• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,871 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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Luna Breaks in and the Blood Bath Begins

An inpatient sigh came from the moose inside the carriage.

“This is preposterous,” Duke LittleHorn muttered, “How dare they make me wait outside like some commoner.”

“Well we did show up unannounced,” Overlook defended, her ever calm smile resting on her face. Next to her sat Willow, a small scowl written on his face, though he kept pointed out the window. He watched outside where the six other betas stood around the carriage, waiting patiently for their Alpha to return.

“Irregardless, I should not be treated in such a way!” he snapped back, rising up in his seat, “I am the Duke of Canieghdia, son of the previous king and nephew of the current one! When I demand an audience with someone, I expect to be received properly regardless of what time I arrive.”

Overlook winced slightly at the sudden shouting, “But of course, Duke LittleHorn. I imagine it is simply the princesses fault for not being prepared,” she said in an attempt to calm him.

“Of course it is!” he snapped once more before falling back into a reclined position, “Making me wait. Ha! I'll show them and those damn dogs they keep at their side. Speaking of which, what is taking Aurora? She should have been back by now.”

Both betas gave a slight twitch at the comment so carelessly thrown about their leader, but before Willow could turn and snap at the moose, Overlook spoke up.

“Perhaps there was a skirmish between Aurora and Black Wing,” she proposed, giving Willow a look to not snap back at him.

The smaller wolf swallowed his rage and went back to looking at the window, “I doubt it,” he said back, “If fight broke out between those two, Canterlot would have been wiped off the face of Equestria by now.”

“Hmm, yes you do have a point. Maybe it was some other trouble then,” Overlook replied, “Maybe she stubbed her paw on a rock?”

Willow simply rolled his eyes at the poor attempt of a joke, slipping back into silence. In truth, he couldn't wait for the job to be over. He hated this moose and having to play babysitter to him. But it was Aurora that decided to take the job. Whether that was for the money or simply so she could see Silver again, he wasn't entirely sure.

He never really understood her strange obsession with him. He'd met the wolf before, and he didn't seem all bad. Sure, the stories Aurora told about him seemed to make him out to be evil incarnate, but having to work with some of his betas and even Silver himself on a few missions told Willow that perhaps his Alpha might not be telling the whole story. There are three sides to it after all; His, hers and the truth. Memories shared serve each differently.

As Willows leg gently brushed over the item the Duke had made sure to bring, he began almost felt bad for what they were doing. They were causing Silver an awful lot of trouble just so Aurora could get back at him.

But such is the life of a Beta. Following their Alphas until kingdom come.

As his thoughts dwindled, he took notice of the other Betas outside, one of them stepping from the spot around to the end of the carriage. Opening the door, Willow stuck his head out and saw Aurora coming with rest of the moose mages.

Pulling his head back in, he turned to the other two occupants of the carriage, “It's Aurora. She's back.”

The crystal carriage pulled up to a set of stairs on the side of the building. While it wasn't exactly the best idea to have multiple entrances to Canterlot Castle, it was useful for getting the princesses in and out unnoticed.

Onyx was the first to step out, taking a moment to observe the surroundings. Aurora and her moose mages had already went around to the front, so all that was left were the Crystal Empire guards and Shining Armor. For a moment, Black Wing had remained out of sight until the unicorn noticed a shadow pass over head. Looking up, she saw the wolf circle over them twice before dropping down.

“Alright, they've all gone up to the front,” he informed, “We can go in.”

Twilight and Cadence stepped out of the carriage and stretched for a moment before heading towards the staircase with Onyx, Black Wing leading the three of them. The guards split into two groups once more; ten following the princesses inside while the others remained outside.

“Was all this really necessary?” Onyx asked as they trailed behind the wolf.

“Somewhat,” he replied with a shrug, “After all,it's Aurora we're dealing with. She's not just strong, but smart. Can't be too careful around her.”

“Blackie, please,” Cadence said, the nickname making her husband cringe, “I seriously doubt the Duke or Aurora would do something so foolish. It would be an act of war against Equestria and the Princesses themselves.”

