• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,872 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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The Tale of Lily and Silvers Sweet Fillies

This damn train...

The two mares ridding on it had gotten sick of the damned thing. The chugging and rumbling became droll and annoying the fourth time around. The seats were no longer comfortable and now felt noticeably lumpy and hard.

Both of them sat in discomfort, the pegasus leaning her head back and staring at the roof of the cart, letting out the occasional grunt or sigh as she tossed and turned, and the unicorn staring idly out the window. She'd seen the view too many times now to call it appealing, though the vibrant purples, pinks and oranges of the sunset sky seemed to provide it with a little variety, but not enough.

Ruppy sighed, this time not out of discomfort, but sadness, “Hey, Onyx. What happened back there?” she asked. The unicorn sat silent, but shrugged without looking to her friend.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” she retorted. Her voice wasn't angry, but seemed...tired. Like she didn't have the energy to be angry. Or was it that she simply disheartened by today's earlier display?

Once again, Onyx only shrugged. Ruppy let out another sigh, this one the same as the one before; sad and dejected, “When we get home, you will talk to me and Silver,” she warned, “And neither of us will take a shrug for an answer.”

That...caused the unicorn to worry a bit. Sure, Silver had done worse in his life and he probably wouldn't be able to judge her for her actions, but still...

She knew he'd be disappointed, upset even. He hadn't given her those blades to slaughter, but to become stronger. She felt that she wronged him in a way, like she'd let him down.

It was the unicorns turn to sigh this time. What would he do now? He said that if they caused too much trouble, he'd have to “take care” of them, but what did he mean by that? Would he kill them? Arrest them? Or...

Would he abandon them? Toss them back out onto the streets to fight again. To live day to day barely able to survive on their own. Would that be their punishment?

It would seem fitting, in a way. Going right back to where they came from. Just a couple of trashy mares dumped onto the street again. Of course that's how it would end. That's how it always ended.

She let out a weary chuckle. She knew better than to get comfortable, knew better than to think some pony could actually give a damn about them. Silver didn't care. He never did in the first place, just like every pony else. They were just a pet project he picked up. Something to kill time and appease the princesses. Everything was just temporary.

Ha, like they would ever find a home...

The newly formed herd had moved from their spot in the living room to the library of Silvers home. Little did most know that he had a fireplace in the room.

Well, not an actual fireplace. After all, flames and a room full of paper books didn't exactly sound like a smart idea. No, his “fireplace” was a chunk of magic crystals that had been endowed with fire magic, and while they didn't produce flames, they most certainly provided a toasty atmosphere.

“Mhmm,” Twilight hummed as she snuggled into Silvers chest a little more. She was laying in front of him, on top of his paws and under his neck. Her smaller frame allowed for her to lay with the majority of her upper chest and lower neck to be covered by Silver. The wolf himself had laid on his stomach, with Luna laying beside him, just as cuddled up to the fluffy canine as her new marefriend.

The only reason Twilight wasn't on the other side was because she didn't want to hit Silvers wound by accident.

She finished readjusting herself and focused back on the book in front of her. It was one from one of Silvers collections about Elemental Magic, and the development of it based on the philosophies of its users.

Luna and Silver were chatting away, though she didn't mind much. Luna was telling him about the more embarrassing dreams she'd wondered into, while Silver seemed to be unsure if she should be sharing the information.

“Um, isn't this kind of like a breach of confidentiality?” he asked.

“Hmm, not really. All I'm telling you is what I saw, not whose dream it was. So no harm done really,” she excused.

“Meh, I suppose that's a valid argument. Oh, speaking of dreams and secrets, I kinda need your help,” he said, his voice sounding a bit uneasy.

Twilight had caught the tone of the statement and looked up from her book, “Silver, what is it?” she asked.

“It's about Rainbow,” he began with a heavy sigh, “She wasn't quite as healed as I thought she was, and it turns out she hasn't been sleeping much...if at all.”

“What's wrong with her?” Luna asked, “Is it what she saw from your memories?”

Silver gave a solemn nod, “She's been having nightmares and wakes up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep. I was hoping that you might be able to help her.”

Luna gave a firm nod, “I most certainly will. It's partly my fault that she ended up seeing what she did after all.”

“Hey,” he said softly, cupping her cheek with a paw he slid out from under Twilight, “Don't blame yourself. You were just trying to help me,” he then leaned back and gave her a peck on the muzzle.

