• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,871 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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Fairy Wisps and A New Kind Of Ship

Now, usually when thieves steal, they have a plan. Get in through the window, dodge some lasers, knock out/ seduce a guard or two, snag the prize, then jump out the nearest window with a cable attached to your back.

….Now we have Silver. Master thief known through out the world for stealing some of the most priceless artifacts.

...Never planned for a robbery a day in his life.

The wolf stared at the gates of a mansion from a distance, safely perched on top of a building a few blocks away from his destination. The house was quite large, though due to Canterlot being located on a mountain, the land of the estate was not. Shame, it always made it easier if he had more room to maneuver.

Luna had amazingly already gotten an address from one of the cards, though she said the other two would take a little longer. It was fine with Silver. After all, three consecutive robberies all targeting the same type of item would look a little suspicious, so spacing them out would do some good.

Silver focused in on the guards in front of the gate. Even in the dark of the night, he could see well enough to make out two unicorns, somewhat bulky, and stiff at attention. There were no other guards wondering the manor. This either meant that they had barriers set up around the perimeter to keep any unauthorized ponies out, or they were seriously skilled and would detect even a fly going in without permission.

Of course, Silver was no fly. The wolf smirked and evaporated, flying silently and undetected towards the house. As it turned out, his first assumption was correct, which made things much easier. A barrier he could be deal with, but unfortunately, even in his gaseous state, he could still be detected by some pony with enough skill.

After touching the barrier and realizing that even his gaseous form could not get through, Silver headed back to his rooftop. A simple, minor setback. Not that it would keep him for long.

The wolf steadied his breathing and closed his eyes.

“I am the wind...” he recited, “I am free to go where I wish and do as I please...”

As the words left his mouth, a blue haze followed after them, flying towards the building. With a gentle touch, they ripped open a small gap in the barrier, small enough so that the unicorns who set it wouldn't notice, but any gap was big enough for Silver to slip through.

He evaporated once more, this time slipping through the barrier with ease. He flew to the house as a breeze in the night, checking for any way into the building, but the building was sealed tight. Even the front and back doors didn't have gaps underneath them for him to get through.

Luckily, all of these fancy aristocrats of Canterlot had to have a wine cellar, and this one had a door leading to it from the outside. That was his ticket in.

He slipped through the cracks of the wooden door and to the underground below, landing silently as his became solid once more. While this didn't seem like the best of ideas, Silver figured that so long as he was stealing the grimoire, he might as well take a little something else too.

He reached his paw above his head and waved around until he felt a string, then gave it a tug. The light switched on and lit up the cellar, revealing the walls of alcohol. Silver stepped over to one of the racks, examining each one closely.

“Hmm. Oooh, a nice bottle of Kripta,” he whispered greedily as he slipped it into his bag, “And is that, ooh, a 20 year old single malt scotch? Man, I don't know why it's down here, but I'm glad it is. I have to give it to the aristocrats, they have good taste. Or, at least, this one does.”

Silver quickly shoved the bottle into the bag and turned away before he could continue looking. Knowing his own habits, he'd make a dozen trips to and from this wine cellar until it was empty, grimoire be damned.

“Now, time to get down to business.” Silver walked back over and turned the light off, disappearing into air moments after. In his gaseous state, he passed under the crack of the door and into the halls of the home.

“Sense it...feel out the magic of the grimoire...ancient and powerful magic is hard to miss.”

He could feel it. A small tingling in his mind, leading and guiding him through the halls of the mansion. Left, right, another right, down the stairs, the door on his left.

He slipped under it and looked around the room, never releasing his state. It was just a normal storage room. A couple of racks against the walls held what he imagined were a number of cleaning items and mops and brooms littered the corners and floor. Silver reappeared once more.

Unfortunately, there was no light for this room, so he had to make do with what little he could make out. He ran a paw along the shelf, causing an occasional, light clatter as his paw knocked into a few things. Eventually, his paw hit the back wall, though something was off about it.