“Well it's not like there's a rule to stop them from doing it,” he said back.

“What do you mean?” Twilight spoke up, “I thought there was an agreement for the wolves protect the Princesses. Wouldn't declaring war on Equestria be the exact opposite?”

“Not really,” Black Wing began, “Like you said, we're here to protect the princesses, but that's it. No where in the agreement does it say anything about protecting the rest of the country. So as long as you, Celestia, Luna and Cadence aren't killed or injured, a war is completely legitimate.”

Twilight's eyes went wide with shock, “Yo-you can't be serious. Cadence, tell me he's not being serious.”

The pink alicorn sighed with a nod, “It's true I'm afraid. When I was being told about the agreement between Equestria and Houndland, Celestia said that since the Crystal Empire was considered a new country all together, it would fall under a contract of it's own. When I went to Houndland to negotiate it, Emperors made it very clear that the well-being of the country was not their concern. It wasn't directly said that they would start a war if we did something to anger them, but they made sure I understood they don't care about the rest of the ponies in the country. While none of us are exactly happy with the current standing between our two countries, it is necessary. Without them, there would be far more attempts on our lives than you can imagine.”

Twilight had grown pale with a hint of sickly green beginning to rise. Luckily, Cadence managed to keep herself from worrying the mare anymore.

“But don't worry, the wolves have upheld their word for well over two thousand years and not abused their power,” she tried to reassure, “If they wanted Equestria gone, it would have been. And it's not like Celestia and Luna can't stop the wolves they send. It would just be....difficult.”

Twilight's expression hardly changed. Her stomach was twisted in a knot after learning that if the country were in danger, there was a chance Silver, Black Wing and Star Shine would have to simply sit on the sidelines and let it happen. Each one of them would have to the power to end the conflict in a heartbeat, but none of them could because it wasn't their concern.

“Don't be mistaken Twilight,” Black Wing said suddenly, as if reading her mind, “All you would need to do is give the order.”

Give the order? He...he can't mean...

Her thoughts were cut off as they arrived at the double doors of the throne room. As they entered, Twilight noticed three extra seats had been prepared for herself, Cadence and Shining. Luna and Celestia had both already taken their spots with guards standing around the room.

“Twilight!” Luna called, “You're back!”

“Of course I am, I have to be here,” she said as she trotted up the slope to her seat. Luna cast her a confused glance as she walked by, wondering why she wasn't receiving a hug right now. Twilight could only nod her head in a subtle motion towards her brother. As much as she would've liked to give Luna a proper greeting, she knew she couldn't with him in the room. The lavender mare silently sighed to herself as she knew she'd eventually have to explain things to him properly.

Luna gave a silent “Ooooh” of understanding before pulling her head back and sitting up straight. With all four princesses there, the meeting would begin soon. Onyx took her spot next to Ruppy while Star Shine dropped in from wherever she was hiding. She was to the left of the slope leading up to the thrones with Black Wing moving to the opposite side.

It was only when all movement had settled that Twilight looked around the room and found her boyfriend missing, but before she could ask anyone where he was, the double doors opened and Silver came strolling in leading Aurora and her entourage. And just behind them was the moose that had called them all there.

Duke Little Horn.

Aurora trailed close behind her long abhorred ex, her Betas following on both sides with the Duke and the moose mages in the rear. All the while they walked through the castle, Auroras glare had not moved from Silver since the moment she laid eyes on him.

While this was not exactly surprising behavior for her, it was a little more...intense than usual. Her fur stood on edge and her scowl was far angrier than before. But there was something in her eyes. Something behind the rage and loathing she held for him.

And it was directed at the piece of jewelry he had wrapped around his neck.

The Betas had noticed it, though none of them said anything. What was so unusual about a wolf getting married after all. Willow even thought of congratulating him for it, but chose not to since he knew Aurora would get involved.

But for Aurora, it was something else.

Married? He's married now!? Since when!? To-to who!? What tramp would be stupid enough to marry him!?

