• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 8,872 Views, 465 Comments

The New Guy - SilverWind102

After her acension to alicorn, Twilight recieves a new body guard, but it's not quite what she was expecting

  • ...

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A Sudden Field Trip and Explaining the Ship

Onyx now found herself on a train, headed to a destination she'd never been to with a princess who was supposed to be doing something else that day.

Talk about spur of the moment.

The train ride was somewhat long, about an hour and a half, and Twilight had fallen back asleep at some point, having only been awake for roughly half an hour before she decided randomly take Onyx on a field trip, which was also how she explained it to Silver.

In a blurred rush, she took Onyx by the hoof and dragged her out the door, shouting to the wolf that they were going on a field trip and would be back soon.

The unicorn barely had time to grab her swords, stones and papers and cram them into a bag before they were out of the house.

While they waited for the train, Twilight bounced with joy as she talked about introducing Onyx to Cadence and her brother Shining Armor. The unicorn had heard about the two of them before, just not from Twilight herself.

Pretty much everypony knew the four princesses, even with Twilight being the most recent addition and Cadence being mostly out of the public until recently. The pink alicorn wasn't of much importance in the city Onyx grew up in, or at least not lately.

Though there was a time when she was all the ponies could talk about. They would go on and on about how an average pegasus filly had somehow managed to defeat a love sucking enchantress and ascended to an alicorn, the latter achievement never being heard of before.

And because of that, suddenly everypony had it in their heads that they could become alicorns too. Even the stallions. And although Onyx would never admit it to anyone but herself, a tiny part of her was playing around with the idea too.

As for Cadence's significant other, Onyx knew of him as well. There wasn't a criminal that didn't, after all. Of course, that wasn't because he was the prince. It wasn't even that he was a Captain in the Royal Guard.


It was because of how he got there. While she'd never met him face to face, she'd heard stories about his abilities. The most famous one being the Manehatten Riots.

It began some years ago, when there was a suspicious case in the courts with an upper class pony getting off on assault and battery which was clearly not self defense as he'd claimed. He'd beat a girl into a coma and said she came after him. The topic wasn't debated much throughout the city, many were already in agreement that he was guilty.

So when the newspapers read “Innocent”, to say the citizens were outraged would be an understatement. It started off as protests and marches in the street and after a week and some days, all hell broke loose when the guards started launching Suppression spells into the crowds.

To this day, no one knew who struck first, but everyone knew damn well who put an end to it.

The city was put under martial law, and Shining Armor , who was only a Major at the time, was sent into the city due to his...unique talents.

His cutiemark may have been a shield, but it did very little protecting that day, and much more assaulting.

Shining had been said to literally walk down the streets under full fire from a gang of rioters, and by himself, wiped them all out in less then a few seconds. Ponies would go on about how he did it, but the most common rumor was that he expanded his conjured shield until every pony was crushed against a wall. Entire builds would collapse, blocks and neighborhoods would be erased, leaving nothing behind but bodies and rubble.

And so had been his routine for the duration of the riots. Walk, kill, move on. Repeating as needed until complete dominance had been acquired.

It was after that when he'd been promoted.

A loud whistle from the train brought Onyx from her thoughts, while also startling Twilight with a yelp.

“Ahh!” the mare screamed, jumping out of her seat and fall flat on her face.

Onyx winced as she hit against the floor, the smack seeming to echo throughout the train cars.

“You okay?”, she asked, actually somewhat worried for her.

Twilight raised herself up off the ground, rubbing her muzzle, “Yeah, I'm fine. Are we there yet though?” she asked as she looked out the window.

“I think that was the arrival whistle. We should be there soon.”

Twilight had actually sighed before climbing back onto her seat, “And I was having such a nice dream. Oh well, at least we get to see Cadence soon.”

“Are you sure she won't be busy?” Onyx asked, “I know she's your sister-in-law but she's a princess too. I think we should have sent a letter or something before hoof. Besides, I don't think she knows a lot Houndland magic. ”

Twilight blew raspberries and waved a dismissive hoof, “No, it's not a problem. She says that the empire pretty much runs itself, so she doesn't have a lot to do. As for the magic, she's not the one were going to go see.”

“Then who...?”

Twilight actually raised a brow, “Black Wing. Who else?”