Something about the texture of the bricks seemed off, like it was smoother than others. Silver patted around the brick a couple of times, but nothing happened.

Now that he had spent some time in the dark room, his eyes had adjusted more, and he could clearly make out the shapes in the room, his sights confirming that the room was indeed filled with cleaning supplies.

Silver looked to where the smooth bricks were, barely able to make out a difference in color, giving him an idea. He pushed his paw back to the wall once more, though instead of going against the bricks, he dug his claws in and pulled them out. His nails easily ripped through the soft material, and after a moment of digging, revealed a string behind the stones. He gave it a tug and a click followed shortly after.

He turned to see where the sound came from, and saw a small patch in the floor opening up, finding underneath the moved bricks was a square piece of cloth. He stepped over and picked it, revealing the grimoire underneath and while it wasn't the one from the cave, he still intended on taking it. Silver was so caught up in examining it, he didn't realize that the only reason he could even identify the book was because the door to the room had opened and allowed the light to flow in.

“Oh?” a voice said from behind Silver, “An uninvited guest? At this hour?”

The wolf quickly reared his head and saw the figure behind him. His horn glowed a brilliant pink, and balls of fuchsia flames appeared and lit the room.

“Don't you thieves have any manners?” he finished, then volleyed the magic fire forward. The room exploded in a bright pink light and Silver came crashing through the walls and into the halls.

“Well,” he coughed out as he rolled over and raised himself, “This ought to be fun!”

Ruppy and Onyx stepped out of the train station, glaring down the streets. The city was not kind to either of them during their stay, so neither of the two were happy to set hoof back in the damned place.

Even with a first few glances though, they could tell the city had changed, and not for the better. A familiar graffiti tag of a broken sword with a crown hanging on its hilt was plastered to the side of a building right in front of the station, as if it were a sign to every pony that stepped off the train who ran the town.

Ruppy laughed, “They're bold. I like it.”

The unicorn that accompanied her simply rolled her eyes and left the building, trotting down the streets as the pegasus flew to catch up.

“So, where to start?” Ruppy pondered for a moment, “Hmmm...Oh! Let's pull a Silver and crash one of their places! We can figure it out from there!”

Onyx stopped and considered the option, the shrugged and nodded. They didn't exactly come with a plan, so if it worked for Silver, why not them?

“Okay, now to find one of their little clubhouses and burn it,” the pegasus mare took to the skies and scoured the night life below. Unfortunately, the train ride took longer than they liked, the two arrived shortly after sunset. But she could still see well enough to identify the Fallen Kings tag on the side of a lively looking building.

Target acquired.

“Yo, found it,” she informed Onyx as she landed, “It's a couple of streets up. Let's go.”

She went to turn away, only to find her partner hadn't done the same yet. Ruppy looked back to find the unicorn trotting off to an ally, “Hey, where are you--!”

Two loud clunks sounded from the ally, and Onyx reappeared with two floating metal bars at her side, “Ready.”

Ruppy rolled her eyes, “Always gotta have your toys, huh?”

The mare in question simply trotted by, a small smile on her face. The two walked through the familiar streets of Manehatten, and instead of reminiscing, they found themselves wanting to burn it all. To them, it was a putrid city, with nothing left to offer. After this whole debacle was settled, chances were they wouldn't come back for a long time.

A few street crossings later, and the two were at their not so appreciated destination. While Ruppy was looking forward to a little violence, she wanted to go home as quickly as possible. Kicking ass is very tiring after all.

As the pegasus walked up to the front door, she found herself standing alone. Onyx was known as the Shadow Mare for a reason, and busting in through the front door wasn't exactly her style.

For Ruppy however, it was her favorite.

Rearing her hind legs, she kicked the door down with a powerful buck, sending it flying through the building.

“Knock, knock bitches! Open up!” She proudly strode in, taking notice of the party that went on inside. Booze, sex and hormones filled the air, and the moment she came in, everything stopped, and all eyes fell to her.