Auroras scowl deepened as they continued to move through the castle in silence. She would have liked to snatch him off to the side and demand answers. After all, he was in Equestria. There was no other wolves here except for Star Shine and Black Wing, but she knew Star Shine had no interest in him and Silver didn't swing the other way. The only others were ponies, but collars are used for wolf marriages. So there couldn't hav--

Aurora paused in her thoughts as she recalled their last meeting. After Silver left the room, Luna said something in her rage. Something the wolf had not quite caught onto in her moment of fear of being killed by the alicorn.

You hurt him. You hurt the wolf I love.”

She...she couldn't have...

Despite having thought she knew who he was now married to, the rage in her heart did not go away. It only soured and turned to something else.

A pain grew in her chest, though she didn't know why. A wolf she despised for decades now had carved a hole in her heart, though she herself didn't know it.

All she knew was that to her, it felt unfair.

They group turned a corner and came upon a set of double doors. Entering the throne room, Silver moved ahead and took his spot directly in front of the thrones. As he turned and looked at the guest he brought in, Aurora caught a look in his eyes.

Part of her didn't want to believe it, but she knew what she saw. Frigid and uncaring. It was what she'd always believed him to be, but only now saw what he was truly like when he fulfilled the label she'd thrown at him over the years.


It was vastly distinct from what she thought she'd always seen in his eyes. True, they didn't hold the same shine that they did before they broke up, but they were nothing like this. So...empty.

Ha! I guess he reached an all time low. Black Wing's an idiot, I don't need to check his aura again. Silver's never changed.

But despite being reassured that she was right, Aurora found herself hurting again. A small prick in her heart she refused to admit was there, even to herself.

“Princesses,” the Duke next to her spoke, snapping her from her thoughts, “I'm pleased to see you all here.”

Celestia put on her charming smile,“Likewise, Duke Little Horn. Though I do wish you would have given us more of a warning. It must have been terrible having to wait outside, and we could have at least prepared some tea.”

Luna had to force herself from groaning and rolling her eyes. The midnight mare would admit Celestia had her beat when it came to patience. How her sister managed to play nice all the time was a mystery to her.

“Ah, yes well, another time perhaps,” he responded in kind, “As for my sudden arrival, it was a bit of a pressing matter.”

Celestia raised a brow, “Does it have something to do with Radiance?”

The Duke let a small, chuckling smirk slip out, “Not quite. You see, I have been informed by Aurora here that while Radiance is likely still alive and well, there is little chance of her coming back or finding her. Your mutt there,” he spat, indicating to Silver who simply donned a proud grin, “has a reputation for hiding things and making sure no one can find them. So alas, I have given up my search for her.”

Celestia faked a sympathetic frown, “Well, I'm sorry if Silver has caused you any trouble. While he may be stationed in Equestria for the time, he doesn't always follow orders, even from me. But if you're not here for Radiance, then what is it you want that would require all four of us?”

The smirk on the mooses face only grew as he tried to keep his chuckles from becoming full bursts of laughter, “W-well you see, it's not the four of you that I wanted to see,” Little Horns eyes cast down to the wolves standing near the thrones, all three of which glare back, “But the filthy mongrels that guard you. I've been recently informed of a....unique law that exists only in Houndland. One that explains the constant strife that goes on in the country.”

Turning his head around, one of the moose guards standing at the back of the room came forward to the Duke with a black cloth between his teeth.

“Tell me Princess, are you aware that in order for the whole country of Houndland to go to war, the Emperors must either declare or acknowledge it? And that if another country chooses, they can declare war on just a single pack.”

The Duke took the cloth from the moose, letting it unravel to hold it up. It was a black flag with a white crescent moon in the center, surrounded by eight shining stars. Just as soon as all four princesses got a look at it, he let it drop to the floor.

“Because you see, the packs operate as independent states, each one with their own sets of laws and government. And so, because of that, there's a great divide in the country. So much so that they've been viewed as sovereign nations and allowed themselves to be at conflict with other countries without involving the rest of Houndland. ”

The moose that brought the flag forward began to charge a spell as the Dukes grin only grew.