Mirroring the alicorns expression, Onyx donned a look of confusion, “Who?”

“Black Wing. You know, the other wolf guard. A little shorter than Silver, black fur with white bandannas tied around his neck and leg. He and Silver sparred at Star Shines,” Twilight hinted.

“Uh...” Onyx vaguely recalled the wolf's appearance, but honestly couldn't really remember him. While she certainly remembered the fight, she couldn't recall the name of the other wolf nor what he looked like.

“Sorry?” she tried.

Twilight rolled her eyes, “You'll know him when you see him.”

“Well yeah, he's a wolf. It won't be--”


The train had cut her off as it blew it's whistle once more. The grinding of the brakes screeched out and the two mares felt the train beginning to slow.

“Finally!” Twilight exclaimed, “Come on!”

As the two stepped off, they pushed and slipped through the crowed of the train station until finally arriving on the street. The walk to the castle wasn't too long as there was very little traffic and the two soon found themselves staring at the front gates of the the shimmering home.

There was a little confusion among the guards as none of them had any clue a princess would be coming, but it was soon cleared up once word had reached the captain of their new visitor.

Ushered inside, the two mares were greeted by the smiling face of none other than Shining Armor.

“Twily!” he greeted, throwing his arms open as Twilight ran and hugged her brother.

“Shiny! It's so great to see you again!” she greeted back.

“It's great to see you too!” he said, letting her go and turning his attention to the other mare in the room, “And who's this you brought with you?”

The coal mare stepped forward and introduced herself, “My name is Onyx. I'm one of the new guards for Twilight.”

Twilight stepped aside and presented the mare with a waving hoof, “She's one of the mares Silver picked when he went to Manehatten. The other one is back home.”

“Silver?” the stallion questioned, his expression turning somewhat sour, “Is that the other wolf guard?”

“Uh....yeah,” Twilight nodded apprehensively, “I'm guessing you've learned about Black Wing as well?”

Shining actually scowled at the mention of him, “Yes. Now if only I could convince Cadence to send him back,” he responded, making no attempt to hide his distaste for him.

Twilight's smile fell and she couldn't help but sigh. She was afraid of this happening. Ever since Chrysalis, her brother had become noticeably xenophobic.

“Come on now, I heard he's not that bad. From what Silver says, he's harmless!....mostly...” the alicorn tried.

Shining turned his glare towards his little sister, though she knew it wasn't meant for her, “Harmless? Ha! Have you seen what that wolf is capable of? Hell, magic prowess aside, he actually managed to persuade ten ponies to...to...”

The stallion trailed off as a blush become apparent on his cheeks. Unfortunately for him, his bright white coat only made it worse. Onyx actually had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing.

“Yes, I'm fully aware of Black Wing's....escapades,” Twilight admitted, fighting a blush of her own, “But that aside, what has he actually done that could be considered wrong?”

“Well apparently, he's been lurking around the castle ever since we've gotten here, and I somehow never knew about it. And what if he did something that could put the empire in danger? I'd have no way of knowing what to do because I never knew he was here in the first place.”

Twilight contemplated telling him that Black Wing had been around ever since Cadence had ascended, but figured her sister-in-law had left that part out for good reason. Before she could rebuttal, Shining had turned and began walking down the halls, the two mares following beside him while he continued his rant.

“More importantly, you should have heard his excuse for when Chrysalis took over and he wasn't anywhere to be found! He said he'd gotten tricked by her and sent out of the city on a wild goose chase, and by the time he'd gotten back, everything was already over!”

Twilight had went to argue, but stopped before she spoke. Now that she thought about it, she did find it rather odd that something so simple could actually keep the wolf away during such an important event. In fact, where was Star Shine during the whole thing?

“That wolf is useless, and might even be a spy for Houndland,” Shining tacked on at the end of his rant, turning his scowl away and at the floor.

Twilight sighed once more, “Well when you say it like that, I can see how him being here might bother you.”

Shining actually smiled triumphantly at that.

“But,” the smile dropped, “Don't you find it odd how in all the time that he's been here, with all his power, that he hasn't done anything? You said yourself that you had no idea he was here. No pony did aside from the princesses. And yet with all his power and concealment, he still did nothing and instead protected Cadence.”

“From what?!” Shining exclaimed, “The only threats there are in Cadences life are the Changelings, calories and the press. And those are her words, not mine.”