“What the fuck?!” a stallion hollered as he came bounding out of a room. He turned and glared at the mare responsible for breaking his front door, and was about to march over until a black bar found its way to the side of his skull, smashing his head against the wall. Onyx stepped out of the room behind him, both of her bars already stained with blood, and Ruppy walked over to peek behind her.

Already, she'd knocked out or possibly killed five other ponies that were in the room. How she did it within the time it took for the stallion to get up and get to the door was a mystery to her.

But the pegasus simply smirked, “Well, aren't you raring to go?”

Onyx simply nodded. Inside however, she couldn't have been more annoyed by this sad crew of thugs. She honestly wanted to see if Silvers training had paid off, but with these lowly pushovers, she wasn't exactly expecting a challenge. At this point, she just wanted to get things over with.

Ruppy turned and faced down the hall, “Well! Who's next!?”

Silver rose from the ground, slipping the grimoire into his bag and staring at the dust floating in the air as a unicorn figure made itself apparent within it.

“Well,” the unicorn spoke, “I've never seen a wolf before, but I suppose this confirms the rumors. There is a Canine among the ponies of Equestria, and is playing the new pet of the princesses,” he stepped closer and out of the dust cloud from the wall debris, “But this poses the question, just what are you doing here in my home, trying to take my book?”

Silver smirked, “I wouldn't say I tried to steal your book, but I already have,” his comment was met with a sudden launch of flames towards him. Silver jumped and dashed down the hall as the flames followed and exploded behind him. Mid jump, he turned and flapped his wing, using his magic to aid the gust and sending a powerful wind blowing down the hall, causing the following flames to burst and fill the area with a bright glow.

The wolf landed on the floor as the light faded.

“Something's wrong. The walls aren't scorched, and now that I think about it, neither am I. That first attack in the room earlier should have at least singed my fur, but I'm fine.”

“Those are some strange magics you got there,” Silver commented as the unicorn came closer, “I'm guessing you've been doing some late night reading?” he said as he gave his bag a jiggle.

His opponent cocked a grin, “I suppose you could say that. The flames are quiet unique, and I don't mean their color. Perhaps you could figure it out before I kill you.”

Well that didn't bode well...

Fighting against unknown elements was one of Silvers no-nos. But then again...he was having fun. Besides, it's not like he could leave anyway. The unicorn would most certainly chase after him, and the grimoire in his bag cause magical interference with his Evaporation Spell. It would seem running was not an option.

Silver stopped and tried to focus on the flames, making every observation he could while the stare down between him and the unicorn lasted. Other than their colors, the flames didn't look any different. He couldn't hear any strange flickering or crackling. And they didn't burn either.

...wait...they don't burn, but they explode? Well that's strange. If there's no heat from the explosion, then maybe something else is being released?

Silver took a deep breath in, analyzing the smells, disguising it as a sigh so the unicorn wouldn't catch on.


Something was odd about the scent of the room, but he couldn't quite put his paw on it.

Well, if he couldn't figure it out, then the next best option would be to end this as quickly as possible. Luckily, his opponent was just as cautious as he was, and didn't make a move while Silver was thinking. Or maybe he was just patient?

Silver actually sighed this time, “Well, I suppose I should get going,” he said as he flared his wings.

His host glared and stomped a hoof, “You're not going anywhere unless you leave my book, or in a body bag,” he threatened.

The wolf rolled his eyes. Sure, being up against strange flames wasn't exactly the best of positions, but this guy didn't seriously think he would be able to kill him, did he?

The wolf flapped his wings, and a powerful whirlwind wrapped around him, “Sorry, but I'm ending this!” he shouted over the howling winds. He commanded the magic the blow outward, taking the form of sharp wind blades and shredding through the walls.

But the unicorn stood, now grinning. Just as the attack was released, his eyes glowed a bright pink, and...