Her ears folded back and her cheeks exploded with pink. But it took only a moment for her loose the embarrassment and switch it for a bright smile, though the blush insisted on remaining. She simply leaned her head over and nuzzled into the wolfs side, relishing in his fur.

Twilight couldn't help but grin at the moment. It was pretty adorable after all, even though she herself wasn't getting the attention. But that was fine. Silver was still hers, and Luna was as well. They were all finally with each other and happy as could be. Now if only Rainbow could be the same.

The thought dragged the smile off her face and into a small frown. She felt a paw lift her head up and she found herself staring into the honey hazel eyes of her new wolf-friend...boyfriend? Meh, screw it, wolf-friend.

“Feeling left out?” he asked.

Twilight put on a smile for a moment and shook her head before giving him a quick peck on the lips as well. Sure, she blushed a little, but it was still nice to be able to finally do it without fear of rejection, “No, never. It's just...why didn't Rainbow Dash come talk to her friends? I would have helped if I knew she was still having trouble coping.”

“Well she is a proud mare,” he suggested, “so maybe she just didn't want her friends to see her look weak?”

Twilight sighed and shook her head, “I don't know. I'm going to go over there and talking to her tomorrow. Some pony else should be there for her. Not that you're incapable of providing comfort for her, it's just...”

“You feel like having some pony more familiar to her might help her get through it,” he finished.

Twilight nodded and gave a sheepish smile, “I didn't mean to sound rude.”

The wolf leaned down and gave her forehead a gentle kiss, “Don't worry, I understand. But I never did ask you how you felt after seeing my memories, did I?”

“I don't think you needed to,” she said with a soft giggle, “You found me in a bar, drinking alone. That should tell you everything.”

“Well yeah, but have there been any lingering feelings though?” he asked.

Twilights head dropped a little, “Well for a little while, all I could think about was what happened to her. But after you told me...I decided not to think about it anymore...”

After a long pause, he asked, “Do you still want to know?”

“Kind of. But I don't want to make you retell something like that. Not when I know how much it hurts you...” she dropped her head completely, and it now laid on top of her book. She let it sit there for a moment and then felt a weight fall across her neck.

She could see a wavy, star spangled mane come into view and could feel the slight chill of Lunas fur sink into her neck before hearing her voice, “But not knowing only hurts you, Twilight. I might not know what memory you two are discussing, but that much is clear.” There was another long moment of silence before the wolf spoke again.

“Her name was Lily,” Silver began, “and I met her when I was 27, so about a hundred years ago. It was towards the end of the Territory wars, and after the Battle of Shepherds Field. It was a strange meeting, not gonna lie. She just showed up one day and followed me around. Kept saying she was curious about me.

At first she was just annoying, but after a while, she kind of grew on me. Kind of like Pinkie Pie, but not so insane. She was always happy and smiling, and was actually the reason I ended up befriending the other Alphas of the Black Moon Pack. Over the course of two years, we bonded and became closer. Not just with each other, but Black Wing, Star Shine and the others as well. We were all so happy...or so I thought.”

It was here where his tone changed. The joyful, reminiscent voice he spoke with had all but vanished, and was replaced with nothing more than depression.

“Do you think it's true that it's often those whose smiles are the brightest have been hurt the most? To this day, I can't tell if it is or not, but I know those smiles when I see them. I just wish I could have recognized them back then too.

Lily, with all her joyous smiles, was being broken and beaten everyday by some damn skank she owed a debt to. It got to the point where she thought she was worthless and expendable, and was essentially a slave. We, or at least I, never noticed, but she was hurting so much and she kept it all to herself. Unfortunately...that's not what led to her death.”

Both mares could feel a quiver run through his body, and Twilight could feel his paw underneath her dig into the floor. Once again, just the same as the night she'd gotten drunk, his body was oddly cold.

“She...she was assaulted...sexually...” the words almost caught in his throat and his breathes became shudders. He dare not use the other word, for fear of loosing himself in a rage.

Too many memories...too much hate....

The mares, on the other hoof, sat silent and wide eyed. And what else could they do? There wasn't much to be said other than the usual condolences, but even then, those fell far short of what needed to be said. What could one even say to something like this?