“Of course naturally, no sane leader would dare start a war against Houndland. However, if it's just one of their packs, it's a whole other story.”

Little Horn stared down the three wolves at the front, their expressions never changing. If only he had the wisdom to see past their blank faces, he'd have realized that they do not see him as a threat.

Only prey.

“Burn it,” he commanded. The moose mage fired off his magic and the cloth burst into flames as the Duke stood proud over it.

“I hereby declare war on the Black Moon Pack!”

Twilight's eyes went wide as she watched the events unfold. For a moment, she had no idea what had just occurred. She knew the Duke was angry, but to go so far as to declare a war on Silvers pack? It was insane!

What?! What the hell's going on!? I don't know what to do! Is there even something I can do!? I'm a princess dammit, there's got to be something! I-I can't let this happen, not while Silver's injured like this!

The more she thought, the more her mind scrambled. But just as she went to speak, a white hoof raised and stopped her.

Looking over, the lavender mare was met with Celestia's bright smile, “Don't worry Twilight. It will all be fine.”


“Are you certain you wish to commit to what you've said?” Star Shine spoke up suddenly. Looking down, Twilight found none of the three wolves had been remotely phased by the Dukes declaration. All three simply sat there with an almost bored look on their faces, “Once you confirm, we will not stop until our demands have been met.”

The Duke grinned wider than he had all day, “Of course I commit! Caneighdia will be the end of you dogs!”

Turning back, Star Shine looked to Celestia and Luna, “Does Equestria commit to being the third verifying party?”

Twilight stared down her ex-mentor. Did she know what was happening? If she did, then she could stop it, right? Surely, she wouldn't-

“We accept.”

….She did it...

Celestia was allowing this to happen. She was allowing a war to start with one of her closest friends involved in it.

“Celestia!” Twilight shouted, “Whatever it is, tell them no! Luna, say something! Tell them to stop!”

Her marefriend simply leaned past her sister and smiled, “Twilight, it's fine. Just watch.”

Twilight's jaw dropped. Even Luna was ok with this? Just the other day they both were telling Silver not to fight and now neither are even batting an eye when war has been declared on his pack? Part of her wanted to trust them. The other part, which was significantly larger, was about to loose her shit.

“Then the conditions have been met,” Star Shine spoke once again, drawing Twilights anger away, “Let it be known that the Black Moon Pack is now at war with Caneighdia.”

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, a light began to shine in from the window. It started as a shimmer, but soon grew brighter and brighter with each passing second.

“Ah!” Luna cried, “Sister, turn down the lights, I can't see!”

“That's not me, Luna,” Celestia answer, holding up a hoof to block out the light as well. Everyone in the room was soon shielding themselves from the blinding shine until it suddenly began to dim.

Just as quickly as it came, the light grew softer and softer until the regular sunshine remained. Every pony blinked, trying to allow their eyes to readjust.

“Sweet merciful heavens, what was that?” Luna said as she continued to rub her eyes, “I swear that sun of yours is broken.”

“I told you, that wasn't me,” Celestia answered with an eye roll, she being one of two in the room still able to see.

“Then just who was it then?”

“Me,” came an unfamiliar voice. All eyes shot over to the side of the room opposite from where the light had come in. Next to the windows stood a wolf with blindingly white fur and wings with what looked like thin golden threads lacing around her paws and tail.

In one paw sat a small plate while the other held a tea cup. The new wolf took a long sip from it, the slurp being the only sound in the room.

“Of course, the real question is 'where did she get the tea?'” she said after setting her cup back on the plate.

“Who are you!? How did you get in!?” the pony guard behind her shouted as he approached.

The wolf turned to face him and, much to his confusion, suddenly handed him her tea.

“Don't drop that, I'd like to finish it later,” she said before spinning back around and strutting across the room between the thrones and the duke, “And as for who I am, it's not really important. Not to you anyways. No, the ones who'd really like to know are them.”

The wolf flicked her wings out, each one pointing to a different side of the room. One to the Duke, the other to the alicorns.