The entire floor of the house, all at once, erupted with fuscia flames, blowing out windows, walls and stairs in a flash. The wolf was sent hurling down the hall, crashing through rooms and finally coming to a stop in one. Thank Celestia this pony had a huge house, otherwise he'd have been thrown outside, where he would gather more attention. Not that the explosion didn't.

Silver coughed, tasting the metallic flavor of blood coming up his throat and seeping through his fangs.

“What—*cough*--what the fuck!?” he stammered out as his tried to bring himself up from the floor.

The unicorns hoof steps seemed to echo down the hall as he came to Silver, “You haven't figured it out yet? Allow me to explain,” he pretty much gloated as he stepped into the broken room, “They're called Fairy Wisps. When my flames explode, they don't release heat, but magic gas. This gas is unique in the the way that it will only ignite when I will it, and when it does, it will produce more of my flames, which then explode and will in turn create more gas. Naturally, since I read the book and hold the magic, the explosion won't hurt me, but when you wrapped all that air around you, you wrapped the gas as well, and became the center of it all.”

The unicorn came closer, and Silver was still catching his breath and trying to re-coordinate himself. He never noticed the unicorn floated up a piece of sharp, wood shrapnel and only realized it when it made pierced and dug into his side.

Silver screamed and barked in pain, quickly scampering past the assaulter and out of the room, back into the hall. The unicorn laughed and followed, “I thought you wolves were supposed to terrifying creatures! Turns out, you might as well be lapdogs!”

Silver sat in the hall, his breathes ragged and his side bleeding.

“Screw this, I'm done playing games.”

The wolf took one long breath in and extended his wings, closing his eyes as he did.

“Oh, this again?” the home owner questioned as he brought forth more flames, “Didn't you learn last time?”

Silver invoked his Steel Wing spell, his wings becoming clad in metal. His eyes shot open, seeming to have a spark in them, like they'd been filled with magic. His opponent found his hooves stopping in their tracks.

“Wh-what is this?”

The wolf let out his breath, a blue mist coming from his mouth. His fur seemed to shine brighter, and the winds gathering around him were different from the ones before. They were fiercer; sharper.

“Cut it down...” he muttered to himself. All at once, the winds wrapped and twirled, tearing through the floor and the roof, the walls and doors, expanding at a rapid pace. The entire house was shredded in mere moments, leaving nothing but the two figure in the center of the swirling mass of blades.

Silvers opponent looked around in fear, “What is this?!? This is different from before!”

The wolfs metal wings flapped and the feathers came flying off, gathering in the winds and flying at inconceivable speeds. They cut through the air, causing an ear piercing whistle to cry out.

Silver folded his wings in front of him, and the flying metal feathers, from all directions of the tornado, came together at his target. There was no time for the unicorn to do anything, and in flash, his body ended up just like his house. Shredded

His cries were not heard as the winds whistles were louder. He fell to the ground in a bloody mess, hundreds of lacerations covering his body. Silver slowly stepped to the fallen unicorn. The wolfs eyes seemed to loose to the spark they had earlier, and were now cold and desolate of any trace of soul. Death himself would freeze in his tracks at the glare Silver cast.

“What-what are you?” he croaked out.

“You were wrong,” Silver muttered as his feathers returned to his wings. He lifted the head of the unicorn from the ground to eye level, holding him by the cheeks with both paws, “We wolves are not to be feared...It's just me you should be afraid of.” In that moment, pure fear swallowed the unicorns soul and in a swift, clean motion, Silver sliced through the neck with his wing. His body dropped his a solid thud, and he continued to stare in to the eyes of the head he held for a moment, watching as life and fear faded from them. As the last remaining shine fell from his eyes, Silver dropped the head.

He ended his visit with a bow of his head, a small sign of respect for a pony who was able to actually make him bleed, before he took to the sky, using his still raging tornado as cover for his escape.

Once he reached a safe distance, he looked back at the remains of the home, what little there was, as it was swarmed with security.

“Well....Twilight's gonna be pissed....”

