hooves on.

It seems they took her message to heart.

“Well...this just got a little harder,”

“Scared are we?”

“Who's there?” she snarled, quickly scanning around to see who else might be occupying the sky with her.

But there was no pony. She sat on the highest cloud in the sky, and there wasn't any pony one the ones below her.

“My imagination?” she thought as she turned her attention back to the thugs below. This would certainly be one hell of a fight; her biggest one yet. And it was thrilling!

She loved the feeling just before a fight, though this might cause some confusion in those that knew her well enough. After all, she often said she hated the underworld, which was known for it's violence, but the hate was because of the dirty deals and disgusting manners in which they operated. Terrorizing weaker ponies for her own profit wasn't her style in the least, so she resented everything.

But violence...well that was another story. Sure, the two went hoof in hoof, but you could have violence without being in the underworld. But you couldn't be in the underworld and not have violence.

The thrill of battling was what drew her. Somewhere along the course of her life, she'd finally understood why some many ponies beat her. They loved the power that it gave them. She too soon fell under that spell, but she wanted to be different.

The pain she had to live through was something the others didn't understand. It was the one thing they lacked that allowed them to act so violently towards a pony that didn't deserve it. But Ruppy was different. She lived through that pain, and learned what it meant to be on the receiving end of a blow.

She wouldn't harm some pony who didn't deserve it. It wouldn't be right to them, just like it wasn't right to her. But these assholes on the other hoof; they had earned their ass-kicking. This was her way of justifying her blood-lust.

Ruppy dove off the cloud, a new found motivation sparked inside her. She landed on a street a few blocks away from the army of thugs where Onyx waited.

“Whats it look like?” the black unicorn asked as Ruppy landed.

“There's a fuck-ton of them. They're not in a building, just spread out across the street. But I'm pretty sure the heads of the Kings are hold up in one of the buildings. Just need to find out which.”

Onyx showed her understanding with her signature nod. She was actually a little excited. She wanted to test out what her blades could do. After all, Silver said they were unique, and she'd been dying to figure out what he meant.

“Do we have a plan?” Onyx asked.

“Hmm...” Ruppy hummed in thought, “...Nope! We're gonna just bust in again. There are so many of them in the streets, so it's kinda hard to make a plan.”

Onyx shrugged. Oh well. Worse case, they can just bail and try again tomorrow.

“Come on. Let's get this party started,” Ruppy said, a blood thirsty smile growing on her face, and the unicorn nodded.

A few blocks later, they found themselves peaking around a corner of 24th and James. Damn, there really were a lot of them. Of course, in Ruppys mind that meant little to nothing...

She casually strolled out from around the corner, planting herself in front of every pony, right in the middle of the street. The clanking of her gauntlets echoed through the streets, catching the attention of every thug on it.

“Ohh, don't look at me like that,” she purred, “You're gonna get me all excited.”

Then the first stallion stepped forward, a wide smirk on his face. He brought a brass-covered hoof up, and pounded down with a blow strong enough to break the ground and kick up dust into the air.

Of course when that dust settle, he found out just how little affect he had.

There was Ruppy, leaning to the side a bit with his legs just inches away from her, “Ya know, you're a lot slower than a certain wolf I know.”

In a flash, she spun around on her front hooves and kick him in the face. A crack came from the stallion that every pony could hear, though they weren't sure if it came from his jaw or his neck. His body lifted off the ground and landed with a heavy thud.

“Whose next?” she asked with a smirk.

No pony moved for a moment, only staring at the unconscious (or possibly dead) body that laid a feet from her.

And they grinned...

All at once, the street was filled with a blood hungry smile as they all picked up their weapons and marched forward. They all had the desire to see the same thing...


However, the same could be said for the mare they all marched towards. Their smiles only made her earlier statement come true.

She was beyond excited! She was absolutely thrilled!! Most ponies panic in the face of her strength, but no, not these guys. They had a mind like hers, one dead-set on beating the living shit out of the strongest opponent they could find.

“You've got a pair on you, I'll give you that,”

There it was again! A voice in her head that wasn't her own! Ruppy looked around to find whatever unicorn maybe casting it, but unfortunately, her search only lead to her distraction as she never heard the three loud pops next to her.

“Where you looking, little lady?” a voice growled from behind her turned head. Ruppy looked back to find three thugs had approached, probably teleported since they were all levitating bats that were about to be brought down on her head.

That was, until a black blur shot out in front of her. A swift movement followed and suddenly the assault stopped. Then all three dropped, their bats cleanly cut in two and long gashes were made across their chests.

In front of them stood Onyx, her blades drawn and now bloodied, “Hmm. These are really nice. Their cuts are so clean and smooth.”

Ruppy shook herself out of her stupor. Strange voices in her head would have to come later. For now, she had to focus on the fight.

“Thanks,” she said stepping forward and standing next to the unicorn. Looking ahead, the crowd of blood thirsty thugs was still marching forward, taking their time to savor the sensations of battle.

Onyx and Ruppy, however, did not have that kind of patience.

That was until the voice came back.

“Oh my, it seems you've incurred the wrath of a small army”

Oh for the love of Celestia...

“Who the hell are you!?!”