“Well, excluding the big one up there. She's met me already.” Celestia simply smiled and waved.

“So!” the wolf said suddenly, spinning around in a another twirl to face the guard again, “Your question! Who am I! Well, it's simple really. I'm the head Alpha of the Black Moon pack, but you can all call me daddy--Wait, no. That's not the right one. Luna! You can call me Luna!”

The other Luna raised a brow and cocked her head. But....but I'm Luna.

“But now that I think about it, the moose might as well call me Daddy since he's going to be my bitch by the end of today. And yes, I'm aware there's already a Luna in the room, but for the moment we'll just have to share,” she continued. She spoke in a rather odd way; quickly, almost rambling but not entirely. She was the center of attention and not just because of her strange entrance but simply because no one could get a word in edgewise. She had complete control over the room and conversation which at this point, was one sided. It almost reminded Twilight of Time Turner, but more vulgar.

“As for how I got in, well let's say your pantry is going to need a little patching up. Now! I've answered your questions so how about you all answer some of mine, first of all; where do you keep your pudding? I'm dying for some and second, which one of you burned...that....flag?” she punctuated her sentence by pointing to the flag with a paw.

“Me, you rambling idiot,” the Duke spoke.

“You? Well you're not made of pudding,” Luna said with a cocked head.

“No! I'm the one who burned the flag!”

“Oooooh! Right!” she realized, “Of course you wouldn't be made of pudding. Pudding goes in a cup or a bowl, not on a moose. But flag burning, now that is a moose thing to do. Very moosey, very moosey indeed. Now! Another question. Why?”

“Because--!” he began, only to be cut off.

“Ah-ah-ah! Not you!” she quickly whipped her head around and faced the thrones, but was not interested in those who sat atop of them, “Them.”

There was no mistaking it, She was speaking to the wolves down in front. Silver and Black Wing simultaneously looked away, the former whistling in a poor attempt to seem uninvolved in the matter. Star Shine simply rolled her eyes before pointing a paw at Silver.

Luna's eyes fell to the whistling wolf, who quickly picked up on Star Shines paw indicating to him.

“Snitch,” he said, sticking out his tongue.

“Silver....” Luna said with a sigh, “Should have known it'd be you. So, what'd you do?”

The wolf in question sucked in a long breath through his teeth, “Well...I might have kinda liberated a fox indebted to the moose there and also kinda pissed him off in the process....sorta....”

“Is that all?” ash asked with a raised brow.

“....I think?”

The white wolf continued staring him down for a moment before simply shrugging, “Well, I suppose the why isn't as important. What's done is done,” Luna concluded, “However, you will be cleaning up this mess of yours, Silver.”

The wolf raised a brow, “Come again?”

“I said, clean up your mess. You've gone and caused these ponies all this trouble and now it's time to make up for it,” Luna paused and pointed a wing to the mooses, “Kill them and clean up this debacle.”

“What are you kidding!?” he cried.

“I agree,” Twilight quickly spoke up, “Silver is terribly injured and--”

“Yeah, hi there, who are you?” Luna interrupted, much to Twilight's annoyance.

Already angered that the situation had escalated this far and that Celestia and Luna allowed it to, Twilight met the wolfs interjection with a scowl, “My name is Twilight Sparkle and--”

“Yeah, see I'm gonna have to stop you riight there,” she interrupted again, “Because as far as I can tell, this is now an issue between the Black Moon Pack and Caneighdia, neither of which you are a part of. So, if you could be so kind as to keep out of this, that would just make my day.”

Twilight was beginning to reach her breaking point, “Excuse me?”

The wolf pointed to the door, “There's the door. You don't need my permission.”

“That's it-!”

“Enough, both of you!”

Silvers voice rang loud and clear through the room, stopping Twilight before she said something she'd regret. Her eyes drifted to her him and found him glaring over his shoulder at her as he continued.

“Luna is right, this doesn't concern Equestria anymore so I don't want to find any ponies getting in the middle of this,” his head Alpha smiled proud as the alicorn slumped back into her seat, only to find his glare now aimed at the wolf, “And you! You're in the middle of the Canterlot Castle and you have the audacity to insult a Princess!? Are you out of you damn mind?!”