“And you don't think it's strange that a princess hasn't been attacked yet?” Twilight countered.

Shinning raised a brow at his little sister.

“You and I both know that long before Nightmare Moon, there had been several attempts to overthrow Celestia and Luna. Countless assassination attempts on them, and each on had to be stopped by the Royal Guards own power. And yet these days, you haven't had a single attempt on Cadence's life since she ascended, aside from Chrysalis.”

“Because all of the opposition was crushed back then by the guard. Besides, no pony's bold enough to try that these days.”

“Or is it because the threats are taken care of long before you know about it?” Twilight proposed.

Shining's pace had actually slowed a bit as Twilight continued.

“The whole point of the wolves being in Equestria is solely for the purpose of protecting the princesses and no pony else. The Guard, on the other hoof, are here to protect the citizens and the princesses.”

“So what? You're saying they're here to pick up the slack?” he concluded.

“Well partly. Celestia and Luna made a deal with the Emperors of Houndland, so I'm not entirely sure about the details, but I know the wolves get something out of it too while the princesses get protection. But my point here is that while, yes, I can see why you might be concerned about Black Wing, Silver and Star Shine being here, I can also see how much they help. It might be a risk, but nothing bad has come of it yet.”

Shining sighed and hung his head acknowledging his little sisters point. The wolves hadn't made any trouble themselves yet. In fact, if anything, things seemed to be worse when they weren't there. If Black Wing hadn't gotten sent away, then he doubted Chrysalis would have gotten as far as she did.

And while he may not have liked the wolf much, he couldn't deny that the power emanating from him was enormous to say the least. And according to the wolf himself, that was only a part of it. Those seals he wears seem to cut off a large portion of his magic.

Looking back up, he happened to catch a glimpse of Onyx from the corner of his eye.

“And what about you?” he asked to the mare, “You've been awfully quiet. What do you think of the wolves?”

Onyx's eyes met with his, though they seemed noticeably less friendly than when they first met.

“Silver has been far kinder to me than any pony I've met until leaving Manehatten. He's given me a home, a job and a family, so I think you'll understand if I don't share your opinion of him. As for Star Shine and Black Wing, I don't know them well but they're both nice enough to be trusted.”

Shining turned away from the mare and back to his little sister.

“Did I strike a nerve?” he whispered.

Twilight flicked his nose, “Yes!”

The stallion flinched back and trotted ahead to a door in front of them, “Right well, since you two are here, I'm assuming that you want to see Cadence?” he said, in an attempt to change the subject.

“Actually,” Twilight spoke up, “We're here to see Black Wing. We need his help with something, but we'll stop by and see her later.”

A small poke to her side made Twilight turn and look to Onyx.

“Why don't you go spend time with her instead?” she offered, “I think going over this will take a little while, and I'm trying to get my blades enchanted by the time we leave so we don't have to keep coming back.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked.

Onyx responded with her signature silent nod.

The alicorn shrugged, “Well alright then. Shining could you take us to Black Wing first?”

“If you want to, sure. But Cadence has the key. He refused to give me one for some reason,” he said as he opened the door and led them in. The room seemed to be a lounge of sorts with crystal framed chairs and couches spread out in to four little groups around the room. A large window allowed for the sunlight to pour in from each wall, save for the one with the door.

“Cadence,” he called out, causing a pink, purple and cream striped mane to pop up over the head of one of the couches, “We have guests!”

Looking over the back of the couch, the princess's eyes spotted her sister-in-law before she squealed.

“Twilight!” she joyfully exclaimed, hopping off the couch and dashing over to the trio, “I'm so happy to see you again! What are you doing here though?”

Twilight quickly hugged the other alicorn, “We're here looking for some help from Black Wing,” she explained, “I didn't really think before I went rushing out the door though. We're not causing problems, are we?”

“Pfft! Of course not!” Cadence rejected, “I've told you how boring it can get here sometimes, as you can see.”

The mare waved a hoof around the empty room. Twilight noticed that next to the couch Cadence had previously been laying was a stack of books on a table. A rather large stack at that.

“I've had plenty of free time on my hooves lately. But that's not important right now. You said something about needing to see Black Wing?”