“A friend of sorts. I don't think he ever gave me a name, but I can assure you, I'm no enemy.”

“Who's 'he'?”

“My creator. The one who gave me to you.”

“Gave you to me?”

No...it couldn't be...

Ruppy looked down and her gauntlets gave a shimmer in the sunlight.


“You're my gauntlets?”

“Yes, and we can save the introductions for later. Right now, you need to focus on the mass of psychotic ponies heading towards you. Now, I'm going to give you some special instructions. If you want to use my power, you'll need to follow them.”

With that statement, all questions ceased as Ruppy listened to the voice in her head. From another perspective, that might not sound like the most sane of statements, but for Ruppy, it was her reality.

She was having a conversation with a conscious object. That was that.

She suddenly stepped forward, “Let me try something,” she said to Onyx. The unicorn was about to protest when she sensed something coming from the pegasus.


It was true that all ponies, regardless of race, had their own form of magic. But this kind felt different. It wasn't something she'd sensed before, but still felt familiar somehow.

Ruppy walked forward, and the crowd drew nearer. When she got close enough, they all suddenly broke out into a dash, running head-on towards the mare. It was seconds before they were just a few feet away, but that only lasted for a moment.

Ruppy raised her front hooves, then slammed them down into the ground. The street rippled like a wave in the ocean, tossing the charging ponies into the and ripping chunks of concrete. It that single moment, half of their army was demolished, along with many of the buildings on the side.

“This...this is your magic?”

“This is now your power and I am your tool. You're powerful Rupture, and that is why I have chosen to accept you as my owner. I hereby give you the gift of the earth.”

Ruppy couldn't help but grin like a mad-mare. The power rush was unbelievable! Was this was powerful unicorns felt?! Is this what it meant to be drunk on power?! If so, then she hated being sober. She could finish this herself if she wanted. She could end it all and take over Equestrias underworld.

It was then that a memory came back to her. When she first agreed to become Silvers trainee, she'd met Princess Celestia and found a certain revelation about the wolf.

He would kill her if she caused too much trouble...

The power trip ended abruptly. Even with this new magic, Silver would end her in a heartbeat.

“Such wisdom from such a young mare. You're right. He would kill you.”

“How do you know?”

“We're linked. I know everything you think, and even the memories you recall. When the wolf built me, he gave me life. And it was through that process that I also know what he is capable of. Trust me when I say, humility is key if you wish to stay on his good side.”

“That might be a little hard, but whatever. So long as I don't fuck around too much, I'll be fine.”

“Ruppy, what was that?” Onyx asked, breaking her out of her thoughts.

The pegasus look up at the destruction, then proudly showed off her new gauntlets, “It was these bad boys. Turns out they give me some kind of earth magic. Pretty sweet, huh?”

Yep. Humility was not her strong point.

Onyx simply examined her friends golden accessories. Then she heard a voice in her own head.

“If you keep staring at them like that, I'm gonna get jealous.”

Now, in truth, Onyx isn't used to having unknown voices in her head. Which is why it's perfectly natural for her to--

“KYAH!!!” she squealed and began frantically swinging her swords. While they may have been blind swings, they were still strong enough to cut through the debris on the street, slicing clean through rubble and metal from the buildings.

“Onyx, chill!!” Ruppy hollered, “What's going on!?”

“Voices in my head that aren't mine!!” she frantically exclaimed. Not many knew that she had a fear of mind control, though in her defense, it was for a very good reason.

“Oh. That's just your blades. Apparently that's what Silver meant when he said his weapons were 'unique'. They have a consciousness of their own along with magic.”


“Surprise! Looks like you've made a new friend!”

“Um..what?” the unicorn question, staring at the blades.

“You can just think your thoughts to me, ya know. You don't have to say them out loud”


“*sigh* Ya know, for a unicorn, you're not very educated in the field of magic.”


“Okay, if you say so. But then I won't be able to tell how to use me.”


“Hehe! Okay! So here's what you're gonna wanna do!”

It was Onyx's turn to step forward. The other half of the barrage of thugs had finally recovered enough to begin their march again. Only this time, they didn't get the chance to rush forward.

Onyx raised her blades and crossed then in front of her. She swiped forward and a blade mass of energy shot out, shooting down the street and wiping out what remained of the gang members.

“Yay! Ya did it!!”

“What was that?”

“Oh just little 'ol me. I guess you're good enough to use me, so I suppose I could call you boss or something. Anyway, you can use my shadow magic now!”

Onyx stared at her blades quizzically. They had the voice of a sugar hyped teenage filly. And it was honestly a little annoying. But still, she found them to be...enjoyable company.

“Sweet! Onyx that was awesome!” the pegasus exclaimed, “Now we're both total badasses!!”

The unicorn smiled bashfully. While she was use to those kind of complements from Ruppy, after doing what she just did, Onyx couldn't help but to agree. She and Ruppy were and indeed, badass.

As the street lay in ruins and quiet groans filled the air, the two mares strolled down the road with new found confidence.

Today, this war would end.

Author's Note:

I wonder how many times I've ended a chapter saying that the fight between Ruppy, Onyx and the Fallen Kings would end.

Meh, I don't know.

Anyway! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!

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