Luna's head drew back in shock. While she'd had her spats with Silver before, he hadn't looked at her like this in years. Not since...

The white wolfs eyes flicked past Silver for a moment to the now upset lavender mare on the throne. She continued to look back and forth between the two for few moments before a large grin crawled across her face.

“Oooooh,” she said, moving past Silver and up to the throne where Twilight sat, “So that's how it is.”

The wolf leaned in close as Twilight pulled back, her eyes falling half closed but her grin remaining ever present. Twilight heard her whiff twice before she flashed a toothy smile, “I can smell him all over you,” she whispered in her ear.

“Luna....” a deep rumble came from beside them. Looking up, the white wolf found herself staring at an exceedingly infuriated ivory alicorn, her eyes now a blazing with a fierce, fiery orange. It was like she was staring at the sun itself, “Step down.”

On the other side of Celestia an intense chill came forth. The thrones hadn't been completely frosted over, but that was likely to change quickly as the Princess of the Night could only contain herself for so long.

Much like her sister, her eyes had also changed, but accompanied by their frosty sterling color were slit pupils.

“Alright, alright. I was out of line,” Luna said, backing off of Twilight and stepping down away from the thrones, “I apologize. There, happy?”

Celestia simply closed her eyes, and while Princess Luna did stop freezing the room over, her glared remained fixated on the white wolf.

“Not really,” Silver answered.

“Oh come on, I backed off. I even apologized! What more do you want?”

“For one, to give these guys a fighting chance,” Silver said, gesturing over to the moose mages, who had been seemingly forgotten over the past few minutes.

Luna rolled her eyes, “Ugh, is that's what's bothering you?”

“Yes!” he hollered, “I can't kill them! It's be too one sided!”

The Duke actually smiled at this. He didn't think the wolf who had so carelessly threatened him would fold over so easily.

“Like that's ever bothered you before!” she shot back.

“Well no, not when it's just a skirmish here or there! But this is a war! These guys aren't even supposed to be here right now! It's just because of their dick head Duke that they got dragged out here! They don't deserve to die for that! At least give them a day or two to get an army together so they can have the delusion of having a chance! At this rate, they'll be dead by lunch!”

The smile the Duke wore fell, “I beg you're pardon! I'll have you know these are the best mages Caneighdia has to offer! They won't be defeated by the likes of you!”

Neither wolf paid him any mind, “Well it's not like we can actually let him do that. I'm on a tight schedule and can't really wait around too long. So it's either now, or I can send Eve and Blood over to Caneighdia and raze the whole damn place.”

Silver opened his mouth to argue but stopped. She had a point. Luna was awfully busy and prolonging this would probably cause problems.

So with a sigh of defeat, Silver agreed.

“Fiine...but I get to give them a choice.”

Luna simply smiled in victory and nodded as Silver turned to face to party of moose in the room.

“Are the two of you quite done yet?!” the Duke shouted, “I've waged war on you and here you two are bickering like an old couple! Do enjoy making a fool out of me!?”

“Yes, I really do. Now shut up,” Silver snapped and before the moose could speak again, he looked to the mages standing behind him, “MAGES OF CANGEIGHDIA! IF YOU'D LIKE TO LIVE TO SEE YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS AGAIN, I SUGGEST YOU TURN AND LEAVE! IF YOU DON'T, I WILL KILL YOU! THIS IS YOU'RE ONLY CHANCE!”

Everyone waited a few long moments. No moose moved an inch. Whether it was out of pride, loyalty or stupidity, no one would ever know, but no mage left the room.

“Ha!” the Duke laughed, “As if my mages would be scared of a dog!”

Silver was genuinely surprised at the lack of response from the moose. Not a single one budged in the least, not one even thought of leaving. Of course, that was probably because they assumed....

“With Aurora and her Beta's with us, we're a match even for you!” the Duke gloated.