Twilight snapped her attention back to the conversation, “Right! Onyx has been doing some spell work with Houndish Magic, and since I sadly don't know a thing about it, I figured Black Wing would be the best option.”

“Ooh....” Cadence awed, turning around and moving so that she could see over to the couch where she was sitting before, “Well if that's the case, why come all the way here? It's not that I'm not happy to see you, but couldn't you have just asked Silver Wind? I know he's not quite the expert Black Wing is, but I'm sure he still knows plenty and is considerably closer than we are.”

“Hehe...” Onyx bashfully chuckled, rubbing a hoof behind her head, “I uh....kinda want to surprise him.”

Cadences ears snapped up and her head whipped around, a sly grin forming on her muzzle. While she may not have had Black Wings Aura seeing eyes, she was still empathic, and she had figured out long ago how to read the signals her ability gave her.

“Oh? Is that so?” she questioned playfully.

Onyx silently gulped as she saw the mare's smile. She'd done well to keep her feelings for Silver in check out of respect for Luna and Twilight, but that didn't change the fact that they were still there.

In hindsight, perhaps meeting with the Princess of Love wasn't the best of ideas for Onyx.

Cadence soon wiped the smile from her face as she levitated a black and white key from the couch.

“Alright, let's go see him,” she stated, walking over to a closet in the room and sticking the key in. Much like Silvers, light had shone through the crack of the door and died out before the alicorn opened it.

“Black Wing!” She called out, sticking her head into the room as the rest of the group moved up behind her, “Twilight and another mare are here to see you!”

“Coming!” a voice shouted back, followed by some clattering and crashing and swearing. In a few moments, a wolf a appeared at the door.

“Right!” he announced, waving them in, “Two mares! Looking for me! What can I do for you?”

“Well one, really,” Twilight corrected as Cadence stepped out of the way for Onyx to enter.

The pink alicorn beamed, “Good! Then you can come with me!”she said excitingly, grabbing the mare by the hoof.

Cadence dragged Twilight out of the room, leaving Onyx to enter Black Wings home on her on. It was rather large, circular and somewhat dark. The light provided was being given off by stones and items on various tables tucked against the wall, save for one large one in the center of the room. The floor felt like stone and there was a very strange, almost musty smell in the air. To the left, there was a hallway, but much like the room, it was dark as well. It reminded her of an old abandoned castle, almost like the one in the Everfree.

“Um, I need your help with something actually,” Onyx said as she followed after the wolf.

Black Wing had shuffled around the room, going around the center table and ending up on the opposite side. Placing his front paws on the edge, he lifted himself up on to his hind legs.

“Help?” he echoed, “With what?”

Onyx fished out the papers with her spell work written down and floated them to him across the table, “I'm trying to combine these enchantments with each other and then place that enchantment onto my swords,” she explained, “But I'm not sure if the spell work is right or if it's even possible in the first place.”

Black Wing took the papers and spread them out onto the table. How he could read in such poor lighting was beyond her.

“Hmmm....” he hummed, “Oh! Oh, I see! Here, let me just....” he paused as he stopped and looked around the room. Turning behind him, he grabbed a pencil and went back to the papers, scribbling on them for a moment before stopping, skimming the pages, and then began scribbling again.

“Hmm... but something isn't....Oh! You wouldn't happen to have the stones with you, would you?” he asked, finally looking up from the paper.

Onyx nodded and went into her bag once more and pulled out the stones, setting them on the table.

Black Wing plucked them up and moved over to one of the tables lined against the wall and dropped them on the surface. Onyx had wandered over after him, looking over his shoulders as he worked.

In the center of the table, there was a large arcane circle engraved into the wood. Lining the edge of the desk was several smaller circles going all the way around it.

Black wing took one of the stones and placed it in one of the smaller circles on the right side of the desk. Soon after, the center one lit up and projected a small image of symbols just above it.

Going back to the large table, he grabbed the papers and went back to where he was before, holding the papers up next to the projected symbols. His eyes quickly scanned over the both the projection and the writing.

Onyx leaned closer to get a better look at the writing being projected, “What are you doing?” she asked.

“I'm reading the magic sequences of the stones and comparing them to your spell work.”

“Why though?”

The wolf didn't respond, seeming to be lost in his work. Onyx had to admit, it was fascinating to see. She knew that there was a spell used to read magic sequences, but she never thought that it was possible to enchant a desk to do the same thing. It was pretty much like a computer, but for spells.