“I found a letter in my home that day,” he continued, “It was from Lily, and told me everything that she'd been going through. The abuse and the...but by the time I found her...she was already...” Silver trailed off once more, but this time a choking cough followed his silence. His eyes squeezed shut and he buried his muzzle into Twilights back.

She could feel a few tears fall onto her fur and wings, as well as the shaking breathes he let out. Oh dear Celestia, what had she done? It was then she decided that this subject was taboo from here on. No pony will ever bring it up unless Silver does so first.

Luna had a similar thought as well, though it involved throwing the pony who mentioned it out the nearest window. She wrapped her hooves around the neck of her wolf, nuzzling his cheek gently and whispering soft comforts to him.

“Shh,” she cooed, “You don't need to say anymore.”

Twilight, being in the position she was in, could only nuzzle his neck and chest, but found herself whispering the same thing.

“I'm so sorry. I knew it hurt you, but I--” she was cut off when she felt a paw wrap around her pull her tighter against his chest.

“You don't need to apologize,” he sniffled, as he picked his head up, “I'm just being a bit of a cry-puppy. I should be the one saying sorry. I, uh, guess I kinda ruined our special night, huh?” he said with a small, sniffling chuckle.

Twilight shook her head, “No,” she said simply, then leaned back and gave him a kiss, “This is still the best night of my life.”

The wolf gave one last small laugh before wiping his eyes with a paw and taking a deep breath in and out.

“Feeling a little better?” Luna asked, pulling herself away from the hug to look Silver in the eyes. He nodded and pecked her cheek.

“Thank you. Both of you.”

And all was silent...for about ten seconds anyway.

“ONYX, KNOCK IT OFF!” a muffled shout came from the floors above. Twilight and Luna could only hear shouting, but couldn't make out the words. Silver, on the other paw, heard it loud and clear.

“I'd better go check on that,” he said as he rose from his spot. The two mares could only look in confusion as the wolf left.

Onyx and Ruppy walked up to the door in the castle they always used and entered the home. Both made their ways directly to their rooms, though the unicorn had a bit more pace in her step. Ruppy had intended to grab her towel and go shower. That was until she heard a strange zipping noise coming from the other side of the hall.

She wandered out of her room and to Onyx's on the other side, taking notice of an empty bag laying on the floor. It wasn't until the unicorn started cramming her belongings into the bag Ruppy had begun to worry.

“Onyx? What are you doing?” she called, but the mare kept packing.

“Onyx, stop it!” she tried again, this time stepping into the room. Her friend had stopped for a moment to glare at her, but then continued.

Finally fed up with being ignored, Ruppy snapped, “ONYX, KNOCK IT OFF!”

“Why?! Huh!?” Onyx finally responded, “Tell me, why should I stop?! You and I both know what's going to happen when we talk with Silver, so I might as well get it over with now!”

“And just what the hell do you think is going to happen?!” Ruppy retorted.

“He's going to kick us out! He doesn't care about us! He's just using us as a project to keep the princesses happy! And with the shit we just pulled, we're not going to be staying here much longer!”

“He's not going to kick us out! He wouldn't do that!”

“That's the same thing we thought about the last three ponies that tried to help us! You remember how all of those turned out! We were kicked out on our asses! Because that's the way it is...that's the way it's always been...” her shouting had ceased and now she merely grumbled, “It's always been just you and me, just like Steel said. We've always looked out for each other, because no pony else wants us, Ruppy. We're a couple of freaks. It was like that then and it's like that now...”

“Like what now?” Silvers voice came from the hall. Ruppys head snapped up and she quickly trotted out of the room and stood in front of him, “What's all the shouting about?” he asked.

“Onyx thinks you're going to kick us out,” Ruppy explained as the unicorn trotted out behind her. She wore a scowl on her face, but directed it to the ground and refused to look Silver in the eye.

“Kick you out? Why would you think that?” he asked as he stepped a bit closer.

It was Onyx's turn to speak, “Because you said you would! You said that if we ever caused too much trouble, you'd take care of us yourself!”

It was then that Ruppy recalled the day they'd first came to Canterlot. He did say that, didn't he? Suddenly, the possibility of being evicted became very real in her mind. But he...he wouldn't, would he?

He cared about them...right?

“...Onyx, Ruppy...what did you two do?” he calmly asked.