“Huh?” came Luna's confused response. Peering past the moose, she found Aurora and her Betas sitting in the back, “Oh, hey! It's you! I didn't even notice you there!”

Aurora simply rolled her eyes, choosing not to respond. She found it the least annoying way to interact with Luna.

“And you say she's with you?” she asked the Duke, who smiled once more in triumph. The white wolfs eyes flicked back and forth between the to a few times before finally settling on the moose.

A moment of silence passed from her, only to have it abruptly end in a boisterous laugh.

“AHAHAA! YO-YOU THINK SHE'S GONNA--!!! HAHAHA!!!” The wolf tipped over onto her back howling with laughter, reminding Twilight of how Rainbow when she plays her pranks, “YOU'RE-YOU'RE SO FREAKING STUPID! AHAHAHA!! I CAN'T BELIVE YOU DIDN'T THINK THIS THROUGH!!!”

“What?” the Duke questioned, “What do you mean? Of course I've thought this through!”

Luna's side splitting laugh managed to cease long enough for her to look up at the moose, “Yo-you think she can fight with us? She's part of the Fallen Star Pack!”

“Yes!” the Duke argued, “And she's one of the Alphas! She's as powerful as any one of you!”

Luna's laughing resumed while a small chuckle come from Aurora herself.

“You too?!” Little Horn snarled at her, “You dare mock me?!”

Aurora's giggling quickly died off, all traces of her smile falling to a frown as a frightening scowl became etched into her face, “Mock you? After you've been referring to my Betas as dogs and mutts since the moment I've met you, you have the impertinence to say that I'm mocking you?”


At this point, Luna managed to regain her composure, pulling herself from the ground and wiping away a tear in her eye, “Allow me to explain, since you've got you're head so far up your ass,” The Duke quickly snapped his back to the white wolf, “In Houndland, in order to maintain the peace, the three most powerful packs agreed to a ceasefire on each other. No official fights between the three of us. Skirmishes here and there are unvoidable, which is why Star over there can get away with trying to kill Aurora on sight, but as far as joining another country in going to war with us, she can't. Her Head Alpha would literally, not figuratively, kill her.”

The moose slowly turned his head back.

Aurora stood behind him, separating herself and her Betas from the group, “I might have mislead you a bit.”

“But...but why?”

The wolf gave him a genuinely confused look, “Because you're an asshole? Because you continuously insult my race? Because I wanted to drain you of all your money? Really, you can pick any reason you'd like. Doesn't really matter now.”

The Duke stood stunned. Aurora was his trump card. She was Silvers weak point, and with his current state he was sure she could at least kill him. The other two, maybe not but as long as her Betas and the mages kept them distracted, she could finish the job.

It was supposed to be his big plan. He'd go back home with the head of one of the most notorious wolves in Houndland, and be praised among his citizens. He'd inherit the throne and all the power that comes with it. He'd be able to shape the country—no, the world as he saw fit.

But now....

The moose couldn't believe it. He'd thought of everything, even using his pursuit of Radiance as a means of disguise for getting back at the wolf that insulted and threatened him so harshly. Hiring Aurora, the only wolf who could tear into his heart and body. Calling the princesses so that he could get the wolves in the same room and properly declare war.

And all this time....he was the one being played.

From the throne, Twilight could see the moose's confidence break. The pride and arrogance in his eyes died with the revelation Luna had brought.

But at the same time, the mood had changed in someone else. Looking towards the white wolf who now had complete control, she caught a glimpse of something.

Something that seemed so very familiar.

Something she'd seen before, but thought she'd never have to see again.

A wicked grin had crawled across Luna's muzzle, not unlike the one Silver and Black Wing wore when they spared.

Bloodthirsty, Violent, Crooked and Psychotic.

As the moose's despair reached it's lowest, the room went silent.

Save for one. White. Wolf.

“Let the bloodbath begin.”

Author's Note:


It's been....well I don't even know how long....sowwy.:twilightblush: I've been trying to keep up with writing but it's been difficult. I've only just gotten put on a regular schedule for work, so I should be able to work out the timing now. But no promises.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!!

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