“AH-HA!” the wolf suddenly exclaimed, startling the mare in the room, “That's what went wrong!”

“What? What did I do?” Onyx asked, quickly trying to find her mistake on the paper.

“Huh?” the wolf responded, looking back over his shoulder to the mare, “Oh, it's nothing you did. Some of the stones were just a bit faulty is all. They'd begun to loose their enchantment, so the magic sequences were missing some parts, which is why I had to fill in some of the blanks. Other than that, your work was perfect! Quite brilliant too, might I add.”

Onyx looked away, a hint a blush adorning her cheeks.

“Anyway, let me just run and grab some replacements and we can get started on these blades of yours,” the wolf said as he turned and walked over to the hallway, disappearing into its darkness.

Onyx sat in the room by herself, basking in the praise the wolf had given her. If only Twilight were there to see it too, then it'd be a dream come true for her.

“Son of a—GAH!!” A loud crash came from the hall, followed by more yelling and swearing. Black Wing soon stumbled out of the dark once more and into the room, “Sorry. It's hellishly messy back there.”

He came back with a buck over his neck, filled with stones.

“Now, let's get to work,” he said, dumping them onto the center table, “Could you bring the stones in the pile over to here. The ones in the circles are the flawed ones.”

Onyx scooped the rocks into her hooves and shuffled over to the table, piling them onto the surface.

“Now, have you ever done an enchantment on an item before?” he asked the mare, receiving a shake of her head.

“Well then you should be proud of yourself. Not only have you managed to perfectly weave spells together on paper, but managed to do it with seven different ones to boot. Even I find that impressive, and it's very difficult to do that.”

“Impress you, or combine seven spells?” Onyx asked.


As the wolf spoke, he began shifting the rocks on the table to separate places, but always in a geometric pattern. Looking closer, Onyx realized, that there was a pattern on this table as well. Due to it's size, it was hard to tell, but it was certainly an arcane circle. The only difference about this table was that, unlike the last one, there weren't any smaller ones going around the edge.

Once he set the last stone, he turned to the unicorn, “Now, I'll need to see your blades,” he requested, holding out his paws.

Onyx undid the strap and placed the blades in his paws. Black Wing withdrew the swords from their sheaths, holding them up to examine them in a light that wasn't there.

Not that he needed it.

“Did you get these from Silver?” he asked, earning a nod from Onyx, “Ah, that would certainly explain the materials these are made from. It's not often you find blades made from obsidian and meteorite, much less ones enchanted with Shadow Magic. Add in the fact that they've been given a will of their own, and these things might as well have been pulled out of a fairy tale. But, that's Silver for you. Anyway, let's get started.”

The wolf set the blades onto the table in the center of the star that had been created from the stones placement. The stones had begun to glow, ropes of magic pouring from them and connecting to the swords. The light grew brighter and a high pitched hum filled the room.

Black Wing focused on the spell, carefully drawing out every ounce of power with the greatest finesse the mare had ever see, and she was taught by the previous Bearer of Magic. Though, once Onyx had thought about it, it made sense in a way.

Star Shine said Black Wing had an enormous amount of magic, so much so that it would strain his body too much if he didn't have on his seals. Controlling that much power must have taken decades of practice, so it shouldn't be surprising that he can manipulate the raw power of the stones with such ease.

After a few minutes passed, the ropes connecting to the blades had faded, and the rocks on the table crumbled. Black Wing let out a breath he'd been holding and reached over to grab one of the blades. Once again holding it up, he closely examined it.

“Hmm...” he hummed, only serving to worsen Onyx's anxiety. She'd hate herself if she ruined Silvers gift, “Yep, they seem fine!” he announced.

The unicorn let out a sigh of relief, “You're sure?”

Black Wing nodded, “Yep! If Silver hadn't been the one to make these blades, I doubt they would have survived. Not many items can hold this much magic. But again, that's Silver for you.”

He placed the blades back in there sheaths and gave them back to their rightful owner.

Just as Onyx put the strap back on her waist, a loud knocking came from the door.

“It's open!” Black Wing yelled. A split second later, a very annoyed Shining Armor stepped through.

“Good, you're both still here,” he said, as he approached. Even in the dark, Onyx could see the frustration on his face, “We have a bit of a problem.”