Ruppy slammed the head of an already dazed thug against the wall, “Hey, fucker! Speak clearly!”

The house was silent, save for the mares ruthless interrogating, and bodies of ponies were scattered through out the rooms and halls. No pony was spared.

“24th and James...” he slurred out.

“Finally!” she exclaimed as she dropped his head. Onyx was had just stepped out of a room with her satchel overflowing with jewelry. If she learned anything from Silver, it would be that stealing from criminals is never wrong.

“You done there?” Ruppy asked her friend, who nodded in response, “Good, cause we're going back home. We don't have time to finish with this tonight, so we'll do it tomorrow.”

She finished her statement and began trotting to the stairs and left strolled out through the front door, only to pause and turn back around.

“Almost forgot,” she informed Onyx as she stepped back in. She looked over the crowd of unconscious and/or dying ponies and picked out one that was more or less coherent.

“Hey!” she yelled, slapping her in the face to wake them, “If the heads of your little clubhouse asks who did this, tell them it's Ruppy and Onyx. They should remember us pretty well. And tell them to soil themselves while they can, cause I'm gonna shove my hoof so far up their asses, they're gonna be shitting sideways for a week.”

The mare Ruppy had grabbed seemed to be awake, and was more than terrified enough to listen to the crazy mares demands. She nodded her head quickly before the tan pegasus dropped her and strolled out where Onyx was waiting.

“Come on, let's go,” she said and headed back to the train. She was a little disappointed that she didn't get to finish it all that night, but fighting through that building, getting an answer and raiding it took a lot longer than she thought. It was fairly late into the night, almost eleven, and she never liked to do physical activity at night, unless of course it was sex.

But it would seem the second act of their rampage would have to wait until tomorrow. Oh well. Maybe this will give the Fallen Kings some time to stew in their own panic. Or maybe they'll come up with a plan! Oh, now that would make things fun!

A set of lavender hooves plodded across the white tiles of Silvers home.

“Twilight, would you please calm yourself,” Luna complained from the couch, “Silver will be fine. He's a master thief, after all.”

“I know, but I can't help but worry!” she said back, “What if he got caught? What if Celestia couldn't do anything for him? What if she has to turn him over to Houndland he gets executed for everything he's done!?”

Twilights breathing had now become erratic and short, quick gasps. Luna stood from the couch and walked over, placing her hooves on the mares shoulders, “Calm down, Twilight. Silver has been doing this for far longer than you think. He'll not be caught so easily.”

The younger alicorns breathing had slowed, but the worry was still present on her face. What came strolling through the door moments after didn't help either.

“I'm back!” Silver called as he came in.

At first, she was overly excited to see him return home. That was until, she saw the blood coming from his side and down his wings, along with a crimson tint around his mouth.

“Silver, what happened?!” she exclaimed.

The wolf looked up, actually taking notice of the two mares in the room instead of calling out blindly just to see who was home. Twilight and Luna were his favorite ponies to see most of the time, but right now he could do without the lavender one. After that nights activities, he was certain she would argue with him about his actions, but he honestly wasn't in the mood for that discussion.

“Oh, what are you two doing here?” he asked, completely ignoring his emotions of not wanting to argue.

“Well I came to see what book you brought back, and to tell you that fox from the other day sent a letter,” Luna said stepping forward for a closer look at the blood, “Twilight was simply worried. Though I'm beginning to think that worry might have been well placed. Silver, what happened to you?” she finished as she moved the fur out of the way for a better look. The contact only caused Silver to give a quick yelp and flinch in pain. Lunas expression went from one of worry to guilt and fear.

“No touching please?” he said as he dropped his bag. He really didn't feel like putting it away, “As for where it came from, I'm afraid I underestimated my score.”

“You mean a pony got the best of you?” Luna asked as she picked up the back. There was still a little blood on the side of it, causing her to gasp.