The pegasus froze with fear as the words hit her, “No...nononono...Onyx was right....he's...gonna put us back out on the street, if he doesn't kill us first....please...no”

Onyx trotted forward and planted herself in front of the wolf. Her eyes glared into his as she spoke, “We slaughtered the Fallen Kings. There, happy? We're even bigger monsters and freaks than you thought possible.”

Silvers eyes widened as he looked at the two of them. Onyx was sporting a fierce glare while Ruppy dejectedly stared at the floor. Finally, after his seemingly never ending moment of silence, he spoke,

“That...was expected....” he said, “I gave you your equipment for a reason after all.”

“He...he what?”

It was then that the realization had dawned on them. Silver gave them the tools for war. Whether or not he wanted a slaughter to occur was unknown, but that didn't change the fact that he knew it would happen. Hell, he didn't even bat an eye when they said they were going to war.

“Girls, look. I'll admit, I'm not too happy about you two killing numerous ponies,” both mares flinched a bit but Silver continued, “but that's because I don't want to cause the Princesses any trouble. But it was a war, and that's what happens in wars. They were gang members and probably would have been dealt with some where down the line.

"I imagine Celestia might be a bit upset, but I think she'll understand. And I know it might seem like I manipulated you into doing it, but I swear I didn't. But, I can't promise that something like this won't happen again in the future. So if this upsets you, then you two can leave if you want. I won't stop you. But first, let me ask you; Ruppy, did you enjoy your stay here?”

The mare nodded with her head still low and biting her bottom lip, barely managing to squeak out, “Uh-huh...”

“Onyx?” The scowl she wore had dropped, and her eyes began to swell with tears as she nodded.

Silver gave a warm, tender smile that seemed to light up the hall, “Then welcome home.”

Before the wolf could speak again, Onyx buried her face into his chest, “Please...please don't make us go...” she whimpered.

Silver felt something else bump into him as Ruppy had wandered down the hall and rested her head against him as well, “Please...we'll be good, we promise. We'll do dishes and make dinner, we won't complain about training. We'll guard the princesses whenever you ask us...just please...don't make us go back... We like it here...we're happy here...”

Oh...oh dear...were they that scared of being kicked out? Silver knew they didn't want to be back on the streets again, but were they lives really so horrid out there that they feared it this much? Or was it that...oh no...

This wasn't the first time this had happened, was it? They'd been taken in and put back out before. The hope and joy of finally having a place to rest and then being thrown out again. Oh, these poor mares...

“Shh,” he shushed as he brought them into a hug, “It's okay. You're not going anywhere other than to bed. I'm not putting you two out. You're home now. This will always be your home.”

“A...a home?”

The thought was simultaneous in the mares. How long had it been since they had a place they could call home? Have they ever really had one in the first place? Somewhere they could go to rest and relax, where they would be loved and cared for?

No...neither one could say they ever really did...

The dams broke and the two bawled into his fur. Relief washed over them like a tsunami crashing down on the beach. Not just because they weren't being thrown out, but because they'd finally found a home. The fear of being back on the streets that had built up for years was finally let go, and they could let themselves rest.

They had a home now.

It didn't take long for the two already exhausted mares to tucker themselves out, now too tired to even cry anymore. They didn't quite fall asleep against Silver, but they were certainly on the verge of it.

The wolf gave a soft smile and slipped under them to put them on his back then strolled into Onyxs room. Gently, he slid them down onto the bed, figuring they might rather spend the night together than alone.

Leaning over, the removed their bags and weapons, setting them by the bed for easy finding in the morning. He watched the two as they quickly fell to sleep, snuggling up to each others embrace.

“My girls... You've been carrying each other for so long, and this rest is long over due. Sweet dreams, my little fillies."
As he finished tucking them in, he turned and looked around the room. It was only then that he took notice of it's appearance.

Empty...no decorations or customization at all.

She didn't want to be attached. She wanted to be able to up and leave at a moments notice, so she never made herself comfortable. She'd been thinking the home was only temporary since the day she stepped hoof through the door.

“Oh Onyx...you've been terrified this entire time and I never heard one of your pleas...I'm so sorry.”

After leaning over and giving each a quick, gentle nuzzle, the wolf made a silent exit, then went back down to the library.

Luna and Twilight hadn't moved much, Luna taking the place Silver had once before and Twilight laying over her hooves in front of her.

“Is everything alright?” Twilight asked, looking up from her book.