Thirty minutes earlier

A pink hoof dragged a lavender one out of the room and down the halls of the crystal castle.

“Cadence, I can walk on my own you know,” Twilight commented, earning a giggle from the princess.

“Yes, but if I let go, you'll walk slower and that will give Shiny time to catch up with us,” she rebutted.

“Wait, why are we trying to leave my brother behind?” the lavender mare asked, a small sliver of fear taking over her. Cadence might have been one of the sweetest mares around, but she did have a gossip side to her. And when it got out...

The pink alicorn turned to sister-in-law with a devilish grin, “Oh, don't act like you don't know. We can't very well talk about your crush in front of your brother without him loosing it.”

Twilight's eyes went wide, “H-how did you---”

“Princess of Love,” Cadence answered as she dragged them into a room, quickly closing the door behind them. It seemed like a lounge, not unlike the one they were just in, but instead of crystal furniture, everything was wood and cushion.

Cadence quickly trotted over to a sofa and took her spot on one side, patting a hoof on the spot next to her for Twilight.

For a moment, the lavender mare considered just bolting out of the room, running around the castle until she found Onyx and then leaving. But then she remembered Onyx was still with Black Wing, whose home could only be accessed with the key that only Cadence had.

So, with a slightly reluctant sigh, Twilight shuffled over and took her spot on the couch. There was no getting out of it now.

Cadence wasted no time digging into her sister-in-law's life, “Now tell me, is it who I think it is?” she asked, barely able to contain her excitement.

“Depends on who your thinking of.”

Cadence threw on a coy smile, “Oh I've never met him, but I've heard stories. He's very kind and dotes on the girls around him. He has a habit of flirting with Celestia, but never takes it any further than playful jokes. He's not one to be tied down by the likes of rules or morals, but for some reason still has them. But the most enticing thing about him, the thing you notice the moment you meet him, is his eyes. They're like-”

“Like little pools of honey and gold...” Twilight finished for her, her own eyes seemingly staring into the distance, “and they change. One moment they can be young and full of energy, and the next they're ancient and tired. He has fur that's like a cloud made of silk and a warm voice that makes my stomach all tingly when he whispers in my ear. And when he sings....oh, sweet heavens when he sings....”

An almost silent squeal made the gushing lavender mare snap back to reality. Twilight had only just realized that she thinking....out loud.

“You said 'my',” Cadence grinned, all to happy at the mares slip up. She snatched Twilight up in a hug and rolled around on the couch with the mare in her grasp, “I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!”

“C-cadence!!” Twilight wheezed, “Can't breathe!!”

The mare stopped suddenly stopped rolling and held up the smaller of the two, “What do you mean? Of course I can breathe.”

“I meant me!”

“Oh, right,” the death grip was released and Twilight took in a much needed gasp of air, “So! What are you going to do about Silver Wind?” she asked, ignoring the heavy breathes Twilight was giving.

“Well...” she said, clearing her throat, “About that. I've already kinda done something about it.”

A small gasp came from her sister-in-law, “Oh sweet heavens....YOU'RE ALREADY DATI--”

“SHHH!!!” Twilight shushed, jamming a hoof over the pink alicorns mouth, “Yes! And I'd rather the entire empire not know yet!” she scolded in a hushed tone.

Cadence gave a small nod before Twilight pulled her hoof away, “Besides...that's not all there is to it.”

Cadence cocked her head to side, unsure of what Twilight meant. The lavender mare sighed, “Look, when Silver first arrived, I wasn't the only mare he was....well, flirting with.”

“Scandalous,” Cadence remarked.

“Let me finish,” Twilight shot back, “The other mare was Luna....and I think maybe Rainbow Dash, but I was never really sure how he felt about her. Anyway, after a slightly awkward encounter one morning, it became clear that to all three of us how we all felt.....until Luna said she wanted to start a herd.”

It was here that Twilight screwed her eyes shut and turned away, refusing to look at Cadence. It wasn't that she was ashamed of her relationship, but she had to admit that being in a herd was rather unorthodox these days. However, after a seemingly endless moment of silence, Cadence spoke again.

“Well?” she bluntly pried, much to Twilight's surprise, “Are you gonna finish the story?”

Twilight snapped her head up and looked to her sister-in-law, a small blush creeping up on her cheeks.