“No, I'm saying the grimoire got the best of me,” he clarified, though it sounded more like an excuse, “The pony himself was an idiot, and lucky enough to have magic as powerful as that. Those Fairy Wisps could destroy an entire city if you gave it the right pony.”

“I don't care about that!” Twilight suddenly shouted, “I don't care who's better! Silver tell me, what happened?” She walked forward took the wolf by his paw, dragging him over to the couch and forced him to sit.

“Um, sorry,” he apologized, “I got caught after I found the book, and me and the owner fought. His magic was from the grimoire, so he got in some good hits. I still won but...” Silver went silent and looked to the floor.

“But?” Twilight asked quietly. She was trying to keep Luna from over hearing, not that she needed to. The midnight alicorn had begun flipping through the grimoire. It wasn't that she didn't care about Silver, and was actually quite worried about him. But she trusted him and his strength, so she could afford to look away for a little while.

Silvers ears folded back against his head, and his voice dropped to an even quieter level, “I...I had to kill him...”

"Please...don't hate me...."

“He didn't just have powerful magic, but he knew who I was. He connected me to the princesses. I don't know what he would have done with that knowledge.”

The mare was silent. Her head had dropped and she remained still for while. Eventually, she moved away from the wolf, across the room and out of his sight. Silver could bring himself to look her in the eye, though he continued to explain.

“She...she hates me...”

Luna never took notice of the sudden silence in the room, or as the other alicorn walked away, though not to the door. She went down the hall to the bathroom, flicked the light on for a moment, and then shut it off, stepping out with a white kit held in her magic.

She walked back over to the wolf on the couch, who had not lifted his head since she left. She dropped the case on the cushion and sat for a moment in front of him, neither of them looking or saying anything to the other.

Twilight was the first to move. She lifted her hooves and slid them around the neck of the wolf.

“It's okay...” she whispered ever so softly into his ear, her voice trembling and on the verge of breaking, “I forgive you...”


She pulled away, finally looking into his eyes, revealing the tears her own held. She levitated the med kit open and pull out the disinfectant and a gauze pad, wetting it with the liquid.

She carefully dabbed at the wound on Silver side while she spoke, “If some pony could do this to you, then I suppose it's understandable that you would have to take a life. And you said he tied you to us, which was what Star Shine was worried about. I understand...”

The cleaning was done, but Silver remained silent; shocked with her response.

“You're...you're not mad?” he questioned after a while, “You don't hate me?”

Twilight pulled out a large pad and some gauze tape, starting the patch up to the wound, “Silver, I've told you before. I don't hate you.” this was where she became even quieter, “If anything, I'd say I feel quite opposite of that...”

Silver couldn't believe it. The entire flight home, he was terrified of having to tell her. And she forgave him....

The wolf could feel the tears swell, and he had to bite his lips to keep from crying. How could this mare be so kind? How could she overlook his sins? How is it possible she broke his heart with a kindness he thought he wasn't worthy of?

Luckily for Twilight, Silver was still recovering from his pardon by the mare, so he didn't quite catch what she whispered. On the other hoof, the other mare in the room had abandon her reading and listened in just in time to catch the confession.

“Oh?” Luna said as she came up behind the couch, draping her hooves over Silvers neck, “By the way you're talking, I'd almost assume you were trying to steal him away from me.” Her voice was playful and her smile coy, but even so Twilights cheeks exploded in blush.

“Wha-what!?” she exclaimed, her sudden embarrassment causing her to loose control of her magic, and the bandages tightened around Silvers waist. The wolf yelped and pulled away.

“Oh, I'm sorry!” she excused and made the wrappings looser once more. She noticed a wet cloth floating around in a blue aura as it began cleaning the blood off of his wing.

“Now, please don't go and damage him anymore than he already is. It will make sleeping with him quite difficult if he's always tossing and turning with uncomfortable bandages.”