He laid down next to Luna, wrapping a wing around her and laying his head on Twilights back, “Everything is fine now.”

“Yes...everything's going to be fine...”

Silver stirred from his slumber to the wonderful aroma of food wafting into his room. At first, he thought it was part of his dream. But the smell persisted, and even grew stronger as newer scents were added. Eventually, he awoke completely, lifting his head to look around his room.

The three of them had moved back to his room late in the night after Twilight had fallen asleep reading. It was the most adorable sight either Luna or Silver had seen, but knew she'd be cranky if they left her to sleep on the hard floor. So the snoozing alicorn was floated onto the back of the wolf and carried to the bed, where she spent the rest of the night snugly tucked in the blankets and laid between her wolf-friend and marefriend.

But that changed as the wolf rose from the bed, following the scent of food out to the kitchen. There, on the counter, he found a full breakfast of eggs, french toast, waffles and juice sitting on the counter. Behind said counter and in front of the stove was a coal black unicorn, humming a tune as she flipped the omelet onto a plate.

“Uh, Onyx?” he called as he sat down at the counter, “Don't take this the wrong way, but what is all this?”

The mare turned around with a small but bright smile on her muzzle, “I just kind of felt like making breakfast this morning,” she said, levitating the last plate over, making five plates sitting on the counter, “I figured the princesses might want some as well,” she moved to the other side and sat in a stool next to the wolf and began eating.

“Onyx, I...thank you,” he said before he began dining on the wondrous meal. And what a meal it was! He had no idea the mare could cook! Sure, they had to cook for themselves every once in a while, but they usually just ordered pizza. But this! This was amazing! It was a simple meal and yet it tasted like it came from the heavens!

He happily scarfed down his food while the sound of two stumbling mares came out of the hall. Shuffling like zombies, Luna and Twilight slowly made their way over to the counter where Silver and Onyx sat. Since there were only two seats at the counter, they had to float their food over to the table. It was then that Ruppy emerged from her own slumber, just as disheveled as the other two.

“Fooooood....” she groaned. Her eyes were barely opened and her mane was in a frenzy. Onyx simply giggled and levitated a plate in front of her, luring her over to a seat at the table. She plopped down into the seat and began eating, “Nom, nom nom....”

Onyx giggled once more at her friends noises before speaking, “So Silver, what are you doing today?”

...Huh...Onyx was...different today...chatty....

“Um, I'm not sure actually. I didn't check with Tia about her schedule for today. Hey Luna, do we have anything to do?” he asked, turning back to look.

“Dunno. Haven't checked,” she muffled through with a mouthful of food, having finally woken up. Honestly, one would think she'd at least eat like a princess.

“Well, there you have it. What about you?” he asked.

Onyx shrugged, “I'll train and probably go trade in the stuff I got yesterday. Then maybe shopping?” she paused and turned to Ruppy, who seemed to be more awake now and shoveling food into her mouth, “Wanna come?”

The pegasus nodded enthusiastically. Oh sweet Celestia, how long had it been since she'd eaten some of Onyxs cooking? She used to cook when they could afford it, but stopped for a while now when they moved in with Silver. It seems she's gotten back into it though.

“Cool, shopping it is then,” she finished, “I might go see Beats and Scootaloo a little later too. I want to see if they're okay.”

They continued to eat in peace for a few more minutes until a knock interrupted their meal. Silver rose from his spot and went to the door. When he opened it, he was met with the face of a saluting guard.

“Sir, is Princess Luna with you, sir?” he asked.

Silver nodded, “Yes, is she needed for something sergeant?”

“Noble Little Horn from Caneighdia is asking...no, demanding to speak with her and Princess Celestia, sir. They are both waiting in the conference room,” he informed.

Silver let out a sigh, “Very well. It seems breakfast will be cut short. We'll be out in a few minutes. Dismissed.”

“Sir, yes sir!” he saluted once more and left.

“Luna!” he called as he shut the door and turned back, “It seems that over grown rat with horns is back and he wants to talk. He's a bit grumpy as well.”

The alicorn groaned, “I do not wish to deal with more of his bragging. Can't I just hide out here?”

“Sorry, but I think Tia would come and blast the door down if you did. She's waiting for us too,” he informed.

Luna sighed, “Fine. Let's go then,” she stood from her seat and leaned over, placing a peck on Twilights cheek, “Tia hates being kept waiting.”