Cadence caught the look and rolled her eyes, “Twilight, I'm the princess of love. The idea of herds doesn't bother me. Now keep going with the story.”

Shaking herself from her stupor, Twilight continued the story, “W-well as it turned out, Luna actually had feeling for both Silver and myself, so she saw it as a way for everyone to be together. At first I wasn't sure, but....” as her hesitation drew on, her eyes took on a similar shimmer to when the two had first started talking about Silver. A warm, bubbly feeling tickled her tummy and she couldn't help but smile.

“...but I remembered the night he came back injured. He'd went out to go steal a grimoire and Luna and I were waiting for him at his house. He came back bloody and dirty, so we patched him up and, well I don't know how she did it, but Luna tricked me into staying the night with the two of them. I remembered waking up the next morning and...I don't know, something just felt right at the moment. That morning, she confessed her feelings and asked if I wanted to start a herd with her and Silver. Three hours later, I said yes.”

A moment of silence took over the room. Twilight, lost in her reminiscent memories of the beginning of their herd, hardly noticed the quiet squeal of delight slowing growing louder until it erupted from the mare next to her.

“Eeeeek!!!” Cadence cried, “That's just so adorable! I never thought you'd try dating, but I was always hoping you'd prove me wrong!”

“Uh...thanks? I think..” Twilight tried.

Cadence reined in her excitement and smiled sheepishly, “Sorry. It's just you've never shown any interest in stallions before, or mares for that matter, even after Tia sent you to Ponyville. I thought maybe that would bring you out of your shell a little more, but you just stayed single.”

“Yeah well, dating was never really my thing,” Twilight replied, a nearly hidden downcast shimmer in her eyes, “But I've got Luna and Silver now, and I don't see us falling apart any time soon.”

Cadence beamed with glee once more, snatching the lavender mare in a tight hug, “I'm just so happy for you!!”

Her body rolled over and threatened to crush the breath out of Twilight once more, but stopped so that Cadence had her pinned to the sofa.

The pink alicorn suddenly gasped as she let go of Twilight, “I almost forgot!” she exclaimed looking down, “How big is he? Black Wing said it was pretty--”

A purple hoof jammed into the mare's mouth, “Do you have no filter!?”

Cadence removed the hoof, “I'm not apologizing if that's what you're looking for.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, figuring an acknowledgment of the mare's wrong doing would be all she would get, even if it wasn't followed by an apology. “A.) Why are you even asking about that? And B.) Why are you and Black Wing discussing Silver's di--- erm, size?”

Cadence moved off of Twilight and sat back up, “Black Wing is the only one I've met that enjoys sex as much as I do. He's the only one I can talk to about these things.”

Twilight sat up and gave a small glare, “That answers my second question. What about the first?”

“Well it's not every day you hear about a nine inch di--”

The purple hoof found it's way to Cadences mouth for the third time that day.

“Would you stop that!?” Cadence cried, swatting the hoof out of her mouth, “I have no idea where that hoof has been!”

“Then stop asking weird questions about my boyfriend!”

Cadence went to argue back, but paused. After a moment, she smirked.

“Alright. If I can't asked about him, then tell me,” she cooed, a coy smile playing on her muzzle, “How much of him can you take?”


The sudden banging saved Twilight from the question, but the jarring shock of it still remained. Just as the blush took over her cheeks, who else but her brother came through the door.

“There you are,” he said, trotting over to them, “You two ran off so fast I lost you.”

Cadence smiled sweetly back at him for a moment, “Yes, such a shame,” She said before turning back to Twilight, the grin still plastered on her face, though now it seemed much wider than it should have been.

“Anyway,” Shinning Armor cut in, seemingly blind to his wife's torturous antics, “Sorry to cut this short, but...we have some issues that need to be addressed.”

Author's Note:

You know, I've never realized how short my attention span is until today. I woke up and thought, "Alright, I've finished reviewing that chapter and post it by noon!"

That was at 8:30 in the morning. It's 2:41 in the morning where I am now. Anyway, I had to post this today because I went to my friends graduation yesterday. Didn't really plan this out too well, but hey, I still made it!

Also, the next character sheet is almost done, I just need to actually add in the text and everything so it should be here soon! It's great to be back!!:pinkiehappy::heart:


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