“Sleeping with him!?” Twilight exclaimed. Her eyes flicked between the two, Silver doing the same but between Twilight and Luna. The lavender alicorn knew the two had been doing it, but she didn't expect Luna to so brazenly blurt it out. “What makes you think you're the one sleeping with him tonight?!”


“Simple,” Luna responded, “I wish to. That's all. But really, what are you so upset about? You'll be joining us.”

It was Silvers turn for an exclamation, “What!?” His eyes stopped flicking and stopped on Luna, “What the hell are you saying?!”

“Oh, you don't want her to? That's harsh, Silver. Really.” At this point she was just teasing, though she was serious about Twilight joining them. What harm could it do?

“It's not that! I just--” Silver fumbled on his words, breaking eye contact with the mare around his shoulders and making it with the one in front of him. Even through his thick fur, Twilight could clearly see his blush.

Not that she wasn't doing the same.

After a minute of stammering and stuttering, Silver finally sighed, “You know what? Screw it, I don't care. Do what you want, I'm going to bed.”

The patch work was done, as well as the cleaning, and while there were still a few aches and pains, the wolf didn't feel like he had the energy to keep going. So he rose from the couch and trotted around to the hall, his door opening and then closing.

Luna watched with a proud smile. It was fun making Silver flustered.

“Well, I suppose that leaves us with the clean up,” she said, levitating the wrappers and putting them in the trash.

Twilight simply sat there, her muzzle still bright pink and eyes wide, “Luna...did...did you really mean what you said? Did you really want me to...you know?”

“Hmm,” she hummed, “I wouldn't so much say that I 'wanted' it, but rather I expected you to. If I were not here tonight, do you deny that you wouldn't have joined Silver in his bed?”

The blush increased, which honestly, shouldn't have been possible. She was pinker than Pinkie Pie.

“Um-well-I..it's just-” the stammering mess that was an attempted sentence was a Luna needed to know, not that she didn't figure it out already.

She floated the lid of the box closed and set it on the counter in the kitchen along with the rag, “Well, when you finish that sentence of yours, you know where to find me,” she said as she turned and headed to the hall, “But if you don't join us, you'll fall behind me.”

Twilights blush faded, and a small amount of panic took over. Fall behind her? Did she mean...?

Shaking her embarrassment from her, the mare made a resolve. She wouldn't allow Luna to be left alone with Silver. Not so long as she could do something about it.

She quickly trotted to the room, slowing and quieting her steps as she entered. Silver was already asleep, and Luna had only just crawled onto the bed. She just settled down in front of the wolf, careful to keep herself from knocking against his side. When she saw Twilight poke her head through the door, she nodded her head to the other side of Silver, motioning for the mare to lay behind him.

Twilight stepped around and onto the bed, making sure not to wake the wolf. She slowly lowered herself to lay behind him, though her front hooves and chest were across his back. She wrapped him in a gentle hug, her hooves making their way around his neck and chest.

The blush Twilight wore earlier had come back, as she found that after settling herself, Luna was staring at her, a small smile on her muzzle. She couldn't tell if it was cocky or genuine, but she couldn't look at her for long.

Twilight rested her head on his neck, giving a gentle nuzzle and earning a content sigh from the wolf. The midnight mare in front gave a small giggle, and slipped her own head under Silvers paws and placed herself below his chin. His head shifted down and rested atop of it, and the three found themselves in a comforting position.

Twilight was, surprisingly, okay with this. She was still with Silver, and Luna didn't seem like she wanted to steal him away. If anything, it seemed like she wanted to share him.

The thought caused Twilight to go back to Star Shines suggestion about a herd. It wasn't so unpleasant this time around, and actually seemed doable. Potentially even enticing.

“Would...would it really work? I mean, I don't think I like Luna in that way, but I'll admit she is very pretty. And maybe there's more to her than I thought. After all, I don't know her very well. Maybe I could like Luna too...

Maybe we could all be happy together.”

Author's Note:

So, I've come to realize that I post these chapters rather late in the night. Meh, oh well.

Yay for no pony sleeping alone!!

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