Twilight exploded with a bright pink blush as the other two mares in the kitchen sat and stared.

“Uh...” Ruppy began.

“Don't...” Twilight said, cutting her off, “It's a thing now. Accept it and move on.”

“But is Silver...?” she began again, only to be silenced by a nod from the lavender alicorn, “Wow....we missed a lot, huh?”

The duo of the wolf and alicorn made their way down the halls of the castle and to the conference room where they had met with the moose before. Pushing the doors open and stepping inside, they found the two creatures who were waiting on them. One was a nervous looking alicorn, and the other was an impatient and glaring moose.

“Luna! Silver! You're finally here!” Celestia exclaimed as she moved over to greet them. She bent down and lowered her voice to a whisper, “I think he's angry about something.”

No...you don't say...

“Noble Little Horn, it's nice to see you again,” Luna greeted, approaching the moose cautiously due to her sisters warning.

“I am not here for pleasantries,” he spat, “I want my fox back!”

“I'm not sure what you mean?” Luna lied, “I've done nothing with your fox.” It was, in a way, true actually. Technically, it was Silver that had done something, not her.

“That's a lie! I sent her here to deliver an outline for the contract, and she never returned. Her tracking collar said she disappeared inside the castle! Now tell me where she is!”

“Please remain calm, Noble Little Horn,” Celestia stepped in, “We've done nothing with her. It is true that we received a fox with a document, but she left soon after arriving. If something did happen, it wasn't here.” Oh great, now they're both lying.

Little Horns glare grew harsher, “You're lying! I swear, if you do not return my property to me, you'll both--”


The moose was cut off by a sudden gust rushing past him and a weight on his back. But the main cause of his pause was the sudden feeling of something cold and sharp pressing against the side of his neck.

“Do it,” Silver hissed as he stood a top Little Horns back, his wing blade set against the moose's flesh, “Finish your sentence and threaten my princesses. Give me reason to remove your head.”

“Y-you cannot treat me like this! I am a N-noble!” he stammered, “You two! Command your dog to release me!”

Both alicorns stood unfazed by the wolfs actions.

“I'm afraid we can't do that,” Celestia clarified, “He's not one to follow orders, so telling him not to is useless. More importantly, he's only doing his job, and that is protecting us.”

“Y-you'll start a war with this!” he threatened, “Caneighdia is go to war with both Houndland and Equestria! Surely neither of you want that!”

“A war?” Silver echoed, “You think that scares me? Do it then. Raise your armies and sharpen your blades. I'll slaughter them all, and leave a mountain of your soldiers in my wake. I'm an Army Slayer, and the likes of your ranks would do little against something like me.”

The moose could feel it. The blood-lust radiating from the canine on his back, like a floodgate that had been opened in the middle of a storm.

“Y-you're a monster! A filthy creature of blood and death!” he spat.

“True,” Celestia agreed, “But he's our monster. And he will remove any threat to our lives. So, Noble Little Horn, you were saying something about a fox?”

Little Horns eyes twitched at the insanity in the room. The wolf that practically breathed blood-lust, and the two alicorns who weren't afraid to use him.

“I will have my fox back,” he reassured as Silver jumped off his back, landing next to Celestia. Little Horn made a swift exit from the room.

All was silent for a moment until, “'My princesses'? Really?” Celestia asked.

“Yep. I own you both now,” Silver replied, “And besides, you agreed that I was a monster, so we're even.”

The ivory alicorn rolled her eyes, “Silly wolf. But what do you suppose he'll do now? He wouldn't really go to war with two countries at once, would he?”

“Pfft,” Silver blew raspberries with a wave of his paw, “Please. Everyone knows you don't go war with wolves. Even if they're not in their homeland. Besides, he's just a noble. He can't wage war all on his own.”

“True enough, but still...” Celestia said with a bit of worry in her tone, “I have the feeling this won't end well.”

Author's Note:

Guys....WE HIT 1000 VIEWS!! I'M SO HAPPY!

Thank you all so much for your support and enthusiasm! I cannot begin to tell you how much this means to me! I wasn't expecting this story to get much attention, if any at all, but you all helped to make this possible!

We're also coming up on 100 likes, only 10 more to go!

THANK YOU ALL AND I LOVE YOU GUYS!!:heart::heart::pinkiehappy::twilightblush:

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